Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited October 2009

    Cows tails, bit'o'honey, mary janes, tooties rolls, OMG I'm drooling.

  • nas14
    nas14 Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2009
    Peanut M & M's for me. Just typing the words probably added the dreaded F word to my butt. Laughing
  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2009

    Mandy...I have planted, or will be planting in the next day or two, some winter flowering Pansies, some miniature Cyclamen, some Winter Heaths, I think these are from the heather family, they won't last past Jan. as they are flowering now.

    Behind these little plants I will be putting varigated Euonymus, a varigated  Myrtus, a lovely miniature Hebe with tiny silver leaves, and spreading habit. Also found a very pretty Lonicera (honeysuckle family) again a miniature form, doesn't look a bit like the normal honeysuckle, haven't come across this before, but giving it a try because of its very tiny, bright gold profuse leaves. I've also got some Christmas Roses to bob in and among. They have small buds already, so hoping they will open for Christmas.

    Under all this lot I put lots of tulips and narcissus, they'll push up thru everything and hopefully keep my tubs alive 'til April. I have also brought a couple of winter flowering clematis from my front garden, to put in tubs either side of the back door. They will be flowering in 3/4 weeks, and should go 'til Feb /March.

    But, with a very harsh winter, or my flaming goat, it could all end in disaster !! I always make the effort, and I would think 8 or 9 years out of 10 it usually looks good.

    All have a good w/end. I am off to an agricultural show Saturday, and to my DD's on Sunday, she moves house today, I am taking her a housewarming present (an Orchid and a bottle of wine) This is the first move either of my kids have had that I am not up there at the front, unpacking, cleaning and polishing with them. Does that signify old age at last ??!!


  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited October 2009

    HI Ladies:

    We got back from North Georgia last night about 7:58p.m. The mountains were nice, it rained the first two days we were up there, and it was cold those two days, then it got a little nicer with sunshine, I love the sunshine, 75 degrees makes me very happy.

    I found a knot in my right rib cage right under my right breast, the one they operated on for bc, and it is so very sore. I go to my regular doctor on Monday, and I will get him to look at it. It seems just like when everything is going pretty good, something has to pop up to make us worry.

    I am praying for you all, didn't get a chance to read all your post, but i read a few. Welcome Marylin, Helen glad your rads are over, Isabella is a trip. SoCallisa sorry you were ill, hope you are feeling much better now, your pictures are always amazing. JO, I'm glad you got through your ironing o.k. and someone lost a kitty, so sorry about that. We were in the mountains with some friends who have a little female dog named Pennie, it's amazing how fast you get attached to them, their's was a little gold yorkie, she was cute as a button.

    I guess i need to get up and clean up the camper and the house, maybe a little today and a little tomorrow, I hurt when i breathe today, so may not get too much done. Just have to keep trusting in Jesus, and by His grace i'll get it done.

    Hope all of you wonderful ladies have a great and blessed day!

  • nas14
    nas14 Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2009
    Motherof7 - Your trip to the mountains of GA sounded wonderful. Beautiful part of the country. Sorry to hear of your latest discovery; hopefully, your GP will be able to allay your concerns. Try to have a great weekend & have some fun.
  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009
    Motherof7 -- you take it easy until the doctor checks that - even if its only a cracked rib you shouldn't be cleaning!  Listen to Nas14 and have some fun Sweetie.Smile
  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2009

    Morning all from a beautiful spring day. Carole asked about our Winters. Here in Auckland it doesn't get that cold though this past winter we had 6-8 weks of frosts which is most unusual. The cental North Island gets snow and has some wonderful ski fields as does the high country in the South Island, in the south they do get snow right down to sea level several times a year with some very impressive falls this winter. Summer in Auckland is warm and humid gets up to 30 celsius while parts of the south have hot dry summers.

    Question: I had a mastectomy and they had to take most of the pec muscle because of margins, I can feel my ribs down part of my chest. Did not have recon and had bad reaction to radiation. Thing is my chest is always sore and extremely sensitive. It is almost 3 years now but it just improve. Has anyone had this problem and is there anything I can do? The rad onc I saw recently said it was just how it was, though he does insist on scans to check it out.

    Must take some photos later to show you all my beautiful roses and once I have finished tidying the yard will take picture of that. It great to have it almost organised. The cats are enjoying the new garden though one still sits where the glass house was as he is not impressed that we have moved his own private sunroom.

    Must get moving as we are off to a 65th birthday lunch and have to pick up MiL on the way.

    Big hugs to all


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2009

    Isabella: Thanks for the planting info.  I'll try to get out to a garden store over the weekend and see what I come up with. It would be nice to brighten the garden during the winter. 

    I am afraid I am not good at remembering everything and getting back to everyone.  So, everyone, have a good weekend.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,492
    edited October 2009

    Hands down, it's Butterfingers.  I even make a Butterfinger cake....too good, too good and it is several #'s I'm sure.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Jackie - thank you!  I have been racking my addled brain to remember tht name - BUTTERFINGERS!  I was on the right trrace with butternut.  That's my favorite too!!!!!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,492
    edited October 2009 might like this Kathleen so I'll put it in.....and it is not at all hard to make. 



    • 1 box German Chocolate Cake Mix (baked according to package
    • directions
    • 5 Butterfingercandy bars
    • 1 jar caramel ice cream topping
    • 1 can sweetened condensed milk
    • Cool Whip for topping
    • Chocolate Syrup


    Bake the cake according to package directions and in a 13 x 9 inch

    pan. When it's done, and while it's still hot, punch holes in the

    cake and pour the sweetened condensed milk over the top making sure

    some of it sinks in the holes.

    Do the same with the caramel ice cream topping.

    Sprinkle on some of the broken candy pieces.

    When it's cool, spread the Cool Whip topping on the top, and then

    sprinkle the rest of the broken bars. Then drizzle more caramel all

    over and then drizzle chocolate syrup all over in zig zags.

    Hint! Put all your candy bars in the freezer. When you're ready to

    use them, take them from the freezer. Leave the wrappers on and take

    a mallet or a hammer and smash them inside the wrappers. Keep cool

    until you need them.


    I get a package of the little fun size candy bars....and I don't put them in the freezer.  I put them in the fridge and then when ready to pulverize them....take a knife and just chop a little starting at one end of the bar to the other.  This makes sure that every few bites you will get a "nice chunk" to bite into and pop up the taste, texture and flavor. 

    I also save some of the caramel syrup to drizzle over the top when done.  I don't use ice cream syrups otherwise and would be left with a whole container of chocolate if I did what they said.  I also end up using most of the package of the small fun size bars.....the biggest portion going below the Cool Whip.  It is a very moist cake done this way and if I take it somewhere the pan is always empty when it's time to come home.


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2009

    Illinoislady: your cake sounds wonderful.  I'm sending the recipe to my daughter who is the family baker. 

    I'm off to take one of my cats to the veterinarian today.  She has an overactive thyroid and is on medicine to prevent her from getting too thin so she gets regular blood tests.  She sees the cat carrier and hides so I now keep it in the living room so it is always out....

    Have a nice day.


  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited October 2009


    I had radiation and the boost. I am taking Arimidex, the generic form of Fosmax, iron, calcium, 1000 units of VitD, magnesium, and B12, isn't that enough? i am so tired of pills! DH asked if I had bumped myself, I said not that I remember. I will get the Dr. to look at it on Monday. thanks for the prayers.

    To All Of You Other Lovely Ladies:

    Thanks for all your concerns, and I especially thank you for all your prayers. I will let you all know what the Dr. says on Monday. And I really do appreciate all your prayers for my daughter,Debby.

    I hope you all have a very great and greatly blessed week-end.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Jackie - I just passed into a diabetic coma reading your outstanding recipe.

    Mandy - that's what Oliver had but the pills stopped working so I had to take him in for the radioactive iodine (very expensive!).  Hope your furbaby continues to respond to the meds.

    Motherof7 - I know what you mean about pills - which reminds me, I have to take my morning pills.

    To All Others - Have a great Sunday!!!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009


    Any recipe that includes a can of evaporated condensed milk is a winner.  I could just spoon it right out of the can!  We have been enjoying parts of three different birthday cakes over this weekend so have to tighten up the belt now.  I did put on a pair of tight-waisted pants this AM hoping they would remind me to eat lightly.  But seems like the more I eat, the more I want to eat :(

    For those of you enjoying an early winter... It is still quite nice here.  Should be low 80s today, sunny with a slightly cool breeze off the ocean.  Makes up for all the hot weather we have had up until a few days ago!

    Happy Weekend!


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2009

    Jackie, that cake is so wicked. My problem is translating it into products we have here. Will have to find some thing like butterfinger candie bars - I have no idea what they are. And believe or not we are back in the past as cakes are generally baked from scratch not from packets - yes we do have cake mixes.

    Just had a look for butterfinger cookies, don't think we have any thing similar but will ask SiL as he knows most sweets with peanut butter in - he's Canadian. I like the German Chocolate cake recipe though. Please why do they have lovely recipes and right beside them a sign saying "You too can lose 35lbs in a month"? I know I should but don't need reminded of it all the time.

    DH has just got out of bed so i had better get myself dresses - it is Monday morning here and Labout day holiday so there are things to do out in the yard.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,492
    edited October 2009

    Here i am exhausted and still have tons of leaves and nuts to remove out of our yard.  This is when you start to hate having a yard that takes up an acre sounds small and for the most part is until you try to clean all this stuff.  Too bad I don't have one of those cakes handy.  It's about the only time I might actually burn off enough calories to actually not feel guilty eating it.  As a small footnote....I generally never make it unless I am going somewhere and take it as a dish to share....but everyone should try it at least once. 

    We are stopping for lunch and I will go into town and get my feral cats fed beforehand.  Then back here for more of this fun.  Used to the whole family would get together and work on yards.....but that went by the way side when I got my cancer and now all just do their own. 

    SIL is still in the nursing home.  Over 5 months now.  She has a serious staph infection and it is in her bones.  The hardware they put in to fix the broken hip did not hold.....they went in to do a total hip replacement and that is when the bone staph infection was discovered.  They were able to do some other vascular work....not sure what while they had her on the table, but I think she is still months away from home.  Very sad case....and sometimes I wonder if she will get home even.  Well, hope you are all having a wonderful week-end. 

    I'll be checking back later I think.....with all those leaves and nuts to go.....I may just fall asleep with the blower still attached to my back. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited October 2009

    I have decided that this year I will conduct a scientific experiment in my back yard. The leaves will remain exactly where they landed. Next spring I will see if they protect the grass and if they prevented the weeds from sprouting. And next spring, I expect to have more energy to rake things up. It all works! What a great plan.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Lassie - it is a great plan - even better is if the wind blew them away!

    Jackie - I am so glad I don't have a yard anymore and have to worry about raking and shoveling snow off sidewalks and driveway and mowing.  While my sister does have a house and I live with  her someone else cleans the driveway/sidewalks during snow and mows the grass.  I have the best of both worlds.

    Pam - I have the same problem with food - the more I eat the more I want to eat.  And when dieting, that's all I think about is food!  My problem isn't that I eat when I am hungry (hunger, what's that?.)  I eat when I am happy, celebrating, depressed, unhappy, upset, when I watch TV, when I read, you get the picture!

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited October 2009

    That is an awesome recipe.

  • nas14
    nas14 Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2009
    Pam - I sure hope your weather holds out like that for a while. Sounds like Heaven to me! We're going to be coming down your way on Nov. 6 for about 10 days. My BIL has a condo in New Smyrna Beach right on the ocean. They live in Titusville, which is close enough for them to enjoy the condo frequently when it's not rented. We're taking my MIL & my SIL's mother down to spend some time with the rest of the family. For me, I just want to veg out by the pool & listen to the ocean. Two years ago when we went down, we couldn't even go outside other than go back & forth to the car. The red tide was in, & it was horrible. You could hardly breathe. However, thank goodness, if we drove across the Intercoastal, it was fine. So that week we just planned on activities away from the ocean. It was disappointing but had fun anyway.
  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    HI Nancy,

    I remember the Red Tide episode.  We've lived in Fl since 1960 and here by the beach since 1985 and that was the first time I had experienced it.  It burned your eyes and mucous membranes and actually made me feel a little ill if I tried to walk for exercise, as I usually do.  I hope it was a rare event and not a trend.  One of my birthday celebrations this weekend was in New Smyrna Beach at the Riverside Grill by the north causeway.  We often meet Orlando relatives there as it is midway for all of us.  Great restaurant and very quiet if you go about 2:00ish.   

    Lying by the pool in the warm sun soaking in all that Vitamin D is just what you need!  Our weather is usually good through December, cools off a lot in January and usually our worst is in February.  No hurricanes this year, so far, so beaches are in good shape.  I walked on the beach this AM... lots of shells and one perfect star fish, and a big ghost crab.  The wind was out of the north so it was not hot... perfect for shorts and a t-shirt.  Might have been cool in a bathing suit.  I hope the weather holds for you!


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Pam -- OMG that sounds wonderful!

    Nancy - have a safe and wonderful time.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2009

    Funny, in my half awake mode, I saw "Nancy" and wondered where I was going...!!!!   Another Nancy, of course.   At one bridge group there are 3 Nancy's and in the other one there are 4.   So, I use Nan to try to avoid confusion, not that it helps much !!   Some years ago, setting up for the annual bazaar at church, there was a phone call for Nancy - we had 6 Nancy's working that day.  

    And another group I attend, we have 2 Mary Francis, 2 plain Mary, 2 Eleanor's and 2 Nancy's.   Anyway, have a super duper trip - I remember Red Tide when in Panama City a couple of years ago - month of October also.    

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,492
    edited October 2009

    Morning everyone.  I'm usually the only one around most places with my name.  Don't think it was too much ever a highly popular name but I was more accepting of it when Jacqueline Kennedy came along.  I am used to it after 64 years but always wished it had been spelled differently.  My mother and the nuns at the hospital did not know how to spell my name so it came out Jackolin.  Up to me it would be Jacquelynn -- so people if they see it written do not always pronounce it right....but that is ok too.  Just a little bump on the page of life and no big deal.

    Hope you are all going to have a wonderful day.  I'm hoping for one and will do my best to have it.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,306
    edited October 2009

    I know quite a few Jackies here in south Louisiana.  No Nancy's! 

    Pam, your walk on the beach sounds lovely.  Last summer our rv journey included some weeks in WA and OR when we stayed in beautiful state parks on the Pacific Ocean.  I enjoyed quite a few walks on the beach and soaked in the power and immensity of an ocean.  That's about all I like to do on the beach any more--walk and look.  No sunbathing for me any more.  My youthful days of roasting in the sun have earned me a trip to the dermatologist every 6 mos!

    This is an unusual Oct.  Usually the muggies are gone by mid month, but this El Nino weather pattern is bringing lots of rain and temperature swings.  Cool for a few days and then back to the 80's.  I won't complain, though, because we were so lucky this summer with not a single hurricane hitting the Gulf Coast.

    Yesterday was beautiful.  I played golf with a woman friend at noon and got home in time to see the NO Saints get their act together and defeat the Miami Dolphins.  Then last night my long-time favorite baseball team, the Yankees, beat the Angels to earn their way into the World Series.  During 40 years of marriage to my dh, I learned to like to watch sports on tv!  We also watch golf, tennis, and Nascar!  No, we don't watch Dancing with the Stars or American Idol or survivor series.

    Happy Monday, everybody.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2009

    Hi All!

    It is a nice sunny day here in Philadelphia.  I am off to the Garden Center to see if I can find some of the things that Isabella planted. I love the idea of planting in tubs and buckets....easier for me than digging in the harsh soil.  And I could use the brightening up of some nice plants.....been having a bit of a downer recently.

    So have a nice day!  And wish me gardening skills are not my best.



  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2009

    Well I am not the world's best gardener (far from it) but my geraniums still are in bloom. So, Jo,  I think that Philly may be warmer  than Ohio.  And I figured that Isabella is from pretty far North in England so that hopefully I could follow her guidance.  Unfortunately my local garden center was bleak.....I brought home a huge mum in a pot; got a larger pot to transplant my lavender (which has out grown its pot) and bought some bulbs.  However, even though I live right down town,  I have a rabbit or something like that who views my bulbs and plantings as salad....maybe I will be luckier this year.  But there were no interesting winter plantings to be seen.  Well at least the trip got me out of the house!!!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited October 2009

    Hi to all my golden oldie friends.  My snapdragons are still blooming like crazy and also the marigold are doing better now than during the summer.  My little park is looking good.  I wish my bird bath water fountain worked though.  Maybe someday I will get it fixed.  I wonder how the weather is where all of you are living.  Here it was around 40 this morning and warmed up to high 60's and cloudy.

    Pam, it sounds so nice where you are

    JO is it pretty cold where you are?

    Mandy, my husband mixes up some nasty stuff to spray around the bulbs and plants, pm me if you want the solution.

    Bless all you wonderful ladies.

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited October 2009

    Well, I had to scrape ice off my car windows this morning, must of been in the low 30's.  Now it is 47 degrees and there is a skunk down by my birdfeeder.