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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • motheroffoursons
    motheroffoursons Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2009


    it is called Black Friday by retailers and accountants for stores. Until the weekend after Thanksgiving, retailers claim they operate at a deficit (in the red by old accounting terms).  The claim was that they did not make an annual profit until the Friday after Thanksgiving when the made their first year to date profits, so then they were in the Black.  Since Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday, the important shopping date is on Friday.  That is how important the Christmas shopping season is to the retailers.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2009

    Hey glad to see a post from you.  I've missed you on the Illinois thread.  I assume you are back in the states for the holidays????  How long will you be staying?  I'm glad you're teaching your DILs to make the special holiday dishes.  My mom always made the gravy.  It was her "thing" and she did it extremely well.  She never showed me how to do it "her way" which made the big difference.  Now that she is gone (and how we miss her even though it's been nearly 3 years) the gravy is not nearly as appealing.  She had some little trick that I haven't mastered.  I love your jacket exchange story!

    Hey Jackie, did hubby get the coupons that he wanted for reduced item prices?  I bet he was tired when he got home.

    Jo, we got a few snowflakes here too on Thanksgiving morning but they were just flurries in the air.  I am NOT ready for them!  Give me heat and sunshine!\

    Well, today's the day to dig out the Christmas tree and outside lighted deer and get this place decorated for Christmas so I'd better get moving.  I hope everyone has a good weekend.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited November 2009

    Good morning all.  Sounds like all is well and everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving and not too much over-eating.  That is always a good thing.  Sad to report...didn't get any of the good coupons.  Dh says people arrived at Sears ( they are one of the only stores at the mall that has a "working" back they can open early ) at 1 a.m. for the -- tickets handed out at 3 a.m. -- doors open at 4.a.m. for the day and  door buster sales.   I will not be getting a new washer and dryer for X-mas this year.  Hear the major SIGH !!!!!

    Just in case anyone may want is my recipe for Pumpkin Dump Cake.

    Pumpkin Dump Cake

    1  ( 29 oz. ) can pumpkin

    1 cup sugar ( I put in 1/2 cup white and 1/4 cup Splenda Brown Sugar )

    1 ( 13 oz ). can evaporated milk

    3 eggs ( I use only Egglands Best or brown eggs )

    4 tsp. pumpkin pie spices

    1/2 tsp. salt

    1 box yellow cake mix ( I always use BUTTER PECAN )  it pops up the flavor I  think

    1 1/2 cubes ( 3/4 c. ) butter, melted

    1 c. pecans, chopped ( I use about 1/4 to 1/2 cup more )

    I also add about 1 cup or slightly more yellow raisins -- different texture/taste sensation but if you don't like raisins -- then leave that out.

    Combine pumpkin, sugar, evaporated milk, eggs, pumpkin pie spices and salt in mixing bowl.  Beat well.  Pour into greased and floured 9 x 13 inch glass pan.  Sprinkle cake mix over pumpkin mixture, then sprinkle on the pecans.  Pour melted butter over all.  Bake at 350 degrees for 50 to 60 minutes until knife inserted in center comes out clean.  Watch closely at end.  Could burn easily. 

    Serves 12 to 15.   

    Pan is usually empty when it comes home.

    I left it on the other IllinoisLadies ( Rita's thread ) bc blog so just decided to copy and paste it here.  It is a pretty good recipe, and I love pumpkin pie but after years and years like to have the opportunity to try it done differently too. 

    I hope you are all looking forward to a great week-end.  Hi to Mother of four as well.  Great to see you here Sharon.  I'll be checking back in later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2009

    WOW!!!!!!!!!  Thank you Jackie!  Your recipe sounds delicious!  I printed it off to try at least by Christmas! My HusbandI BOUGHT a pumpkin pie, & it was really kind of not very good...stiff, & dark, & no flavor!  From Safeway, too!   But good for him, HE shopped so I wouldn't have to!   So now I can try a GOOD pie!  

    And thanks to all of you, talking to me about the Lumpectomy/Mastectomy....I read all of your posts...And I'm not near as afraid of the surgery next Friday, as I am waiting to hear about the other biopsy they took on my "good" breast!...I hope to hear by Monday....Just another day trying to stay busy!  Oh, my oldest Daughter is flying in from Orlando the day before the surgery!  Her ideas on Lumpectomy vs Mastectomy kind of had me worried!......Her Sister that lives here told her she should come, so that makes me happy!  Now they can keep their Dad busy while I go to sleep & wake up with no more worries...when I wake up! Smile 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited November 2009

    hello all, JO  you had to have wanted that jewelry stuff awful bad for you to get out on black Friday, haven't been out on that day in years and years.

    Jackie, am going to try that pumpkin dump recipe it sounds really good, thanks for posting it.

    So glad everyone had a good Thanksgiving.

    Sharon, I had to laugh about your story of returning the coat, that is so something my daughter would have done.

    today has been very peaceful, phone calls and text messages from my kids and grandkids to wish me happy birthday and a song from JO.  I can just picture her singing it. LOL  loudly.

    Where is Melissa today, am missing her.

    My first mother in  law just ignored me but she had 13 kids and in laws and tons of grandkids but I would have loved her recipe for homemade biscuts they were so moist and tender they just melt in your mouth, have never been able to make them like that.  Come to think of it my now motherinlaw pretty much ignores me but she has 10 kids and lots of grand and great grandkids and she is in her late 80s I know she cares about me, she has just changed and gotten so quiet over the years.

    hugs and love Sherry

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited November 2009

    My 1st MIL had the most fabulous recipe for a melt in the mouth,crumbly fruit cake, and try as I may I could just never get her to part with it. When I used to cook I decided I would keep on making cake after cake so eventually I would hit it in the end... I never did.

    Just 2 weeks ago I thought I would embark on another round of 'trying to get it right' recipies, but all I have to show for it is a shelf of dried fruit, and flour. DH discovered my 'stash' today and was moaning about buying things I will never use !! He is probably right.

    We have been moving kitchen units today, what a performance, I have builders coming on Monday at 8 am, and am just not ready for them....its such a project to embark on 3 weeks before Christmas....wish now I had waited 'til next summer...but...all is booked, so it goes ahead. I would have laughed at this 5 years ago, but now with my back in a bad state I am dreading it.

    I managed to get my MRI report from my GP ( the physios wouldn't let me have it, said it was their report ,not mine! ) I asked them to fax it to my GP, went to see her, and she ran it off for me, after first going thru it with me. What she told me was scarey, I have all 5 lumbar vertabrae with internal damage, 4 quite bad, one not as bad, and FOUR protruding vertabrae. I said 'does this mean 4 slipped discs?' and she said 'yes'. No wonder the pain is so bad ! Its murder, but still can't get any stronger painkillers from her. She is refering me to a neurologist. She is suggesting an epidural, then jabs to my spine, which I am refusing, heard bad reports about this ( Anyone ??) So then she says I will probably be put on a list for an op.....Oh goody, I have only been in very bad pain , and walking about like a U bend for 15 months now, so another year or so won't harm me !!!!! What a system we have here, NEVER get ill in UK. 

    I got issued with a fancy stick, with an angulated arm rest, which I am not going to use, bad enough I have all the pain to contend with, never mind drawing everyones attention to it ! All I ask when I am out shopping is a seat every 10yds or so....and a flunky to bring me a little foot stool..and a cup of coffee..and a nice big squashy cream bun, get the picture ??

    At least this week, when the builders get in full swing all I will be able to do is to wrap Christmas presents, the house will be covered in dust, so shall shut myself in my sewing room and either sew or wrap. Can't do much else! I have arranged for a team of one off 'after builders cleaners ' to come, goodness knows what it will cost, but if I embark on cleaning the place I will still be at it this time next year. I can only clean in spurts of 15-20 minutes, and as soon as it involves bending thats me done .Let them send in a team and sort me out in a day ( I hope )


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited November 2009
  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2009

    Hello everyone! I had a great blog going this morning that went to cyberspace and took the hint that it needed to stay there! I went off with a girlfriend to see Christmas decorations at one of the big casinos and as we pulled into the parking garage we saw the decor sitting out so we just keep going. It takes them 1 week to decorate the atrium so we will return next week.

    About MIL- I loved my 1st MIL and would have kept her except she came with my ex-----had to give her up. The current MIL I have known for 50 years and she will never change. Who and how many of you have said it??? Don't expose yourself to her (them) that don't treat you well.I do limit her company and a very religious friend gave me some advise that I will act on- that is "spend an hour alone with her at the funeral home- have a nice talk", get it? I died laughing at this advice and intend to do it!

    Sherry- 13 kids, 10 kids geeze did you advertise "looking to date a man with  many siblings"? One could get lost in that crowd! I was one of 5 and we could always blame one another for some small discretion but with that many no one would ever get caught doing anything- too many distractions at one time.What are you doing with your time? I bought a new Bible when I was told I would be off 6 weeks and that time has flown by. I go back to work Monday and am getting very anxious about that, and don't really know why?????????

    Jackie I am trying the pumpkin bump soon- we are going to my sorority Christmas party and cookie exchange and I will take your cake to share. I am baking mincemeat bars and raspberry bars to exchange. Also I have a batch of gooey buns in the oven for MIL now- DH will deliver them.

    Jeanette- this is your time to do what makes YOU happy and safe- YOUR TIME. I mean Thank God for families but these are our bodies and most women are  not focused on themselves- we focus on families, work, church, non-profits, etc. It is YOUR time, we will support you and you need to feel good about your decision, I certainly know mine was right for me.

    Isabella- I am so sorry about the disc situation- my MIL did get relief from the same condition with the epidural and before that had acupuncture, and another procedure called an LEEP- Good luck and I wish I could be of help. I love your idea of shopping- resting and being offered an scrumptious snack with tea- great idea.  About the fruitcake recipe- I learned to cook by checking out 6 or 8 cookbooks and comparing the same recipe and and then taking what we liked about them- then I found a great OLD cookbook with pictures. Maybe if you get a bunch of fruitcake recipes and compare you will stumble onto the secret.

    Sharon- a shopper has to do what a shopper has to do! I would have done that too- technically you played by the rules and they were their rules so there! Good bargain hunting!

    You guys, I go back to work on Monday and I am REALLY anxious about it and I don' know why- also the C word is bothering me even though I am "cured" and the boobless thing is definitely not the issue as I have been comfortable out in my feather weight boobs from TLCDIRECT.ORG- any thoughts on this one? In the beginning I just wanted to be back to normal and now I just want to go lead my retired life and move on- but I do know that it is connected to why I am on this web site!.TG and today were at moments very difficult. I see my med. onc on Monday and will bounce this off of him and will ask him to renew the xanax- for now.

    Love ya- gotta go.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Hi Isabella,

    You are a brave woman, starting a big project like this so close to the holidays.  Don't know how it is in England, but here things always take a lot longer than estimated.  Do you have the European kitchen cabinets that are like pieces of furniture and can be moved apart and around?  Ours in the US are built in or affixed to walls so really can't be moved and seldom can be reused.  I visualize your kitchen huge, like a big farmhouse kitchen... maybe even a fireplace at one end.  Are you bumping out walls?  We haven't had a big house project in a few years now... have added on four times and each project was overwhelming.  Doubt we do more.  We built our house originally as a weekend retreat and when we retired and moved in fulltime it was just too small.  Now the house is big enough, just not enough closet-storage space.  I always say "clutter rises to meet available space."  Course in Florida we have no basements and no attics :(  and lots of stuff.

    We are eating leftovers every meal right now.  All I have to do is fill up a plate and stick it in the microwave.  This can last for days if DH does not tire of turkey!  I sent desserts home with everyone but still have sweets to ruin our diet.  I read the average person gains 7-10 lbs during the holiday season... not good!  My recent knee procedure is keeping me from walking so no exercise... that's bad.  Also I am tremendously more stiff and achey and I think not exercising is allowing the Arimidex to really bug me.  Hope my knee will permit me to walk some soon.  The weather is great, not so hot nor humid just now.

    Hope all you shopper got great bargains!  And all you travelers return home safely.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2009

    Hi Isabella....I am so sorry about your pain and your up-coming back surgery!  I put up with mine for at least a year before a NEUROLOGIST, and not an orthopedic surgeon finally operated on me!  This was about 15 years ago.  I had problems with just 2 disks, so it was a "double-laminectomy"......But as soon as I woke up from the anesthetic, the pain was gone!  The sciatic nerve is what drives you nuts with pain!  As soon as that pressure was gone, the pain left also!

    I know every back surgery is different, and be sure you check around if you can, & ask the Doctors about any "new" procedures & treatments!  I tried physical therapy, the "Tens" device before the surgery, & they all helped a little...But that old phrase, "My Back is Killing Me" really was! Wink  And surgery was the only thing that took the pain away.  I didn't have my back "fused" because the Doc said it would grow together anyway!  So I'm quite sure your surgery will involve a little more than mine....BUT, mine worked out great...

    And Melissa...Thank you!  I know this is probably "my time"...but it's so hard to think only about myself...I just don't want my Husband to hurt...He asked me again yesterday, "So will you be alright with what they are going to do to you?"  And I said "SURE, I'm just anxious to get it over with!" And I explained yet again what the procedure is, as far as I know....I think having both of our Daughters with him will really help...either that, or drive him nuts, Ha!  

    But I know this web-site has helped me more than anything...I love to read all of your posts....Even if they don't pertain to me!   I learn so much here.......

    And trying to find that perfect fruit-cake recipe...Reminds me of MY fiasco!  I tried combining a couple different recipes, or "modifying" them to make one more tantalizing than ever dreamed of!  Well, SOMEthing happened in the commission of this venture, & the "cake" would never "set!"  It just sat there, in all it's gooey glory!  The outsides browned, but the insides just hung-around!  I tried to slice it, but finally poured it out of the pan...I tasted a piece, & thought it could make a good "pudding"...but thought better of that idea, & quickly trashed the whole thing, before anyone could see it!  I don't have the nerve to try THAT again!!

    So thanks girls, just thanks for being here....and being my friends!  Jeannette

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited November 2009

    Dear Melissa,

    I totally understand your apprehension about returning to work.  It is like having to confront the reality of your cancer for the first time all over again.  You are seeing yourself through all those eyes that are full of curiosity or sympathy and it opens up all the wounds anew.  Then of course, just asking your body to perform at its old level is asking a lot!

    Every time we are going somewhere my husband will say "you look nice" and I say "But do I look healthy?"  I just have not recovered my strength or stamina and how can I blame that on a simple little lumpectomy?  It is either psychological or radiation... I'd rather think the latter.  Opening a jar, pulling a tight fitting door shut, bending down to get the roaster out of the depths of the cupboard... all take more energy than ever before in my life! I move more slowly and carefully and ration my trips up and down stairs.  

    I hope you can ease back in to work.  Your firefighters are going to treat you gently!  Accept any help they offer and don't expect too much from yourself.  Aren't you planning to retire and move back east?  When does that happen?  None too soon!

    Be kind to yourself.


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2009

    Pam you hiy the nail on the head! And I think I was so focused on getting rid of the cancer that I really did not dwell on the ca but on the treatment. And I feel guilty because I have it SO much easier than those with rads and chemo. I know I will be "on display" and everyone will be looking and saying the things only healthy unaffected people think to say. My best friend  encourages me to just go with no fluffies and my husband used to also, until I said "well I am not sure how you would feel if visible body parts that you have had for 50+ years were suddenly gone and I think I feel more normal with them on". If it gets too intense I will leave. Number one, the nature of my work allows me to visit other stations and number 2 if I need a nap or to escape I will just do it.Thank you Pam for the understanding, is means so very much. Another part of it is that they have all been so supportive I feel as if I owe them something but, as I told Jeanette, this is MY TIME. See Jeanette, we all have to remind ourselves. This is a complicated issue for sure.

    Yes you are right about the cooking experiments- which I forgot to mention= my fist DH thought for sure that at time I was trying to poison him- but I never thought oF that one! LOL- some stuff went in the trash never to be spoken of again, but some I just kept trying.

    Must modify all remaining camisoles today- they are hot to wear here in Vegas but I am finding them comfortable and MONDAY NOV 30th is my 6 week date from surgery. They will be perfect in Missouri however, and I am looking forward to leave Las Vegas soon. I want to wait for that 6 month MRI and check up with my surgeon so I will be here until at least April 25-30th, and then if I stay until birthday I earn another 4% retirement (May 17th) so it makes logical sense to stay, but emotionally I just want to leave!

    Onward! Must keep pressing on and in a forward motion even if I don't feel like it- look as good as I can, smile and for once in my life be PC! BIG ORDER! 

    Today my prayer is for strength, and piece of mind and I wish the same to you ladies. THANKS AGAIN FOR UNDERSTANDING!!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited November 2009

    Isabella....from what I was once told about shots......they either pretty much work and if so fairly quickly or they don't really do anything.  Even at that though, I think at some point they would quit working and then you would have to re-confront a surgery.  It is a difficult choice to some degree. 

    Melissa -- I think Pam probably said it best -- being off means having to go to work looking like your normal self when everyone knows that you have been far from that.  There is still a lot of fears about cancer and I think a lot of people still don't quite know what to say -- things could be a bit awkward and somewhere inside you realize this without being able to put a name on it.  Also, I think it may take quite some time mentally and physically to find the "new" normal that feels almost as good a fit as the old one did.  We have a lot to confront including the massive shock of hearing those three life defining words -- because who among us ever thought we,WE would get this disease.    I know I was minding my own business and actually doing tons of things and feeling so  WELL, and then I heard those words.  Like a thief in the night -- every ounce of my innocence was gone.  The rug was pulled out and no one gets to go back to that time again -- you just have to learn to feel life without the safety net that was once there.  No other disease ( at least I have never talked to anyone who gave that indication ) robs you of your ability to feel ok again....easily and smoothly.  Other things -- heart problems, neuralgia's of different types  -- nothing seems to carry such a black cloud like cancer.  So give yourself  ( everyone ) a big break.  It is what it is and will get better in it's own time.  Every day you wake up is another opportunity for some of that acceptance to creep in....and I doubt very much that it comes at once.  I think at some point you will just know that you have reached the other side of it and that the dark cloud has moved off quite a distance from you.  When the going gets tough try doing something for someone else.  I help an older lady and I help feral animals -- most of the time my black cloud stays out from under my feet but it took some plenty of effort in the beginning.  

    In Pam's words which are so good:  " Be Kind To Yourself ".  

    Hugs, Jackie 

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited November 2009

    Isabella - so sorry to hear about your back.  I have cervical and spinal stenosis (narrowing of the discs) and when riding in a car for more than 30 minutes I need to "unbend" my pretzeled back.  So far, the only thing I do is take Advil since I know that helps with any inflammation.  My aunt also has spinal stenosis and she, on occasion, has steriods shot right into the area causing pain. 

    Pam - I loved the turn of the century homes when I lived in Pittsburgh; however, they didn't have many clothes when those houses were built so the closets were tiny.  Also, while I did not have radiation because I had a bilateral mastectomy, I have a good friend who had lumpectomy and radiation and she said the radiation just wiped her out.

    Jeannette - if you have a COSTCO near you that make wonderful, large, very reasonably priced pumpkin pies.

    Lisa - Love your cartoon!

    Jackie  - great recipe - if I baked I would definitely make it!  Maybe I will give it to our family cook.  She's always looking for new recipes.

    Sherry - both maternal grandparents came from a family of 9 kids but since then the biggest family was 5 kids (My Mother).  My grandparents had  3 children - the third was in error.  Except for one great uncle (my grandmother's brother) who had 12 children.  Ten and 13 are a lot of relatives to buy gifts for!

    Jo - so glad you are finally feeling better.  I pray you have left the ironing board alone!

    My sister and I went to Maryland yesterday to visit the rest of the family (doing scrapbooking - my sister and uncle's wife - not me) so I wasn't near a computer.

    Sherry - Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited November 2009

    Jackie you are right I am sure that the innocence of the safety net is gone forever, I did not have difficulty in the beginning because I was in FIRE mode- "get out of the FIRE"- and surgery felt as if I was out of the fire. Now however, all the thoughts you expressed are coming to mind and it brings a great sadness. I think helping someone else is a good idea and will take the focus off of me (in my mind) and is something I "used" to do- that is the other thing, Not knowing what normal is or will be or should be. As my mother used to say "This too shall pass"- I believe this is a fairly reliable quote...

    I am fairly fragile today so I will be checking in and trying to keep myself busy in m many ways. At least my camisoles are all altered and ready to go.

    Kathleen and Pam the closets in the farmhouse in Missouri are small and I did not ever care= I will work 2 days as a nurse and keep limited uniforms out- otherwise we will have a "go to town" outfit ready and hobby farm clothes, fishing clothing and somewhere in a garment bag "good out fits" Can't wait!

    Thanks guys- you are the best and maybe sometime I can prop you up.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2009

    Hi Flo!  I know your surgery is in the morning!  So many of us will be thinking of you!  Please let us know as soon as you can how it all went!  You can even ask for a laptop in the recovery room, to drop us a line!  Wink  Just kidding...My surgery is Friday...I check in at 6, & hope to have surgery by 10!  Hope to hear about that biopsy on my other breast this morning...WHAT WILL WE DO WHEN THIS IS OVER, & NO MORE WAITING??????  Maybe there IS light at the end of this tunnel!  I LOVED the pics of your beautiful little puppy!  I'll send one of mine also!

    TAKE CARE...sweet dreams, sleep tight, don't let the bed-bugs bite!  Jeannette 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Sending out warm healthy loving wishes to everyone.  I saw this You Tube piece and never put it in anywhere ( shame on me ) and one of my friends on Rita's thread put it on so I am bringing it here.

    Hope it plays for everyone.  I don't like too much of the October pink, but I can get into this one. 

    It is going to be nice here today....but rain or snow is predicted for the next couple of days so I will not be a really happy camper.  Sigh !!!  Will just have to do my best to enjoy anyway.  I'd rather ( since it will be that cold I think ) to just have the snow flurries rather than more rain.  Enough rain I say. 

    See you all later.  Happy Day.


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    Jackie I totally loved it- happy and involved everyone involved with our care - even those behind the scenes! Great find, thanks - I will pass it on.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2009

    I also got that link in an email this morning!  So many people involved in "our" care!  That link is from the same State that GRAMA5 lives!  She is having her surgery this morning!  Wonder if that is the same care center she is in?  I'm all set for MY surgery this Friday morning!   Thank God the biopsy on my OTHER breast came back benign!!!!!!!!! 

    Could anyone clue me in on a "treatment" a friend is taking?  She is not going to have either Radiation, nor chemo, for her lumpectomy last week!  She believes in just the Chinese Herb way of taking care of herself after this surgery!  And she said she will not be taking Tamoxifen!  It just seems like our Doctors are taking care of us, by prescribing the Radiation plus the Hormone receptors!  Have you HEARD of this approach?  I love your posts!  Talk to you after the lumpectomy!  Jeannette

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited December 2009

    Praying for people with surgery this week.  Melissa hope you are feeling stronger.  I haven't been on in a couple of days, just so tired. Hopefully will have more energy tomorrow.  Thinking of all of you.  Much love Sherry

    I would be scared to only have surgery and use Chinese Herb, are there statistic and proof it works.  Never heard of it.  Was her CA er and pr+ If it were my friend I would encourage them to do more research.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited December 2009

    Jeannette: I wonder what the Chinese herb is. There are some powerful natural things that are just natural versions of the chemical ones.  Last summer I saw a yew tree in the Chelsea Physic Garden in London...that is where taxotere originally came from...a tree.  So I am hopeful that your friend is taking a natural version of something we are familiar with and that it will protect her from recurrence.

    For everyone having surgery this week, you are in my heart and prayers.  And for everyone who is not having surgery you are also in my heart and prayers.  

    Hope you are all doing well.



  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

     research, research, research, and established studies are the way to make decisions. I would look closely at the recurrence rate secondary to the herbal treatment before I went that route. We are all entitled to our own treatment plans BUT I am like spar- encourage this friend to do the book work and get the real facts before doing something without documented results  (and maybe it is documented and I never heard of it).And what is the DX ---invasive CA or not, in nodes? lots to think about!

    How are you surgery girls? I hope all are well and geeling hopeful- most likely you are tired!  And I am wishing you a painfree day.

    I returned to work Monday- had a pretty good day and guessed that I would be tired abd was! Glad I cooked ahead. Yesterday was a long one- closed my door and took a power nap and today I am working 1/2 day only. Then will come home and rest the balance of the day.

     Have a great day-I will be thinking of you all and will be peacefully resting today. Maybe I really will take care of me when I grow up, haha

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    Jackie - I watched it and it is wonderful - it is probably better if your computer has sound - which ours doesn't.

    Melissa - hope you are feeling better today and that you, do indeed, rest.

    To everyone undergoing surgery this week - love and hugs.

    Who knows about herbs - all of the pharmaceuticals we have today came from "natural" stuff - usually the rain forest which seems from all accounts to be rich in healing properties.  The same rain forest we are cutting down and destroying.

    Today I am on the upswing.  I seem to go from "life isn't worth living" to "whee."  Love the mood swings (NOT menoopausal).  Twice I have been forced to look at my own mortality and I don't like it one bit.  Maybe I am just bi-polar!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Good morning everyone.  I agree....pretty much everything we have started out as something natural.  There are many people though who  ( not sure if they are skeptical of modern medicine for side effects or what ) that seem to feel more comfortable with holistic/herbal/organic....and nothing wrong with it....if you have done your homework and can SEE a good, strong proven track record.  Many of the cancer drugs do seem quite harsh but so is cancer and I feel we are blessed that we have some of the technologies and scientific proof to be able to use the knowledge that has been gained to help people fight to be cured.

    There are people who will have cancer and it will actually go away generally w/o any treatment at all.....all the way to the other end of the spectrum -- if we could identify who is far less susceptible, or even what kind of cancer ( hasn't it come to light that bc is now thought to be four different kinds of cancer or something of that ilk ) we would know how to treat and maybe not have to bombard peoples' systems with all the harsh agents that we do now. 

    I lost my fear of dying some time back.....I know where I'm going and parts of me welcome it though I do feel I am to be in life for a stated length of time, but I also feel that opting out of what my Dr. recommended to take a chance on less proven txs was not even an option as long as it could not be determined which form of cancer I really had.....the minimal type that could go away or the one that would actually cause my life to cease.   Do I feel lucky in front of a speeding train if I don't move  ---  never.  I am very much into the fact that you have to do what is known to work for the majority.....if you don't know what factors actually influence your disease......and no one knows yet......I woud tend to go the agressive route. 

    Well, that is enough on that.  Heck, I could have it half backward.  Hope you all have a great day.  A damp day is what will more than likely happen here....drat.  Well, some are going to get snow from it, so....I will be better that way.  Whatever goes....hope you do have a great day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2009

    Hi Ladies:

    All your comments about your MIL's made me realize how blessed I have been. My first MIl was good to me, we had one disagreement, but when she saw I was right, she apologized to me, now that FIL was a different matter, he really tried my patience, but when I stood up to him, he mellowed out and was really good to me. I didn't know my second MIL too long before she died with cancer, but she was good to me. I don't understand Andy, he only speaks French, but he's a really nice man.

    I am so worried, when I did the total bone scan, they say they think they saw something in my left upper chest, they sent me for x-rays last Tuesday, and they haven't let me know a thing. My children and my hubby want me to call the Dr. and find out what's going on. I am trying to be patient and let the Dr. call me, however, I think I may be about to give in and call the Dr. why don't they realize how worried we get when they tell us something may be wrong. Don't get me wrong, I really do like my Dr. but why put me through this aggrevation.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited December 2009

    Motherof7 -- call!!

  • LavenderNLace
    LavenderNLace Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2009

    Dear Friends

    Let's show our appreciation for BCO and the wonderful work they do in providing us this place of information and support.  Chase is giving $5 MILLION dollars to a charity and all you have to do is vote for BCO.  :)

    Here is a link to the Chase Community Giving site on Facebook.  Simply become a fan of Chase Community Giving and then 'allow' the voting applications and then VOTE FOR BCO!


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Yes, Mother of 7....make that call!  Don't put yourself through any more torture and worry.  Hugs!

    Melissa, Kathleen, Jo and Spar.(any anybody else who needs it!)  ...sending good energy vibes your way! 
    Grab them quickly before they escape!  Hugs to all of you!  How well we all understand the mood swings and the low energy levels!

    I'm off to wrap Christmas presents.  How I love selecting and buying the gifts and how I dread the wrapping process!

    Catch you later.


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2009


    If you will do my shopping for me I will gladly do the wrapping for you!  You are so ahead of the game... already shopped and now wrapping!?  I am not into it yet.  Kind of waiting til my PET scan next Monday to see what happens.  AND it is muggy warm here still although a front is supposed to come through tonight and cool us off.  Hard to get in the mood when it is 85F and humid.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2009

    Good morning all

    Hugs to all who have had surgery. Hope all has gone well. 

    Motherof7 I hope that you have called - just checked the time in your part of the world and there is still time today.

    Yes most treatments start with natural ingrediants. I know of someone who opted for the natural but had to have conventional treatment in the end. You have to do what is best for you. I decided to take everything I could because I want to enjoy some retirement and see grandchildren.

    Now we just have to get DH through this heart op which he has been told will happen next week. I just want a date so that I can plan things.

    I too am lucky with my MIL, she does drive all of us crazy at times with her insistance on knowing exactly when things are going to happen, something that is difficult for her family to do but she has been very loving and caring and will do anything for us. and she is allowed to be a bit forgetful at 86 and she is still driving!

    Have just looked at the time - I have pilates or rather one hour of torture at 9.00 so had better fly

    Hope you all have a pleasant day.
