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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2013

    Happy St Patric's Day.

    WHere is that 60degrees? It was 30 when we got up, had to scrape snow and ice off the windshield before we went to church.

    Chey, my Mom battled exema like yours for years, tried everything, finally  was on a trip  to Iowa and her hands cleared up. She found out they had a water softener, got one at home and byebye exema and all the dr. visits and ointments! Never had trouble again. Just an idea. I know as I get older I experience allergies I never had. Can't wear costume jewelry, i  dissolve the plating, ust a pinhole and i'm itching like crazy. Tale Allegra morning and n ight for my forever drip. AAAAh the golden years!

    Got to go to a wake today, distant cousin of DH. See all his relatives. This week is CT on friday, for my non-menstrual cramps, what ever.

    Belong to a senior players group. We put on skits for church and senior groups. Luckily we read our parts, if we had to memorize, well you can guess, Haha! We have fun. Had to drop pout last year with Dh open heart, gout, Melanoma and my BC. Can't get him to go back, but i'll try, between dr. appts.


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2013

    StCharles, Good luck tomorrow. On these boards we have "pocket parties" everyone is in your pocket with you for procedures, tests etc. We can get pretty rowdy but you know we are rooting  for you. We will all be in your pocket tomorrow.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited March 2013

    Chevy, Once you get your hands cleared up, try using an old fashioned buffer. It takes a while, but your nails end up smooth and shiny.

    St.Charles, Yes, definitely in your pocket tomorrow -- and clear margins.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Okay, I give up.... I just started Prednisone again.... but only for about 7-10 days.   My fingers look pitiful.... Ha!  Yes, Bonnets!  We just have to figure it out!   I even poured hand soap down the drain once, and some cute little rubber gloves with a ruffle... because I thought it must be one of THOSE things...  I wore rubber gloves for EVERYthing around here!   

    And to finally think it is all that I've tried putting on my nails!  What a DINK!  I just HOPE that is "it."   So now my hands aren't itching as much.  Just peeling and red, and the water blisters have stopped.... Actually they feel like I burned them....   They are lovely..... Wink

    Yes Wren.... I'll just buff them from now on.... as soon as they quit hurting....   When I first read your post, I thought you said an old fashioned butter....  Tee-hee!  I thought, "Oh okay, I've tried bag balm, maybe butter is better!"   But I HAVE buffed my hands, and fingers... to get the dead skin off, once they  quit cracking and peeling.... again..... they are lovely...... Undecided

    Jackie, I WILL pay attention to what I am doing.... even as I do something wrong, Ha, ha!  I just didn't connect the problems I was causing, because it always takes several days before "things happen".... and by then I just did not connect anything.  I mean I am lucky if I can remember what I had for breakfast, as my Daughter says... Wink  I will copy your saying, make a poster, and hang it on my wall.... Ha, ha!

    I just hope, hope HOPE I don't get allergic to hair color....!!!!  And make-up.....!!!!  If I DO, I'm a gonner!  For sure!  I will have to take wearing a mask.... and a wig..... Actually, a wig sounds sort of cute some days....   I TRIED on a grayish wig one time, and fell over in a dead faint..... along with my dog.  So evidently gray is not my color.

    St. Chick!  Yes, Daughter#2 lives in Westminster too!   She lives off of 80th and Sheridan sort-of....  But it is mostly younger people that come here "for the snow" and all the winter sports, etc...  When you get older, you just hope for Spring, Summer and Fall!  Ha, ha!   And oh.... The "mud-season" up in the mountains! 

    Thinking of you tomorrow St. Chick..... And Hi Dreamers....and Camille!  Happy St. Patricks to you all too...!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited March 2013

    In your pocket StCharles.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited March 2013

    Hi, Stellar.  Sure hope your non-treatment (or non-conventional-treatment) choice works out well for you.  Most or all of the regulars on this thread went the conventional route, following the instructions of their bc dr. or team of drs.

    I was lucky enough that chemo wasn't recommended and I avoided rads by opting for BMX.  I also opted for immediate reconstruction with implants.  I didn't explore DIEP reconstruction even though that option was offered.  A top team of DIEP surgeons is nearby in New Orleans.  I know the mother of Dr. Sullivan.  DIEP involved a longer recovery and I wanted to get back to playing golf ASAP.

    Last week was a little too busy for this lazy homebody.  I ended up feeling tired by the weekend.  It's probably time to make an apptment with my PC dr. and get some bloodwork to make sure the thyroid med is still doing its job adequately. 

    DH and I will probably drive over to Biloxi on the Gulf Coast today to a bike shop that has a bicycle for me that dh has been looking for.  It's a Jamison brand which is a good bike but not as expensive as some of the more advertised brands like Trek.  My bike fell off the bike rack last summer and was damaged. 

    Here's the weather report for Camille.  It's foggy this morning.  The trees have exploded into pale green foliage.  The heat didn't come on this morning since the temp. in the house was 70 degrees.  I'll probably wear shorts and sandals to the WW meeting.  Oh, and a blouse, too!  I just hope we have some spring weather before summer begins.

    Wishing everyone a happy Monday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited March 2013

    Short but to the point:

    Make the most of the best and the least of the worst.  Robert Louis Stevenson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited March 2013

    Hi and good morning to everyone. glad you are going to wear a blouse.  You had me going there for a minute.  I must say, not sure what Camille got, but it poured here....about two and a half inches.  It was just so stopping and starting like it often does.  Seemed like th Energizer Bunny at work.  It looks very wet eveywhere, but I think the rain is over and hopefully the temps. will slip back up again.  I'll just be looking for sun. 

    St. is pocket day I think and know we are all in yours sending healing vibes for a wonderful outcome. 

    I am a little turned around.  Don't usually work on Sunday, but I was given the opportunity and since I might miss a spot of time on Wednesday thought I'd best take it.  It wasn't bad since you could do so little during the day, but will probably make the week seem extra long.

    Chevy.....I hope you are getting on with your hands.  Sure hate you are having to go through this again.....but maybe this will help you nail down one of your triggers which I hope is mainly the only one.  I'm pulling for you.

    I'll see you all later.  Have a fantastic day -- especially the golfers.

    Peace and love,


  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited March 2013

    Hi Stellar, I chose BMX from the start even though my tumor was <1cm.  I wanted to avoid rads on my left side and wanted to avoid hormonal therapy.  Not a fan of the term "possible" side effects since I am Murphy's Law on feet.  When I saw my surgeon five days after my surgery and there was no node involvement, I called the onc practice and cancelled my follow up appt.  I have chosen to live flat.  Not even interested in foobs and I have been very comfortable going out in public from the beginning.  Each journey is different from one another's for so many reasons.  How we come to our decisions is very personal and is the right one for us.  

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2013

    MOrning Ladies, 

    Off to our seniors meeting. Gtting ready for another blast of winter, Supposed to get 3-7 inches of snow here tonight. Will fill the bird feeders, have gas for the tractor, then sit and wait for the snow!

    Good luck StChick!

    Carole, send some spring our way.

    Gotta get going to seniors. 


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2013

    Growing older is like climbing a mountain: the higher you get, the more strength you need, but the further you see.

    Ingmar Bergman

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2013

    Thinking of you today St.Chick!  Hope all goes well!

    Oh bonnets..........more snow!!!!!  It's springtime!  We had some freezing rain this morning but it has quit for now and is just dreary and overcast.  It's hard for me to get motivated to accomplish anything on days like this!

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited March 2013


    Mom's seizures are from the stroke- scar tissue I guess.  We started the higher, desired dose today but she threw up this AM.  Don't know if it is from meds or a stomach bug.  It is impossible to separate side effects from what could be a  regular symptom. I am sure you have all been through that with your meds too. Waiting for dr. to call me back but I am sure he will say to try again tomorrow.  It is hard to believe that trial and error is still the approach to so many things.

    Speaking of eczema, mom had an unusually dry patch of skin on a finger which in the last several days has 'spread' to more of her hand.  It is only on her hand so I don't think it's a side effect.  I put Eucerin cream on it every night but I'm not sure it's improving.  I was about to google eczema for pics.  She itches it quite often and the knuckles seem a  little swollen. Sounds like if that is what it is, I am going to have a heck of a time getting rid of it!

    Wind is howling here....NJ, 5 houses to the ocean.  Like all, I am ready for spring.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Regbeach..... about the eczema... My hands/fingers are a mess right now.  My fingers are peeling, and red, and feel just like I burned them.  Actually that's what they look like.....I'm taking Prednisone for about the next week.  I wear little gloves whenever I can, and always in bed. 

    I didn't believe that I was allergic to something, but usually that's what Eczema is...  I know now, that I cannot wear that polish, etc!    And yes, my fingers were really swollen 2 days ago, when this latest bout started.... mostly around my knuckles and nails! 

    Try a cortisone cream, then cover with Vaseline, or something like Preparation H...(It helps the swelling and itching)  HONEST!   Then wear little cotton gloves or those "moisturizing" gloves.  I even like Shea butter, and the generic zinc oxide.... and you can mix it all together.

    Ask the surgeon if when your Mom is under anesthetic, if she could still have a siezure....  and what would they do, if she did!    I know ANYthing could happen, to any of us... I was so afraid of being put "under".... but I woke up, and didn't know a THING!  I was ready to go home....Ha!    So ask the anesthetist about that Michael Jackson drug, for going to sleep.  It really helped, with no side-effects.

    Are they still planning on surgery?

  • stcharleschick
    stcharleschick Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2013

    Hello everyone!  Back from the surgery center with, hopefully, clear margins!  I feel great.  Thank you all for the well wishes and for being in my pocket! son lives at 96th circle.  He just moved from Broomfield a month or so ago.  I haven't seen his place yet.  But we have a trip planned out there this summer.

    Weather is cloudy but I feel all sunny inside knowing that the procedure is over!

    IllinoisLad - Love your quote!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    St.Chicks--I hope u'r doing OK. Let us know.

    Carole thank u for u'r latest report on weather that we don't have here LOL--It was snowing and raining for a few hrs. this morning Not so good, it stopped for now, but supoosed to get more -and it's dampy cold.

    Chevy u really have it bad, I think it's strange how our bodies slowly go haywire cuz we didn't have anything before.

    Reg do check out what Chevy sadi about being under--Chevy always brings up good points and honestly that is what scares me totally, so check out that Dr. I once told an anathesiologist (sp) that he was the most import Dr. in the room, and if anything happens to me his name would be put in my obituary,

    Stellar nothin is wrong with u'r decision (I think) whatever works, I went traditional and there are so many SE hanging on and more happening--so since no one seems to have for sure answers who's to say what is good or wrong---I've always said my life is one long line of decisions and along the way I've made plenty of mistakes, but it's not so easy.

    Bonnets it sounds so nice going to the senior group and doing things like u are. Good for you.

    Jackie again our weather differs so--how far do we actually live from each other? The towns around me are OakBrook, Ellmhurst,Wheaton--I gave u the biggest ones I could think of. LOL

    I hope everyone has a great day, BTW I'm sick of Drs. LOL I'm knee deep in them right now. I even told them As nice as u are I could do without u. I'm so ignorant, most of the time and I know it.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2013


    GH and I say we have to plan our vacatios, etc around/between Drs appts!

    Staying out South next momth , when I meet my brother for a few days in Chicago. Kinda scary  in the neighborhoods  we grew up in, anymore. Hope we have a safe visit, yet get to share some of the old haunts! I went to nursing in Evanston and grandparents were from Wilmette, much better than Hyde Park and Avalon  out south!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    St. Chick!  Yes, congratulations!  That part is done.... just tell them you want a copy of the report, when they get back to you.  Also see if they will give you a copy of the "final path report".... that tells them more about what further treatment you might have....  And are they going to give you an Onco test?  That is to see if you should have chemo.....

    My number was 19.... which was not good, but at my age, they thought chemo would not be needed... I sure hope I made the right decision....   Your numbers look like mine.... So maybe that also made a difference in not going for chemo..... just radiation....

    I started Tamoxifen, and took it for 14 months... but I am over 3 years out, and doing well....  All except my hands, ha!  My hands have a mind of their own, and they live on a different planet.  Wink

    Hi Camille...  I know!  Everything about me is different than what it was like 10 years ago.   Just things come up, and drive you nuts.

    Bonnets, be careful with your Brother..... My folks in Richmond California also lived in a "questionable" neighborhood....  But my Brother and I walked a couple blocks away one night, to a gas station, just to have coffee...  There was a crowd in the parking lot of all young guys...And my heart just stopped.... But we just walked through them all..... saying "hi" to all of them, and I realized there was nothing to be afraid of....   Maybe we were just lucky.... but just be aware of what you are doing, and  be safe.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited March 2013

    Yea...St. Chick.  I'm so glad you are through and doing so well.  Rest up a bit though.  Hard to do when your feeling good.  Here's hoping for the very, very best  news you could get.

    Camille, we are probably about 4 hrs away from each are in the North end of the state, and I'm in the South end.....though I'm at the very top of the sourthern portion.....we just barely made it in.  So, our weather can be a whole lot different at times.  We had the sleety, rainy snow too --- yesterday morning, but then it quit.  Later we had a rather steady but not too fast rain....pretty consistent, then about 7 p.m. or so, we started with lightning and thunder.  At that time we started getting a real gully-washer rain that kept up for several hours. 

    Very glad to get up this morning and find no more water ( even if it was ugly gray ) coming out of the sky.  I need some of that good old fashioned sun, even if it is cooler than I would like. 

    Hope you all have a great evening.

    Peace and love,


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2013

    YEA St Chick! We will keep our fingers crossed for clean margins this time, gal!

    Cami...I'm the "in-between gal."  I'm located a little over half way between you and Jackie. We didn't get your snow but we had freezing rain.  The man who bought my business is based in Wheaton.  I had to make several trips up there for 6 months after the sale and it wasn't too bad of a drive after I'd done it once. 

    bonnets....How long are you going to be in Illinois? 

    Chevy, I know this sounds crazy but I had similar problems with my hands about 20 years ago.  I tried everything and finally a dermatologist told me to go get Corn Huskers Lotion.  My gosh it was slimy and gross.  I put it on at night with cotton gloves and it took care of the problem.  I don't even know if they make that stuff anymore.

    Well, I need to get moving!  Hello to everyone!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2013

    Chevy, When I broke my wrist, the doctor in th ER said he wanted to give  the drug that killed Michael Jackson. I was in so much pain I said bring it on. Don't remember a thing from the procedure.Laughing

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2013

    Rita Jean, get to Midway the evening of the 11th and leave on sunday afternoon. Brother had a dinner to go to, and asked if I wanted to meet him there.

    Been snowing since supper, got 4 inches or so already!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Hi gals.... Yes Dreamers!  I'll bet it is something like that, that they give you for a colonoscopy also?  One minute I was talking to them, and listening to music, then the next minute they were asking me if I was ready to go back to the room.....  I thought WTH???  Am I done? 

    It was so nice!  That prep the night before ranks right up there with pulling my own teeth out... Ha! 

    Rita, I'll look for it!  I remember that!  I just have to eliminate the cause.  Fingers are just peeling and red this morning, and still swollen. 

    Everything I put on them, makes them feel better, especially with the gloves, but I just have to NOT do things that make them flare up!  It would be so easy to  "peal" that skin off, but it always goes into "live" skin....  So I try and just cream and rub it off.  I think I am developing snake tendency's.  Wink 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited March 2013

    I will be generous with my love today. I will sprinkle compliments
    and uplifting words everywhere I go. I will do this knowing that
    my words are like seeds and when they fall on fertile soil, a
    reflection of those seeds will grow into something greater.

    Steve Maraboli

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited March 2013

    So pretty and actually sunny out this morning though they have already said it will not actually be warm -- no matter, as I will have the same amount of longing for it to be warm.  The sun does make it better.  I'm probably being anxious -- it is likely the very recent rain of a couple of days ago, but the trees look a bit more alive --- like they too are just waiting for the magical moment when the buds can push out.

    I hope you all have a sunny, pretty day.

    Peace and love,


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2013

    Have 5+ inches, now snowing again, like crazy! SIL says it's like shoveling cement! Bet those Robins I saw the other day wonder why they came back!

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited March 2013

    Hi to all,

    St.Chick - Welcome and I hope all is going well for you.

    Happy Birthday to those I missed and Happy Anniversary to those I missed.

    I have been kind of busy this past few weeks. Have had grandkids on the weekends which I love. Celebrated my last day of being 63 and we celebrated our 41st anniversary. Also celebrate 3 years of ned.

    This week I am going between 2 centers for work. Helping out at another center to get ready for licensing.

    Chevyboy, hope your hands are doing better.

    Camillegal , you are not far from us. Wheaton, Naperville, Winfield, Lisle are not far.

    I remember the Corn Huskers lotion.

    Hope everyone is doing well and have a great week.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited March 2013

    termite.....About, it all sounds like fun.

    Love and peace,


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2013

    Morning ladies!  I've been busy so haven't been on here in a long time.  Glad to see everyone is doing well.

    St. Chick:  Welcome and hope all goes well for you...sending positive energy!

    Stellar:  We share a lot of common treatment philosophies...mine have worked well for me!  I will send you a private message.

    Ritajean:  Sorry I missed your post asked about what supplements I take.  I took a lot of them early on, and have now pared them down to high doses of vitamin C (2,500 mg) vitamin D (7,000 mg) vitamin B12, Calcium/Magnesium, krill oil, an eye vitamin, and a vitamin that contains a high veggie supplementation.  Every morning I try to drink a green smoothie made with fresh greens like kale and spinach with romaine and fresh fruit, with a couple of scoops of protein powder.  It's delicious although my DD refers to it as "pond scum".  I watch my diet carefully although I admit to cheating!  I feel better than I have in years!