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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    hope this makes it:

    The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years. - Audrey Hepburn

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Yes Jackie!  That MUST be us!!!  I'll have to remember that every time I look in the mirror.... Wink

    Or like today when every single bone in my body hurts!  First it was my ankle, now it's up to my knee, and it just hurts to move.... But I am beautiful.


  • w6uqfcgomeo
    w6uqfcgomeo Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2012

    Hi Chevyboy & Termite:    Thanks for the posts.  THANKS HEAPS for making me laugh.  I have not laughed that hard in over a year...!!!!  Just love what you said, in fact, I am going to start using it when I describe what I have been through.  I feel I have a family now that really cares.....THANKS HEAPS. 

    First, I don't want to forget to tell you more about what I did regarding the vit. d and high estrogen situation.  Due to the fact "traditional medicine" had let me down, I went back to a homeopathic clinic I had been to for food intolerance testing.  They really opened my eyes and it might help all of you that read this too.  They said that the traditional aromatase inhibitors (etc.) block the pathways, but by doing that it robs the bones, heart, etc., of what the body needs to work well and that is what causes a lot of side effects for women on the aromatase inhibitors.  So, they  tested my saliva hormones to see where the imbalance was and they were right, my progesterone and DHEA were off.  So we supplemented those two.  Then we also tested the serum hormone levels at the same time.  We also discovered that part of my hormone problem stemmed from adrenal deficiency (lots of stress thru the years) so we addressed that.  END Estrogen (estradiol) is now below 5 (was 56), Vitamin D is now 73 (was 14).  So....I am very happy about that.  That will help to stop feeding the cancer so that is good. 

    I hate to tell you that there is more to the nightmare I went thru.   There was a second specimen that was submitted at time of surgical biopsy.  The picture the different oncologists I saw (prior to surgery)  was not very pretty....." 1 cm. IDC, no clear margin (within .01), second specimen looked very suspicious, multiple microcalcifications thruout the breast."  So they advised mastectomy with SNB.  I told all of them I wanted to know about the second specimen and they agreed.  I left that to them to deal with (big mistake).  I was so traumatized by everything all I could think of was getting the "thing" off.  So I went ahead with the Mastecotomy and SNB.  

      We don't know if the second specimen was ever tested, they tried to say it was not given a diagnoses for over 2 months due to the fact it was "not oriented," which means where it was located with respect to the other specimen.  But, neither specimen were oriented and it did not stop them from testing the first one.     They said after my surgery, that it had been tested and was benign, but we now think it was thrown out during what is called pre-anaylitical processing (meaning in the beginning).  I now think maybe there was other cancer in the 2nd specimen, most likely, more aggressive which would account for the high Estradiol and low vit. D which goes along with more aggresive BC, and would explain a higher score on Oncotype DX (MO agreed with this). 

    If that was not enough, when they did the surgery the "stooge" that did it did not prescribe an antibiotic for after surgery, so guess what, I got a hospital acquired type of drug resistent staph MRSA infection  (can cause death), which I might add she did not even tell me about until I got copies of my medical notes from her.  Due to the infection the drain plugged up and they had to open me up again (in office) clean everything out, culture it, and put drain #2 in.  I had drains for almost 30 days!!!!  She (the surgeon) even said in her notes I was doing "too much housework" and that caused all the problems....of course she later has to retract that statement.  I also had nerve pain (damage?) from the SNB and will have to have another surgery to correct the "balloon" that is under my arm......The posse idea sounds better all the time......

    Of course I survived, God only know how, had to have LOTS of therapy, had lymphadema all across the chest absolute nightmare...  At the same time I was trying to deal with my MO over the lab situation.   The disappearance of the tissue means we could not get the genetic code for my cancer.  That means that even in the future if a new discovery comes up for treatment, etc., I won't be able to take advantage of it without the code. 

    I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear that I decided I would take legal action against the lab, main oncologist and surgeon for all of the above...But, even that is not easy.  It seems the attorneys don't want "difficult" cases and just want the easy, high price cases.  I am continuing to work on that.  My current MedMal attorney has spent over 6 months reviewing it and just can't seem to find the time to work on it in order to tell me if they will take the case....I am marching into his office and getting my material and looking now for another lawyer.  It is a blessing I used to be a legal secretary and also had extensive medical training (medical unit secretary, medical records, billing, had anatomy, pathology, etc.) 

    Can't wait to hear what you think of all the above....

    Thanks for your support....Mary

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Little Mary.... You don't want to KNOW what I think of what they did to you!!!  Your whole venture in dealing with these Doc's was a nightmare!  At least you walked away with your "good" breast, and maybe both arms in tact!  I would go after them all with a Gattling Gun! 

    And yes, I know how all those other meds can "change" things with us.  For instance, while taking Tamoxifen, I went deaf.....  And that's no big deal, because I quit taking it on my own, after figuring it all out myself, and was diagnosed with permanent nerve damage, so I now have some fancy-dancy hearing aids. 

    About hiring a lawyer.... yes, I think you might have a case, IF you have permanent damage....But like me, I was told that unless you lose a limb, or something horific, sometimes the trouble you have to go through isn't worth it!    And most lawyers would want their money up front, and that's even if they don't win your case! 

    Mine would have been with the drug companies that made my generic Tamoxifen...But since I took all the pills that made me lose my hearing, I can't say for sure WHICH company made the ones I was taking.  I did report it to the FDA,  and the companies that make the generic, but I never heard back!  And so far there is not a class-action law-suit going on.  I don't know if I could PROVE that it was the Tamoxifen that caused it, without MORE cases being reported with the same deafness issue.   There ARE quite a few more women, who this has affected, but not enough for "them" to take this seriously yet. 

    Anyway, since you could sue your bevy of bean-heads, that might be worth going after!   But you would need other Docs to testify, and sometimes they don't want to get involved..... See what an attorney says....  See if they think you have a case.  Tell them that your "Posse" is "on the ready" and we will be out there when the whistle blows!  By the way, what town do you live in??  You said in the US... Like some corner of some little town in the middle of the dessert?  And they have one hospital which also serves as a grade-school?   I've never heard of such ineptness!! 

    So that's my 2-cents.........  Would just LOVE to hear those guys trying to explain all the mistakes they made with you!  They do not deserve to be called Doctor's!  Maybe "Doc's in training"....but not be able to get near any people who need help.... Just do surgery on each other! 

    Okay....  guess I fixed THEM!!  Wink

  • w6uqfcgomeo
    w6uqfcgomeo Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2012

    Hi Chevyboy:  Thanks for the wonderful encouragement.   Although I live in a small town (only last 8 years) in the middle of Washington state, I traveled to Spokane, WA to get medical care.  Quite a big place which I THOUGHT had good care....Went to larger facilities but that mistake was they were running you thru like cattle and not taking the time needed per case.

    It has taken me months of very difficult (objective - divorce yourself from the situation type) work on my case so I could present it in a way the attorneys understand.  By the way, most medical malpractice attorneys take the cases on contingency, generally 40%.  They will tell you that unless the case has enough money the cost of hiring expert testimony (cost to litigate) is more then it is worth, so the trick is to find out what and how much you can sue for.  I have done my homework and even have a figure of how much per day it is costing me in non-economic damages ($93.77 per day to be exact).  My case would be for pathology lab breech of standard of care, medical malpractice against main oncologist for the way he handled the lab testing, his lack of testing for aggresive bc when he saw what was happening with lab, which prevented me from getting preventative chemo.  Also, I will sue for failure to handle the second specimen correctly.  The suregon would be sued for breech of standard of care (no antibiotics, not being checked, not handling 2nd specimen testing situation, unnecessary surgery and nerve damage, pain and physical suffering due to unnecessary surgeries, etc.).   Economic damages -  future medical care (complex) (around $7,000 per year, ((supplements, etc., not covered by insurance)),  counseling expenses, unnecessary SNB & Mastectomy, left arm nerve pain and permanent damage to reduced ability to fight infection, loss of best chance to receive best treatment, loss of future hope for treatment ((no genetic code which is in tissue)),, etc.  Non- economic damages - extreme mental and emotional trauma, quality of life damage, loss of peace of mind, loss of hope, etc.................You can see I have done a lot of work on this....

           O.K. enough about me, I want to try to help you my dear new friend, as best I can.  First thing to do, find out what the statute of limitations is for medical malpractice in your state.  Then determine when the situation occurred (time frame).   The statue starts to run when  you become aware of the situation.   The next thing you need to do is investigate all the medications you were taking to  make sure it is the Tamoxifen.  Look for known side effects.  You mentioned this has happened to others.  Contact them and join together.  You might call your pharmacist and he/she would be a good start.    While you are doing all of this, you need to get your medical situation in order.  By that I mean you will need testing to be able to prove that you have nerve deafness.  I am sure you must have had some tests (hearing, etc) to try to establish the problem.  Please tell me in great detail.  There is a special brainstem type test that does track a nerve response from brain steam to the ear.  I had it done, painless and quick.  I lost my hearing (rt. ear)  at 15 from nerve damage from the mumps.  Hearing aids do not work for nerve deafness.  They would have to establish how much hearing  you lost and then try (for your age) to determine the difference between what is normal for your age and the loss.  You might have a case.  Get copies of ALL medical records and tests and advise me from what I wrote above.  You will have to prove it was not any of the other medications you were taking.  There is a large lawfirm in CA I know about that handles a lot of cases regarding drug related damage (class actions, etc.).  I know the father of a young attorney that works there.  I will help in any way I can.  It would not really be considered a medical malpractice case, it would be a product liability case, a lot easier to prove.   You must establish the damage the hearing loss has done to you.  Not sure how to do that, would need to research how those types of cases are handled, but a good product liability attorney could help you there. 

    Well, this is getting to be a book, I think I should let you have a chance to respond.  Mary

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    w6,first I said you had quite a story......and now I'm saying you have quite a remarkable story.  If anyone had reason to sue it would be you.  I mean it is beyond my imagination that a Dr/Lab/head nurse and whomever else joined in the fiasco would not even have "great expectations" of being sued.  I do hope you can find an attorney who has enough staff to get into the records requests, and other lg work necessary to determine if this is worthwhile.  I admit on my part I have an emotional have no way to know just how to procure effective tx. for the rest of your life......while that dark cloud just sits on your shoulder. 

    I'm go glad that Chevy and Termite were able to get some laughter going in your life.  At the best of times now and then a little gloom can hang around.....I can't imagine when it sounds the worst of times. 

    I have lost some hearing too.....but I don't think from my meds.  I think it is just weakness in the family plus a lot of ear infections as a young child.  Right now I'm dealing with some cartilage that apparently got loosened up about a week ago.....we figure I twisted quickly some way and bingo.  I have an ace bandage, some instructions for hot and cold therapy, and some Tramadol just in case it actually starts to hurt.  I'm to baby it for ten days....sounds like a near impossibility to me......I have a job to go too......but it is not really hard or I think I can manage.  The hope is that the cartilage will re-attach if I'm not too hard on it. 

    I hope you all have a wonderful day for the rest of the day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • w6uqfcgomeo
    w6uqfcgomeo Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2012

    Hi -  It's Sunday night.....anyone out there?  Mary

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2012

    Hey Chevy,

    It is without the ambien that I have the horific nights and no sleep and crazy dreams.  With it I get a good nights sleep and feel great. I took it last night and I was so rested this morning, I got alot done today.  I stopped taking the cymbolta, cold turkey on Friday because I was having awful stomach nausea.  I have a feeling it was raising my liver enzymes.  I feel alot better since I am of of it.  I also noticed I was feeling very foggy in the mornings.  I think it did what it needed to to for me for the time If took it.    I can not take cholestrol meds because it raises my liver enzymes also.  My PA is gone from the office until 9/24, but I intend to see her as soon as she gets back.  

    Take Care 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Morning gals!  Mary, I'm hardly ever up past 8, Ha!  But I get up about 4 every morning........  I just can't seem to change those hours........  But when we go to Orlando, it will be perfect...Wink  But if I drink coffee, anytime after 2 in the afternoon, I'm up till about midnight!.... And still wake up at 4!

    Mommarch, At least you seem to have it figured out....  Nothing worse than being sick to your stomach, unless it's being dizzy!  And those two usually go together....... 

    Mary........You know, when I woke up one morning and couldn't hear out of my left ear....(I mean it was "plugged") I thought it was allergies..... I took Allegra, which did nothing.  Then my right ear did the same thing.  Went to PC, and she told me to treat it as allergies for a month... Allegra, nasal-rinses, etc.  I also tried holding my nose, and blowing, until your brains fly out your ears.  Nothing.  Went to ENT...all the tests....  "Yep, you have lost your hearing."  "Probably permanent nerve damage from something."  I asked him if the Tamoxifen could have caused it.  He said he couldn't say....  And even if it did cause it, it won't come back even though I quit taking it.

    It's just me that is pretty darned sure it was the Tamoxifen.....  And I did find lots of articles on the Internet, and on BC.ORG I knew of 3 other women who say the same thing.   

    The FDA wrote back, wanted names, phone numbers of any Doc who diagnosed this.  Of course my Oncologist would not have any part of this.  The ENT would not say what caused it for sure, and actually without that brainstem test, I'll probably never know...I just know I lost 100% word recognition in my Left ear, and 50% in my Right.  It hasn't gotten any worse.  I've had 3 tests, and it stays the same.

    I do have copies, all medical records, and have sent them to my Docs, the FDA, the drug co. that made the brand I was taking. 

    So without any Doc backing me, and at my age, I don't think there is even a slight chance that anyone would do anything with this.  In other words, there is no proof.  I know this has happened to younger women on Tamoxifen, but only a few out of thousands.  And there is still no warning on the label on that med.

    I just didn't want to spend the $10,000 I had heard it would cost with an attorney here....  Especially because my Onco just left me flying in the wind, and even the ENT could not say what caused it. 

    That is so sweet of you to "take this case"....Ha!  But honestly, I feel they would all say, "Well, she's old, and maybe this started when she was younger, and maybe that perforated ear-drum she had when she was 23 started all this...... 

    I'll send you a PM, so I won't take up any more space here, but even my DH, was worried this would cost US more than it was worth.... At least I could "fix" my problem with hearing aids.... But you have to deal with your problems STILL!  

    Okay gals.... gotta warm up my coffee...Wink   And thanks for caring!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012
    Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
    Dalai Lama
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    Morning....I am running late today and have to get can my clock go so fast in the morning.  I'll be back after work to chat.....see ya' all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited September 2012

    Well this is a contest I didn't want to win.........................Friggin 77, and counting.............will be 2 years since surgery in ladies are babies compared to that is depressing..................think I'll get my Teddy Bear, my Blankie, and go back to

  • w6uqfcgomeo
    w6uqfcgomeo Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2012

    Good morning to my new wonderful family.  Even though I am new I also want to welcome our new people, Susannahw, Cindi74 and Edithester....

    Love the idea of sending messages to a number of people at one time, so here goes:

    Chevyboy - Loved the picture of the tea cup and flowers...made my day too.  Really like the idea of adding the Kahlua....  Glad you found 3 younger people that have hade the hearing loss, that will help the case.  Regarding the legal expense, most lawyers (Medical Malpractice)charge a 40% contingency and take it out of the proceeds, and MOST will not charge you if they take the case and don't win or settle.  You should join in with other people with the same situation and share the legal expenses.  Regarding a doctor (your ENT and Oncologist) not saying it was the medication, don't worry about that, all you have to document is the fact you suddenly lost the hearing.  Have the brainsteam test!!  What you need to do is go to a company, I know one, that does medical expert witness reviews.  They will charge from $750 up to review the case for merit, but then all 4 of you could share the charge.  Ask me about this I will tell you more.  REgarding the perferated ear drum, don't worry about that, that would resolve itself since ear drums do that (middle ear) and that is no defense for them. 

       Susannah - I notice you have been on this road 6 months...  It is no fun, but at least you are not alone.

    IllinoisLad - I notice you will be havingt a 5 year anniversery on September 27th....Jackie you and I are the same age, 67....!!!  Congrates for almost getting to 5 year mark.  Are you still on meds?  Good luck with your cartlidge situation.

     Trying to deal with not getting the treatment I deserved and needed has cause a lot of anxiety and stress.  My plan is to get a medical review of the lab situation from a company that does that sort of thing for lawyers, found it on the internet.  I am learning as I go thru this experience.  It will cost me $750 but then I can tell the attorneys, "look here I have done part of your work, my case does have merit and meets the requirements for negligence and damages," so now you can take the case.  Problem is the cost to litigate is high so smaller firms don't want a complex case, larger firms have 50-75 people waiting in the wings to have there case reviewed.  Having been a legal secretary and also in medical field (unit secretary, extensive medical training) I have done that homework too and believe the case is meritorious. 

    Cindi74 -  I noticed you are 75 and have been on this road 2 months.  I am sure everyone on this website will be of help to you.  Wish I had found it sooner.

    Edithester - Hope you will find all the posts comforting.  It sure has been for me.  Are you having any special issues?

    Termite - just love your name.......I notice you are having your 6 month visit today, how did it go?  Please let all of us know.  We will be sending support your way for strength.

    To all my new family -  I am sorry if I overwhelmed you by telling you what I have been going thru.  It did not happen all at once, it was one thing right after another.  Many times I feel like I am living a nightmare I can't wake up from.  I have good moments and then bad. Lots of anxiety over the fact I could not get the treatment I needed and deserved.  I am glad I was able to solve the vit d and hormone situation, but they tell me that is only part of the problem.  Not having hope of future help also is hard to live with, I just fall thru the cracks.  I am sure this group will help, having loving support.

    Tonight the local cancer support group is having a picnic.  They have meeting only from Sept. thru the winter and recess for the summer.  I went a few times but don't really fit in very well due to the unusual situations regarding my bc.  They all know each other and it is a very small group, so I just sit there and, of course, with all the questions they ask when I have to tell them why I could not get treatment it is very upsetting.  Also, most of them have had cancer YEARS ago so none of them are new or are up on even the Oncotype DX test, they did not even know what I was talking about, I could hardly believe it....but, I will try again, will let you know how it goes.  Must run for now....Hope to hear from all of you....Mary

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Hey Mary!  Did you see I sent you a PM?   Go up to the top left hand corner, and you will see "Private Messages" ...  And when you find that, click on that link, and you will see that message I sent you this morning....I just talked more in detail about what I have done so far....

    Don't pay any attention to any of those other gals at the support group....Maybe they are waiting for YOU to talk?  I'm sure if they knew more about you, maybe a little at a time, they would be more receptive?   Are they mostly older?  Sometimes it's hard to make "friends" with younger women?

    Just start talking to them.... only tell them what they ask.... If they aren't interested in what you are saying, you will know....  Then leave, and go find a nice cold Margarita!  Or two!   Or drink one, and THEN go to the support group, Ha, ha!  Wink

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited September 2012

    Hi to everyone.  Welcome to newcomers.  I just caught up on reading posts.  W6, your experiences make me feel lucky to have been dx'ed and treated in backward ole Louisiana!  I'm three years out and now get checked out once a year.  I take arimidex and look forward to not taking it in a couple of years, but I tolerate the SEs pretty well.   I opted for bilateral mx and immediate reconstruction and was fortunate to skip chemo and rads.  I had a low oncotype dx number even though my IDC was grade 3.  I went through agony waiting for the results of the oncotype. 

    I've been too busy lately to check in.  Here's a quick summary.  DH and I enjoyed a couple of days in Milwaukee.  His niece and her dh were kind enough to show us around.  The weather was wonderful, bright and mild.  We took a boat ride on the Milwaukee river and a bit of Lake Michigan on Saturday.  Lots of interesting historical info on the city and the river.  Then we went to the art museum, which is located on Lake Michigan.  Very modern architecture and a stunning building.  As impressive as the capitol bldg in Madison but in an entirely different way.  I had the feeling as I wandered around and gazed upward and outward that I was in the presence of architectural genius.

    Now we're in Joliet, IL.  Whew.  Tomorrow we'll leave the camper here and drive to Holland, MI, to visit dh's cousin and his wife, people whose company we really enjoy.  We have no luggage so we'll put our toiletries, clothes, whatever, in canvas boat bags! 

    Tonight we're having dinner with dh's brother at our favorite Chicagoland chain, Portillo's.  Hotdogs, brats, Italian beef sandwiches, fries are all favorites on the menu.

    Kaara, where are you? 

  • w6uqfcgomeo
    w6uqfcgomeo Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2012

    Chevy - Thanks for the info on the private message.  I did not know how to do that.  I just love the idea of a margarita...!!  Actually, as of late, I like to have a beer or 2 in the evening.  I will sit outside and look at the stars.  It is just awsome...!!  Very relaxing.  Wish I could have a drink, but have to drive to the support group so think it not best.  With the way my luck is going I would be stopped and I'm sure you get the rest of that picture.

    Carolehalst -  Thanks for sending me a message.  Glad you received good care and are doing so well.  Sounds like a nice trip, Michigan is beautiful....have a Brat for me....!Take care...Mary

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012

    Carol, have an Uno's pizza for me while you're there. I was a Chicago girl!

    Took the dressing off, well, discovered there ARE steri strips on both incisions, even though I told them I'm allergic! See how long I can tolerate them. Also broke out from the plastic dressing tape. Oh well. After  reading Mary's problems this is just trivia. See the surgeon a week from today for the reports, hoping for rads. Jean

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2012

    Carolehalst, you are not far from me if you are in Joliet. Work in Plainfield, and live in Oswego

    I love Portillos food especially their hot dogs, Italianh beefs and chocolate cake.

    I had good results from my OC visit today. Will see him again in 6 mos. It used to be every 3 months but after 2 years out it went to 6 months. After 5 years it will be yearly. After reading the stories about a few of the ladies experiences I feel very lucky. After being diagnosed in March of 2010, they gave me to the surgeons office and they set up all my tests for me and the day of surgery. Had a lumpectomy and mammosite for radiation. The oncologlist did everything for the Onco type test and number was low so I chose not to do chemol. The clinic I go to has been very helpful and supportive.

    New company that took over our center is okay.  A lot of changes some for the good and some will take time to get use to it.

    4 in the morning comes early so I will be back tomorrow.

    Have a great evening and week

  • w6uqfcgomeo
    w6uqfcgomeo Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2012

    Jean:  Regarding your allergy to tape, you might want to try a trick my primary dr. told me about.  Have your primary give you some steriod nasal spray sampler and then spray it on the tape before it goes on.  I am so sensitive that I had to carry it with me all the way to both surgeries to make sure they used it.  Can't hurt to try.  Hope it helps....Mary

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Morning gals..... yes, that tape can be a problem!  I think they almost always use steri-strips, at least for closing the incision, and sometimes tape over the gauze bandage... That tape, almost no matter what kind, will either cause hives, or like peel off your skin when they take it off!  (On some otherwise normal people) Wink  I had to take anti-biotics for that and around the incision where the MammoSite Device was.

    Sometimes they will put a "stocking" over your head, and over your bandages to hold everything in place...Much better than the tape.  It's like a boob sleeve or something like that.  It's a mesh tube-top!  Anyway, good job Jean!

    Carole I think you got the gals hungry, Ha!  The closest I get to those dogs, are at Costco, the Polish Dog, with a drink.... $1.50!  I can't find those dogs anywhere!  I mean the big juicy ones..... and you can add chopped onions, relish & mustard if you want.  Edited to add...they are the Hebrew National Polish Sausages, but I just read Costco is no longer carrying them?  Now THAT's a bummer!   Something about a lawsuit???

    When DH and I go, we split one, and that's usually enough for lunch, or else their Baked Chicken Sandwiches.  Man, those can last for 3 meals.

    Congratulations Termite.... Another milestone!

    I'm just going to my PC every year for a physical, and the blood-work.  I asked her to take over for the Oncologist, since she was the one giving me the scrip for the Tamoxifen, and I no longer take it anyway.  I get the mammograms twice a year though.

    Jackie, where ARE you??  Are you working too hard?  Miss hearing from you...... xoxoxoxo

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012

    Thanks for the tape suggestions. just knew the steri strips bothered me after the bio, now have a lovely blister from the tape over the gauze. Will remember the hints if I ever do surgery again! Never used to be allergic to anything! Old Age is such fun!!!! Now its seasonal, tape, base metal, AAAhhhh, the Golden Years!

    Lovely day here , rain, rain , rain. Gotta go to hubby's cardio pp. He has a carotid sono tomorrow. He's been the big problem this year, open heart, gout, melanoma , now "turbulance" hopefully nothing. I go along to appts or I get the usual man reply to what did he say? "Nothing" :)

    Enjoy Chicago, Termite,  sure has changed since my days ! Jean

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Jean! Wishing the best for your husband!  My DH had a pace-maker "installed" over 10 years ago...Then a replacement 2 years ago... We are so thankful for all the new technology! 

    What is "turbulance"....Yes, you have to go to appointments... Husbands never ask anything, won't take nothin" and can't remember what the Doc tells them.  That's if you can even GET them to see a Doctor!

    They usually will go when they are face-down on the side-walk, or can't move without keeling over!   They will wait until a lot of "things" crop up so they won't have to make too many doctor visits! Wink  Broken bones usually will only have a week before seeing about repair.  Too much loss of bodily fluids might mean a "wait and see"  until they run out of blood somewhere.......  Or an "unknown" "something" that shows up on them, calls for a sharp knife, and reading glasses for removal!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited September 2012

    Hi everyone!  I've been so remiss about not coming on the site to read and post:(  Shame on me!  I've just had non stop trips and company so it's been difficult to even get on the computer.

    I haven't had time to read through all of the posts, but am wishing everyone well and welcome to any newbies to the thread.  

    Next Monday I go for my diagnostic has been over one year since I was first dx with a suspicious area in my left breast.  I'm feeling great with no problems..even my hot flashes are gone..yea! I don't expect any issues.  This will be a good test to see if my thermogram was correct back in April when it showed that there was absolutely nothing on the horizon that was suspicious in either breast.  The only thing that lit up was the surgical area and I was told that was normal for recent surgery.

    Fall is setting in here in the mountains..cooler days and nights.  We had a huge storm with wind and rain blow through here last night...thought my deck furniture was going to be in the next!  This is the time of year I love the best..when the leaves start to change.

    Have a great week everyone! 

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012


    Love it , you are right on about men and Drs. This spring he told me  "I'm going in , the cold weather is bohering me" not that he was having chest pains. He finally went to the Dr when he listened to the Drs on TV,describing what he was experiencing. ENDED UP WITH BI-PASS! Had I known wud have had him at the ER long before. :O

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012
    With gratitude, all life appears as a blessing -
    without gratitude, all of life
    is perceived as a burden.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    Good morning.....running late as usual.  Where does the time today.  Not bad though.  I think we are going to wake up quickly to we had the drought since June -- meaning no real summer.  It is coming now so will be so short.

    Chevy....I'll be getting back to you after work.  Anyway, life goes on for the most part.  At least we can now get some things done.  We ahd such a nice rain yesterday.  Slow but consistent.  More came down for several hours than I thought by weatherman's account.  I thought it would be a real quickie and then Dh could get some "real" yard work done. 

    I'll be wishing you all well......Kaara, will be thinking of you this coming week and the mammo.  Always a little inner tremble when these times come around. 

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Yes Bonnets.... I know.........  DH got to where he couldn't hardly mow the lawn, go up stairs, or any kind of exertion!   After two weeks, finally made an appointment....  They saw him, took BP, and thought he was alright...ordered blood work, but I went out in the hall, to tell them, PLEASE take his pulse!  My Mom had congestive heart failure, and he seems to be like her!  They took his pulse, then the cardiogram, and they saw it, left the room, got the Doc, said never mind the blood work, get him to the emergency room.  He had "heart block".... The lower part of his heart was not working!

    So damnit!  So we drove to emergency, and THEY said "We thought you were coming in an ambulance!"....  Who knew?????  He got the pace-maker the next morning....and he is good now.......  But if we listen to our DH, we will know nothing more than when we started!....   At least he didn't wait until he could not MOVE before he went in!

    Good luck with the Mammogram Kaara!  I know it will be okay.........

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2012

    Some days I am just so fatigued, this happens to be one of them.  Woke up last night several times with leg and foot cramps.  I know it is the tamoxifen and I think the fatigue is also. 

    Our daughter found out yesterday that she has PKD.  It runs rampet in our family.  She is pretty devastated.  It seems everytime things start to work out for her something else happens.  I told to just go on with their plans get married in Oct. that David would always be there for her, he is not like the other Butt heads she knew.

    Everyone have a good day

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited September 2012

    My DH had a mild heart attack in 1988. He dropped by urgent care on his way to another appt and asked about his symptoms (which had been going on since the previous evening). They took his blood, put him in the ER and took away his clothes. He said he would have left if he still had something to put on. He ended up with 5 bypasses. He's still doing well.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012

    They are all alike :) We are sure lucky they are still with us. Got mine a shirt while we were on vacation, Stubborn Old Mule!