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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Hi Gals.... I'll catch up more with you a little later, but my Daughter just sent me this.... I know we know most of it, but it's interesting to read again...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012
    Bonnets....So far, everything sounds good, right? 
    I have/had the same grade...

    Edithesther.... Let us know what your pathology report shows, okay?

    Wren, sorry about all the forest fires!  Man, we really had our share here
    in's all so tragic!

    Congratulations Kaara!  I know the feeling!  That wait for the radiologist
    to read it, is enough to bring you to tears!  I had to go back in for several
    more views...then wait again.... but it was all okay!  I'm going again in
    November...(6 months)

    Soteria.... I think it would be best to just wear what you have, until your
    incisions, etc. all settle down, before you decide on a bra?   I bought a sports
    bra, for after surgery, and still have not worn the darn thing!  You have to ask
    your surgeon, also, to see what they suggest.  I had bought my size of the front
    closure bras to take to the hospital....  It really helped, and held the
    bandages in place... I left it on, day and night...  It would all hurt when I
    took everything off, so it was better to wear it....  It didn't have wire
    supports either.

    You know, I don't know anything about a mastectomy, but again, the gals on
    here will come up with more information.

    Jackie, what did you do?   I've heard some women get wrapped all no need for a bra.  They even have those mesh "tube-tops" that they
    put on you, to hold the bandages in place.  So ask your surgeon.   You could
    even call a medical supply place, and see if they have anything specifically for
    that.... but I would ask your Doc first.
  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited September 2012

    bonnets we live on the wirral, merseyside. Across the River Mersey (which is ten minutes down the road) is Liverpool home of the Beatles. DH and I were also born there and met in the Cavern Club  in 1964. We moved across the river when the children were small.If you can ever convince hubby to come we will show you around.

    Wren 44 that is so awful, hard to imagine when you live in soggy England.There are flood warnings on tv tonight. We have a little stream over the fence at the bottom of our garden it is full to the top today. We have lived here 7 years and it never more than about three feet deep.HELP !

    Soteria, I am 36 E have sourced some bras on e.bay and amazon. They have post surgery bras too.Front fastening seem good idea,sure your size would be available, worth a try. 

    Kaara, wonderful news cogratulations.Your meal sounds delicious.Fall sounds beautiful, leaves on our trees will float off at this rate.

    May healing and joy come to you all, today and every day.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited September 2012

    Soteria, Definitely ask your doctor's office. After my lumpectomies, they wanted me to wear a bra 24/7. After my mastectomy, they didn't want me wearing a bra for 6 weeks. I think they usually want you to wear a bra with TE's. You might get more information on one of the recon threads. All my bras were underwires, so had to be replaced. The place they sent me for my bras and foob had every size you can think of.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited September 2012

    After my one-step bmx with recon I had to wear a soft stretchy bra the PS supplied.  Then I bought cotton sports bras from WalMart with front closure and wore them for quite a while as support.  No underwires were approved.  I hate underwire bras and now wear soft bras with a little padding.  But I was an A cup and am now a small B cup.  I can't imagine being DD!  So I have no advice for you well-endowed  bc sisters.

    Kaara, congrats on your good news.  I'm very glad for you.

    Mommarch, sounds to me like you need a gentle anti-depressant.  I take 75 mg Effexor in the generic form.  It's wonderful in keeping me mellow and it helps with the SEs of Arimidex. 

    DH and I are at his sister's house in Decatur, IL.  This is the last family visit, I'm happy to say.  I'm about "visited" out.  I may have mentioned that his sister has a rare and possibly fatal disease called Amyloidosis.  Amyloids are rogue proteins that attack various organs.  Her heart has already been damaged and damage has been detected to one lung.  She's on a chemo treatment now and is headed toward a stem cell transplant, which is dangerous and involves a lot of suffering and illness.  We watched a video explanation last night.  She has lost 25 lbs and isn't able to do very much.  I'm really hoping for the best.  Her dh is a retired physician and I can tell that he is very much afraid of the stem cell procedure.

    The weather is mild and rainy today. 

    Our plan is to depart on Fri. and head home to LA.  I will be glad to get back to house living even though arriving home always involves a lot of work to get things in order.

    Best wishes to everyone in the various stages of coping with bc. 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2012

    Went to see the PA today, It seems I am suffering from withdrawl of the cymbalta.  She said that even after you stop it it has a half life of 12 days, then you hit bottom.   She told me to take one capsule in the morning tomorrow and no more, that should stop my problems.   If I do not feel better in a few days to come back.  My blood iron is down by 2 points, not enough to really be a problem.  

    She told me to go ahead and take the ambien, it was not a problem for me. 

    I have an appointment with my ONC for my 4 month check up on Oct. 11th, of course he will do a massive amount of blood work.  I went to bed at 9:00 last night and slept until 6 this morning, I would have slept longer but had to get moving.

    Things have improved again at work so that helps too.

    Hugs to all and thank you for your concerns.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2012

    Went to see the PA today, It seems I am suffering from withdrawl of the cymbalta.  She said that even after you stop it it has a half life of 12 days, then you hit bottom.   She told me to take one capsule in the morning tomorrow and no more, that should stop my problems.   If I do not feel better in a few days to come back.  My blood iron is down by 2 points, not enough to really be a problem.  

    She told me to go ahead and take the ambien, it was not a problem for me. 

    I have an appointment with my ONC for my 4 month check up on Oct. 11th, of course he will do a massive amount of blood work.  I went to bed at 9:00 last night and slept until 6 this morning, I would have slept longer but had to get moving.

    Things have improved again at work so that helps too.

    Hugs to all and thank you for your concerns.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    Glad you found out just what was going on.  It is hard to do much, and certainly to enjoy much when you have nagging fears hanging over you and health you think should improve, doesn't.  Its great to have a direction and have a bit more to look forward to.  I really thought something like that because I did know that Cymbalta often needs lots of adjustments for people if they are to get the most out of it while holding se's at bay. 

    Glad work is going won't be a struggle to go now.  Many of us have to keep on and so having fair conditions makes it so much more pleasant. 

    See you all in the morning.  Great to hear from you Carole.  Wish the news about your SIL was a bit better.  We get what we get, but some things just sound so horrid ( like cancer isn't ) but having to have stem cells etc. She will sure be in my thoughts. 

    Hope you have a safe trip home.  I'll be thinking of you too.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2012

    I told my DH today, now I understand how the people on illegal drugs feel when they are comming down off a High.  No wonder they want more.  Of course I did not want more because it was making me so sick to may stomach.  Hopefully the one pill tomorrw will do the trick.  Will let you all know in a day or two.

    Take Care 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2012

    I told my DH today, now I understand how the people on illegal drugs feel when they are comming down off a High.  No wonder they want more.  Of course I did not want more because it was making me so sick to may stomach.  Hopefully the one pill tomorrw will do the trick.  Will let you all know in a day or two.

    Take Care 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Morning gals...... Sorry Carole that you all are dealing with  this!  I just can't imagine going through health problems that serious.  Be careful with the rest of your journey!

    Hope you are feeling better Mommarch!   It's like everytime we take something, it causes other things to go hay-wire! Hope this works for you.

    Jackie, let me know if you can get your PM's.  I sent you 3 yesterday, hoping that you can get them.  I know your email is on the fritz, but let me know.... Of course I guess if you aren't getting anything, you won't know what I'm talking about! Wink  I know so well, that foreign "things" take over our computers.  I couldn't get my I-pod to be recognized by my I-tunes the other day... I tried finding help on-line, and I found where you need to have "I-cloud" installed. 

    Well I didn't know what THAT was for, so I un-installed it last week.  THEN I found out they all work TOGETHER!   I worked on it, and finally got it down-loaded and installed..... plugged in my I-pod.... and YES!!  It works again~  I'm connected with my music.  I want to take that little Nano I-pod with us on the flight to Orlando in a couple weeks.  So I'm all set now.

    I have to learn to leave my settings alone.... If I don't know what it does, leave it alone... My Grand-son is the one who showed me how to navigate I-tunes!  And I love it now.  I've "burned" lots of disks from music I downloaded from the Internet, and can send them as gifts, or have my favorites with us when we travel!

    Okay talk to you later....... 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012
  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited September 2012

    I am sorry for all the health problems, family worries, and side effects.   Gentle Hugs.     And it looks like a couple of others are up and at it early -- more common than I realized.    The sun is coming up and time for coffee on my balcony - 3 stories up (apartment building).    

    Allthough I do not post often, I try to follow this thread often.    Blessings to all, Nancy 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited September 2012

    deleted because duplicate.   

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited September 2012

    Hi GramE. Jealous of you on your balcony with the sun coming up. Here in England one months rain in 24 hrs!. Grey and yukky out there, it is lunchtime here so off out for a paddle to our lunch venue with a few friends. First solo outing since my op on Friday, a bit nervous but sure all will be fine. Hope you have a lovely day.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012

    Morning Edith,

    Raining here too, highs today upper 60s.

    Wishing my ding blasted seroma wud melt away. Doc said it was too soon to do anything, unless it grows bigger. Carring an egg under my arm is not for me! Oh well if that's the worst, guess I can't complain. See onc on Friday.

    Chevy, love your good morning card! Jean 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited September 2012

    Good morning ladies! I'm also enjoying my coffee in a cup big enough to swim in! DH just left for work a bit ago. It's supposed to be in the upper 70's with rain here in Ohio today. I'm supposed to have lunch out with a friend, but she uses a power chair that doesn't do we'll in the rain, so we'll just have to wait and see.

    Chevyboy how did you delete iCloud? Last week I was busy on my iPad and an update popped up and I accepted it only to realize later that its iCloud. I don't use iPhone or iPod which is the main reason for iCloud, so if you download something on one, it automatically goes to the others. I've gone to settings, tapped on iCloud, then delete, but I still have it. My iPad seems to work slower with it on there.

    Blessings to all


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Hey, you gals are ALL up early, ha! 

    Paula!  I got that same prompt!  To download iCloud!  But I unchecked the box, then went into ADD-REMOVE programs, and did the deed there!  BUT like I said, I needed it for the iTunes, and iPod.... You probably even need it for your iPad, and iPhone???

    So now I'm afraid to remove anything, if I don't know what it is!  So you might NEED it, so something else will your iPad!

    It's STILL dark here, and really 54 degrees out.  Maybe if we make enough noise, we'll wake everyone else up, Ha!

    Hey GramE!  Sounds NICE where you live!  I/we go to bed sooo early, but I'm always awake anytime after 3, and maybe get up about 4!  It's nice to be "alone" sometimes around here.... 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012
    If in our daily life we can smile,
    if we can be peaceful and happy,
    not only we, but everyone will profit from it.
    This is the most basic kind of peace work.
    - Thich Nhat Hanh
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    Morning everyone.  It is raining as I speak.  Going to rain for three days they say.....we are on #2 but it didn't rain all day yesterday.....started really pouring last night during supper.  In the house we didn't hear too much with the T.V on but later....oh, wow !!!! the lightning and thunder was something else.  I got to sleep, but I think it did wake me up a few times.....remember looking at the clock and knowing I needed to just roll over and drift back to dream-land. 

    Paula....I have a 'larger' coffee cup as well.  I bought a set of Corelle --- yeah, you know, you get to a certain age where stoneware is just too difficult to keep putting up with ---  and hey ( Corelle ) makes the bigger mug sized cup so I learned.  I do fill it about half full the first it cools a little quicker because I need to get that morning buzz started quick....but after that it to the rim. 

    Don't know if anyone here has entries post really slow lately....don't know but could be several things....rotten weather here could be a factor.  I also think the satellites that carry our signals can get into interference spots at certain times of the year.  Or.....the other option....I don't have a clue and am looking for excuses. 

    Anyway......Chevy.  I did get some emails and pm's and I'm working on trying whatever repair I can find to get me back on the super Internet highway.  I just sent you a pm a little while ago before I came here.  I think this machine is just trying to humble me......and it's working. 

    Be hanging around late tonight.  I work till 8 p.m. tonight and through Friday.  My old time period.  My boss is taking some time off ( much needed ) so we are covering a 24 hour period....I will do a partial day on Saturday, but then beginning Monday -- back to the regularly scheduled time period. 

    Hope you all have a  fabulous Wednesday.  See you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited September 2012

     Ptdreamers and Mostly sew:

    Well, finallly saw my PC today.  He aspirated the seroma, removed 11 ccs fluid.  Sure is MORE COMFORTABLE tonight!

    As to the 'new' lump, he wants me to wait until I seen the MO and RO the 18th and 19th of Oct, then decide whether we should remove it.  He thinks it might involve scar tissue.  Will see what the others interpret the Diagnostic mammo I am to have the 11th.  

    Will update later.

    Everyone else, thanks for your concern and for allowing me to share in reading your posts.....


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited September 2012

    My last aspiration was 120cc"s. I see a surgeon on Monday to get a second opinion.

  • edithesther
    edithesther Member Posts: 56
    edited September 2012

    Bonnets, hope things go well with onc tomorrow. The seroma sounds really uncomfortable, hope that is sorted soon. Can't believe it is a week tomorrow since my op. This time last week I was unable to think straight and was convinced I wouldn't wake up.

     Out today looking for comfy bras again, fed up, trying asda ,aka Walmart here they look promising.

    Vicks hope that lump sorted out for you soon.

    Illinois lady, I have a mug for my tea that holds about a pint. Need that much just to get going.

    Hope you all have a good Thursday.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited September 2012

    Morning everyone!

    Carole:  Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation.  I'll be headed to Baton Rouge around the 10th of October for the USC/LSU football game.  I imagine the weather will still be very warm there.

    Chevy:  Glad all is well with you...hopefully I'll be out your way in February this year for my annual ski trip that I missed last year!

    vicks:  That seroma sounds uncomfortable..glad it's gone!

    Jackie:  I hope we don't get any of that rain...I have friends coming for all of next week and it's no fun in the mountains with rain...spoils the views!!

    Have a great day everyone! 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited September 2012

    Edithesther~every time I see you on here the song FERRY CROSS THE MERSEY starts making its way through my mind. I loved that song and that era of music and all the British musicians who made it happen!



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012
    Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the
    good and happiness of one another. -
    --  Eustace Budgell
  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012


    Good to see you had the seroma aspirated, mine is soooo annoying. Surgeon said too soon to do anything, unless it gets  larger!


    Wow, hope mine doesn't get that big.


    Do you have Kohls there? I found a good selection at Kohls. 

    Go to see my primary/onc this afternoon, find out what he recommends. Jean 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2012

    Well the buzz is gone in my head, I feel better, still pretty fatigued, but I think part of that is from the tamoxifen.

    If the way I felt was withdrawls from the Cymbalta I could not imagine what addicts go through.

    Have alot I would like to get done around the house this weekend, hope I will feel like doing at least part of it.

    Our son and his family will be cmming the week of Thanksgiving from College Station, and our daughter and her new husband will be comming also from FL.  I guess the Plan is that our grandaughter will go back to FL with them, she is not happy about it at all.  Her place is with her Mom, we will miss her greatly.  I hope it will work out OK.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Mommarch.... I remember when our Daughter moved with her DH and our 2 Grandsons to Orlando.....  I was such a baby.... We had been with those boys from the time they were babies, almost every day, watching them, until they moved to Colorado Springs.  They lived there for about 6 years, moved closer to us to Littleton Colo. THEN after about 5 years, moved to Orlando.  Man, I thought I would die of lonliness!   Our Grandsons and us are still very close.... I mean they call us about every week.... and they are 25 and 27.  But so funny how we kept that "bond!" 

    I used to take them EVERYwhere!  Just to do something fun every day that I could have them.   I only worked part time, so I would pick them up from their "prison day care" and rescue them to take home with ME!   So many memories of watching "our boys" grow up, before they moved. 

    So we are going to see them all in about a week and a half!   It's been about 3 years since we have seen our Daughter!  Our Daughter was here when I had BC surgery, but haven't seen the boys for about 4 years.   A lot has changed, when you think about it!   New replacement pace-maker for DH, and new hearing aids....but so far, so good.  At least we are still able to do a lot of things we want to.

    Vicki.... So glad you got a little relief from that Seroma!  Glad I didn't have to have that done... but that's better than putting up with it!

    Dreamers!  Holy Cow girl!  You must have been miserable with that thing! 

    And yes Kaara.... You have come a long way!  I remember how afraid you were..... But it all settles down, hopefully, and we kind of push it further from our minds.

    Jackie.... hope you get your settings on your computer figured out.... On this site, I read where other gals are having a slow time posting also, but it does go through finally!

    Okay, talk to you all later.....