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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Amen, Jo

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Good morning,

    Hope you all had a good weekend.   At least most of us didn't have to get out and see a Doc. and had more time to do what we wanted, right????

    Have a new question?   Today I was suppose to start radiation, but when I went for the scan before starting, things did not line up with when I had the tats done the first part of Nov.   At that time I was still having some drainage and told the radaiologist that I would not do rads, until I was healed and not draining at all.    Finally got got that done but now they feel the shape of the breast changed due to finally getting the "whatever" all drained out.   So now I will go next week and get tats again and proceed to rads. the first week in Jan.   Has anyone else had such a delay?   I can't think that there is anything new that can still come up for us and you all are so willing to share your ups and downs.    

    I have so enjoyed reading about how you all go on with life and enjoy each happy time.  It is good to have the laughs of thinking of Isabella climbing out the window.   I know how your pets are such joy, cause they listen and sympathize but don't let you get too blue, it is so good to have some one that you have to take care of. 

    Be sure to take care of yourselves first and keep sharing as we all need each other.

    God Bless us all, each and everyone.


  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2009


    I didn't have to wait for rads, and they didn't do the tats until about half way through my rads. I didn't want the tats and I told them so, but they said I should get them just in case I got bc in the other breast and then they would have some idea about where to do rads on the other breast just in case I got bc in the other breast, so reluctantly I got the tats. I don't understand why they didn't wait for you to start the rads before doing the tats. Sorry I can't be of more help.

    To All You Ladies

    Hope you all have a great and blessed day.

    I have not been feeling good. I guess I ate something that didn't agree with me or else I got some kind of virus. I am feeling somewhat better today.

    Trust in Jesus and He can get you through anything.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    I put this on Rita's thread as well. 


    A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot
    humid day, drinking iced tea and
    visiting with her mother. As they talked
    about life, about marriage, about the
    responsibilities of life and the
    obligations of adulthood, the mother
    clinked the ice cubes in her glass
    thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober
    glance upon her daughter..

    'Don't forget your sisters,' she
    advised, swirling  the tea leaves to the
    bottom of her glass. 'They'll  be more
    important as you get older. No
    matter how much you love your husband,
    no matter how much you   love the
    children you may have, you are still
    going to need sisters. Remember to go
    places with them now and then; do things
    with them.'

    'Remember that 'sisters' means ALL the
    women...your girlfriends, your
    daughters, and all your other women
    relatives too. 'You'll need other women.
    Women always do..'

    What a funny piece of advice!' the young
    woman thought. Haven't I just gotten
    married?   Haven't I just joined the
    couple-world? I'm now a
    married woman, for goodness sake! A
    grownup! Surely my husband and the
    family we may start will be all I  need
    to make my life worthwhile!'

    But she listened to her mother. She kept
    contact with her sisters and made more
    women friends each   year. As the years
    tumbled by, one after another, she
    gradually came to understand that her
    mother really knew what she was talking
    about. As time and nature  work their
    changes and their mysteries upon a
    woman, sisters are the mainstays of her

    After more than 60 years of living in
    this world, here is what I've learned:


    Time passes.

    Life happens.

    Distance separates.

    Children  grow up.

    Jobs come and go.

    Love waxes and wanes.

    Hearts break.

    Parents die.

    Colleagues forget favors.

    Careers end.

    Sisters are there, no matter how much
    time and how many miles are between you.
    A girl friend, or list sister, is never
    far away.

    When you have to walk that lonesome
    valley and you have to walk it by
    yourself, the women in your life, and on
    this list, will be on the valley's rim,
    cheering you on, praying for you,
    pulling for you, intervening on your
    behalf, and waiting with open arms at
    the valley's end..

    Sometimes, they will even break the
    rules and walk beside you...Or come in
    and carry you out.  List sisters,
    girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters,
    daughters-in-law, sisters,
    sisters-in-law, mothers, grandmothers,
    aunties, nieces, cousins, and extended
    family: all bless our life!

    The world wouldn't be the same without
    women, or this list, and neither would
    I. When we began this adventure we had
    no idea of the incredible joys or
    sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know
    how much we would need each other..

    Every day, we need each other still.

    Pass this on to all the women who help
    make your life meaningful just the way you have all made mine.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2009

    Hi Kayok,

    All my BC appointments, surgery and scans have gone smoothly.  Radiation therapy did NOT.  There were a couple false starts, several midstream delays, unexpected (by me) days when I was remeasured but not treated, and a couple days where things did not go right.  I was forced to learn to be flexible but I kept sweetly complaining.  It was stressful and annoying.  But I finally got through it HOORAY.  So will you.

    Hang in there, don't give up, tell them you are anxious to get started but be sure things are done right.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Kayok, I had my rads after all chemo was done and then they waited and gave me a break.  Got done with chemo on last day of April and rads didn't start until June sometime.....done with my 7 weeks of rads the beginning of last week of July.  There can be a flexibility ( safe period ) in between the txs. so I'm sure all will be ok once you get started. 

    I just wanted the whole thing to be done asap, but they did not want to rush anything.

    Just looked out my computer room window and saw three deer meander through the yard.  Such graceful, beautiful animals.

    I'll see all you lovely ladies later.  Prayers and well wishes for all.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    I got a late start today.  Jackie, your insight is wonderful.  I have always had a fixation about things breaking and not trusting them any more.  That's how I feel about the breast cancer.  Too frequently doctors charge the symptoms we have following surgery with old age or side effects - phooey.  I noticed that any time I have challenged a doctor - they get their ass up on their shoulders.  I don't care how many years of schooling or experience they have - they don't know everything!  Sometimes they don't know anything!

    Back to dogs - pit bulls were, at one time, a family pet, great with children.  My goodness, Petey on the "Little Rascals" was a pit bull.  The only difference is a pit bull has such a powerful jaw they can do serious damage.  Any little dog can nip you too - I compare it to shooting someone with a 22 caliber gun and a 357 magnum - you are going to do more damage with the latter.

    Melissa - hang tough - always remember - better living through chemistry (or, in this case, pharmacueticals!

    Rita - what a fun time to go to Florida - by the end of January winter has lost all its "charm."

    Pam - good for you - I fear that patience is not one of my virtues.

    I know I am missing someone or something - oh well, must be old age.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    Melissa - I went back and read one of your postings - now I know what I forgot!  I have tried the approach of "Let Go and let God" or "turn it over to god" but then I take it back - He's not doing it the way I would or not fast enough!!!!!!!!!  Also - my grandmother had breast cancer - my gosh, they just butchered women back then.  I wish she was still alive (although she would be 100 years now) so I could talk to her about her feelings during that time.  I know it didn't make a smidgen to my grandfather - he adored her.

    Motherof7 - hope you feel better soon.

    God bless my sisters - I love you all.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited December 2009

    I awoke to thunder today and it has been raining off and on all day.  The ground is past saturated.  In tune with the gloomy day, we went to a local funeral home to give our condolences to a neighbor whose father died a few days ago. 

    Tonight I finished printing out a Christmas letter with pictures to include in our Christmas cards.  I resisted writing such a letter for years but I find myself enjoying other people's letters.  So now I write one, too.  Normally we do a photo collage from summer travel pictures but this year we didn't go on a long summer trip because of my bc dx.  So I included some pics of some of dh's woodworking projects during the year. 

    Wishing everyone a restful night's sleep.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    Oh where to start? I was supposed to travel to Page AZ today and attend a wonderful. party with my sorority sisters- you talk about sisters, one is a biologically sister, one a sister from my old support group days-one is like my own mother- and others were patients and or wives of patients when we lived in Page. I e mailed them last week and bowed out due to the fatigue and they all understood but the poem made me think if them as it is true. One of them, Marge,is like my mother. I met her when she had colon ca and needed wet to dry dressings daily, including the week-ends. The Home Health agency would not travel to her home on weekends as they were 70 miles away so I told the doc if the clinic would let me have the needed supplies I would travel to her home (only 4 miles so no big deal) and do her dressings. We did this for about 6 months when her DH stuck his nose in and said they should be coming to me- and we carried on for a few more months until she was healed. We became very close. My own mother died of CA, so I say "CA took my mother and gave me another  mother". Now it has given me more sisters to love,learn from, lean on and support. At Least it is NOT an empty journey.Now the sister that was from my support group days is now also a BC sister, nurse too. Life is an interesting circle. Thanks, Jackie for prompting those memories. I my have  missed tha party, but not the company!

    We took DML to the Bellaigo Hotel to see the Botanical Gardens- they decorate it according tot the current season and it is always beautiful. Life size polar bears made completely of carnations, snowmen that were huge, flying life size reindeer made of pecans- really lovely. Then to lunch, so over all not a bad day.

    KATHLEEN Do you have allergies, a deep determination, love flowers/gardening and capable of good grades? Make any waves in life, say it like it is? The reason I ask is if you and I get anymore alike I shall be digging up the family tree- Yes,I too have learned the my time table is often- mostly likely NOT God's time table-I am not sure why he is so long in keeping up with me- LOL- I am sure he is shaking his head at my lack of patience. Oh and by the way my DH says the doctors and nurses that I have "issues" with are that way because I am smarter than them and it embarrasses them- too bad- they should have studied harder.

    Carol what type of wood working does DH do? And when did he start working with wood? My Dh will need a few projects when he gets caught up on my assignments after we move to the dream farmhouse - say in 3 or 4 years. LOL - I think wood working would be a good hobby. I have a fewmore cards to write also.

    I did not have to do Rads- read about it and it was more weird science and now I hear you guys getting delays, tats and re-tats and have to give you credit again for your toughness and determination.

    I got the call from the prosthetic shop and my very own padded, bullet-proof bras are in so tomorrow I will be down there ASAP. I might even order boobs, but on second thought I may need to wait and to see if I need the bullet-proofing (padding that forces my LE from draining correctly) permanently. Oh well- fluffies have worked this far.

    Have a great night. I love you all dearly, miss spar, anyone heard from her? Sleep tight!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Good morning -- sure nice to see sun for a change though we had a bit yesterday as well.  Carole we have had so much rain here and the water table was always so high here to begin with that I almost welcome the colder air ( as long as it doesn't bring rain behind it ).  This a.m. it turned cold so quick overnight the ground is crunchy on top.....a little mushy feeling underneath that.  We got the new dog pen but haven't restored the walkways during the very recent rain we were slipping and sliding .  Going to have to rectify that as soon as we can.  Couple more days of dry out type weather. 

    You know I do think Dr.'s do sometimes get a bit enthusiastic about "knowing" a lot.  We all seek them out needing their help and guidance.  They are confident people as they feel they know their their subject well -- but a few also tend to get a little arrogant I think -- something like the athletes we put on a pedestal.  It's a line if you can walk it....having enough knowledge and confidence to tell someone, " you need to do this ", and yet being humble enough to say about some things " I don't know about this, or I'm not sure". 

    I think I will be having an interesting conversation with my Dr/PA next time I have an appointment.  I have lowered my cholesterol by 34 points and lost 7 #'s so far ( haven't started my diet yet ) and the blood test came after **she thought** I had been taking the statin pill she prescribed for me.  I don't like the statin drugs as they can be hard on the liver and feeling that the Arimidex would increase my cholesterol numbers ( something I never had trouble with before ) I started doing something the week before to try and control that.  Guess we all got a surprise when things went right.  Especially when I admitted to the nurse that the drug Dr. L had sent me was still up in my medicine chest un-opened.  In fact, till the nurse called me with my test results I did not realize that Dr. L had actually prescribed half a tablet to begin with....and since my numbers were so good and my liver panel un-changed ( good reaction to statin drug ) I could go ahead and start taking the whole tablet Dr. L said.  I know the Dr. meant well -- and if I had nothing else I could have done, I probably would have gone ahead and tried the statin -- knowing that I would only have elevated numbers for the length of time I was taking Arimidex so could then stop the statin -- just decided it would be better to take something that would not harm and would have a few more benefits than just controlling cholesterol. 

    Well I need to get my day started... much to do today with our office X-mas party taking place tonight.  Hope you all have a fantastic day.


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    yes Jackie I think a far too wide subject matter is on a GP's Plate . I read the Day-to-Day matters on fatigue last night and will call the BS office for a name of a psychotherapist for the depression vs. the GP, who really only wanted my professional opinion on the new mammogram guidelines. I think there was a complement in there somewhere as she know's I am active and very well known in the State of NV- hooked up and could "speak to the right people"-but terribly off topic!

    Have a great Day! Enjoy the Paarty to night and I will enjoy the day with ,my DH.

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    Melissa - except for the allergies (everyone in the family but me) I think we were separated at birth!  I hav e to say you are so awesome, so caring, so full of love - not that I am so like you in that way - I have good intentions but sometimes I get all wrapped up in my own self-made dramas I forget.

    Lucy - so sorry to hear about your friend - my Mom died of pancreatic cancer 20 years ago.

    Anyhow - everyone have a great Tuesday.

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2009
    I have a question for all you ladies. Sometimes does your dh just about make you want to scream? Last week I told him I wanted hime to help me put out our nativity scene in the yard, well he had other things to do. He knew I had not been feeling too good for the last couple of days, well yesterday I did feel some better and I told him so. It had rained here, but it cleared up some, so I just washed bed clothes yesterday and changed the bed clothes. Today, I was feeling much better, so I start vaccuming the floors, would you believe he came in and said when are we putting up the nativity scene in the yard, I just wanted to scream. Then I thought the old devil is trying to make me lose all my control, so I just laid down the vaccum and went and helped him, but sometimes my dh can just get on my last nerve, and I have to just take a few minutes and say Jesus, don't let the devil get any glory out of this, but sometimes it's hard to keep that human side in control.Embarassed
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited December 2009

    Melissa, my dh is a skilled woodworker and has had a workshop most of the 40 years we've been married.  He built the cabinets and did all the finish woodwork in our last house and in this house, too.  Plus much of our wooden furniture was built by him.  Dining room table and buffet, end tables and coffee table, entertainment cabinet in our bedroom and bedside tables.  I'll try to post a pic of the beautiful display cabinet he built for me this year. 

    We've had such beautiful leaf color this year.  The Bradford Pear trees were especially colorful.  There's a large one in our back yard that has dropped most of its leaves in a large circle of vivid orange, yellow and red.  Dh went out yesterday and took a picture. 

    I climbed back onto the WW wagon yesterday and did very well, but this afternoon dh and I are going to a cooking class conducted by the chef at our club.  We'll be sampling wines and the various dishes he prepares.  Somehow I think I'll exceed my allotted "points"!

    Jackie, what did you do to lower your cholesterol?  Mine is high.  I've started taking a supplement I bought at a health food store--red yeast rice. 

    Jo, did you have to mention ironing?  My rack in the laundry room is filling up.

    Hope most of you are looking out at a more cheerful day than we're having.  The rain has stopped but it's gloomy out.

    Maybe someone could explain how to insert a photo? 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Hi CarolHalston....I just went to my "Picassa" program on line, & copied a picture of our little Lacee, and then pasted it on here!  But I have tried it lots before, & didn't get it on here!  Maybe someone has an easier way?  Jeannette

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited December 2009

    Love the picture of lacee. 

    Motherof7, I think it is the opposite for me and Tom, I drive him to distraction. LOL

    I am joining the group going for living 100 years.

    I just got back from seeing what 23 plus inches of snow was like and had several incidents.  It is a long story so I am posting it later on the mountain thread, hopefully you guys will visit there and read it.

    JO, I found out this past couple of days, God has a strong sense of humor.  You will see what I mean when you read my story.

    My little Daxie is costing 125.00.  They are cheaper in Oklahoma and she has her papers and is pure bred or it  may because he is a friend and a member of the church we go to.

    Have missed you all so much the past few days.

    I could not have made it without antidepressants, they saved my life. so don't be afraid to try them.

    so much to catch up on here.  Will be thinking of you ironing women while I wear my wrinkled clothes.

    I am joining all in a group hug and sending love to all of you.  I need you all more than you can imagine.  I just can't talk to my family about cancer or fears anymore.  They don't want to hear it and don't understand.  Its like to them its over, your alive, so forget it.  Even though there are so many aches, pains, lymphodma, you just can't talk to them.

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009


    What's an iron??

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Pam, Jo, and Illinoislady,'

    Thanks so much for your input to my question about starting radiation.   I don't suppose there is anything out there that someone in the group hasn't experienced  and it is so reassuring to be able to talk with others that are in the same boat.  In fact I really felt relief and will probably sleep better tonight for all your information.  For some reason it has been hard for me to share the news of bc to some of my family and friends, don't really know why.   Guess I just don't want someone feeling bad for me as I am going to do everything I can to make the life great until the Lord says it is time for a MUCH BETTER LIFE

    Ok, on to happier things.   It is very cold but sunny in Kansas today and I just returned from my quilt group and what a wonderful lunch we had.  Cranberry coffee cake, chicken tortellia soup, fruit salad, home made bread and the very best chocolate cheese cake in the world.  Diidn't get much quilting done, therefore didn't have to use the iron much, so it was a great time. 

    Like you, CaroleHalson, my dh has been a great woodworker for our 53 years of marriage and we have sure learned to laugh with each other.   Love all our kids, but when push comes to shove, I am really glad there is just the two of us to worry about.  

    Hugs to all you great ladies.


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    Kathleen - oh I left out the self absorbed stuff- but you are keeping my honest.

    Actually someone said they couodn't talk to there friends or family any more because they don't want to hear it- here is the real truth- they never did want to hear it. I am depending on you guys because AS I have stated you are the only ones who know and the ones I can depend on for honest answers.

    About doctors- well my primary doc almost always pisses me off- I mean almost every time I see her. I had told my best friend that if I weren't leaving las vegas I would have changed, at least 8 month  ago. This time she did not even ask ONE pertinent question related to CA and depression. Stupid- anyway  have decided, as posted to call and get an appointment who works with people like me. I have history of depression, am an Adult Child of an Alcoholic and have had a dx of CA- in other words 3 strikes. So I will get real and Spar I am with you, I believe I need antidepressants and will avoid the primary dits. (doctor).

    Jeanette that dog is beautiful! Nice going with the picture posting!

    Carol I  would love to see your DH's handy work, he sounds more advanced that the hobby I had in mind, but one has to start somewhere, right?
    The leaves sound beautiful- I can see them in my imagination as I love and miss fall leaves. None here! We have year round sand and, well, sand. It bores me and I am going to relish each and every season and the changes of weather when I am back east.

    Having an OK day! Good actually and need to wrap a few Christmas gifts- much love ladies- welcome back Spar, be sure to lounge around and read the threads you missed while gone- some of the ladies who have been here longer than I have,  did a wonderful job of expressing what we are all going through and Jackie really MUST be published!

    Love ladies

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2009


    A few days ago you mentioned broken blood vessels maybe from Arimidex and wondered if anyone else had that experience...

    Well, I have little capillary hemorrhages only on the back of my left hand.  I have attributed it to taking Aleve but maybe I am mistaken.  I asked my PCP about it but he had no explanation.  I started taking Aleve about the same time I started Arimidex and it helps, especially for sleep comfort.  So unless it gets worse I am sticking with th Aleve.

    I'll let you know if more spots show up.


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited December 2009

    I have noticed since chemo and arimidex my skin is so dry, it use to be oily before.  I got my adventure posted.  I told my kids, next year we are going parasailing and they just looked at me with these frowns on their faces and my husband said honey you have such an adventuous mind but not the body to go with it.  So I just might show him, I just might get in shape.  Wouldn't that be something. hahahahahah

    Goodnight all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2009

    Hi my favorite gals!  You just crack me up!  Smile  I mean, like "What's an iron?"  Priceless!

    I just finished my treatments yesterday afternoon, & the Doc took out the MammoSite device!  It only "hurt" for about 10 seconds, & it was done!  So now my next course of treatment is probably with Tamoxifen... I see my Surgeon next wek! 

    I have to go "iron" today...honest!   Ha, ha!  And Lacee is our little 6 year old "Daughter"....She is a Sheltie, brought over to us, bundeled up in her "Sister's" coat one day...Our girls bought her for us as a "gift"....thinking she would probably keep us home more....We both thought we were too old for this little squeaky puppy thing...But as you all know, she climbed in our hearts, & we were captives of hers for life!  Don't know what we would do without her!    She is a little "fluffy"..we don't use the word "fat"....But most of it is fur & her under-coat!  Thank heavens for that fur here in the frigid state of Colorado!   It's warming up into the 40's this week...seems like Summer!  Wink  Till later!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Jeannette....Lacee is just too pretty.  Of course, my avatar sort of says what I think about dogs.  My little Pomeranian, Baby Boss ( descendant of the chow ) loves it when it snows here.  When we first got him I thought we'd have trouble getting him out for his potty breaks in the snow -- oh well, his attitude is " bring it on ".  He gets his little snoot down as far as he can and uses it like a snow shovel making his own path.  What a character.  Loves it out of doors winter or summer. 

    I too love the seasons and was so very thrilled to come home after 25 years in southern California.  Twelve years ago we drove cross country from California in April thinking that would be a good time with winter over.  The day after we got here and spent the first night in our house we awoke to snow on the redwood tree blossoms.  One of those never say never lessons. 

    As to talking to friends or family -- yes, it is hard to talk to lots of them.  I believe what they feel would be horribly difficult to confront in themselves, and so it is just a little to "close to home " .for comfort.  If you can deny its existence, then it can never invade your territory. I think I had some similar feelings, but then my denial bit the dust in a big way. 

    Spar...I have a lot of dry skin too.  I thought it was a seasonal thing, but it has gotten worse since Arimidex. 

    Pam, good for you.  There seems to be lots of items ( all our systems being a little different ) that turn up but are a small part of life once you have gotten through the major aspects of your txs. 

    Hmm, the hubby thing.  I have somewhat of a foot dragger too on many things -- or as happened ? with someone else here, all of a sudden out of the clear blue  ( after I have basically pretty much given up ) he is ready to "make it happen".  Causes me to have to hunt for my sense of humor now and then, but often I am just so thrilled and relieved that it is finally getting done that I hold my tongue and act like I almost didn't notice there was a DELAY.

    Warming to near 50 !!!!!  Off again, on again -- just confusing as you sure can't plan much. 

    Best start my day.  I'll be checking in later.

    Hugs, Jackie

    p.s.  I'm in on the hug as well.

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2009

    Thanks Ladies. I thought it was just my hubby driving me nuts. Thanks Jo I guess I never realized I may be driving him crazy too.

    Now for all you ladies like JO, SoCalLisa who have been on this journey for a few years, I have a question. Does the fear of bc returning ever go away? Once again, it's the human side of me coming out. I know I can trust the Lord, but this old human side keeps creeping in. I apologize to all you ladies who are going through treatment, surgeries and etc. but this human side just needs to know the answer to this question.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2009

    Hi all

    Yes my DH drives me crazy as well but just now I wish he was home from hospital. He had lots of ups and downs since his surgery. Hope he had a better night last night. Yesterday he was transfered to a different hospital - the main city one. We have a mainly public system here with small high tech private hospitals doing specialist work. So when things went wrong the other night it was quite a while before they could get hold of the consultant. The staff were great but there are no other doctors in a private hospital so he is back in the public where there are house surgeons and registrars and it is the main teaching hospital for the area. His consultant works there as well. So hopefully they can get things sorted out in the next couple of days.

    It is 6.30am here and I have been awake for a couple of hours because the cats woke me to say the cat door wasn't open, they could get in but not out. Went back to bed but couldn't sleep so got up to make a cup of tea and both Barney and Gus decided it was breakfast time which it wasn't. They are still trying to convince me.

    I am coming up to three years since dx and so after Christmas it will be into a round of doctor's appointments and no for me the thought is still there and having had a scare this year that is very real. It is great feeling of relief once the tests are done and OK. The worry gets less on a day to day basis and it is not constant however it is there always ready to pop up often at unexpected moments. I certainly don't think of it as fear now but there is the knowledge that it could happen. I know I can deal with it but I certainly don't want too. Hope that makes sense.

    Must see if the paper has arrived. And then feed my boys

    Hope everyone is feeling fine and is coping with the stressess of the pre Chritmas rush. Think of us shopping etc in the heat!

    Have a great day.

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited December 2009

    Hi ladies,

    I keep wondering if it is a universal thing that spouses stay together to drive each other a little crazy and to keep each other sane at the same time.  My DH and I have been married 42 years and, as much as he makes me crazy, he also makes me very happy.  He was my "rock" during BC treatment and I'm definitely keeping him.

    My family and people that are close to me seem to need to believe that I'm fine and will stay fine, so I don't talk to them about fears of a recurrence or all the other stuff that goes with having been through a bout with BC.  Two weeks ago I had my implant removed/replaced because of capsular contracture and even though I knew it had nothing to do with a recurrence, it made me a nervous wreck.  This is probably the only place I would admit that and know that some of you would understand. 

    Dry skin with Arimidex has also become a big issue for me.  My hands and feet are especially dry -- it's awful -- but worth it in the long run.  Origins makes a wonderful hand cream, but it's expensive. 

    Enough of my rambling.  Have a great day everyone.


  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2009


    I'm so sorry to hear your husband isn't doing too good, I will remember to pray that he will be better soon.

    Thanks for your input about my question, and you really make a lot of sense. is there that much time difference between our countries, and do you have summer while we are having winter?

    Sorry, I was complaining about my dh, because he is a really good man, and he is good to me and my children.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited December 2009

    Alyson, praying for your husband that things go better and he heals quickly and comes home soon.

    I am keeping my husband too, I had a very bad one in the past but now have my mate for life.

    I posted a few pics on the mountain thread, I don't have the really good ones yet.  These are just a few taken  with my thousand year old digital.

    You guys crack me up with your ironing, I keep a small board and an iron for when my ex-milatary son comes to visit.  He irons everything, wouldn't be surprised if his underwear has creases. LOL

    Carol, do you think I could borrow your husband for a few weeks?  I sure need a porch built on my house. LOL

    Hope you guys have a great day.  Much love and sanity to you all.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2009

    I wrote a long post then lost it, never mind.

    Yes motherof7 it is summer here, it will get reasonably hot January/February and very humid. Time wise we are between 18 and 22 hours ahead of USA. It is 10.30am Thursday here. What I always find strange is that you can leave NZ and fly to LA arriving at a time before you left here, it is an evening flight - about 11.3opm and you arrive at 11.00am LA time. 

    Thanks for all the prayers, feel really blessed that we have prayer support from friends right around the world. Will go in to the hospital soon to see what is happening, he sounded bright when I talked to him earlier.

    I must find some coffee soon. And yes I iron and I hang my washing outside to dry.

    Hope all is well and you have a good day.