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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited November 2009

    Happy Anniversary twice you you wonderful.  I am hoping many, many more come your way. 

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.  Prayers for health to return or to continue and enjoy your day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Taking a break between baking and one last trip to the grocery store!  I'm on schedule but it will all go to h___ in a handbasket in the last 30 minutes getting it to the table.  Wish Martha Stewart would write a book about how to get everything together at the last minute.  I'd buy that one.

    Wishing all you chooks a Happy Thanksgiving wherever you are.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2009
    Hi ILLINOIS LADY...JACKIE!  Thanks for the encouraging words!  The Ultra-sound was a little harder on this other breast...right under my arm!  A larger area than what is in my left breast, BUT the Doctor guy took a lot of tissue samples, left 5 clips, & THINKS it is just something in my nodes, probably benign!  God, I only hope so!  I prayed so hard while they were doing this...I just don't want any more bad news!  And of course I have to wait until Monday to hear anything!  Even if this is Cancer, they said they could do both breasts at the same time....I feel like all of these tests are getting to be a little annoying...Cry...But I am thankful that they are so aggressive in finding out everything that is wrong!   Better to be safe, than sorry later!  HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL YOU BEAUTIFUL WOMEN!  Jeannette 
  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2009

    Happy Thanksgiving! I love the holiday but you are right- the last 30 minutes will be a PUSH! Martha would have to write about how many "helpers" place the dishes, gravy boat, turkey platter just so ,as she directs, right? I have no helpers with that part but my DH does the dishes after each holiday meal- what a guy and that was before a dishwasher!

    Well we all know the waiting and the looks we get, the "sweetie" and the "OH- they will call you" says much more (at least in our minds)- then they mean to let on. When they sent me for the 1st biopsy I really was capable of the "there is nothing to worry about until there is something to worry about" attitude. Then I was the worry wart that I am and so wish I was NOT! Borrowed trouble is what someone here called it and I do agree- I have to pray HARD, almost like a meditation level prayer to get past the obsessing. Now I just give in and take xanax- living through chemistry, and not embarrassed a bit! But, I am making a constant effort to live in the NOW and Rita, thanks for the reminder- I need it from ones who are not judgmental!

    Lisa Happy , Happy , Happy- 3 for CA survivor anniversary, birthday and TG! Fabulous picture!!

    Motherof7- PRAYERS you got it and the thing about being here is these ladies GET IT so you are in really good company. I am relatively new here and find so much friendship, laughter and comfort here. And some of the greatest stories which help with distraction! What a Life Line- Mandy you are correct.

    Leslie I will look for the "Turkey Pardon" , just sounds amusing. My turkey is getting "stuffed". I have my pecan and mincemeat pies done, and am headed in to make the pumpkin pie now. I will also set my table tonight as the housekeepers just left and all is sparkling clean. Tomorrow I will get a few more dishes ready to bake along with the turkey- take a rest, put the turkey in a 2, shower and clean up and then go get my mother-in-law and wait for my DH to get home from work. I have so much to be Thankful for and each of you is on that very long list.

    Have a great Turkey Day- I have missed Linda, has anyone heard from her? How about you spar- what are you doing in the bed of yours????? We want details!

    Prayers, Blessings and Love to you all, Melissa

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited November 2009

    Something to share:

    Here are some fun facts about Thanksgiving:

    • The preliminary estimate of turkeys raised in the United States in 2009 is 250 million.
    • The forecast for U.S. cranberry production in 2009 is 709 million pounds.
    • Benjamin Franklin thought the wild turkey was so American it should have been chosen as our national symbol rather than the eagle.
    • It is common for U.S. astronauts who spend Thanksgiving in space to celebrate with a rehydrated turkey dinner.
    • There are three places in the United States named after the holiday's traditional main course. Turkey, TX; Turkey Creek, LA; and Turkey, NC. There also are nine townships around the country named Turkey-- three in Kansas alone.
    • There are eight places and townships in the United States that are named Cranberry or some spelling variation of the red, acidic berry (e.g., Cranbury, NJ).
    • The National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation is a ceremony that has taken place at the White House since 1947. Every year two turkeys are selected and given to the President for his Thanksgiving dinner. However, since 1989 the turkeys have received Presidential pardons, sparing their lives
  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2009

    I do hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving. I have just watched the turkey pardoning - very amusing.

    Gus the cat is now sitting in the yard I think feeling a little sorry for himself, there is no way I can keep him inside. Will try to get a picture of hin with drains in his face. Last night he went missing ofr a couple of hours DD didn't realise that he was by the door when she opened it and he took off. I was worried as I had just returned from collecting him from the vet and he was rather groggy but he returned later when DH called him.

     Forget the diets tomorrow.


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited November 2009

    That's a link to watch President Obama pardon the turkey.

  • grama5
    grama5 Member Posts: 29
    edited November 2009

    Happy Thanksgiving to all sisters!!! kmccraw423, Yes and no on your picture of your little guy. They look the same size but max hasn't got his full undercoat yet and his coloring is mainly white with chocolate and tan. Do you remember the movie Gremlins? In his face he looks jusy like Gizmo. I'll send one once I figure out how to post a picture on here

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited November 2009

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I will be giving thanks and praying for the health of all of us.



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited November 2009
    Thanksgiving is the holiday of peace, the celebration of work and the simple life... a true folk-festival that speaks the poetry of the turn of the seasons, the beauty of seedtime and harvest, the ripe product of the year - and the deep, deep connection of all these things with God.
    -- Ray Stannard Baker (David Grayson)
  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2009

    Happy Thanksgiving! Today i am thinking of all the Thanksgivings at home . Five little girls hanging out in the kitchen watching and 'helping" my mom. MY favorite job was grinding the cranberries, oranges and pecans. Also liked to clean the turkey- everything made from "scratch" and a very busy room. Mother always had a huge relish tray, 2 or 3 kinds of pickles, stuffed celery, spiced apple-rings, green and black olives. I in the early years of my marriage I made a huge relish tray and no one ate it but me, so I gave in and scaled down to finally not much of the relish tray happens- maybe when we live near my sisters next year. Mother made Heavenly Hash- whipped cream (the real stuff), pecans, white Queen Anne cherries, pineapple- we loved it and the recipe left with her. One year my eldest sister and I experimented until we got it right- yum it was so good.

    I am off to do some morning actives of preparation then will nap and get up to up turkey in the oven, clean up and go get MIL for dinner. I will be thinking about all my sisters- relatives and those by another mother - you. Prayers to each and so much Thanks to God that we have each other and today to celebrate our Thanks!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Remember getting up at 5:00 AM to put on the turkey.   It cooked all day at some unknown low temperature and was delicious.   No one died!  

    I am resting til 11:00 when the potatoes go on.  This is like planning the invasion of Iraq!

    Happy Thanksgiving... I am thankful for all of you.


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited November 2009

    Just popping in to say happy day and I am so stuffed, can hardly move.  Huge dinner with family, it was wonderful and husband did the cooking with me supervising.  Love you guys.

  • Maire67
    Maire67 Member Posts: 418
    edited July 2010


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited November 2009

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  I, too, am stuffed, and I took a small portion of each dish passed around the table. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2009

    Good Morning everyone!  Hope you fared well through all the work, food & happiness from yesterday!  Can you please tell me, WHAT do you say to a Daughter that almost insists I have both my breasts removed?  And a Husband that thinks I shouldn't do ANYthing about this cancer, because "After all, I'm 72, and why can't I just live with it?"   SHE wants them both off, and HE doesn't want me to do anything!

    I go in on the 4th for a lumpectomy...All opinions I have had, think that is all I should have!  SHE is being cautious, I know, and I WOULD have a double mastectomy if I HAD to, but these two loved ones of mine, are really driving me nuts!   I don't talk about this much, unless I am asked..And this is the only place I can let off steam!  I get the reports back this Monday, from the OTHER biopsy from my OTHER breast...and hopefully this time, the results are B9, & just "something" in my lumph nodes!  Sometimes I just want to scream, to keep from crying!  I KNOW they are both afraid, but GEEZ, so am I!  (And I figured out how to paste the picture, Ha!)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited November 2009

    Good for you Jeanette....learning how to do a of these days I will too.  It is frustrating to deal with your family over this diagnosis....even more so since they both have different opinions about YOUR disease and YOUR needs.  Still, you are quite is fear for the most part and not based on the evidence of your situation.  You will know more after Monday, and can then make the final decision --  and it is your body and your decision.  No one really knows I don't he or she might react if they were facing the exact same thing. 

    Having said first ( my own fear reaction ) thought was that I would have no trouble having my total breast removed. my female surgeon said  -- we can remove the breast, or we can do a lumpectomy.....the after care and tx are basically exactly the same.  So, why wouldn't you just do the lumpectomy and spare yourself from having to recover from losing the tissue and muscle and other things around the breast.  And another thing....if your 42, 72, or whatever, cancer is not something you just live with. Age is not the factor here, as it may be a fast growing cancer.   That being said though. at 72 I would not generally expect it to show up again though anything is possible -- but I am 64 and I don't ever expect it to show up again.  I pretty much made up my mind that once was enough thank you.  If attitude can have a positive influence -- then I'm there.

    Hang in there Jeanette  --  we have been where you are and other people are unfortunately going at some time to be there too.  Once in awhile I think all you can do is hang on and wait for the storm to pass.  I pray for your strength and your family's understanding. 

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    How is it possible that there is more food in the fridge NOW than there was yesterday?  12 people ate for three hours and the leftovers are spilling out the door!  It's like the  wine  and fishes at the wedding in the bible!  I will never have to cook again... or at least not for a day or two. :)

    Gained only 1 pound yesterday!  Could have been worse.

    How many of us are shopping today?  Not me!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2009

    Thank you, THANK you Jackie!  It helps so much to get another opinion!  I don't want to do this either, like ALL of you...But we do this to take care of ourselves!  I guess I could "listen" to what other people tell me, but then just forget it!  I just want this to be over!  Your stories have helped me more than you know...I come here for comfort.....and I always find it! 

    I think I felt better, just knowing I was going in for a Lumpectomy, then THIS, with my other breast!  And WAITING to hear what it is!  Maybe I won't have a choice in this....I just want to wake up & have it all over.  Okay, I'm done....I'll go get a cracker & a piece of cheese.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2009

    Hello amazing woman! I had an tough day on TG- it really depresses me to be around my MIL and I had to  pray for a lot of help! Got through it, didn't let her pull me down but it took all I had!

    I purchased a 3 pot slow cooker buffet and cooked some things in advance so I didn't have much to do beginning to end. This was the best pecan pie ever, so DH had a BIG smile- all went well in the end and I got through it, MIL and all.

    Love you ladies- Have a great day!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited November 2009

    Hello chooks, chicks, peeps, all you lovely ladies.  Had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Melissa your post just goes to show what a strong woman you are.  cudos to you.  I do admire you.

    JO, I never shop on black friday, it seems there is always a death of someone getting trampled and people are plain rude.  I hate crowds, they make me feel really closed in.  My daughter is out there somewhere shopping.

    My son and grandson didn't get to come this year for the first time ever.  My mom, daughter and all her family came.  Hardly any of the people that were not family came.

    Much love to all you lovely ladies that keep me sane

    Has anyone seen the movie Old Dogs, I really want to see it but will probably have to wait until it comes out to rent.

    I really hate to read post where God's name in used in vain, why do people do that?  I have been just ignoring it but isn't profanity against the rules?

    I have been reading the word more since I am bedridden but it is so much easier to understand when your in a group and hear everyones opinion.

    Jeannette, Hope everything works out for you. Lumpectomy is far easier surgery to get over.  Mastectomy you are never the same. Sending prayers and hugs in your direction.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2009

    Hi gals!  It sounds like all of you had a great Thanksgiving with lots of food! 

    Lisa.......Congrats on the double celebration!  You are my inspiration.....9 years out!  WOW!  Everytime I get a little worried, I just think about you! 

    Jeannette, the decison making is the worst part and everyone in the family has their own ideas about what you should do.  The important thing is for you to remember that you are the one who needs to be happy with your decision.  I opted for the lumpectomy and radiation after both my onc and surgeon told me that it was equal in choice to the mastectomy.  I also did CMF chemo because mine was an agressive form of IDC.  I am pleased with my decision.  Everyone is afraid when a cancer diagnosis hits.  If you tell your daughter that the lumpectomy plus radiation is equally successful as the mastectomy, perhaps that will squelch her fears.  And as for you age, my mother was 79 when she was diagnosed with bc.  She opted for the mastectomy and died 3 years later but not from cancer.  Hugs to you as you work your way through this trying time!

    Carole, you must have made it to Illinois!  Did you see any snowflakes?  We had a few in the air Thanksgiving morning but they never made it to the ground.  Travel safely on your way back home.

    I hope those of you who braved the stores this morning are still in one piece!  I opted to work at home and am not having any regrets about missing the sales!  LOL

    Have a great day!


  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2009


    Please know that i will be praying for you. Having a lumpectomy or a mastecomy should be your decision, after all it is your body.

    I thank the Lord that my hubby and my children had the good sense to know it was my body and my decision to get the lumpectomy. I talked to my surgeon and we discussed the two possibilities and then I made my decision.

    All of the ladies on this site are great and we all give each other support, so make your own decision, and we will all be here for support and to just let you scream if that's what makes you feel better.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2009

    Afternoon ladies!!  Thanksgiving is not a big holiday for vegetarians but what little family that was left in town went to a restaurant.  Quiet, no muss, no fuss.

    Yes, I remember my Grandmother's Thanksgiving preparations.  She was awesome - my Mom was not domestic at all but we spent a lot of my childhood years living with my grandparents so I was fed well.

    Jeannette - good luck on Monday - please let us know.  Just remember, it is fearing the unknown that plays havoc in your mind.  And 72 is still young sweetie.  I once met a woman who was in her 80s that felt like your husband but then decided to do something about it - thank the Lord; otherwise, I would have never met this extraordinary woman.

    Spar - I do hope your leg is healing.  When I broke my foot I was in a cast for 8 weeks due to my diabetes - but because it was my foot and not my leg I got along on a walking cast.  As to Black Friday I am witih you.  I am not claustrophic but put me in a crowd and I feel like the whole world is closing in.

    Jo - sage advice, as always.  I think you missed your calling in the diplomatic corp.

    Jackie - you, too, missed your calling. 

    You women are all so supportive, kind and caring.  When you see so much evil in this world it is easy to forget there are also people like you that sustain us.  Thank you.

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited November 2009

    Hi Ladies

    I just want to thank each one of you for your prayers.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I think I ate too much yesterday, but it was just so good. Probably ate more than I should, and probably ate too many sweets. Thank the Lord I will have time to maybe walk off some of this weight I gained before Christmas, because I know I will probably eat too much then too.

    I can blame part of it on my daughters for making my special desserts. cherry pie and the crackers dipped in almond bark. Oooooo so good.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited November 2009

    Melissa....your post brought back a lot of teeth gritting memories for me.  I had two MIL'S and learned early on about just gritting my teeth most of the time.  I guess the truth is....most men do not marry their mother -- gosh I think I was really polar opposite of the first ( who I think always said mean things about me when she had had a bit too much to drink ) and though not a total opposite of the second it still was far from good.  She ( to some degree the whole family ) had praise for the ones that didn't marry into the family or in one case....the one who divorced her way out of the family.  Now all the in-laws have passed on and I no longer have to concern myself much with those who don't like me or vice-versa.  My choice is to give them their space while I claim mine and be happy.  We are all different and for many reasons will find people -- family or otherwise who are not a good fit for out personality nor are we for their's.  Harder to deal with it when you marry into a family, but it is what it is.  At least already know that you are apt to be tested when MIL is around so you can be on your teeth gritting toes.

    Well, I need to get back to work so will see you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

    p.s.  Just saw your post Kathleen and thank you.  Although I spend much time, effort, and energy on homeless and needy animals... ( not putting all of you in that category ) it is also a big boost for me to care for those I think have struggles to get through.  I have had a share and often reading what you other ladies go through tends to bring some to mind and even if something I say only calms for a minute or two....then it's worth thank you again.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited November 2009

    Goodafternoon again ladies,  I just got my mail and thank you so much Melissa for the recipe.  I think I can do  it, that will be the first thing I make when I am back on my feet.  You ladies are my inspiration and keep me going.

  • motheroffoursons
    motheroffoursons Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2009

    Hi Ladies, enjoyed reading all of the posts.  I am 61 and three years out of DCIS, lumpectomy, rads, and tamox.  No major problems.  Minor hot flashes.

    Had a great thanksgiving with my family - 4 sons, 3 dil, and 6 grandchildren.  I am purposely trying to shift my "thanksgiving dinner skills" to my daughterinlaws.  Like I everyone likes my gravy, so when make it I tell my daughter in laws little secrets to getting the brown and not the white greasy turkey gravy.  I also used to cook the whole shebang, and now I let them do the turkey and I make all of the pies and sweet breads.  It is easier for me, but more important I am giving them competence in handling their own holiday preparation for someday when I would either be unable to do it or not around.

    I did go shopping today and have a funny story.  About two weeks ago I found a good buy on a leather jacket for my husband.  It was $375 marked down to $150, so I bought it.  Today, Black Friday,  the same store had the exact same jacket for $99.  I had my receipt with me, but they would not automatically adjust it as it was past seven days.  I bought a new jacket at $99, walked to the other side of the store and returned it with my $150 receipt.  Otherwise I would have had to have gone home to bring the jacket in.  Same jacket, but new price.  Not unethical, just playing along!  I actually went back and bought 2 more for gifts for others as they were such a good deal.

    Health to all, and Happy Holidays!

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited November 2009

    Perhaps one of you can answer a question I couldn't answer today: Why is it called Black Friday?

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited November 2009

    I had heard that it is called Black Friday because all of the shopping puts the books of the shopkeepers in the black as compared to in the red (when they show a loss).

    Sounds as if everyone had a good Thanksgiving.  I had a wonderful one because both of my daughters made it home. That was all that I needed. Now they go off and scatter---the younger one goes back to school today and the older one flies out to the West Coast tomorrow.  I sure do wish that we lived closer to eachother.

    Have a nice day all!