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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    Chevy.....I did enjoy that piece with the babies.  Ok.....going this morning to the Balloon Fest to walk around mainly at the craft areas.  I hate to admit.....over the years it seems many of the crafts have become something along the lines of gimmicky ( not much of a word there ) or just too cutesy.  There has always been the rule that in order to buy a booth and be a vendor the items have to be home-made.  Well, as many crafters go to several different craft fairs....having enough can be a problem, so a lot of it is just so much fluff.

    As Denny worked late and I didn't really want to go by myself.....didn't go last night.  I could have 'asked' a friend to go along....but I worked until 8 p.m. last night so getting coordinated would have had some issues.  The neat thing is that I have a BIL who lives on the street that has a path at the end of the street going directly into the we have an unpaid parking area with just a short walk up the path to where you pay to get in.  This yr. un-like so many is going to be fairly cool the whole time.  The major rain we had Thursday cooled things considerably......I'm so glad. you did it.  I can't possibly even dream lurking now. 

    I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    Hi from my neck of the woods.  Had a really nice day today.  Dh and I went out to breakfast and then went to the Balloon Fest.  None of the balloons were in the park....( that is mainly an afternoon/early evening thing ) but we wanted to walk around and check out the craft vendors. 

     Based on what I recalled from last year I felt we wouldn't purchase a thing, but I still like to look and also to smell all the great "fair/fest food.  It all smells scrumptious which is why I don't go to the fest when hungry....I'm sure I'd devour a couple of funnel cakes all by myself.  Anyway.....they did have much of the same old thing, but in my wanderings I did run across some pottery and bought three pieces.  I can say this here.....somewhat typical purchase for someone my age......but I do like pottery and I love how it cooks.  You know you put it in the oven cold and then turn the oven on and it then cooks so evenly.  Much like the Rometoft bakers.  I'm sure I have spelled it wrong....but I loved those and think I still have one in my storage somewhere. 

    Also got a sweatshirt jacket with some kitties on it.....another typical thing for me.  Something for when it is cool....not cold. 

    Our yard from Thursday night's storm is going to take a lot of work......we are surrounded my trees and all that wind brings down lots of twigs and branches.  Not huge but you can't just leave it there either as we have to think about starting the process of blowing leaves and nuts out of the yard.  I see a long day or two ahead for me there.

    Anyway....hope you all had a fantastic Saturday.  I'll be checking in tomorrow.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Jackie, the balloon fest sounds like a good time.  I always enjoy wandering around and checking out the venders at any kind of crafts fair.

    We had a fun Saturday.   It was a gorgeous day, high in the low 70's.   First, we bought bags of beautiful fresh veggies and a loaf of multi-grain bread at the farmers' markets in Park Rapids.  Then we headed to the Art Fair at a winery called ForestEdge Winery.  It's a lovely place and the event was well-attended.  There was live music and a wine tasting tent.  We sampled one wine which was made with Pears and it didn't suit our taste.  Since the tent was crowded, we didn't go back and try any more.  All their wines have a fruit content.

    The venders were high end arts and crafts and there were some beautiful wares for sale.  I could easily have spent a few hundred dollars but I didn't buy anything.  Like you, Jackie, I like pottery but I already own a lot of pottery so I took a quick look and walked away from those venders fast!  One woman carver had beautiful carved birds that looked so real they could have taken flight.  Another woman had hand-painted silk scarves that were just gorgeous.  DH and I, like most people our age, have accumulated a lot of STUFF and we really don't need any more!  But it's oh so tempting to buy beautiful things.

    We did buy lunch.  One food vender was selling pasties that sounded good.  If you haven't eaten pasties, they're a food introduced by the Welch miners up in the UP of MI.  They're made of a bread dough rolled thin and filled with meat, potatoes, and other vegetables.  The miners took them to work for their lunch.  But another food vender was selling brats and that was our choice.  They were cooking them on a grill.  The brats were delicious, browned but still moist.  I had sauerkraut on mine!  Some of you are probably making a disgusted face!  But I love sauerkraut.

    This afternoon DH and I are planning to play golf at 4 pm, which is the "twilight" time.  We'll save some money at the twilight rate.  We haven't played at this course because it is more pricey than the other two courses we have played.  Both of those courses offer senior reduced rates on certain days.  As Kaara knows, two people playing golf gets expensive.

    Hope everyone is having a good Sunday.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2012

    Hi ladies................just wanted to drop by to say "hello".........trying to pull myself out of this ugly hole I have fallen into.......sometimes, it all comes down on you at once.............not sure why..........aches, pains, LE, finally coming to the realization that I just "can't keep up anymore", and tired trying to run with the is so depressing when you say to mind has not aged one bit, but my body has.............and it is the body and its parts, that keep you in the race..................God help us all........

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    I'm with you Ducky!  I KNOW!!!  Just try and keep on keepin' on!  Some mornings I SWEAR I must be 95, instead of 75.... Don't know what it is.... Undecided

    But then most mornings I thank God I have someone to wake up with, and I just go outdoors, and try and walk off all the aches and pains.  We really do good for our age, I think....  And since I love gardening, that must help keep me moving.

     I'm sorry about your black-hole....or rain-cloud, or that you have lost your MO-JO!    It's up to you Ducky.... You know our mind, is the last one to know we are growing older....  so just hang with that one!   Do something fun, even if it's just to go grab a cup of coffee.  Find some rain, and sit outdoors until it washes all your troubles away.....  And if you find the secret...let me know.... xoxoxoxoxo

    I've been trying to install a new printer.... and of course I found out that the much needed usb cord was not included!!! DANG!!!  I think they just WANT to drive us nuts!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012 is easy to get too much I limit myself pretty much to one or two times a yr ( the balloon fest being the one of them ) to allowing myself something.  In years past and still somewhat we go places were we need to bring a dish to share.......and I like to use pottery dishes as they are either pretty, have a special shape or just good and sturdy.  This yr.  I got a small pottery dish that you cook apples in after you have sliced them and put them in a refrigerated dinner roll, then made a sauce of br. sugar, butter,  and cinnamon to pour over after they are all rolled in the  dough squares -- then bake for 1/2 hour or so.  You can also make monkey bread in it, but I probably won't do that much.  Too much sugar for sure.

     Ducky.... age catches up I think with all of us, and not sure anyone is really ready for it.  I guess I would pick out what is really important, and save myself for that.  It is hard to admit we don't have it anymore, but it is probably Mother's Nature way of helping you stay around for a good long while......albeit, not doing nearly as much as you once did.  Progress of anything has its price.....even when you are progressing to having to slow down and not keep up with everyone all the time. 

    So, I would try the trade-off of deciding just what you REALLY don't want to miss for sure and work from there.  If you allow your body enough genuine might find yourself able to  throw him something extra from time to time.  I will admit that  I haven't stopped doing much of anything so I'm not the best one to get advice from on this but just saying what I feel I would do if it came to that for me and it will get there because we all get there.  I still have a job to go to everyday and trying to help care for a two acre yard and lots and lots of I'm always pretty much into something.....and not always happy that I have too either.  Just had a storm a couple of days ago and our yard is a mess.  Time to put down flea control all over the yard again as coming up on some not so fun times for sure and lots of hard work. 

    Anyway.....I need to actually get back outside.  Got two dogs bathed, four more to go and have to do a bit more yard work at the same time.  Then some laundry, then clean myself up, the kitchen and bath, and the on to my recliner where I won't last long before I'm nodding like crazy.  See you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited August 2012

    carole, I like sauerkraut also, but made like the good old german way.  It is sweet & sour.

    yesterday was gathering yucca for broom handles and walking sticks.  By the time we got home hubby could hardly walk.  He has an appointment with his Primary Care Dr. tomorrow, I think they need to give him something for pain until he can get into see the ortopedist on Sept. 14th.  If its not his knee its his shoulder.  

    On Wed. a program out of Austin called The Day Tripper will be comming to film the broom shop, he is excited, jut wish he felt better.  I get my stiches removed tomorrow morning also  from my deport.  We will leave on Friday to go back to Bryan, College Station to stay with our 4 year old GD while her parents take the 19 year old GD to Waco to get her settled in for college.  She will be attending Texas State Technical College and taking cullinary.  She is excited.We will come back on Monday and bring our 14 year old GD that lives with us back.  As I said her Mother is in Florida, they have set a date to get married, Sept. 14.  Nothing special just JP and wittness.  They have both been married before and have children.  I think things will work out for them.  

    Was pretty fatigued this morning slept until 10 AM and then finally got some energy this afternoon and did some much needed cleaning.

    Everyone have a great week   Take Care 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited August 2012

    carole, I like sauerkraut also, but made like the good old german way.  It is sweet & sour.

    yesterday was gathering yucca for broom handles and walking sticks.  By the time we got home hubby could hardly walk.  He has an appointment with his Primary Care Dr. tomorrow, I think they need to give him something for pain until he can get into see the ortopedist on Sept. 14th.  If its not his knee its his shoulder.  

    On Wed. a program out of Austin called The Day Tripper will be comming to film the broom shop, he is excited, jut wish he felt better.  I get my stiches removed tomorrow morning also  from my deport.  We will leave on Friday to go back to Bryan, College Station to stay with our 4 year old GD while her parents take the 19 year old GD to Waco to get her settled in for college.  She will be attending Texas State Technical College and taking cullinary.  She is excited.We will come back on Monday and bring our 14 year old GD that lives with us back.  As I said her Mother is in Florida, they have set a date to get married, Sept. 14.  Nothing special just JP and wittness.  They have both been married before and have children.  I think things will work out for them.  

    Was pretty fatigued this morning slept until 10 AM and then finally got some energy this afternoon and did some much needed cleaning.

    Everyone have a great week   Take Care 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Morning gals!  Carole, I forgot to comment on your last post...  You mention Pasties... Yes!  They must be like "Diggers" that we used to find here at one little place!  When our Daughters' were small, we would shop at this grocery store, and our treat was to have a Digger!  Same thing.... tender beef, vegetables, all browned in a dough "pocket"...

    Have not seen them since... Not even any Pasties. Undecided  I guess they would be easy enough to make, but I just haven't tried it.  I think I'll look it up, and make my own!  Wink

    Mommarch, can you send the video of your shop when it is finished?  I mean post it?   I think I mentioned that I bought this "Asian broom" at a Viet Namese store here...  Works great on smooth floors, but I'm still trying to get the "dust" from that straw out of it.   A few more times in a bucket of water, should help.

    Jackie!  2 acres?  Man, I have a hard time trying to manage our little yard!  All the plants, vines, weeds, and flowers work faster than I do!  I just try and tackle little areas at a time....  It's fun though.... I really love to do it. 

    Ducky.....  are you doing a little better?  Does it help when you get out?  Like a change of scenery?  If I were there, I would come get you, and we could go and have a picnic or something!  We would have to bring Jackie, with that apple dish she makes.  And Carol could bring some Pasties, Ha!  Then Mommarch could clean up with their brooms that they make....Ha!  JUST kidding! 

    Okay...better get's almost getting light out....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited August 2012

    How I sometimes envy those who still have husbands to go places with.  Mine is gone over 9 years and although I have made a life for myself, sometimes I do get lonely.    There is a male friend whom I invited to a bar b q last weekend, just to get out and do something fun.   He promised to meet me there and then on to an adult swim party at the club where he belongs -- more of a cocktail end of the season party.    Well, he never showed, never called (has my cell #) and to this moment has not responded to my text.    Not that there is anything going on between us, but you know - someone to hang out with.

    So, yesterday I babysat for almost 8 hours while son and dil went shopping and out to dinner.   it is fortunate that I am close enough to babysat and enjoy the family time with them.    

    As much as I used to enjoy craft fairs, flea markets, and such, I have downsized to a bit more than the bare necessities.   No yard work but a couple of pots and flower box on my apartment balcony.   Much easier on this aging body and not causing more aches and pains.    My mantra is -- Been there, done that...

    Ducky, I too have been down in that dark hole - alone, and force myself to climb back out and get on with living and looking for pretty, fun, colorful and happy.    If I am going to spend energy looking for something, might as well be something upbeat.    

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012
    Your inner voice always knows what to do,
    but it is a quiet voice.
    You can only hear the whisperings of your inner voice -
    your inner compass - when you turn down the volume
    of your fears, your regrets, your resentments,
    and the fear-based advice
    your neighbors are so willing to give you.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    Yum, I also love sauerkraut.  I usually have Bavarian sauerkraut and then put sausage in it with some potatoes, and green beans on the side.  If your sauerkraut is a little too tart just put some applesauce in it.  I just love food for the most part. One of these days I'll actually have some time to cook too.

    Ducky, hope you are feeling a little better.  I think one of my quotes I love says something to the effect that life is just one long lesson in humility.  They are probably talking about us older folk who finally have to slow down when our head keeps saying, but I'm only 55.....why should I. 

    Mommarch --- hope your hubby does feel better by Wednesday so he can enjoy being on that show.  Guess it is what old age is pretty much know how ALIVE you are by the number of things that are hurting.  Just kidding really, though there is a bit of truth there. 

    I am sure feeling yesterday.  Started in about 9:30 a.m. after all the dogs and cats were done and worked on blowing debris away from the front of the yard, and the wooden walkway, then out away from everything else....just so far though.  Then got the sprayer and set to work spraying the dog yard for fleas, then out to feed the feral animals, then back to my house where I blew off the large drive-way.  Then I washed the last four dogs, even the big one this time, and then cleaned the bathroom where I washed them all.  Then two loads of laundry with the dirty towels I used.....then, cleaned the kitchen, and onto the bathroom again for a shower for me, then got my clothes in the washer for work this week.  Sat down in my recliner a little after 10 p.m.  Had things to do this a.m. but I feel pretty creaky to say the least.  That storm really make a mess for us, but have to work in getting the yard  cleaned. do pretty well, in spite of thoughtless people.  That guy could have called and cancelled at least.  He must be feeling a bit sheepish not to answer your text.  I have been trying to downsize for --- well since right before I got this disease in late 2007 and doing ok with it......but I have more to go.  I need to work on some of that which will be going to a consignment shop

    Dh and I are thinking the possibility of our daughter and hubby taking over this house......of course it is tons of work....but they are young.  I guess it is so pretty here....I'd love to have it to come back to when we want to escape from an apt. in town.  Anyway they would not come for some time......and we wouldn't want them to sell it or anything like that.....but it is a BIG thought that we are having. 

    Anyway, best go get my laundry out of the machine and get ready for work.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2012

    Jackie.........your so right............why don't we see ourselves aging.........why do we always think, I'm still able to do that...............the sad thing is......the body ages, but the mind doesn't............thank God I still have all my senses, and can keep up with the best of them mentally, but is getting challanging, and that is the part that hurts so want to keep up, you  try so hard, take a couple of aspirin, tylenol, anything to take the edge off the pain, so you can take that longer walk, do those exercises, walk that mile with your grandchildren, but you find yourself lagging behind, and keeping everyone else finally you say .........."that's ok, I'll stay here, I don't want to hold you guys back".................and before you know it, your not asked to go anymore.................and that is the fear................never being asked again.............hugs Jackie.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2012

    Carole, I love sauerkraut but we do not have it often since I am the only one that eats it.

    Ducky, I hope you are feeling bettr. I think we all feel that way every so often.

    It is rainy here tonight. We really need the rain. The grass is still brown with a few green patches.

    Mommarch, I hope your husband feels better Good luck with the show.

    Was back at my regular center today. Good to see the staff and the kids. Just seems strange to know in about 2 weeks everything will change. Here, I thought I would be retiring from the old place and not expecting to work for another company. I just hate the thought of going from 3 weeks vacation to just 1 week again. Just does not seem fair considering I did not leave my job they center is just being taken over by a corporation. Oh well, I guess that is life.  At least they have to honor my vacation this year because it already planned and air flights are paid for.

    I start my round of doctor visits and mammagram next week. Hope everything is still okay

    Hope everyone has a great week.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    If we are ever to enjoy life, now is the time, not tomorrow or next year.... Today should always be our most wonderful day. -Thomas Dreier

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited August 2012

    I will try and post the video when they send us a copy. 

    Hubby went to Dr. yesterday, he said it is shingles.  He has red spots on his knee along with extreme pain and tenderness.  Gave him Lyrica and a pain killer.  The funny thing is the spots do not itch.  We shall see.

    Take Care

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Mommarch, that's exciting about being featured on the tv show.  I really want to see it.  Your poor husband.  Shingles is supposed to be very painful. 

    Ducky, I'm sorry to hear about your state of depression.  If it goes on for a period of time, please go to a dr. and seek some help.  I've never suffered from depression, even though I have "down" days.  When I stopped HRT cold turkey, my dr. gave me a prescription for 75 mg. generic effexor, an anti-depressant that helps with menopausal symptoms.  I've continued to take it because I'm on arimidex.  Anyway, it's amazing how mellow this med. makes me feel.  I'm wondering if I'll continue to take it after I finish up my 5 years on arimidex.  Nothing much stresses me out and I find myself much more centered in the present.  Some people don't like to take meds, but if one helps me, I'm all for taking it. 

    Jackie, what an exhausting day you had!  You're an energizer bunny.

    Termite, I would feel the same way about losing my 3-wk vacation.  I hope the job will go well and you'll continue to enjoy your work.

    DH and I just had another reminder to live every day and "smell the roses."  His sister, who has always been healthy, has been diagnosed with a rare disease called amyloidosis.  I think that's the correct spelling.  It involves the body producing a protein that can destroy the heart and other organs.  The treatments are chemotherapy or stem cell transplant.  The latter is a scary, dangerous procedure.  We're very concerned for her.

    I have a 2-acre yard, too.  Since DH retired, he does the mowing.  I used to be a devoted gardener, like Chevy, but have become not-so-devoted.  I enjoy building flowerbeds and planting shrubs and flowers, but don't enjoy weeding and pruning and the necessary drudgery.  When we get back home I'll try to post a picture of our yard when the azaleas are in bloom.  We have the old-fashioned southern blossoms, azaleas, day lilies, crepe myrtle, wisteria.

    What a determined person I can be!  And maybe stupid, too?  I want to have taco salad (minus the taco shell) for dinner tonight but didn't have any ground beef.  So I thawed out a flank steak and cut it into tiny pieces. 

    Hi to Kaara and Isabelle and anyone else lurking.

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012

    Busy day, will be back...but#11/25 rad today, almost 1/2 way.

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012
  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012

    I finally got is my miniature Pomeranian Sassy...mores pics will come.

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012
  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012

    Tried it again so that I would not forget...hope I am not boring you. lol  My baby Sassy.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    What a cute heart......Give Sassy a hug from me and tell her my Baby Boss says hi too.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Oh Isabelle!  What a little Doll!!!   How old is Sassy?  

    You also mastered the art of posting pictures, Ha!    Also sounds like the Rads are going along fine?  Just remember to rest a lot, and drinks lots of fluids.

    Carole, I'm like you.... I love to set up a pretty little garden, but it IS hard to maintain it!   I bought this dandy Kneeler Bench, and it really helps with the weeding and planting...  If I can just do a little at a time, when the sun isn't blaring down, it is better.    I'm re-arranging miniature rose bushes, into a better spot with more sun.  So next Spring, maybe they will look better!  I also added a couple little Juniper bushes for the greenery.... 

    Have you tried baking or toasting those little flour tortillas?  They taste good that way, and I add warmed re-fried beans, a fried egg, lettuce, tomato & cheese. 

    Mommarch, what a bummer about your DH having Shingles!  I saw pictures of them online, and my Daughter says, her BF's Mother has them, and you know where!!!  Very painful!  I think I would have to curl up in bed, and wait it out!  Holy Cow! 

    Termite, here's hoping this new kink in your regular job will work itself out.  You sound very easy-going.... But what else can you do, except go along with all the changes?

    Ducky....  I just wish we could make you feel better.....  You can't let it all get you down, kiddo....  A black hole is nothing to be around.   I know how it is about trying, and wanting to keep up with the younger ones, but I'm SURE they understand!  I remember my Mom just wanting to sit down somewhere on Pier 39 near Fisherman's Wharf....  She just couldn't walk that much with us.... she hurt too bad.  WE hated to be running around without her, but she did not WANT to follow us..... And we all understood!   When we go out to the flea market.....I walk around as much as I want, then I say "Okay, I'm going to sit in the coffee shop and wait for you".... So I sit there with an Iced Coffee, and just relax and watch the people, Ha!

    Okay, knowing Jackie, she is probably getting ready to go to work, come home, feed the ferral cats, mow the north 40, fix a 5 course meal, and bathe her pups!   Man, she doesn't let the moss grow, does she?


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Cute cartoon, Chevy!

    And Sassy is very cute, too, Isabelle.  Congrats on posting pics.  Now I really need to learn.

    At 11 am today I have a hair apptment to get my hair trimmed and colored.  Goodness knows what the result will be.  I've had some experiences during the travel summers.  My last cut and color was about the middle of June so my hair is shaggy and sporting an inch of gray.  One of these days I'll probably go gray but the transition is so unsightly, with two-toned hair.

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012

    Sassy was 9 on June 30th & I got her at 3 months old.   She is from a Canadian Kennel but her father was a Champion American Show dog.  Best little dog I have ever had.  My last dog (before Sassy) was an Alaskan Malamute 120 lb. & lived to 17.