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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2013

    Jackie:  I lived in Michigan in the 60's as well...we moved to Bloomfield Hills in '68...the year the Tigers won the World Series (the extent of my knowledge about  We lived there for several years and then moved to Traverse City where we lived until we moved to Florida in '74.  I loved Traverse City and would move back there in a minute if it weren't so far from my kids.

    Today I'm going to my MO for my regular check...not expecting any surprises...he just does blood work and checks me over.  I'm still taking my 1/2 dose of tamoxifen.  My last thermography and mammogram were both clear.

    Weather here has been beautiful!  Another day in the low 70's, so I'll make the most of it and spend it outside!  Have a great day everyone!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Hi gals---It funny how u start talking people are fsmiliar with what or who u are talking--we're all connected in some way--Six degrees of separtion as they say.

    Kaar good weather planned for u.

    And Bonnetts we're supposed to start with the snow soon--I'll let u know the real story as it unfolds. We usually are a day ahead of u--unless the winds change.

    I hope everyone has a good day today.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited March 2013

    Chevy, we enjoy bluegrass music.  The Teluride bluegrass festival is supposed to be great but we've never been there for it.  Haven't been there at all, actually. 

    I'm up early this morning to go with dh to the gym.

    Wishing everyone a good Tues.  Hope I got the right day!  LOL.  It's early.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2013

    Carole:  If you ever have a chance to go to Telluride do it!  There is a golf course there that is magnificient!  We teed off at 9,000 plus feet and the scenery is would love it!  It was fun to eat in town and people watch.  Celebrities love to go there and they dress to! I like it much better than Aspen, it's just hard to get to.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Kaara, I've heard that!  Don't they have to take a tram or something over the mountain to get to the city?  My Brother was telling me that.  Okay, I remembered... he played with Ralph Emery Morning show that broadcast from the OpreyLand Hotel years ago!    And he was with Dobie Gray, and Barefoot Jerry.  He was the drummer  on a lot of music with Ray Charles also..

    He still plays a travels around locally to play with Darrell Scott....  And has video's out about his "Hand-Drummin"...  Not that I'm proud or anything!  Wink  We used to drive everyone NUTS when we were growing up, because when our folks were gone, we would turn up the radio all the way, to some station, and Kenny would play his drum-set as loud as he could!  Ha, ha!  And I would be singing just as loud! 

    He had all the talent in the family.... except I remember my Mom playing the piano, and her and Dad harmonizing when we were driving somewhere, with the radio playing.  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    The secret of contentment is the realization
    that life is a gift, not a right.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    Morning from southern Illinois.  "We had a fantastic day yesterday....nice sun and good warm temps, though windy.  Well, of course, the wind was to blow up today's yuck.  If weather people are right, first some rain, then some sleet, then some snow.  Maybe 2 ins. tops so it won't be bad that way.  Just hating that the sleet/ice has to be a part of it.  The kicker is.....later towards end of the week 60...........Really.  I mean golly....seems the past three or so years we have had these wild inconsistencies.  Oh well !!!!!!  This is the really great part, I'm here to complain. 

    Camille, as we are on the  next page I don't recall exactly but do have the feeling you said it so well.  It is a small world, and we are all a part of each other.  We are ( in this world ) a tiny jillion pieces of whomever or whatever created us.  I say it in this way as it is more universal. 

    Chevy --- wow !!!  I have heard you talk about your brother/family before, but either didn't recall ( often somewhere in lu-lu land just for the fun of it )  or just forgot.  I've not been  much of a fan of that music, but do like the occasional piece.  I like most music actually, but never really got into blues and bluegrass much. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.  Mine will be good because for me there isn't ( or at least too often ) any other kind.

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Chevy what fun u'r family had and how cool is that u'r brother in all this music that he loves to do. I don't remember u telling us tht, but u might have.I really admire someone doing something they love for their life--it's so rejuvenating. U do have good memories.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    Laughing at what kids did when they were young, and they talk about it today......we would go bowling on Friday nights..remember I have 6.. The youngest was always in bed, and my mother lived across the street....the oldest was 15' a boy, he was in charge....then it was 14' 13, 9, and 7..........this was the era of Tom Jones,,,,,loved him, and had all his albums.......the kids played something called....."Concert" oldest son was Tom Jones, my 2 daughters were the "backup singers"......and the 2 younger boys were the "audience" older son would blast the stereo, and had a hairbrush as his microphone, and sing at the top of his lungs, while my daughters sang even louder, and would get banged with the brush if they sang louder then him............the 2 on the sofa had to keep clapping, or they would get tapped with the brush also.........

    At my granddaughters wedding (oldest sons daughter"....(alias Tom Jones) was shocked when the DJ played Tom Jones, and my girls, and 2 sons dragged him on the dance floor......put a brush in his hand, and told him.......".sing, " or you get beat with the brush......he did, they did, and my youngest sons now 46' and 44 sat on chairs in front of them, and was the hit of the night........memories are great......

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Oh WOW, I know!  My Brother used to drag his drum-set out on the front lawn, and bring his little record player with a Looooooong extension cord out, and plug it in, and play EVERYthing!    Those 78 rpm records!  The neighbors would all come out and just sit there and listen.... Ha!    He even took requests.   

    He joined the Denver Junior Police Band when he was 7.... grew up playing with them, even later went to Washington D.C. to play for Eisenhowers Inauguration......  He joined the Navy  when he was 17, and eventually played with the Navy Band..... then he taught drums, and played for the Naval Amphibian Training Base.... 

    He gave up the Navy, just 2 years before he could have retired, and took his wife and 4 little kids to Nashville in a little Corvair.  He met up with Bobby Goldsboro, who showed him around, and he has made a very good living.    Played with the best of them!   I'm so proud of my little Brother!  I saved all his information that was on Google.... Ha!..... Kenny Malone....  best drummer in the world....Wink

    His Grandson is now living with him....   Jake's Mom, Laura, (Kenny's oldest Daughter), died from Breast Cancer with mets.... but fought it for 12 years....... Long enough to help her Son get his start in life.    His Dad was a drunk..... long story, and Jake was just running wild.... but NOW, he got his GED, and Kenny is raising him, teaching him drums, and they really seem to be happy.....   It was rough there for awhile....  Kenny losing his girl, then his Grand-son going crazy, and Kenny's own Son being worthless and homeless.   You would think that when you get to be a certain age, that life would become easier....  but your kids don't always let that happen. 

    Ducky!  Funny story!  I LOVED Tom Jones!  Even Englebert Humperdink!  Ha, ha!  And those tight pants!!!!!!!  Damn!  Did anyone ELSE notice? 

    Your kids sound like soooo much fun!  I know you enjoyed them!

    Yes, Camille.... Kenny is 74, but still working and recording.  He is a back-up studio musician, but also made a video about "Hand Drummin"....  Okay.... enough bragging....  Then there is me.... I can't even sing a song in tune!    

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2013

    Chevy:  Yes, you do have to take a gondola from the top of the mountain in Telluride down into town as there are no cars allowed there.  It's free and the view is spectacular when you come over the top of the ridge...the vertical drop is scary...not for those afraid of heights!  Somewhere I have photos.

    I have a friend who plays bluegrass in Nashville...I've lost track of him this past year...they are a close knit group so they all probably know each other.  His name is Dan Gravas....nice guy.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2013

    Hi gals!

    I think I am finally regrouped from vacation. The laundry is caught up and there is food in the house.  We have SNOW.....nearly 4 inches now and more falling as I write.  I knew there was a reason that I didn't want to come home.  Like Jackie says, our area is supposed to get warmer temps this weekend which will melt all this snow and make things a muddy mess.

    Chevy, wow!  You should be proud of your brother.  Musical talent is such a wonderful gift.

    Kaara...You sound so happy and that makes me happy for you! 

    Duckyb...I enjoyed sharing your memories!  How times have changed, right?  I remember playing outside ALL the time  We played those backyard games....Duck, Duck Goose;  Mother may I?;  Red Rover; Spud; Volleyball, Badminton, and neighborhood softball games.  Kids today don't know what they are missing!

    Hello to all of you!  Ill be back tomorrow. I have a free day until tomorrow evening.  Sometimes those days are nice!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    And don't forget croquet!  Ha, ha!  There used to be a vacant lot across the street from us.... So one Winter, my Brother and his friends decided to build an ice skating rink...!  They made a dirt barrier, and we all pulled our hoses across the street, and from the other neighbors, and let the water run all night...  It froze pretty good!   But the ice was not smooth, so I just remember them falling all over the place!  Wink

    And we also had a ditch across the street!  And up the next block, was a wide area.... like a little pond!  So those boys built a wooden raft, to fool around in it.... couldn't go anywhere, but they really had fun with it!  And we would sneak over there under the trees, and SMOKE....  Ha, ha!  But that's all we did "wrong".... Other than the time my Brother poured gasoline in the ditch and set it on fire....  Man, I thought he would get KILLED when the fire-department came!   Or the time he threw a cherry bomb in the back ash-pit, and blew it to smithereens!  Ha, ha!    THAT time my Dad was ready to THROW him in the ditch!  Wink

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Ducky great story and for them to redo it is even better--I love it.

    And all the memories are great  And I remember Red rover and the rest all we did was play outside--it was great.

    And Chevy u should be proud of u'r brother for his talent and for doing what he loves. Wonderful

    Kaara it's almost the weekend. LOL

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited March 2013

    Hi all, Happy Snow Day!  Ritajean, glad you had a great trip.  I guess this storm's for you didn't forget where you're from....we are having rain all day then snow Wednesday overnight...then a 2nd storm - ending with maybe 4" after all the rain and slush.
    I haven't been on here, a week end away, and more work...tried to catch up but didn't get too far.  I will catch up reading when I can.
    Am feeling very achey this week...much more than usual.  I can't tell whether it's the Femara or the Crestor (statin) - both have aches as SEs...but the Crestor dose was doubled about a month ago.  I will check with cardiologist and then decrease back to see if it helps. 
    Thinking of everyone here and will check back here soon.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2013

    Joan, both my DH and I had trouble with the statins. We had miserable aches and pains, til we took Crestor, but we are only on 5mg, which is working for us.

    Waiting for the snow. Depends on which forecast you listen to , if we will get 2 inches or 12! Only time will tell. Got to get to my surgeons appt this morning. Don't know about tomorrows cardio and sono. We will see.

    Kitty had her tooth pulled, came home like a drunken sailor! Have to see how she is later today, poor thing.

    Yep, Chevy we went out and played all day. My Mom had a tea kettle whistle she blew when she wanted me to come home. Everyone in the neighborhood knew what that whistle meant. I remember catching snakes in the vacent lots, playing Monopoly and Go to the Head of The Class on the stoop. No technology!

    Have a good day

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2013

    Good morning gals!  It is a winter wonderland outside my window this morning.  We ended up with a little over 4 inches and had lots of wind.  Several of our rural schools in the area are closed today because of the drifting.  My youth group is cancelled for tonight so I have an entire day to roam the house.  :-)

    Yep, Chevy...we played lots of croquet.  I still have the family croquet set and get it out when my oldest grandson comes.  He likes to play it.  Memories hold such an important place in our lives.

    Joan, it sounds like you have been busy!  I hope you the snow doesn't cause too many travel problems for you. 

    Kaara and snow for you gals!  :-) 

    How's the repaired furnace doing Jacke?  I'm so glad you got it fixed!  Hugs!

    bonnets..glad that kitty's tooth procedure is finished.  She should feel lots better once that "crazy juice" wears off!  She'll probably eat better, too.

    Well, I'll be back later but I think I'm going to try to get something accomplished this morning. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    The circumstances of your life do not describe and can not constrain the greatness of your soul. ~ Synthia Andrews

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    Good Morning ladies....some good advice from me to you all......My daughter's friend is a nutritionist...she heard I was on a statin for daughter told her about my ache and pains as a result......she told my daughter that I should be taking COQ10......200mg a day.......I did, and the aches and joint pain eased considerably.......almost completely gone...............after going on Letrozole some returned, but I shutter to think how much worst it would have been without the COQ10..........give it a try.....but it has to be at least SE's at all, and very safe........MO approved also.......

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2013

    Ducky:  Thanks for putting that out there....COQ10 is a great product...everyone should be taking it at our age because our bodies stop producing it as we get older!

    Rita:  I had enough snow in Colorado last week to last me all!  I'm loving the warmer temps these days.

    My sweetie just called and he is headed this way tomorrow...couldn't wait for the weekend.  I'm excited to see him again and we can pick up where we left off.  He is staying here until the end of March and then we are going back to Greenville together.  We will be there until the fall, but we're planning a road trip out west that will take up the entire month of June.

    Today I'm having a shopping trip and lunch with my DD.  We became a lot closer on the ski trip...guess she decided her old Mom wasn't so old after!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Oh Wow Ducky!  You can be our Doctor!  I DO have that.... I have a LOT of vitamins and supplements.... I just don't take them!   Someone PLEASE make me go back on them....  It's just that I didn't notice any difference in anything when I took them! 

    I didn't think they were doing any good, to anything....  I just need someone to MAKE me do it.....

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2013

    Kaara...what an exciting time in your life as you and your new friend explore your new relationship!  I'm so happy for you!  Your June road trip sounds wonderful!

    Chevy,  I take Vitamin D 3 and calcium every day.  Other than that, I have gotten away from the supplements, too.  There are so many different pros and cons about them and I ended up completely confused about what I should be taking.  Like you, I never noticed a drastic difference with or without them.

    I've done a few things around the house but have otherwise had a completely lazy day.  Why do I always feel so guilty when I have days like this?????  There are so many things I could be doing.  I think I need to get back into my Illinois routine....or at least begin working on those horrid taxes.  UGH!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    COQ10 is one of the proven supplements...remember I said 200 mg a day......I had been taking 50 which came with my 1a day did nothing for my statin caused muscle was not till I took the 200 mg that I noticed a big change......if your not on a statin, then don't bother, but if you are, and have muscle and joint pain you should be on a high dose........for you who don't know......Statins deplete your COQ10....go to Web,MD, and read about it, or for that matter Google it....

    She also recommended Krill Oil, which I use instead of Fish fishy burps.......

    She also told me to way up my daily Protein.....also helps cancer recurrences....

    This person's mother got BC at 45......she did exactly what her daughter told my daughter I should do..........she is now 80, with no recurrence, and was Stage 3.....they could see the tumor when they found it.............made me a believer.....

  • munnybunni
    munnybunni Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2013

    i would like to thank everyone for the info and comments about the NED and all

    i will be going next week to chemo dr for a checkup..she has me come every three months.

    after this last cad-o-wac surgery as i call it....the blood sugars are high because of the prednisone and it is a real struggle to keep them down.  will be hopping on treadmill shortly

    thanks so much everyone...will be getting on to read all your post more often as i need the support...thanks

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited March 2013

    Dh has had problems with every statin he has taken.  And he takes 400 mg of the COQ 10 at his cardiologist's direction.  He just went off the latest statin.  He has 3 stents so his cardio dr. really wants him on a statin.  I take lipitor and don't have a problem with it.  Hoping I won't need to take it once I stop taking arimidex.

    Rita, are you noticing any improvements in your wellbeing since stopping arimidex?

    The trees are leafing out here.  Spring is definitely just around the corner.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Carole u'r DH has 3 stents--geeze he must be on a lot of meds, Oh I'm sorry but he sounds pretty good so that's good.

    Oh and thanks for mentioning u'r Spring is popping up.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited March 2013

    Lots of good stuff here today!  I had no problems on Crestor 5mg.  When cardio doubled it to 10 mg, I was ok but after a few weeks I started to feel the pain.  I want to go back to 5 and eventually get off it.  This week has been bad with leg, foot, and shoulder pain.   
    Doc did not mention the coQ10 but a biologist I work with recommends it, and another person at work told me about it.  I forgot...thanks, Ducky.  I will call cardio doc and discuss with him.
    I drove home from work in blowing rain/snow but nothing right now.  We should get some overnight and also tomorrow night.  Wind is ferocious.  I want my lights to stay on!
    Spring is not here....but this Saturday our town "wakes up" with a huge St. Patrick's Day parade.  My DDs are not coming this year which means I don't see my grandkids or get to take them to the carnival at the end of the parade.  I do not think I will even go this year...too sad w/o the kids.  DD#3 with DH and 2 daughters have been renting a summer home right nearby.  Each year I got to see the grandkids every week end and hang out at the beach...go to the park, to the outdoor cafes and for ice cream at night with my little girls...this year they do not plan to rent and that just makes summer so different for me. 
    One good thing - they invited me to join them in the Caribbean in April so I will 'overdose' on sandy hugs and kisses and lots of play time.
    Gotta get sleep - up in a few hours!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2013

    Coincidentally I just read an article in my Life Extension blog about COQ10 and the benefits, as well as the safety record.  It is highly recommended if you take statins or have any kind of heart issues in particular.  Don't expect traditional doctors to recommend it as they usually do not promote any kind of over the counter supplement.  If in doubt, speak with a nutritionist.

    I'm headed to W. Palm to visit my 3 year old DGD today...miss her!  She is grandma's girl and I haven't seen enough of her lately.  My BF is returning to Florida late this afternoon, so must go early to get this visit in.  Lunch and shopping with DD was fun yesterday...wish we could do more of that, but she has so much on her plate.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013
    Morning gals!  Supposed to be around 60 today, and then snow this Saturday.... But it IS looking a little like Spring in one of my gardens... I can see the tops of little daffodils peeking through in one area.


    Hi Camille and Joan...  Yes, Camille, my Brother and I have always been close, even though he is in Nashville...  When we were kids, which ever one of us got home first from a date, we would make tea, and sit and wait for the other...  And he was my rock when our Dad passed away...  We had already lost Mom a couple years before, so we had to get rid of everything they ever owned... and pack things up that the neighbors didn't want, and put their home up for sale... Even their little dog, who was so crippled, my one Daughter and my Brother took him away to have him put to sleep.  You know, when I look back on that time, and remember everything, I don't know how we made it.  I couldn't have done it without him and my Daughters'.....  Oh well, life goes on.


    Joan, did you get a lot of snow?   And how is the Femara treating you?  Maybe a good idea to ask Doc before you decrease anything?  I know some women "take a break" from the Als, for like a week at a time...and then go back on.


    Hi Bonnets..YES!  We caught horney-toads!  Ha, ha!  Mom said we would get warts if we touched them.  So we raised caterpillars instead!  Had JARS of them on a shelf in the shed...  Fed the leaves and gave them sticks to crawl on...  We used to see those big yellow furry ones.... We had a caterpillar "farm"...But I haven't seen that kind in years!   They aren't around anymore...  Tomato worms just got thrown in the ditch.... Ha!


    Morning Rita... Schools used to close here also, but it takes a REALLY big  snow-storm  and about 12 inches before they do that anymore.  Yes, fun memories are the best.. about growing up.  AMAzing that we could have so much fun without computers, Iphones, Ipads, or SOMEthing stuck in our ears...Ha!   And we rode our bicycles EVEYwhere!  I put our Dog "Sport" in my basket, and we were un-stoppable. 


    There's Ducky's post...  Thanks for that info about Co-Q 10... now if I would just START taking my vitamins...   I need someone to just tie me down and  throw them all in my throat... Ha, ha!


    Yes Kaara, I've heard we stop producing melatonin also, and that's why we don't sleep as well as we get older....  You sound like you are having sooo much fun!  Good for you...You two NEED each other...  It's like he was meant for you, I mean the way you talk about him.... 


    Hi Munnybunni... are you doing alright?  I must have missed something...  What surgery did you just have done?   How long have you taken Prednisone, and for what?  Take care of yourself.



    Carole, your DH has 3 stents?  Are those used to keep his veins open?  My husband has a pace-maker.... different problems with his heart...  The lower part just quit... maybe inherited? But a Pacemaker took care of that problem.  In fact, he had it replaced about 3 years ago, and doing good.  They last about 8 years.


    Joan, man I HATE driving in snow or on ice!  Or even a blinding hail-storm.   Been caught in all of them, but try and not be anywhere now if it is going to get bad out.  I remember taking my girls down-town to the St. Patrick's day parades!  And then going to Sam's #3 for hamburgers afterwards!  How FUN!  

    And I know what you mean about missing your Grand-daughters.   I was the same with about my 2 Grand-sons...  They are such a big part of our lives...if we have been around them a lot.  When they moved to Orlando, I thought I would cry myself to sleep every night... They were older also, but it didn't matter... they would not BE here...  And when we get to see them now, it's like they are ALways the same... That love for them will never change.... And the phone calls are just as fun.

    They are not exactly little kids anymore, but always "my boys"... 23 and 26...


    Morning Jackie...  are you still having the time of your life with your Daughter?  When she is done straightening up your house, I could use her HERE...Ha!  I mean like organizing and everything.  I've been working in one of my kitchen cupboards lately, and moving a few things out to the spare garage shelves... like my 500 pound red stand mixer...  I don't use it much anymore!  And every time I had to get it out of this one cupboard, I almost fell over WITH it....  I just use a hand mixer now when I have to...  So "things" get moved out to those shelves, while I have more time to think about what I want to do with them.


    Okay .... I caught up!  Ha!  Have a nice day everyone! xoxoxo


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2013

    Chevy:  What a difference a week makes with weather in Colorado.  When we came through last week on the way to Breck, we barely were able to land it was snowing so bad; in fact, when we were still on the ground in Lauderdale, they announced that all connecting flights in Denver had been cancelled and they weren't going to pay for hotel rooms, so anyone with a connecting flight should think about staying put in Ft. Laud.  About 30 people got up and left the!  It was a pretty frigid week out there, but at least we had snow, so I'm not complaining!