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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Thanks for the concern, Jackie.  DH talked to our neighbor today and our house is fine.  Debris down in the yard and some big branches, but the neighbor's son, whom we pay to keep up our yard during the summer, will have everything cleaned up by the time we get home.  I haven't been able to talk to my sister, Michelle, today.  She doesn't answer her cell phone.  I suspect she and her dh are at her flooded property trying to take care of their 18 horses. 

    I talked to another sister who lives near Morgan City and she hasn't even lost her power.  She said they had tropical storm winds for 2 days and it was wearing on the nerves, but there was no damage.

    The down side of all this is that the real hurricane season is just beginning.  September is a bad month for storms being spawned in the Caribbean.

    It makes DH and me feel bad when we're watching the weather channel and see pictures of towns we're very familiar with--Mandeville, Madisonville, Slidell--with homes flooded and areas under water.

    Kaara, I know you'll enjoy visiting with the grandchildren. 

    Jackie, I hope the rain soaks in and does some good in your area.  It looks like IL will hosting Isaac at some point.

    We played our last round of golf at Fair Havens GC today.  I played well and made my best score at this course.  Tomorrow we'll do the laundry.  The day after Labor Day we'll be under way again.  This is the longest period we've ever stayed at one campground. 

    Greetings and best wishes to all. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    I'm sorry Carole..........  I watched the Weather Channel for quite awhile last night, and I just can't imagine being through anything like that!    Maybe your sister lost her cell phone coverage??  I'll bet the horses, and any animal are just terrified!  I  know it scares me even....any kind of storm!   

    I went to the Dermatologist, and my appt. was for NEXT week!  Drats!  But the gal worked me in tomorrow morning at 8:30....  My Daughter went with me, so we just went on to lunch, which was really fun anyway!  Wink  She is the one who is caring for her cat Jazzy, who is just wearing down....  Going to buy another kitty-litter box...with lid, to keep downstairs, so she won't have to climb the stairs.....  And there are dozens of soft places for her to sleep.   I made her a "baby-pillow" when she was a kitten... made out of this plush material, and she carries it around with her everywhere she goes....  18 years old, that gal!    So when we leave in October for just a week, things should be all set! glad you can still "play" with your Granddaughter!   I feel that same way, with my youngest Daughter that lives close to us!   

    Did you gals see that article from the New York Times about Romney?  It was kind of a spoof, but really funny!  I'll see if I can find it again!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    It's so nice to read something funny, or tongue in cheek.... Better than all the other stuff that's going on with Politics!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited August 2012

    Chevy:  LOL...that article was hilarious...made my morning!  Honestly, I fell asleep during his speech last night!  A far cry from Obama who kept me rivited to my seat during his acceptance speech at the last election.  Thanks for sharing!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    Be nice and smile to everyone you meet. You don't know what they are going through, and they may need that smile, and treasure it. -Christine Huppert 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    I read that article before from the New York Times.....and i loved it as well.  Though I don't often "talk politics" anywhere ---- even at home, I know one thing for certain-----I do not want any of the wishy-washy candidates that have come out of the Reps. side of things.  Romney just keeps changing his stance for whatever audience he is in front of, while Ryan can't get any facts right.......and Ryan is going to conveniently forget his past record on things so as to 'find' success now.  I hope the American people can see though that when the time comes. 

    Big upset.....sounds like C. Eastwood stole the spot-light and not in a good way for his party.  Will be hard for a lot to discuss the good parts of ( scripted so well in much of it ) the Romney speech for the debacle his lead-in instituted.  Sigh !!!!!  SSDD.  Sorry....I'm a cynic and so skeptical.

    Other wise....going to have a good day while I wait for our rain to give a great drink to our thirsty earth here.  Hope you all have a good day too.

    Hugs, Jackie

    p.s.  a long time ago there was a lady who posted here who went by the name of Marybe. As many of the older gals here will recall she is Stage IV but that never slowed her down --- in fact, she seldom gave it much credit as far as feeling sorry for herself or anything like that.  Not to say she was ever  in denial of her condition....just that she "thought" well all the time and kept a positive attitude alive.

    She is currently in the hospital struggling with some health issues....CHF and renal difficulties.  She is a fighter -- always -- and hopefully will come through this and return to her fighting stance, but I do hope all will remember her in their healing thoughts and positive energies as she struggles to overcome her present health issues.  She is one one of us.....even though she quit posting here for her own reasons a long time ago.  Thanks.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    I'm so sorry about Marybe!  She was such an inspiration, with all she went through!  I'll have to read the threads where she usually posted.

    I'm trying to undo Identity theft!  It is so unnerving to have to do this!  I just filled out SS forms, to block any access to my number....  they already had it to try and open a Capitol One account!   So I had to call the Federal Trade Commission, and TransUnion, to put a fraud alert on my information and I filled out a "block" with SS.   I thought I was too old to put up with this crap! 

    I think it happened when the "reader" stole my debit-card # when it was in my wallet, in my purse a few months ago!  I thought it was over, but they must be trying again!  

    Dermatologist gave me new prescriptions, and said it is Dermatitis of some sort, and froze off a few places on my face, chest and back.  I'm just upset about the fraud-alert letter I got......  Oh well....things could be worse.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012
  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2012

    Hi Ladies........wanted to drop by and say hello...........leaving for the shore in about an hour, and just waiting for my daughter...........hope you all have a great weekend, and will join you all when I get back......coming back Sunday night to avoid the traffic..............really not staying long, but it is "close up" time, and there are things that need to be done........especially the point in keeping it open when no one is going to be using it................the house will stay available probably another 3 weeks, unless I decide to just "end it".............I hate this time of the year..................what to look forward too.........."winter"........ugh................hugs ladies.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited September 2012

    So very sorry to hear about Marybe...she was one of the first people I met on this site and has been an inspiration to everyone struggling with stage IV.  I pray that she will overcome these latest challenges...she always does...and with a smile!

    Busy week for me...visiting with family.  Weather has been nice but hot which is normal for August in Florida.  Today my grandson is coming to spend the morning with me, and tonight it's DGD's birthday party.  I ordered food...not cooking!  I honestly think it was cheaper, and certainly no slaving in the kitchen for hours.

    Have a great day everyone! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy. -Lao Tzu

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    Ducky  I hope you can enjoy ( even if it is mostly work ) your week-end away.  I know you have had a difficult time lately and hope that begins to get better.  Maybe this little time away will somehow help.  Sometimes it is hard to be us.....especially if the mental and physical are clashing.  We just have to do what we can, the best we can, as much as we can, with what we are given.  I always tos back to that "quote" I have loved for so long....."I didn't say it would be easy, I said it would be worth it ".  Of course, the worth it part comes when you have departed this life......guess that is why I seldom get too excited by things.  My "job" is to do the best I know how......every day I am given and then give the rest of the angst to the man upstairs to handle.  If I do what I can, when I can, the very best that I can---no one could ask more.  Anyway.....will be looking forward to see you again after the week-end. 

    Got our long-awaited dousing but good.  Last night....right after we stepped out to get something to started pouring buckets.  Rapidly filled up the streets....told Dh that was probably because there was at least 6 to 8 ins. of dust in those storm drains and till all of that was washed we were flooding big time.  Waded water even to return to our car to go home.  Of course, after the long horrid drought I did not actually mind too much getting rained on and wading in water a bit.  New experience almost for us.  I think it will be slower today, but we should be having a few showers today and likely tomorrow as well.  That is ok......we need all we can get......especially of the slow kinds of rain showers. 

    Kaara....I'm with you on ordering food.  If you don't have help to prepare a feast.....that is the sanest way to do it.  Of course, in the good old days, but really now it is just getting together and enjoying special events.  Sadly, to some degree, we don't 'center' our get-togethers so much on home-made meals as much as we used to.....but I still say, at our age, if you don't have help you have to do something that keeps you from total exhaustion for just one small event.  Age does tend to 'help' us change things so that we can get along and keep up. 

    Chevy....Sure hoping you are going to get a whole lot of relief now that you have seen the Derma Dr.  I guess one of the BIGGEST reasons to go is to get help with laying out a workable plan to defeat this dermatitis as much as you can. 

    Also will be glad when you can ----breathe easy----over the identify theft, or I guess good attempt.  There was it seems a bit of a time lag on this so would be nice to feel that you can relax, but starting to wonder if anyone ever can.  Those with criminal intents can seem to find more and more ways to "steal" from you while it seems much more involved to clean it up when it happens.  All the social networks and credit companies say they have things in place but while it may slow much of it down it seems ultimately where there is a will a way is found.......and then we have to try and come up with more roadblocks.  I should like such a downer today ----but golly, after all a person goes through I really hate that we older folks have to feel such concern and check all the time to make sure we are not being "used" for silent robbery.

    Ok.....enough of my little pity party on everyone's behalf.....someone is having some fun today and one of those someone's may as well be me.  Going to see what I can get into.  See you all later.  Have a good Saturday.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2012

    Ducky, hope you have a good time at the shore even if it will be a working visit.

    Kaara, have a great time visiting your family and at your DGD's birthday party. We will be celebrating our adopted granddaughters third birthday next week. She is so much like all the other grandkids you would never know she was adopted. Everyone thinks she looks just like our son and our other sons little girl. She is a gift from above for all of us especially our son and daughter in law.

    Jackie, have fun with whatever you found to get into.

    Went for a mammogram on Thursday. After a million pictures they finally said everything was okay. The spot they have watching did not change. Thank heavens!!

    It has been raining here all day. More to come for tomorrow and Monday. We need the rain though, it is so dry and brown all around us.

    Got off work this week with personal time hoping to go see the new grandson but it did not work out with everyones schedules so I will just hang around here, clean out cupboards, and visit some friends and relatives.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012
    Choose Inner Peace.
    Nothing is worth losing your inner peace.
    Take action as circumstances require,
    but never surrender your inner peace.
    Stop. Breathe deeply.
    Close your eyes and breathe deeply again.
    Then, and only then, take action -
    from a peaceful heart.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited September 2012

    Hello to everyone.  We're having an overcast, breezy Sunday so far today.  I did my 3-mile walk and saw a fox running across the street.  When I got back to the campground, DH was cooking the bacon for our BLT's with big slices of DELICIOUS tomatoes we bought at the farmer's mkt yesterday.  Our last visit since we won't be here next Sat.  I bought 6 large slicers.  Sadly, our bread lady wasn't there so it's back to buying bread in the supermarket.  Not at all the same.

    Last night we had the Labor Day potluck supper.  I cooked a large pot of sausage, chicken, shrimp jambalaya with brown rice.  Every bit of it was eaten.  I made it only a little spicy.

    We hooking up and taking off on Tues.  I'm excited about being on the move again.  If circumstances permit, we'll come back here next summer.  But that's a long way off.  A lot will depend on our health and my mother's health.  I've always told dh that when and if my mother has to go into a nursing home, I will not leave her. 

    I'm so sorry to hear about Marybe.  She's such a lovely, gracious woman, an inspiration to us all.

    Hope you all are having a good day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited September 2012

    Chevy, I forgot to respond to your identity theft.  That's awful!  Not to mention a big inconvenience. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Thanks Carole....Yes, if this ever happens to any of you, I know a lot about who to report it to...This must have started when some thug "read" my debit card when it was in my wallet in my purse.  This was about 2 months ago.... Mastercard cancelled my card, and none of the $2000 in charges were taken, THANKfully, but now "someone" tried to open an account with Capitol One Bank, and their fraud unit contacted me.  So they know my name and SS #.  

    You have to report it to your local police dept, the FTC, TransUnion, and the IRS!   I even put a block on my SS#....  Hope this will stop it soon!   I don't know how they "catch" these people!

    Glad you have had a great time Carole!

    Also, I'm happy your mammogram came back okay Termite!  I just HATE all that waiting...but's it's really worth it, when you get the "all clear so far"......

    Yes, just say a little prayer for Marybe....  she's always been there for us!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    Afternoon everyone.......I'm hoping that I'm wrong, but just read on another thread that Marybe went into a coma, has been removed from ICU and will transfer to Hospice.  My understanding earlier on was that she was in fact improving --- though I do realize turns for the worse can come rather suddenly as well.  My prayers and thoughts are with Marybe and I hope that we will be able to get some information soon which will completely clarify.  I almost didn't put this here---but it was a bit of a shock so didn't want anyone  else to get the same shock. 

    Will let you know if I run across anything else.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    Ok....I'm back.  Apparently I pretty much have the correct information.  Seems this took place perhaps yesterday.  She visited with a friend for perhaps two hours or so, and then at some time later apparently slipped into the coma.  I am so sad about this. 

    That being said......people in Hospice, which is who will take care of Marybe now, actually graduate some people who get well enough to LEAVE Hospice care.  I don't want to bank on too much here or raise great hopes......I deeply do believe we all have a time and season and nothing much will ever interfere with that, but I also believe in the positive energy that can come when you hope and I will not stop hoping  until there is no longer any reason to do so. 


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2012

    Thanks Ladies.............back home............started out great........but today the bottom fell out..............sometimes I feel like just getting in the car, and driving making lefts and rights, not knowing where I am headed, but just happy to be away from where I was.......................but I know what will happen............................

    After all the lefts and rights, and the kind of luck I sometimes have, I will find myself on my street, sitting in front of my own house...............................does it ever end............yes, when they close the lid.................

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Come on Ducky.........  We're with you!   I know you feel like you can't make it sometimes, but somehow we always do....

    I'm so sad for Marybe......  She has been an inspiration to all of us!  Stronger than I ever could have been.  I just thought nothing would ever happen to her!  Not HER!!!!   Jackie, Barb was told, she is not expected to live.......It's just that how can someone that is loved by so many, and helped us all out, either with her cooking, or wisdom be running out of time??? 

    If anyone could have beat this stage 1V cancer, I thought she was the one!  I don't know how this could have happened, with everything she has gone through.  It's just a sad day.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited September 2012

    Ducky:  Hang in there girl!  We all have our down days, but tomorrow is always just around the corner and it can be better!

    Jackie:  Thank you for keeping us posted on Marybe..we all love her so...such an inspiring woman for everyone on this site.  I hope she pulls off one of her miracles like she has before, but if not, then we all know she is going to a much better place and we can rejoice in that thought.

    Carole:  Your wonderful vacation has been so much fun to follow!  Makes me want to do some RV traveling..something I haven't done since the kids were little!

    Chevy:  Hope your hands are better, and sorry the identity issue is still a problem.  My girlfriend is still dealing with hers as well.  Can't even post on facebook.  It's been a nightmare.

    Yesterday I saw my DGD and DGGD.  DGGD is just adorable with a head full of ringlets and a smile that lights up the room.  She's 16 months and running everywhere!  She loves to climb up in my lap and let me read to her.  It was a great visit.  I took lots of photo memories!

    Tomorrow I head back to NC for the remainder of the season.  Looking forward to cooler weather.  My A/C up there has to be repaired when I return, and I also have to get my eye injection on Wednesday..ugh!

    Have a wonderful Labor Day everyone! 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2012

    Forgive me for making my problem sound so awful.....................after realizing what Marybe has gone through I should be ashamed to even complain......................God help us all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012 is  all right.  All problems are important --- even more so to those who are in the middle of their own.  You have compassion and that is evident -- we can't control when and what we may be hurting about.  Marybe would certainly understand.  We all hope that she can remain peaceful as she goes through this process.  You are right....may God be with us all.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2012

    Thanks Jackie........your a wonderful friend...............hugs.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012
    "The longer we live the more we think and the higher the value we put on friendship and tenderness towards parents and friends."
    Samuel Johnson
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    We are all together....  holding each other up.  Ducky, we just want you to try and climb out of that black hole that keeps holding you back.  ...  We're all here for you too! 

    I think Marybe is in God's hands now, hopefully staying peaceful and pain-free.  It's hard to think about anything else... Marybe was like a rock on this thread.  I never dreamed this would happen to her.  She came through EVERY treatment they threw at her... And she worked, was always cooking, and taking care of her Dad!   It's just such a sad day.

    Kaara!  Hope your eye injection goes smoother than the last one! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited September 2012

    Ducky, don't feel apologetic for expressing your feelings honestly.  We're here for you and would never want you to pretend to feel better than you do.

    Isn't it wonderful that Marybe has been such a positive influence on so many strangers who never met her in person?  I hope she knows this. 

    My mother's phone is back in service.  I talked to her today when I was out walking today.  She was feeling sad for my sister Michelle, who is in the process of moving her furniture to a house where she and her dh will live while their house is being worked on.  The stench inside the house is awful from the flood water.  Some insurance person was supposed to come there today to inspect the damage. 

    This is our last night at Pine Hollow Resort.  I'm not cooking tonight.  We'll go out to eat at a steak house that is just outside Park Rapids.  We have a 10 per cent off coupon.  If all goes well with travel plans, we'll be having dinner tomorrow night with our friends in Eden, SD.  I'm pretty sure it will be walleye fish, because they know how much we enjoy it.  I have some packages of LA shrimp in the freezer to give them.  That's one thing they really miss about LA, the good fresh seafood.

    Hugs all around.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012
    "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
    Victor Hugo
  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012

    Hi, Y' all seem to have been on these boards for quite a while. I'm a new comer, but it sounds a lot like the old Webmd boards I was on when my daughter was fighting the beast. Some of those relationships are still here after 10+ years! It took me a while to  find this "older women" forum.

    I was diagnosed last week with IBC. Even thought my daughter had BC at the age of 27, passing at 33, it was an unwelcome surprise. All I know right noe is it is ER/PR+, Her2 _. Am waiting for stage , size, grage etc. I am having my MRI today. I also elected to have BRACA testing , am waiting for results. My daughter was not tested, her drs. said it wud not have changed her treatment, but that is not the story for me. If positive wud mean DMX, versus lumpectomy if neg. also, I do have a second daughter. We had no history of BC til Amy had it.

    We have a breast center here, Middletown NY , and  our surgeon and onc, who is also my primary  were both at Sloan Kettering.  

    Waiting stinks, and it's scary, esp having lost my daughter to it.

    So that's my story. Jean