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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Mommarch.... While I was on Tamoxifen, those leg cramps kept me awake, along with the Tamoxifen!  I tried everything for them too....  And when you feel tired, just go flop on a couch somewhere!  No need to try and act normal.... we all know!

     Wren.... so good yes, that we still have our Dh's!  They are more than stubborn, but when they think WE are not feeling well, they are positive WE must go see the Doc!    We usually do anyway.... we KNOW better....Wink

    Bonnets.... Does he wear it?  Ha!   I think the older they get, the crabbier they are....   If we could put them in a room for "time-out" I would do it! 

    Good luck getting things done, Jackie!  Or I mean kick-starting your DH to do it!   I've been trying to dig up roots from this Virginia Creeper we had growing around our fence.... The new neighbor is putting in a new custom razzle dazzle type of something, so I told him to go ahead and take out the chain-link, along with the vines.... But I've been out there, trying to clean up my side, before they come back!   I trimmed my Russian Sage bushes, so now I smell good, Ha!  And my 2 "Fire Bushes" are really spreading out good!  Hope they turn red before it snows!  I think the older they get, the more beautiful they become in the Fall!

    Our new neighbor guy is HUGE!  He was a Navy Seal, who used to parachute...until he hurt his knees and ankles.... Nice guy...not married, and with a new puppy... This Great Dane is only 13 weeks old, and so afraid of everything.... He is a real baby....and bigger than our short little Sheltie already!  He has a hard time controlling those long legs of his, with those BIG paws!Wink  He stumbles when he turns around.... and is always leaning on his "Dad."

    Okay.... gonna go relax......

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012
    1. "If you think sunshine brings you happiness, then you haven't danced in the rain." - Unknown
    2. "It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis." - Margaret Bonnano
  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2012

    I went off the Cymbalta last week I think it has been a week now.  My stomach is better but I am pretty blue today.

    I have never been this way in my life.  So strange to me, don't get me wrong of course things would get me down but I would just keep fighting.  I guess when my PA gets back next week I will go to see her.

    I really don't know what to do about our Grandaughter.  She just refuses to even think about living in FL with her Mom and David.  It is a major problem.   Guess I will make an appointment with our minister and then see where it goes.

    Take Care

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012

    Yes, he wore it to our senior group Monday. They liked it!

  • prairyk
    prairyk Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2012

    Hi out there. I'm "older" (just turned 68 this month), so glad to see this forum. I don't yet know all the terminology & abbreviations, so forgive me....I found the "dictionary" once but can't now.

    I was diagnosed Aug. 15 & first surgery Aug. 30. Pathology report showed need for 2nd surgery a week later—not clear enough margins. This has been followed by a rather intense infection & hematoma, with reopening the site and draining twice; antibiotics prescribed. I have had fibromyalgia & rather bad arthritis for years, so I'm used to pain & fatigue—just not quite this much.

    Tried to get that in a nutshell!

    I seem to get 6 days out from a procedure & get slapped back down, but it hasn't dampened my outlook for recovery—just slowed it down. I have to say I have a wonderful doctor I love, & she has fantastic, caring staff. Plus, it means so much to have good friends. Their encouragment keeps me going.  AND—I have the most wonderful husband in the world! I know I'm sounding like Pollyanna. Yes, he is very stubborn, so typically male in that respect. But he is SO supportive & helpful, going with me to every appointment & remembering to ask questions I forget. 

     I lived in the Chicago South Suburbs most of my life, moving to Kansas 18 years ago. My must-have food there is Aurelio's pizza. Still have a son & family (2 little granddaughters) back there, near Beecher. We were supposed to visit next month, but that's all on hold now. Thank goodness for the internet & picture cell phones. 

    I'm kind of scared about this hematoma right now, since the doctor had to reopen it & drain it again yesterday. A little scary. It's going to push back my radiation treatments. I'm to see the radiologist next Tuesday.

    Glad to find this forum & all of you. Sorry this post was so long. If nothing else, I'm long-winded!

    Sending you blessings on this beautiful fall day....

  • prairyk
    prairyk Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2012
    Jackie—I just started reading posts (only on p.2) & agree: " I'm old enough to do anything now"—isn't it a great place to be? I feel very content to not have to impress, strive, yield to others. I've attained a lot of my goals. I'm living a great life. Not to say there's not yet a lot I want to do—that is something that bothers me so much with this DX. But it also helps to clarify priorities & gives me permission to not do some things! Like I can sit & read if I want to. Put off the laundry until I feel better, or do something I'd rather do. It is a roller coast ride, for sure, but my son told me, "It's just a bump in the road." I intend to keep seeing it that way.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited September 2012

    This about deafness attributed to tamoxifen.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited September 2012

    Chevyboy it looks like deafness is caused by tamoxifen in about 56% of people over 60.

    I just typed in ( search bar ) tamoxifen & deafness. All kinds of articles popped up. The pharmaceutical company knows much more than they want any of us to know.

    I don't think I've posted on here before. I will be 62 in nov. I was diagnosed on July 27, 2012. I'm scheduled for mastectomy on October 22. We're waiting because DH started a new job in August and new insurance doesn't go into effect until oct. 1. I'm praying everyday that he will be hired when probationary period is over. I know that GOD opened the door for this job, and if HE opened it, I can't see it getting it slammed in our faces. But, still we are human, and we still worry when we shouldn't. I try to always trust in GOD, but I sometimes falter.

    I love the beautiful days we've been having here in the midwest. Warm mild days with cool nights for sleeping. It was 40 last night. We slept with the windows open and the fan on, snuggled under the quilt. I've slept with a fan summer and winter since I was 18 years old for the circulation and white noise.

    This is my 9th day on arimidex. So far no side effects. I do take Claritin with it. If anything, I'm sleepIng even better than usual. I was really concerned about the possibility of insomnia.

    You all have a wonderful day



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited September 2012
    prairyk , Welcome to the forum. Lots of great women here. I don't know how I'd be doing without the support from this group. Don't know where you are in Kansas, but I had relatives in Wichita and lived there when quite small.
  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited September 2012


    I sympathize with you on the hematoma stuff.  I too developed a HUGE one and had to have it excised surgically 4 days after the original surgery.  Surgeon removed 1000cc of fluids.  It does get better! (really).   Smile

    Sorry for the circumstances that brought you here, but you have found a great support group with the members here!!!!


  • w6uqfcgomeo
    w6uqfcgomeo Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2012

    Hi Paula and Prairyk -  I am new here too.  My name is Mary.    Does anyone have a "balloon" under their arm after Mastectomy?  Mary

  • Cindi74
    Cindi74 Member Posts: 69
    edited September 2012

    Hi Prairyk.  So sorry you joined us.  What a horrible trouble with a lumpectomy.  It's good that you had no nodes.  Otherwise you would be joining our Sept. chemo group of about 50.  I'm 75 and have been super healthy all my life.  Am having trouble adjusting to deep fatigue and staying in and not DOING anthing. 

    We have driven across Kansas several times.  Great Prarie Landscapes.  Wide Open Skys.  Nothing better than a supportive hubby.  Hope you feel better.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited September 2012

    Paula, that's difficult to have to wait to have your surgery.  Or it would have been difficult for me.  I wanted the tumor OUT OF ME!  Sure hope everything goes well, the surgery and the insurance situation.  It's interesting that you're taking arimidex before you have your surgery.  My bc dr. waited until after I was healed before she started me on the arimidex.  I've tolerated the se's pretty well and I, too, sleep well most of the time with the help of a benedryl.

    Welcome to Prairie and other newbies to this forum.  We look forward to hearing more from you and sharing day to day "stuff" as well as medical stuff.

    We're in Holland, MI.  Today is sunny but quite cool with a gusty wind that has a bite to it.  We went to the Windmill Island today, a tourist destination, but very interesting.  We did a tour of the old windmill on the property that was brought from Holland quite a few years ago.  I believe it's a couple of hundred years old or maybe older.  It's still used as a mill to produce flour, but is undergoing repairs at the present time.  We had lunch in a downtown restaurant and also browsed in an interesting store that sells olive oils and vinegars.  Pricey gourmet products.  I bought two different olive oils.

    Tomorrow it will be back to Joliet and the Chicago area.

    Hugs to all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Soteria!  I found you!  Mary mentioned your post about Tamoxifen....So you didn't take it?  You just know about it from the web???  Yes, I posted a few articles on my own about Deafness from Tamoxifen...  But these women don't want to get involved, I think!  I did contact the FDA, the pharmaceutical company that made the brand I took....but I think it's an uphill climb to nowhere....

    Jackie takes Arimidex, and is doing alright with good-luck with that one!

    Prairie... So glad you are happy with your life!  Man, that helps a lot!  A good attitude helps us a lot, especially after Breast Cancer...or any other "bump in the road!"

    Vicks!  Hi ya kiddo....Yes, I had a Seroma....which is not filled with blood... It is gradually going down, but we can still see the "pocket" with the mammograms!   They said it happens quite a few times, with fluid filling the place where they removed the tumor.

    Carole, yes it is so touch to wait for that surgery!  Paula, hopefully your DH will get that job....  I'm sorry you have to wait!

    Oh Wow! I thought I lost this post! It went somewhere, but I got it back...Wink....Paula, yes, I have sent that information to everyone I contacted about my deafness.... And I even started a thread on here, called "Deafness from Tamoxifen"....but no one has posted.... And yes, it is mostly older women, but a few on here aren't old at all...and they lost their hearing.

    Mary....When are you going to get that what-ever-it-is checked under your arm?   Could they do anything ELSE to you?  Man, you have really been through it.  I think you are now in a text-book somewhere, about "How to screw-up a Mastectomy"  And your "team" should hang their heads in shame!  What a bunch of dinks! 

    Cindi, yes.... a supportive Husband just makes everything so much better.... they make us think we know what we are talking about, when we don't!   That's what this thread is for....Ha! 

    Okay good to hear from you all! xoxooxxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012
    With courage you will dare to take risks,
    have the strength to be compassionate,
    and the wisdom to be humble.
    Courage is the foundation of integrity.
    - Keshavan Nair
  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012


    reading the stuff about Tamoxifen got me doing my homework, and reading the hormone therapy thread. Shud have my pathology back when I see the surgeon Monday, then my primary who is also an onc on next Thursday. See that for us "older women", 60 or above only recurrance is lessened with hormone therapy and the side effects are , for me not worth the risk. Especially  the deafness, as I had 2 deaf daughters, possibly from medication i took for morning sickness. Life expectancy is n o different with or without therapy. Only possibility I might try wud be Evista, though there are risks with that too. Will be interesting to see what my primary /onc says to that. Jean

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Hey Jean.....Just do what you think is best for you.... Especially because you have a history of deafness... Tamoxifen is like a chemo drug.... And chemo drugs are VERY hard on hair follicles, which is what the nerves in your ears are like.  Deafness from any type of drug, can be either temporary or permanent......   If the "hair follicles" just lay over and don't move again, then it is permanent....  Sometimes a little hearing will come back... But mine hasn't.  It will be 2 years in February, that I got my hearing aids.

    How are your Daughter's doing?  I'm so sorry!  But you know, we get used to it, after awhile, and maybe they never "knew" they were hard of hearing.  Do they wear hearing aids. 

    And I know about the life expectancy.... and same with me.... I don't think it is worth it.   And I'm 75...Ha!  I still figure I've got a good 10-15 years left... So I'll handle these bumps in the road as they come...Wink  I consider myself so fortunate that I have lived this long!   And still pretty healthy!  

    I had the Onco test, and my score was 19, which wasn't great...but I think my age had something to do with my Doc saying I didn't need chemo.

    Besides I told them I didn't want to do it.   I want to hang onto as many parts as I can...including my hair, at this age!   First my top teeth, then my ears, and what ELSE?   So I have an upper plate, fancy hearing aids, and 1 & 3/4 breasts....! I'm ready to go dancing!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    Hi everyone,

    Been sort of missing in action....just dealing with my knee issues.....nothing much resolved there, but I think at least the brace is keeping it comfortable.  I have been fortunate....even though the ER Dr. felt it was some cartilage...coming loose, it must not be very much and in a good spot for not causing too much distress as I have had so REAL pain....just one small area along side my knee that feels strained a bit after doing some of the walking that I have to do.  So.....another couple of weeks of brace and we will see how it goes. 

    As far as any of the AL's --- if you do have side effects.....a lot of the time there seems little rhyme or reason to hearing loss, even if it runs in the family may not happen.  You just can't know for sure what you will of the biggest reasons why so many times it all becomes such a headache and bit decision.....there is nothing predictable about how YOUR body will actually handle it.  So.....I just figure go with what your gut feeling is once you are presented with the usual, nothing is certain but death and taxes.....and that is how the AL's are too. 

    Wishing you well as you make this decision.  I have used Arimidex -- now generic Anastrozole for almost four years and nothing much to talk about.  I've been fairly fortunate.....notice weather changes now and then, but nothing that would give me enough upset to change anything. 

    Hope you all had a wonderful day.  I'm looking forward to Friday......bringing the week-end.  Don't know what I'll get done with a gimpy knee, but I can manage a few things. 

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

    I edited this as I had the word not when I meant now about Arimidex and its generic anastrozole

    IllinoisLady: • In separateness lies the world's great misery, in compassion lies the world's great strength. Buddha.
    Dx 9/27/2007, IDC, 5cm, Stage II, Grade 3, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR-, HER2-

  • prairyk
    prairyk Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2012

    Cindi: What did you mean I "had no nodes"? I did have 3 removed....

    Wren: I live about 60 miles NE of Wichita; I go to the doctor in Wichita in fact.

    Vicks: Did you have any further trouble because of the hematoma, or did it dissipate after it was excised? I've had mine done twice now & am ready to be done with that business! Today was much, much better though, with very little drainage.

    Today I felt so much better, & it was a beautiful day. I live in the Flint Hills—not that wide open prairie you may have seen, Cindi. Still, the pastures are beautiful & we have the most wonderful wildflowers imaginable—spring & fall. Today we went for a short ride to take the recycling & drove slowly so we could take in all the yellows, blues & purples. Breathtaking! We also have a lot of wildlife, deer & turkeys especially, in the field next to us & sometimes even the yard. 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited September 2012

    Hi, all.  We had an inspiring experience today.  DH and I along with his cousin Cal and Cal's dh went to visit dh's and Cal's Aunt Charlotte, who lives in an Independent Living apartment at a retirement center in Indiana.  Aunt Charlotte celebrated her 100th birthday this year.  She's amazing.  She was beautifully dressed and groomed.  She wanted to go out to lunch at Red Lobster, one of her favorite restaurants.  So the five of us went to Red Lobster where she ordered a glass of wine with her lunch!  She still sees very well and has an excellent memory.  She is a little hard of hearing and walks with a walker.  Absolutely amazing.

    Otherwise, I am getting more and more eager to GO HOME!  But there are more visits before we head south to heat and humidity and home.  It's so nice to sit here tonight in our camper and not have to carry on conversation.  I may not talk for a week when I get home!

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited September 2012


    It took several weeks (actually almost 3 months for the side effects of the hematoma to go away.  The BS had told me it could take "a long time".

    I continue to have some discomfort at times, and have found a couple new to me lumps in that breast.  When I found the first on about 6 weeks ago, my PC had me get a diagnostic mammogram, and ultrasound done.  They think it is a Seroma (fluid filled sack in the area where the tissue was removed) The surgeon told my husband that he removed tissue amount larger than a golf ball but smaller than a tennis ball.   I am waiting for a call back from the PC about this second one (he is out of the office until Monday).  I have had appointments (scheduled since mid April) for another diagnostic mammo, of both breasts with follow up with both the RO and MO.  The MO will also do a blood workup.  It is my understanding that will be the 6 month routine for me for the next 4 (+/-) years.  

    If I can answer any other questions, feel free to ask here or PM me.

    This journey is not fun, but one we must persue anyway...


  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited September 2012


    It took several weeks (actually almost 3 months for the side effects of the hematoma to go away.  The BS had told me it could take "a long time".

    I continue to have some discomfort at times, and have found a couple new to me lumps in that breast.  When I found the first on about 6 weeks ago, my PC had me get a diagnostic mammogram, and ultrasound done.  They think it is a Seroma (fluid filled sack in the area where the tissue was removed) The surgeon told my husband that he removed tissue amount larger than a golf ball but smaller than a tennis ball.   I am waiting for a call back from the PC about this second one (he is out of the office until Monday).  I have had appointments (scheduled since mid April) for another diagnostic mammo, of both breasts with follow up with both the RO and MO.  The MO will also do a blood workup.  It is my understanding that will be the 6 month routine for me for the next 4 (+/-) years.  

    If I can answer any other questions, feel free to ask here or PM me.

    This journey is not fun, but one we must persue anyway...


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited September 2012

    Vicks1960, let me and mostly sew know what your PS says about your seroma. We are dealing  with that also. Thanks

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited September 2012

    Vicks1960, let me and mostly sew know what your PS says about your seroma. We are dealing  with that also. Thanks

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393
    edited September 2012


    After I see any or all of the drs. I will post here.  I know that breast is feeling rather full and a bit uncomfortable with or without bra on.   

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012


    You asked about my daughters, my oldest wud have been 42 in January, she died from BC, at the age of 33, almost 9 years ago. She went to  regular school all her life, had degrees in education and home schooled her 3 kids. She was married to a hearing man and was very much in the hearing world , though profoundly deaf. 

    Her sister is going to be 39 in December, is more involved in the deaf community, married to a deaf man and has 4 kids. She is a teacher of reading and english as a second language to hearing impaired kids. Trying to get her to test for BRACA, even though I am neg. Both girls wee brought up in a auditory oral program and wore hearing aids. Lori is a fluent signer , as is her husband. It took lots of work on everyones behalf, to give then choises in their lives and the ability to communicate. Jean 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    You know Jean.... I will never complain again.  Your story of your Daughter's is so profound....and all they went through.  I admire you, and the life you have shown them.   You are very proud of them, I can tell!   My Daughter's are 2 1/2 years apart also!  One is 54 TODAY, and our youngest is 51.... And our 55th anniversary is just next week! 

    About the BRCA test.... can you get that type if your Mother didn't pass it on to you?    I don't know much about it.  But thanks for sharing your story....I'll remember it...

    I would never tell anyone NOT to take Tamoxifen....  It would probably never happen again.... It's everyone's choice on how to treat after cancer....  Some things just happen randomly .... and no-one knows why THIS person had this happen, and all these other one's didn't. 

    Dreamers...You have a seroma also?  I think I said before, that mine shows on the Mammogram, and I can still feel it, when I lay on the opposite side, but it doesn't bother me....It used to feel like an egg in there...but mine is flattening out nicely...and it's almost 3 years...!  Well, it was 3 years next month, that the mammogram "saw" it. 

    Yes, Vicks, your Oncologist will usually continue your care...  Mine thought I should go every 3 months, then 6 after 3 years, then annually...But I cut out all the middle men, and just see my PC once a year for a physical, and the blood work. 

    Okay gals...going to do some cement work.... talk to you later!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012


    Gotta ask, what is a Mammosite device? Jean

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited September 2012

    Wow Ladies my boys are a bit spread out! My Shawn will be 40 next month, and Jesse just turned 24. I tell Jess he was an afterthought.

    I thought tamoxifen was just for those who still have working ovaries. I guess I still have a lot to learn about all of this. My favorite aunt that I affectionately refer to as aJ had BC when she was 67. I've no idea what kind she had, but she had a mastectomy, and took a shot everyday for a year. She took tamoxifen for 5 years and was cancer free until she was 81 and was diagnosed with colon cancer, but that ran in her family. Her mom, brother & sister ( my mom) all had colon cancer, so I don't think it was from BC. She passed away in June at 86. As far as we know she was still cancer free.

    I'm just hanging in limbo here. I read the posts but since surgery isn't until late oct. I don't even know full extent of stage, grade, or treatment. I'm just trusting God.



  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited September 2012

    Chevy, I have a friend whose daughter has BC, Mom is neg, 2 daughters are positive, 2 are negative!

    I don't know what my older daughter was, as she never got tested. Jean