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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited March 2013

    It's best read from the beginning because it builds upon itself. Took a while to get thru, but well worth it. Very very funny.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    I know Wren & Ducky.... You have to start at page 1.... then laugh your way through it all!  It would all be a fun book to read, like in paper-back! 

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited March 2013

    Happy Birthday Carole!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2013

    Happy Birthday Carole.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    Itis funny...have posted on there many times

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2013

    ducky, You might want to take vitamin D-3 and some magnesium to help with your joint pain.  It was suggested that I do that and it did help some.  I think it's partially what got me through that dang pill for 5 years.

    Chevy, if the garden things from the dollar store do work to hurry spring on its way, please let me know.  I will go and buy out that section of the store!  :-)  I am SO ready for spring!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited March 2013

    Ducky, when first got my dx, I found the "stupid" thread and L'dMAO  -- the best medicine!  Hilarious and best if read from the start.  The cartoons are the funniest ever...
    My Femara symptoms have been exacerbated by statins the past few weeks.
    Chevy, I didn't plan to reduce the statins until after I get my cholesterol tested and call my cardiologist.  He told me if i get increased pain to let him know and we'd adjust back down.  So lab test next week...
    Not much snow here, but it was a cold, snowy 24+ hours.  I slept in this morning to 8;30 and went to work late.
    Tonight i went to kohls and had a chat with the jewelery lady...she had Stage I BC 30 years ago and of course a radical mx and AIs and no recurrence....I am committed to taking the A.I. drugs, but have read some alternative therapy suggestions that if we "maintain a normal level of estrogen instead of supressing it, our breasts won't 'make' estrogen"....I really have to do research about whether the breast "makes" estrogen or just takes it up from the supply in the body.  It's all so confusing.  I just wish I knew how I'd be if I didn't take it. 
    Lightning bugs -- I honestly do not think I ever made a ring from the light...don't think I could do that.  Bad enough they'd ooze that sticky white stuff.  I think they die in the jar because most flying insects must drink water continuously.  And they probably do need to fly to cool off or something.  My brother & friends used to go to the field with their baseball bats and swing at the bugs.Typical...girls make rings, boys destroy entire bugs.
    Carole, it's after midnight, but Happy Birthday to you!!!  What a special time in your life and how blessed you are.  I admire your commitment to your mom, and to yourself - to take care of yourself and enjoy your life.  May you have many many more happy healthy birthdays! 
    Today (Saturday) is my anniversary...sometimes I feel like an old tire with worn tread but still spinning.  DH makes it so hard to get him something special...but I did pick out some new luggage (we are traveling in May) and a nice watch. DH always gets something special for me...but then I'm so easy as i love everything.   For both of us, I got 2 new king size pillow and a slow cooker...but now I am wondering where in the world I'll put it.  Kitchen's full...and I don't want more stuff on the counters.  Guess it's time to clean out all the 'stuff' I'm not using. We were going to travel upstate but I'm tired and also want to save $$ now it appears we will just go out to dinner.
    Bonnets, sounds like you got some snow...I hope you have a week end warmup like we're expecting.
    Chevy, I may have found out what was going on with my orchid.  I left it in a container that was wrapped, and the pot got moldy...I unwrapped it, and watered sparingly.  Now there is just one wilted bloom left.  No sign of regeneration....should I cut it back?  Throw it out? 
    I love to catch up much fun and wisdom...
    Happy week end,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Happy Anniversary Joan--and u'r planning a trip winderful.

    Oh I have read that thread and it is funny --I haven't read it for a while tho maybe I should reread it cuz I'm sure most of it is out of my memory bank.

    Ducky I totally understand about the pills, I remember finally taking 1 aspirin when it was abosolutely necessary. LOL My day starts with 10 pills and then thruout the day there's like 9 more hahaha I can barely keep track, I'm sure I miss some everyday--but I think that tiny little devil pill does all the mean stuff to me. hahaha We're all druggies of some sort here. Oh and then there are some vitamins. So we can stay healthy enough to feel so lousy.This is a hard road, but someone has to take it I guess.

    OK still snow on the ground not meltin much now what--crazy March is upon us and it came in like a Lion right--so itll go out as a lamb. And I can't think how early Easter is this year. And the main parade for St. Patricks' day around here is tomorrow--well today now cuz Chicago has there's next week-end so we're supposed to have it in the snow>>>>well I'm not going---I've made my decision last year anyway. 

    Have a good day everyone. See u later.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2013

    Hi gang,

    Beautiful and sunny today. About half of our snow melted yesterday.Supposed to be around 50 this week. Have a ladies Tea/brunch at church this morning. They call it a tea, but being a TEA person I know that's afternoon , not morning, so I'll call it brunch!

    My brother called from Ala. yesterday and invited me to go to Chicago with him in April. He has a dinner to attend. I haven't been back since my50th in 2010, so we will enjoy a few days of memories. It has changed soooo much and not for the better, I'm afraid. Dh says "been there, done that" so he will stay with the kitty.

    We seniors keep the drs and drug stores solvent! We were both unable to take  statins, til we tried Crestor 5 mg. Works and no SE for either of us! Got my sono results and they didn't see a stone, which is strange as I had 2 halves after they did litho. and I only passed one several years ago. Amamzing. Next week have first mammo and bone density. I'm still somewhat tender, so don't look forward to the mammo

    Guess i better get ready to go. Have a good day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Morning gals... Joan, I found this for you...

    There are a lot of articles about hormones and breast cancer... I know that Tamoxifen does not block your estrogen, it just blocks any cancer cells from feeding off of estrogen. I think the other Als block it.

    And they all have side effects, but most women feel those are worth it, for the protection they supposedly offer.... That is if they aren't too severe, or cause terrible side effects.

    Usually, once you are off of them, the SE's go away... except like for me with the Tamoxifen.

    I always wanted my Onco to TELL me IF the Tamoxifen was "working".... How did they KNOW that it really DOES block cancer cells, or that there were none left anyway. They can't know this. The blood work you get every three months shows any change, and hopefully they say, that the drugs must be working. Those drugs ARE a preventative...

    If you google your question, or ANY question, you will find lots of answers.... But I don't really know anything about the "alternative" therapy's"...

    THAT one is a whole new can of worms. Some women SWEAR that helped them, but no-one can prove that this was true... In other words, if they do not get cancer again, it could be that they never would have had a re-occurance in the first place.... even without their "alternative" therapy.

    "Complimentary" medicine is safe, usually..But we all know of women that have only believed in "alternative" therapy, and are not here today. My SIL's Aunt was diagnosed, but thought that instead of surgery, she could change her eating habits, and cure it that way. Sad choice. And another friend HAD the surgery, was advised to do chemo, but would NOT do that nor radiation.... She and her DH went to Brazil to this "John of God" for his talks or whatever, came home, went back to the Doc, and mets were all over her. She THEN did chemo, but it was too late.

    I believe in conventional medicine, and trying to make the right choices and stay healthy. There are all SORTS of ideas out there, about what can cure cancer... But most of them are published to make money, and some of their ideas are just plain ridiculous.... Even the biodentical hormones has a lot of controversy.

    Just talk it over with your team... before you try anything new... Our "friends" can help, but they can't know how one thing will react with you. Like my one friend Sheilah... She had a mastectomy, took Tamoxifen for the 5 years... and did great! She is now 10 years out.

    So that is the main reason I wanted to take Tamoxifen! I was happy to do it. Except I went deaf after 14 months. I woke up one morning, and I could not hear. So it didn't work for me... It MIGHT have helped with the estrogen idea, but that SE was just plain awful. I have also heard or read where SOME women will get cancer AFTER their 5 years on Tamoxifen, or even while on it. No-one can ever say they are 100% positive a new cancer will never show up... or even that it won't come back, while on the hormonal therapy.

    So just make your choice, talk it over with your team, and be happy with what you decide.

    Regbeach... Do you know anything more yet? Man, I would HATE to make any decision... I can't imagine how you must feel. What does your Mom say? Do they know if it is an aggressive cancer? It sounds like they have to do SOMEthing. The Lumpectomy would be easier on her. I don't know ANYthing about her stroke, and what it would matter with anesthetic...but the anesthetic I had, went very well! My Mom had a stroke during her heart surgery! You just never know what will happen.

    But whatever you decide, you have to go with it... You can't always be thinking "we should have done this" or "we shouldn't have done that." Just know that you are trying your best to MAKE that right decision. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, and saying a prayer for you..... (((hugs)))

    Hi Carole, Jackie & Camille & Bonnets & Rita & Mommarch, & Ducky girl! Talk to you later.... xoxoxo I KNOW I have forgotten someone...Undecided

    Edited by Mods to update link

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Oh wait.... wrong one....

    Well THIS won't work....

    I think I'll stick with DH...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but, scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.
    Joseph Addison

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    Happy Anniversary Joan.....enjoy:

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    Pretty day here so far......sun is shining through a lot of clouds that will drop rain later, but it is pretty now and on it's way to about 65 degrees.  Oh my......cooler tomorrow with more rain?,  but who knows.  It is ok with me.  I know Spring is coming and that is what I'm waiting impatiently for. are so right.  We "seasoned" ladies and gents do keep the pharmaceutical industry raking in the dough.  The lady I work!!!!! So much medicine.  I find it amazing actually.......pills lined up in those weekly containers.  Sometimes I think.....and just how bad would it be if you didn't take them.  Ok...I know some HAVE to be but it makes you wonder....are you getting quality or quantity of life here. 

    I could probably get into a whole thing here about going to the Dr. and Pharmacy so therefore you have a social life of a sorts in addition to keeping the worlds' economy ( especially Dr's and pharmacies )  afloat very well.  Well, I take more than I ever wanted to but it is not SOOOO terrible.  BP and water pill, something for my thyroid.  Then the rest are heavy duty one -a- day type vitamin that I actually take twice a day, then a special aspirin for the stoke I had, and my Arimidex.  The last pills are more cancer-related though I would in fact, take the One -A- Day anyway. 

    To my way of thinking.......I take most of what I take which is in the form of vitamin type pills, not because I feel any different......the times I've run out and waited a week or two....I never felt better or worse for it.  I just take them because I feel that as you age it is harder and harder for your body to produce levels which a younger body had no problem with and so I feel that though I might not feel anything ( who knows it might at my age take 6 mos. or more to feel something....and would I recognize it when and if I did, so I just keep taking it on the strength of hoping that I never get too depleted. 

    I do know that ( and lots of Dr's test for this now ) Vitamin D causes a lot of issues if it is too low.  If you don't have much for sun during the winter could be a problem.  I have heard of people having to take large doses to get their bodies up to the right level.  It is far better though to work with a Dr. on this as you can overdose on it the testing is needed and not take it on yourself to choose to treat something you may not be having an issue on. 

    Part of the joy of a long and we always pray a fulfilling life.  Not much wrong with mine right now.  Got to watch out when you say that though.

    Hope you are all having a great Saturday.  See you all later.

    Peace and love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited March 2013

    Happy Anniversary, Joan!  Could I make a suggestion?  The ole English Teacher in me never dies!  If you break your post into paragraphs, it makes for easier reading. 

    Chevy, ditto to your thoughts on conventional medicine versus the other kinds, which include a lot of mumbo-jumbo.  Healthy eating regimens are a good idea, cancer or no cancer.

    Before I started taking arimidex, I read the whole discussion forum on the SE's and followed a lot of the suggestions.  I already was taking fish oil, glucosamine/chondroiton, and exercising, mostly in the form of golf and walking.  I added magnesium.  One of my drs. increased my calcium supplements to 1500 and added 2000 mg of D3.  I think the exercise/activity suggestion is very important.  Just do what you can do.  Walk a block or two every day.  Try to keep active.  You don't have to go to a gym.

    Needless to say, I was scared to pop that first little pill.  The first couple of days I took it in the morning and felt awful.  Decided I wouldn't continue taking the pill if it made me that miserable.  So I started taking it at night along with a knock-off benedryl that I take as a sleeping aid.  It made all the difference.  I slept fine.  And still sleep well.  I have warm flushes during the night and throw off cover.  I have some of those during the day, too.  In fact, I am hardly ever cold.  I'll be wearing a short-sleeved shirt when the other women golfers are wearing sweaters.

    The problem at my (our) age is knowing what aches and pains are from aging and what miseries are caused by the little white pill.  I intend to stop taking it after the 5 years are up in 2014.

    Every time someone mentions a mammagram, I'm SO happy I don't have any breast tissue to squeeze in a vise.  Surely there was/is a better screening method.

    My birthday was lots of fun.  There were six of us at dinner last night.  I had a cup of oyster spinach soup, which was creamy and delicious.  I ate bread spread with real butter.  Scrumptious blue cheese dressing on my salad greens.  And crab cakes with a little cup of drawn butter.  I did select green beans as a veggie instead of a loaded baked potato or a baked sweet potato.  Still, millions of calories and very delicious meal with good company.

    Oh, I didn't mention the 3 glasses of chardonnay! 

    Now, my birthday is over and life goes on.  There will be another birthday celebration tomorrow at my mother's house with a cake and ice cream and a big dinner.  Funny story.  My brother who lives in Atlanta was planning a surprise appearance at the party tomorrow but his MIL wished me happy birthday on Facebook and spilled the beans!  My brother was SO upset. 

    This morning at 10 am, my mother has a hair apptment.  So I'll take her to that.  Tonight dh and I are going to a music program.

    Hi to all and hope you have a blessed day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    I'm half way watching the Nationwide races...  Tomorrow is the big one....  But I never just SIT there and watch the whole thing....  I can usually hear what is going on...  

    You know I found out last year that I can miss ANY of the shows I like, and watch them in the morning when I get up, right on my 23 inch computer screen!  I do that with Celebrity Apprentice, or any other show that comes on later than I stay up....  And during the commercials I can get up, grab a cup of coffee, or even skip to the next part.... 

    And Happy Anniversary Joan!  Did you have fun? 

    Jackie, that is true, about the Pharmaceutical companies, Doctors,  and what we are prescribed.  Right now I am not taking anything.  I don't have anything wrong, I don't think.   Sometimes I take a Ranitidine, but that's about it.... Or maybe a couple Aleve when something hurts...  I really think that the "generic" meds, like the Tamoxifen, are not the same as the ones made by Astra-Zeneca... (I think they quit making them anyway)  Because someone else said the generic is maybe what caused my problem.... PROVING that is another thing...  that's just my theory.

    Carole, I only go every year for a Mammogram.... which isn't bad...  I'm glad you are doing so well!    And Happy Birthday again!  Have fun with your Mom tomorrow! 

    Bonnets!  That's nice to have something to look forward to!  I LOVED when I was with my Brother in San Francisco...  It wasn't a fun time, but we really needed each other at that time... We are only a year apart, so he is more like my BIG brother, than my little Brother, just because he is so big! 

    Hi to you Camille!  Have a nice weekend....(again) gals! xoxoxo

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited March 2013

    Bonnets, I was fine on the 5mg Crestor; but when doc doubled it, I started to get SEs.  A trip to Chicago sounds great!  I was planning to go to visit DS in Chicago but he just emailed that he will be coming for an Easter visit so now I don't have to go.  I am glad you are in a "meltdown"!

    Thanks Chevy, Carole, Jackie (others?) for the anniversary wishes.  Jackie, thanks for the beautiful heart! 

    We had a good day...I slept late...looked for a new(ish) car online for an hour or two...had lunch then we went to hike  on the beach between the ocean and bay.  We saw a few seals and lots of beach erosion and a dune breach from the past 2 storms.  The ocean was really rough today - remnants of this last storm and new moon tides.   I took lots of's like a geology laboratory with sand dunes, cross beds, ripples, alluvial fans, wave-cut terraces... Smile

    Tonight we went to dinner and DDs #2 & 3 found out and paid ahead for us.  What a great surprise.  It was a beautiful day and a star-filled night, as there is no moon. 

    There is a comet that will be visible in the early evening sky starting around Tuesday, just after sunset.  There will be 3 visible comets in 2013!

    Chevy, Interesting link...I also am skeptical of any ideas are not backed up by clinical trials.  I am committed to the AI drug and have a long way to go.  I will do what I can to better myself physically and mentally so that the SEs are minimized.  I kept my breasts and I want to prevent reoccurence as much as possible. 

    Carole, how am I doing with my paragraphing?  Last night it was 2 AM ....I was rambling....the walk outide today did me good and cleared the head.  I'm so glad you had what sounds like a wonderful day!

    Nite all,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    I'm kind of behind---Hi everyone---/carole u'r birthday sounded delicious--but no weather report?

    Again Jackie--ull say it's sunny, nice and we're both in the same stste and it's rainin and glumpy out here. hahaha

    And whoever said as we age we dont know if it's our age or Se's in my opinion is so so right. Haven't u een to the Dr. and they'll say why didn't u call about this---What call about my elbow hurting? and the answer is yes cuz I think we're special, but they tink they are looking for something. So how are we supposed to know. And all the meds-I don't een know what they are, but I keep the typed list in my purse at all times. So I'll do simple things, but that's it.

    Everyone chaange times??? OK--Have a good day today.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    OMG!  She paragraphed!  Ha, ha!  Yes, you ARE easier to read...Wink  Now don't go startin' to write in all caps, and bold print!  Geez, I can't teach you guys nothin'!   Oh wait, it wasn't you....Kiss

    Joan, since I am a land-lubber, I have nary a clue as to what you are talking about.... I mean with the ocean!  Can you send those pictures, or explain those terms?  I could google them I guess... but I'd like to see your pictures!  All I know is SAND.... and SHELLS...and water... 

    I only know about dry land...and mountains and snow.  And I LOVE the ocean...I have millions of shells we have collected from our trips to Orlando.  I have made shell hangings, shell tops for my pretty jars, and shell jewelry.  Even put them on top of my potted plants....  In other words I like ocean stuff.... Ha!

    Camille.... no I don't change tires.... I would panic!  I just do housework...I know WE can do anything, but leave that one out.

    Man, I did not feel good yesterday.... just BLAH!   I kept busy, but was just down and depressed and bitchy.  So I took 2 Aleve and woke up much better this morning....  Today is good!  xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Chev, it is delicious....did you get the nice big piece of Scone I sent over....delicious isn't it.....toasted, snd with lots of butter......yummmmmmmmm.......fresh made yesterday ......enjoy..........

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited March 2013

    Joan, you get an A plus on paragraphing!  What a fast learner you are.  Your location by the ocean sounds georgeous.  I would love to be able to take that walk.  What a sweet thing your DDs did, paying for your dinner as a surprise.

    The music program last night was inspirational.  It highlighted NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness).  During the program several members of NAMI gave personal testimonies about their struggles with mental illness.  The music was beautiful.  The chorus were all members of the Northshore Performing Arts organization.  The instruments were piano and viola.  There's nothing more wonderful to hear than trained human voices.

    Chevy, I'm glad you don't dread your annual mammograms, but I hated them.  Then there was the anxiety of waiting for the results.  There was also the underlying worry that the mammogram's result might not be reliable.  My Aunt Augusta had her mammograms every year.  When she was dx'ed with bc and had surgery, her tumor was at least 5 yrs. in the making, according to her bc surgeon.

    BUT, my tumor was detected by a mammogram, and it was small.  So thank God for mammograms.

    My friend, Julie, who along with her dh went to the concert with us last night, is doing the Aztec diet.  I had not heard about it, but she said it has been on the news of late.  Dr. Oz had the physician author of the diet on the Oz show.  She bought the book on Amazon and also bought the Chia grain and is following the diet, making healthy smoothies out of fruit, veggies, and the chia grain.  She's dropping weight, just as promised, but I pointed out to her that the caloric intake is quite low.  She claims the smoothies taste good and she finds them satisfying.

    The challenge with weight loss is keeping the weight off.  The smoothies sound like a healthy addition to a regular diet.  Kaara, I may just have to invest in a more expensive blender!  My blender is a real antique.  It belonged to my MIL, who has been dead for years.

    Looking forward to the family celebration of my big birthday at my mother's house.  DH just left to go and pick up the cake, which is called Death by Chocolate.  I will not be dieting today!

    Camille, it's sunny this morning with temp. in the 60's and is supposed to warm up to middle 70's.  The air is FULL of pollen, including the pine pollen which coats everything with yellowy green.  This is the season of allergy meds.

    Chevy, dh will record the race and watch it tonight.  He likes being able to FF through commercials and delays.

    Hi to everyone.  Hope you have a joyful Sunday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    And so it's good that we remember
    Just as soon as we've discovered
    That the things we do in life
    Will always end up touching others.

    Paul O'Neill

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    Oh Chevy....sure glad you are feeling better this morning.  Of course you are starting your day earlier and it may be the head start.  We did not set our clocks before going to bed.  It always makes the "first" morning interesting to realize that it is actually an hour later than the clock shows. 

    Must be age.....I had such trouble sleeping last night.  Went to sleep pretty fast actually......but the awoke about an hour later and just tossed and turned and wondered just how tired I'd be this morning.  As it turns out....I am fine though I slept later ( no surprise ) than is normal for me.  So, hopefully.....I'll be all caught up by tomorrow.

    Joan, I do love how you talk about the beach.  Dh and I lived about a mile from our beach in Ventura, Ca.  Lived there for 25 years.  It was very, very nice and extremely comforting.  There is something about walking through the sand and smelling the fishy somewhat salty odor of the seaweed that always washes up. a certain point I would just stand, pick out a wave and let that one single wave carry every problem, upset, negative thought far on the horizon that it slipped right off the edge and no longer bothered me.  It is the one thing I miss about Ventura's beach.

    The good part was I realized after my very first trip to the beach that it was THE place to go if you wanted to be able to divorce yourself from the heavy things that might hang over your head.  So anyone who has a beach, I can imagine one and use it, but if you have the real thing, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.  It is a precious gift.  Also a big reminder about how small we really are, but not in a bad way.  Just a little magnificence from the Creator of this world.

    Carole, you just make me feel that I was in your pocket and had every experience you just did. What a great time.  I think I am going to have to work diet and exercise once more whole-heartedly.  That tells you where I am.  I have such an easy time of it.....towards the end, fully accepting and enjoying my progress.....then let something happen and I am slowly at first....drifting into the no-no area, until I have drifted almost every step of the way back.  I am predictable.

    We are still havig warmeth and still the threat of rain.  We will see.  I hope for a never nice first DST day anyway, no matter what it does.

    Hope yours is great as well.

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Carole u'r going to have a great time for u'r BD and u should--u deserve to. And I love u'r weather reports altho it's rainy here and 40 degrees but Jackie seems to think that's a real warm up so she always has a better outlook than I do.

    U know what's good tho it will be light later today, well tomorrow too, but u know what I mean and I like that. These winter months flew by, it seems like we just changed the clocks the other way.

    BTW Carole I like the sound of that cake--u can never have anything with to much chocolate. Well that's my take on chocolate anyway.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited March 2013

    Jackie, I have a beach in Hawaii that I retreat to during uncomfortable medical procedures. It's hard to get the doctor/nurses to stop talking to me though. I tell them not to talk unless they want to offer me a mai tai. Doesn't work at the dentist tho.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Wren I'm surprised that more of us haven't met on our beaches. I go strange places when I'm having a test that has an empty room, but me, cuz of alllll the radiation and no one really talks and u can't move. Mine is so silly--It's called the Tonight show with Jay Leno and I'm a guest star. hahaha--No one repeats this. I'm an award winning actress(a few) and people treat me graciously and one time (only once) when I was asked if I was all right in there" I said Oh yea I'm signing autographs---and I didn't get any drugs to blame it on. Oh I've learned to live with myself.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited March 2013

    Carole - The warmth is out ahead of the storms.  We got it last night but just north of us about 20 miles was softball/baseball hail.  We had about 2 pieces of tiny hail and no wind but a real gully washer of a rain.  We need the rain.  Hay prices just have to come down.  DH is thinking of buying small flat bed trailer to buy in quantity and store it on.  Everything is blooming/sprouting here too.  Bradford pears all in bloom and I have a plum tree blooming.  Coolish, windy 48 degrees.  I have to get brave and upwrap my fig "bush" (not big enough for a tree).  Might be Tues. chore when DH is home.  It only has that lightweight cloth on it that reminds me of interlining.  Hope you have a wonderful "not 69 again" BD.  I had the "not 59 again" last year.

    Missed most of the Nationwide race yesterday and don't even know who won.  What little bits I saw were not that great.  Hoping for better today.  Alternating with "The Way We Were" on TCM.

    Joan - Loved that DDs paid for your dinners out.  So sweet.  Don't think DD even thought of our anniversary last week. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    Even though we didn't know here luv :

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2013

    Gosh!  There seems to be several celebrations on here that we've been celebrating.  It sounds like your birthday celebration was just perfect, Carole, and Happy Anniversary to Joan and her hubby!  How nice that your DD's treated you to your meal!  What a nice surprise!  Also a belated happy anniversary to luvmygoats!

    It is just a little afer 6 p.m. this evening and it is still LIGHT out there!  I love it!  Otherwise, our weather has been rather depressing here today with rain and an overcast sky.  The rain has melted most of our snow except for those huge ugly piles. Now the ground is so saturated that we have lots of standing water and the creek behind our house is running rapidly and rising everyday.  It has overflowed its banks in the past and spilled out onto our yard.  We can do without that!  :-)

    Glad that you are feeling better today, Chevy!  I have days like that every-so-often, too.

    I also love the beach.  There is just something about the sand and the waves splashing up on the shore that is soothing. Although we did lots of fishing from the piers when we were in Florida this past month, we only got to the beach twice.  Last year, we actually stayed in a condo right on the beach.  I'm not sure which I liked better.  There were trade-off for each!

    Tomorrow is my "shop til you drop day" but I hope to be back on Tuesday!

    Hugs to all of you!