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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited November 2009

    Patoo, you would remember if they had done biopsy on both sides!!? What a weird thing to say. And Just to set your mind at ease, yes, she would have said something abnormal. I'm two years out and this last mammo, just 2 weeks ago, there was something odd on my BC left side. It was called a Necrotic cyst and I went back in and had my doc draw the fluid off. It felt hard on the outside. Like a big lump. I would not be worried if they didn't say. No news is Good News.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Hi to All,

    Carrying you all around in my pocket today must have worked as my knee arthroscopic surgery went well.  No credit to the DR?  Oh, he did good too!  Only problem... I have just been so sleepy all day.  DH was assigned food duty; we had McDonalds for lunch, peanuts and ice cream for dinner! I won't complain, totally expected :)  I will be in the kitchen tomorrow so back to real food.

    Very little discomfort so far.  PT tomorrow so hope it stays that way.  They  make the best ice packs... half alcohol and half water.  Never freeze hard but slushy-icy and mold to the site.  And stay cold a long time.

     I have lots more to say but gotta struggle upstairs and get ready for bed and watch DWTS.  I could sleep downstairs but prefer my own bed and all my stuff is up there.  Would hate to imagine what DH would bring down for me to wear in the morning!  And heaven forbid he might have to go through my "unmentionables." :)   Remember his idea of dinner!

    Thanks for all the good vibes.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited November 2009

    Dh and I went to visit my brand-new great-niece Olivia this afternoon.  She is beautiful!  7 lbs and 10 oz.  Perfect skin.  I gazed at this little human, only 4 hrs old, and marvelled at the birth cycle.  Olivia's poor mom, Rebecca, looked awful.  Birth was by C section.  On Saturday I'm scheduled to spend the day with Rebecca and Olivia and help out.  By then they may have been discharged from the hospital. 

    Blessings to everybody with whatever challenges they're facing. 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    My orig dx was due to abnormal mammo and MRI found the lump.  So what does a lump you find yourself feel like?  Is it below the skin, just under the skin, a part of the skin?  There is something on my other breast that just feels like a little bump but it isn't the same shade as the rest of the breast.  But then again, I do get liver spots that start out a little different color and then gets darker.  So this may just be that. 

    My local support group tonight said to call the med onc t'm and have them look out for the report.  Shall I make an appt with BS to check it out?  I don't understand how the mammo doc could say she saw a clip - maybe they put 2 in my right breast and one took a road trip!

    <  sigh  >

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2009

    Carole - that is so great - little Olivia - I know Rebecca will be glad to have you therre when she gets home.  Aren't babies the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    congratulations baby girl stork

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2009

    Patoo - that is really odd - you would think you would remember if they did a biopsy on both sides.  I remember they put a clip in my left breast (cancer one) and then took another mammogram but just of the left breast.  Do you remember when they did the biopsy(ies) if they did a mammogram of both breasts or just one.  Maybe you're right - it traveled.

    Pam - so happy you knee surgery was so successful - a little rehab and you will be good as new (or better than new).  A friend of mine used to cook dinner for her SO just like they did in the 50's - a hot full course dinner every night.  She had the flu once and he would toast an English Muffin and bring home MacDonald's for dinner.  About the third morning she heard him saying, as he toasted the English Muffin, that he was so tired of cooking!

    Spar - I know you are looking forward to getting that darn cast off.  Good luck on Thursday.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    Kathleen, they didn't do a biopsy on the left because there was nothing seen so no lump to biopsy.  I know that there is a clip in the right breast (cancer one).  Just don't know what she thinks she saw in the left. 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Every time I have a cat scan of my right lung the radiologist mentions my previous radiation TX to my right breast,  Only problem, I had rads to left breast only!  Sometimes they are confused.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2009

    Sure shores up your faith in the medical profession - NOT!

    I am trying to withdraw funds from a pension account and you would think I was trying to get gold out of Ft. Knox.  I have to wait for them to send forms - they can't be faxed - and they sent me the wrong forms - now I have to wait again.

    JO - so glad you and hubby are on antibiotics and you can finally get rid of the crud - I am a cold that has lasted weeks - went on antibiotics also.  It is finally gone.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Hi Jo,

    Did you report them... does that work with private messages?

    Antibiotics always make me feel worse... cures the crud but upsets tummy and bowel.  My DH has had laryngitis and now moved down in to lungs.  He finally saw the doctor who said it was viral and he was just going to have to tough it out, no medicine.  Amazingly I have escaped infection.

    We did get our flu shots so hope we will not have to face that this winter.  Seems we are not sick much since we do not work.  Our doctor recommended the hand sanitizers that are alcohol based, NOT antibiotic.  Said the antibiotic ones do not kill viruses, only bacteria.  Good to know.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009


    In the message window or block in the upper right corner is a red block that says "post a reply." In front of it, not in a box, it says "report this post."  I think two different people have to report it for the system to shut it down.  I've never done it so don't know for sure how well it works.

    DH is getting better finally.  Tincture of time :)


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2009

    Pam...glad your op. is over, look after yourself, its all on the up now, all behind you, laughing away at DHs idea of feeding you

    I don't cook. I never was any good at it, simply because I always saw it as a chore, when DH No1 was around we both worked fulltime on our farm, I did the kids , he did the cooking, so I go out of it that way ! DH No2 can cook, and I tried so hard to p*ss him off with my awful cooking, making food that was unpalatable at times. We both have worked fulltime, but he always seemed to find something that really needed doing at suppertime....and he worked out that because I had help in my half of the work. (I had a boarding kennels, and always had 2 or 3 helping me out) I had the lesser job, and should do the cooking. When I hit 60 I had a really big sort out with him, and refused point blank to ever cook again....and mainly I will stick to this. Unless he's ill, or really is worked off his feet I never lift a finger, if nothing pops onto my plate then I make myself a sandwich. We have never eaten out as much since DH was in charge of the kitchen !!! He is a damned good cook, as long as you like chips with everything ! I just keep a bag of salad in the fridge. Sometimes he starts to moan, but I remind him he is my toyboy and should look after me like his old granny!! ( he is nearly 4 years younger than me!!!) I cooked , after a fashion, for 20 years for him, so now his time has come !! The next 20 years is all his.

    Patoo, sorry you're worried . stay on their tails, ask questions, get it sorted out. I went for a normal lung xray about a year ago,  couldn't shake off a cough, and radiologist saw 'something, small and oval' in my 'bad' side. Turns out to be a clip left in during mast. that no-one would own up to knowing about. Scared me to death, and had a lot of 'phone calls to make before I got a straight answer.....just a small titanium marker.

    Carole ...congratulations on Olivias birth... I love new babies. My own great nephew was born 11 days ago, and I haven't had an answer back from my neice as to when I can go see him. I was all set to go last week, but won't push in until I get the invite.

    Kathleen, I had similar troubles trying to withdraw pension money. I kept getting the run around, anyone would have thought it was their cash. They tried all ends up to get me to reinvest, then tried to delay for a month. I went to my own bank, nothing to do with pension fund, in the end for advice, they told me I was entitled to have it out in 48 hours if I made a specific request, in a certain way. It worked , and I got my hands on what was mine anyway, very quickly. Then promptly spent half of it on extending the house ! We had about another third added to the house, and everywhere re roofed.

    Jo , hope your infections work themselves out of both you and your DHs systems. I hate those deep seated coughing infections that seem to have a life of their own.

    Shower and bedtime right now, I was woken up at 5.05 this morning with the most vicious storm outside, and more of the same is forecast tonight....rain and strong winds....winter is really here.


  • nas14
    nas14 Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2009
    Pam - Was just catching up on the forums after getting back from our vacation yesterday. Glad to hear your knee surgery went well & hope your PT will get it back to working like new. We had a fabulous time in New Smyrna Beach. The weather was exactly what I ordered--warm & sunny, except for last Thurs. when it was cold & overcast. I spent most of the time just vegging out by the pool soaking in the sun & warmth & listening to the ocean. I think I left nail marks where they had to drag me to the car on Mon. to head home. Ha! I know your area is needing some rain, so I will now pray that you get some. I'm just glad it held off while we were there.
  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2009

    Patoo..That is so weird about that clip.  When I had my last mammo, they kept coming out and getting me for more films until I finally lost it and started to sob.  Then (and only after I'd self-destructed) did they tell me that they were looking for the last clip that was left in during my lumpectomy procedure....and not that they'd found anything suspicious.  Since my lump was near the cleavage area and the chest  cavity, they were having trouble locating the clip.  Once they found it, the technician showed me the digital image.  I'm sure she would have recognized the clips.  They look just like tiny rectangles.  Even I could then find the other two.  This is really strange.  I think I might check into it more to see why a clip would appear on that side.  I don't think she's mistaken the clip for a suspicious area because the clips are so easily recognizable.

    Carole...the weather in this area has been fluctuating between 36 and 54 degrees, depending upon if we're getting rain and the time of day.  Slacks, turtlenecks, and jeans would work well.  There is no need to bring shorts or short-sleeved shirts unless you plan to layer the shirt with a sweatshirt or windbreaker.  I did golf last Friday.  I wore a long sleeved t-shirt, a sweatshirt, and a windbreaker and jeans.  It gets cooler at night and most people are wearing heavier jackets or coats.  The weatherman is predicting a high of 54 degrees on Sunday with some sun and windy conditions.  Maybe this will help you with your packing.  I haven't heard any extended forecast for Thanksgiving week yet.  If it changes drastically, I'll let you know.  You will probably need some type of coat, though.

    Jo and Melissa....thanks for the tip on the Saline.  I went and bought some and have been using it.  We'll see if it does the trick for me, too. glad the knee procedure went well.  You have been in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hi to everyone else.  I hope you all have a good day.  I need to get off here and get moving.  There's lots that I need to get done today.

    Hugs to all of you.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2009

    I've been reading a lot of your posts, & just have a few questions!  I'm going to see the radiologist this afternoon, to talk about the MammoSite device she will put in during my Lumpectomy on the 4th!  Then right on over to have the MRI...I GUESS to make sure nothing else is going on?  THEN on the 4th, I finally get to have all of this taken care of...Except first, the pre-op talk, then the blood-work, etc...I think they are really taking care of me!  So I'm not really afraid anymore......maybe....just apprehensive!  Did you get sick after the anesthetic? 

    And could you please tell me how you felt with the MammoSite device, for that week?  Could you do anything, or go anywhere besides for the treatments?  Could you drive?  Was your arm in a sling?  I read where you go twice a day for I think 5+ days?   I'm really anxious to put this all behind me....Just can't imagine me actually having breast cancer, but so DARN happy that we found it before it became any larger!   I KNOW things could be so much worse!   Thanks everyone...I love reading about you!  Jeannette

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    Jeannette, I can't answer since I didn't have MammoSite but just wanted to say that reading your post, for whatever reason, is so uplifting.  Guess because you come across so positive.  Thanks for being you!

    Ritajean, it is strange.  Hopefully I can get the doctor today for an explanation.  As others have said, maybe just a bad film or a spot on the machine.  I think I am going to wait for how he responds.  If hs emphatically says it's nothing and we'll see you in a year I would, surprisingly, be more apt to believe him.  If he says it's nothing but let's do one again in 3 months, that would get my antennae up.

    PJ, the person sellilng weight loss products did so by sending individuals PM's, not posting on a board, so the "post a reply"/"report this post" would not work.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2009

    Hi Jeanette.

    Don't know anything at all about mammosite, didn't have it done, but just saying welcome to you.

    I had double mastectomy, and was terribly sick after anaesthetic....apparently I was unlucky, and had a bad reaction. If you have had previous surgery and were sick then they can give you something if you pre warn them.

    I'm sure someone will be along to tell you of their experince of mammosite.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited November 2009

    Jeannette, I can't help you because I have no experience with mammosite.  Good luck to you!  I had double mx and recon and had no problem with the anesthetic.  No nausea.  Nothing. 

    Ritajean, thank you so much for the weather report.  We hope to be arriving at my SIL's house in Decatur on Tues. night.  We'll stay there until Fri., when we'll drive to BIL's house near Chicago.  Hope to be heading home on Sun. after Thanksgiving.  This southerner is hoping for no sleet or snow on the highways.  Sliding around makes me very nervous.  One year we hit a snow storm in St. Louis on our way to Decatur.  Dh wanted to keep going but I insisted on pulling off at a motel in Arnold, just 1 1/2 hrs away from Decatur.  When we turned on the tv in the motel room, the news report showed all the wrecks and 18 wheelers in the ditches along the interstates.  A Cracker Barrel restaurant was located next to the motel.  We walked over.  My feet hit some black ice and I fell flat on my back.  Dh waited to see if I was all in one piece before he laughed! 

    I would love to see some snow on Thanksgiving Day when I'm safely in SIL's house looking out!

    Patoo, waiting to hear the next chapter in this puzzling tale of your mammo.

    A good day to all.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited November 2009

    Jeanette - same for me about the mammosite - not only did I not have one, I have no idea what it is. But I did have anesthetic. The only trouble I had was that it made me sleepy which doesn't seem much of a surprise since the point is to make you go to sleep. From what the nurses were saying, it seemed I was more sleepy than they expected. That certainly didn't bother me! My single mastectomy was day surgery, and once I got home all I needed to do was sleep some more.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2009

    Hey Carole,  so far it doesn't look like you'll get your Thanksgiving snow!  Things can change very quickly though in this area this time of year.  It sounds like you will have a busy trip!

    Jeannette, I'm with the others.  I did not have the mammosite and am absolutely no help at all.  Sorry.  Welcome to this thread, though!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,279
    edited November 2009

    Just here welcoming Jeanette.  I had no problems with anesthesia.  Used to have trouble waking up but in large part I think they do better with judging how much to use and refining how it is administered.  Hope you will join us often Jeanette.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2009


    Just wanted to welcome you to this thread.

    I broke my hip last October, and was very sick from the anesthic. I told my surgeon how sick I was, so when he did the lumpectomy he gave me some medicine that really helped, so I wasn't so sick after the operation. Just like the rest of the ladies I didn't have a mamosite, wish we all could be more help.


    I only have two more Herceptin infusions in December, and I will be through with them.Smile

    Then, I guess all I have to do is a mamogram once a year, and see the Dr.'s every six months.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2009

    Hey Mother of are about finished.  YEA!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    Med onc said mammo was okay with recommend repeat in 6 months.  Got copy that says marker clip from interim left breast core biopsy; sug 6 mo follow up at minimum but "may be worthwhile to perform an U/S of region" because maybe an outside U/S was done and no info is available???  I think I would know if I had gone and had a phantom U/S!  Sending copy over to my BS for comment.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2009

    Jeanette I goggled MammoSite and MammoSite 5 day Radiation treatment came up, the site appeared to be pretty informative.  That is the sum of what I know about it. Let us know and welcome.


    Pam how is your Knee and PT going?

    Carole- wave HI to St Louis for me- wish I were there! Have a great trip and hope the weather holds for your safety.Cradle the Baby for me- I miss the little ones in the ER.

    I have been busy shopping and cooking- trying out New Normal- still get tried in the afternoon but can't seem to fall asleep- just lay quietly and it seems to work, I guess that means I am getting better.

    Have a great night! Love ya, Melissa

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Thanks to everyone who has asked about my knee surgery.  It was so easy that I feel guilty calling it surgery.  Worst part was waking up from anesthetic.... not nauseated, just felt like I was getting the bum's rush to hurry up and get dressed and leave!  I was home before I could think straight.  But all's well that ends well.  No pain, some stiffness is all.  I am walking without crutches or cane and eating well since I am back on KP duty.  

     Physical therapy tomorrow and a quick stop at Wal-mart.  Otherwise I am taking it pretty slow.  I did walk 300 ft to the mailbox today!  No bills and one get-well card :)  

    6 days til turkey day!!!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,279
    edited November 2009

    Hi everyone....Marmosite.  I am thinking that is how they used to do the rads almost in the very beginning and for some with a mild diagnosis they have I think started using that method again.  I re-call a friend having something like that done last summer.  It sounded quite interesting and she was really ok with it all.  About 7 or 8 years previous she had needed a lumpectomy, chemo and 33 rads in the opposite breast.  I know she was pleased that she did not have to have such a long rigorous bout of txs like before. 

    It finally quit raining early this afternoon.  I can't tell you how tired I was of it so am going to be ever so thankful for the next several dry days.

    I have a ton of things to catch up on.....but did get results of my last blood test at V.A.  My cholesterol is coming in line.....sugar is in line.  I never started the statin drug the Dr. sent to me so I am a very happy person.;

    See you all later.

    Pam....glad you are home and feeling good.  Wish that for all. 


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited November 2009

    just a quick note, am trying to learn to use laptop.  i have no email addresses in here so will have to receive an email to get them. i am on total bedrest for 4 weeks.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Hi Spar,

    Did I miss something or just can't remember anything anymore?  I thought your foot was better. Bed rest for 4 weeks!  That does not sound like things are getting improving.   What is happening?
