Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,492
    edited October 2009

    Bonnie & Kitty.....thinking of you today.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited October 2009

    Hugs Bonnie.  You are in my thoughts.  Our pets become part of our families.  I am so sorry.


  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2009

    Thanks for your kind thoughts.  My husband just left for the vet with the cat and I stayed at home to cry in private.  I know we are doing the right thing and the kindest thing for the kitty because he was miserable. We have two other old cats, one also has Lymphoma and the other one is healthy for now.  Life's a b**ch sometimes.  --bonnie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2009

    Sorry about the kitty.   They become more like family than some family members.   I go over to the dog park for my dog fix once in a while.   Too hard for me to have a pet as I like my "non schedule" to do what I want when I want to.   Not fair to a pet.   My sister makes up for me with 9 dogs - they sled race and show them - samoyeds.   

    Hugs and Blessings,   Nancy 

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Nancy - your sister is a woman after my own heart.  If I could I would have a houseful of companion animals. My baby Oliver is 11 or 12 years old - he was a stray kitty.  I don't think I will get anymore as by the time he passes I will be pushing 70 (hard) not well and I doubt if I got another young animal I would live to see it through its lifespan.  I can, however, look forward to being reunited with them some day.

    Bonnie - I am so sorry about your kitty.  Gentle hugs and head butts.

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited October 2009

    Thanks so much for all of your kind words!  Yesterday was a rough day, but we made the right decision and now our kitty is out of pain and at peace.  Even though it is so painful to let our pets go, I'm pretty sure there will be more furry, four legged family members in our future.  For now, we have 2 old cats to keep us company.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    Gosh, everyone is quiet the last few days.  I live vicariously through all you guys exciting lives and I am getting pretty bored here!  What's happening?

    Did Isabelle's husband get this carpel tunnel surgery?  Did she run off with the Aussie tech?  Has Alyson worn her angel costume to the grocery store yet?  Has SoCalLisa revealed that that cute little girl is actually a clone of herself?  Is Carole driving her motorhome cross country ala Cannonball Express?  Is Jo using her iron to make grilled cheese sandwiches?  Is Ritajean painting her golf balls red so she can play in the snow?  Is Kathleen dressing up as a mummy for Halloween?  Are we all still going to England for Christmas?    THESE ARE THE DAYS OF OUR LIVES!


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Pam, I noticed the boards were too quiet also; because like you, I live vicariously through others here.

    Isabella, did DH have his surgery; if so, how is he doing.  Has his hand healed from the calf adventure?

    Jo, You and I are too much alike - I had a cold for 2 weeks that is just finally ending - 2 weeks!  Luckily I haven't fallen again -- yet!  Had plenty of near misses.

    I'm still in PT 3 times a week will end October 31st.  Not that I don't need it, but I had reached my out-of-pocket expenses in February (insurance plan runs from November 1 to October 31 so I will be subjected to co-pays).  I just can't afford to shell out $120.00 a week in co-pays to one facility.  With my luck I will meet my out-of-pocket expenses in no time.  But i know all the exercises so I can do them at home (which I do anyway two days a week and on the weekends.

    I have spinal and cervical stenosis plus diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis so I am going to try for social security disability.  Wish me luck!  I have been fooling myself into thinking I can work 40 hours a week.  I have to take a nap after washing dishes.  If I sit too long (30 to 60 minutes) it take me a few minutes to even straighten up let alone walk.  Walking creates awful pain in my legs and lower back and of course, with the neuropathy from the diabetes I tend to fall alot.  Other than that, I am like a 20 year old.

    As Jo said, I will pull up my big girl's pants and keep trucking.

    Pam, I bet you are doubly glad you asked!!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    Good to see a couple of us up and out tonight.  So sorry you are both feeling poorly.  It looks like this is going to be a rough winter for colds and flus and sore throats.  Stock up on the hand sanitizer!  I am definitely not a germaphobe but spending all this time in doctor offices and hospitals sure exposes us to a melange of bad things.  I always wonder if they wipe down the equipment between scans, etc.

    I sure understand about starting over with deductibles.  I am trying to squeeze all the biggies in before the end of the year.  I'll probably have arthroscopic surgery on my rt knee (torn meniscus).  It is feeling pretty good just now but sure as I don't do it things will flare up on January 1!  My orthopod wanted to do it a couple months ago but I wanted to give my body a break to recover from everything a little bit.  I had my left knee op'd in the middle of my radiation TX cause I wanted to be able to exercise when I started Arimidex.  Always something!

    Gotta go watch DWTS.  Makes me want to dance too!  


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2009

    Big girls panties Jo?? A few Christmases ago my Sil asked what type of underwear I liked. DD replied saying I didn't like ity bity knickers, so for Christmas I received a pair of big gir'ls bloomers which SiL had made, they were enormous, made of calico, long legged and frilled. Both daughters have worn them to various thing. I didn't think of them but they would have been great last Saturday.

    At this moment I am pooped as I have been in the garden for a couple of hours once the guys have finished trimming the camelia and putting in the watering system I will go back and finish repotting my orchids so hope they do better next season but must admit I neglected them this year. Have planted some lettuces and some flowers. Maybe I might sleep tonight.

    I so pleased the warm weather is starting here. Will clean the BBQ this weekend - it is our Labour Weekend so next Monday is a holiday.

    Big hugs to all


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,492
    edited October 2009 are too funny.  I nearly fell out of my chair a couple of times  Sorry to hear about your colds Jo & Kathleen.  Knock on wood while throwing salt over my shoulder, then twirling my lucky rabbits foot.....I haven't gotten a cold since moving back here  ( southern Illinois ) 12 years ago from southern California.  I did not even get any during chemo in the middle of a somewhat harsh winter.  I think working so  much with animals etc. I have built up lots of immunities and the chemo didn't get them all. 

    Have been busy hauling things around in the truck --- some to the auction center storage and others from our storage locker to home.....we'd better get it together.  The end of this month is close enough for me to be a bit nervous.  Lots to do yet.

    I'll see ya'll later.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2009

    Hi girls, back in the land of the pc !!

    My DS is staying with me, what a treat to get him to myself . He is gone when I get up, and doesn't come back 'til after 8pm, but we sit and natter all evening. He has caught me up with many electrical jobs myself and DH cannot do. He has mended my dead pc, so now have a spare ( I live in fear of being offline, and no spare pc to fall back on)

    I am getting his washing, and I am IRONING it !! Never thought I would get pleasure out of this chore. It is just such a big pleasure for me to have him here, even if he does leave a mess in the bathroom, and the toilet seat UP !!

    Tonight he is re tuning my tv's, we cannot do it. The whole network changed on Sept 30, and we lost loads of programs, just little things like this make my life easier. He can't sit still, has to be fiddling with something, so its a win win situation for me. Tomorrow he is going to look at my cars electrics, my windows don't go up and down. I had the door panels off myself a while ago, fiddled about, got it going, but its gone again....not too good on car jobs.

    DH had his surgery. I was left sitting on a hard chair for three and a half hours, my behind had seized up by the time he was out. The op. only takes 8 mins, wasn't too bad for him. We have help now for 5 days, doctors were horrified when DH said he was going outside to work. He is not supposed to drive either for 2 weeks, but has already gone out to fetch newspapers this morning, in his truck. I eventually got him to docs for treatment for hand badly cut by calves, and they gave him some fancy dressings that started to heal it very quickly, he will have an awful scar though.

    I have a decorator in this morning. I am just sick of half done rooms, half painted doors, so this chap is here to smarten me up all over the house.  I have had a performance with my dogs. Decorator hates dogs, my kitchen has 17 running around, and he has to keep coming thru the kitchen He is NOT pleased, but I am NOT shutting my dogs away. When he comes to paint in the kitchen I will do.

    Must fly, scuffling going on in kitchen, decorator must be upsetting my dogs, or being eaten by them !!

    I didn't run off with my  gorgeous Aussie tech, Pam, but was sorely tempted I think it was the age difference that stopped me !!


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited October 2009

    17 dogs Isabella?! That's a lot of dogs. I may stop complaining about my one old cat (19). On the other hand, I know what you mean about how excellent it is to have a grown up son come home. I am constantly amazed that once upon a time I had babies and now there is a grown up woman who is a mother, and two tall men. Your son sounds most useful too.

     For fun these days I am completing radiation treatments in a town an hour's drive away. Today a friend is driving me; ordinarily I drive. 10 done and 6 to go. First I am going to fetch my grandson and take him to school so his mother can stay inside with the new baby. Win win.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Isabella ... I've said it before and I will say it again, you are too funny.  17 dogs doesn't sound like all that many dogs but that's just me.  The only time I thought there was too many animals is a cat sanctuary run by a retired couple.  She was a tiny thin woman who chain smoked.  He was a retired chief counsel for a large company.  As we walked in, he was calmly sitting at an old wooden farm table eating his breakfast.  Every surface of that kitchen was covered with cats!  You could practically slide down the steps on the collection of cat hair.  As you walked through the house there were cats on every surface and every stick of furniture.  They had 220 all together!  It was just them and an occasional help out by a younger woman.

    Lassie, glad you are having someone drive you.  If I am in a car for an hour I have to unbended when I get out of the car.

    I am amusing myself by going to physical therapy today where they try to kill me.  Ouch!  Everybody have a great day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,492
    edited October 2009 make life ( despite a plethora of total in-convenience ) sound such fun and have such a cheery attitude about it all.  Love seeing your name pop up when I turn on my Internet to this site...I know I'm in for a treat. 

    Yesterday was such a nice day...warm and plenty of kind of day.  I think today won't be too bad either, but it sounds like the rest of the week ( not sure about the week-end ) could go downhill.  Hope you are all having it nice. 


    P.S.  I'm a real piker as I only have 6 dogs but the last one Teeny thinks she is a cat.  Often jumps up on the cat perches and sits with them.  Don't know whether to tell her or not.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,306
    edited October 2009

    Alyson, how interesting to think that your summer is just beginning!  How cold are the winters?  I have four camellia trees/shrubs in my yard.  I've always wanted to visit New Zealand and Australia, but it's looking doubtful that I'll get to either place.  No long highway to cross the ocean in our rv!  Dh and I aren't much into travel on airplanes any more.  Plus he hates staying in hotels.  Rv travel suits us because we take a cozy little home along with us. 

    Goodness, Isabella, you simply must keep your pc working.  We all wait to hear what kind of drama is going on in your life!  You make some of the rest of us seem very sane and ordinary.  Seventeen dogs????  It sounds as though your son is definitely a good person to have around.  I would iron his clothes, too, if he did all those jobs around the house. 

    I played golf yesterday and again today.  Two days in a row turned out to be a little too much physical exertion.  The stamina is not there yet.  But it was great to be outside on two beautiful sunny days. 

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Isabella - Jackie and Carole said it - when I see you name I have to tune in - its like watching a serial movie!  It is a treat - you should be a writer!

    Jackie - I once had a cat who thought he was a dog - he would sit up on hind legs and beg for food  He was my CoCo Bear and I miss him so much.

    Carole - so glad you got two days of golf but take it easy and slow down a little.  The stamina will come back.

    To all my seasoned sisters - have a great day!

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2009

    Just returned from a wonderful visit to my 24 year old daughter who works and lives in San Francisco.  She ended up in California for work and I miss her alot.  We took a girls road trip down the coast to Cambria (south of Big Sur) where I had rented a beach cottage for the weekend.  Coming from the East Coast, just seeing the Pacific is very exciting to me.  Then we did a day trip to San Luis Obispo and also went to an Olive Farm and did Olive Oil Tasting.  Then back to San Franicsco and had dinner my last night at Chez Panisse....even though I was there 6 days, the trip was much too short so I am planning my next trip now.

     About vitamin D:  I was tested for it and was very low.  My doctor suggested 5000 IU per day.  My hubby was tested and was even lower than I am so he is now on 5000 IU too.  In the end, I feel as if the diet that my grandmother used is the best---she had lots of  fresh fruits and vegetables, small portions of chicken or fish on occasion, one soft boiled egg for breakfast and enjoyed occasional home baked goods. There was alot of variety in her diet.   She always served everything in a beautiful way---fruits would be cut into small pieces and served on a skewer like a fruit kebab.  She had a healthy long life. 

    Anyway, have a wonderful day. I missed you on my trip.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Isabella, you are soooooooo funny!  And, when finished ironing for your son, please send him over here.  I won't even require him to come with a sign "I'll fix stuff in return for ironing".  Not only ironing but I'll do his laundry first and fold what doesn't need to be ironed.  Just, purleese, send him over. 

    Mandy, sounds like a great trip.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2009

    Mandy, great trip, I love that area..did you get to Monterey and Santa Cruz??

    Bet it was fun seeing your daughter and doing all the interesting things around

    that area...Two of my sons graduated from UC Santa Cruz and one from UC Davis

    so when I had to drive them to and from I would love to tuck a little side trip

    in the scheme..

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited October 2009

    Today its very downcast here, leaves changing and falling, very misty. I have been out to treat myself to some pc goodies. BUT...and this is the best bit..I really have no idea what I am doing !

    DS told me of a very good store not too far away, told me what I wanted, and off I went. I needed a monitor, and a new laptop. I was given the model numbers to get, and, of course, the store didn't have either of them in stock. I was up a creek without a paddle, but persevered. Found out a bright young man, who knew all there was to know about pc's, and he helped me choose. I spent £200 over what I had budgeted,and then asked for a discount, which I always do, and was gobsmacked to be told 'no' !!! (usually I am told by family to 'not start haggling' when we go out shopping.) I was told I could have a free update to Microsoft 7, which launched today, a lollipop and a glass of sparkling wine!!! Well I accepted the update, swigged off the wine, and pocketed the lollipop, and the manager must have been told I'd asked for a discount, and came over and presented me with a carrying case for my new laptop !! Always pays to be a bit bolshie !!!

    So now here I am sat, don't have a clue how to set up the laptop...and it does look nice, navy blue, with sparkly bits in the 'lid' , like granite kitchen counters, so am waiting now for DS to come and get me set up, so I can go to bed early as the nights draw in, and carry on computing.

    I called at the garden centre, on the way back and got lots of winter plants and bulbs to make up some tubs to brighten up my back yard. I have a flaming goat who usually manages to get herself loose and come and demolish my tubs, but I am going to put her away early for winter in a straw yard this year....if I manage to keep her away all winter it will be a miracle, she's a real escape artist. I am no longer able to hold her, she rears up and tries to butt me with her great big horns.. I have had her from 4 days old, she's about 10 now, but she does not like me !! As I've got older I am scared she will now be able to tip me up and break a leg or a hip. She towers above me when she goes up on her front legs! The one pet over all the years I regret getting. If anything happens to me I am sure she will be the first thing DH gets rid of, he hates her with a vengeance. I'm just hoping I will outlive her !!


  • nas14
    nas14 Member Posts: 27
    edited October 2009
    Isabella - Have fun with your new toy when you get it set up. I can't believe you got so many extra goodies just having the guts to ask for a discount. Don't think I would do as well here in the States. Sounds like you & your goat need to have a good heart-to-heart about her mortality. Of course, she probably feels like "I'm getting old; I don't have to do anything anybody tells me to do." Good luck with your flowers!
  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2009

    Isabella:  what are the winter plants and bulbs that you plant?  It sounds just like something that I should do.....of course my climate may be different from yours butyou are pretty far north so you would get some cold.  And that is great about your computer. It never hurts to ask...I have started asking whether places have a senior discount and I am surprised because very often they do have unadvertised senior discounts.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2009

    here is our SoCal autumn roses

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    Good news, ladies!

    I just heard Dr. Nancy Snyderman (MSNBC) say sugar does not cause cancers to grow.  I succumbed to temptation recently and bought a bag of Sauder's Spice drops (like gumdrops, only better)... pure sugar!  Every time I ate one I visualized cancer cells having a party somewhere in my body.  I still have to worry about the calories but I will cut out something nutritious and healthy.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2009

    but sugar makes my belly grow

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited October 2009

    I'm allergic to sugar. It makes me break out in fat.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,492
    edited October 2009

    All of you ladies are just too funny.  Isn't it peculiar that cancer has been around for so long and we still have so much miss-information.  Tiresome I think if we had REAL answers we could all develop a plan to thwart the beast.  I think Lassie is right though....we all have a little bit of her allergy I think. 

    Mandy....hope you liked San Luis Obispo.  They have a bubble-gum wall is like two brick walls ( two buildings ) facing each other and a path down the center....and at some time or other people starting putting their chewed bubble gum on the wall.....and if it is still, was there a lot of it.  Sure this came from being college/university town.  Dh and I used to go up there.....also to Solvang ( old Spanish mission ) Paso Robles.....Pismo Beach.  The whole area around there was very nice.

    It's raining cats and dogs ( oh -- just what I need ) so I'm going to go for now as I have a little work to do.....

    Hope you are all having some ok weather.  Not due to be too nice here for awhile.

    Lucky you Isabella....enjoy.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Isabella - love the goat story - I worked at PETA's animal sanctuary for a while and between the goat and the sheep, no vegetation was safe.  The trees only had leaves above where the goat could stand on his hind legs.  When we had him neutered we were supposed to spray an antibiotic on the "place" - you could hid that spray bottle behind your back - he knew.  We would herd him into a 8 x 10 pen and two of us couldn't catch him!

    Pam - I wasn't even aware that sugar had anything to do with cancer, not that it would have stopped me!

    Lassie - I suffer from that allergy too.  I agree, delete something healthy to have chocolate.  Chocolate...its just not for breakfast anymore.

  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited October 2009

    I love the soft candy called Bulls Eyes, sort of like carmel with a creamy sugary center.  They already have caused me to break out in fat.  LOL