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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Okay, Jean.... I was very lucky, in that I was "eligible" for the MammoSite Device... I'll look up the link, and post it on here.  It is a device they implant during a deflated balloon....  Then after surgery, you go to Radiation, they inflate it, make sure it is positioned correctly, and they send seeds of radiation through the tubes, into the Device, and leave them there for about 8 minutes.  Then you get these "treatments" twice a day, for one week.... That is instead of the typical radiation treatment of 6 weeks.

    Then when you are done, they yank out the device.... I COULD have said "remove"....but it was more of a quick yank...Undecided.... And you are done! 

    Okay, Jean, so no-one knows how, or why some have the BRCA gene....I guess.   My Daughters have not been tested either, so maybe I'll have them get that done!  I thought since I didn't have that gene, they could not get cancer from me!

    Paula....Tamoxifen is usually for the younger gals, but anyone can take it, especially if you whine like I did.... My friend...(older) took it for 5 years, and is still cancer-free, so that's why I wanted that and not another one.

    Talk to you all later....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012
    Our opportunity is always to make the choice for Joy.
    To see the world with new eyes - open eyes - loving eyes.
    To choose compassion and understanding -
    for ourselves, our family, our friends,
    our community, for the whole world.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    Oh my---got a kick out of the whining.  Paula you may have to wait for a bit to find out where you are in all this, but this is a great place to wait.  You will learn a few things along the way and hopefully won't feel so overwhelmed. the way you present your travels.  I so enjoyed hearing about 'Aunt Charlotte'.  I think there are people who just don't allow things to get in the way of their life.  I bet she never in her whole life lost the can do mind-set.  I'm reminded ( I know he isn't doing it now ) an old guy here who up until a couple of yrs. ago ( at 101 ) quit using a ladder to pick apples out of his trees. 

    I'm still trying to gather myself together....still wearing the knee brace which seems to be helping to some extent.  Not real sure since since it was more of a "guessed" diagnosis.  If at the end of another week or so we don't see enough improvement.....they would more than likely have a more thoural look. 

    Anyway, hope you all have a great Saturday.  Not too much planned here.  Very pretty outside if a tiny bit cool, but Fall is beginning.  Must say though....some of our poor trees are very confused.  In the very beginning ( June ) of summer we had such heat and drought that by July/Aug. were losing leaves from the trees as in Fall............and now that we at long last had great rain and re hydrated fairly well.....our cooler temps. plus moisture are signaling Spring.  Sigh !!!!!  We are really topsy-turvy.  Hope we don't lost a lot of things over this.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2012

    Well I would like to whine also.  I have not been feeling well at all.  I feel like I just want to get into the bed and stay and cry until I can cry no more.  I am so fatigued I can't stand it.  Of course the polyana that I work with has not made things easy either.  If I did not need the insurance I would be gone in an instant.  She pops off and then the next day she apologizes, says it is the zyrtec she is taking, she has had ashtma all her life, she will be 56 this Nov.  I would hate to think I had to go through life popping off all the time and then apologizing all the time.  Just learn how to keep your mouth shut.  

    I feel like my brain and eyes are swimming in my cranial cavity.  I have an apt. on Tues. at 8:00 AM with my PA.  I probably still need the antidepresent just because of the tamoxifen, but I don't want to go back on the cymbalta and be sick to my stomach every afternoon.

    Enough whining.  Hope all are ok, glad to see so many on here, but wish no one had to have breast cancer or any other type.   

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    mommarch.....that is a legitimate whine borrowing he word legitimate from that now too famous Senator hopeful from Missouri.  Having this disease is not easy.  They don't say the gift that keeps on giving for nothing.  Maybe your PA could try something other than Cymbalta.  Almost hate to say it because I don't know where I heard it, but seems I recall this drug being mentioned as one that is hard to regulate.....meaning you could more than likely expect it could be difficult and cause a long wait to find just the right dosage for yourself.   

    I think one of the 'bad' things that happen is that newer drugs come out and many of the older ones that did a pretty fair job are left to go by the wayside.  Drug companies send reps out with rolling ( suitcase size ) cases full of new drugs so they can leave samples.  I myself know that when I went to the V.A. after losing my Insurance, they changed almost all of my drugs....which in fact were mainly new, and though nervous in the beginning....all these older drugs I came to see worked much closer to the medically stated desired result, and I thought I felt generally better after awhile. 

    If it were me I think I'd ask the Dr. to discuss what other possibilities there may be.  I do know Cymbalta does help with pain...but still think there must be something.....older drug perhaps, that will do what is needed and be much easier to regulate so you get way less se's or problems. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Cindi74
    Cindi74 Member Posts: 69
    edited September 2012

    Oh Dear Mommarch,  You don't have attached what treatment you are getting.  I had my first A/C chemo 10 days ago, and for the last week, I barely had enough strength to dress and eat.  Total weakness.  Turned out my blood was really messed up.  Almost no white cells, and not enough red.  They have been giving me shots since Wed. declaring that I had no immune system working so stay home and don't get exposed to germs.

    Have not been hit with the depression, but one day, even though not depressed, my son called, and I cried through most of the conversation.  Nurse said it was the meds. 

    This is so tough for you.  Do you have a support network?  Anyone to help--or just cheer you up.  I recommend listing to Garison Kieler monologues.  They are from Prarie Home Companion radio pgms.  Download for free as podcasts to phone or mp3 player or computer.  About 17 minutes each.  Very funny and distracting.   I frequently listen all night through earphones and wake up listening.  Research shows that your brain works while sleeping.  I figure I'm giving my brain something funny to think about, not fear and sadness.  It really works for me.

    Hugs, and keep us posted on how you are doing.

  • Cindi74
    Cindi74 Member Posts: 69
    edited September 2012

    Prariek,  I meant lymph nodes with cancer.  You didn't have it on  your pathology description under your post.  I've been out of commission with blood pbm SE since about Sunday, so I just read your post.

    Any of you other well aged types who are starting Chemo in Sept., it's a great thread.  There are, I think 52 of us now.  I am, I think, the oldest.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Hi gals!  Such a beautiful day here....!  Man, I'm glad I didn't have chemo......  I really feel bad for you guys that have gone through this.  And the depression!  I think it is only temporary.... Don't cry Mommarch.... It just makes your eyes puffy, and your eye-liner run all over the place. Wink  And when I start, it's really hard to quit! 

    But then again, sometimes it just does a gal good!  Anyway, that's what I heard. 

    Jackie, I don't know anything about drugs, but It's so nice, to be able to depend on something, and trust what it is supposed to do. 

    Cindi, that was really good advice.... Hope you get your system straightened out.....  It's like when one thing goes wrong, it usually affects something else.  My oldest Daughter is have a lot of problems with SOMEthing....  She was told by her Doctor friend, that it is probably the H Pylori?  Or something like that.  I looked it up earlier, and it talked about gastro-problems....  I told her to drink Aloe-Vera mixed with juice, and eat lots of natural yogurt....and see if that helps!  I know when I had so many problems with an ulcer, a gal told me to "Oh just drink Aloe-Vera, 3 times a day, and it will go away!  It DID! 

    Walmart has it for less than $8 a gallon..... So if you gals are having THAT problem, try this!

    I know it's hard listening to someone like me, that isn't facing any problems, but I just want you to know, I'm here to listen to all of you! 

    Kaara, Mary, Paula, Nancy, where ARE you gals?  I hope you are all doing well, anyway!

    Talk to you later!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    mommarch....just sitting here and thought of something else....maybe Cymbalta is one of those drugs that you need to 'wean' yourself from so your body and mental state doesn't go into overwhelm.  Sorry, I'm not the sharpest cookie in the box, but it flashed on felt I really should bring that possibility up....or you could with your Dr.

    Chevy....dh is using aloe vera and is says he is having really good success.  He is taking it in capsule form.  He neither has time with how he does things to drink much, and of course, that goes double for when he is working at Sears.  Don't know about the kind that comes in the jar -- but Denny had done something ( not sure how he took it ) before that didn't do much for him.  These pills are cold-processed so retain whatever it is in the aloe vera that helps you.  Anytime you can eliminate high hear in any processing of food etc. you are going to come close to getting the almost full amt. of whatever nutrients are there.  So....if anyone were interested......but doesn't think they could use aloe vera as a liquid, this is another possible avenue.

    See you all later. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Jackie, it comes in a gallon jug at Walmart....and that is 99.9% pure.  DH drinks it plain, but I like it mixed either with tea, or some kind of juice, shaken with a little cream, like a smoothie!  You can even ad a banana and put it all in a blender, and drink during the day.

    The health food stores sell it MUCH higher priced, and it is the same thing.  Honestly, I had so much trouble with ulcers, and after drinking it just ONE time, that awful pain went away!  It came back, but after a couple days of drinking this 3 times a day, it stopped..... THEN I was afraid to not drink it, ha! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    Who knows then....maybe I should give it a try for myself --- just as an all over health booster.  I think I could figure some way to "drink" mine rather than have the  ( afraid to ask ) I'm sure more expensive pill form.  I also think just about anything is going to cost more in the health food store.  I do get some stuff there, but not much.  The FDA does not actually regulate supplements as you never know exactly how much you are getting and so how do you know that what you use or have used for years has actually done very much of anything but emptied your wallet.  I'm not against things that could help......but even dh finally figured out that he might not be getting as much benefit from some of his GNC products as he thought. When he allows that maybe he made a less than adequate choice ---  well, the blue moon surely has risen or that warm place down below finally got good and cold. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012

    Hey guys, My arm pit  feels like I have a baseball  in it. Is that normal for the SLN site.  Don't have a drain. Sore and numb . Been a week yesterday, see the surgeon Monday. Jean

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012 has been awhile since my surgeries....2007 to be exact, but I seem to recall my underarm bothered as much if not more ( actually probably a little more ) than my lumpectomy site.  That part of me was wrapped mummy-style with bandage and then I was told to bring with me my tightest fitting bra.......I had to wear it all times the first couple of weeks except for a bath.  So, I did feel a fair amt. of feeling, but didn't take anything.....I swore the BRA was so tight I thought the discomfort was coming from that.  By the time I no longer needed bra and bandages -- all was fine.  Glad you will see your surgeon, but unless you feel undue warmth or maybe coloring off or something I think you will be ok.  Hang in there.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012


     I got softer bras, instructions only said to wear it 24/7. The lumpectomy site really doesnt bother me, but above the SNL incision I feel a Baseball like lump! If that werent there the discomfort wud be less! Had a friend who had to go in and have something drained a few times! Im wondering if thats my case. Yes, guess Ill find out MOnday. Thanks. Jean

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Jean....glad you are going in to have it checked!  Might be a Seroma?  And yes, it is a pocket filled with fluid.... Sometimes it goes away on it's own, or they might even drain it!  But glad you are going in!  Make sure it DOESN'T get warm or hot, without getting looked at.

    Ask again about the bra!  I started wearing a front-closure type after surgery, and I still wear them!  Just keeps things in place better.   After my Lumpectomy, with the MammoSite Device, it also held the tubes, etc. in place.  I made a soft fuzzy thick pad to wear inside my bra on top of the bandages also.  And I had a piece of foam...I cut out a hole, in the middle, for the spot with the tubes, so I could lay on that side..... Anything that works!

    Let us know.

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited September 2012

    I tried every bra in the drawer  to no avail. Then remembered I had bought a softer stretchy camisole style one a few weeks ago. Much more comfy soft and supportive but not tight. Will have to get a couple more,  trying to find front fastening ones too. 

    Surgery was Friday and feel ok, lumpectomy breast seems bigger today, should I be worried ?no lumps just bit sore like a muscular ache.Bright blue from dye injection and now bruising from what I can see around the dressing.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012


    Yep, I've been reading up on seromas. WOn't be surprised if that's what it is. Will see tomorrow. Jean 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    I think I mentioned this, but I had one about as big as an egg, and it did bother me!  But Doc said "Oh, it's just a seroma, and will most likely go away on it's own."  It has gone way down, due to the numerous mammograms I have had, and smashing it to bits...And it doesn't hurt, but you can still see the "pocket" on a mammogram.  I can still "feel" it a little, but nothing like it was.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012

    That's about the size mine is, feels like one too! Doesn't hurt that much but is quite annoying between the incision and my arm pit! Jean

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012

    I got stretchy ones, but the first I like the cups, but the band rolls, the other I boughtj I like the narrower band but the cups aren't as comfy. One is better during the day, the other at night. Wish I cud find ones with the best features of both! Jean

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2012

    I bought some sports bras but they were too tight. My sister found me 2 front closure bras at KMart and they were perfect. I also found a Maidenform front closure that was comfortable.

    I still have a bump above my incision from the lumpectomy. Sometimes it is larger than other times. It has gone down a lot since the surgery in 2010 but still swells every once in a while.

    Hope everyone has a great day. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012
    You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with - Dr. Wayne Dyer.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    Golly....sometime yesterday I got on here and wrote a few things.....apparently I forgot to hit the submit button.  Well, maybe that is a sign of age or something, huh !!!!! 

    On the other hand, though it once again seems fine, I did go through two different episodes where I would have to wait quite some time for my entry to come in.  Fortunately the mods were aware and it seems fixed so life is good again.  Another Monday, but if it wasn't for today......and we started work on Tues. instead, we'd be saying the same thing.  I will get some overtime this week.  My boss is taking some rare time off -- not a lot, but I'll be working two or three days until 8 p.m. again and then will work part of the day Saturday.  Having a few extra coins in had won't hurt a thing here. 

    Anyway...I think it was edith mentioned the camisoles, and I recalled how many of the gals who were going through txs back in 2008 same time as me talked about getting them.  They were priced reasonable and they were just so much more comfortable them bras for a time.  So....anyone still having some issues I do think it may be an idea to try that way. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.  Was cool here this a.m. but will warm --- not seriously.  Fall is trying to get settled in I think so mornings should be cool along with night temps while the daytime is pleasant.  I can live with it.  I'll see you all later and lhpe you have a marvelous day today.

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012

    Got the pathology, Tumor size is .5cm, Nottingham grade 6/9, 0 nodes positive. Wish the grade were lower, but everything else is encouraging.  See the onc on Thursday.

    My Egg is a seroma. Surgeon says unless it gets larger leave it alone for now. It feels a little better today. Jean 

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited September 2012

    bonnets hope seroma gets better soon. Report sounds positive, good luck with onc. Results of my lumpectomy  is week Thursday but will delay worrying until then.

    Weather here is diabolical ! We are looking up how to build an Ark, ha ha. Hope it is better where you are.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012

    Edith where do you live, the UK is one of my favorite places. Did a hotel Boat trip to Aylrsbury with my daughter before she passed from BC. Also love the Cottswolds. Went with my Mom when the roses were in bloom, beautiful. We lucked out with both of our trips to the UK, beautiful weather. Trying to convince my hubby to  make a trip with me! Jean

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited September 2012

    Edithester, We'll trade you weather. Washington state has some huge forest fires burning and it will take rain to actually douse them. Right now they're just trying to keep the flames away from evacuated homes. Air quality was the worst in the nation.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited September 2012

    Afternoon ladies!  Sorry I've just been so busy having fun that I haven't had time to even visit the site.  I've been traveling back and forth to Greenville SC for football games and shopping, etc.  A friend of mine turned me into a Gamecocks fan so I'm back to watching college football every Saturday...who would have thought!

    Today was a good day...I got the all clear on my diagnostic mammogram.  It's been one year since my suspicious area first showed up, so it was a milestone for me.  I had one scary moment when they put me in a little private room and I had to wait for the radiologist to visit me.  I thoght he was going to give me bad news.  Thank goodness I didn't have to wait that long...he came right in and told me nothing had changed...yea!  I went right out and treated myself to a big breakfast at Waffle House...complete with waffle, syrup and sausage patties!  Don't even feel slightly guilty!

    Jackie...great quote today from Wayne Dyer.  I love him!  He really puts life into perspective.

    Weather here has been beautiful...fall has arrived and the leaves are starting to change.

    Have a great day everyone. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited September 2012

    Hi Girls! I hope some of you can answer my questions....I'm a very large gal all over, and wear size DD bras. I never miss church!!! My surgery is scheduled for oct.22. Modified radical mastectomy. I guess I will have a tissue expander until after treatment.

    My question is where do I find bras in my size for after mastectomy, and barring complications, how long before I can look somewhat normal to go back to church?

    There is a HOPE'S BOUTIQUE in the Breast Center where I will have treatment. I just haven't asked anyone yet if they carry bras in my size. I'd think they would as BC is not a respecter of persons, age, size, race, or social standing.

    Some folks on here say doctors had them buy a special bra to take to the hospital.

    Any & all tips will be greatly appreciated.

