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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2013

    Good morning ladies!  It's been a while....just been busy living life!

    Camille:  Congrats on the no cancer diagnosis..what a relief!

    Reg:  Second opinion at Sloan Kettering is good...go for the best!

    Carole:  So sorry about your niece..I know that's been an ongoing problem, and I hope she improves soon.

    To update everyone, I'm still taking my 1/2 tamoxifen dose and doing fine.  I have few if any SE's and that is fine with me.  I just couldn't see taking the same dose that someone with Stage IV didn't seem logical, and studies from Europe stated that for early stagers my age, the 5mg dose was fine.  I think we are overmedicated in this country for a lot of reasons, but the main one is the liability issue and the need to follow the AMA guidelines.  My BS as much as told me that in so many words.  While I wouldn't recommend this course of treatment for anyone else, I had to trust my own instincts and what my body was telling me.

    I must have one heck of an immune system because my BF came into town with a horrible stomach flu...fever and all the rest.  I was sure I was next, but nothing! It's been a week and I'm sure I would have gotten it by now...yea!  He got better in 48 hours, but is still dragging a little as a result.  I can't get him to take the supplements he needs to build his immune system up...he's a stubborn rascal!

    Today I have to bite the bullet and do my 14 hour continuing education for my real estate license....don't know why I keep it's not like I'm going to start selling real estate again at!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    “We can always learn something from everyone that has ever come across our lives. They were there to help reflect the needed knowledge and experiences for us to grow.
    …No matter what happens in LIFE, always take the positive
    and leave everything
    else behind…and don’t look back!
    ~ Embellished Minds ~

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2013

    Hello everyone!

    What a true quote, Jackie!  We're never too old to learn and there's always sombody who can teach us something if we're willing!

    Cami-----Yea for those good test results.  Now you can take several deep breaths and just go right on living your life!  Hugs!

    Carole, congrats on winning your golfing event!  Golf is alway fun but it's even more fun when you win and it always amazes me when all parts of your game seem to come together.  Then it really amazes me when they disconnect the next time you play!  LOL

    Kaara..What supplements do you take to build up your immune system?  I need help in this area.  I seem to catch everything anymore. I'm so glad you're having fun and living your life to its fullest!

    Bonnets.....yea on the good mammo!!!!  I really get nervous before my mammos and know that feeling of relief that comes when the results are good.  Yea, yea, yea!!!!

    I took my niece to birthday lunch today.  It's hard to believe that she is 51.  Where does the time go?

    Tonight our local Bosom Buddies group is meeting.  For awhile the group was going very strong.  There were several women who attended that were going through the treatments and needed the support.  This last year attendance has been falling so we're going to brainstorm some ways to reach more gals who would like a personal touch support group.  Maybe we'll come up with a solution and then again, maybe the group has served its purpose. 

    My daffodils have poked through the ground so that's a sure sign that spring is just around the corner.  We just need to get rid of this remaining snow!

    Hi Joan, mommarch, chevy and anybody else that I missed.

  • stcharleschick
    stcharleschick Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2013

    Good evening, Ladies!  I was happy to find this discussion of 60+ yr. women.  I am fairly new to the site and the support is incredible.

    I will be getting margins cleared on 3.18.13.  After that, I will meet with the MO on 4.3 and I hope he only prescribes Tamoxifen.  I have already met with the RO.

    I feel, with everything that has happened since 2.14, I am starting to sound like a scientist!

    Have a great evening!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    Welcome stcharleschick  so glad you found us.  I think you'll love it here.  We don't always talk about cancer at our age, but we always talk.  We all feel at home here and so enjoy sharing  because some times the road is a little rough but we know we wiill be understood.  You sound like you have a good handle on your diagnosis and know exactly what you will do.  We are good at hand-holding and cheering and tossing out suggestions.  Hope you will come back often.

    Peace and love,


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2013

    Welcome Stcharleschick. Generally if you are old enough to consider yourself an older person you are too old for tamoxofin. They normally use the aromatase inhibitors for those who have been through menoppause. Of course there are exceptions for everything.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Welcome StCharleschick--u have come to a nicegroup of women and like Jackie said we talk about any and everything. So join along and say what's on u'r mind.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Morning gals!  Yes, Stcharleschick... can I just call you "chick?"  or "Saint"...Wink  Dreamers is right.... For some reason most older women go on the Arimidex, or Femara... but I was stubborn enough I begged and whined (just kidding) for Tamoxifen. 

    And that was because I had heard all sorts of rumors about those "other" drugs.  Also one of my friends had been on Tamoxifen for 5 years, and she did great.  Tamoxifen didn't work for this little oldie... but you have to talk it over with your Onco, and at least TRY what they suggest.  Some women get SE's, some don't.... And even some, like Kaara, take 1/2 the dose.... So see what they recommend for you.  "They" usually know move than we do, Ha!  (usually)

    I just found this article....

    So just a side-note here, DON'T try any of these cures!  We like to believe around here that by removing the tumor, usually following with radiation and sometimes chemo, we have beat the beast.   Complimentary medicine is okay, but not alternative... IMHO. 

    It's supposed to be around 70 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So I can get out & fool around cleaning all the winter mess up.  Like pine needles, left-over leaves and just figure out what I'm going to plant!

    Talk to y'all later!  Have a fun day!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2013

    Hear on the news last night, milk can increase the chances of recurrence in BC! Also new one,  rads can increase the risk of heart problems 5 years down the line! Nothing like good news.

    Welcome to Stcharleschick, is that Illinois. A few of us from there, as you have probably noticed.

    Sunny day, got to go do the car inspection this morning. Have a good day everyone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    There are six principles of abundant living which, when woven together,
    produce a tapestry of contentment that wraps us in inner peace,
    well-being, happiness, and a sense of security.  First there is gratitude.
    When we do a mental and spiritual inventory of all that we have, we realize
    that we are very rich indeed.  Gratitude gives way to simplicity--the desire
    to clear out, pare down, and realize the essentials of what we need to live
    truly well.  Simplicity brings with it order, both internally and externally.
    A sense of order in our life brings us harmony.  Harmony provides us with the
    inner peace we need to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us each day,
    and beauty opens us to joy.  But just as with any beautiful needlepoint
    tapestry, it is difficult to see where one stitch ends and another beings.

    Sarah Ban Breathnach

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    bonnets, I heard that 'blurb' on  t.v. about the 'later' heart trouble from having rads.  Of course, I hope and pray it doesn't happen to me, but I likely would have gone right ahead and done the rads anyway because I really felt I had made a choice at the time not to go half do all I could so that I would get the chance to be a GOOD statistic.  I did actually realize that they do measure and mark you very carefully --- to minimize un-wanted events.'s hoping, but like everyone....I will cope with what I have too, when I have to, but so far -- so good.  I finished chemo and rads in 2008. 

    Beauty of a day here thought starting out cool.  I think ( was due to be warmer yesterday but didn't make it ) we are going to warm pretty well and I'm looking forward to that.  We do seem to be having fresh looking greeen grass so are getting an early look at what is to come.  I am really excited ( I'm generally am every yr. this time ) more so than normal as my daughter ( they came first week of December - all leaves off the trees and bushes bare ) is so anxious to "live" in the woods when it is fully alive and abundant.  I am anxious for her.....can't wait until she sees the blossoming Spring and this part of our little local universe burst back into life.  There is, after the winter, no matter how easy or rough it may be, the anticipation of starting over....just like the foliage.....wanting to take all the bright that can be inside of a person and display it in a smile, wear it like the summer-like breezes and Spring-time sun......yes I am anxious for Kate and I to get to experience this together this yr. 

    Have a gorgeous day.

    Peace and love,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2013

    Welcome StCharlesChick!  Best of luck with your upcoming "clean margin" surgery!  I also hope that you can avoid the chemo.  Although the chemo was "doable", the rads were much easier on me

    As for the heart problems that might occur about 5 years from radiation, I imagine that could be true.  I haven't experienced any yet (KNOCK ON WOOD)!  This topic came up last night at our Bosom Buddies support group.  Some had been told by their doctors to follow a good cardiac workout plan to help avoid this.  That gives me more incentive to get back on my walking routine. 

    We have sunshine in central Illinois today, too but the thermometer is only reading 42 degrees.  I can't wait until it's warm enough to get out in my yard and get things cleaned up.  I bet Carole is on the golf course today!  :-)  I'm jealous of your 70 degrees, Chevy!  I hope you do get out and enjoy a little of that warm weather.

    Jackie, I am so glad that Kate is back and you're now able to share so many things.  Hugs, dear friend!  Thanks again for another inspirational message.

    ptdreamers....Are you taking an AI and if so, how are you doing on it?

    I have a few errands to run this afternoon.  This grandma is going to see her grandkids at Easter and I have some Easter baskets to make!  I really love to do this!  Then Dave and I are going out to eat.  That will be the perfect end to a good day!

    Everyone enjoy your day!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited March 2013

    Rita, you guessed right.  I was on the golf course today and the weather was perfect.  Sunny, cool at first, no wind.  I wore slacks and a light pullover sweater over a short-sleeved shirt.  After about 4 holes I shed the sweater.  Wish my golf score had been better but you can't have everything. 

    Three of the women in our Fri. group took me out to lunch for a late birthday celebration at a restaurant overlooking Lake Pontchartrain.  We sat out on the raised front porch.  It was very enjoyable.

    Now tonight dh and I are going out to dinner with some neighbors.  That's too much "going out" to eat in one day, but it just happened that way.

    Welcome, StCharles.  I hope you'll like our group and come around often to visit with us.

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    The surgeon at Sloan Kettering seems very good.  I had a much better feeling after talking with her vs. the first surgeon (who turned out to be "wishy-washy" to quote one of you). She had reviewed all the records and had us scheduled for another mammo when we arrived because some tissue had been missed plus they noted microcalcifications that 2 other radiologists apparently didn't see.  Instead of biopsying them, she said she can remove them with the tumor since they are close.  Basically her attitude is you are here to have cancer treated and that if cardiologist and neuro clear her for surgery, she will do it. While she acknowledges it is complicated by other conditions and meds., she isn't as conservative. Hope that is a good thing.

    She drew us a diagram, spoke directly to mom, wrote options very clearly and got input from her anesthesiologist while we were there.  They disagreed that a sedative like the 1st surgeon suggested instead of anesthesia was a better choice- could be just as taxing on the body since mom might hear or feel something during surgery. 

    But, to do surgery we need to wait because mom had another seizure this week.  She isn't up to the therapeutic dose yet for that med. but we are working up to it.  It makes her really tired which neuro says could last 2-4 weeks.  Scheduling therapy is next to impossible.  In fact, they called today to tell me we are cancelling too much, that it will look bad when Medicare reviews for approval and that maybe we need to put it on hold for a couple weeks-- a whole other story!

    So, we are back to deciding lump. + rad. or masect. and hoping this seizure med. is one that works and has limited side effects so we don't have to try another one.

    I keep thinking of the microcal.  They won't be biopsied after surgery since surgeon says it doesn't matter what they were. I wonder if that is a 'reason' for masect over lump. though? 

    Take care, ladies!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    regbeach...much to think about here.  Glad you got a more positive feeling with Sloan.  It can make such a difference to feel that the person/Dr. you are speaking with is empathising with you --- that you are more than just a case.

    It sounds like the first order of business is to get the seizure problem dealth with so that it is possible to move on.  I'm not sure about the Medicare issues, as I never had to deal with a Medicare program at the time, but feel it strange that they woudl look askance if they REALLY look at what has been going on here.  Truthfully though......just my opinion, but  I think a great many of the people who deal with insurance become very un-empathetic. 

    Also just my opinion, but seems if you did the lump. and the surgeon took out the calcifications you could still keep the surgery from being nearly as involved. Of course, the radiation would be targeted to pick up anything missed.  It is hard choices to be sure --- but guess overall I'm for keeping it as simple as you could. 

    Again, just my thoughts, but I can see why the calcifications would not be biopsied.....apparently there is only the very sm. amt. and they will be will have done what it was possible to do.....if they are anything they are gone --- if they were not, they are still gone and will never have to be considered again. 

    Anyway, hope you will let us know how things are going so that we can try to offer some thoughts for you, some comfort, solace or whatever might be needed.  Hugs to you.

    Peace and love,


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2013

    Ritajean, I am on Aromasin. Started out with the name brand then drug provider switched me to the brand by Roxane Started having lots of joint and muscle aches. Requested generic by Greenstone which is really the same thing as the name brand, and have had fewer problems. Been on for fifeteen months so far.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    As I look back at the entire tapestry of my life, I can see from the perspective
    of the present moment that every aspect of my life was necessary and perfect.
    Each step eventually led to a higher place, even though these steps often felt
    like obstacles or painful experiences.

    Wayne Dyer

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Regbeach... Do you know what her seizures are caused by? Are they waiting for those to get under control before they do surgery? The anesthetic does sound better.... I'm just going by what I had, and I didn't get sick at all.... The anesthetist used Propenol, (I think) along with other stuff, so I wouldn't get sick. I woke up very easily.

    I know it is a pain in the butt to think of also dealing with your Insurance company. But, maybe you should call them, when you find out what the plan is. Or even before? I have contacted mine, when I had a question.

    My Doctor "gave" me a Nebulizer one time, when I was sick with Asthma. The company that worked with the Doctor charged ME over $79 MORE dollars than what the Insurance paid. The Insurance Co. said they allowed $200 for a nebulizer, and that's what they gave the company. I THEN found the new ones online for #35 total!

    I was so mad! So I called the Doctor back, and expressed my feelings, :) and a little more, and also called the rip-off company, and TOLD them what they sell for online! I got absolutely no help from anyone! Had to pay it, and even the Insurance Co. said they have their guidlines, and blah blah. Guess THEY didn't mind getting ripped off, but I did.

    And Jackie is right.... believe in your team, and try and not think about things that they are not worried about..... Let us know.... we're always here....

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited March 2013

    Hi - snowing here again...beautiful big flakes...trees delicately frosted...but who needs snow 4 days before spring arrives???

    Carole, your BD lunch by the big lake sounds of my favorite things to do when the weather warms -- sit outside for lunch and just take in the moment.  Food tastes so much better outside (when someone else cooks)!  And belated congrats on your great golf day and win.  I can tell you just love the game, but winning is always more fun :-D

    Reg, what I liked about Sloan is the team approach - everything right there...and usually decisive and direct.  If they are overlooking something, it could also be that at certain age some things may take a long time to surface as a problem needing treatment.  Good luck with the first step - getting the seizures under control. 

    St.Charles, is good to be here.  There are many specific sites that mix older and younger women...but everyone here has a unique perspective on life that makes it a comfortable and accepting place. 

    Hi Rita, Chevy, Camille, and others i've missed...

    Happy last week end of winter!  (bye bye)

    Hugs,  Joan

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    I can't believe how much I miss all the time--Hi Ladies AND welcome St.Charles chick--u'll love it here--wonderful women ans even some fun stuff.

    Reg u've really got alot going on--I'm glad some of the ladies can help u (((HUGS)))

    Joan I like that happy last weekend of winter--everyone is getting antsy for spring. Well St. Patrick's day is here and there are parties all over the place--this is big celebration tine. And then St. Josephs day and everyone forgets. hahaha--yrs ago there were always big buffets all over the place for St. Joseph's day--not so much anymore.

    And golf is really going to get going big time ladies--so I know u'r happy.

    And the weather here is damp and cold so it's not inviting going out--little sun today.

    Now I have to figure what to watch tonite oohhh decisions and Monday I have to make more app'tments for a couple of more tests---So I'll think about that Monday. hahaha

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    Hi everyone.....started to rain here a bit ago....I think maybe more tomorrow and who knows a bit of snow mixed.  It was 62 overnight and now this.....REALLY.  Wow, I'm going to be so thrilled when we get the more consistent weather.  This is another little glitch to global warming I guess. 

    Well, I'm alive to enjoy it and can look forward to a weather adventure for awhile yet. 

    See you all in the morning.

    Peace and love,


  • stcharleschick
    stcharleschick Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2013

    Hello again!  Thank you for the clarification on the aromatase inhibitor (for older) vs. Tamoxifen (for the younger).  

    And you can call me Chick, St. Charles or whatever works for you!

    St. Charles cannot kick the winter weather.  The Weather people are talking snow tonight!!

    Have a great St. Pattie's Day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    St Chick....there is a St. Charles not too far from where I live in Illinois.  Are you by any chance from there?  Snow was a possibility today or tomorrow. 

    Glad you came back.....great group here.  No matter where you are from I'm very tired of winter.  I'd move, but maybe one of these days our weather will settle to at least somewhat predictable instead of the last three or four years of almost anything goes.

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Here we go again Jackie-----where was it 62 degrees? Not here--It's always so funny cuz our weather is so different --u crack me up.

    And Chick if it is in Illinois St. Chrles is such a preety town, live Geneva, very Homey and so nice to walk around there,

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Morning all!  Okay St Chick!  We here in Denver were supposed to get rain yesterday, AND today, but looks like they REALLY missed this one!  Just like their prediction for sunny days when it snowed 4 inches here!  So it was 4 to 6 inches of "partly cloudy" if I am not mistaken...Wink

    I mean my DOG can predict the weather better than that.  She goes outdoors, lays down by the back door, and keeps looking up to the sky.  THEN it will snow.  And that is her favorie time.

    My HANDS are driving me NUTS!!!!  Woke up yesterday morning, and the itching was worse than it had ever been.  But I did it AGAIN!  I tried this new polish stuff... Nutra-nail... or whatever..........  Next day it started.. and then it really took ahold.  Little fingers look like sausages.  And when I rub them they "leak"  ..... I mean they get wet!  They are so swollen they must have blisters under the skin.   I took another Claritin...  keep them greased with Preparation H...(for the swelling & itching) and a mixture of other creams, and wear little gloves.

    But you would THINK I would LEARN!!!   I canNOT wear polish I guess!  I had them done about 6 months ago, when this started.  I had those "gel-nails" put on...  no problem.   But THEN my fingers started itching, drying, cracking, and now all hell broke loose!

    I should write down, 100 times, "I WILL NOT USE ANY FORM OF POLISH, GLUE, ACRYLICS, NOR GEL ON MY HANDS"..... period.  I have taken Prednisone, different prescriptions of ointments, mixed my own, and now, FINALLY, I finally think I pinned it down.  

    I've tried Shea butter, mink oil, tea-tree salve, mentholatum, zinc-oxide, bag balm, vaseline, Curel, and everything else people told me to try.  I know it's Eczema, but it is "topical dermatitis"... so that must mean it's something that I'M doing that brings it on.  Anyway, I think I figured it out....  HOW long did it take me to learn this?  And I'm HOW old?  Aren't I old enough to know EVEYthing by now?  Ha, ha!

    Just goes to show you, age has nothing to do with smarts...Wink  Maybe if I run around with those canvas work gloves, that will remind me to NOT put anything on my fingernails.  I USED to do my own nails, AND acrylics, and no problem!  But SOMEthing happened!  I am now extremely allergic to all of that stuff. 

    Going to go jump in the shower, and cry me a river.... Ha, ha!  And come back out and lather up my hands, and wear gloves the rest of the day.

    And watch Nascar....  Smile

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    Life offers its wisdom generously. Everything teaches. Not everyone learns. Life asks of us the same thing we have been asked in every class: "Stay awake." "Pay attention." But paying attention is no simple matter. It requires us not to be distracted by expectations, past experiences, labels, and masks. It asks that we not jump to early conclusions and that we remain open to surprise.

    Rachel Naomi Remen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    Ah Chevy, you are just too funny gal.  So, the quote I found this morning fits perfectly, eh!!!  Really, you know I love you and would never say that otherwise.  You obviously were not totally sure and the other thing many of those products are worded in such a way -- that they have things in them to contribute in a healthy sort of way to make your nails, smoother, stronger etc.  I mean they sometimes make it sound like such a PERFECT product for YOU that you would almost feel it a dis-service to yourself not to use it.

    I hope it does not take you too long to get your hands back in shape again.  What a total frustration. 

    I am not sure now, but I saw a few snowflakes outside a bit ago.  I think they have stopped.  We were going to have something between rain and snow, but it wasn't going to be sleet.....just rain heavily mixed with some snowflakes.  It is cold, but not cold enough to turn the rain to sleet....just enough to let a few flakes drift down.  Yikes...I am tired of this crazy stuff, but sure one day soon it will make up its mind.  Sure hope so.

    Hope you all have an outstanding Sunday.  Hi to all by the way....I'm thinking about all of you.

    Peace and love,


  • stcharleschick
    stcharleschick Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, everyone! Yes Illinois Lady, I live in St. Charles MO. I grew up in St. Louis county. We have had a little snow this morning but nothing to get crazy about.

    Chevyboy, my son lives in Westminster. It is funny how people born in the Midwest hope for no snow, but since he transferred there last year, he hopes for snow all the time!

    Have a good day, everyone. Tomorrow is the day I get my clock cleaned....I mean my margins cleared!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,628
    edited March 2013

    St. Chick.....I'm sure we will all be thinking of you tomorrow wishing for you the very best outcome.....and with all those wishes piled up !!!! 

    I live about 75 miles east of the city of St. Louis.  It is a pretty easy drive, but we don't go into the city often.  We are likier to go to St. Clair Square in Fairview Hts. which is also right next to O'Fallon, Il.  I know there is also an O'Fallon, Mo. just to get things a little confused,but not too much. 

    Here's a big yea for clear margins. 

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    St.Charles, u have to tell us how that goes tomorrow.

    Good Morning all and Happy St. Paddy's Day and hope it's a good day for everyone.

    Jackieu'r right---the quote reminded me CHEVY--hahaha