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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited October 2009

    Good Morning To All You Beautiful Ladies:

    I'm sorry I didn't get back to you all sooner, Debby and I didn't get out of the Dr.'s office until after 6:00p.m. Monday. Then yesterday, my sister was here and we had a few things we had to do.

    Anyway, the Dr. seems to think I just have some inflamation in my side, he said my ribs would hurt from time to time, since that is the side where my bc was. He gave me some meds to take for two weeks, said we would keep an eye on it.

    Debby is scheduled for an ultra sound on Thursday, to see if they can find out what is going on with her, and a mamogram on 11/2/09, we won't know anything until 11/9/09, so please keep praying everything will be o.k. with her.

    Sorry, I haven't read the post today, I hope and pray you all are doing great, it's raining here, Hope the weather is o.k. where you all are at.

    Got some things I have to do. Hope you all have a great and very blessed day!

  • Laughjoyfully
    Laughjoyfully Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2009

    Tough Old Broads in Indianapolis -  we laugh a lot, cry some and then get going again. When the going gets tough the TOBIs go shopping .. well whoever can get out and has some brass doe it for the rest of us ... LOL :-)


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2009

    I know I have only had one cup of coffee, but did I miss the meaning of TOBI?    Raining here, but pleasant temperature and little wind.   Hugs for all,   Nancy

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Its raining here and has been since yesterday, which means the grass will need one more cutting before winter - the is the third "last" cutting so far.

    I like TOBI!

    We hung wash out when we lived in El Paso, TX - you could hang 4 lines outside and start taking down the first line after hanging the fourth line because it was so freaking hot!!!!!!!!

    In the "new communities" around here I am sure the HOA would have something to say about clothes lines.  They have someting to say about everything else.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited October 2009

    Kathleen, one friend was threatened with a fine for having a blue flower pot on her front steps.  The HOA only wanted white decorations...    

    OK, I read back and love TOBI.   Maybe leave off the last letter and just TOB.   I live the city of Alexandria - can I be a TOBA?    Thanks for my morning chuckle.   HUGS for all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,279
    edited October 2009

    I guess I can be a TOBI since I am from Illinois, but I like it.  We/Rita have a saying on the Illinois thread:  Illinois Girls Are Tough.  Doesn't have the same ring as the TOBI initials but it got us through when we needed  a halo to hang onto.  Linda, you have a wonderful signature line too.  Glad you are here. along with Melissa. 

    Kathleen....the rain for us here means another layer of leaves, but I would expect that more than having to cut grass.  We only cut grass two or three....sometimes four times in summer.  Out here in the woods there is so much shade that the grass grows a lot slower.....we do have to trim in-between some of the sunnier areas...but there aren't many.  Best of both worlds guess you could say.  I'm not looking forward though to winter this year.  I'm worried it may be a harsh one. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.


  • Laughjoyfully
    Laughjoyfully Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2009

    How about Tough Old Broad Iridian  -  it means Tough Old Broad "rainbow"  So we can all be TOBIs 

    We are certainly a rainbow - we range across nations, Dxs and religions, politics and Tx to name a few differences.

    We are all part of the BCO rainbow -  What do ya think?   TOBI - We bring a little more color to the Pink  ;-) 

    Tough Old Broad Iridian   Unless someone else can think of a general term that fits us all. 


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited October 2009

    we had a dog that we called TOBY for "turds on butt, yeck" but I think TOBI or A or M works for any of us that has been dxed with any BC.

    Glad to aee your are all here- yes a Mo gal, Gramof 3- I can't wait. Oh and BTW the HOA here won't let anything happen and if you are on the golf course you can forget it! Fishbowl livin' =they can have it!

    Oh yes got my drains out today- that felt lovely - glad to be rid of them too.

  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited October 2009

    If we're TOBIs can we still be Chooks??  Here Chook,Chook, Chook!

  • Gramof3
    Gramof3 Member Posts: 111
    edited October 2009

    If we're TOBIs can we still be Chooks??  Here Chook,Chook, Chook!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2009

    Of course we are still chooks. It reminds me so much of my mother her often refered to herself as a silly chook.


  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited October 2009

    Jackie, our spin dryers are called a "Hills hoist" and they are like the one you have. Every back yard in Aus has one of those poles with the spider web lines around it.  The great thing is that it too spins dry your clothes as it whirls around in the breeze/wind after you wind it up as high as it will go.  For those of you who don't use a clothes line due to the ironing issue, might I suggest that you put your sun dried clothes in the dryer on the cool cycle for 5-10 mins to 'relax' them?


  • Laughjoyfully
    Laughjoyfully Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2009

    When I was young in Sussex England -  my mother always called chatterers "Chipers" like th birds. We can all be TOBeees, with out any other last letter -  or chooks or chipers -  as long as we are all onded, little else matters. We have enough in common ...


    Linda  Cool
  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited October 2009


    Thanks for saying you would pray for my daughter, Debby, there is never a doubt in my mind that when I ask for prayer, you will always respond. Gram,kmccraw,Illinoislady,patoo,always respond also. If i missed anyone of you who prays for me, i surely didn't mean to, you all are a very special blessing to me, and I pray for all you ladies on the bc forum.

    JO, the Dr. told me I would always have some pain in my side from the bc operation. We are in revival at church, and I had prayer for me, and the knot left, but the swelling was still there when i went to the Dr., he gave me meds for the inflamation, and said he would check me in a month, to make sure everything was o.k.

    Gotta run, I want to go with Debby to get her Ultrasound, so I need to get some washing done before I go.

    Hope all you wonderful ladies have a great and blessed day.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited October 2009

    Hi everyone!  It's been crazy busy around here so I've been reading but not taking the time to post.

    Hey Jackie,  I think that Linda's group is much more creative than ours with her TOBI but tough is tough!   LOL

    Mother of 7...hoping and praying that your daughter's ultrasound goes well and that whatever is causing the problem is minor and easily corrected. 

    I have a complete day at home today and I'm really looking forward to it.  I need to sort some through clutter and work on my ironing pile!  Yes, I will be careful!  LOL  I think I'll make comfort food tonight...........meatloaf, baked potato, baby carrots and whatever else I can find around this house without going into town to the store.  Of course I'd rather be golfing but it's too wet here for that and we'd never find the golf balls under all the leaves.

    I hope everyone has a great day!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited October 2009

    Rita, it's too wet for golf here, at least it is for me.  I don't play when the ball plugs, you don't get any roll, and your clothes get muddy.  Worst luck, our ladies golf assoc. is having a big match play tournament this week and the weather has been rainy.  I didn't sign up because playing 2 or 3 days in a row is too hard at 3 mos. out from BMX.

    Turned on the A/C this morning.  It's in the high 70's and humid.  Overcast outside.  I'll feel like I'm taking a swim when I go for my walk!

    Everyone have a great Thursday, Oct 29.  Today is my dh's brother's birthday and the brother's grandson is due to arrive in this world.  Nice coincidence.

  • Laughjoyfully
    Laughjoyfully Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2009

    Thanks Jean but we didn't really create -  it just happened in conversation. LOL.  I am just glad to be able to come here and be accepted -  whatever we are called where we live or post.  Not feeling too good today. Am I the only one Zometa knocks out and messes with all through the month -  is it age?  All the younger women I know seem to breeze through it.  However, time to remember I am a TOBeee


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,279
    edited October 2009

    Linda....think anyone dealing with this disease often gets tough quickly if they aren't already.  Sorry you are not feeling so great.  I never had to have Zometa so can't help much - just commiserate a bit with you.  Hope everyone else is going to have a good day.  We are due for WHAT ??? more rain.  Oh I an not liking that --  these dark, gloomy, coolish and wet days tend to put me in a state I don't care for as I like bright sun which brings out my smile and gives me hope, energy and inspiration.  Will just have to buck up and take it.

    See you all later.
    Hugs, prayers, healing thoughts to all,


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited October 2009

    Hi LInda,

    I'm sorry you are suffering from the effects of zometa but I have read good things about it and its ability to strengthen and protect bones from mets.  You likely know much more about it than I do but I have read posts here that if it is administered slowly (IV)  that women seem to feel its se's less... at least in the short term.   Also receiving some saline first helps some people.  AND, this is weird, but someone said taking Claritan (OTC allergy med) helped with the post treatment pain.   No personal experience so I am just "talking". 

    Sincere sympathy and wishing good things for you.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Just thought I would stop in real quick inbetween doctor visits and say hi - I'll catch up later.

    Royalty-free Clip Art: Elderly Woman Trying To Wave Down A Taxi

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited October 2009

    Carole.....Sorry the rain is putting dampers on your ladies tournament.  We had lots of weather-related problems and postponed golf outings this year.  Maybe next year will be better.  I'm heading to Florida in late January for a couple of weeks and hope to get in a few rounds of golf then.  The only problem with that is the cost of flying the clubs down with us.  We've considered driving if we can't find any good rates but we love the convenience of getting on the plane and letting somebody else get us there.  I think you're doing pretty well if you're golfing a couple of times a week now.  It's so addictive (and also frustrating at times) isn't it?

    Linda, I have also heard gals on Zometa talk about taking the Claritan allergy meds in conjunction  with the Zometa and getting relief.  That might be worth checking into!

    I am so proud of myself, Jo!  I finished the whole ironing pile today and have no injuries to report! LOL   It was a good day to tackle the pile as the rain moved in again this afternoon and it's quite damp and dreary outside.  Now I think I'll curl up in the recliner with the Greg Iles book I brought home from the library until it's time to start dinner.

    Catch you all tomorrow!


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited October 2009

    Hi ladies, dropped by to check on everyone and say I have been thinking of you all.  It has rained all day today here in Okla.  I have been reading and knitting.  Still keeping the broken foot propped up.  It is not so painful now but won't be x-rayed until nov 19th.  I am ready for it to be healed right now.

    kmccraw, love the picture of the little old lady waving with her bag thats cute.

    alyson, are you coming upon your summer now? 

    Praying for you all.  Have a good night.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,279
    edited October 2009

    Spar.....seems a long time to wait for an X-ray.  It is raining here too which is turning into my least favorite thing.  I need sun if I wish to bloom at all and these gloomy damp and or pouring down days just steal my starch.  Hope they don't go on too much longer.  This keeps up I'm going to have to go live with someone else -- maybe Alyson....we didn't have a real summer here this year. 

    Hugs, prayers, and healing energies.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited October 2009

    Jackie and other IL ladies, dh and I will be driving to Decatur, IL, for Thanksgiving at his sister's house.  She goes all out.  The good china and crystal and silver and service pieces--which ALL have to be hand-washed afterward!!!  Undecided  Oh, well, almost everybody pitches in and helps and there's a lot of camaraderie.  My mother, by contrast, would just as soon put out the "good" paper plates!

    We're off to Baton Rouge today to meet rv "fulltimer" friends (they live in their motorhome) who are spending a week in Lafayette, LA.  We'll be touring the state capitol building, something dh and I have never done, and I've lived in LA most of my life.  Should be interesting.  Hope we find a good place for lunch in the city.

    Happy Friday to all.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited October 2009

    Thanks Spar - I thought it most appropriate given the title of this thread!  I found her a way ago and have been patiently waiting to post her.

    Carole - I hate to admit it but I'm with your Mom - paperplates and paper towels for napkins - only the best for the family!  Fortunately my cousin's wife prepares the major holiday dinners - she is a great cook, enjoys doing it and goes all out.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited October 2009

    Carole, I'm only about 40 minutes away from Decatur.  I hope the weather is good for you by then. Thanksgiving time in Illinois can be very unpredictable when it comes to weather conditions.  How long are you staying in Decatur?  

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2009

    Morning all..I have to admit I do the good china, silver, etc on TDay and Xmas..

    DH does nada, but the boys and wives help out...I guess it was a tradition for

    the kids and they like to come back home for it...I love having them here instead

    of with in I just do it...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,279
    edited October 2009

    SoCal and Carole....when you have someone to help out I think it is nice to doll things up a bit over the holidays though I will admit I don't as only Dh and me and for him it's the food......sshhh, I could probably get away ( cleaned and disinfected first of course ) with using the dog dishes and he would not notice.  It is great to enjoy eating that much. 

    I thought Decatur was not too far from me.....I am a couple hours south of Rita and one of these days I am going to show up at her house.

    Well, need to free this computer ( work computer ) so I'll see all of you later.  Hope you are having a dry day where you are....we are getting a massive soaking. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited October 2009

    I am afraid that when I was pregnant with my second child, I started a tradition of eating out on Thanksgiving.  I know if may sound awful to you, but it is a tradition now and it makes for a relaxing and fun filled holiday.   My my kids love going back to the same restaurant for the huge buffet--in fact my older daughter is flying in from California for it. 

     I have decided that I am going to start using good china and silver for everyday.  What am I saving it for at this point?  At some point my mother started using her good china and silver,  and she got to enjoy her dishes every day....and they lasted just fine because they are now my dishes and silver!!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited October 2009

    Mandy..just do

    Our family has always had dinner at the dining room table with "manners"

    when my oldest son was in college he came home and thanked me

    for making good dinner manners a habit...who knew?