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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • palaminoridesagain
    palaminoridesagain Member Posts: 36
    edited December 2009

    Just sitting at home playing with the computer for a bit.  I sort of laughed because I don't know what group I belong in.  Am I older?  Am I 40ish to 60ish?  Actually I think I am both.  Being 59 y/o.

    I was diagnosed with stage 4 last March so I do havemy fair share of medications and would not be a happy camper if someone tried to take them away.  Especially my xanax and darvocet. And of course don't touch my chocolate.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Jeanette.....what wonderful news.  What Rita and many others have said --- it is the waiting and the agonizing thoughts that tend to pop into our heads that steal our bravery and instill a sense of foreboding.  What an intensely great feeling when you get the all clear.  Guess we sort of wonder why we didn't have just a little more faith, but we are human and always worry and fret about un-certainties and this is such a HUGE one.  I'm sure we are forgiven -- we didn't lose faith, just wavered a bit because we didn't know the direction.  I am so very happy for you. 

    Hi to everyone else today.  I hope you will all have a super Saturday.  Big day here.  The House of Hope no kill shelter is having it's grand opening today.  Many of us have waited and worked for this for such a long time -- over 8 years.  The local animal shelter only keeps animals for a brief time before they are euthanized.  We can't save them all, but we can save as many as we can hold at the House of Hope UNTIL a loving family chooses to open their hearts and life and share it with a loving pet whether it is a week or a year or however long it takes.  If no family comes along the animal will live out it's life as an honorary mascot for the Hope House and mentor to the new animals coming in.  There are and will be issues to iron out but it is a wonderful day.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

    P.S.  Hi Palomino...we were on at the same time.  I think you are the perfect age and glad to see you here.  I would not let anyone take my chocolate either.....period !!!!!!  and some drugs just have to be.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    Spar I have been thinking about you - my sister had to spend 3 months in bed while expecting her 2nd baby- with a 3 y/o running about. Thank GOD the 3 y/o was her daughter because she was happy to sit in bed with mom playing "mommy" to her babies, reading (kinda) to mother and generally having a great bonding experience- the down side- when the baby boy came Lauren (DD) was totally dejected and just knew mother didn't love her any more- came out years later- oh well, it"all comes out in the wish"- Love that one, Thanks Pam.  I so hope you are OK and that your x-ray is good.

    Pam and Rita- I looked for research on xanax- yes it can be addicting as we all know but the resaerch  did have very clear statements about "drug seekers vs. patients needing medication" My Onc. treated my request for my refill just as Jo's doc did and in fact told me to used it when my brain is ON- meaning prayer and meditation have not helped. I have taken his advice and have not needed it much this week with getting back to work. I feel as if my job is helping to divert the brain pathways away from the fear, doubt, and other issues that surround this illness. I have also been relieved with the bogginess under each arm with my "bullet proof thoracic compression bra" . Really it looks like a police vest in a neutral color, has a 3/4 inch pad covering my right chest and side and has completely reduced the LE. So I was disappointed that I could not get %'s or numbers from the research , even looked under "Street Drugs" but in the end you two have valid concerns. I will use prayer, meditation, and now that I can, bath soaks (an old comforting friend) before the xanax, but when I need it I will use it and as long as I am not rifling through it or requesting refills too often I will keep it in reserve. Pam I am very comfortable with a low dose maintenance dose especially with a patient who is conscience of herself- I don't use a maintenance dose but have one prescribed and my Med Onc is comfortable with this also. My PCP on the other hand is a witch, told me in the spring when my allergies were so bad my face was swollen that she would "give you a Kenalog shot this year but do not ask for one next year" . This is a common steroid used for allergy flares and I have had one other 5 years ago. I sat there thinking "Boy , I thought my doctor was suppose to care for me"- and then figured if I was really sick with allergies next spring I would simply go to a Quick Care!

    Palomino Welcome- I am 56 and feel at home here and these ladies are loving,accepting, supporting, caring and understanding. I love them all.

    Where is Kathleen? Where is Isabella?

    Alyson- keeping DH in my prayers.

     Jo hope this medication gives you some relief. It sounds as if CA has made Roller Derby Princesses-ON CALL  out of some of us and we have to protect ourselves. So be it- We know how tough we are- as this illness proves that too.Rock-on girls, given them the elbow, carry a Bible or tissue- that scares folks off during flu season too.

    Patoo and Jeanette- GREAT NEWS!- I don't think our worrying is  a lack of Faith because aren't we Praying while we worry-? God knows better that any of us how HUMAN we are. And I am an over the top worry wart! HE has been with me many times when I was not with HIM so ,I have a feeling HE knows me pretty well and just shakes his head.

    Jackie- How wonderful for your hard work to spare innocent animals! Congrats on the years of determination! You are your friends deserve a standing ovation!

    Must run- I feel great today and need to get things done while I feel this good physically, spiritually and psychology! LOVE YA! Have a great day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited December 2009

    Healing vibes to all those in need of them.  Glad to read about good mammo results, etc.

    We had light snow flurries here in south LA (near New Orleans) last night!  Awoke this morning to see patches of white on the neighbor's roof.  After the sun came out, Dh and I dressed warmly and went for a 2 mi. walk in the neighborhood.  I love being outside when it's cold but not bitter.  But no golf because of very wet conditions. 

    Dh and I are going to the movie this afternoon with friends and then out to dinner.  The movie is the one about the woman who adopts the black teenager. 

    I had never taken an anti-depressant until my Dx in June.  At that time I immediately stopped HRT.  I called my gyn and she recommended Effexor, which has been tested for helping with menopausal symptoms.  She gave me a starter pack.  I took a half dose for a week and then 75 mg for a week.  After that I filled a prescription and have been taking the generic since.  My hot flashes and night sweats are mild compared to what they were when I first hit menopause years back.  I'm also not experiencing the mood swings and negativism that made menopause so miserable for me.  In fact, I love the serene feeling I have most of the time.  I can deal with my mother more patiently.  I find myself happier in the present moment, which is something I strive for.  When I go for my regular appointment with my gyn in 2010, I'll discuss with her whether I should continue taking the Effexor or ease off it gradually.  I think 75 mg is a small dose.  My niece who has mental illness has taken 200 mg. daily.  Now she's on another med.  My attitude is "why should I suffer needlessly if a medication will help?"  Since I'm on Arimidex, the menopausal symptoms will probably continue.  If Effexor makes these symptoms more bearable, I'll continue taking it, too. 

    Happy Saturday to all!

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited December 2009

    I am not that good at listing what is happening to everyone. But all of you are in my heart and prayers and I wish only good things for all of you.

    I finally achieved one of my goals.  I made it to the gym. I had a hard time on chemo and it was all I could do to walk up one flight of stairs when I finished. But gradually I have gotten my strength back and today I managed to go to the gym and to work out (although lightly) for an hour.  I was hubby's guest this time, but I plan to take out a 3 month membership and to see if I can get there 3 times a week.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2009

    Welcome Palomino rides again!  No, you are not old, Ha!  I am 72 & still don't think I am old! Actually I thought I was too old to have a Mammogram this year, but Thank god I did, & just had the lumpectomy yesterday, & all is good!  I feel great, just a little tired..I have to take the bandage off, so I'll rub it with oil, to help get that darn tape off!  I think they use Duck tape, the way it feels!

    And thank you Jackie!  What profound words of encouragement you have....Thank you!  They are all so true!  And thank you leftyAKAnancy  & melissa1518... !   You girls are just great!  If everyone, no matter what problems in life they suffer could have this good of a support group, it would make their life so much more bearable!  Thank you, Thank you!  Jeannette

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2009

     nnn, pleased to see you back on this forum again. Sorry you aren't too great at the moment, HOW do you work fulltime, you are an example to us all. Keep on posting !

    I am lost in a fog of dust, alterations half way completed, what a lovely big kitchen I ended up with....12yds x10yds....but, what problems along the way! 2 windowframes need replacing, and we unearthed woodworm, which is holding up proceedings. 

    I already had a decent sized kitchen, all farmhousey, beams, crooked doorways, and big logburning stove in an inglenook fireplace, but decided to go even bigger, knocking thru to a  dining room that never got used except at Christmas. Now I just have a big open space...half filled with units, and new units all in boxes waiting to be assembled.(I like to do this bit!) no good at hanging them on the walls, but I can beat DH at assembling!

    Halfway thru knocking down wall we had to suddenly hire 2 lifting machines, realised that 6 men just couldn't lift the new beam going in....I was busy 'organising' everyone, so my lifting wasn't wanted !! Ha ha, couldn't lift a chair these days. The floor in the dining room half is wood, and was crumbling away when we shifted the carpet, so it means we get to rip all the old wood out this w/end before the men are back on Monday to put a new floor in. I am absolutely filthy, beyond filthy in fact, but I don't mind ! I don't think I shall get much ripping done with a bad back, but will get to hammer all the old nails flat 'til I get tired. I have had 2 showers, and 2 changes of clothes already today, can't bear dirty dust working into my clothes. Dh sits it out and looks a tramp at the end of the day.

    I have just cleared a space to sit at my pc, dust has got into everything I had on my desk, but will deal with that properly when the new floor is in.

    Melissa, glad you got back to work, don't go overdoing it. Are you getting any cheeky comments from your firemen, or are they all behaving like gentlemen!!? Glad your le is being put in its place with the bullet proof bra ! I am so lucky, haven't encountered le .....yet!

    Right, off to put my doggies to bed, they are so confused with all the mess, and having to be locked away all day, away from the mess, and open doors ! Give the Daxies an open door, and they'll find a cat to kill! Have managed to contain them all at one corner of the kitchen...the log burning keep them from trailing thru the thick of the mess. I have bought a baby gate to keep them from 'computer corner' they had quite a go at scratching to get thru to me, but they couldn't manage to do it, they're staying off the carpet, as they tend to pee all over carpets given the chance.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    Good evening - I have been off the computer today.  We have snow here.  We were getting accustomed to the unusual warm weather.  Suddening we have a snow covered winter wonderland!  It really is beautiful!

    Jeannette - so glad everything went well.  Yea!!!!!

    Isabella - I can just picture you and DH in the middle of rubble and dust.  I am sure this is very confusing the doggies.

    Jackie - what can I say - what a wonderful day for the animals.  You know you are woman after my own heart!  Bless you.

    Melissa - I'm here!  Just getting a late start today.

    Jo - I love your approach to protecting your side~good for you!

    Carole - I want to see that movie too.  It sounds like you have a lovely evening planned.

    Spar - I am praying your x--ray is clear.

    Mandy - good for you!  I would love to have a machine I could use in the house that doesn't involve standing.  That darm diabetic foot ulcer is not looking great - too much time on my feet.  Yikes!

    To Everyone - my theory on pain meds and anti-anxiety drugs - why suffer if you don't have to and besides you looking to relieve the terrible anxiety that comes with this disease and I don't believe you can get addicted to pain meds when you are really in pain.  They just take the edge off so you can function!  You know, years ago, they wouldn't give patients on their death bed enough medication to ease their pain because they "might get addicted." 

    There are times in my life where I have experienced shoulder and knee pain so severe that I could not move around, get dressed, or anything.  Every doctor I saw would tell me that steroids raise blood sugar (I'm a diabetic) but my physician sister always says so does pain!  This pain started when I had a flu where every bone in my body ached.  The flu subsided on a Sunday and Monday morning my legs were so painful I could stand.  One doctor kept trying to make it arthritis - I was 28 at the time!  Finally I found a rheumatologist who diagnosed it as the flu virus settling in my connective tissue - not bone disease.  Occasionally through the years that will recur and steroids are the only thing that relieves the pain.

    And, finally, being scared doesn't mean your faith is wavering.  The Lord knows us - he knows, for example, that I need a 2 x 4 upside the head for Him to get my attention!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited December 2009

    Hi all you sweet ladies.

    Jeannet so glad your surgery is done.  That is wonderful

    JO, I am sick of staying off my feet, can't even sit is the wh/ch cause of keeping it elevated.  The last 2 days I have read.  DH cooked stew and cornbread tonight that was good and bought a lemon chess pie that was great.  I told him I wanted a generous slice and when he gave it to me I told him I said I wanted a generous slice.  He said that is, I would have understood better if you said give me enough for 2 people. LOL  I'll know now.

    Palamino, I would say your young enough to fit in perfect here.  I was 58 young last month.  These are a wonderful bunch of ladies.  I also learn new words. like chooks.

    Patoo, so glad your mammo was clear. Thanks for your email. you do cheer me up

    I can't even imagine working out at the gym an hour, right now I am huffing and puffing using the wh/ch over the carpet to the bathroom.  Am so out of shape.  That is why I admire Carol, you can tell that girl is in good shape

    Isabella, are you talking weiner dogs?  In our first house we bought a wooden gate to keep him in one room because he was at that stage he chewed stuff up, he chewed right through the wood on that gate and got out, we couldn't believe it.  Another time he ate the cork off the wall as far as he could reach.  He died a few years ago of old age.  We have a young one now but he is no trouble, just so smart, sweet and loving, didn't go through the chew everything up stage.

    All of you chooks stay warm, and I love all of you.  Sherry

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    Isabella! Kathleen! Glad to hear from you. I hope everyone had a great day. Isabella I love your stories. I can see the 6 bewildered men and one good DH tramp standing about while you pound nails straight, dogs crying and raining like heck too I suppose.

    Sherri- lemon chess pie? Sounds lovely- why was your DH so stingy? I am looking for that recipe.  I know you are tired of being in bed- can't even imagine and wish I could help.

    Kathleen I agree with your every word- from the meds to the Lord and even the 2x4! We are sisters girl!

    Carole and Mandy you chooks are fine examples of how much harder I should be working and the LE therapist mentioned swimming- so I guess I need to join the guy (this should be GYM- but I guess is is a psychological fax-paw!) and take a flat chested swim! Shot , wasn't ready for that one, but then who gets to pick?

    Love ya ladies.nightie, night

  • palaminoridesagain
    palaminoridesagain Member Posts: 36
    edited December 2009

    Thanks for making me feel welcome.  I feel like I have been walking around lost for a few months now, finding it hard to find the perfect place to just talk.  Since I am on IV chemo right now, I find it difficult to figure out which pain is from chemo and which is from old age.  They all seem to have lots in common. 

    I haven't done much about Christmas this year, but my husband is trying to keep up the spirit.  He has decorated the house and I have lights in my bedroom which is where I spend most of my time when home.  Why not lay in bed and watch television?  Anyways he will get our Christmas tree this coming Wednesday.  We always get real trees and we have ornaments that are now 36 years old.  So decorating the tree brings back lots of nostalgia. 

    Illinois Lady the story about the "House of Hope" is very touching.  I have always gone to animal shelters to get my animials.  Figure if I want a pet, why not adopt one.  I think there should only be no kill shelters.  My husband has forbidden me from going to any shelter or pet shop because I guarantee I would bring another animal home.  It does feel good to be back, for the longest time I didn't know where to go.

    Melissa:  I am lucky in that most of my doctors I have worked with in the past and they basically give me what I want. I can't imagine having to hear a lecture about my xanax or my darvocet.  Just gimme the drugs.  I will be losing my ONC who I have known since 1976 when he first started his practice.  Right in the middle of IV Chemo too!  My only salvation is that I met with my new ONC when I was in the hospital and talk about eye candy.  Boy is he good looking.  I will switch to him officially on December 14th - maybeit will be good for me to have a doctor that doesn't know me.

    Jeanette:  Wow, thanks for the welcome and you sound so good just having surgery.  I say we are as young as we want to be.  I used to say as young as we feel but lately I feel old lol.  But my mind, I picture myself as a young person full of excitement and ideas.

    Isabella:  Hi to you.  To be honest, I don't know how I am working full time.  I take each day but it has become very difficult with the IV chemo.  Now that I have had my first week of it I have identified the side effects to expect and my worst days are 3rd and 4th day post chemo.  So I am switching my chemo along with my onc to Thursday.  That way I have the week-end to recover.  At lest my job is flexible with me.  I don't know about me being an inspiration to others, I think that we each do what we need to do to keep on going.  At least work gets me out of the house and around people.  Gets my mind off things if ya know what I mean.

    Sherry I am laughing because we are almost the same age too!  I feel like we are in the bizzaro world.  Actually I can't imagine you being stuck in that wheelchair for this long.  Hard to change positions when you are so limited.  Simple tasks like going to the bathroom Oh geesh!  Hoping we here good results because you have so earned it.

    Well I recognize some names and others are new.  Glad I found this spot.  Don't get much computer time during the week but this really feels comfortable here.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    nnn - boy do you fit right in here.  I think we are all 20 in our minds and some other age in our bodies - it flucuates depending on the kind of day we are having and what joints hurt and where!

    Melissa - we are sisters girlfriend! 

    Sherry - Gosh, I hope that x-ray shows a complete mending of that pesky bone.

    Everyone - have a blessed, calm and painfree Sunday.

    hope your sunday is as sweet as this ice cream mouse glitter

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Here is something I found and would like to share:

    "Then he sighed and groaned; but his voice was weak
    He was so ashamed that he could not speak.
    He knew at last that he had been a fool,
    To think of breaking the forest rule,
    And choosing a dress himself to please,
    Because he envied the other trees.
    But it couldn't be helped, it was now too late,
    He must make up his mind to a leafless fate!
    So he let himself sink in a slumber deep,
    But he moaned and he tossed in his troubled sleep,
    Till the morning touched him with joyful beam,
    And he woke to find it was all a dream.
    For there in his evergreen dress he stood,
    A pointed fir in the midst of the wood!
    His branches were sweet with the balsam smell,
    His needles were green when the white snow fell.
    And always contented and happy was he,
    The very best kind of a Christmas tree." 
    -   Henry Van Dyke, The Foolish Fir Tree 

    Hope you will all have a fantastic day. Kathleen, yes we are all quite young though when I peek over my shoulder there sure are a long line of memories strrreching so far.  It's all good though as ( good or bad ) they filled in the form of who I am. 

    Age really is just a number that we have to use to identify things in our life including how many birthdays, how many anniversaries, Christmastimes, but we don't have to attach anything much to it.  I always see myself as just gaining more experience -- not age as in OLD.  When I was really young I felt very, very old ( and since the soul never dies that is understandable ) so now another year tends to make me feel younger, but with some of the experience of having put in a certain length of time past what most people think of as young.   I may have just solved this - it's the thinking that is the problem -- if we don't do that we are ok.

    Hi to all -- I won't call you all by name but you are all my youngest friends and you know who you are.  Lets all just have a great day.  Prayers and healing energies .

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited December 2009

    Jeannette, healing vibes to you.  Hope your recovery goes smoothly without any complications.  Willl you be undergoing rads?

    Isabella, your kitchen renovation saga is most entertaining!  You seem like a person who is always in the midst of a tempest!  Maybe you can post some pictures of the finished kitchen.  Better yet, pics of you and dh tearing out that wooden floor.  You should be keeping a journal of your experiences to compile and publish.  Perils of Isabella.  We would all buy it.

    Sherry, I really feel for you in your predicament of being bedridden for a period of time.  Regular exercise helps me mentally as well as physically.  You seem to be handling your situation well.  

    The movie The Blind Side is a "feel good" story.  It brought tears to my eyes at some points.  Now I want to get the book and read it to see how closely the movie followed the actual story of Christian kindness and true charity.  Sandra Bullock was very good in her leading role.  She is actually considered a very good actress but many of her movies don't challenge her acting ability to bring out the best.  It will be interesting to follow Michael's career in the NFL.  

    Happy Sunday to all. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2009

    Hi Gals!  Man, I don't feel as good today as I did yesterday!  I guess that's normal, right?  We DID go for about a 6 block walk yesterday morning, because I felt good, & even went to Ross shopping with our oldest Daughter, but I finally just stopped, & waited for them by the door...I just ran out of steam!  But what was so funny, is I set of the alarm on the door on the way out, because of the radioactive/nuclear dye they put in for the lymph nodes, Ha!   The nurse TOLD me if I went to the Airport that would happen...but how many nutty women would go SHOPPING the day after surgery?  Embarassed  I'll learn....because I think that's why I'm so tired today! 

    I really feel good, otherwise...I thank God every minute, because my incision looks good I guess, & no pain!   Just that MammoSite tube floppin' around when I took off the bandage to replace it!  But we go tomorrow morning to the Surgeon for the "switch" then right to the radiation dept. for the "seed" treatment!  That's twice a day for 5 days!  Then I think she said something about Tamoxifen, after I go see an Oncologist....I THINK that's what she said...My brain has sort of been asleep along with the rest of me....Thank you carolehalston .....I love all you women on this site so much....I read your posts, just to see how you all are! 

    I loved your poem, Jackie.....And could someone please tell me how to copy a picture to this site again?  I did it ONCE, & can't manage it again!   Those are sooooooooo cute, that you do! 

    It's been so cold here in Denver, & SNOWY!  I'm just ready for SPRING!  Gotta start my tomatoes! 


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2009

    Spar, yes I am talking weiner dogs, I just presume you call Daxies weiners !! (Dachshunds ) I just love them., but they are a handful, always at the forefront of any trouble and mishaps. I have 5 smooths in the house, 4 smooths and one wire out in kennels. I have had them only about 15 years, and have always wished I had had them years ago....altho' as I said, as soon as theres a scuffle going on in the kitchen we rush in just expecting it to be caused by a Daxie, my other dogs (Cavalier King Charles Spaniels) are just so placid and soft, they just stand back and watch the show !! I have got a strong metal child gate, the Daxies do chew, but are not really bad at all, but better to be safe than sorry .

    Carole, am making it my mission to master my camera, and puting photos on computer. I am totally useless. I got myself a new camera way back in summer, and DID actually learn to vaguely use it. Well, I got some photos in the camera right now, but not sure what to do next. I know soooo much that I picked up the camera a few days ago, fiddled about with it, had forgotten how to use it, and my addled brain started thinking 'it must need charging' so have been rooting about thru drawers looking for a charger for a couple of days, then, I suddenly thought 'WHY do I need a charger when there are batteries in there' That just about sums up me and photography ! I will try and take some photos of my half done alterations tomorrow, tho' when I will be able to unlock the secret of getting them onto a computer I don't know !

    Jackie, your poem was lovely, I shall copy it and send to my DD.

    Jeannette, can just see you causing havoc with the alarms, didn't know this happened. Good Luck with your treatments this next week. Take things slowly, don't rush about, look after yourself.

    Hope one and all have a good week this coming week. Everyone finished Christmas shopping?? I am sick of it all, was in tears on Friday as I packed up all presents for DS DIL GD and GS, they won't be coming home for Christmas this year, have never had to pack up their things and send them, always had the pleasure of seeing my 2 grandchildren open their presents here. I am going to be very upset on Christmas Day. My DS has been staying with me all last week, I was a wreck when I saw his car disappearing down my lane, knowing it will be the very first Christmas since he was born I will not be celebrating with him. What is it with mothers and sons ?? I would walk under a train for him ! Theres just something I can never put my finger on ! He has always lived reasonably close to me, but moved half way down the country 18 months ago, too far away for me to just pop off for a couple of hours and see them all, its really affected me, I just miss him around, don't think I will ever get over it !!  I even still get upset when he rings me, well, after he's got off the 'phone. I rush for the phone when I hear his voice !!


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited December 2009

    Have you seen one of the cream color daxies with freckles?  They are such a wonderful dog.  They choose a specific person though, Chico has chosen Tom and if he goes somewhere he sits on the back of the couch and wines and looks toward the door until he comes back.  Sometimes he will sit by me but let DH walk in the room and he is gone.

    I know what you mean my son moved close to 2000 miles away when he was 18 with my 18 month old grandbaby, joined the air force.  Now that baby is 19 years old and he still lives on the east coast but saying he is homesick and would like to move home.

    Jeanette, try to take it a little easier. You probably should give your body time to rest and adjust.

    Carol, my grandkids called me tonight to tell me I just had to go see the blind side so it must be really good.

    Jackie I liked the poem.  I may have to write some that my mom has written she is so good with poetry and has been recognized several times in magazines.

    Kathleen, my sunday wasn't that sweet, when I saw that picture I started craving ice cream! Me too on healing this pesky bone.  They said it could be my age or the diabetes, any number of things.  I am willing to do the bedrest if I can walk normally again.  Can't wait to get out of this house.

    Palomino, one year difference in our ages.  I am the baby. LOL.  Some days I feel like a teenager and some days I feel like an old lady and sometime I look in the mirror and think, what happened where did all that extra flesh come from.  Gotta start a diet and exercise soon.  I will be glad when you get your chemo days switched and hope that works much better for you.

    Where is northstar that started this thread.  I would like to say thank you.

     Allyson, I am really curious what is happening in your weather right now.  It is summer there, right?

    Melissa, love you girl.

    Love all you lovely life saving ladies.  Hi JO

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    Yes JANETTE,  This is supposed to be your time to recover. You make me tired just reading it- have a rest and eat well, deep breath, and walk and rest again.It is not the age but the current need of the the body.

    Jackie the poem is lovely- just lovely and I appreciate you posting it,

     Yes where is Northstar?

    and Carole thanks for getting Isabelle to post picxs- maybe you can teach me later- Spar dearest I feel like you do with this bullet proof bra I have to wear- if it works to get the LE down, I will do it- I am hoping daily that your bone heals correctly and you are up on your feet!

    Jo is the medicine working??? Hopefully.

    Allyson, thinking about DH, you, praying for skillful surgeons,compassionate nurses, and strength to you, & courage to DH.

     Monday will be 7 weeks from my BLM, had a great day Saturday and this morning was fine and at 2 was flat on my back!  Ya got ta give the body what it needs or you will get zapped! I did. Night ladies, need more rest. Love ya  and sweet dreams.Melissa

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Good morning gals!

    Carole, I'm glad you liked Blind Side.  I think our golfing group is going out to dinner on Friday night and then to see the movie.  I've heard lots of good things about it.  Maybe I should take Kleenex, eh?  I cry at the "drop of a hat" anymore.  Oh, by the way, you left Illinois too soon.  We have a covering of snow on the ground here in Central Illinois and the northern ladies are reporting up to 6 inches of the wretched stuff!   LOL

    Hey Jackie...did you get snow in southern Illinois over the night?'re right!  There is something special about mothers and their sons.  Mine lives in Kentucky and will be here this Christmas, but then next Christmas he will go to Nebraska to his wife's family.  I get depressed on the off years and although I know it is only fair, I just can't shake that depression so I understand what you are saying.  Anyone else have the same situation?   When I was growing up my grandparents lived within 30 miles of one another so we could do Christmas Eve with one set of them and Christmas day with the other.  I guess I never really thought about having to travel long distances for the holidays and split them up. naive we are as children!   LOL

    Motherof7..thanks for your prayers for my check-up tomorrow.  You are a real sweetie and I do appreciate your thoughts and prayers..........and they do help!

    Well, I have a leisurely day at home today regrouping things from the weekend, wrapping a few more packages and making a meatloaf for dinner tonight.  I never did get my ironing done the other day so that's on the docket, too.

    Sending good thoughts and prayers to those of you who are doing surgery or treatments this week.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    Jackie - love your story and love you - you did solve that problem of getting older.  I always did want to change the title to "Can we have a forum for really experienced people with bc."  My cousin's daughter has an old soul.  I think her brother might too.

    Jeannette - that's what I call a hard core shopper.  You realize that all the anesthesia is not quite out of your system yet.  With my shoulder replacement, I too can set off alarms!

    Spar - it is my considered opinion that diabetes is responsible for everything wrong with you.  Every time I come up with something new I found out that diabetics are susciple to that particular ailment.  Phooey.  Sorry I tempted you with the ice cream!

    Melissa, hope all is well with you.  Happy 7 week cancerversary.  On December 19 it will be my one year cancerversary - hard to believe its been a year already.

    Allyson, praying for your DH - the surgery is tomorrow, yes?  I might suggest when you pick him up from the hospital you bring a pillow to protect his chest from the seatbelt.

    Isabella - you are a caution - I think the series should be called The Adventures of Isabella!

    Rita - I'm saying prayers for you to have a great checkup.

    To all my other 'experienced' friends, have a wonderful day.l

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Stopping by this morning to say hi.  Light snow on the ground, but I don't think it will stay.  Five minutes of solar rays would probably do most of it in -- but gee, we might have a White Christmas.  Part of me is ready but that is mainly due to the cold temps we have had the last few feels like winter. 

    Well, it's late and I need to get breakfast going.  I'll be stopping by later.  See you all then.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    Jackie - we have snow on the ground - about 4 inches.  Although we get snow every year - the snow trucks act like it is the first snow they have ever seen.  I like a white Christmas - snows Christmas morning and by Christmas evening it is all gone.  Is that asking too much?

    BTW - to those looking for Northstar, I looked up Northstar and the last she posted was 11/24/09 but not to the site.  They only go back so far but in what was displayed, she had no postings on this site.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2009

    Hi all about to go over to the hospital. Thank you for all the prayers and support, I think it is going to be a long day. The op is in about fours hours time.

    At least I have the playgroup Christmas Party to help take my mind off things.

    Will keep you posted. Kathleen, thanks for the advice about the pillow.

    Spar it is early summer here, yesterday was hot but it it a bit cloudy today. Auckland can get a lot of rain being on an isthmus (and on a narrow island as well)


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2009

    Spar, all my Daxies are either reds, black and tans or silver dapples, and the wire is a brown brindle. Luckily they've all 'fixed' on me, or unluckily sometimes when I get sat in front of the fire, and they're all climbing all over me. I have trouble with their long clawky nails, always catching my arms as I pick them up. They don't like the grandchildren tho', and will go sit quietly in their beds 'til the coast is clear....I wouldn't exactly trust them with very small squeaky toddlers either !

    I'm pleased its not just me who misses their son, DH gets a bit funny sometimes with me  ( jealous maybe??) Not his son, so I have to be careful when I say just how much its upsetting me that DS doesn't live near me anymore. DH will soon hit on me and pull me up for going on about DS, so I keep quiet ! They've known one another 26 years now, but theres still this little something that DH thinks he should be No1 !!!  DS looks on DH as 'dad', as DH No1 has been off the scene 30 years now, and has never bothered with his children, he has never even seen his grandchildren, doesn't know how many there are even, and he's lived within 25 miles of both my kids all the time they were growing up. Men !! I don't think he would recognise either of them now. I just cannot understand completely blanking a whole family off, we women would never do this. (actually, for all we know he could be dead now !!)

    I am actually just sitting waiting to go to bed. I haven't much chance for a while! I have a litter of puppies being born, she's had 1, on her own, but I will always stay with them, especially as this is a first litter. I have been a bit naughty, and given her a jab to hurry things along. I don't do this when its daytime, and I am around, but on a night I do not want to sit it out 3 or 4 hours, it will be time to get up ! This jab, will get her popping them out, and she'll probably have another 4 within the hour, so I can settle her down and get off to bed.  I am tired out, went shopping today, trying to finish off my Christmas shopping,, but I could hardly walk, my back was playing up. I went into a big department store, and borrowed a cart, and leant my way around on that, then, cheekily, I borrowed it and walked myself to the car park, and left the cart there !  I was late back, we have had some flooding,  I was trying to get home the quick way, by the back roads, as it was rush hour, There were no 'flooded road ' signs and I wasn't sure where I was, and suddenly the road infront of me was flooded, so I had to turn round, and try and find my way back. It took me a while to get myself on a road that took me back to the main roads. I won't use a satnav....well., I can't use a satnav, its like cameras and mobile phones, I just got left behind !!!!  All his time it was lashing down wih rain, and my electric windows don't work, so I couldn't look out of the side of my car to see where I was !! What a day I have had. I still have all my shopping piled up on my bedroom floor to sort out ....roll on tomorrow !!


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited December 2009

    Well my older daughter can' get home for the holidays so home is going to her. By that I mean, hubby, younger daughter and me will all fly out to San Francisco on December 23 and stay for a week.  I am so glad that we can be together.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2009

    What a good family you are, Mandy.  And San Fran would not be a bad place to be for Christmas.  Hope you have a great time.


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited December 2009

    Just popping in to say goodnight, hope you all have had a good.  Love you all. It is late so going to bed, hopefully more computer time tomorrow.  Downloaded some stuff that messed the computer up. Finally it is working again.

    one more thing, Isabella, I can't make my mind up between the female silver dappel or the fawn female dappel.  They are both so precious.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2009

    Hi gals!  Man, it is FREEZING here this morning...6 degrees, & snow will be around her until next June, I think! 

     I went for the "switch" yesterday morning, & it really hurt, even more so than the actual surgery, BUT this new "prototype" MammoSite device is going to be amazing!  If I had known what to expect, or studied this, I would have been prepared...So I looked it up this morning, & now I'm not worried about what is going on...I couldn't figure out why they just didn't put this one in during surgery, instead of "switching" it yesterday.  In fact, I'm still going to ask when we go back this morning...They have to be so precise, when placing this, & a LOT of tests are being done, like measuring, placement, no "air" around the device, etc...before I actually get the "seeds!"  But SHOULD be either today, or tomorrow, twice a day for 5 days...

    And this takes the place of the 6 weeks of Rads....This new "prototype" will help more women to be able to use this procedure...It depends on the size of the cancer, where it is, which means not close to the skin or bones, & what grade it is I think.  I hope this will help a lot more women to get this type of radiation than the "standard" type!  There are quite a few web-sites that explain it.

    So we're going out into the frozen tundra this continue on this "venture!"  Happy Days girls! Jeannette

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Good morning.  I'm just stopping in to say hello to a beautiful group.  Jeannete, I think you have your fighting spirit all ready to go and your sea legs under you.  Onward to great health.

    I'll be checking in later and hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited December 2009

    I wish you the best, Jeannette.  I don't quite understand your procedure but it sounds great to reduce the rads treatments from weeks to days.  Be safe in that icy weather. 

    Spar, hope you had a good night's sleep.

    It's raining, raining, raining here.  Has been raining for days with more in the forecast.  Dh and I are cooking up some food for neighbors today.  They're sitting with a father/father in law who is under hospice care in the hospital.  I also may finally get out the ironing board and catch up on ironing. 

    Hope everyone has a happy Tuesday.