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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2009

    I think I must have missed something too! Wassamatta Spar?

    I am just sick to my back teeth of strikes. We have had our bin men on strike 12 weeks now, with just 2 collections on weeks 9 and 11 from private collectors. The area around my bins smells. I am collecting my rubbish in black plastic bags, and as fast as I put them out the cats scratch them open. I am loathe to spray bleach or strong disinfectant in case it harms the cats !

    The postmen have been on selective strikes now for about 2 months, Fridays and Saturdays they might, or might not, turn up. 

    The firm I buy my dog food from didn't deliver this week ....order pickers lightening strike I was told, would just have to be my delivery day it hit, I shall have to go out and find some sacks of food before Sunday, or the dogs will be eating grass. 

    The airlines are muttering about strikes over Christmas, not that that bothers me, my passport is out of date ! but it will disrupt thousands who get away from our fantastic weather over the holidays, while the kids are off school.

    Isn't the world in enough of a financial mess without striking workers ? I would sack the lot of them and let those who want to work work.

    My DS called in to see me this evening, but was off after an hour to get back home, he has a nearly 3 hour drive, but, on the bright side, he is coming to stay for 10 days 1st week in December.

    DH was on his way to the pub this evening, picked up what should have been a pair of dark blue cord trousers, and had a fit. They had turned a sort of purple colour !! I had washed them in with 2 pink cotton sweaters, didn't think for a moment the colours would have run, but they did. This hasn't happened to me in years and years, in fact I didn't think colours still ran ! I had to act stupid, to extricate myself from this mess !! so blamed my bad eyesight, and pretended I couldn't see this funny shade at all ! I did hope he would have been in such a rush he'd not have noticed either, but, no such luck !!  My 2 pink sweaters, by the way, are still a nice pink colour, so I pointed this out to him, but he still went off muttering, and surely won't let this drop for weeks !!!!

    Have a very good weekend one and all.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2009

    Spar - what is going on with your leg?  I thought you were going yesterday to have it x-rayed and hopefully have the cast removed.

    Pam - glad you are feeling better ... physical therapy is a nightmare for me because there is so much scar tissue in my shoulder and shoulders are just plain harder to return to function.  If my knees keep hurting like they have been I won't be far behind you going into surgery.

    Jeanette - I think I react to anethesia differently each time I have it - the first time I woke up sobbing - have no idea why.  When they did my bilateral mastectomy they had to reverse the stuff because I wasn't coming around and then had to go right back to surgery to tie off something that was bleeding.  A month later back to have tissue expanders removed due to infection.  The bi mx surgery I have no memory of getting from where I changed into a hospital gown and when I woke up in my room.  I breezed through the last one.  When they replaced my shoulder I breezed through that too although I was in a lot of pain.  Oh, and WELCOME!

    Patoo - now I am intrigued - you have to let us know what the heck is going on.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009


    Are you in NW England?  Just watched our news about flooding near Cambria.  I hope you are high and dry.  Flooding is so terribly destructive.  Bless all those whose homes are under water.  


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    Spar, what's going on? 

    Hi all.  Still no definitive answers to my mammo report.  BS won't be around until Tuesday.  I'm not really worried, just don't like waiting for anything.

    Not staying on too much tonight.  Need to start cleaning for company starting to come in on Tuesday.  Enjoy your weekend.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2009

    Spar WHATUPGIRL?  4 weeks, really 4 weeks, what has happened?

    Pam glad you are getting along well and not in pain.

     Isabella- I am with you sack them! I am a Union member but really they need to pick their battles! I accidentally dyed my DH's undies bright yellow one time- every flipping pair!

    Patoo, I am just NOT good at waiting and as a nurse have found ways around it- my gut told me when not to with the BC so I knew something was up. I'm glad you are not worried- someone here called it borrowed trouble and in my case they were certainly right!

    Jackie I have wondered if you are on TRICARE as your sole insurance and if so what are your likes and dislikes?

    I do not even remember "the recovery room" and some how showed up in my hospital room entertaining 3 people one of which was my DH and I remember them laughing quite hard! Thank God a girlfriend stayed the night with me as I am sure I would have been up and on the FLOOR without her.

    Got to go but would love to know what happened Spar!!!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited November 2009

    Isabella so much going on where you live.  I am trying to get use to this laptop, what happened is I expected to go in healed yesterday but dr. didn't like what he saw on the x-ray so sent me to ortho dr. today and when a bone breaks it forms a callous like formation in the healing process, it doesn't actually grow back together the callous holds it together, well my bone is making callous but when I walk to the bathroom or computer room it is breaking off peices of the callous of bone so the actual break will not heal so they want to try 4 weeks of total bedrest without even touching that foot to the floor at all and see if it will heal.  My daughter is bringing me a wheel chair and today I have only went to the br two times, trying to hold it as long as possible and put a pillow on a walker seat and put my left knee on the pillow and push and lift with my good foot, but boy does it cause the muscle in the good calf to bunch up.  This is really hard and I know something good will come out of it.  Like more time studing Gods word, making more hats, a healed foot.  The pastor called and he is bringing me some cds of sermons for me to listen to and to puton our web site when i get the wheel chair hopefully I can use the other computer.  Melissa, can hardly wait to the sticky buns, am so excited about that.  Hope all is good with everyone else.  I had to type all this or patoo was going to tell everyone I was pregnant and bedrest due to that.  She is so funny can you imagine. pam so glad the knee surgery turned out ok.  JO, miss you and can't check my email yet, this computer doesn't have the same program on it.  love you guys and thanks for caring.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2009

    Well you cleared that up- and you sound as if you are in good spirits- I have a BC Nurse Navigator who keeps calling and asking "are you OK?" Meaning am I all broken up over my mx's- I keep trying to tell her it's not about boobs it is about LIFE- and if that means 4 weeks in bed- OK- you will be fine. Love ya girl! Hey and since you are spending so much time in bed BE CAREFUL! LOLLOL

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Dear Spar,

    I know this sounds terrible but what about a potty chair beside your bed?  It would save so much moving around in the wheel chair.  One would not even fit in my little bathroom!  My friend's house was built as a handicapped home and her bathroom is HUGE... but so much wasted space.  Anything to keep you off of your foot.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2009

    You don't know how much I appreciate all of your answers & posts!  We talked to the Radiologist/oncologist the other night...The MammoSite device has only been around for 7 years!  You have to "qualify" to be able to use it...I found it also on Google, & even showed how it worked!  Okay, now to just get through the anesthesia, ha! 

     AND that MRI!!!!!!!!  What the heck is THAT about?  Now I know where those head-banging rock groups got their inspiration!!!  I thought I would be shot out into space at any moment!  But it's more thing checked off...And so on...

    Okay now have any of you had "trouble" with your dear Husbands over this whole cancer thing?  Sometimes he is so sweet, but other times, the things he says, makes me want to wash his mouth out with soup!  I know this bothers him...being his wife of 52 years and all, but he COULD help me more, by just understanding!!!!!  Now I want to go to my next 2 appointments alone...& not listen to his whining about them being "too late" or "they just want your money" or what do you need THAT for?" 

     I think I will only talk about this when he asks....and talk on the phone in another room!  I think he is really afraid...& doesn't want me to know it...You would THINK I would have this figured OUT by now!!!  Ah, the joys of being the little wife care-taker!  Any suggestions?  No, I shouldn't hit him over the head with a skillet!   Neighbors frown on that sort of thing.

    I go in on the 4th for the lumpectomy....with or without dear husband, ha! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited November 2009

    Spar -- I too was waiting with anticipation to hear how things were with you.  It is a trial to be sure but so is most of the reason why we are here this is just a side-track.  You do sound up-beat but then I think it must help to know that it is only 4 weeks.....then see how things are.  The pleasures in life don't do a whole lot for us though they can be so very enjoyable and appreciated, but the rocky road not only helps us with the challenges, it also gives us the sense that we CAN.  How great to see that you have grown tthrough your negative events, met the  challenges head on and while it may take some time bested them.  If we didn't go through the rainstorm, the rainbow would never look so pretty or warm our hearts so. 

    You will stay in my prayers......

    Pam, the potty chair sounds like a great idea.  Melissa, you too are right.  It is about life especially after we get over some of the early hurdles of adjusting to diagnosis and txs.  We are here to live and while we have the breathe of life we have to give it everything we got --- some times less, sometimes more, but to me there is no other alternative. 

    Hope you have all sighed the petition for B.C. Org.  It is just down below where I'm/your typing.  I did not notice it until last night  ( a little breezy upstairs now and then for me I guess ) but did put my vote in to leave things alone. 

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2009

    I signed it - if anything, they should allow women to have mammography at age 30!  How many young women have to die?  What happened to "early detection" or is that only if it doesn't cost the insurance company any money?  I think it was President Obama who wanted to change health care to include early intervention - he used diabetes in his example - take care of the feet before an amputation was necessary and save thousands and thousands of dollars.  If all the insurance companies can think about is money - how much does rads, chemo, etc. cost?  How many hospital stays do they want to pay for?

    Sorry - I got off on a tangent - it is just so short-sighted, not to mention stupid, for anyone to suggest this crap.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2009

    No Kathleen you are right IT IS THE EVIL INSURANCE COMPANIES! As an example I had my left breast removed because they could not get to"the bottom of all the dye up take upon MRI" and my onc and BS put me on a every 6 month watch- then one more MRI and it was increased to a 4 month watch. My rationale was WHY DO THIS AGAIN IN 4-6 MONTHS? But the insurance company said they would not pay for the surgery. I told them "Fine I am not changing a thing, please give me your full name and position and the full names and titles of the persons involved in the decision and I will FIGHT this battle later and care for myself NOW"- I received an EOB which states they have paid the hospital but I will wait and see.

    Jeanette- the MRI thing- did you ever in you life elect to stay in an environment that noisy? NO- it was much like "Clock Work Orange " weird science to me- for those of you who remember that movie- strange. I told the radiologist that and he agreed it was pretty strange - that and the MR Biopsy! Boob clamp , I mean really!

    Yes I signed the petition and have sent the e mail to all of my friends. Prevention is the key and early detection, look at me NO chemo, NO rads! Life is good.

    Love you all, spar - what do you need? supplies for projects? Books, Magazines? I have a bunch that a girlfriend gave me for my recovery and because she knows I won't spend money on most of the ladies mags- do you want them to look through? What can we do?

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Hi Jeanette,

    Men! Can't live with them.. can't live without them!  I guess they are just wired differently and feel so helpless with our medical problems.  I am a mild-mannered person, never confrontational.  So naturally my husband is the exact opposite :)  Always wants to know why it is taking so long, why does it have to be done that way, where is the doctor, why don't they have the lab results?   I never have to complain as everyone who knows us as a couple knows he is going to be after them.  When he pushes the envelope (of my tolerance) I have learned to say, "I am nervous already and you are making things worse."  It works!  I don't use it often, save it for dire straits, but he knows I mean it then.

    It is a stressful time for everyone.  I hope things smooth out for you.  I, too, have sworn myself to suffering in silence... that's why this site is so great!!!


  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2009


    So sorry you are having trouble with your leg. Hope it heals up real soon. Studying God's word is a good thing.

    Rita Jean

    Yes, it it almost over. I just about sleep all day when I get herceptin, it just wipes me out.

    To All You Ladies

    I hope you all have a great and blessed Thanksgiving. We really do have a lot to be thankful for.

    We think we have troubles, but just look around and you will find someone in much worse shape than you are. I thank Jesus for all his many blessings. If I had not broke my hip, I would not known about my breast cancer until it was too late, God does work in mysterious ways. I thank the Lord that I met such wonderful ladies as you all are. You all are wonderful and unique in your own special way. Thank you all for being there for me.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited November 2009

    good afternoon ladies.  I got the best thing in the mail today.  Thank you so much Melissa, that was my first homemade sticky bun, my DH halved it and heated it a few seconds in the microwave and it just melted in your mouth.  One of the best things I have ever tasted.  Was so wonderful with a cup of coffee.

    I don't need anything, my DH fixed me up with my craft projects all around me, a cd player, my phone and laptop, books, and magazines.  My grandson is coming to stay a few days to help take care of me and the animals.  My neighbor offered the use of a potty chair so everything is working out. 

    I have so say I am so blessed with a good husband, he is doing all of TG dinner with me telling him what to do, he dusted and did laundry.  I mean he has just jumped in and done things he hasn't done before.  Even hung up my clothes.  I could get use to be spoiled like this but not used to not being able to walk.  I have been thinking of people that are like this permanently and realize how blessed I am that this is only 4 weeks.

    Jeanette I hope your husband goes with you, you will have to have someone drive you. You were kidding right?

    fixing to sign the petition.  I swear this laptop has a mind of its own.  It just starts scrolling up and down by itself.

    Everyone have a great day.  JO, hope you are feeling better.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2009 sorry to hear that things didn't heal up properly.  It sounds like your hubby has you all set up.  It sounds like he's a real "keeper." 

    Pam, it sounds like you're doing well!  YEA!

    We have had a lovely sunny day here in Illinois today.  We went to a huge craft show and enjoyed the pleasant temperatures.  Unfortunately the rains are due to come back in this next week, bringing cooler temps with them.  Must admit that I'm like Jackie.....I'm a "sun person."  The sunshine boost my morale and I'm alot more pleasant to be around.

    I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and getting ready for "turkey day."  If you are travelling for the holidays, travel safely.

    Hugs to all of you.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2009

    THANKS Girls!  You did it again!  You don't know how much it helps to get a different perspective on "things!"  I can't tell my Daughters what he says, because they would pull his hair out, ha!  So I whine to you...just thanks for being there!  And I DON'T usually say anything to DH...Because when I yell back, it just gets worse...!  He is so used to being in control...of me, of our life, of almost our whole day...& I usually like it...]

    But with this cancer thing, he is completely out of control, & we are going with everything the Doctors schedule us for!   So I guess I can understand, sort of!  Undecided   Actually I have known him for 54 years!  And I DO love him more than I ever did....Guess that's why his little "blurbs" just piss me off instead of hurting me!   I know his little "mood" will be by the roadside soon!  I read everything you gals say....Even when the posts don't pertain to me....You are all so comforting!  Thank you so much!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2009

    Pam....we are in Northern England, just about exactly in the middle of the country.   Cumbria, where all the floods are is approx. 120 miles away from us, and right on the West coast....its certainly bad going by all the tv pictures. We are getting the side of their weather, the rain has been horrible, gales and lashing rain most of the last week. My lawns are just mud, and we have standing water in the fields. No sign of any let up in the coming 2 weeks, plus the temperature forecast to drop.

    I have officially cancelled Christmas Dinner at my house. I have builders coming to rip out a wall, and the only 2 weeks I can get them is starting December 1st. This is likely to drag on for 3 weeks, as it will include all plumbing and electrics shifting around, a new floor to lay, and lots of furniture removing and decorating to be, suits me fine. Only problem is we are shifting our meal to DDs new house, and her cooking is even more abysmal than mine! I was all for going out to a hotel for the meal, but DD wants a traditional Christmas at home, so its her home! I think , if it goes ok, that we can stick to this for Christmases to come. I have done my share of family entertaining now, 46 years of it at my house... I shall miss all the shopping, decorating the house, cooking, clearing up for days afterwards....but will gain in quiet time to myself. Roll on New Year, Springtime, bulbs coming up, warmer weather...but, thats about 5 months away !


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited November 2009

    Just signed in to make sure Spar listened.  Good grief, have to make threats to get answers.

    Okay, everyone, have a wonderful rest of weekend.  Still cleaning for next week and just going to get some relaxing in and then to bed.

    Nighty, night.

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010


  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited November 2009

    Hi everyone,

    So many new posts, so little time to catch up.  Sorry, but I'll catch up as I can and will be thinking of each of you in the meantime.  I must clean house for Thanksgiving company/dinner and to make it a little more interesting, we got 2 new kittens today -- they are SO cute! 

    Thursday was my 6 month post treatment appointment and the onc said I'm doing fantastic except for capsular contracture -- the whole capsule has to come out and will probably be replaced with a smaller implant or no implant at all. 

    Have a great Sunday.  --bonnie 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Wow Bonnie, that is a big "fantastic except."  Do you have some kind of  a time in mind?  Seems like so much to go through again.  And you have such a good attitude.  Women are so resilient!  

    Kittens are the cutest.  What are their names?


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited November 2009

    So much going on here since I posted.  I too would like to know the kitties name.  You'd think with my "kitty full house" here I would not care to know.  Like that saying  -- "so many kitties - so little time".  I have a big gray and white tom named Beau Freckles as his pink nose has gray freckles on it.  He is a cool character as are several.

    Isabella...sounds like a huge project.  Too bad it comes right at the holiday period, but may as you say be a blessing.  Someone else can take over for the long preparation periods of the Christmas season.  It may end up the best thing that ever happened. 

    Well, I need to get some work done so I'll be checking in later.


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2009

    Bonnie- 6 month check up- great landmark- "fantastic except"- well hats off to you because you sound great about that "except" part...would he/she think it is Fantastic if it were his/hers? How often does this happen? Women are tough, very tough and I have deep admiration for you to take it on! Kitties! yeah! Wasn't GOD smart when he made kitties and puppies? Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

    Ladies I hired a house keeper through the Holidays as I still on have so much energy- thought I was "Back" as I went three days with just resting (could not fall asleep), but then yesterday felt as if my knees would buckle and rested in my car for 1.5 hours- I am still not the Boss in my life- but getting there.

    I spoke with a friend who had moved back to the Midwest last spring- still no job, favorite daughter with Ozzie and Harriett life, 3 boys on a farm, getting a divorce, and now with ovarian ca. Best friend (long life time girl hood friend) died just days after she returned, plus the job market is acting as if there are NO age discrimination laws! They have been brutal!......Her name is Sue, PLEASE "put her in your pocket"- I am crushed for her-and guilty that my situation turned out so lucky- bil mx, no chemo, no rads- but just compare!

    Ladies have a Blessed day- my highest regards Melissa

    Spar the recipe is coming.......

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2009

    Melissa - so sorry to hear about your friends.  I know how you feel when you say you were so lucky.  BTW, I love your signature line.

    Isabella - ntohing wose then having your house torn up for renovations, let alone on holidays.

    Bonnie - that is a big "except."  Boy, you have a great attitude.

    One of my sister's good friend told her his grandson has cancer.  He is 3 years old.  He was almost a failure to thrive baby.  He was in Children's Hospital for 5 weeks while they tried to figure out why he was failing to thrive, gain weight, etc.  For a while he was okay but now they did biopsies of his liver, lung, and some other stuff trying to find out where the cancer is and what kind of cancer - no luck so far.  His Dad is unemployed with no insurance.  His son is the only bright spot in his life.

    This same sister said her friend who was diagnosed with bc is having a lumpectomy with rads.  She seemed to think she was just fine.  I asked her what kind of cancer and she answered "breast cancer."  Like there is only one kind.  Her lymph nodes were clear and that's good and she definitely did NOT have DCIS.  I was once that naive - sure, have a lumpectomy, a few rads and problem is all gone!  Why didn't I think of that instead of having a bilateral mastectomy?  Then she told me to stop obsessing about breast cancer!  This is the same woman who had a rash the size of a quarter on her back and obsessed about it constantly until it was gone.

    Everyone here is correct - no one want to hear about it unless they have actually experienced it.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2009

    Dear Maire!  I'm sort of relieved that my Husband is not the only one that will not go the Doctor's unless he HAS to!  He had a Pace-maker put in about 8 years ago, & has to go in again for the replacement, & I dread that as much as he does!  And yes, our DH's DO say things that we wish we could shove right back in their mouths, but we have to ignore a lot of the stupid things they least I do if it's in front of other people....But he IS a great Husband, short of a few abnormalities! Foot in mouth  And I'll ask the Doctor about that "shot" before surgery!  Man, nothing I hate worse, than a sick stomach, or being DIZZY!!!  Thanks again girls!  xoxo

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited November 2009

    DH and I are departing tomorrow on our road trip to Illinois.  First stop is Decatur for Thanksgiving Day at SIL's house.  Then on to Chicago area to visit more of Dh's family including a brand new great-nephew.  We're taking our laptop and I may be able to check in during this trip.  If not I want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving holiday.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2009

    Travel safely, Carole!  Have a great Thanksgiving.   You may get your wish.  Chicago is predicting rain and some light snow showers for Chrstmas, but the Decatur area is just supposed to be colder than this past week.  If you run into snow when you head up to Chicago, keep it up there in the northern part of the state, please!Laughing  Enjoy your Thanksgiving!


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited November 2009

    so many post to try to catch up on.  can't sleep and am learning to use the laptop better.  JO send me an email so I will have your address again.  I got it working now.

    Carol, have a fun safe trip.

    Kathleen, that is so sad about the little 3 year old.  Putting him and family on the prayer list.  It is just heartbreaking.

    Melissa, I am look forward to that recipe and trying it, my husband would appreciate me forever if I cook him that.  You should have seen the pure pleasure on his face as he ate his half.

    I am doing ok just get so frustrated, haven't figured out how to take a shower and wash my hair yet but my daughter is bringing me a bathchair tomorrow.  I will feel better when I am clean, am use to washing my hair every other day cause it is oily and it is dripping in oil now. My grandson who is 12 fixed all my meals yesterday and pushed me to the bathroom and fed the animals.  He has amazed me.  he fixed the best grilled ham and cheese I have had in a long time.  Started knitting an afghan, had some long bamboo needles I haven't used, figured this is as good time as any.

    Hope all is doing well and has a really good thanksgiving.

    JO thank you so much for posting how you are doing and I hope so badly you are feeling better.  That bug has hung on too long.  Love ya.  Sending everyone a big TG hug.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited November 2009

    I turned this up today and put it on Rita's thread....but it is sort of neat and felt no one would mind if I share it here too.  I did not know Milton Berle ( though he was very talented ) ever did anything quite like this:

    "I'd rather be a could-be if I cannot be an are; because a
    could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star. I'd rather be
    a has-been than a might-have-been, by far; for a
    might-have-been has never been, but a has was once an are."

    -- Milton Berle