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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Hi guys,

    Maybe the shopping gene is linked to estrogen?  I don't shop as much since I started Arimidex!  

    Our friend, a mature male of somewhat chauvenistic attitude, was late and desperately hunting for his car keys.  His wife who would have found them for him was not home.  His liberated daughter in law, however, was there.  He, rather insistently, prevailed on her to find his keys.  And she replied, "a uterus is not a homing device."   Fortunately he thought it was funny.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2009

    As Jerry Seinfeld said "men don't want to know what's on TV, they want to know what ELSE is on TV."  Unfortunately, I inherited that gene too.

    As for the shopping - I prefer to do it alone - at my own pace, in my own time and can leave when I want to.  I remember hours of waiting for my Mom and aunt to finish shopping at Loehman's.  I used to be like one of the husbands, waiting in the chairs at the front of the store.  The rest of the women in my family have that shopping gene in abundance.

    Now yard sailing and auctions are a different matter all together!

    Pam - love your DIL's remark - so true!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited November 2009

    My dh did get the shopping gene.  He buys all sorts of things on the internet.  When he was working, his offshore schedule would take him away from home for 2 wks, then he was home 2 wks.  During his time away from home, it wasn't usual for a delivery truck to drop off a package at our house.  Something he'd ordered at work.  Since he's retired, he seems to make a trip to Home Depot or Lowe's almost daily to get this or that he needs for a woodworking project or home project.  He has also taken to shopping at Belk's Dept Store for clothes.  The shopping center is only a few miles from our house.  His closet is full (as is mine!) so I've made a rule that when he buys a new shirt, he has to discard a shirt to make room for it.  So he does his part in adding to the monthly credit card bill.  I think he inherited this gene from his mother, who was a world class shopper.  His dad was a tightwad who never threw away an item of clothing even after it was threadbare.

    Auctions and garage sales are great places to purchase items you don't need that can later find their way to another auction or garage sale.  We went to some auctions quite a few years back and experienced the "bidding fever."  I bought an old rocking chair and a chest.  Once you decide you want an item, some instinct takes old, "This is mine.  I will NOT let that other bidder have it!"  Of course, that's an amateur instinct.  The bidding pro decides what he or she will pay and then drops out if the price goes higher.

    Another great day here in south Louisiana.  I'm about to go and walk 3 mi. in the neighborhood.  If my intentions hold out, afterwards I'll do a weight workout with hand weights.

    Pam, I must have missed your saying you were scheduled for knee surgery.  Replacement?  That's a rough recovery but I know so many people who have had great results.  One woman plays tennis after having both her knees done at the same time.  Keep us posted.  I'll be thinking about you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,279
    edited November 2009

    Pam I love it too ( the remark ) and think I may have mentioned to you once before out of total frustration one day I told my hubby that this house was HIS home too....Please familiarize yourself with it.  I still have to find things now and then for him -- especially now as Teeny the dog/cat does not chew up shoes but loves to carry them all around the house and stash them.  What a nuisance to find one shoe missing just as you are getting dressed.  Once I realized that she has little interest in doing anything else to them I enjoyed a few of our treasure hunts.

    I am not much of a shopper -- unlike many, I have almost no sense of style and generally only shop for things if I feel that I almost can't keep going --- clothes getting threadbare, or too little etc.  I get by but I am more inclined to shop for new cleaning products or small kitchen items or just wonder around in a store I don't go to often.  But hey ---  I'm only 64.  There is still lots of time to learn this art.

    I'm off to breakfast and the auction.  Talk to you all later.


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited November 2009

    When I worked retail, I got to do mark downs, using this computer machine thingy that automatically printed out the "new" price if it was on the list for that week.   The shopping gene kicked in many times when I saw something I "had" to have.   Velour bathrobe - 90 cents...   I looked and looked, thinking a zero was missing, but snatched it up in a flash.   Watches that had been locked in the stock room because of shoplifters - they were on my list to scan - again 90 cents.  Guess what everyone got for birthdays and Christmas???  LOL.    Oh, I got an additional 10% discount as an employee...   

    When I began clearing out to sell our house, I found 8 snow shovels, 6 electric drills and 80 screwdrivers (yes, I counted them)...   DH loved to get a tool for birthday or Christmas. I could have opened a branch of Lowe's or Home Depot with all the nuts, bolts, screws, etc, etc.   

    Hugs for those having surgery, pain, worries, and other problems.   Peace and Blessings, Nancy 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited November 2009

    Pam, Jo just answered my question about your knee surgery.  Arthroscopic knee repair.  Sounds much less invasive than replacement!  Dh had that 6 or 7 years ago.  Worked out well for him. 

    What would we call the book with the collection of all our posts?  Can't wait to hear some of the suggestions!  AS THE WORLD TURNS AFTER BC?   THE OLD AND THE RESTLESS BC SURVIVORS? 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Just arthroscopic knee surg for a torn meniscus.  Same DX both knees, had the left one done in June while I was having radiation as it was so important to me to be able to exercise when I began Arimidex.  Right knee looks worse on films but has never hurt as much so I was indecisive about doing it.  But I've met my big deductible so going to go thru with it.  Left knee was very easy, hope right will behave as well.  Thanks for good vibes.

    I've been trying to catch up all my pre-Thanksgiving cleaning... house will probably be a mess again before company comes.  DH does not do housework :)  Wish I would feel like putting up some Christmas decorations as family will likely not be here to see anything I do later.  I used to run lights all along our porches on the water side of the house until DH convinced me that only the fish and alligators saw it.  

    Gorgeous weather here today too.  Sunny and just a little cool.  How lucky to have a home you love, good neighbors (at least most of them), and no one bombing or shooting ... God bless the people in Afghanistan and our wonderful troops who are at risk.  Wish something good would happen there.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2009

    Pam...will be thinking of you Tuesday. You are braver than me, I am a real baby when it comes to hospitals. Hope all goes well, and you're 'up and running' again as quick as you can be. How long is the recuperation period ? I really envy you, your lovely Floridian weather, just being so used to our very unpredictable climate, more often than not lots of rain. I was over in Florida twice, probably about 15 or so years ago, and just loved the warm sun on my back all day. I could actually wear shorts then, and not cause all around me to laugh their heads off !! In fact I've always worn shorts, even in our wet stuff, for most of the summer ! Working outside all day I used to have nice brown legs, now they're chalk white and hidden away, and I am 3 sizes bigger !

    We never got away in time to the Crafts at Christmas exhibition we were going to. My g/son, who helps cleaning out my dogs on a Saturday didn't show. He has a g/friend now, and she was staying over at his house ( and no, I didn't ask after the sleeping arrangements, even though I am dying to know !!!) My DD has allowed g/son no1 to have his g/friends stay in his room since he was 15, and the g/son that helps me is 17 !!! I have had a couple of arguments with DD about this, but as she tells me, its none of my business, and she's right. But that doesn't stop me still thinking I am right about this...what do you all think ?? no1 g/son took his 14 yr old g/friend on holiday with DDs family (he was 15 at the time ) and they shared a room. It is against the law until a girl is 16 here.....but DD is always a law unto herself ! I really have had to bite my tongue many times over the years with the way she brings up her children. Ggggggrrrrr.

    I have ended up today packing Christmas presents, and sending a parcel off to my niece who had a baby boy last Sunday. I haven't seen her in about 3 years, but was told she'd got herself pregnant at 18  ( WHAT is this world coming to. I'd have been roasted alive if I'd done this) looked on Facebook and there she was, so I got in touch again, and am now itching to see my new great nephew. Babys name is Ezrah...what an awful choice, but again HER choice, not mine ! I think as we start to become the elders of the families we start to disapprove more than ever of the goings on. I know I loved my Grandma to bits, always respected her, and did as she said, but I used to moan and groan about being told what NOT to wear, and NOT to listen to rock'n'roll,  and NOT to go out with boys...little did she know .

    Some parts of UK have repoted 100 miles an hour winds, we are well up country, so it hasn't been as bad as that, but its been quite stormy. There are leaves down all over my garden, was hoping g/son would have made it to work today to sweep up what he could for me. Always scared of slipping now as I get older. I have a lot of stone flagged paths thru the garden, so slipping on the leaves is always a hazard to me. I just wish the leaves would be more considerate and fall on the borders and lawns only !

    Have had the courage to tell my cleaner 'enough was enough'. She wasn't at all pleased, and shouted and swore at me, but cooled down and told me she 'was leaving anyway '!!!!!! I asked her to stay in touch, as I have known her 2 or 3 years, and do like her even if she is rubbish at her job, I have been buying clothes for her baby since well before it was born, and every 2 or 3 weeks I usually get something for the baby to give to her when I pay her. I am having no more young women at all. I need someone my age, only not as decrepit as I am !! I had a fantastic lady a few years ago, she was 72, I think, when she started.....but everything sparkled, and always felt fresh, she came about 2 years, then the big C got her. She was much fitter than I was.tall, slim, upright, non smoker, non drinker, vegetarian and big time walker all her life, everything we are told we should be, but she still got stomach cancer, and was gone in about 4 months.  

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2009

    Pam...will be thinking of you Tuesday. You are braver than me, I am a real baby when it comes to hospitals. Hope all goes well, and you're 'up and running' again as quick as you can be. How long is the recuperation period ? I really envy you, your lovely Floridian weather, just being so used to our very unpredictable climate, more often than not lots of rain. I was over in Florida twice, probably about 15 or so years ago, and just loved the warm sun on my back all day. I could actually wear shorts then, and not cause all around me to laugh their heads off !! In fact I've always worn shorts, even in our wet stuff, for most of the summer ! Working outside all day I used to have nice brown legs, now they're chalk white and hidden away, and I am 3 sizes bigger !

    We never got away in time to the Crafts at Christmas exhibition we were going to. My g/son, who helps cleaning out my dogs on a Saturday didn't show. He has a g/friend now, and she was staying over at his house ( and no, I didn't ask after the sleeping arrangements, even though I am dying to know !!!) My DD has allowed g/son no1 to have his g/friends stay in his room since he was 15, and the g/son that helps me is 17 !!! I have had a couple of arguments with DD about this, but as she tells me, its none of my business, and she's right. But that doesn't stop me still thinking I am right about this...what do you all think ?? no1 g/son took his 14 yr old g/friend on holiday with DDs family (he was 15 at the time ) and they shared a room. It is against the law until a girl is 16 here.....but DD is always a law unto herself ! I really have had to bite my tongue many times over the years with the way she brings up her children. Ggggggrrrrr.

    I have ended up today packing Christmas presents, and sending a parcel off to my niece who had a baby boy last Sunday. I haven't seen her in about 3 years, but was told she'd got herself pregnant at 18  ( WHAT is this world coming to. I'd have been roasted alive if I'd done this) looked on Facebook and there she was, so I got in touch again, and am now itching to see my new great nephew. Babys name is Ezrah...what an awful choice, but again HER choice, not mine ! I think as we start to become the elders of the families we start to disapprove more than ever of the goings on. I know I loved my Grandma to bits, always respected her, and did as she said, but I used to moan and groan about being told what NOT to wear, and NOT to listen to rock'n'roll,  and NOT to go out with boys...little did she know .

    Some parts of UK have repoted 100 miles an hour winds, we are well up country, so it hasn't been as bad as that, but its been quite stormy. There are leaves down all over my garden, was hoping g/son would have made it to work today to sweep up what he could for me. Always scared of slipping now as I get older. I have a lot of stone flagged paths thru the garden, so slipping on the leaves is always a hazard to me. I just wish the leaves would be more considerate and fall on the borders and lawns only !

    Have had the courage to tell my cleaner 'enough was enough'. She wasn't at all pleased, and shouted and swore at me, but cooled down and told me she 'was leaving anyway '!!!!!! I asked her to stay in touch, as I have known her 2 or 3 years, and do like her even if she is rubbish at her job, I have been buying clothes for her baby since well before it was born, and every 2 or 3 weeks I usually get something for the baby to give to her when I pay her. I am having no more young women at all. I need someone my age, only not as decrepit as I am !! I had a fantastic lady a few years ago, she was 72, I think, when she started.....but everything sparkled, and always felt fresh, she came about 2 years, then the big C got her. She was much fitter than I was.tall, slim, upright, non smoker, non drinker, vegetarian and big time walker all her life, everything we are told we should be, but she still got stomach cancer, and was gone in about 4 months. 


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited November 2009

    Lefty, how funny someone would have 80 screwdrivers.  Must have made him happy though

    Pam, will be thinking of you and praying for you tuesday.  hope all goes smoothly and the healing is swift.

    Isabella, I know what you mean about wanting to say things to your kids about the grandkids but they don't like it but so far have not told me its none of my business, they just change the subject which is irritating.  We never know what the weather is gonna do her either.  Just have to keep winter and summer clothes all out and choose by the day. Glad you told the housekeeper, so sorry she cursed at you.

    JO, are you staying on your feet?  I am but it is hard walking on unlevel ground or gravel.

    Need to get off the computer, the granddaughter is here, she is not feeling well.  Just gave her a shower, an ice pack on her head and some triaminic and hope it makes her feel better.  Feels like her temp is down.

    Talk to you golden chooks tomorrow.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited November 2009

    Pam, will be thinking of you and keeping you close to my heart on Tuesday.  You are one brave lady---I am a coward.

    I wanted to share that I had take in Chinese food for dinner tonight and the two fortune cookies had the perfect fortunes, exactly tailored for each of us. Mine said: "Long life is in store for you." Hubby's said: "You will always be successful in your professional career." :-).  



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited November 2009

    Pam, you will be in my thoughts on Tues, too.  With all these healing vibes, you have to do well!

    My niece Rebecca (27 yrs old) will give birth to her 3rd child this next Fri, Nov 20, her mother's birthday.  This will be the 3rd child she couldn't afford to have.  Prenatal care on Medicaid for all three.  Rebecca has mental issues dating back to her teenage years.  Her diagnosis is serious--Borderline Personality Disorder which includes bipolar behavior.  When she's pregnant, she has to take an antidepressant for survival.  The other two children are aged 6 and 4 and are living in less than ideal conditions with their father, who just lost his job because of the economy.  Thank heaven, she talked to the Medicaid dr. early in this pregnancy about not having any other children.  There are so many Rebeccas and other folks who shouldn't be bringing children into the world.  I shudder to think about her children's gene pool.  Rebecca can't blame her upbringing because she had an ideal childhood with a nice home and loving parents.  Possibly she was indulged too much.  She has been a burden on all of us because we've chipped in to keep her from being homeless and out on the streets.  We've always feared she would eventually succumb to depression and commit suicide.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2009

    Yes Jackie- Lost blog was for a reason- GOD works in strange ways- After all it took BC to make me quit the Peds ER- -my sis and I laughed at that one as I have been "quitting" forever- now it is DONE. A nurse friend called at the 11th hour the night before my surgery and asked only one question, "can I spend the night at the hospital with you?" WHAT A GOD SEND! Nurses have a big fear of spending the night at the hospital unless we are working- at least THIS nurse does. At any rate I purchased an angel holding a cat because she LOVES cats and it turns out that she collects angels-  some things are small and some are big and they happen "for a reason". Do we say that because we don't want to credit GOD for the small stuff???

     Rita I agree with JO, I use the saline too- worked great and my doc backed it up this nasonex (RX)- also works well for allergies.

    Pam- good luck on Tuesday- I hope you do well. Brave girl, most are pain free after the procedure very soon.

    Isabella- my 92 y/o mother-in-law is confused with todays society, but I am with you, the kids should not be nighting over- unless someone wants to be a grandma because we all know how that happens- even to "good" kids. I have seen 13 y/o girls in labor and they simply do not have the maturity to handle the experience- had to lock her out of her own bathrrom as she thought it was just a large BM. I could just see me being in the next room and the baby born in the commode! All turned out well on my watch but then I had to send the poor little babe home with the "know nothing MOM"- how sad.

    Mandy we got fortune cookie with the same message once, and I kept them. Just spent 20 minutes looking for them and of course I have "put them in a safe place". Which means "They are safe from ME" The key is to stop looking in the same place over and over. Wonder where the HELL I have put them- they are in a little photo album............

    Nancy- 80 screwdrivers-I can just see his face opening yet another "gift" and smiling and thanking the giver, imaging him muttering in his mind "number 59", LOL DH's are hard to buy for.

     Carole How about "The Brave and the Breast-less" Or "Calling all Chooks", OR "TOB, Survivors Kickin' Butt!"? Pam's quote "A uterus is not a homing device" is great and could be used as a general book of DH stories, which we also have here on this thread. Carole my SD is near your Rebeccas situation and there is no excuse as she has no DX - Had 2 sets of good, strong parents and just does as she pleases- "it's all OK" she says- calls once or twice a year with a mouth full of fibs- we used to call her 99 which stood for "99% of what she just said is BS!".

    OK I am going out for a 2 mile walk- I need to go back to work in 2 short weeks and am worried about my stamina- any suggestions on how to build that up a bit? I told DH the I may not have the energy to make dinner and he is there... good ol'boy!- Love of my life and even though he is the Keeper of the remote- I will keep him.

    Love to you ALL-Have a great day!

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2009

    A few prayers going out today:

    Spar - I pray that your grandson will stay away from drugs and alcohol and remain on the straight and narrow.  Its so hard - I know if I could never have food again (my drug of choice) that would have to lock me in a padded room.

    Carol - I am sorry to hear about your niece - have one similar.  Mandy (now in her 20s) was born with multiple heart defects - had open heart surgery when she was 8 months old.  Imagine how pleased we were when she gained 90 pounds, started smoking, using drugs and drinkiing and having sex at 16.  She has lost all the weight and is living in a trailer park with some guy.  I don't know if she still smokes and drinks.  Her mother, my ex-sister-in--law, taught her she didn't have to work, she could live off of others.  Her mother, her mother's mother and Mandy have all been diagnosed as bi-polar.  Unfortunately, both she and her mother are extremely manipulative so I avoid them.  Now my other two nieces have straight A report cards, attend church, going to college, go on church missionary missions to South America, and are generally great kids.  Same parents, same background, who knows why some rebel and others don't.

    Nancy - when Hechinger's (a chain of hardware stores) closed, my uncle bought them out in nails, screws, bolts, etc.  He could have started a little Mom and Pop hardware store.  He has duplicates of saws, sanders, drills, etc.

    Pam - thinking and praying about you on Tuesday.

    Melissa - I agree - we were collectively holding our breaths that my niece, Mandy, never got pregnant.  I believe if I had a daughter (or son) these days I would lock them in their rooms until they were 35.  It is scary out there!

    Cerybody - hugs and wishes for a great Sunday!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,279
    edited November 2009

    All of you with nieces, nephews, children or is difficult to raise kids ----  and in fact, when I look back on my generation -- the kids that were bad seemed to have only ( a lot of them anyway ) been that way for a while.  The men seemed to have gotten fortunate and married women who were good enough to apparently help their mates make big positive changes etc.  You all get the my children ( at least the ones I know anything about ) that does not seemed to have happened.  They are still wayward.  It breaks your heart a little as I get the feeling that they see it as their time and come heck or high water -- nothing is going to stop them from doing in their way and you may keep your stupid old fashioned ideas to yourself. 

    Well, I'm a hard one to make give up  --   so even though with some I have to keep some distance I won't give up on them.  As long as they are breathing hopefully some day before they damage themselves beyond redemption, they might see the light.  I know some won't --- but just in case I'm wrong about one or two...I'll just keep hoping ( for me another form of prayer ) that they get it right.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.  As well that all tests, procedures will turn out well in the coming days ahead. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited November 2009

    Next weekend I will be packing to go to Decatur, IL, for Thanksgiving.  What clothes should I pack?  Jeans, slacks, and turtlenecks?  No shorts and short-sleeved blouses, right?  Maybe I should take my parka?  All advice appreciated.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,279
    edited November 2009

    Oh many of you I know recall, since I spoke of it recently...I do quotes every day for the thread Rita started.  I ran into one just a couple minutes ago and felt many of the ladies on this forum would and could appreciate this one:

    If you have not chosen the Kingdom of God first, it will in the end
    make no difference what you have chosen instead.
     - Law, William -

    Hope any of the rest will bear with me, but I didn't feel I could let it go by and not share it.

    Thanks, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    hi Carole,

    Smock tops, elastic waisted pants, muumuus... oh, you mean for the weather?  I was thinking mashed potatoes, stuffing and pumpkin pie!

    Hope you have a great trip.  Is your mother going with you?  Do you think you'll have snow?  Sounds like great fun.

    Will you have internet access?  It's hard to be away from our virtual friends!  We'll miss you.


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited November 2009

    You can go onto the weather website and put in the zip code or name of the city and get a 5 or 10 day weather forecast.   overnight temperatures might mean a parka and/or some foot covering if the white stuff is forecast.   Gloves and a scarf.   One very essential item I take when I travel in the winter to cold places is a sleeveless, zippered vest, fleece material.   It adds warmth without a lot of bulk.   

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2009

    That's true - what Nancy said - that will probably be your best guess at the weather.  I remember going to Houston on business and thinking since it was Texas - bring summer clothes.  Wrong!  It was 45 degrees in the morning.

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2009

    Hi Ladies

    Boy, have I had a day. I had to have a total bone scan today, they send you to nuclear medicine and put dye in your veins, then you wait 3 hours before they scan you. They asked me if I had injured my left chest area, I said no. Then they scanned some more. Then i had an appointment with my surgeon, he said I looked good, and it had almost been a year since he did my lumpectomy. It just gives me out to spend all day at the Dr.'s, and I have to do it again on Thursday, is there ever an end to this?

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2009


    Short answer. NO !

    Hope all goes well for you Thursday, and Good Luck to Pam with tomorrows knee op.


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited November 2009

    Wanted to say hey to all of you, haven't been much on the computer today, its too cold back here in the computer room.  Pam you will be in my prayers tomorrow, everything will go smoothly

    Mother of 7  will be with you in spirit Thursday as you go to more dr. appt's.  I go Thursday but am very excited about it because hopefully my foot is healed and this steel thingy will come off and I can walk normal again and sleep in my own bed.  I still haven't went grocery shopping for Thanksgiving - got to do that soon.

    God bless all you lovely ladies.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    Going for diagnostic mammo tomorrow morning - wish me luck.

    Spar, I haven't gone grocery shopping for T'giving either.  Haven't even done a menu.  I probably won't get to the store until maybe Friday evening after work but at least by then I'll have a menu planned. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,279
    edited November 2009

    Wishing you all GOOD positive results with all test, scans, checks and operations tomorrow.  Prayers and positive energies. 

    Many hugs,


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2009

    We are a mess, but we can hang together. Wishing test results will all be  negative, foot to be healed and families to be well. WE  ladies are TOB- just remember that ans take constant baby steps- we will get there!


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited November 2009

    Hugs, peace and blessings as each of your face today with scans, tests, doctor appointments and surgeries.   Write our names on a piece of paper and carry in your pocket or purse.  We are there with you.  Know we care, we know, we understand and we love you.    Nancy

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2009

    Nancy that is a great idea and I am doing it NOW!  You will all be in my pocket and close to my heart all day.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    Yes, Nancy, I also like that idea and will do the same. 

    Well, had mammo this morning, first since dx and rads ended.  They did the usual 4 shots (didn't hurt a bit!) and then 2 more of the rt breast where they did the lumpectomy.  Waited and they wanted more so they did 2 more of each breast.  Mammo doc called me in and said she saw a clip in each breast, consistent with core biopsy; but she didn't show core biopsies in her reports.  Maybe because it was during the early days of this journey but I'm certain I may only have had core biopsy on right breast.  There was nothing to see or biopsy on the left so why would they have?  Do they do core biopsies without a reason - I just don't remember and can't check my reports until I get home late tonight.  Left there a little confused (she looked confused as well) and didn't remember to ask when my med onc would receive the report.  I'll give it a couple of days and call if he doesn't call me. 

    Thinking now though, that if she saw a clip, then it must have just been a clip.  Otherwise she would have said 'something abnormal' right?   <  sigh  >

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2009

    To All You Ladies

    Thanks for all your prayers, keeping your names in our pocket for support seems like an excellent thing to do, that way we will all be with each other for support. I am going back to the board to put names in my pocket for Thursday, and to support the other ladies who have Dr. appointments. Hope you all have a beautiful evening.