Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,496
    edited October 2009

    A thousand thanks for the prayers everyone.  Deeply, deeply appreciated no matter what the outcome as God knows what he is doing and why. 

    Ut-Oh...did I hear snow.  Well, hopefully, it will be some time before we get any here in southern Illinois.  Kathleen, I think I saw in a book --- like Walter Drake or something similar that there are cleat type things you can put on your shoes/boots?? and it is a little safer outside in the snow etc.  Have thought about it, but never did anything.  Hooray for your Uncle's negative PET.  That is great news. 

    Hope the knee does well Patoo.  I think a lot of athletes get what Pam had.....they wreck the cartilage in their knees and have trouble until something ( usually an operation ) is done.  I am praying the cortisone works and that is all the farther you have to go. 

    Deborye....going to have to google that picketyplace you mentioned and see about it.  New one on me....sounds like fun though.  Going out with the kids is always a good time I think. 

    Hope you all stay as well as possible and will be enjoying decent weather....for me that is no rain today and maybe even muted sun.  I can do it.....I'm so totally tired of the gray and drizzle.  Will be checking later as always. 


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2009

    Check out this twist to an oldie (song): 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Morning all (well, almost afternoon).  The cortisone shot caused the knee to swell last evening and had lots of pain but it's down this morning and better, a little.  Still have some pain in the knee but the ortho doc said it could take a few days.  Interestingly enough is that the hip pain has disappeared.  So, the knee bone's connected to the thigh bone; thigh bone's connected to the hip bone; ... Okay, okay.  who knows!  I'll take any relief I can get. 

    lefty - like that oldie.

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2009

    Here in Oregon, the sunshine has been replaced by rain and we probably won't get much sun again until May!  This part of the country is well known for Vitamin D deficiency (not enough sunshine!), so my onc put me on 2,000 IUs daily.  I also take vitamin B for energy, Calcium-Magnesium for bones, C for recurring bladder infections, and E for capsular contracture every day, plus 4 or 5 prescription Rx's.  The joys of aging!

    One of our elderly cats was dx'd last week with Lymphoma in his abdomen, and we don't expect him to last very long.  He still eats a little bit and was sitting on my lap a few minutes ago, but because he is 15+ years old, we have decided not to go the kitty-chemo route.  It is so difficult to make the decision when you know "it's time" to give up a pet that you love.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,496
    edited October 2009

    Hi Bonnie,

    • Glad to get the Vit D input.  I am going to have questions for my Oncologist in a few days.  It was only lately that I read that recurrences are much less if you have enough vitamin D in your system.  I know it helps with a lot of other things too and since it was given to me ( by my Dr's. before my tumors were discovered and diagnosed I now feel I really need to know if I am indeed getting enough.  I am told there is a simple, easy, ( assuming not expensive either ) blood test that tells you exactly where you are with this.....funny, you'd think it would be standard fare I'm hoping they have either done one for me ( I did ask once, but no one said anything ) or will do so.

    I am so sorry about your cat.  I am a HUGE animal person.  I am with you though due to age in not getting treatment.  Most cats don't go past 18 years for the most part, and it seems from what little you said that he had a good life with you.  Animals go to their reward with much more ease in that they don't have un-done parts to their lives -- nor do they worry about how those they leave behind will get along.  I am convinced that they are a gift ( so many people don't feel it though ) from our Creator and that they go where we will go.....the gift is never taken back from us,  My husband feels the same so when one crosses the Rainbow Bridge we come together and say a prayer of thanks for the beautiful gift of friendship and ask that the one we are burying join all the others that went before and receive love and care from the angels until we get there.  We are usually crying our eyes out by that time, but that is ok.....we know our treasure is not gone forever.

    See you all later.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2009

    Bonnie:  Sorry to hear about your kitty.  I just had to put my baby down on Wednesday.  Multiple cancerous tumors in her mouth.  They mean the world to us.   Just wanted to let you know I understand how you are feeling.  It's hard.  She was only 10 years old too.  Being an animal person I still have a dog and another cat.  Hugs to you.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Thanks JO, I will look for the knee brace.  Will get one to match the wrist brace I wear occasionally for my impending carpal tunnel.  Now that you mention it the ortho doc did show that I have a spur in the knee too. 

    I'm behind the times I guess.  When I went to the ortho doc yesterday the tech took me into the room to take the Xrays and then put me back in the room to wait for the doc.  He came in a few minutes later powered up the computer and, voila, there were my knees and hip on the screen.  He just clicked on the little views and we could look at them from different angles even.  Now I'm in IT but technology still amazes me.

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited October 2009

    Wow ladies! Lots of bone and joint issues. Mine's all in the spine. In a way it's good cause I'm glad my knees and legs are strong, but it SUX big-time on the level of pain.

    I truly think that the radiation treatment has caused 1. A thyroid issue, and 2. a severe level of damage in my spine. The disks and the bones. It hurts so much and for so much of the time that it's hard to sit here and write about it and DAMN that makes me mad. I was a dancer.. ballet for 15 years. And a swimmer... competiitons in swimming and diving every summer. I NEVER thought I'd have spine issues like this. I'm 56. Feel 86 in my back. 36 in my head. No wonder there's such frustration. 

    I looked at a Spine Institute that's in Tampa. They have a laser procedure that [says] can relieve spinal pain but the patient has to be there for a 5 day session. (5 days and no pain? evil temptation.) I realize that I probably won't be able to get that due to finances but it sure looks tempting.

    It's really tough to have to start all over again. Damn near like it was in my early 20's, trying to decide who and what I want to be now. Wonder if I'll ever decide?


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Connie, sorry you are in so much pain.  I think that has to be far worse than the knees.  Seems to me the knee pain is far easier to overcome.  Hope something opens up to offer you help.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2009

    Sorry to hear about your cat Bonnie, cats certainly become very much part of the family. Our last cat was over 18 when he went nearly four years ago and we were all heart broken. Now we are ruled by two moggies, one of 12 and the other 3 years. I woke in the middle of the night to find Gus, the young cat, stretched out on his back, paws in the air between DH and I, so relaxed.

    Feeling a little pleased with myself this morning, last DD1, DH, Sister, DGD (DD2's baby) and me went on the Pinkstar walk. It was 3 miles which for some is not far but for me with my rheumatoid arthritis is a long way. It was great fun. Will try to get the photos sorted later today. DH managed to wear a pink shirt. We had Bea in pink, she do have a halo for a while but took it off, however loved her wand. On the steep sections DD pushed the buggy as we didn't want DH to get too tired with his heart problems. There were thousands there and I was really impressed with the number of men many of whom had made a real effect with costumes and with the large numbers of young people. We didn't stay to the end as Bea went to sleep, maybe next year when she is a bit older.

    I had better move as we are taking MiL to visit relations a couple hours drive from here.

    Have a great weekend


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited October 2009

    Hi, all

    Alyson that sounds like a fun day..  Glad you enjoyed it.

    Patoo, hope your knee and everything else gets better soon.  Thank you so much for the card and book.

    JO, thank you so much too for the card that cracks me up everytime I look at it.


    Hugs and positive thoughts to everyone.  Have a great afternoon.  Here is it cool but the sun is shining, sat out on the deck again in the sunshine.  That makes me feel a little better.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    Connie07 :

    You make me think about planning for the future when you are young....  

    So, what do we all want to be when we grow up?  Because, everyone of us is young at heart!  My career was in the science-medical field.  It was a great job but I just ended up there by default.  I want to be an artist when I really grow up.   Or maybe a poet... or an author.  Of course it is hard to make a living at those kind of careers unless you are really great and I would be mediocre but soooo happy.  A starving artist!  

    Is it too late for a do-over?

    What do you want to be?


  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010

    It's never too late....I still haven't decided what I want to be when I grow up.  Not sure if I want to grow up?  But I do love thinking about what I'll do next....which will be when I retire.  I wanted to be a writer...but now I can't write very well...chemo too my ability to put thoughts together.  Oh well, I'll try something else...Like being a pilot.

    Patoo..I had knee surgery last year and had a lot of therapy...maybe you can get a script for some if cortisone doesn't work..I remember it takes about 4 or 5 days before it kicked in when I had it in previous years.  Maire

    Connie  I have some arthritis in my spine too ...I still feel 20 in my head  but the body is  ..well too old too count some days. 

    Have a good weekend. Looking forward to seeing what everyone else is going to be when they grow up.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Maire67, Hmmmmmm, can't put thoughts together, too old to count... Uhhhhhhhh, pilot?  And, you're here in NJ with me.  Just don't fly out of Newark okay or I'll have to start taking my trips out of Philly!  LOL

    I'm with Peter Pan and will never grow up.  Just have fun doing absolutely nothing at all until I decide to travel some more.  Oh, okay, if I have to choose something I would be a Missionary in South America or Africa.  Did missions trips to Paraguay and Nicaragua and visited Ghana.  Loved all three and would love to go and stay long and work with the people. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2009

    I still want to write and have been doing some of that this year. And there are so many places I want to visit.

    Some days I feel old but inside I don't just can't understand where all those years have gone.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Patoo - hope you get some relief from that pesky pain.

    Jo - at one point I had a brace on my knee, one on both wrists (carpal tunnel), one on the ankle - I thought if this keeps up I will look like a mummy!  Just wrap the whole body in an Ace bandage and be done with it!

    Royalty-free Clip Art: Laughing Boy In A Mummy Costume Covered In Gauze

    I don't think anybody really grows up - we just get a heck of a lot more careful when we move.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Bonnie - I am so sorry to hear about your little kitty.  I have been through it many times and it never gets easier.  If animals don't go to heaven and meet up with us later, then I'm not going either!  Our animals give us unconditional love and I want to be where they are.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    We aspiring writers remind me of an Andy Rooney piece a few years ago.  He, a professional writer with many years training and experience, was at a cocktail party talking to a neurosurgeon who was thinking of retiring.  Andy asked him what his plan for retirement was.  The doctor replied he was going to become a writer.  "And what about you, Andy," he asked.  "Well," said Andy, "I am thinking I would take up  neurosurgery."  :)

    For those of  you who packed up some of your cool weather in dry ice and sent it south :  Thank you but we have enough now!  Had to break out the long pants, a sure sign of winter here!  We went from 92 and very muggy to 52 and very dry in one day.  No snow, no rain, brisk breeze off the ocean with the wind turning the wave caps in to a white spray.  Sunny and bright, clear without a cloud in the sky.  

    Here's an interesting piece of Florida trivia:  Our beach oaks, probably varieties of live oaks, do not lose their leaves in the fall.  But in the spring, as the new leaf growth begins, the old leaves fall off like it is October up north.  Consequently the trees are never bare.. unless we have a big hurricane to strip the leaves off.   So  we do have some raking now with sycamores (the messiest) and crepe myrtles, maybe some pine needles... but nothing like what you all have to deal with.  Isn't that fascinating? :) 

    I am making progress on the closet clean out.  I was really bummed because I found a  couple little moth (?) holes in a favorite old wool suit... but it did have "Dallas" era shoulder pads so good that the damage forces me to toss it.  DD would be appalled if I wore it! And altering those shoulders would have been a major job! 

    Oh... on my third time around I would like to be a fashion designer!   Love to watch Project Runway!!!

    Good Sunday to all. 


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Pam - thanks - I LOL at that Andy Rooney remark.  He is one of my favorite writers.  I liked his diet plan - if you want to lose weight eat only food you don't like; if you're in a hurry to take off the pounds, eat only foods you hate.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,496
    edited October 2009

    What I am going to be when grow up ---  that is quite a question.  I think I would love to write.  Many people have told me that I should, and every now and then the thought crosses my mind.  I learned to read early.....always thought it was due to the patience my mother showed when as a very young person I would beg and beg to have her read to me.....even the same story over and over as she made it sound brand new each time.  So, reading came natural to me and has been my lifelong friend.  I love words and phrases and as many here may know.....on the Illinois Ladies with Bc thread I find a nice quote everyday to share. 

    My second love is helping others feel good....about life and about themselves.  Just need to tie the two together in some way and I'd have perfection. 

    I too love Andy Rooney.  He makes such good sense while he is poking fun with that tongue in cheek delivery of his. 

     Beautiful sun out this morning....I am really going to let myself bloom in it after the last few days of wet and gloomy and sloshy.  (sp ?)  (even a word --  if not I made it up....I need it ). 


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2009

    I figure now that I am in the Medicare crowd, I like to find new photography is one and being a docent in

    our local museum is another..I have other volunteer stuff that

    is flexible enough to allow me time for travel..It all fits now.. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2009

    Not sure that I should put this up as it makes me realise how much weight I still have to lose, b ut this was me being silly at the end of the Pinkwalk on Saturday night.

    At least I made it. 


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    Really cute!  And you look happy and healthy.  Good job!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,496
    edited October 2009

    May I second Pam's words.......Thank you so very much Alyson.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2009

    Alyson, you looked a treat !!!!

    Just a fly by, DH is carrying on about his Carpal Tunnel surgery tomorrow, trying to back out! But I won't let him !

    Hard to believe snow is falling in places. I don't expect we shall see any for another month or two....well I hope not.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Alyson - nifty picture - you do, indeed look happy and healthy!  Congratulations on the race.

    It rained all weekend here and my joints were complaining; however, today it looks clear so perhaps I will be more limber.  Old age is not for sissies; not that I am old - just my joints.

    When my cousin's son turned 9 I couldn't help but thinking, I held him as a tiny infant; then I though "OMG, I held his father as an infant, too!"  Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,496
    edited October 2009

    Kathleen....hmmm, coming close to a nightmare, but I know what you mean.


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited October 2009

    That's what grandchildren do too! I held (indeed birthed) the parent and now there are actual new children for holding. It all seems quite magical to me. If this is what getting old holds, I'll take it.

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2009

    Love the picture, Alyson - thanks for sharing it with us.

    Andy Rooney has such a dry sense of humor -- he always makes me laugh.

     My husband and I were joking yesterday that, before we retire, we need to find hobbies other than cleaning and trying new restaurants.  At least we've started thinking about it -- LOL.  Growing up is another subject entirely! 

    Today is the day we will be taking our kitty in to be euthanized.  It's such a difficult thing to do, but the kitty hasn't eaten since Saturday and hardly ate anything last week.  He's over 15 years old and we don't want to put him through chemo just so we can have a few more months with him.  -bonnie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009


    So sorry about your dear kitty.  Our grand-cat whom we used to keep for extended periods of time just passed so we know what you are going through.  They are all so special and loved.
