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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time, not tomorrow or next year.... Today should always be our most wonderful day. -Thomas Dreier

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    Just checking in here before I get to my email.  Long day but I'm doing fine.  Up early and left here at 8 a.m. for the drive to Marion V.A. to see the Audiologist.  Bad news is.....I do have hearing loss.....and a hole in one of my ears.  I will have to see an ENT and see if anything could be done with the hole before I'm retested for hearing aids. 

    Good news surprises here.  I knew my hearing was yucky....especially with the rt. ear which is the one with the hole.  I just didn't know the hole was there, so didn't know why it was so tricky to hear all the time.  So, we shall see.  V.A. Docs are booked up 6 mos. I will more than likely be set up with an ENT here locally.  After we see what may or may not be done about the hole......we will proceed with custom made hearing aids.  Whatever !!!!!  I'll just be glad to go back to hearing again.

    I hope you all had a fine day.  Be seeing you later. 

    Hugs, Jackie

    So, came home, did the feral cats, did supper, washed a dog and talked to my BIL for a long time on the phone and finally here I am. 

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited August 2012

    jackie, trying to adjust to having to wear a hearing aid. everything seems too loud.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Jackie, good luck with plugging up that hole and getting fitted with hearing aids. 

    My hair appointment went ok.  The color is pretty good and the cut is very short, but it's so easy to manage the short hair.  Takes me about 5 min. to blow dry.  We ride with the windows down in the truck up here in MN, so the windblown look works.  Nobody but me cares how I look anyway!

    What do you ladies think about tattoos?  They seem to being going mainstream as I see more and more women sporting tattoos.  There was a very pretty young stylist in the beauty salon today.  Blonde hair.  Lovely fair skin.  She had a very elaborate tattoo covering her right shoulder and upper arm.  It was actually quite pretty with colors.  A Japanese style vine and flowers.  I really can't understand doing something permanent like that to human skin. 

    Hope you all had a great day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    ptdreamers, that is just what Chevy said too.  So far, I have had pretty good responses from things I have had done at the V.A. so I'm hoping this turns out to be suitable.  Seems to be.....the V.A. does not always go with what is considered the latest and greatest.  So, if there is an older model aide.....if they thought it would produce better results, I think they would go with that.  So far......I have been happy.  I do think there is so much noise in the world that hearing corrections can be ( chortle-chortle ) deafening probably and you may find yourself HEARING too much.  Keep your fingers crossed....though it will be a little while.  Someone at V.A. will make an apt. for me.....then I'll have to have the consult with the ENT and decide what he thinks is possible --- don't they always want to do a bit of surgery.....but I think it would tend to be rather minor, and then after that.....another hearing test to determine strengths for two hearing for each ear I think....yikes.  I do want to hear 'better' will just have to go along for the ride and see how it works out.

    Carole....I go to the local beauty college here to have my hair done.  I don't save a whole lot of money, but it is a great convenience.  No matter what you want walk in.....whenever they are open, and someone can pretty much take you right away.  The downside is the first few weeks of a new class, depending on what you have might end up a little shabby.  The one gal I had did my perm wrong and also gave me a horrid hair cut to boot.  It all grows out again, but I really had to work for a bit to feel somewhat presentable.  Sounds like yours turned out pretty good.  I think a good haircut is priceless. does seem to show up often....and mainly the younger people. Even though I too have seen a few nice ones.....I don't think I'd ever do it.....if I did it would be something quite small and probably on a spot I could keep easily covered if I chose.  Maybe I'm a little old-fashioned, but I sort of feel if we were meant to be so colorful....we'd be born that way.  I also think it is probably a great statement to make when you are fairly young....but are you going to be wanting to say the same thing when you are 66 like me.  I mean it is a permanent thing.  Even with my pierced ears....I don't HAVE to wear earrings all the time ( actually seldom do anymore, though the holes are still there )  but a tattoo is always there. 

    Anyway.....I'm off to my recliner.....see you in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012
    "Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was."

    Richard Louis Evans

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Good afternoon.  It's another beautiful day in northern MN, but the weather has warmed up.  I turned on the A/C in the camper a few minutes ago.  It's comfortable outside with the breeze but I found it a little warm inside.  We'll turn it off later.  It will probably cool down enough tonight for open windows.

    DH and I got a free round of golf today.  After you play a certain number of rounds--six, I think--you get a free one.  I played pretty well, off and on.  That's golf for you.  Off and on!  Afterwards we stopped at A&W and had a hot dog and cold mug of root beer.  Both tasted really good.

    DH is grilling for dinner.  Fresh brats and sliced veggies.  Eggplant and zucchini and yellow squash.  Hope it works with this grill, which tends to cook hot.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012

    DH has gone on a 4 day boat trip up the Trent System to Bobcaygen with a buddy. (I am not into long boat tripss.)   Having last night's leftovers with a Caeser salad and then off to play Mixed League Bid Eucre at our clubhouse.   I love to play cards.

    Made 12 dozen  Bananarama 2-bite cookies yesterday for my C.C. drivers, therapists & senior neighbours...  Keeps me from falling asleep in the afternoon after my rads. 

      Anyone want the own concoction & uses up over ripe bananas...a change from banana bread.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Okay Isabelle, YES!!!!  Can you please post the recipe, as we always have more bananas than we can eat..... And cookies are easier to eat than Banana bread anyway....Wink 

    Yes, Jackie....I wrote you about those hearing aids...... Dreamers is right.... It sounds like when there are a group of people, that they just might as well use a bull-horn to talk!    Everything like that is magnified.  Hearing aids are great, and TV is one of the easiest to hear, but when there are more sounds in the room, your head will rattle!    I wrote about a "perforated eardrum".... That is what I had once, but it heals on it's own, and is usually caused by an infection.  But, since yours is just a plain old "hole in the ear"...I have no idea what that is!  And make sure you would even NEED surgery to "fix" it, if you are getting aids anyway......

    And ask them the differences in the types of hearing aids.... See if they can adjust them, if or when your hearing changes!  It's just something you don't want to spend more money on every few years..... 

    Carole, it's so fun to read about your adventures!  And glad you can get your golfing in together!!! 

    Going over to my Daughter's tomorrow....supposed to have lunch with her....but she is so sad about maybe having to put her beloved Jazzy down!  She has had this cat for 16 years, and she is just wearing out.... We are all going to Orlando in Oct, and she knows no-one can watch her, and carry her up and down the stairs to bed.... She has another cat, but you know, it is just so hard to know that your cat or dog is not going to last very long.  She was crying last night when I talked to her.... And the Vet will come over tomorrow, if she decides to do it....but man, I just don't know how to help her.   She says she doesn't want to do it "too soon"....but you just never know what that is!  She doesn't want her to suffer either....So I'm waiting to hear what is going on when she gets home from work.... Cry

    Talk to you guys later.....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    Sounds like a recipe I'd want for sure....I'm always ending up with over-ripe bananas. 

    I have no idea why the hole in the ear either.... but as it stands.  I will have much worse hearing loss over-all if I don't have it repaired.  In other words, I will be able to hear BETTER, even though I still need hearing aids.  So, if it can be corrected and they can GIVE me a little more 'natural' ability........before the corrections that would be the optimum thing.  There seems no question that I'm not hearing it is more the degree.  I will pick up tones better if the hole is NOT there.  So, that is why I need the ENT.  To find out if the hole might be repairable.......and they would do so only because the more of your own hearing you have, the less enhancement they would have to make up for in your hearing aids. 

    Oh well -- it is hard to explain, but I knew what the guy meant.....even if I'm not good repeating it back to anyone. 

     I feel for your daughter and Jazzy.  It is extremely painful.....even when a pet is severely ill.  I'm always torn between letting them stay home and die naturally without vet help and taking them in which is a bit stressful and letting them have a shot to go to sleep quickly and effortlessly.  We have done it both ways and it is just as heart wrenching either way. 

    We had a Vet. who did not come to your house, but would not charge for "helping" the animal go to sleep.  What a sweetheart.  He knew how hard it was on people to take that step.  And then dare I even mention that most of the vets around here charge about $85.00.  I  mean not only am I doing something to and with my animal that is causing me great anguish and then I'm asked to pay what I think is an enormous sum for one small tube of liquid to be injected. I am always emotional about these things.  Through the years I've had a lot of my friends go to the Rainbow is never easier, but I am probably more resigned now than I ever was before.  Anyway......I'll be thinking of S and Jazzy and hoping that S will find peace about this sad event.

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    Oh my.....forgot to say I love your new avatar Isabelle 2.  You are going to town now......good for you. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012

    Just got home from cards & too tired to do anything else....will post recipe tomorrow after #14/25 rad.   Always so much to catch up on is great.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012
    Courage is not the absence of fear, but simply moving on with dignity despite that fear. Pat Riley
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Thanks Jackie!  Janie is doing better, and not in a hurry to help Jaz over that Rainbow Bridge.  Seems it isn't time yet.... And that is between her and "her girl"....... 

    Yes, I got to hold Chevy when he went to sleep....  The shots just relaxed him, and then he was asleep....  I just held him sobbing, but I'm so thankful I was with him.  Going home to that empty house, and all his toys and dishes was the worst.  I don't know how we survive those heart-breaks!

    We went to lunch today at a golf-course!  It was so beautiful, overlooking the lake, mountains and the course!  And we had the best lunch!  We always go to the same few favorite places, but this was really a treat.    Then we stopped at a Star-bucks on the way home, so the day has been perfect, Ha!

    Okay gals....  hope your day was fun too!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited August 2012

    Hi Ladies!  I've been away for a while...took a trip with friends to Myrtle Beach, Pawley's Island and Charleston.  We all had a wonderful time...ate too much at all the wonderful restaurants, took a boat ride, shopped, did some beach time and checked out the shag dancers.  I just got home today, and then on Tuesday I'm headed to Florida for a week to visit my family and be there for DGD's third birthday.

    Jackie:  So sorry about your ear...never heard of that problem, but hope you can successfully repair it.

    Isabelle:  Your little dog is precious!  If I had a dog I would want one of those.  They are so cute!

    Carole:  Looks like you're still enjoying your vacation!  You know you've been gone a long time when you need a cut and!  As for tattos, I've seen some beautiful ones, but they can be overdone.  My DGD has a beautiful vine that starts at one shoulder and goes down her back, but then she added another flower on her other shoulder and on and on....just over the top.  I say nothing:( 

    Chevy:  Sounds like your lunch was lovely and relaxing. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited August 2012

    Oops...hit submit too soon!

    Mommarch:  Shingles can be very painful but usually don't itch until they start to clear up.  Your DH might want to get an anti viral so that he doesn't have the ongoing nerve pain that sometimes accompanys long after the shingles have cleared.  I did with mine and I've had no further problems.

    GramE:  Sorry about your date standing you up...what a jerk...go figure.  You don't want someone like that in your life anyway...even as a friend.

    Ducky:  Sorry you are feeling down...sending you prayers and positive energy!

    Take care all! 

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012


    1 1/4 cup lightly packed brown sugar

    3/4 cup peanut butter(I used part almond butter because I had it  but both work)

    1/2 cup shortening

    1 cup mashed bananas (2 large overripe bananas=1cup)

    3 tbsp milk

    2 tbsp vanilla extract

    1 tsp almond extract

    1 lrg egg or egg substitute

    Combine above ingredients in lrg bowl at med speed


    2 cups all purpose flour

    1/4 oatmeal flakes

    1 tsp baking soda

    1 tsp salt (I use sea salt)

     Add dry ingredients to wet & mix at low speed

    Mix in:

    2 1/2 cups or so of chocolate chips, walnuts, peanuts, raisins, craisins, pecans, dried fruit.....any combination of whatever you have. 

    Drop fat tsps of dough onto foil lined cookie sheet.  (The cookies remove easily & no trays to wash.)

    Bake 350'     12-13 minutes, until lightly browned around edges.

    Cool for 2 minutes & transfer to cooling rack....if you leave them any longer they tend to stick.

    I am a slap/dash cook, but everything seems to turn out okay... doubled the recipe(because I had 4 ripe bananas ) & made 12 dozen...freeze well.

     I take little bags of these "2 BITES" to my CCS drivers, therapists, neighbours...they love them.



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Isabelle!  That sounds so good...  I'm wondering if I could use a little more than "14 flakes of oatmeal?"  I'll count them out, but I DO have more, and could use even 15 or maybe even 16 1/2???? Might make the batter too dry?  Urgently request your reply....Wink xoxoxoxo

    (I'm just waiting with the spoon in my hand, oven on, and all ingredients on stand-by...)

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012

    Chevyboy, lol that was supposed to be 1/4 cup or even a little more.....sorry about the typo...that is how tired I was yesterday after rads.  I slept deeply for 3 1/2 hours ..wake up dopy  & typed the recipe after that.     The batter is pretty thick & you can place the cookies close together, they do not spread much.

    I added the oatmeal just for a change & because it is good for you....trying to make these 2 BITES as healthy as I can.   You can also substitue some of the white flour with whole wheat.   I have made several changes and the 2 BITES always turn out yummy.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012
    "Being strong means rejoicing in who you are, complete with imperfections."

    Margaret Woodhouse

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    Ah...a day without laughter is a day without sunshine.......and so I come on here and immediately begin to laugh over 14 flakes of oatmeal.  Seriously, those cookies sound so good.....and I think something will find its way into my freezer.  Always love having some little goody tucked away for when my dessert tooth wakes up.....more often than I'd like.

    Hope you all have a really gorgeous day.  I'm glad it is week-end time.  Taking Wednesday off to go to the V.A. appt. sort of got me turned around.  Is that a sign of age......everything has to be "normal" or you can get into a little tail-spin.  Just little though.  All my regular stuff to do.....fight fleas, bathe dogs...sigh !!!!  We are getting there but for the time being some challenge remains.  Ah well, just keeps a person on their toes. 

    See you all later.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    What the heck?  I was staring at my new Printer, wondering what was taking so long!  It just kept clicking, and humming, and FINALLY it printed off that recipe!   Wow!  I was thinking NOW what???  But it worked!  And thanks Isabelle, that recipe sounds delicious!  (Glad it's more than just 14 flakes of oatmeal...Wink)

    Good to see you again Kaara....  I'm going to a Dermatologist this Thursday....  My fingers are still really bothering me...  It's probably Eczema, but I don't know what else to do to stop the burning, itching, cracking and peeling!  My Doc had me use this Fluocinonide ointment, but I think the cortisone in it is causing my skin to be like tissue paper....   So if I keep heavy creams or like Bag-Balm, or Desitin, or Vaseline or even Mentholatum, and then little cotton gloves, they don't bother me as much!  Oh, and I have to keep buffing my fingers...!  And yes, I also take either Claritin or Allegra, just in case, but it doesn't seem to help. 

    So if you gals can come up with some miracle "fix" I would be more than appreciative....Frown

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    Chevy glad your new printer wasn't already biting the dust for some reason. 

    I hate hearing that you haven't totally solved your skin issues.  Sort of makes me wonder......does Eczema just take an awfully long time to get right again or what.  I know little about these things.  I do know the Dermatologist the lady I sit with went too.....seemed to be hitting on the less is more sort of idea.  I mean he just didn't seem to be in favor of using a lot of over-the-counter things as he said it so often actually makes it worse and if not....doesn't really help it either........which then tends to send you on the prowl down isles everywhere that might "have a cure". 

    Are there any health food type stores around you.  I don't mean like GNC. though they could actually have something.....but I am thinking more along the lines  of something that is a 'super' natural type item.   Seems like the 'standard' fixes are leaving something to be desired here.....unless it really is a TIME thing. 

    I think surely there must be some way of figuring out what they did in olden days.  The only thing I know from now is that lotion/cream that is sometimes given to people with skin issues from cancer....comes in a white jar with blue lettering I think.  Of course I can't think of the name right now.  But D's dermatologist didn't think it was bad to use that.  You have possibly already tried it.

    Anyway.....I'm getting ready to get in my kitchen and make up a meat loaf.  Thinking about maybe making some home-made cookies if I can find enough ingredients since the oven will be warmed up.  I don't have any bananas at Isabelle's scrumptious cookies will have to wait for another day.  If I don't find much I can probably make some chocolate no bake cookies.  I'm pretty sure I have supplies for those.

    Hope you all have a good evening.  Glad you are going to try again with the Dr. Chevy. 

    Hugs to everyone,


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited August 2012

    Chevy, Your skin problem is way beyond mine, but I got Vit E in almond oil to put on my scar. Now I'm using it on my hands and face also. It made a real difference with my hands. Hasn't changed the scar much I fear.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,284
    edited August 2012

    Chevy:  All I can do is recommend another cream, but it might help in the interim.  My derm doc swears by CeraVe.  When in was in hospital with BMX, every doc that came in said - Oh, you use that wonderful CeraVe too.  Maybe it's the Ceramides.  It comes in a lotion (pump bottle) and a heavier cream.  I keep a jar of the cream on my night table & the lotion in the kitchen.  You can literally wash your hands 3-4 times before it all goes away.  Sometimes they have it at WalMart, but usually at CVS or Walgreens.  Not cheap but REALLY good.

  • Cindi74
    Cindi74 Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2012

    I was on the way to the hospital for the CAT scan and the bone scan which should tell the Dr. whether the cancer that is out of one of the lymph nodes that went to pathology during the operation (lumpectomy) has lodged somewhere else in my body, when a wave of SAD washed down over me.  I hate that when my husband is around, (he was driving) because he is so sensitive and caring that it makes him sad too.  Suddenly I felt old.  (I'm almost 75), and I haven't felt that way before.  I told him that regardless of what the oncologist says when I see her in two days after she has the results of the scans,  I'm going to visit my son and some grandchildren in the coming week and have myself a birthday party. 

    About then the tranqualizer I took earlier in the morning cranked in and I got control, and we got to the hospital and all went well, except I let a tech put a needle into my arm which should never have blood pressure taken or blood drawn again--so he had to do it again in the other arm.

    The bone scan tech got all upset about my foot which I badly bent about six weeks ago ( probably broke a bone or two on top, but never went to the doctor) because it lit up the scan all red.  The foot is obviously not completely healed from the accident and that should explain the red.  All else on the bone scan seemed OK (she showed it to me).  One joint below each thumb lit up (arthiritis) and two joints near tips of crooked fingers  (same), but nothing I can't explain.

    So now it depends on the CAT scan.  Did the cat find a mouse of cancer in my liver, brain, lungs, or colon?  The oncologist said at our first meeting that my kind,   (pleomorphic lobular carcinoma) can go anywhere.

    My sweet husband called two of the children and they began to plan a birthday party for me in Atlanta (we live in Florida) so the oncologist will just have to begin treatment after labor day, because I'm going to enjoy this birthday.

    I'm quite good on the computer, so would love to hear from some of you.  I don't cook.  I also feel very blessed that the cancer dragon didn't appear for me until I got old.  There was a young, beautiful woman before me at the bone scan with (according to her mother) stage IV.  It's in her bones and brain and she had two young children.  Let's all pray for her.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Morning gals!  We aren't really "old"  Cindi.... Ha, ha!  I figure getting to 80 is almost getting "old."  Wink  I just turned 75, and my youngest Daughter, (51) had a surprise party for me and a bunch of friends!  So much fun!  

    Don't you just hate when everyone is sad?  Man, it just depresses me.   Just don't let yourself get down, or slipping into that dark hole.... Because when someone else sees what is happening to you, THEY get that way too, and it just makes everything worse....  I'm sure  a lot of awful things have happened to all of us, and this cancer is just one of the crappy things we have faced and gone through.  After all, what else can we do?  Just face it, and do the best we can, because we always have another day if this one turns out to be bad!

    Minus, THANK you!  I'll try the cream!  I'll get it for sure!  And Jackie, I think you mean Eucerine cream?  I've tried that too.... Something that will just stay ON my hands should help....  The minute they get dry, they start cracking and then peeling.  But, you know, I know it could be a lot worse.  I am using Shea Butter....  It really IS all natural.... from Whole Foods, and then I found some at the flea market... Yeah, I think maybe using the Cortisone cream treatments too long, kind of make your skin like tissue paper.

    I've tried just ignoring it, and using just water, no soap, and Vaseline..... But since that didn't work, I wash my hands with Dove, and do dishes with cotton-lined gloves.   I think it just has to run it's course...whatever that might be.....

    Wren, I not only TOOK Vit. E, I also mixed the oil in another cream.... Everything makes it feel better, until it sinks in....I'm just not "normal!" 

    Okay gals....  Thanks for the suggestions.... xooxoxoxox !

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012
    Remember, we all stumble, every one of us.
    That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand.
    - Emily Kimbrough
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited August 2012

    MinusTwo, I have heard of that cream as well.  I was tempted by the ad to go and get some....just because.  I don't have skin issues -- hope I never do but I do know that age tends to change us, whether we have cancer or anything else.  Some parts of our systems just relax and don't don't ever get back up to speed...or much of anything. 

    The Dermatologist my friend used did say that Dove ( the liquid ) with Nutrium was what he would recommend for all over soap.  Used it himself.....and the Nutrium part just is full of moisture which is one of our major problems in large part.  Denny, my dh, uses that and I have tried it --- it is almost hard to dry off as, at first, you feel like you won't be able to get really dry.....but it is the moisture that is staying in and on your skin from this soap.  This Dr. had the prettiest hands for a man.  They just looked soft and comforting and made me nice to be touched with someone with hands that looked like that.  Keep going like this and I will be able to write a novel.

    Cindi74  welcome to our little corner here of corner of BC. Org.  Wish you didn't 'need' to be here but it is a wonderful place for we 'well seasoned' women and we enjoy each other tremendously.  I'm sorry you had a bit of a melt-down.  It can seem so over-whelming and pervasive at times. As I'm a little ways out....I don't do it mch anymore, but I well recall the times at first when I felt as though a weight was coming down on me and bearing down a little harder every moment.  It was not pleasant....but we get through. 

    I also think those of us who get this disease a bit later in life often seem to do a little better with it.  Our bodies and whole system have slowed down.....and so do so many of our medical maladies.  Heck, we even heal slower from things.  I'm going to be hoping that your Cat scan shows no progression anywhere. I hope you will come back often --- someone is usually around.....

    Now where are Carole and Kaara...oh yeah, off having fun on vacation, and doing interesting things. 

    Hope you all have a gorgeous Sunday. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Hi, Cindi.  I think you're a smart woman putting things in perspective.  Definitely have a great birthday party, no matter what the future holds or doesn't hold.  In my care, my fears turned out to be much worse than the reality.  And I was able to deal with the reality.  You will, too. 

    Yesterday we attended a birthday party for the three-year-old daughter of the young owners of this resort/campground.  It wasn't the usual cake and ice cream party but a full-scale lunch cookout.  The food was delicious and the event a lot of fun. 

    DH and I are keeping tabs on Hurricane Isaac with some anxiety.

    Hope everyone is having a great Sunday.