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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Jackie u r a true inspiration to all of us--u quotes alone are so apprapo (sp) and when u talke about u'r experiences u have almost a lilt in u'r writing as if if it done and over with so therefore I am. It means alot. U'r so accepting and take life the way it is and enjoy all of it. U are blessed in so many ways and it comes across to us. Thank you.

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2013


    I noticed in one of your posts that you mentioned that you had a stroke.  I joined this discussion board last week when my mom's biopsy came back positive.  I don't have the full results.  We are scheduled to get them and discuss options with a surgeon on Thursday.  My mom is 72 and had a large stroke in June.  I take care of her at home.  She can walk with assistance now.  She is aphasic- which means she has difficulty speaking and understanding.  She continues to improve and goes to speech, occupational and physical therapy a few times a week each.  She understands more and more and her communication is improving. She is able to move her right arm a little but it is not functional movement- that is the side where the lump is.

    You can imagine that this latest news is a bit overwhelming---though I never imagined I could have been more overwhelmed than the day the dr. told us she would never eat (she eats anything now), walk or talk again (but that is proven wrong by God's healing grace, my mom's strength and our support). I hope that she is able to receive whatever treatments that can help with the cancer - that it is not too much for her.   Do you have any comments?

    Thank you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013


    Hello to you.  Yes, I have had a stroke.  About 10 yrs. ago now.  It was a harsh experience as was my Graves disease a few yrs. prior to that.  Graves is an over-active thyroid which has advanced to the point of goiter.  In any case I won't dwell on that other than to say it took about 4 yrs. of therapy.  I had to learn how to walk, talk, use a pencil, understand directions, etc.  Quite a challenge but I didn't see it so much that way then, as it looked a bit different while I was in the middle of it. 

    Then, yes indeed, the stroke.  That was nearly three yrs. of therapy.  It was a brain-stem stroke.  There is a dime-sized area of my brain that no longer functions.  I once again dealt with a lot of the things I did with the Graves ( which by the way, reached a serious enough crisis point that nearly killed me ) but in the main, getting over the stroke was easier.  I still have some issues, but nothing that truly stops me.

    Then the cancer came along.  My thoughts are something akin to yours ---  there is so much strength in the soul of a person.  My biggest thought is that our soul usually knows much, much more than we do and that is what is really driving us to succeed with the things that happen to us.  Scientific proof.  I don't have any.  I think when we are supposed to give up -- we will know it and do so. 

    To me at age 68, your mother is not so old.  I do know that cancer, without any of the other health issues your mother has, is very much an overwhelming disease.  For one thing, we are not the kind of people it happens too.  We did not plan for a future with this disease as a part of it.  As well, I mentioned earlier that the fear of cancer is different from the more transient fear we might feel from other maladies.  Though I had some initial upset, I soon got over them with the Graves and stroke.  Intuitively I realized that once I handled them, they would be more just a blurb in my medical history.  I don't see cancer quite that way. 

    As to your Mom and your description of her -------  she seems to exhibit a huge amt. of drive, strength and spirit. I am not sure of what effect her ongoing therapies for the stroke might impact also needing treatment for cancer.  There are many different options for cancer treatments and it is hard to know without knowing exactly what her surgeon will recommend. 

    I don't know how much or even when it was that I mentioned it, but I chose having a lumpectomy done as my lump was on my affected side ( left weak side from stroke ).  I considered having a mastectomy done, but a lumpectomy -- breast-sparing surgery --  is easier to recover from and of course, does not involve muscles and other support tissue.  In the end, I felt like I'd be happier to not have the more extended recovery time.  The treatment is the same by the way. 

    Don't know when I last mentioned it, but during my surgery, a second hidden cancer was found.  The known one was Papillary and is a rather indolent non-aggressive one.  The other tumor, hidden under a bruise turned out to be a much bigger Ductal aggressive cancer.   We were all ( including my surgeon ) quite surprised.  I went from needing very minimal treatment to 6 months of chemo-therapy and 7 weeks of radiation. 

    I don't say that to be scary, but only that it often is hard to judge till you have as many facts as can be gathered.  I also will add that I think for the most part we are given what we are needed, as it is needed to handle the things that happen to us.  In other words, I had just lost my Insurance a short time before I realized that something was really wrong.  I was able to go to the V.A. ( Veteran's Administration ) and they farmed me out to the surgeon's office for my biopsies ( one on each side ).   Some people would call that a co-incidence or say it was good luck.  I think it is much, much more than that. 

    So as not to make this any longer...I do think you will know more on Thursday.  I would definitely want your Mom's surgeon to be able to answer a lot of questions about any surgery, reactions at this point in time of anesthesia effects on someone recovering from stroke and what kind of changes might be needed ( cutting back on blood thinners ) for someone who may need surgery.  I think there are a number of things I'd want to know. 

    Also, most anyone who has dealt with cancer and or any of the different therapies, ( I did not do this ) has had very few qualms about getting second and sometimes third opinions.  If you feel un-comfortable with any of the answers you get you can always consult with someone else.  Most of us ( hopefully you were already given this information ) before discovery, had the tumor or in my cases tumors, growing more than likely from 4 to 8 years.  Just saying that while you normally wish you could deal with a tumor as soon as possible, there would likely be plenty of time for a second opinion. 

    Please keep in touch and let us know how it goes.  I'm sure we will all be feeling concern for your Mom and certainly hope that she will not have too much extra burden here.  She is fortunate to have you looking out for her. 

    Peace and love,


    Of course, this is all very un-scientific from me and just slight impressions but I hoped it helped a bit. 

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2013

    Timbiktu, I did my nursing, many years ago at Evanston Hospital.....and went to highschool at  UofC High and was born at the UofC hospital! Small world! 

    I see my onc/primary Thurs. Kind of convenient he  is both  for me now. Don't really expect anything new  at that visit. Don't see the surgeon til mid March. Not sure if I will have a mammo then?

    Kitty has  kidney issues, the vet says. Gave her antibiotics for her teeth, and a special kidney  kitty food and  renal vitamins. She is Miss Piggy with the new food. She looks like she gained weight. Am supposed to call   the vet Wed or Thurs and let him know how she is. He didn't want to clean the teeth til she was hopefully better, which she seems to be. Costs an arm and a leg, we shud get pet health ins. I know they have it.

    JUst had one of my old Webmd BC friends put me on a Facebook site they have started for the OLD Timers from Friend to friend. I was active there when my daughter was fighting her BC battle. Was glad to be accepted by the survivors. Many have stayed in touch for more than 10 years! And sadly we have lost some too. 

    As far as cancer, I always say it is looking over our shoulder. When I hear people say "I beat it" I cringe and think,  I hope so. It is a fickle beast.

    No more snow here, rain. Time flies, didn't realize I'd been away for so long again.

    Take care everyone.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited February 2013

    Bonnets, If kitty needs subq fluids, they are easy to do and painless for Kitty. We gave them to our Marmelade. I actually got my volunteer job at the shelter because I already knew how to give fluids. I just tell them they've been selected for extra petting that evening.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    Munnybunni, I have been on arimidex for 3 years and 5 months.  Rita was on it for 5 years and has stopped taking it.  I think Jackie takes arimidex, too.  The drug hasn't cramped my lifestyle but I've had problems controlling my bp and have had to start taking a statin for high cholesterol.  Both these SEs are fairly common, I believe.

    Regbeach, you sound like a wonderful daughter.  I will turn 70 next month and don't consider 72 all that old.  Hopefully, your mother has many more good years ahead of her.  There is much to learn about her bc diagnosis.  Size of the tumor, type of bc, position of tumor, suggested surgery, suggested post-surgery treatment.  Etc, etc.  The positive report is just the tip of the iceburg. 

    Camille, I admire your spirit and attitude.  And...I know you're waiting for a weather report.  Today was sunny with a high in the low 70's.  I took a long walk with my niece's three children, 9, 7 and 3 while my niece took care of some business.  Last night a crisis with the children developed and brought her relationship with the 3-yr-old's father to an end when he hit my niece in the head with his fist in a fit of anger.  This type of ugly scene has occurred before but I think it has dawned on her that her children might be the target at some point.

    I'm really sorry about this development because the young man seemed to be doing much better.  He quit drinking and is a real worker.  I hope the break-up doesn't result in his getting in trouble and going back to jail.  Looking at things from his point of view, it isn't easy to live with an unstable person with mental problems.  Still, there's no excuse for hitting a woman.

    See, you don't have to watch soap operas!  Just read my posts. 

    Hope everybody had a good Sunday.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Oh Carole I was going to make fun of the weather report, now I can't ---Oh what a horrible thing to happen. And u'r right there is never a reason to hit a woman--but it sounds like he was trying to do better for himself--but still that can't happen. Oh and the kids ugh the whole thing must be hard on them. I feel so bad for them. I'm glad they have u. U nare so balanced for life. Good Luck and prayers right now coming u'r way.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Hi & hope everyone had a good week end. 
    Chevy, I saw the snow on the news...hope it's soon cleared away.   What a terrible experience at the Cherry Creek Mall!  (I remember they used to have carpet on the floors there) glad the guy was caught...too bad you didn't get your bag back intact. 
    Munny, I think one of the problems with the popular view of BC is that there are so many apparent survivors and now the public thinks BC is all treatable/curable.  We all know better....I was told NED early on and I consider it just that...where they once saw cancer, there is now no evidence.  I do "feel" cancer free and tell others I'm doing just fine.  People rarely ask.  Even though I have the vague uncertainty, I feel that I'd be shocked if it came back.  As Jackie says, we are equipped to deal with whatever comes.
    Jackie, I did not realize how many health challenges you have had.  And at such a young really are such a help to others.
    Yesterday I finally got outside to walk.  It was raining but I wanted to go see the harbor seals just off our beach.  We found 2 swimmers right away, but the elusive large group of beached seals was nowhere in sight.  We got soaked on the way back!  Today we hiked again.  Got back just in time to see the Daytona 500...I do not usually watch the whole race but this race was so unpredictable and exciting.  Hope I don't get time for a new addiction!
    Time for sleep...tomorrow is back to work and a long day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2013
    Morning gals....  regbeach...  Hopefully your Mom is doing alright... And you are going with her Thursday, right?  I'm 75... but don't feel like it..  I was diagnosed at 72 also, but my cancer and treatment was pretty un-eventful.  I didn't have the extra problems like your Mom does, with the stroke issues. 


    But she might just snap out of it,  after the surgery!  I mean with physical therapy helping.  Who knows?  You just have to wait and see, and the waiting is soooooo hard. 


    Jackie, as long as I have known you, I keep forgetting about all of YOUR problems you have had, and what you had to go through to get where you are now!  You must be "super-woman"!  


    I think maybe that is why you are so compassionate.  And you are very insightful !   Maybe you appreciate life so much now, that you really DON'T sweat the small stuff.   Maybe the stroke woke up something more important for you...and taught you how to deal with just ANYthing. 

    You have taken  each serious illness, and became better after it...  I admire you my friend...


    Hi Bonnets and Wren...My Daughter's older cat is doing better again.  She is eating well, and doesn't seem to have as much trouble with her arthritis as she did...  She DOES have this sore on her lip that just won't go away... I read somewhere where it could be some sort of allergy to something...???


    But Trini, my Daughter's other cat, went in for her teeth cleaning, etc.  They put her to sleep, and for about a week after, she lost her "voice"... because of that tube they put down her throat.  She couldn't "meow" or anything!  Scared Janie so much she took her BACK to see wth was wrong!   She finally started "talking" again, but DD didn't think the trip for cleaning was worth it, Ha! 


    And MY Lacee is trying to figure out how to maneuver around in this 12 inches of snow!  I went out at 3:30 this morning to shovel a few paths for little miss short legs to at least find a spot or two!   It's only 15 degrees here, and it laid down a LOT of snow yesterday! 


    Carole, did you guys watch the races?  They were pretty good...  I was amazed that Danica could pull it off as good as she did!  She had a great car, and the boys didn't intimidate her! 


    I'm sorry  for your Niece and the children...  I only hope she doesn't give-in and listen to him begging, and go back.  We all know it takes a lot of therapy and time, for him, to see if he would ever change.... And even a re-straining order does NOT always help.   If he has done this before, and has a record, and if she reports this, he really COULD go back to jail...   Is she getting help also? 


    I know you like him, but I know from experience that people are NOT always nice and sweet to their partners, like they are to their family and friends.   If small children are involved, that makes it more important for your Niece to either get him a LOT of help, but not while she is with him..... in case she somehow, someday is thinking of going back with him.    It sounds like he has to be in control


    Our feelings can turn from love and compassion one day, to hurt and anger the next day.... but then our heart takes over, and doesn't listen to our brain, and we think "Oh well, maybe he didn't mean it" and our love for them takes over.... and all caution is gone with the wind....


    That's why women keep going back... over and over.    That isn't a soap opera, that is real life for you and her.... and I'm so sorry.


    Hi Camille and Joan!  Yes, you WILL get addicted to Nascar if you watch it.... Ha, ha!


    Nope, that guy had robbed a lot of women the Police told me... He went to court, but I didn't want to go... I was scared for a long time, that he would come find us!  He had my wallet, with ID and my address... so I didn't want to cause him any more reasons to come back at us.   I DID get a little day-timer back, from someone... They sent it back to me... (had my address in it) and they found it in their yard... but it didn't have anything important in it.  Just always be aware of who is around you... if you are alone!  Parking lots are the worst! 


    Okay gals... nice talking to you!  Take good care...xoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Now seeds are just dimes to the man in the store And the dimes are the things that he needs, And I've been to buy them in seasons before But have thought of them merely as seeds; But it flashed through my mind as I took them this time, "You purchased a miracle here for a dime."

    Edgar Albert Guest

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Aw shucks everybody......I do appreciate the kind thoughts about my life struggles, but I'm just like everybody else.....I only did what got put in front of me.  That is how we all get through life.  I know for myself, in listening to what others have gone through and done, I just marvel at their attitude.  We will all do what we have is the will to live and survive.  It just sometimes sounds involved when it was only putting one foot in front of the other long enough to reach a point where it all became better.

    REALLY good news here....the furnace man is outside.  My life is good again.  Well, it wasn't all that bad anyway as we had the I-heaters, but it will be nice to have some over-all consistency and I will be able to not need all the covers on my bed. 

    It is a sunny day and I do think the "part" needed for my furnace was not available on Friday because it was not very nice that day.  I can understand not wanting to be out in the cold when you know in three days it is going to be near 50.  I sure they were told we would not truly suffer for the wait.  Just good to know things will be set right.  Sounds like some rain and other un-pleasant weather will be, today is just the perfect day.

    Hope you all have a most wonderful one.

    Peace and love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    Yay, Jackie!!!!  What a relief that your furnace is back to doing its job.

    Here goes the .... weather report.  Thunderstorms all during the night last night.  Three inches of water in the rain gauge this morning.  Then more rain this afternoon.  Everybody is out searching for Noah and his instructions for building an ark.  The tv screen is flashing a tornado warning for another parish, not ours.  Not yet, anyway. 

    It was calm this morning.  I went to my WW meeting and then went to Talbots and bought 3 blouses, all on sale, which means the price was getting close to reasonable. 

    Hope everybody had a good Monday. 

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2013

    Got a phone call yesterday at 6:15 AM, early morning calls are not good. Find out my younger daughter has decided she wants a separation. They have 4 young  kids and she tells me are deep in debt. This morning she calls , got a surprise from hubby, divorce papers! Went thru a divorce with my son, but no kids , she found greener pastures, Been there done that, but this one blew me away. Praying things work out, but it seems it will be nasty. Our kids keep us going one way or the other,even when they grow up. Did agree to help some with money now, as she needs to get a lawyer.... all else I can do is pray for them. Can use any prayers you can offer for them all.

    Carole, hope the tornadoes stay away.

    Jackie, glad the furnace got fixed, of course  when it warmed up!

    Night ladies...tells me to enter content??

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    bonnets.....all kinds of prayers.  This is a difficult thing when our kids fall out of love.  My daughter went through it, but is happy now.  My son did not stay married either...but then they both were not mentally capable of a life together.  I hope and pray in the end it will be is the rough road getting there.

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Bonnets I'm sorry hearing that--whenever there are kids i always feel worse--what happens to our kids is double for us--Just praying everything turns out good.

    And jackie it's tru I've said it before u are truly an inspiration and a wonderful lady.

    Carole I don't like hearing threatening weather dor u, I can't tease u about that. Just stay dry and safe. And I  do admire u for WW. but u do know I HAVE to tease u about u'r weather reports. We're supposed to get lots of snow but I doubt it and I always wonder where in Illinoi does Jackie live we have totally different weather here. LOL

    My onc called this morning to make sure I was all set for the MRI next week--what's to get ready for I just hace to show up--well that's what she meant cuz I always forget hahaha so I wrote it 3 different places--she said this is very important and I said weren't my other tests important? I think she hates talking to me. Oh well more tests and fun with the Drs.

  • taylormd
    taylormd Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2013

    bonnets, I am soooooo sorry!  My sister-in-law has a saying, "A mom is only as happy as her unhappiest child."  There's lots of truth in that!  My son is going through divorce too.  His wife decided that she "just didn't want to be married anymore."  They have two darling little girls.  Yes, I will pray for you in your heartache.  Divorce is so common now, and is so incredibly difficult on the little children involved.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited February 2013

    Have the same thing going on....wonderful don, husband and father.......dil cheated on him.....she is a no good bitch, and ruined my sons life, and 4 kids.......

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited February 2013

    Jackie, while I agree that we all rise up and do what we have to do, I must say that you ARE amazing!  I am so happy to know you and learn from your wisdom and acceptance of the things that cannot be changed.
    Chevy, how's the snow?  All that cat talk and I spent an hour today at work looking online at long haired kitties.  I am weakening....was looking at adoptions but nothing near me.  I miss having a kitty to keep warm with me during the winter....I know it would be selfish 'cause we are not home all day.
    Bonnets, so sorry to hear about the problems your daughter is having.  I just pray that everyone will remain healthy and certainly is expensive to get married, stay married or get divorced.  Yesterday I had 2 calls from kids I don't hear from...DD was chatty and has been divorced a little over a year.  She got a lot out of the settlement and they have a working relationship with sharing the kids.  But I was completely thrown off guard when she told me that her ex just found out he has another child (woman in CA, post separation).  He has $$ but is very tight when he feels threatened.  DD is a little worried about how this may affect her & kids.
    Then DS called from Chicago...he likes it there but the job is not working well.  We talked about all scenarios...he is 33 and feels like his life is passing him by.  So, am worried about DS and he is afraid of failing. 
    Taylor, I totally agree...we are only as happy as our unhappy a piece of my heart has a crack in it today.  (not the first or last time!)
    And yes, our kids seems to affect us and need us for longer and longer ... I do not remember my parents going to their parents for anything...not even babysitting. 
    "Way back" in 2005, all 3 of my daughters were newlyweds; I had a new baby GS who was the little DS had our favorite gf; I had just gotten a new was SOOO good.  That Thanksgiving was so wonderful in DD's new home...and I remember thinking that I should cherish the moment because nothing stays the same.  It's just how life goes around now...
    I know things have to change, and they have.  I am grateful for the good times and we try to keep making memories.

    Bed time...Hugs & prayers for all...and Carole, am watching that weather ... it was bad this careful.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Joan, I've always said I hate change, of course I've said it when everyone was hppy and alive. Now everything has gone so quickly and zi didn't realize then what I know now. But I was very close to my parent, I lived upstairs so I saw them all the time would have coffee with my Dad before work-my mom would be in bed still. And after work if my Mom made something I like that was my dinner. She made me lazy as I got older-They spoiled the hell out of me as an adult, being the youngest and I was alone. And right when my kids were young I never asked my mom to babysit- We just didn't do that, neer thought of that actually. hahaha Down memory lane cuz no matter if we have our parents or not (not) they are always a part of our lives. And they would take care of me now--hahaha with such kindness and love--that's what I miss the spoiling. Oh well nuff of that. Thank God for TV and now the computer so that change is good. All the people we can talk to now it's wonderful.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2013

    Morning ladies,

    KItty gave me a real  time with her antibiotic this morning. Don't know how much she got! 

    Joan, our 21 year old kitty had passed 7 years ago, then the next year our dog-son. DH said no more pets, we travel too much. Well, I lasted 2 weeks and missed having a pet so much, we adopted our Holstein cat. She's about 14 now, and she follows DH everywhere.

    Taylor and Ducky, seems we belong to another club, no one wants to join! So sad. Ducky 4 kids, like my daughter. It's so hard on them. Haven't heard from her today. She's the one I usually don't hear from. My dear Amy, who passed from BC was the closest of my kids. So I'll hold my breath til she can call.

    Going out to lunch with a gal friend today. Supposed to get more rain/snow tonight. I prefer straight snow.

    Have a good day everyone, Jean

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    I looked at some quotes and just could not decide due to what we have been talking about, so pick one, none, or all:

    Smell the smells, feel the fear,
    and smile at the incoherent way
    life runs
    us in circles
    while inscribing the real lessons
    in a corner of the
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

    The difference between school and
    In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test.
    In life,
    you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.
    - Tom Bodett

    Life is a
    long lesson in humility.
    - James M. Barrie

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    IllinoisLady, I like the "difference between school and life."  How true, how true!  So many of your quotes are spot on for me.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited February 2013

    Let me add my thoughts about parents as I deeply miss mine.  I did struggle for awhile with 'how' things were in my family, but later I learned and accepted a huge appreciation for the lessons and love ( often not spoken aloud ) that were there all along.  So many of my attitudes I believe come directly from them.  My parents were very hard-working and also very stoic.  I sometimes feel like I question more than they ever seemed too.....and that for a long time, I fought against more that happened in life.  Finally I did learn that some things are just not our struggles.  Still, they get us down a bit, worried, a lot, and yet --- in the long run, other than maybe a little monetary assistance, and perhaps a lot of moral support, it goes the way it will go because it is a choice that we are not making.  We just get to sit on the sidelines of some of the life that is close to us and hope and pray for a decent outcome.

    Still I will offer up some prayers to the universe for ease for all of us in the times that try us, and those especially when we are on the sidelines.

    bonnet....I am presuming that you are having to try and give a liquid antibiotic.  If you feel it is not working out well and question if kitty is getting the amt/dose that she really should....I often have squirted the proper amt. on my kitt's front leg.  You know cats don't really like to be un-tidy and most would hasten to get rid of the offending substance so if a big fight is going on, you might want to give that a try. 

    Of course, my kitt's all try to avoid me at some point but that is ok -- knowing the dropper is coming was always way harder when I attempted to get it down their throats.  Easier to let them choose to clean it off of themselves.

    See you all after work.

    Peace and love,


    ETA: Joan, if you were closer I would have the perfect cat for you.  I have a sweet, sweet girl named Autumn.  She is a calico, but really mostly white.  Rather big cat.  Well, someone took all ( front and back ) of her claws out which is a terrible thing to do to a cat.  Since she is defenseless and knows it....the first thing she does if any cat approaches her is hiss as loud as she can.  Following comes a loud growl.  Through long trial and error we have been able to incorporate her into our household --- but we have to keep a big crate for her.  She goes back to the crate to eat, use her potty box and often to sleep overnight.  There are still 'confrontations' on occasions and if there were someone close, though difficult, we would give her up.  She would so so well in a one-cat household.  If and when Dh and I move to an apt. or sm. house, we will likely take her with us. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    I like the school one Jackie.

    And what a brillian thing to put the medicine on their little paw cuz they are always cleaning when they feel something. My Katie-kat is a one cat pet too. She likes all the attention and if the dog get in her way she hisses and the dog runs and Katie gets her way like most femailes.

    Weather wise we are supposed to get a few inches of snow this afternoon into the night--I know Jackie will say in the 50's with some rain. We neer have the same weather from one end of IL to another here.

    I woke up at 2AM and stayed up for a while, of course now I'll be tired all day, but it's crummy outside anyway. so I'm not going anywhere.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    OK here it comes snow the size of golf bslls or someone's balls--It's piling up fast--I'm just reporting what I see.

    Now Jackie will have a total different look at this.

    And Carole ooooo she's probably golfing with our snoballs.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2013

    Jackie, the paw idea sounds good, one I sure never thought of. Ill have to give it a try.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited February 2013

    Jackie, Love the paw idea. I'm going to try it at the shelter with cats too wild to medicate.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,117
    edited February 2013

    Bonnets, I'm sorry about your daughter's marriage break-up.  Undoubtedly, the divorce will be hard on the four children.  You just have to hope that things work out with the passage of time.

    My younger sister, now mid-50's, was devastated when her husband of 24 years came home and told her he didn't love her any more.  She'd married him when they both were 18 and they had two children.  Of course, there was "another women" in the picture.  Long story short, my sister re-married and this husband adores her and shares her interest in horses.  This sister is the mother of my niece with the mental problems.

    Some positive news on that front.  My niece has been accepted for treatment by a private mental facility and will go there daily for several weeks.  She sounded good when I talked to her today. 

    All the rain has moved on.  We had partly cloudy weather today, a little windy, in the 60's.  I got up with dh at 6:30 and went to the gym with him at 7:30, my first trip to the local YMCA.   We finished our exercise about 9 and drove directly to IHOP!  I had those multi grain pancakes with nuts in them.  Yum, yum.  And bacon.  So much for the good effects of the gym workout.

    Then...  I went to Belk's this afternoon on a mission to buy some foundation makeup.  Well, this "associate" at the Clinique counter sat me down in a chair and proceeded to give me the full works.  I ended up buying all sorts of little jars and bottles and even brushes!  When I got home, I had to re-organize to make room in the bathroom for all the stuff!  As sparing as I am with using make-up, this may be a lifetime supply.  

    I'm home alone tonight as dh went to his monthly woodworkers' guild meeting.  I'll probably watch some recorded cooking shows.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Carole I'm so glad fir u'r niece--they have taken many strides in mental health over these years so here's prayng it helps.

    LOL I've got loads and loads of make-up with every kind of brush and whatever--hardly ever use it either--it's kind of funny cuz I had to throw some stuff away to old and yet that and jewelry which I have again so much of and I never wear are my first 2 wants. Don't know why either.Oh we're getting loads of bug snowflakes snow--so it's wet and heavy coming down quickly--maybe we will get 6 inches like they said this time. Right now it looks pretty, but u know it won't stay that way.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2013

    So sorry to hear of all the troubled marriages.  I will keep your families in my prayers.  It is particularly difficult when mental health is involved.  One of my daughters is bipolar and I know of several other young people with problems.  It is so difficult for them, so much pressure.