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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2014

    Thanks, luvmygoats...good thoughts for tekwriter.  I agree with documenting each call, department and person.  I type notes on my laptop whenever I call about a bill, medical, or especially tax issues.  I wonder if the medical coverage "rules" for certain drugs will get better or worse. 
    Are you in the cold part of TX?  We don't stock wood any more and now I am nervous...your fireplace sounds nice.  We have a kerosene heater if power goes out.  We can light the stove top (gas).  And our water is pressure-fed from public lines.
    Yes, I was a bit frantic over missing grandson; but his phone went dead and I didn't have gf's number. Gf is great...she is independent but her mom is a strange blend of eclectic liberal with conservative expectations.  For her DD's bd in high school, there was a co-ed sleepover on their deck.  I disapproved and picked up my grandson (her bf) at midnight and they thought I was absolutely wacko!  Live and let live.....

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited January 2014

    No, we're not in the Panhandle which would be the "cold" part of Texas. We're just northwest of Ft. Worth. But it was 22 here this morning. We are rural but have great co-op water; no well. But I do stock up on water during the winter. DH says don't I think the co-op has generators. Don't know and don't want to take a chance. Cheap insurance. I keep all my water and washed out milk jugs until spring then send then to recycling. Goats have a 5 gallon jug I fill up with winter storm warnings. I know to fill bathtub with water and got a flat bathtub stopper finally. DH would have to take out the reg. stopper for it to fit but he does know how.

    I kept my notes on yellow legal pads. I always had them with me for work - that's what I carried for my hospice notes. To this day I have a box of 1/2-3/4 empty legal pads that I'm gradually working my way thru.

    Glad his GF is better than her mom. I too would have picked him up from co-ed sleepover.

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited January 2014

    Termite...WOW!  How awesome about the baby!  I'm sure the four year old is thrilled to have a little sister.  What a lovely Christmas gift for the whole family!

    Sandra...good for you taking that mile walk!  Sounds like your husband is a wonderful guy encouraging you even if the cats are being "rude"!  LOL

    tekwriter...sorry about the insurance woes (been there, done that) and good luck with your chemo.

    The snow is really coming down and I am watching the little Dark Eyed Juncos and this big red-headed woodpecker at the suet cakes.  These winter birds are sure heartier than I am!   So far my appt with BS has not been cancelled for tomorrow morning.  Keeping fingers crossed on that.   I was suppose to host my Bunco night here tomorrow but I called all 11 women to tell them it will be next Friday.  Everyone agreed it was best.  The last thing I need is to make three desserts and about six snacks and have everyone call that they cannot make it.  

    Stay warm!!!

  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Member Posts: 74
    edited January 2014

    Back from chemo.  The insurance go straightened out.  They are shipping two pens overnight so I will have it tomorrow and one for next chemo then I will refill prescription.  There is only a 40 copay so that was great news. I am a diabetic so have no trouble giving my self the injection.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Tekwriter I'm so glad all this ins. stuff got straighten out in time. I hope chemo is kind to u, it can be so think that way--but keep us informed someone might have tips in helping u.

    Luv u are so organized I admire that and u know u'r stuff--That is still so complicated for me-it never makes sense to me.

    OMG all the children stories and worries. I can't believe it, innocent children being exposed to so much crap. I can't even fathom all this mix up of how to raise kids. Oh it's not easy, I know that but I raised my girls mostly alone and I knew first I was a mom, then whatever I did was within boundries of being a mom. And I was no Mother of the year either. It seems like so many women have kids and they figure they're done.  And kids seem to have an adult life very similar to their young life, that's all they know. What a worry. But giving away a baby at a truck stop takes the cake.

    It's snowing again, it just keeps piling up--have no clue when it's going to stop. Good thing a lot of people arent' working this week too, I hear the roads are bad so it's best to just stay home.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,707
    edited January 2014

    "I follow four dictates: face it, accept it, deal with it, then let it

    -- Sheng Yen 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,707
    edited January 2014

    tekwriter....good for you.  It is quite a path to traverse through and of course, you need the Neupogin....or was that Nuelasta.   I had Neupogin and gave it to myself....not a diabetic though.  Former ( a million years ago now ) Army Corpsman.   I'm glad it will all come out all right.

    Joan....kept sitting here wondering who was supposed to take care of your GS and wouldn't he have done so in kind for the GF.  How odd for her mother to be a ditso about it.   Glad that he is ok and it has worked out.

    Snowed here overnight and some spit kind of snow through the day so far.  Nothing enough to build up...just looks pretty.  Then you go out and the wind nearly whips you over --- brrrr.  Still I have feral cats to feed and did work for three hours this morning.

    I hope you are all going to be ok, warm enough, and can enjoy your weather from the inside of a nice warm house.

    Thinking of you all.



    EDITED to fix a word just now.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2014

    Jackie, thanks for your wisdom & support.  I like the quote-short and powerful...freeing.
    Tek, glad the drug has become affordable.  Sure wish you did not need the chemo but as Cami said, many ladies do OK.  Thinking positive thoughts for you.

    luvmygoats, you certainly do have to prepare ahead especially with beloved animals to care for.  I wouldn't rely solely on others, either...I am filling bottles too.

    Jackie, you are kind to remember and care for the kitties in the snow and bitter cold.  Are you accumulating snow? 

    My older brother phoned last night, and instead of talking about the sad estrangement from his only daughter, SiL and 2 grandsons, he told me a beautiful story of how a tiny feral kitten persisted in gaining access to his house.  The orange tabby-blue-eyed beauty was outcast from the golf course feral gang...and he won over my brother's heart.  He told me every detail of how he and his wife made a clean, warm, comfortable home for this little one...what fun they are having after a very difficult year for them. 
    I just may be ready for my next's been too long.  I will keep my eyes and heart open.
    We got a heated bird bath hoping to re-attract our song birds which left us in the fall.  We have cut down our thick woods but the neighbors still have trees...the birds were here all summer then suddenly were gone.  Only doves and a few sparrows show up each day.  Cardinals, please?

    I love how my holiday lights look in the snow, so I will leave them up a few more days.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2014

    Joan, That orange tabby with blue eyes may turn out to be a flame point Siamese. They are born buff colored and get the colored points as they get older. What a lucky little kitten. This is not the time of year to be outside.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2014

    Joan, this might just be the time for a kitty in your life.  They can bring so much joy and companionship.  We got our two at the animal shelter. Unfortunately our county animal shelter euthanizes them aftere 6 months so not only did we save two wonderful cats, we gained two very good companions.  In fact, our three-year old black cats was only days away from it.  We are so glad that we saved her because she is a precious cat.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited January 2014

    Ritajean, Yay for shelter adoptions.

    Joan, Go to You put in what you're looking for and your zip code. It has pictures and bios for cats available in shelters near you. That's how my fosters get adopted. We also have events once a month, but I think most get adopted from Petfinder.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    My goodness, so much activity here today!

    Cammi, your sweet kitty is kneeding your arm because she wants to make you feel better. So darling.

    Rita and Kaara, depending on where you will be in Florida, I might be able to see you when I'm there in May. That would be fun, even if it's a quick cup of tea at a place half way for each of us. We'll be driving from San Antonio to St. Petersburg and then will be taking day trips from home base for a week or ten days. Not sure when we're leaving but we have to be there on May 10th so I would think we'll leave here by the end of the first week of May.

    Joan, you have 1,000+ books! I'm so impressed. I have a friend who still buys books but has a rule that the same number of old books have to go. She donates them to the military hospital patient library. Some of those poor wounded warriors are in the hospital for months at a time. I think I'll start doing that too. Sounds like you and I raised our children similarly. I wouldn't have approved of the co-ed sleepover either. I got a lot of grief from my sister-in-law for not allowing my 13 year old daughter watch R-rated movies. So you are a '66 grad too. Where did you go to high school? I see your son is in Chicago. That's where my oldest daughter lives. It's supposed to be -18 there tonight! Hope you stay warm too and your power stays on.

    Mgster, you stay warm too. Good idea to cancel your party. There's no point doing all that work if no one can come. So many of the birds usually here during the year fly down to Mexico in the winter. The cardinals stay. It's so easy to pick out their's just a tweet. During our walk yesterday we saw more cardinals than I could count!  The young males were flying around chasing each other. We have a pair that nested in our backyard and built their nest over our pool. My husband was cleaning the pool when he heard a splash. A baby cardinal had fallen out of the nest. The parents began squawking. He scooped the little guy up with his long handled mesh cleaning tool and dropped it back into the nest. They never nested in that same spot again. Smart birds.

    Tekwriter, I'm sorry to hear about your insurance ordeal. They seem to pick on people when they are at their most vulnerable. The $40 copay was a nice surprise wasn't it? Sounds like everything is on track now. I give myself B-12 shots and don't even feel it so I know what you mean.

    Luvmygoats, smart idea to write out a script for yourself. We should all do that. It gets plenty cold where you are I'm sure. You are at least four hours north of us. You get snow there, right? The ice is the worst though. Sounds like you have the water situation worked out.

    Time for the Sugar Bowl. Stay warm girls.

  • rabbitvelvet
    rabbitvelvet Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2014

    Hi Everyone,

       RitaJean, SallysS70 and Mgster -    We are in the Willamette Valley wine region between Portland and Salem Oregon so I took my family to the Allison Resort for their superb restaurant, "Jory".  Imagine mood lighting with twinkling white lights and melodies just faintly heard. We got the window table....gorgeous.  I actually wore jewelry and stacked heels although it took several changes of clothes to find one that covered my healing portacath site!  The three adults had Willamette Valley Pinot for our wine and luscious rib eye steaks while my 12 year old granddaughter ate a cheeseburger and drank a  Shirley Temple. 

      Jackie and Carole-    Thanks for the memories with your mention of making Blackeyed Peas for New Years' dinner.  My Mom was from the hills of Kentucky and she believed that if you ate them, you would have luck in the new year:)...and couldn't we all use a little luck!..

      Sandra -   The story of your RosieCat made me smile.  When I lived back east my two cats absolutely hated snow.  They were Southern California cats and watching them walk on snow was hilarious:) Plus the mention of cardinals reminds me of their vivid beauty.  Unfortunately they aren't here in Oregon.

     Joan - thanks for the image you conveyed of your brother's new buddy, his new kitten.  Isn't the capacity to love, sublime!

                        thanks to everyone on this thread;  you make all of us feel so welcome:)

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited January 2014

    Joan, a happy looking red robin was perched on our fence today.  Like you, we have a heated birdbath.  DH had been putting peanuts out for a squirrel that dug a tunnel in one of our whiskey barrel planters.  The scrub jays would steal the peanuts if the squirrel did not get them immediately.  DH has stopped putting peanuts out since the tunnel filled with snow and there has been no sign of the squirrel.

    rabbitvelvet, Jory sounds like a perfect place to begin the new year.  I am partial to twinkling white lights and local wines.

    Hi to all.  I enjoy all the posts even when I don't respond specifically.  You all make me feel "a part" of an active world.  BC made me turn inward ... reading your posts is making me realize that life will become more normal again even if it is a different normal.  I hope that made sense.  Making sense is not a strong suit at the moment.  (((hugs))) and thanks to everyone.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2014

    Thanks to all of you for your concern.  We are leaving tomorrow morning and driving to College Station, TX and staying with our Son and family for a couple of nights and then driving on down to Pensacola on Monday.  There is another hearing on Jan. 13th considering DG.  We spoke to a Child Advocate here in TX today, she is also an Atty.  She told us to put together any photos we have of Kimber and make a time line.  Of course with a house fire in 2005 we have nothing earlier.  Our Minister sent us a letter to give to the judge, and we have alot of other people who will write statements as well.  DG is doing good, we can talk to her on her cell phone. She said the people she is with are very nice.  DCF worker told her stepfather he was not allowed to talk to her. Well she did not say could not text.  Kimber is very fond of him.  I hope things will work out and DD and SIL can save their marriage.

    My Grandmother was Mentally Ill, and my Mom had a heck of a life for many years.  I finally had to break down tonight and tell my 88 year old Mother what was happening.  Bless her Heart she said if did not hear it from you I would have heard it from someone else.  She is one amazing woman.

    I will check in when I know more.

    Hugs to all of you.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited January 2014

    Mommarch, I believe your efforts will help in this situation. It is amazing that it is possible to stay in touch over the miles by cell and text...hugs and prayers for safe travels and that the outcome will be positive with relationships restored.  Your Mom does sound amazing.  And I agree it is better she hears it from you.     

    Sally, BC is so new for you and it can be an emotional roller coaster.  There is life after diagnosis, and you will, in your own time, begin to feel like you are doing "normal" things again.  It is wonderful to be able to listen and share with others here.
    I can visualize your squirrel vs jay my yard they are both pests and clean out the feeders often. 

    rabbit, you live in a beautiful area!  I traveled there a few years ago and hiked up to see a large flat boulder on a hill in a vineyard.  I wish I had found your restaurant!

    Sandra, I need to find a good place to donate my books...mostly non-fiction. 
    I went to school in suburban Long Island (West Hempstead), a few miles from the New York City line. Now I live 55 miles east (it is a LONG island).   My DS moved 1.5 years ago because he got a job in Chicago after  2 years of unemployment in NY.  He lives in the "corn cob" towers.  This winter has been harsh out there.

    Wow, so many cat/animal/bird lovers here...that's a good thing!  Wren, I have looked online recently and the one kitty I loved was orange stripe/blue eyes...we weren't ready then but I will keep looking.  Will try petfinders.

    Ritajean, timing is everything and there are no coincidences!  We had 2 black cats and I recently bonded with a "clone" of our lost kitty...that's what started me thinking.

    It's warm in my house while the wind howls, and snow piles up around.  No Florida trips for me :-/

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    I'm up late...can't sleep. Nervous about two scheduled heart procedures at the hospital tomorrow. I have an aneurysm in the ascending aorta of my heart plus a malfunctioning aortic valve. It was discovered last year right after I had the brain stem stroke. They decided on watchful waiting. Then I got breast cancer and now suddenly it's six months later and time to redo the tests to see if anything is worse. I'll have an echocardiogram, which is to check the valve and is rather fascinating to watch the screen during the procedure. Take about an hour. Then I'm off for a cardiac angiogram. I always get nervous when contrast dye is used. I died the first time I got it in a cardiac catherization. Asystole isn't something you want to have! They broke one of my ribs doing CPR. I've had contrast several times since then with no problem, but I always worry. So if I don't make it tomorrow, it's been great knowing you. Can you donate implants like organs? SmileWould hate for them to go to waste. They're almost new.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited January 2014

    Sandra:  They can work wonders with heart issues these days.  My BF has a similar problem to yours and he wears a pacemaker.  Also had a valve replacement many years ago.  

    It would be fun to meet some of the folks that correspond on this site.  I live in the Ft. Lauderdale area of S. Florida, but will be back in SC in May.  I usually head out of here in March before it gets too hot and humid.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited January 2014

    Sandra, hoping that you ace your test procedures.  You have been through a lot with the stroke and then bc.  You're due for a long stretch of "good new normal."

    Mommarch, I have good feelings about your mission in FL.  Will be hoping for the best outcome.

    We're having winter this year.  Maybe these night freezes will get rid of some insects.  According to the weather forecast, next Tues. Jan 9th will be mild with high about 62.  We depart that evening at 7pm, flying to Los Angeles.  From LA to Brisbane, Australia.  DH has already started packing his suitcase. 

    The sun is shining this morning.  No Friday golf today since the high is supposed to be in the 40's.  I have no apptments so will do a little shopping.

    How about some snow pictures?

    Happy Friday to everyone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,707
    edited January 2014

    I was regretting the past and
    fearing the future.
    Suddenly God was speaking.  "My name is 'I Am.'"
    waited.  God continued.
    "When you live in the past, with its mistakes and
    it is hard.  I am not there.  My name is not 'I was.'
    "When you live in the future, with its problems and
    it is hard.  I am not there.  My name is not 'I will be.'
    "When you live in this moment, it is not hard.
    I am
    here.  My name is 'I Am.'"
    Helen Mellicost

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,707
    edited January 2014

    Just jumping in to let you know I am thinking of each of you -- some with hurdles not too difficult as in daily variety, and those of you with BIG ones.   So much is in our attitude.  I would ( and most of us are to whatever degree ) be fearful over tests for sure.  Not to be off-hand in any way, but it is a big job being sick and for many who had relatively little illnesses beforehand, feeling trepidation would be very normal.  So, I'm seeing a good outcome.

    Also, dealing with family issues is to me another big thing.  I don't say much about mine, but they are there.  I usually always pray that I'm given the strength not to get so deeply entwined that I become paralyzed by all of it.  Sometimes the line is fine between caring enough to be effective and getting lost somewhere beyond.  So prayers for everything you need to do to be highly effective.  Safe journeys mommarch and Sandra.

    Bitter cold this morning and I think about a foot of snow is coming in the next few days.  Wow ---- what a winter so far. I did note that the sun was making everything glisten as though thousands of diamonds were placed all through it.  The hand that created this sure knows how to make it beautiful.  The patches of shrubby bushes were all coated but still standing up like little sentinels watching over the road.   Not sure how I'll feel about the next large snowfall, but it is going to be interesting.  We haven't had deep snow for a while --- at least four or five years now, so some adjustments to be made.  We have always done fine with our 4-wheel drive but a foot or so of snow does bring some hefty challenges. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.



  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited January 2014

    Snowing has finally stopped and my appt with Breast Surgeon was right on schedule, even though we went slip-sliding all the way there.  She examined my "good" breast and said it felt and looked fine and scheduled me for a mammo next month.  I will be seeing her every 6 months.   Now I have to contact my PS so he can do the revision on my implant...and then the nipple when that heals.  When they do a revision I always assumed that they took it out and replaced it with another.  The BS seemed to think he would inject some fat into the top of the breast.  He never mentioned that in all the times we discussed revisions.  hmmmm

    mommarch...glad you are in contact with your DG.  Thank God for cell phones and texting.  I wish you and your husband safe travels!

    rabbitvelvet...that dinner and wine sounds wonderful!  I could just picture it from your description!

    Sandra...hope to see you posting here that all went well.  If anyone is due some good results it sure is YOU!  I have a heart issue myself and when I had my echocardiogram I had the grouchiest tech ever.  She said "you can watch the screen but DON'T ask me any questions!"   I never said a word to her after that, I just watched.  I then went into the room for the stress test and had the most wonderful techs.  If I wasn't such a shy person I would have asked them what the heck was wrong with the grouch in the other room.  I realize only a doctor can interpret the results but she could have said it in a nicer tone.  These people should know how anxious we are and that this is not something we enjoy being a part of.  I can truly say that except for one person on the phone, every single doctor, nurse, hospital tech, involved in my breast cancer treatment have been awesome.  And I usually make it a point to tell them that.   When I was wheeled by the main desk on my way out of the hospital I told all the nurses that they were great and thanked them for taking such care of me.  They told me I was a great patient so it was easy.  I jokingly said "Patitent?  I thought I was a guest!"  They all laughed.  They really were a super bunch!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,707
    edited January 2014

    Mgster....yay for you.  Letting medical people know how much you appreciate them when they do a good job.  I wonder if they hear it enough.  Everyone has some down times to experience --- if they are fortunate enough to hear how much they really matter and what a difference they can make when they are having "one of those times", how special for everyone.



  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    Crazy south central Texas was 29 when we left for the hospital this morning and 60 when we got out of there. It will be back in the 20's tonight.

    Normally they don't tell you anything about results when you have tests, but I found out from the radiologist that my aneurysm hasn't grown since last year. That's great news. Because my heart has stopped several times before, the technician refused to put in an IV for the angiogram contrast dye. I've had this happen before. Some people just don't want to take a chance unless I've been pre-medicated with prednisone. But my cardiologist said it wasn't necessary. I've done fine with contrast lately. The tech would budge so I asked to see the radiologist. He sympathized with me and agreed that if my heart was going to stop, a steroid wasn't going to prevent it. But recent studies said the steroid reduced the chance so he wasn't going to authorize the procedure. Oh I was mad. He said he would do a simple CT of my heart instead and would be able to measure the size of the aneurysm, just not look further. "I'll take the deal" I said and sure enough he gave the the results. 

    The echocardiogram was hard for the technician to do because of my implants. It was difficult for her to maneuver around my implants. She said my aortic valve looks good. No change. Great news.

    Now I've gotta plan a nice Caribbean cruise before my next BC surgery in the spring.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited January 2014

    Carole, have lots of fun on your trip.

    Sandra, we are leaving a week from tomorrow for Florida but we're only staying 2 months unless we find a place to buy so we probably won't be there in May when you get there.  Glad to see more posts from you because that must mean that you are doing better.

    mommarch...glad you are heading for FL armed with letters of recommendation and everything else.  My thoughts and prayers will be with you.  Hugs!

    rabbit...Your special meal sounded wonderful and very elegant!  It is so much fun to splurge every so often and do the unexpected.  It makes these special times seem like such a wonderful treat!  What a great way to start the new year!  I have heard that your area is very lovely but have never had the chance to get that far northwest.  Someday I would like to explore that area.

    Well I'm going to crawl up on the couch and read for about an hour.  We are venturing out for dinner with friends this evening.'s cold in Illinois!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,707
    edited January 2014

    Sandra...what great news.  I'm really happy for you.  Its nerve-wracking but good news brings a wonderful sigh of relief.  I think I heard it here.

    Rita....stay warm tonight.  We went out to the grocery and it wasn't bad, but then I'm in and out in the morning and just some old gloves with holes in the fingers, and a coat, not buttoned up over the top of my pj's.  I've grown used to staying warm without bundling much. 



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Oh Sandra I'm glad I was behind in reading, cuz I got so worried then when I saw u;r next post whew, felt better--Going thru so much--oh I'll take my name of the implant list that u offered, sorry but u know how it is.

    Mommarch u sound ready for all of this---I'm sending hugs and prayers for u, I'm glad u'r so organized.

    Jackie what State do u live in--oh yeas IL like me---we've had at least 8 inches of snow and it's so cold now, had to go out today--so glad to get home in my warm comfy stuff.

    Carole when u and u'r DH take a vacation u really take a vacation---good for both of u--pictures please. Let us get in on it too.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited January 2014

    Sandra:  Good news on your tests.  

    Sandra & Mgster:  I've had 4 Echocardiograms since I got my dual Allergan 410 implants and have found that some techs are better than others at working with implants.  Now I schedule my Echos only w/the one tech out of 3 who is the most adept and also willing to talk about what's on the screen.  I might not get my first choice of day or time, but it's worth it to me.  Maybe your facilities would allow you to choose a tech?

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014


    So glad to find someone who has gone through an echo with gummies. Since I posted earlier today, I have gotten super sore and was thinking there had to be another way to get an echo without pain. Echocardiograms have never been painful before, but then I've never had one 4 weeks after my exchange surgery.

    I prefer someone who scans with their left arm because you can see the screen. The woman today scans with her right, so I was on my side, facing the wall and she was behind me. She was a small woman with short arms and I'm not a petite flower, so she leaned across me with her arm pushing down on my right side lower ribs to reach down to my left side. (Those lower ribs are still so tender from the revision pocket work done at the exchange.) In the past, the technician always had to press hard to move or get through the huge breasts that I used to have, but that same pressure this time - over and over again as she tried to find a way around the implants - has resulted in a chest that feels bruised. Oy, my sternum especially.

    I go to a large regional military medical center, so technicians change often. It wouldn't hurt to find out the name of the "left arm" guy and at least try to get him next time. Good idea. Thanks.

  • rabbitvelvet
    rabbitvelvet Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2014

    Hi everyone,

    SallyS70...."life/the new normal.  Thanks makes a lot of sense:)

    mommarch....Great that you are able to go to Florida after all.  Glad that you got advice from attorney and you're loaded for bear.

    Sandra....ever thought about writing a book of how to overcome adversity and still keep smiling:)?  Glad you got good news

    Carole.... Can't wait to hear your stories from down under!  enjoy:)

    Jackie...Your comment about the sun causing diamonds to glisten on the snow reminded me of my favorite poem.      "The snow had begun in the gloaming/ And busily all the night/ Had been heaping field and highway with silence deep and white/ Every pine and fir and hemlock wore ermine too dear for an earl/ And the poorest twig on the elm-tree was ridged inch deep with pearl"  by James Russell Lowell