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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Hi again!  One of my friends sent me this link!  It is sooooo good!  The photos are amazing....

    Brings back memories of watching my Mom go to work on the "Street Car" during world war 2.... Going down to the Denver Union Station to clean Burlington RR cars.   Life was so very different in the 40's!  We are so lucky to all have made it this far!   This just makes me thankful!

  • Cindi74
    Cindi74 Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2012

    Illinois L.  I will clarify.  The SAD shower lasted less than a mile in traffic, and my husband driving didn't really know until I told him later.  Years of practice at holding things in when I grew up.

    By the way,  I think I am    Stage II, Grade 3, ER+/PR-, HER2-  also, but I think the nodes were 1+1/7.  Not sure of the node bit.

    Had a good weekend.  Lunch with friends today.  Watched several old movies.  All ended happy.  Thank you for the comment.  We must be about the same age.  I do have control now.  It's rare that I let stuff bother me.  Just bought Bossy Pants as an audio book.  Sounds like it will be funny.  I'm into laughter and funny now. 

    Sorry for your skin problems.  Body Butter?  I bought several tubs at Costco and love it.  Thank you for the comments. 

    This is a great website.  I have learned so much.  It is well organized, and so many comments have helped me understand what's happening.  My surgeon used a brochure from to explain my biopsy pathology report.  She also gave me a prescription for a (get this) scalp protheses :) (wig), and explained that if it is chemo, she will do a pediatric port which will make so much go easier.  I learned about the ports on line, and then asked a friend who highly recommended them, so when I ran into the surgeon in the hall I asked her. 

    I also love the discussion threads.  A dear friend who first had fallopian tube cancer, and then colon cancer didn't know about the site and didn't have access to so much.  Dear God I feel so lucky.  I feel like I just got a whole phalanx of new friends.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Morning gals...... Cindi... Yes, I learned so much when I was first diagnosed!  And I had to read my Pathology report over and over to understand all those new "terms."   BC.ORG is like a room full of friends.... It's easier to talk here, than with family I think.   Just always ask your team any questions you come up with, and it's easier to write them down to take with you.   And write the answers down as they explain things to you.   Yes, if you get any type of chemo, there are lots of things and ways to help you along!

    I'm going to the Dermatologist Thursday, and I'm also having him check this "itchy" spot on the tip of my ear... I had Squamous-cell cancer there years ago, and I'm hoping it isn't that again.  AND these ugly spots I get on my upper chest!  My Doc called them "Barnacles"....Ha, ha!   But maybe there is something he could do to make them disappear?  And of course my fingers.... I'm afraid to say anything, but (deep breath here...) They look and feel a little better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (cross my fingers) Undecided    

    Man, it's hard enough growing older without these little crappy things cropping  up. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012
    I love the sweet smell of dawn - our unique daily opportunity to smell time, to smell opportunity - each morning being, a new beginning.
    ~Emme Woodhull-Bache
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    What a beauty of a morning rained slow and steady through the night.  So nice to look outside and it is wet looking and not see everything dry and dusty.  Hopefully, my car will look better than it has in  awhile.  In addition to dry and dusty....they just oiled and chipped the road here that gets us to the much more dust and it is white dust.  A car wash lasts only as long as it takes to get to our oil and chipped road. 

    Cindi....if you have a copy of your path can go up to all topics I think it is and find a section that helps you read your report.  I'm not sure how I read my report and horror of horrors.....I don't even know where it is now...I may have lost it.  I was in such a dither when things began ---- think for the first 3 months after the operation I was sorta somewhere between denial and zombie.  Then I got  into acceptance and went on from there.

    Chevy....too funny about the barnacles, but I am with you.  Getting older happens, but it would be nice to have a few less outward signs and to skip a couple of things -- like barnacles. 

    Hope you all have a great Monday.  We could have a little more rain....which wouldn't make me un-happy.

    Hang in there.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Cindi74
    Cindi74 Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2012

    Hi Chevyboy.  Loved the picture link. 

    Many of the cotton dresses of both women and children were made from flour
    sacks.  While I lived in Tennessee at the time these pictures were made,  it was
    the world I knew.  Lots of poverty.  Yet we had the people and resources to make
    it a better world.  We just lacked the will.  It took the war to make us RAISE
    TAXES (THINK 20% FEDERAL LUXURY TAX ON WOMEN'S PURSES AND MOVIE TICKETS AND 91%MARGINAL TAX RATE ON RICH). And the government spent money on guns and planes
    and ships and men (much of which was destroyed in the war), and yet we raised
    the standard of living of the American people every year of the war.  The post
    war GI bill educated a generation. We rebuilt Europe and Japan and maintained a
    military to counter the Soviet Threat and became by far the richest country in
    the world.  Tell the TEA Party and go figure. 

    How far we have come, yet there are a lot of people here in Florida who have lost homes.  Our unemployment is still much too high.

    Apparently the only real job growth is health care.  I am so lucky to live near a good hospital with a Cancer Center and compassionate people.  I am also so lucky to have medicare and tricare so that my major worry is going through treatment--not paying for it.  I've been healthy all my life up to now with negligible medical costs.  Now--WOW.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Cindi....That reminded me of one time this older lady that was watching my Brother and I when Mom worked, said she was going to make me a dress out of "gunny-sacks"....I was so confused, because I thought she meant the packs that gum came in!  I didn't know how she would DO that... I still have a few flour sacks, that I use for steam pressing.   And Burlap?  She used those for table-cloths....

    This is the same house that had an out-house out back, and everytime I had to go, their geese chased me all the way!  Undecided  All the way there, AND they waited until I came out, and chased me all the way back to their house!  Their floors were just big floor boards, with cracks about 1/2" wide, so when they swept, the dirt just went down below...(where-ever that was.)   And we had to get water from a pump on the sink!  Wow....!!!

    I think we are all living in luxory now....Ha!   Do you remember the black shades?  And the air-raid sirens?  This all just terrified little kids.  And waiting in line to buy a loaf of bread?  With a token?   

    It's so fun to remember....and not have to live it again!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012
  • Cindi74
    Cindi74 Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2012

    My grandmother lived in a big house with her brother who farmed the land, and father who was near ninety.  The out house was a ways back from the house near the fields, and the green flies and wasps make it a very unpleasent place.  Three hole.  Sears catalogue, some newspaper, and corn shucks available. 

    More fun was to try to get the eggs from under the hens who would peck.  I broke eggs into saucers for years to check if they were good before using.  On the farm, sometimes, you  would pick up eggs from under bushes and other places the hens would lay them, so you always checked to see if they were good. 

    Water was in a bucket on the back porch, and everyone in the family used the same dipper. 

    We survived.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    After we got married, and our first Daughter was born, our Landlord was always giving us eggs from their Hens......  I asked him, "Why don't you just leave them there, and they will hatch?"  ........  He said, because we just want the eggs, and we don't have a Rooster.....  I said "Okay, but if you leave the eggs, they will hatch, and you will have MORE chickens!"  He said, no if you don't have Roosters, you won't have chickens......  "But"  I said....  "You already have the eggs!"  He said  "go talk to Beatrice"....    So I took her my concerns, and she told me about the  birds and the bees, Ha, ha!  I just had never heard that eggs had to be fertilized....or even THOUGHT about it....Wink

    And then there was the time this little dog lived next door to there.....  One afternoon I heard her SCREAMING and being drug around by this other huge dog!  I was ready to cry!!!  I thought for sure she was getting killed! 

    So I called the Fire Department!  What else could I do????  DH didn't have a clue what to do either!!!  So after a few minutes of talking to the Fireman, who I'm sure was in stitches on the other end of the phone, I was told to LEAVE THEM ALONE!    How was I supposed to know????

    Man, it's a wonder we even had kids.....Ha!

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012

    Chevyboy..that is all just too funny.  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    Ok.....going back to the good ole' days.  We too had to go to the back forty.....we were poor so only had a one holer.  I think we had mainly newspapers to clean up with and think we must have have some really black bottoms sometimes --- don't think any papers have such bad newsprint as what there used to be. 

    We pumped all of our water....for everything from a well in the neighbor's yard that we two families shared.  We also had a galvanized bucket for our drinking water with a galvanized dipper......and everyone who ever came into our house and wanted a drink knew to go to the kitchen and get it.

    We washed dishes ( after heating well water on the stove  and washed them in Tide laundry soap which back then was all powdered.  We had a coal stove and I had to carry many a bucket of coal up to the house.  The warmest place in the house was behind the stove, of course.  Our little bedroom was the farthest away from the stove and often had frost on the inside of the windows during the winter. 

    In summer doors and windows were open 24 hours a day.  We never locked a door, ever.  Did close it though if we went somewhere and we thought it might none would get in.  My mother had wash day and the clotheslines was full of such bright, white sheets and could almost put your eyes out.  Clothes were hung outside till they started freezing.....then, Mom had lines strung up through out rather long living we ducked and meandered through the clothes in there till it was all dry. 

    Didn't have a car until I was in the 7th. or 8 th. grade....we walked everywhere or hoped someone would offer a ride.  When we finally did get a was used only for someone to go to work.....or to go to the store downtown four miles away on Saturday.  So we kids still walked everywhere.

    My childhood....though it seemed awful in some ways at the time, I would not trade for all the money in this world.  That was back when it was fun to be a kid.  We made everything we played with for the most part including stilts which I became really good on.  We played hopscotch in the dirt for hours, and we walked and walked and walked.....and when tired of that we rode our bikes....and I did have a hula hoop which I was oh so good on, and I did roller skates fine.....the old kind that fit on your shoes.  Memory lane for me is a very special place that I dearly love. 

    Hope you all had a fantastic day. 

    See you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012
    I hope no one minds (in case you see Photothis Photoon another discussion forum) this is my 8 year old grandaughter Lacey who donated 13" of her beautiful hair to Kids with proud of her: Photo
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Isabelle, your grand daughter is cute with the shorter hair cut.

    I remember the pail of water with the dipper, too.  The water tasted good.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012
    Happiness is an attitude.
    We either make ourselves miserable,
    or happy and strong.
    The amount of work is the same.
    -Francesca Reigler
  • emegram
    emegram Member Posts: 60
    edited August 2012

    You ladies were so supportive when I posted my concerns about getting an "abnormal" report from my yearly mammo.  I got the "all clear" after going back for more film.  It is the scar tissue from my lumpectomy that makes examining the digital pix more difficult.  Of course, I was elated with the report, as was my DH.  I will soon be 3 years out from my cancer diagnosis and doing well.  My only complaints are some joint issues and insomnia-hot flashes at night.  Perhaps this just goes with getting older & also the Tamoxifen.  My 65th birthday is quickly approaching in October, and I tend to forget that I am no longer as spry and flexible as I used to be. 

    I enjoy reading all of you ladies' posts.  God's blessings to all, and thanks for your support.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    emegram......great news....the kind we love to hear.  So glad you came back to tell us.  We do end up having a life after all when we have this diagnosis.  It takes a while though not to see monsters lurking every time something doesn't seem to go quite right. 

    I do think most of the 5 yr. pills cause us something....or maybe more than that now and then.  I have warm flashes.  They are not bad, don't last long, and I don't sweat much as they seem to be over so much quicker than before....which is why I call them warm flashes.  they seem to happen about the same time too.....must be something about the pill working at a certain time cancelling out my hormone push. 

    Isabelle....what a pretty grand-daughter........and such feeling for others.

    Hope you all have a stunning day.

    Hugs, Jackie 

    Anyway....I know all will be thrilled here to read your news. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Yes Isabelle!  And what beautiful blue eyes!  Isn't it amazing that little kids think of caring for other people!  And tell her she looks DARLING with the shorter hair!   I'll bet she loves it too!  It really frames her face.

    Emegram...The Tamoxifen will cause all kinds of stuff, but if you can stick it out, it is probably worth it.  I know it is easier on your bones than the other 5 year meds! 

    Jackie!  Yes, I remember the galvanized buckets, tin cups, dippers, and the galvanized wash-tubs!  I used a wringer washer when we first got married... It was my folks, and I had to rinse with that huge tub!    And that powdered soap was for everything!  Dishes and clothes!  And of course the clothes-lines!  Everybody had clotheslines.... I still have one long one, from the corner of our house to the garage!  Wink  It's for the rubber-backed throw-rugs we use.    Yes!  When we first moved in here in 1964, the clothes DID freeze!  Ha, ha! Like boards!  But wasn't it great???  It seems so hard looking back on it now, but it wasn't at the time....  I still only use my clothes-dryer for about 5-10 minutes, then I take them out & hang on a rack or on that line.  And no, I don't have a dish-washer, and we've ever only had one bathroom, BUT it IS indoors!  Tongue out  And we raised 2 Daughters here!  At least it works!!!!

    Carole!  Did you like that well water?  Man, I remember some tasting like just minerals.... Was probably good for us though.

    Thanks you guys, for helping me down memory lane! xoxoxoxoxo

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited August 2012

    Well again tried to go to bed, but can't sleep have took my medicene so hope it kicks in soon.

    We went to our Son's this weekend and drove back yesterday.  I woke up in the middle of the night with a sick stomach, so I took a sick day today.  Feeling better now, except my legs are jumpy.  

    We plan on leaving next Tues. to go to Iowa to see my Mother who is 87 and still living in her home.

    Looks like everyone is doing pretty good.   Take Care 

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2012

    Emegram, I am glad to hear you got an all clear report on your mammogram. I go this Thursday for mine and then start the rounds of 6 months appointments with the doctors. I am very nervous about these visits and it does bring on the down feelings and what if again. I will be 3 years in March and also had a lumpectomy. Still have the joint pains and the hot flashes especially at night. I figure the femara on I am on is working when the hot flashes occur.

    Isabelle, your granddaughter is beautiful and very thoughtful of other people.

    When we were in the service our first 2 years of marriage we used a wringer washer that everyone kept handing down to other service couples when they were transferred. I also hung clothes out on the clothes line in our backyard for years during the warm weather and on lines hung in the basement during the winter. We had a dryer I just preferred to hang the clothes. My dh took the outside cloth line down when we had to fix the septic lines but I do miss hanging out the clothes. I also used cloth diapers for all the boys because I preferred them over the disposable diapers. I thought the price for pampers were too high then (now they are really costly).

    Hope everyone has a great week.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Termite!  Yes, those cloth diapers, that we used to have to clean, and then wash!  Yell   I took my baby Daughter to SF on the plane, in 1959, and the Stewardess gave me a "disposable diaper" to use for her.... I thought this is really living in luxury, Ha!  We could not afford them at that time.

    But you know, all that "work" taught us the value of so much!  And we appreciated everything we finally were able to afford.  I made my Daughters clothes for years... First the baby flannel Kimono's and then their cute little outfits that matched....!  We all three matched....!  We really WERE ambitious.

    Mommarch.... Glad you are going to see your Mom!  Does she live alone?   And does she do her own cooking?   Wow!  Our neighbors are 88 for her, and her DH just turned 92... But very hard for them to get around.  They get a lot of help, but it looks like so much work, just to get through daily living for them.  I don't know what would  happen if something made life worse for one of them....Undecided  They both have those "life-alert" bands, and their family that always comes around, and then we stop by every few days.... But it's like we watch them holding onto their lives with every breath they take!  So many health issues, but she still cooks for them, waits on him, even calls him "baby boy"..... Geez, though, it really makes us feel fortunate for what WE have.

    They have each other, but it's just sad to see life winding down for them.  I have known them since I was 10.  They always lived in this neighborhood, and I grew up a block away from where we live now, and we moved back on their same street in 1964.

     Emegram.... I'm not "spry" either, but we just do the best we can, Ha!  Just remember every day is our gift!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    People can be more forgiving than you can imagine. 
    But you have to forgive yourself. 
    Let go of what's bitter and move on.
    - Bill Cosby

    Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
    - The Buddha

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    It's a lovely morning outside.....will be pretty warm again today.  Lots of rain predicted for this coming week-end as Issac catches up to us here.  Well, we need it.  I know our water table is still way down.  Just hope we don't get it in severe pour-downs.  That just washes straight to the lake and we don't get it soaking into the ground where it is really needed.

    Mommarch.....hope you got some sleep.  It always feels odd to me the few times I don't sleep well to be wide-awake when I'm thinking the rest of the world is asleep.  It always amazes me really to FEEL so awake and not tired at all.......when I know how much that feeling will reverse itself when i need to be up and doing so to speak. 

    Hope you will also find things ok with your Mom.  A real blessing to sill have a parent, but a little worrisome when age gets a true foothold.  I'd love to still have my Mom but some things are not meant to be.  She and my dad as well were huge role models to me.  Something I had trouble appreciating in my younger years, but thank goodness I got it many yrs. before they passed away and was able to "love" them through different eyes. 

    Chevy....I think I know what you are saying about how much work it sometimes is for the older folk.  The lady I take care of struggles often and sometimes it seems somewhat un-pleasant, but I do know the WILL to live.....probably even more so if you still have your very strong and it takes a lot to finally accept the struggle being too much.

    Everyday really is a gift....and on those days when it seems that is not the truth.....we are usually going through a hard time but need to remember.....some of what we see as loss or difficult, has a gift of some kind behind it.....if we just have the patience to hang on until we find it. 

    Hope you all have a really fine day.  Carole.....hugs to your and mommarch's mother from me. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited August 2012

    Hi everyone!  I'm in Florida for the week....pretty smooth flight all things considered with the bad weather and all...just a few bumps when landing.  Here to attend DGD's third birthday party on Saturday.  Everything is flooded where my son lives, so hopefully the water will go down before then:(

    I'll have to catch up when I return to NC and have more time.  Glad everyone is doing well. 

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012

    I had a wringer washer too...and used bluing on my son's diapers.   He was born in January & I remember bringing them in from the clothesine, stiff as boards & draping them everywhere to thaw.  Do not miss the freezing fingers.

    Chevy, I always made my daughter's clothes & matching outfits for her dolls, which she never played with.  I think the doll clothes were really for me.  I still make skirts & dresses for Lacey, the 8yr old that donated her hair & for my 1 1/2 yr. grandaughter in Thailand although it is cheaper to send them money then mail gifts.   But they love to receive packages from home.

    emegram, happy for you.

    chevy & post such beautiful things.

    Thanks all for enjoying my grandaughter's pictures.

    Had rad #17 today, & not as tired as I have been.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Chevy, I love that statement--Every day is a gift.  That's why it's called Present.  I'm going to remember that and use it.

    I've been in touch with my family in south LA, and stupid ole Isaac is wearing them down.  The rain and wind go on and on and on.  I'm concerned about my younger sister's home and her horses, because her property is low and floods.  The poor horses are standing in flooded pastures.  Just hope they are all right when the water subsides and hope her house stays dry.  She and her husband are "hunkered down" with my mother at my mother's house.  They have a generator. 

    Time for bed.  Hope everyone sleeps well.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited August 2012

    Carole:  So sorry that the storm has decided to zero in on LA again!  It has been a huge rain event..even in S. Florida there has been flooding, so I can only imagine what is happening in your neck of the woods.  I pray that everyone stays safe.

    Today I'm running for visits to grandbaby and trips to store to buy her birthday gifts.  I have no idea what she wants for her birthday but will get an idea when I visit today...probably clothes.

    Have a good day everyone! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    Get rich quick! Count your blessings! Anonymous

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    Carole......sending lots of vibes that things will turn out ok for your family.  Did hear that *this* storm would be notable for the length of time it would take for it to move away.  How can you ever really prepare well for something like that.  A lot of the flooding it seems, is from some of the older levees' that were not a part of the federal rebuilt ones.  Not sure why you wouldn't do all of them -- but there was probably a good reason at the one would ever think much that a storm would all but go into a holding pattern....anywhere.  They furiously come and furiously go.....usually.  I just hope and pray it all works out.

    Hope all the rest of you are fine.  Even our weatherman feels 7 to 10 ins. of rain is not at all out of the question for us.  Well, hope it is slow and soaks into the ground.....we could sure use it.....but sounds like we could be fairly soggy and it has really been awhile for that.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

    P.S.  Don't think my spell checker is please excuse.