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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2009

    Hi all, hope you had a good day. It was beautiful yesterday, not sure about the temperature and it looks like another warm day. So it appears that summer is here at last.

    That was a very long day yesterday. DH went to theatre just after 10, was back in ICU at 3.30 and finally managed to come aroung at 10 pm. I had gone home about 8.30 but went back in with DDs as he wanted to see us and he also wanted to know the cricket score!!! The op went well, valve replacement and double by-pass. The drugs have really knocked him, ICU were getting worried that he wasn't responding as he should. We will go in again at 11 this morning.

    Now I can think about Christmas. The tree is up DH insisted we do it last weekend so Bea could see it!! She though it was great but we have had to put the fire guard aroung it! And my DS will be home this time next week and like you other mothers I do miss my baby boy.It is his birthday tomorrow.  He has been away for 15 months so it will be great to see him even if it is only for two weeks. His father is really looking forward to seeing him. DH is worse than I am with DS and they have always got on well.DH likes having his family close by, I think a lot of his attitude is because his father died when he was a teenager.

    Had a lovely Playgroup party yesterday morning, the little ones were lovely especially when we took them over to the church to get their Christmas presents.

    Must get dressed. My sister and I are going to walk up to a new food store that has just opened not very far away and if it is like their others it will have coffee. I love a cup of coffee but these days can only drink two at the most in a day not unlike pre BC days when I drank up to 10.

    Must away on the coffee hunt.

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2009

    Good Afternoon to All you Wondeful Ladies:

    I spent most of the day yesterday in Jacksonville, FL, i had a new great granddaughter, Veronica Rose, they are going to call her Rose, she was just too cute. She was 7lbs.4oz. and 19.4 inches long. My grandson looked so proud as he looked at his daughter.

    I was wondering if I should celebrate Nov.24 or today Dec.8, they took the lump out of my breast on Nov.24, but they didn't actually tell me it was cancer until Dec.8, either way, I've made it a whole year. Thank the Lord for his many blessings. Last year around this time I was so devasted with my news that I had breast cancer, until I wasn't sure I would live another year. Jesus is so great!


    So glad to hear your through with your surgery. I am so glad that everything is working out for you, and yes, Jesus had you in His loving arms all the way. We are looking forward to hearing more good news from you.


    Thanks for your ideas on how to make people quit hitting our bad sides. I guess they don't realize how much it hurts when they just pat us as they are saying, my hubby always says i just tapped you. I asked him one day:"If I just tap your bad knee, do you think it would hurt?" He said don't touch my knee, I said well quit tapping my bad side, of course, he got mad and said he didn't touch me that hard. Maybe you're right, maybe i just need to scream real loud next time he just taps me on my bad side. Thanks


    I wonder if we will ever get people to realize they really are hurting us even though they think their little taps don't hurt.

    To All You Ladies;

    I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a joyful and healthy New Year.

    For all who are waiting on test results, I pray they are all good. For those of you who are suppose to stay in bed, please do. I know sometimes we don't always do what we're suppose to do. I'm quilty of doing that myself sometimes. Just follow Dr.'s orders and here's wishing you all good health.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2009

    Spar....go for them both !!!!!!  I've never seen a fawn dapple, so can't comment, but do love my silvers. I have a silver stud dog (and a black and tan) so half of all the puppies I get are usually silver. I had a litter of Cavalier King Charles' in early hours of this morning, 5, so have some babies to care for again, I don't like life without puppies around, I sold my last puppies at the end of October, so have had a gap, and I didn't like it !

    Not a lot going on today. Had an appointment with my physio, who has signed me off....she says she cannot resolve my problem with just has not made one little bit of difference to the constant pain. She has referred me to the neurosurgeon, (which my GP did last week, lets hope its the same neuro, or they'll be doing parallel ops !!) so looks like an op. is on the cards for me.....oh, goody ! I have been feverishly reading up about various ops, and scaring myself. I think I will just have to shut it all out 'til I get the consult. which could easily be April.....we are supposed to have the right to a first consult within 16 weeks !

    There is an article in my paper today saying that people who are lonely are 30% more likely to get bc, what will they come up with next ? There was another  BC article, in the same paper, but I just cannot remember what that was spouting !! some ridiculous theory no doubt. WHY can 'they' not spend some of the billions raised and look for some worthwhile research project to spend our cash on.

    We are still having rain, rain, rain, it is driving me mad, as my lawns have now turned black with all the mud, and the dogs are bringing it all in on their little tootsies.

    Motherof7. Congratulations, babies are the best.

    Alyson, glad your DH is over his op. here's hoping for continued good health for him now.

    I am going for an early night tonight, probably the laptop in bed for an hour. I am always scared I will fall asleep , and the laptop will come crashing down on the bedroom far it hasn't happened.


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited December 2009

    Motherof7, how wonderful to have a new grandbaby.  They are just so sweet, there are no words.

    it was cold, rainy, and foggy all day today, had a fire in the fireplace and read most of the day

    Alyson, I just can't get my head around your seasons are opposite ours.  it just seems, well, different. So thankful your husband is doing better

    Isabella, I really can't afford them both right now but I am sure my little black and tan and whatever female I get will make me some precious babys

    This is the fawn

    This is the silver.  What is your opinion?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2009

    Hi Jo!  Have you ever tried Ranitidine for your heart burn or Hiatal Hernia?  I have been taking them now for at least 6 years...They are the Generic for Zantac!  I only take one a day of the 125 milligram!  Or 2 of the 75!  You can get them at Costco or Walmart, or I have even ordered them on ebay!  If I don't take one, that pain, drives me nuts!  And it can come in the middle of the night sometimes!    You don't need a prescription either, & the other meds like Prilosec are expensive & do the same thing!   It's worth a try, & won't hurt you!  See if it helps!

    I'm going in for my first MammoSite radiation treatment today!  The "balloon" is all set, & they said everything looks good...I have those plastic tubes coming out under my arm, and around to the back, & held up with that tube-top attractive boob sleeve, Ha!  I can't reach it all, so my DH will have to "clean" it this week-end, before I finish my treatments Mon & Tues!  

    Yeah, I did go shopping the day after...I just felt so good!  And my Daughter from Orlando thinks shopping makes a great day, Ha!  But the next day I was tired, & didn't feel that great.   I actually washed clothes, hung them on a rack, & fooled around the house...No more walks though...It is so DARN cold here!  8 below zero right now...Just plain freezin' out!!!  You have to hold something in front of your face when you walk out!  But it's supposed to get "warmer" tomorrow...Maybe up to freezing!

    Spar....I LOVE your babies!  How fun!  My heart just loves all little creatures!  They just make life fun! 

    Hi Jo!  I swear, my age says 72, but it just doesn't FEEL like it!  Still do my hair in hot rollers every morning, put my face on, & get ready to welcome in another day!   Maybe it's because I'm happy...Attitude is everything...It wasn't ALWAYS this way, but if things really get lousy, and you can work them out, it just makes life worth it all.  And my Husband still thinks he is in control of the universe....I like to let him think that...but it really threw him, when this cancer thing came up.

    We're all Okay again though...Just wish this WEATHER would warm up a little!  So fun to read about you gals!  Talk to you later! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Good morning puppies are so chubby, cuddly and warm...what is not to adore about them....God's little gifts. 

    Yes, we do have to get used to EVERYTHING does cause cancer -- I try to take everything with a grain of salt because in all of what we have read -- we may have accidentally ""read"" the real answer.  Someday we will know.

    Jo -- my stomach/heartburn issues were during chemo.  Dr. forgot to give me a script for Prilosec but finally after esophageal thrush figured out I needed it.  I probably should have taken it longer.  Was one pill a day before I ate anything and it sure did the trick -- gave me back my cast iron stomach.  Now and then it flares, but just like you don't get the actual liquid in the throat and take a couple of those small Titricale tablets and that soothes it right away.  Hope you get a good handle on that -- it's un-pleasant as all get out, especially at 2 a.m. on a trip to the bathroom. 

    It's cold as the dickens here in southern Illinois -- gusty 50 mile and hr. winds and snow in it though right now so sparse nothing would show up on the ground. 

    Hope you will all have a great day.


  • emegram
    emegram Member Posts: 60
    edited December 2009

    Hello Ladies:  I want to join your group of "older" ladies with BC.  I am 62 yrs old, received my diagnosis on 10-13-09 after a needle biopsy, had a lumpectomy & sentinel node biopsy on 11-4-09.  I had a port placement last week and am scheduled for my first chemo treatment on 12-16-09.  Local radiologist "watched" this area in my breast for 2 years, with my going back every six months for compression mammos & ultrasounds.  During this last six month period, the area had changed & a needle biopsy was recommended.  Why didn't I take charge of my own health and have a biopsy two yrs ago, I keep asking myself??  Now the tumor size was 1.8 cm with one lymph node cancerous. 

    Don't mean to sound like I'm whining, but have to admit that I am very nervous about getting my 1st chemo treatment.  I will have six treatments - three weeks apart.  I live in very rural Nebraska and have to travel 70 miles to the closest cancer center for the treatments.  I also still work full-time, so my hair (or lack thereof) concerns me.  And, last week, I came down with a chest cold which has just ZAPPED me!!

     Anyway, I would like to correspond with you ladies who have "been there and done this."  Any of your suggestions for getting through the next few weeks will be sincerely appreciated.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2009

    HI BEV, WELCOME!  It's just that sometimes we think we are doing the right thing, & find out we could have done it a little different!  We can ALWAYS second guess ourselves!  And Doctors are all different, as we, their patients are!  I just thank God a Mammogram found mine, & if it weren't for the quick action of all concerned, I could have easily waited also!  AND you must be having TERRIBLE weather now also, right?  We are in a deep freeze here in Denver....So miserable to get to those appointments when it is below 0...But at least I live close!  

    We will always listen to you....& believe me, if you read all the posts there are PLENTY women who have been in the same boat as you, so we can all help & support you, & are always here to make you smile & give you hugs!  Keep your chin up girl!  And keep questioning your Doctors!  Look everything up on the Internet!  The more information you can find, really helps!  Jeannette

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Hi Bev and a great big hardy welcome to you.  Bev, I don't know why, but I think some Dr's just watch for awhile.  I too went every 6 months for a couple of years or more.....then right before it was time for the next 6 mo. ordeal I find we no longer have Ins.  When I called my Dr's ( PCP ) office and told them I heard a very large intake of breath.  Everyone must have known I had cancer then -- but no one whispered a word of any sort of hint.  I too must have been in some sort of strange denial to think a Dr. would watch something so long.

    Anyway, we are hear for you.  First, the American Cancer Society has a Feel Great -- Look Good Seminar -- usually at your local cancer center.  They have large make-up kits put together with name brand donated make-up......and they will teach you how to make the most of your looks while you are dealing with your chemo and hair loss.   Also, they sometimes have donated hats, scarves, wigs and you can choose one for yourself if you like.  I got my wig that way and people really liked it.  It was a brown shade with sorta of red streaks in it.....becoming if I do say so myself.  Also, there are companies that sell mail order wigs.  You might google that and you will get a list.  I used scarves a lot and reserved my wig for when I went to work.  I was just more comfortable that way.

    No doubt about it -- it's off putting to lose your hair and I got my hair cut really short to start with.  Then about 19 days after my first chemo treatment, and after my scalp had been hurting for a few days, the hair started coming out in clumps.  I just went to the local beauty college and had it all shaved off.  I felt a little stronger I think because I chose when --- rather than waiting for every last little clump to fall out in my hands, or my sink.  Felt better controlling something about all of this.

    You will more than likely be somewhat up and down with your emotions, but you have a lot of overall support here and be sure and ask as many questions as you can of your medical/chemo center team.  If they give you meds, most will work better if you take them before you actually have symptoms.  If you wait till you do....then you will be trying to catch up and it will make things a whole lot harder.  You will find there is a cycle to your chemo......with not feeling too bad the first couple of days after getting it -- and then side effects kick in, and remain for a short while, and then all of a sudden you will notice that you are feeling much better.  It is cumulative so the first time or two could be easy......and then there are a few people who just did not have bad side effects and this could be you.  No one really knows how it is going to go down.

    Most of us are filled with terror to get the chemo, but once you have done it, you'll probably ( we hope anyway ) wonder what the fuss was all about.  It will seem anti-climatic.  Hopefully someone will go with you each time -- not a good thing to go alone and will be able to drive for you. 

    There is almost always someone here who has an answer for most of your questions, but other than that, we are just here for you.  Most people don't get what it is like to go through all of this, even sometimes your own family.  So, you can come here and rant and rave, cry or scream,  or be totally down in the dumps.  We all get emotional now and then.  By the way....I too had to go about 70 miles away from home for my chemo every three weeks and it went in thru I.V. drip.  Didn't have a port.  Just know we are all here for you Bev.  Hope that cold gets way better.  They won't do the chemo if your blood counts are low etc. 

    See you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    Jo I have read that "sedentary lifestyle causes cancer" HOGWASH , just read on any illness : sedentary life style" "coffee", "loneliness" That one takes the cake- oh yeah Cake causes cancer- why don't they just admit - they don't know.??? I agree with the millions of dollars we should be some where closer to finding a cure, prevention. 30 years ago while taking the worse chemo, My mother said "I have to do this to help others in the future" - I felt so bad for whining about seeing her suffer, but sometimes I wonder how far it got them- and her onc- he treated her like a Guinea pig- "Oh come in so I can take a picture...." I was sick of him , I can tell you. God rest her tired sole- but she did not die of BC!

    Bev welcome- I did not have to do chemo but will think of you daily and these women are the best! You have come to the right place because they will help with anything, including taking your mind off the scares. It is a pure joy to read about one another's adventures.

    Spar- love them babies. Can never get enough "puppy smell". MY DH and I go to the pet store just "to get a puppy fix" and are such suckers. I am sure 2 more dogs are in our future when we move.

    Isabella ,maybe we should let our new ones have a littler or two- the only thing is how to part with them? I can remember when my dog had puppies my sister and I hid them from my parents in hope that we could keep them all! They always wiggled out of our hiding places and got snatched up.

    Alyson- Great news about DH- Love the part about him wanting to know the cricket score- about sums up men, right? oh well, again so happy all is well.

    Jackie- They probably accidentally came up with the right answer and it got lost in the sea of Cancer Research material. You could be right- I would give anything to have the others spared of the worry.

    Pam- I think it was you a few (maybe several) postings ago that taught me to live in the moment and that REALLY helps. I was putting up a small Christmas tree and was thinking of my BIG one that I usually put up and said" NO this could be the best one ever, because it and I are here together now" If it wasn't Pam- then thanks to whomever.

    Jeanette keep us posted- that is on your activities and your treatment- what are you doing today? I am glad you had fun- take my advice- don't on-line shop until the anesthesia wears off. I bought a DVD of Errol Flynn (in his tights playing Robin Hood) in Korean- it is too funny and don't remember doing it but it is right there on my e bay account. DH did not think it was too funny when he put it in the DVD player-- I died laughing, however.

    Jackie our farmhouse is outside of Rolla Mo and the furnace won't kick on-  the heating and cooling guy is supposed to be out there today- sure hope he shows up! Did you get sticking snow?

    Here is a shout out to Carol- what are you up too lately? How is father/father-in-law? Comfortable I hope.

    Got ta go , should be working. Love ya

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2009

    Spar....lovely pictures..I'd go with the silver dapple any day !! The fawn doesn't seem to have as much dappling, unless its the way the photos have taken. I like a dapple to look like a dapple, and the silvers really look showy when all the colours come out, and they shine ! My silver stud dog is marked very like the little puppy...he's called Ronald...because I called at McDonalds on my way home from buying him....I am always at a loss to know what to call my dogs. My favorite dapple is called....wait for this .... Hahaha....the vets pee themselves when she has to go for treatment....I was really stuck for a name,  she went about a month unnamed, then she started to curl her lip up and 'grin' at me, so she got Hahaha, she is very small as well, too small to breed from, but hopelessly cute, and with the biggest mouth on earth, she makes a right racket, way above the other Daxies.

    Approx what do Daxies cost over your side of the pond?? I get, on average £850 per puppy, can't be bothered to calculate that ! but will it be about $1500 ??? I exported 3 to Germany, of all places, 3 years ago, and got £2000 each ! Apparently they were after my bloodlines....I've also exported to Italy and France. They are quite a  popular dog here, get lots of requests, but won't have anymore for about 10 months. I'm on the look out for a nice little Pekingese at the moment, I want a tiny one, a 'sleeve' Peke, so called because they were carried about by the Chinese emperors in their sleeves, I always used to have Pekes around, but they all died off slowly, it must be 3-4 years since I lost my last one. The sleeve Pekes are so bl**dy hard to find tho'.

    Welcome Bev, good luck with your treatment, we will see you thru'.... just pop in whenever you're feeling able, someone here will always have an answer.

    I have been talking dogs tonight, my favorite things in the world....apart from cows, and sheep, and farming, and gardening, and sewing, and grandchildren....notice DH does NOT appear on this list at the moment??!! He threw a bit of a fit in the DIY store today. I was stupid enough to mention to him that I had settled on a very pale yellow for my kitchen paint. That was, until I saw the most lovely shade of  pale sage green. I had already put 4 big cans of yellow in my cart, he 'just cannot understand' why I never make up my mind !!!!....I do.... eventually.... but I usually sort it out in my head BEFORE I mention it to him!!! I just made the big mistake of not keeping my mouth shut until I had got the final colour into my cart !! I admit I kept trying to shake him off, to go look at wood, or something, but he stuck to me like glue today, so I couldn't load, and re-load my cart in peace !!!!!!! He wasn't in the best of mindframes when the post arrived today, and I got a postcard from my favorite dress shop, to say their sale starts early this year, tomorrow, and I said 'goody'  WRONG again, I should have thrown it in the bin and ignored it !! ( I do try and get my post shifted before he can see whats going on in my world, TMI for him !! )


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2009

    HI Everyone!

    A subject came up with DH tonight and I need your input.  

    I am not as strong as I used to be.  I attribute it to residual effects of radiation which I finished in mid June.  I did not have chemo, just a lumpectomy so I know I have had an easy time, as BC treatment goes.   I was not, am not complaining but DH asked why it seems harder for me to do certain things.  Even little things are harder: opening a jar, tearing a sealed wrapper open, opening one of our doors that always sticks.  Oh my gosh, bending over !  Although that stiffness might be more due to Arimidex which I have taken since mid June.

    I can do anything I want, just have to try harder,  pace myself, and do it in phases.

    Has anyone else experienced this kind of change?  What do you blame it on... other than age :)   I exercise, eat a good diet, have no other health issues.  I have had arthroscopic surgery on both knees this year but got along fine there.  If you experienced this, did it get better? When? And why, do you think?

    Thanks.  Maybe I'll be able  to tell DH I am not the only one.


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Hey ladies!  Good evening!  I had an early Christmas present.  My mammo, tests, and check-up were all O.K.  Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers.

    Motherof7...congrats on that new great granddaughter and congrats on reaching that one year mark!  I think most people celebrate their cancerversary on the diagnosis date.

    Bev...welcome!  What type of chemo will you be doing?  It doesn't happen to be CMF does it?

    Pam, I think the arimidex is the culprit!  I have a lot harder time doing some of the simpler things and my strength is not what it was before I started taking the Arimidex.  I'm hoping it will return when I finish the drug.

    Well, I'm beat.  I will be back tomorrow to get caught up on the posts.  We're such a chatty group that it's hard to miss a day!


  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited December 2009

    Pam, it is probably a little bit of Arimidex and a smidgen of age. I do have some issues like yours re strength-wise and I don't bend over or get down on my knees for anything these days.  I have some of those box cutter type knives in different places i.e, laundry, kitchen, bathroom, sewing table so that I can open anything that has been sealed by a machine.  

    I went for my 3monthly check-up with my Onc today, sitting in the waiting area, mentally muddling about which aches and pains to tell her about, and feeling more and more sorry for myself by the moment. There was a lady wearing a turban, sitting at right angles to me, next to the pharmacy window, whom I assumed to be a B.C. patient.  When her name was called, she went to the counter  and was handed a shopping bag full of packets and bottles of meds, all of them different sizes and shapes .

    My personal pity party ended right then, as I know that if I was taking that many meds, I would go crazy just trying to slot them into times, before meals-after meals, once/twice a day etc, let alone dealing with the se's some of those meds would be sure to have. 

    I agree that pacing yourself is the best way to get things done. What's the point of driving yourself all day today, when you might be too sore tomorrow to even do done thing?


    PS.  My Onc said I was doing well 1 year after dx of mets.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Hey Melissa, You mentioned Rolla, MO.  My son graduated from the University of Missoui Rolla and I visited there several times.  He was in their 5 year engineering program.  That is LOVELY country and I found my all-time favorite wine at a winery a few miles outside Rolla in St. James.  I'd been for a parent weekend at the University and spotted the wine tasting sign on the way home.  My car brakes for all wineries and yard sales so naturally I pulled in.  Now I try to stay away from the wine except for special occasions.  Cry

    Pam, I have been going to a Yoga class and I think that helps with the flexibility and builds up the core muscles.  I asked for a yoga DVD for Christmas so I can do some of the moves at home. Of course I don't think a Yoga DVD sounds like nearly as much fun as Melissa's!  However, the yoga also helps with relaxation.  I've always been a type A person and have always had a hard time relaxing so this has been very helpful to me.

    Sheila, I'm so glad that you're doing well!  You are so right.  If we only look around us we can see so many others who are so much worse off than we are.  Sometimes, though, it's just hard to see through the fog! 

    You ladies will be pleased to know that the ironing is done with no catastrophes!  LOL

    Today I'm tackling the Christmas cards and meeting a bc survivor for lunch.  We went through our treatments at the same time and she's moved to SC and is back for a few days.  Isn't it amazing the bonds we make with our sisters?  Hugs to all of you!

    To those of you in the colder climates, stay warm to day.  It's only 9 degrees here this morning!


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2009


    Do you have a specific yoga DVD in mind?  Would you share a title?  I had already been thinking of doing something like that.  I do walk a lot but that does not help arms, hands and tummy where I need it the most.

    I guess it is cold in Missouri right now!  All over actually.  My daughter in So. California says it is freezing (well, not quite).  Was 85 here yesterday but 75 this AM and supposed to get colder as the day goes by.

    I am off to see the pulmonologist this AM to get the results of my PET scan.  My GP already read them to me over  the phone :) but I will pretend I don't know.  I just cannot stand the suspense.  I was really anxious over this one... just knew we were asking for trouble.  But all came back clean and I am tremendously relieved.   This "official" certification of NED has really boosted my spirits and cleared my mind.  Now just need to get my body on board.

    Stay warm everyone!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited December 2009

    Bev, so sorry to have to welcome you to our group of older bc ladies.  I would whine, too, given your circumstances.  You have to wonder if the cancer couldn't have been detected sooner during this "watching" period.  Why not go ahead and do the biopsy?   Now all you can do is think positive about the chemo treatment.  Can you get some time off work?  As for the hair, there are nice wigs and hats and scarves to deal with that.  Winter is better than summer, I would think.  Wishing you a full recovery.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    Boy, take a day off and you are hopelessly behind in what's going on here!

    First, Alyson - so glad DH did so well getting through his surgery and I know you are relieved.

    Rita - glad the ironing went well with no mishaps. 

    Sheila - I kind of feel the same way - everytime I have a little pity party I see someone so much worse off (and not just from bc) I feel really guilty about moping over my little problems.

    Isabella - it doesn't seem to take much to set DH off!

    Spar - those puppies are too darn cute.

    Pam - I have the same problem only I can't blame it on anything but age.  Part of the strength problem is the replacement shoulder I had done in June but I had problems in that shoulder before I shattered it.  I have not been able to squat down for years.  I have to use the stair railings to pull myself up the stairs and can't open anything without a knife, boxcutter, scissors or a jar opener!

    As to "studies" of what causes cancer - rubbish.  Half the things I read about eating certain food reducing your changes of getting it I've eaten all my life.  I had, many years ago, read about hair dye causing cancer in laboratory animals.  The truth was you would have to drink about a gallon a day for some period of time!  Ever since then, I don't believe a word anyone says about the subject - there are just too many variables in any study - animals or humans.  We are well on the way to detroying our planet - who's not to say it has something to do with that?  The other thing that in the past the lifespan was much shorter they didn't have time to get cancer.  Look at all of us - we're over 50 when we got it.  That can't be the total answer either since much younger women are getting bc.

    MOtherof7 - what a blessing!  A new great grandchild - if you can, post a picture - I LOVE babies.

    Bev - WELLCOME!!!!  If it were not for this web site I would be insane.  No one understands this bc ride we are on better than these ladies.  You not only get an outlet for your anger, frustration, sadness, etc, but you will find a fountain of information here.  These are intelligent, vibrant warriors here that are the most supportive folks you will ever find.  I love all of them and you will come to also.

    Love and hugs to all my "breast" friends!

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    Isabella - I just looked up "sleeve" pekes which are also called Empress Pekes - here's a pic of one

    From what I just read - they are an accident of nature.  You cannot breed two of these dogs and expect to get a litter of Empress puppies.  The mother could have a litter of regular sized pups which would kill her.  All agree they are rare because you cannot breed FOR them, you have to wait until some regular sized peke happens to have one.

    Jo - OMG, I skipped right over you - how are you doing?  I like the idea of throwing a sheet over the ironing.  That's always been my motto also - out of sight, out of mind.

    Jackie - morning girlfriend!

    I know I am missing someone and I can't even blame it on bc treatment - just age.  Have a glorious day.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009


    That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.

    That when you're in love, it shows.

    That just one person saying to me, 'You've made my day!' makes my day.

    That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.

    That being kind is more important than being right.

    That you should never say no to a gift from a child.

    That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help him in some other way.

    That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.

    That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.

    That simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.

    That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.

    That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask for.

    That money doesn't buy class.

    That it's those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.

    That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.

    That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.

    That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.

    That love, not time, heals all wounds.

    That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.

    That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.

    That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.

    That opportunities are never lost, someone will take the ones you miss.

    That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.

    That I wish I could have told my Mom that I love her one more time before she passed away.

    That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them.

    That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

    That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, that you're hooked for life.

    That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.

    That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Pam, I don't have any specific Yoga DVD in mind.  My DIL is into this type of thing so I thought I'd just put her in charge of picking it out for me.  I told her to get a "beginner type" so we'll see what she comes up with and I'll let you know if it's any good!  Congrats on the wonderful PET scan results!  It appears that you got an early Christmas present, too.........and probably one of the best ever!

  • emegram
    emegram Member Posts: 60
    edited December 2009

    Jackie & Jeannette:  Thanks so much for your posts in response to my 1st contact with you ladies.  Any information that I can get before my 1st chemo on Dec 16 is certainly comforting & helpful.  And yes, Jeannette, it is an icebox here this week.  Our wind chill was -18 this AM.  I told my husband yesterday that our Nebraska winter will certainly be a difficult time to go bald!!  

    My daughter wanted me to come to Omaha and go with her to an upscale place where "all" of the cancer patients go to have a personal consultation & be fitted for a wig designed just for me.  But I've caught this miserable cold since Thanksgiving, and given the winter blast we are experiencing, I just ordered a wig by mail.  And yes, Jackie, I'm going to do much like you did.  My hairdresser said to call when I'm ready, and she will just shave my hair off -- in the evening, privately, when her shop is closed.   

     What can you ladies tell me about getting Neulasta?  It is one of the meds that I will get at the same time I get my 1st chemo.  I've read about possible bone pain so would be curious as to other's experiences.  I decided to schedule all of my chemo treatments on Wednesdays, so I can be home Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sun before I have to go back to work on Mondays.

    And I haven't shopped for Christmas gifts for my four grandchildren.  I'm trying to do some ordering online.  It is just an emotional time -- and it seems that life is going on for the rest of the world.  So I've got to "get a grip" and toughen up.  I will make it, and I AM STRONG!!!  Thanks again, girls!! 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2009

    Thank you Ritajean,

    I really did not foresee how much comfort i would get from a good PET scan report.  My whole attitude has improved.  I know it is no guarantee for the future but it sure makes the present look good.

    Now I am determined to reduce the number of DR visits in 2010.  And eliminate a couple of specialists if I can.  I will stick with my med onc this year but am going to cut our my surgeon and radiologist as long as I can get my mammograms ordered by the onc.  Can't see why not.  Fortunately everyone in my team is young enough that they should be around if I need them in the next several years.  I am thinking maybe in 2011 I will go back to my PCP for everything... ordering tumor markers, blood work, mammos, all of that.  Has anyone done that?  Would do a lot for my psyche. :)


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2009

    A quick stop as I am doing a lot of phone calls to get insurance since mine is discontinued as of Feb 2 - long story, so I won't bore you all.

      Welcome Bev.   To reply to your neulasta question:   I was told and got mine between 24 and 48 hours AFTER my chemo was done.   I took 2 extra strength Tylenol when they went to get the shot and I never got the bone pains.  Some have gotten flu like symptoms and have taken a Claritin.  I would ask your oncologist.    Emend is the drug of choice for nausea prevention, and I forget the other 2 pills I took for 3 days after chemo - steroid and -- can I claim chemo brain a year later?  

    Food may taste strange or no taste at all.   Small meals, soup, and LOTS and LOTS of water.   Keep hydrated - a glass of water, ginger ale, gatorade, juice - every single waking hour.    Coffee and tea do not count as they actually DE hydrate.   Soft food also - mashed or baked potato, applesauce, pudding, jello, ice cream, popsicles.   A bit of peanut butter on a spoon for protein.  Eggs may or may not appeal to you, but also a good protein source.    

    And if you have a port, I found a pillow for the seat belt was very helpful - or a rolled up bath towel.   You may be "wired for sound" from the steroids, then crash and sleep for hours at a time when it wears off.  

    Take an ipod or something to do during chemo - or you can sleep or try to sleep.   A snack if they do not offer anything to eat - cereal bar or energy bar.   Ask for a pillow and blanket and water or juice.   That is all I can think of for now.  I am sure others will chime in.   Good luck.

    Hugs for everyone.   Back to playing phone tag.   Nancy 

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2009


    Just want to welcome you to this great group of ladies, they will all give you great support.

    As for how you can get through all this, just trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, He can do so much more for you than any of us can. We will all be here for moral support. The great thing about all these ladies is that they all care about each other, and we are always here for you when you need us. Welcome!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2009

    I am continually impressed with the support and information the women of this site, this thread particularly, provide.  I was lucky enough to avoid chemo so have nothing to add except my admiration for all of you.


  • grama5
    grama5 Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2009

    Hi All;

    Sorry to be so long on logging in. I have kept in touch with Jeannette daily but have not logged on here.I had my surgery on the 1st. The surgeon told me that I probably would not have any more pain than I did with the biopsy but usually more trouble with the arm involved. FALSE. I have had no trouble with my arm, no pain, swelling ect. But my breast is still killing me 10 days later. I went in yesterday for my followup and she was very happy. Looks good, no infection. She said my pain is probably because of where its at, 6 oclock. My incision is from the bottom of my breast to the bottom of my nipple and I am fairly heavy breasted, size D. A sports bra wasn't helping, I just moved around in side it which caused more aggrivation. I have been having stabbing pains around my nipple and even percocet doesn't get rid of it, just lessens it. Any of you out there go though this and if so what helped? My Dr. says it can take 2 to 3 months to completly heal.

    Jo5- I have acid reflux and a hiatal hernia to the point of coughing and vomiting. It became a major problem when I was diagnosed diabetic and the medication for that caused me to hold nothing done and was afraid to go anywhere for fear of the coughing to start and then of course everthing to come up. My doctor put me on Protonox (same as Nexium) . I am on Secure Horizons Medicare complete and it is a generic and costs me $5 a perscription. Before I had insurance it was $100.

    I've been sitting here too long, need to get some things done so will write more later.  Any help on nipple pain PLEASE let me know!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2009

    Hope those who live midwest and east are keeping warm. Heard about the storm so have just looked on the computer. Impressive.

    grana5 hope that everyday you feel a little better. 

    Hope everyone else is having a good day and is not too badly affected by the weather. It is cloudy here at present but that should burn off to be another warm day.

    Must go and get to the hospital.


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    Isabella try these pekeingese people here in Las Vegas:


    AKC registered puppies and adults bred from champion lines looking for loving homes.

    Sleeves and minis available from time to time. Age and price varies; 39 years breeding experience - breeding for quality, show dogs and pets. Most colors available; I specialize in whites and parti colors.

    All dogs have current shots and a health guarantee. AKC approved. Prices: PUPPIES are $800 to $2500 each; ADULTS are $100 to $2500 each depending on age and other factors. Ages are 8 weeks to 9 years -- call for current availabilities. I have worldwide shipping experience.

    I have bred 27 AKC Champions.

    See  website link above and our second website for more pictures:

     I was "just looking" one day and found these lovelies- want one of their sleeves when I need another peke- Ya can't have too many anyway. If you hurry you can stay with me while you are  in Las Vegas pickin' up a peke! Hope the pictures stay in this posting.

    Alyson- Great news on DH- I have said it before but I am so relieved for you!

    Jackie- I have read the  information you posted for Bev- how informative and such empathy! It  thread is really a GOD send and  that we have one another makes that even better.

    Rita- My nephew is graduating fro Rolla School of Mines next week- met a "geek" girlfriend who is lovely and we are so relieved. He has suck an engineer brain he has difficulty communication with  one who does not!- Like me- but we love him to death. Maybe we can do the St James Winery one day-for just a touch. Wonderful that you are seeing your chemo-pal.

    Bev- women are strong and fortunately for all of us here this is a safe place to let it all hang out- joy, sorrow, fear, tiredness of the grind of anything, including our Dh's and other family members who set us off. We are a safe Harbor!

    Pam a Clean SCAN-Rejoice one and all - I am so glad for you!

    Sheila- one year and your Onc is saying you are doing well- that is an anniversary- so here's to you! Congrats.

    I read a couple of days ago- please forgive me for not remembering who stated this- I have returned to work and was BEAT- just dropped in to ease-drop- to tired to Post- anyway- I read where a could of you were on a 6 month watch- It is interesting. My original dx was made on 9/4 on the right- then I went for an MRI and was put on a 6 month watch for the left- then 2 more biopsies and the radiologist reviewed the films of my left (my med onc told me to ask for this service) and at that time they bumped my left up to a 4 month watch- don't they know this makes us nuts and then in the end to be told "oh you have BC"- I am a nurse - never worked ONC- by choice and I just think this is cruel. Since I was told to do a rt mx I elected to do the left because I was a really bad person at waiting for results and did not figure I would wait the 4 months until the next test any better.

    Today I feel GOOD- have finally learned that this does not mean "do everything and anything you want" - it might for some- but it usually means- tomorrow you will pay dearly if you go gang busters today- I am trying a new approach- slow and steady-with a good lunch and a small rest. I will give a full report on how this works- or if this works.

    Kathleen - missed you, glad you are there, Spar- how much longer in bed? how are the bones feeling?

    I am making turkey and dumplings to night and can't wait- it is cold for Las Vegas and that will warm us up nicely- the heater man got to the house in Mo, so no worries there.

    Bev hope you recover from your cold and Jeanette- what is your latest adventure?

    Love ya ladies, got ta go, Melissa the pictures moved around but are still there.

    Click on thumbnails
    for larger images

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Just dropping by to say hi.  Today and tomorrow are my work days so I'm always on the run somewhat on these days.  I have feral cats to feed, then run over to my friend Maggie's and help her feed the cats in her apt.  She is too small for the dog in her yard.  Diva is a lovely, if quite stocky and happily exuberant Pit Bull.  She knocks Maggie I go over daily and do the apt. cats in the back yard....then wash dishes, sweep the kitchen hall and floor and put birdseed out for the morning for the birds, play with Diva fore a bit till she has me good and tired and then home to my menagerie. 

    Anyway, hi to all and Gram of 5 --- sorry to hear about all the pain.  Although my surgery was not in the same place -- it was inner left breast -- about 2:30.  A lumpectomy with two different cancers found -- one small and one much larger.  Anyway....I was told to bring my tightest bra and instructed to wear it for a week and not take it off.  Had all kinds of bandages and I removed all of them just before my first post-op check-up when I was finally allowed to get into the shower.  The bandaging was almost like a splint -- held in place by this very tight bra.  Nothing moved -- absolutely nothing.....course, I did receive plenty of feeling upon removal of all this stuff.   but I had nary a pain pill -- they set in the bottle I brought home and I finally threw them out.  I hope and pray it gets better but does sound like you do need more support of some sort. 

    I'm going to go crash now, but I'll be checking in later with all of you. 

    Hugs and healing prayers
