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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • stcharleschick
    stcharleschick Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2013

    I think all of the snow has put our senses of humor into overdrive. So much fun with funny pics and sayings on this thread! I guess I am a Midwesterner through and through. This snow doesn't bother me...ok it will bother me if it snows in April!

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited March 2013

    IllinoisLady, love the picture.  I laughed out loud and am still chuckling to myself.  How true, how true.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited March 2013

    Jackie, We buy oat grass seeds to plan for the cats. They love it and it's better for them than wheat grass. We discovered one of our cats ate plants when we noticed the back side of an African violet was totally missing. Sneaky little girl ate the part we couldn't see very well.

    We're visiting DS & family for Easter. It's supposed to be 62. I can't remember what I wear in that temperature. Of course it's notoriously windy where they live, so maybe it will only feel like 50. We made it up to 42 yesterday.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2013

    AAAh Jackie nd Wren,

    My kitty loves to eat flowers, leaves etc, then hack them! Hubby no longer gets me flowers for birthday etc, cuz Cookie only eats/barfs em. She will also try and eat the fake Christmas tree!

    Waiting for more snow here, tomorrow to Tues. Soon as the last  snow melts we get a replacement. Can't make up their minds how much. Today has been  beautiful and sunny, tomorrow will make up for that.

    See if I can get my CT report from my primary tomorrow.

    Hope y'all dig out from snows.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2013

    Evening ladies!  Busy day over for an early Easter dinner as BF and I are traveling back to Greenville SC late next week.  It was so much fun to see my DGD and DGGD playing together and sharing their Easter eggs and basket toys...they are a year apart.  They both cried when it was time to go home...they loved their time together!  Children's laughter is so wonderful and refreshing!

    I made pulled pork and served it with several sauces on slider buns along with potato salad, baked beans and cole slaw.  It was a hit.  DD was supposed to bring the dessert (pineapple upside down cake) but she came down with that dreaded stomach virus, so there was no dessert except for chocolate bunny the DGD's weren't sharing!

    Finally, the dishes are washed and put away...BF insisted on cleaning up while I spent time with the special!  He is now watching a well earned basketball game, which I hate, so it gives me time to catch up on things.  I should be exhausted, but I still have a lot of energy after a full day.  It will probably hit me tomorrow.

    Hope everyone had a great was warm here but very windy...made our lake look like a river with a swift current.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited March 2013

    Wow Chevy, how much of that foot of snow survived the day?

    We may get some more snow tomorrow...but what else is new?
    I hope the week to come is a good one!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Kaara u'r running on adrenelin from u'r love--it's wonderful, it makes everything shine.

    Snow not here yet, I don't think it's coming here sooooo.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013
    Morning friends!


    Yes Camille....  It would be awful if we couldn't act silly anymore... And how are we SUPPOSED to act at our age?    "Girls just wanna have fun!"  When I go out to lunch with my friends, we tease the wait-staff, and just have a great time, and those two threads are about the same...  Ha!  


    Jackie, it DID snow off an on again yesterday, and a little last night again... It's a toasty 17 degrees out right now, and maybe more snow.  I'm not going to complain.... doesn't do any good! 


    How is your Orchid Joan?  It sounds like yours is a gonner... Sorry, but sometimes we just gotta give up on the poor thing and call it a day.  Have you tried re-potting it.... and cutting all the dead roots?  Also change the potting mix...  1/2 orchid mix, peat moss, and stick it in a cool window?  I have my Orchid on the table, facing the North window, and a red Cyclamen on the ledge in the window.  They seem to like the cool.   


    I also have two in the North facing kitchen window... even an African Violet.  If you get those little bugs/gnats, I've used a cat-collar around the top of the pots... It really helps keep bugs away. 


    This sounds crazy, but in the summer, I set my house-plants out...

    Some on the front porch, and some on the North side of our house.   Just don't keep them where the wind and rain beat them up.


    And if you see a spider web in them, that is good!  They also eat the little aphids or whatever they are.  So then you have little meat-eaters eating the vegetarians!    Lady bugs are good too!  Have you seen them in the garden centers?  But when I took a bag home, I let them all go out in my gardens, and they were gone by the next day! 


    Jackie, I know what you mean about SOME plants.  I don't even TRY to grow some Ferns here!  They do great in the Spring and Summer, but the dryness here, just won't let them live.  Maybe if I kept a humidifier on them all winter, they would.


    Your picture was funny!  Yes!  We are ALL the lead character in our lives....


    Hi St. Charles!   We went out yesterday, icy streets and all, just to get a few things.  Stopped at Safeway, to get groceries and a Starbucks, so you KNOW the day was going to be good!  Then we went to Ross and Big Lots, (they are all close) and it was just fun walking around, while the stores were all empty!   Bought a cute round puffy cream colored silk "Rose" pillow.  Man, I don't need those cute ruffly things on the bed, but I can't HELP it!   But then I think.... "Why not?"  If I want one, I can get it.   Even a cute little Betsy Johnson silky shoulder bag!   Ross has everything like 1/2 price...  So that is a favorite place to shop.


    Hi Wren and Bonnets.... Hope your weather is warmer than ours is today.


    Kaara, you sound just ecstatic!  Good for you!  Yes, "new love" just does that for a gal.... I don't care for Basketball, Baseball much either.  But I like Foot-ball, Hockey, and especially Nascar!


    Carole, did your Hub watch that race yesterday???  WHAT AN ENDING!!!  Man, oh man!  And Kyle took it again!  AND the day before in the Nationwide!  He is such a little snot, but one of the BEST drivers ever!  I knew this for the last 2 years...  You could just see him growing as a driver.  And now, even is learning to not be such a hot-head!


    Camille, that's TRUE!  Ha!  Kaara IS running on adrenalin... 


    And those of us who have been married a ga-zillion years,  we can just sit back and feel comfortable with what we have, and thank God  we've made it this far.... together.





  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,119
    edited March 2013

    Chevy, dh recorded the race on the dvr and watched it last night.  I won't tell you what he said at the end because he's NOT a fan of the Busch brothers. 

    It's much colder than usual here for this time of year.  But I figure this is our last breath of cold air.  It's possible to put on enough clothes to keep warm but you can take off ALL your clothes and still sweat when it gets hot and humid.

    Today I'm missing the WW meeting for the first time to do a good deed.  My niece with mental illness came home from a mental hospital on Friday.  They have her so drugged up that it's not safe for her to drive.  I volunteered to drive her and the 7 yr. old daughter to a dr.'s apptment at 10 am. 

    The kids are out of school this week.  My niece will have to get the meds adjusted during this week so that she can get the kids off to school next week and drive the 3 yr. old to Headstart preschool. 

    Kaara, it's nice to see someone so happy as you are in your new relationship.  Your contentment shines through and warms us all.  I appreciate my "old" relationship and feel very thankful that life is good.

    Monday hugs to all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Carole, I know!  Ha!  No-one likes that kid!  And Kurt doesn't have many MORE friends..... But he is an exceptional  driver...  It was sooooo close.... I wish that Joey Lagano could have won it.... Or even Denny Hamlin!  Kyle just sneaked through when those other two guys got together....  I kept yelling "GO.... GO" for Lagano....  Husband comes in and asks Why the Racket?.......  Oh well..... it WAS a good race.  

    You are very nice for offering to take care of your friend....  That's really sweet....    Hope she does better with her meds.

    Yes, life is good....  and we can take care of the ones that are having a rough time.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited March 2013

    Well the snow hit us!  We have about 8 inches.  I had to cancel my oil change and car detailing for today because we can't get down the lane until we get plowed out.  There's lots of plowing to be done in our area so that might not happen here until later this afternoon.  That's o.k.  I have plenty to do in the house and if I get tired of cleaning and reorganizing, I can always curl up and read.

    Chevy shared her snow with us and it looks like we'll be sharing ours with you eastern gals.  Sorry!   

    Be safe if you're in the path of the snow!  Hugs to all of you!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited March 2013

    Laughter is the language of the young at heart and the antidote to what ails us. No drugstore prescription is required; laughter is available to anyone at any time. Laughter's benefits are felt immediately.  With large doses, the benefits show on our face, on our body language, and in the spring in our step.  God gave us this capacity to be tickled way deep down inside.  Giggles are as contagious as a viral disease.  And you know what?  You don't have to be happy to laugh. You become happy because you laugh.

    Barbara Johnson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited March 2013

    Can I just second everything every one else said because I'm running late.  So is always the same, no matter how many first loves' you have.  The thrill of fitting together is magical isn't it? And Camille, hope the snow does stay away from you. 

    Rita, our lane was plowed early this morning.  Dh said 3 a.m. or so.  Apparently the truck woke him up.  I don't bother to wake up, it disturbs the heavy duty sleeping and repairing that needs to get done.  Seriously, I have been fortunate that I normally sleep well if I don't do something foolish like have coffee too late in the evening.  Hard to tell out there for sure, but think we got at least a foot and more like 15 ins. in some places....and there are drifts on top of that. 

    Doesn't sound like the snow will be with us long.  It will start to warm by Wednesday and by the week-end be about 67....REALLY!!!!  I think that is akin to what got us here in the first place.  Oh hurry Spring and come back.

    Carole, you are such a good person to help your niece out like you do.  The only way we really get along in this world is by helping each other.  I do hope at some point this can turn into a positive for you and the whole family. are always the optimist -- if there is some good in something you will find it.  And, you always find laughter and that helps everyone, everywhere.  Who hasn't found their steps a little lighter if they have been able to find the humor of a situation. 

    Peace and love,


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2013

    Morning all you snow bound ladies. Looks like we will luck out and see the snow stay to our south, just minimal here.

    Called my primary and got the CT results. Nothing else, but I was right, still have kidney stones. Passed one a few years ago, call it my 4th child, like having a baby!  Uro didn't think I had any, from the xrays. NOTHING else noted on the CT, hurray! So now Im trying to eliminate some things like my favorite bird seed bread and Kashi cereal, and see if that helps things.

    Talk about crazy old ladies, I'm a Red Hatter, are any others amongst us? Our group goes to lunch once a month. We have a good time, but our group is quite staid. I went to a Red Hat conference last year, talk about wild women. Huge hats, BLING and fun. Give them credit, even the ones using walkers, we have a few in our club.A lot of laughter there!

    Hair cut and Red Hats this weeks most exciting events here. Have a good day.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2013

    Bonnets, I don't think you have to eliminate your favorite bread. If you had diverticulosis then yes you would. The food you eat winds up in your intestine. Kidney stones are generally caused by an excess of a mineral like calcium. Your doctor can tell you the composition of your kidney stones and what to avoid eating or drinking. Good luck

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited March 2013

    Race Fans, Have you read The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein? It's about racing (among other things) and is authored by the dog.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited March 2013

    Chevy:  My DS #3 is a Nascar fan and had the race on TV from the minute he arrived yesterday!  As soon as he left it was promptly switched to basketball for the remainder of the!  The men outnumbered the women in the house yesterday so it was a sports day.

    Carole:  I've always been envious of the friends that have long standing marriages...some as long as 50 years...that's very special and unique in today's world!  Somehow it never worked for me, but I guess I learned something from each of the marriages/relationships I've had, and try to keep only the good memories of those times.

    I'm proud of myself...tackled the house cleaning today and got it behind me, now I can start thinking of the trip back to SC.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited March 2013

    Wren, that is a good book.  Read it last year.  I'm not a race fan like the ladies here but will watch it occasionally.  You don't have to like racing to enjoy it.  I would recommend it to all.

  • honeybair
    honeybair Member Posts: 234
    edited March 2013

    Bonnets, I have a male friend who has kidney stones.  He drank a serving of milk and paid the price in pain yesterday. He avoids iced tea and sodas and when he drinks enough water keeps them at bay.

    I am a Red Hat queen and we are the Scarlett O'Hattas.  We are southern ladies.  Have done nothing this winter due to my chemo and all-round misery as well as my avoiding public places.  So far have stayed free of colds, etc.  I am missing my ladies.  Can't wait to start getting out.  We have such fun and I love them all.

    Love reading the posts here.

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2013

    Just noticed this forum for older ladies; not sure if I qualify.  I'm 57 yrs. old, a widow, & recently diagnosed w/ BC.  I have found this site to be very supportive & lots of good advice given here!

    I have read the book "The Art of Racing in the Rain" & highly recommend it!  Not a big race fan either but love dogs! 

    I am scheduled for surgery (lumpectomy & sentinel node biopsy) on April 3rd.  Very anxious & nervous, to say the least. 

    Just wanted to say HI. 

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited March 2013

    LindaJD, will be saying prayers for you.  See if your doctor will give you something for the nerves.  It does help.  ((((HUGS)))) and welcome!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2013

    I too enjoyed that book. Welcome Linda, good luck with the surgery.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,629
    edited March 2013

    Welcome LINDA JD and honeybair,  you are both quite welcome here.  We are "seasoned " here which only means we are a little older.  I think you'll fit right in here fine.  I'm just home from work and need to get some  things done but most of the ladies here have had at least a lumpectomy and node biopsy.  It is nerve wracking, and the waiting is difficult.  We got through it pretty good and we will help you as well.  Wish no one had to do it, but you are in good company.  I hope you will both come often.  Usually some one will get on and keep company with you. 

    Peace and love,


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited March 2013

    Oh how I am loving my day and evening off today!!!  I spent the whole day working on finances and taxes, but it felt good to finally get things done.

    Welcome, honeybair...glad you posted.  I hope with the arrival of (real) spring you will feel renewed and ready to go out with your friends again.  And it's great that you get to wear a beautiful hat!

    Linda, glad you joined us.  I know how anxious you must feel a week before surgery.  I hope you get a good report and have an easy recovery.  I had the same procedure and radiation and did very well with no complications.  Just keep focused on the likelihood of being cancer-free very soon.

    Chevy, it's over for my orchid Cry but there are no green leaves left.  The stems look great but are probably withering from inside.  No, I did not repot or trim roots...I just let it run its course.  If my DS will visit, I will have to buy another.  My yard is a deer buffet so I don't plant much any more.  We are thinking of clearing our woods in the back, putting up a fence and nursery trees...but not sure we can keep the deer out.  Maybe I should get a small greenhouse.  I have lots of room.

    I don't follow NASCAR but when I watch, I become glued to the TV...I love baseball, and have been going to Yankee Stadium since I was 4 years old.  I went to the very last game played in the old stadium in 2008. 

    We are waiting for the rain to turn to snow here...I live on the rain/snow line so who should the last storm this week.

    Happy Passover to any ladies who are celebrating!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    You guys, I started reading clips from that book, and it sounded so sad!   I love animals so much, and hate to think of our little 9 year old Sheltie not being with us the rest of our lives....    But I also love Nascar!  There are two books out.... by that same author!  Let me know which one is best.

    And yes!  Welcome you two young new gals!  Linda, we will always be here for you.....  Ask us anything....  and maybe we can come up with a good answer.....Ha!  Or else we'll just have fun, and make you not afraid!  Your surgery is pretty soon.....  We will be with you.....  so just ask us anything. 

    Honeybair!  I know what you mean about getting out with your friends!   Hope you will get out soon....  Where ARE you?  So cold and snowy here in Denver, but supposed to straighten out soon.  Don't let the Winter keep you in.....  In fact, don't let ANYthing keep you in.....  unless it is being dizzy or throwing up!  Those things are the WORST!   Okay, what else can we fix?  Wink

    Okay gals.....  see you tomorrow! xoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2013

    Joining the welcome for LindaJD and Honeybair. I'm also part of the lumpectomy/rads club. Did both last fall, without many SE's.

    Pt, my  crampy symptoms cud be the stones, but they are not obstructive the CT says, can also be from IBS. That's why Im trying the food elimination, to see if it might be the IBSd. Tired of feeling like I'm young enough to still have my period!

    No snow as of now, lucked out.

    Honeybair, we are the Wild Girls, and are a pretty large group. I read there are between 30 and  40   Red Hat groups in the county.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Welcome Linda and as everyone said hope all goes well for u. And Honeybear I think I welcomed u but my memory is like not good so if not WELCOME.

    I can't print my jokes anymore I always screw up the screen and I see no one else does ---CHEVY--but I do.

    Kaara u'r life is sounding better and better now--I'm so happy for u.

    Carole we had about 120 flakes of snow here, so it missed us completely and really not to cold. but snow is all round us.

    OK I'll be back tomorrow, Feel well Ladies.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited March 2013

    Chevy, you want "The Art of Racing in the Rain."  It comes in hardcover and paperback.  "Racing in the Rain: My Life as a Dog" is an adaptation for younger people.  It can be sad but well worth it for the ending.  You won't be disappointed.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2013

    Okay, my Daughter sent me this...... I know, I know, they are not exactly something you might indulge in every meal, BUT!

    Okay Kat!  Yes, I was looking at it in B&N, and saw the other one, for Nook.  Thanks, I'll get the right one...Wink  I've been doing mostly crochet when I set "watching TV".... instead of reading lately, but I don't think I can crochet many more afgans, scarves, and little twisty scarves much longer, before DH calls the yarn police!

    Bonnets, no snow again for us too!  And it's supposed to be nice for about 5 days!  Maybe we can go out to the flea-market again Sunday!

    Camille, I can screw up something so fast, it even makes MY head swim!  Don'g you just hate that?  When I post a picture, I always go to "Google Images"......  Then type in anything you want to see.... try "cute kittens" first.  Okay, then click on that one picture you like, then, and hit copy....... Go to BC.ORG, like you normally would post, then hit, then paste....    like this......  I'll just leave this here, and go up to "google images".... find a on it..... come back to your forum page, R click, and here...


    I USED to lose everything while I was doing this.... but with AOL, all the topics stay at the top of the page, and I can just go back and forth to each thing I viewed..... 

    So just try it.... I know most people don't like AOL, but I like the "Favorites" bar especially...  Everything I use, is up on top, and I just click it, and I am there.... It's also free to download.

    I have Internet Explorer, and Firefox also, but the format for email is better on AOL, and I can adjust the font size, etc....  I'm just used to it, I guess. 

    THEN there are the times AOL freezes up, right in the middle of something and I throw my chair through the screen.... Ha!

    Hello again, Linda and Honey!  Hang in there girls.... it's gonna get better! xoxoxo

    Hi Jackie, Carole, Mommarch, Wren, and DUCKY!  What happened to you girl?