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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited December 2009

    Mother of 7, I am over nine years out and , for me, the thoughts of recurrance are always with me, but I think about less and less..for me, I rationalize and figure if it does come back, it does...I am doing all I can do to minimize the possiblity so que sera, sera..

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2009

    I am 6 years 7 months out from my mast. 6 years 9 months out from the consult with the radiologist, who told me it was more or less certain it was bc, and 6 years 10 months out from the discovery by routine mammo. Confusing ?? Engraved on my heart is 14 May 2003, the date of my double mast ! But when I start and think about it I can make myself further out than I say I am !!!!

    I am starting to forget birthdays, just an expanding family. I 'paid' off all my nieces  and nephews 2 years ago. After missing, and sending 'sorry I'm late ' cards I sent one last card to each of them, plus a £20 note, to cover future birthdays, as I know I am failing here...I have calendars, birthday books, lists.... but I just aren't remembering. I think the little devils must have conferred, because, as one, when it was my birthday they all stopped sending me cards. I didn't mean for this to happen, and I do miss their cards !

    Now I am having trouble with the grandchildren, and its getting to 'have you remembered its my g/friend or b/friends birthday ? ' Christmas is a nightmare I just cannot remember who all these new batch of youngsters are, and even IF they'll be at out Christmas event. I am saying event here because my DD is doing Christmas this year, and its sure to be an event. Her cooking is more abysmal than mine..she is just like me and hates anything at all to do with the kitchen...her DH is worse than useless, and she is putting on a meal for at least 12. I keep asking her 'do you need anything?' as I could whizz round the supermarket and get it....note, I say supermarket here, and NOT 'I will cook it for you '!!! I really don't know what to expect, it will be different anyway. DH and I don't really want to travel, it will be 12 o'clock in the morning before we get all our animals fed, then we have to scrub up, and drive almost an hour to DDs new home, then we will have to set off back again early evening to feed all the animals again....but I suppose it will be better than trying to stand up for long periods assisting DH to cook Christmas Dinner. He always makes a fantastic job, but the mess he makes , you'd think he was feeding a small town, and he will not lower himself to clear up as he goes along. He will now and then pile crockery ONTOP of the dishwasher, but put them IN ? not on your life ! He will peel vegs ontop of anywhere and everywhere but will he hellaslike walk round and clear peelings up! I usually work up a real sweat following him round clearing and cleaning, and am frazzled by the time the family comes.

    Regarding DHs and driving us mad...well I think mine can do a good job! We lived together for about 22 years I think it was, then a year after my bc diagnosis we got married. We can get along famously when we're outside with the animals, but come to spats when we're in the house together. He is SO UNTIDY, it has to be seen to be believed, and I won't say I am fanatical about keeping the house tidy, but I do like things put away...he just does not understand this at all...he will leave things about for days on end if I don't say anything. When I do say anything, probably days after wanting something put away thats been dumped in my kitchen, I get accused of nagging. Just about 2 months ago I'd had enough of running around clearing up after him, so I cleared out a very deep drawer, and in to this go anything about for more than a day, all jumbled up. I also put a big cardboard box near the back door, and dump any old clothes, tools, torches letters, tins of dog food,slippers, infact anything he opens the back door and just throws inside !! The cats usually like to pee on his coats he slings inside, so he really gets up my nose some days, not hanging things up away from the cats.

    He was so good tho' when I needed him, came to all appointments, ops, and radio, and now comes to all consultant visits, he even kept the house tidy while I wasn't too good, so just shows he can do it when he wants to. are you ? Hope you're feeling a bit better. (My 2 sleeve Pekes were about 4lbs )

    Alyson thinking of you and DH, hope he is making progress.

    Jo you're right about the back burner thing....thats how I think of this whole thing. I never go half a day, even now when I don't think of bc. The first 2 years I got myself into a knot, couldn't let an hour go by without worrying. Had to see 2 who had me listening to whale noises and crashing waves, and one who had me 'tapping' various points on my face and arms telling myself as I was tapping, 'I am no longer worried about cancer' They were as nutty as fruitcakes, and did me no good, they just did not 'get' it, and how it alters your whole psyche. Of course my GP looked on it as a failure again on my part to 'be helped' ggggrrrhhh.

    I went out for lunch today, my kennels 'do', took 2 youngsters who have helped me earlier in the season, and DH, had a good meal, and got a bit tipsy, I wasn't the driver today, so took advantage and hit the white wine ! We tried a new place , very good food, and lovely Christmassy atmosphere, spoilt only by other works 'do's', a lot bigger and noisier than we were. Thats it now for me I am retiring completely, my last year boarding dogs and cats. I closed 6 years ago when I had my mast. but opened again this season....lots of people asking me to look after their dogs and cats over the last few years, but it has been too hard, having my back so painful I have found it just too hard to keep going when my youngsters have gone home, after their 8 hours, there are still 16 hours to be on duty , its a responsibility, and a younger and fitter persons job. I had great hopes my g/daughter would have taken over, but she wasn't interested when it came down to it, only interested in the money.

    Anyone else I have missed....I cannot go back onto a back page without losing this lot, don't know why, but it just goes, so cannot answer anything else, as I can't remember !


  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited December 2009

    Hi ladies, I'm 2 years past surgery and radiation and the scar tissue has formed a cyst, it hurt and I asked my doc to drain it. That was a month ago. The next week I felt really bad and got a UTI dx, took 5 days of a sulfur antibiotic. In another week, the cyst site on the BC breast pinked up and when it turned red, I called in and got on a week of Keflex. That week just ended. Its still red and swollen. Today I went in to let her (my surgeon in the Breast Care Center) see it. She ultrasounded it, needled it and drew off some more fluid, not much. But the swelling!! She said it's Lymphedema! and I'm FLOORED. I had no nodes removed, simple lumpectomy, two years ago. It's very sensitive and I'm swollen to the point where my cleavage is normal looking again!!!

    WHY?  Why now? Why me? I thought this was all behind me and was doing great. I'm so upset, and MAD. Does the Lymphedema relate to the cyst? to the removal? Did one infection spark the other??? Do I have infection all over the place? I'm scared too.

    I wish there was a doc who would look at all of me, instead of in pieces and parts. I'll see my Therapist tomorrow morning and talk it over with her. She's a survivor also, that really helps at least for the 50 minutes I get. I feel like I've been yanked onto a path I never would have chosen, and I keep getting knocked down. BC BLEW UP MY LIFE. And I'm so tired of fighting. I don't want any more challenges, I don't see anything but challenges, day after day after day. Somethings got to give or I'm gonna lose it. I might be losing it already.

    Anybody seen my sanity? I think I left it somewhere.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2009

    Here ya go Connie - your sanity was just limping along behind you looking for a lift.  Take it, strap it on and keep on moving.  As long as you move it won't be able to get away again.  It leaps off when you stop.  Now don't worry, you're sane again (hmmmmm, hope that's a good thing!)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Connie....that sounds a little unusual since lymphedema ,or so I was led to believe comes from the REMOVAL of lymph nodes and therefore lymph fluids don't drain properly afterward and build up causing swelling, pain, etc, etc.  Hope you can find answers for this.....I'll be praying you get good answers that will help you move forward. 

    We get many, many challenges and we move through them and best them some way and that is so much about what helps to glorify our soul.  I hope you will be able to find your strength and move past this negative time and into the light.  We are tried and tested and don't always know why so just imagine that we are all around you -- holding you up and we will stay right there till you can do it yourself again.  You are not alone.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468
    edited December 2009

    As I understand it - and many of you likely know a lot more than I do on this - lymphodema is lymph fluid in places where it ought not to be. If lymph nodes have been removed, lymph fluid gets confused about where to go.

    Aside from that, nature abhors a vacuum and when one is created, such as by a mastectomy or lumpectomy, that space is subject to having fluid, which I think is like or maybe actually is lymphatic fluid. Thus, I have a seroma, a collection of fluid, where my mastectomy was. Something like the fluid in a blister. My surgeon says he can drain it and risk infection or we can let mother nature take care of it and it will dissipate. Is that what you have Connie? some lymph type fluid filling the space where parts of you were taken out in surgery?  Mine is somewhat less than it was some months ago right after surgery and, while it is a nuisance, it doesn't really make a big difference. If it did, I'd have more to say with the surgeon. As it is, I'm taking his advice (and avoiding any more poking or prodding in that area). Hope that's what it is for you too.

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Tomorrow, tomorrow, aren't we glad the sun will come out tomorrow.

    As I am still new to this bc thing and I know a lot of you have been through the wringer with it and still smile at the sun each day,  you still are my heros.

    All this talk about lymphodema has me wondering what might be ahead for me but I really have a super hero when it comes to it.

    My brother was born with lymphedema in his leg.   He is now 68 years old and has never had what you would call a truly healthy day in his life, but he never complains.   When they took him to Mayo clinic at 3 years of age, my folks were told it was elephantitis and he would not live to be an adult.  He walks around on ankles bigger than my thighs and that is the smallest part of his leg.   At times his arms and leg are also badly swollen but still always a smile on his face and rarely misses a day at work.   He was the last one I wanted to tell when I was dx, because he can't stand for anyone to be sick.  I can remember as a kid, how sick he would get if he got a scratch or bite on his legs as he would wind up with an infection and run high fevers, before penecillin came along we would just pack him in ice and he took sulfur   He lives alone except for his loving dog and yet he always is first to be there to care for anyone else.

    Soooo, when I need it I hope I can find his boot straps to pull me up. 

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited December 2009

    Connie, if your doctor can draw fluid off of it, it isn't lymphedema. Lymphedema is an accumulation of lymph fluid in the intersticial spaces -- all over in between the cells of the tissue. It does not pool, so it can't be drawn off. So whatever is going on, at the moment it's not lymphedema.

    (Let me just say, with all due delicacy, that our doctors don't generally know diddly about lymphedema, but the reason is that our medical schools don't teach it. They're still capable experts in their own field, but without much instruction in the lymphatics. Not real surprising, because lymphedema has only in very recent years been the subject of much research.)

    Your situation still needs to be dealt with, though. Whenever there's fluid present, there's a risk of serious infection, so that needs to be addressed. Perhaps a referral to a lymphedema-knowledgable Infectious Disease doc would give you someone who could look at the bigger picture. An infection in that area can indeed lead to lymphedema, as infections create damage to the lymphatics as well. (So does radiation, by the way, which is a subject that's only starting to be recognized because of recent lymphedema research).

    Whether there's underlying lymphedema now or not,  a well-qualified lymphedema therapist with experience in breast lymphedema (it's called truncal lymphedema) should be able to help reduce the swelling (once any infection is resolved.) Here's a page about how to find a well-trained lymphedema therapist near you:

    And here's a page specifically about breast/chest lymphedema:

    Hope that helps. There are a lot of us on the "Lymphedema After Surgery" board who are dealing with breast and chest lymphedema. Do please feel free to drop over to that board and let us all know how we can help -- we're very much into cheering one another on, since we all reacted to that news ourselves with the near-despair you're feeling. It gets easier, honest!Smile

    Gentle hugs,

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2009

    JO-5, SoCalLisa, and Isabella4

    Thanks for all your input. Jo, I knew you would make me remember to just trust in the Lord. Yes, that human side is going to creep up every now and then, but I must remember to keep faith. Isabella, you just make my day. I read your post and I just laughed, they say laughing is good for you, so thank you. My dh really is the one who is the perfectionist when it comes to his work, however, just let me mop the floors and he comes tracking in, when I say something about him tracking up the floors, he just says that's job security. But let him be building cabinets, building a porch or any of his carpentry duties and let me mess up and he about has a trantrum. However, like you said he has been here for me for all my apps,surgeries,treatments,and dr.visits, so I guess I'll keep him.


    So sorry to hear you are having trouble, I will remember to pray for you. Just trust in the Lord and He'll get you through this. When things are doing good the old devil is not happy and he has to throw a stumbling block in there. It happens to all of us. My leg that got operated on last October is trying to give me trouble, I think it wanted to just buckle under me today when i went for my walk.


    Hope your dh is doing better. Hopefully he will be coming home soon.

    To All You Ladies:

    Hope life is treating you all good.

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited December 2009

    Kayok, your brother is indeed a hero! Yikes! Gives you a lot to live up to, doesn't he?!Undecided

    Has he been treated by a well-trained lymphedema therapist? The swelling you describe can generally be reduced and kept in control by proper treatment, but it can be difficult to find a qualified therapist, and most doctors don't know how to refer for it. Maintaining the reduction is difficult and time-consuming, so many people choose not to invest themselves in that direction, and that's certainly their choice. But if he hasn't ever had adequate therapy I just wanted him to know it may very well be available. 

    Thanks so much for sharing about him -- really an inspiration!

    Be well,

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    Hello ladies- Well I wrote and faxed a letter to the primary care physician telling her that I was depressed and that her answer of "ladies with Happy Surgery" get over it in 4 weeks (meaning the fatigue). She is so naive and smug- she gave me meds - which she should have on Friday and I proceeded to tell her that"Fatigue is a Hallmark symptom of depression and shame on you for not asking ONE pertentate question about depression- all you wanted to tell me about was how I should be a spokeswoman for BC!" WHAT A CROCK- I AM NOT EVEN HEALED YET. geeze WHAT medical school did she graduate from??? I am sitting there in tears and she wants me to do public speaking-. OK Moving on here is my plan 1) find a psychologist to see for the depression. 2) get one more refill for my cholesterol medication from her as she just drew my blood and 3) NEVER see her again. that is unless I find my old iron and I will plant a good one on her just like in "Home Alone (1)." LOL Jackie and Jo- I took your postings, pg 114,  (without names) to my GP today to try and explain this place we are in but she would have none of it- the women here definitely know waaaaaaaaaaay more that she does about life, love, support, BC, depression- the list is too long. I am giving each of you an Honorary Degree in being HUMAN!

    OK on to DH's- mine made me think of the movie Fargo last night- ya know the wood chipper scene- usually he is wonderful but for a couple of hours he was a real PTUZ and also expected me to "just get over it" (meaning BC)- so he has some groveling to do today and he WILL. Yes they take secret classes in the locker room on "How to  make the Most Important Lady in MY Life Crazy"- oddly they all get A's- fortunately they don't always practice their boy skills.

    I have lots of LE under my right arm - am in a super compression padded bullet-proof bar from hell that feels really good and helps quite a lot. Here in Las Vegas I saw the LE therapist and can't get back in until the week after Christmas- BUT she is GOOD and I just keep this bra on 24/7- wear an ace wrap when I need to do laundry.Kayko- Hale to Your Brother- GOD love him and I hope and pray he gets a reward in the next life as he deserves one. We are reminded to look around and see that it could be tougher, right? Binney I will read your recommended thread, thanks!

    Alyson Dear- prayers and sweet angels sent your way- do so hope DH is well and comfortable- they my bug us but GOD PLEASE don't let anything happen to them! We need our chosen ones- even when they are practicing the art of making us Bats!

    Connie07 you sanity and mine are on vacation together and they did not invite us! We are on our own and I hope you get to the bottom of this swelling or pooling  as the LE suggestion makes me scratch my head.

    IsabellaI picked out a very small Peke once, named him PJ for Pure Joy and he died at 2 months old due to heart problems- he was either a sleeve or was very small due to his poor little pumper- he was so beautiful- a party colored lovie. Ling-Ling is 9 pounds and the Queen- EDDIE is mama's boy!

    For all of you- you are the only ones that "get it" Thank you for being here and thank you for sharing your anniversary years as it is so encouraging and joyful to see in writing- keep going, De-fie all odds and know that I value you each and every one. It makes my heart sign to have this thread and this wonderful place of learning and exchanging experiences. - I think I will leave my life insurance to this organization!- Of course they have to wait a little while.......   :)

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    And let them wait, cause you got stuff to do. as we all do.

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Thanks,  Binney and Melissa,

    With all your trials you are still able to reach out to others,  guess that's what makes you all so special to me.   Yes, my brother has been to therapy a few times and does really well with the wrapping and massaging but he gets tired of having his body dictate to him and back slides for a few years and then back to therapy,  I didn't even mention that 19 years ago he had an illiostomy and  had such a hard time dealing with it, that he went to Mayo's and they re connected him, of course that still makes him far from a normal lifestyle but as I say he is always the first one there to care for someone else.   He has always been the "wind beneath my wing"  and I must say you bc ladies just help keep me on the up and up.  You all remind me so much that I am not in this alone and it is good to have someone else in your corner.

    I have learned so much just reading so many threads and will continue to be asking questions of you, so I maybe can be of help for those that might ever be in my place.   I can remember thinking when I heard of someone with bc, I was so sorry they had to go through it but at the same time Glad it was not me,  now I feel like, I am glad it is me and not someone else that I love so much. 

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited December 2009

    AMEN. Thank you all for your wonderful support. I knew right where to come.

    My doc and the Radiologist said it was a Necrotic Cyst, visible on the mammo. Very circular, bout the size of a quarter, THAT's the part she drew fluid off of. It was right under the scar, it felt very hard. We could see it on Ultrasound, it looked like a black hole. She reentered that space this week, drawing a small amount of yellowish fluid and when she put the Ultrasound back on, there was no more black hole. That spot;  about 3 inches wide from where the needle entered to where they cyst was is visibly red on skin surface.  To the right of that, My breast is swollen and it's very sensitive and tender... that extends to under my arm, which surprised me, being tender. So I think she meant that the cyst area seemed infected and the surrounding area seemed affected by LE.

    She considered what she was telling me, after the ultrasound. She said, "I think you may have some lymphedema in there" and "I'll send you to see a specialist when you aren't so tender". So, I'm to finish this week of antibiotic and will see her again on the 23rd. 

    I talked at length with my therapist this morning, she was sceptical about the LE as a condition too.  Time will tell. I Reckon, time will tell.

    MANY THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT and the sanity. I love that you are all here and that you all care. Kinda like lots of Mom's. With all our experiences, I have no doubt that we will figure it out.


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2009

    Kayok, you are already an asset to all of us.  What got me through at the beginning was not saying, "why me" but instead being glad it was not someone else so "why not me".  

    Yes, Connie, we do all care and you will feel our HUGS as we go through this with you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Kayok -- Jeepers, you really, really get it when you get it.  I have thought for so long and said so many times that so often the reactions that we get from others are very reminiscent to me of people who are so thrilled it is not them....and yet underneath feel just a bit guilty for being glad.  No wonder they seem clueless.  And again you as well as Patoo are so bad as chemo was --  ( I'm the one who lost 40#'s throwing up or just not being able to stomach food for several days at a stretch ) I would not and could not have wished it on anyone else -- even a couple of people I don't much like. 

    Melissa -- surprised or am I that your Dr. was not too interested in what we had to say.  Shame on her -- she could have learned so much about real caring -- sometimes you got to throw those medical books out and just listen to someone's heart and soul as they deal with their personal cancer diagnosis.  Maybe one day she will grow up....sure hope she never gets this.  By the way, I love my honorary fits my heart and soul just fine.

    To some of the best and bravest ladies I've ever know who have always made my life richer by the contact.  Hope you all have a fantastic Friday tomorrow. 

    Hugs, Jackie

    p.s.  several of my Dr.'s hug me -- they tell me it has a very soothing and healing effect and they want me well.  It is among some of the nicest times I have spent with them.Talk about some of the old fashioned remedies....I consider it one of the best. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Hi IllinoisLadyI know what you mean about "hugs" from your medical team!  When I went for the radiation treatments twice a day, one nurse would hold up a  warm blanket for me to wrap up in with a big hug!   That was beautiful!  It was so comforting!  I'm going to bring that team at the Radiology/Oncology dept. a big Thank you basket, because they were all so caring...I'll take it on my next check-up!

    And melissa1518...You say it the best!  I guess I was one of the "ladies with happy surgery"...but I'm still having nightmares...Mine wasn't NEAR as bad as most of you women, but it STILL scares me so much! Last night I dreamed I was in the hospital, & all the nurses told me, "You might have had a lumpectomy, but the cancer is in your BLOOD, your SKIN, & your HAIR!"...and I was just sobbing in my sleep, & then I woke up...still scared!  

    You are all so right!  It sort of scars our soul, and if not for all of you women, I don't think we could do it alone....Most people, friends & family don't want to talk about it any more, unLESS they have had cancer!  It is only THEN they understand...My Husband pissed ME off, when he asked "How's your tit?"  It is NOT a "tit"...."It is my damn breast" I told him!"  What an idiotic, half-assed, moronic thing to say....I thought!  (Ignoring him the rest of the night is all I could think of doing!)   I know this happens to all of us, but it just makes you nuts!   

    And I love him....Don't know what I would do without him, & don't know what to do WITH him sometimes!  Wink  After 52 years of marriage,  you just sort of wake up the next morning & everything is better. 

    I'm having lunch next week with one of my Dearest Friends....She is actually my Daughter's Ex-Mother in law!  We sort of lost contact with each other for about 15 years...But somehow we "found" each other again & have been meeting for lunch for about 2 years now...SHE had cancer 9 years ago, a mastectomy....and she didn't ever say much about it....Until she heard I had cancer!  She became my number one guardian angel!  She calmed me, talked to me, we laughed together when she whipped out her "fluffy" from her bra to show me!   And I talked to her about EVERYthing!   I became her "little sister!"   I confide in her my deepest fears, & she can make me laugh! 

    So listening to all of you, my friends............. even though I have not been through it all.......just makes me so proud to "know" you! can get through this also........  Everything just hits us over the head, when we aren't even looking!   All of us will be here for you, you just have to look!  We can make you feel better, even if we can't treat you!   And these women have BEEN there & usually DONE that... so they KNOW what questions to ask..They have helped me a LOT!   Best wishes! 

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2009


    My daughter finally sent me a picture of Rose on myspace, however, I don't know how to get it posted on this thread. I have tried, but to no avail. She is just too cute.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited December 2009

    Many drs. are very much against their bc patients visiting websites like this one.  The drs. know that there is a lot of misinformation out there on the internet.  And that's true.  Even in reading the threads on, you come across opinions and supposed "facts" that perhaps should be taken with some skepticism. 

    At Christmas I talked with a niece's husband about his mother's recent dx with bc.  He, of course, was extremely concerned.  I told him about and how much it had meant to me to spend time reading discussion forums and learning from other women's experiences.  He mentioned that his mother's dr. had cautioned her against going on the internet.

    I appreciate my drs. who have helped me through this ordeal even though my BS probably caused me some healing difficulties.  She admitted to me that my BMX hadn't been easy thanks to my extremely dense breast tissue.  She probably left the skin a little thin in a couple of places that were slow to heal.  My PS did a good job with the immediate reconstruction, but the symmetry isn't perfect.  He wants to do some revision.  Thanks to participating in another discussion forum, I realize that it's rare to achieve perfect results with the one-step reconstruction.  I think it's much healthier for me to share experiences with other women in the same boat than to be denied that sharing. 

    There's definitely a sisterhood.  When I meet other women now who are also bc survivors, I feel instantly that we have something in common. 

    So far I don't live in fear of recurrence.  Maybe it's denial.  Maybe it's Effexor!  I'm enjoying life and not feeling much stress.  I sleep late when I want to stay in bed.  I put off the ironing!  Which reminds me, I'd better quit philosophizing and get dressed.  After some exercise, I just may get out the ironing board today.

    Tonight dh and I are going to see Invictus with another couple and then out to dinner.

    Happy Friday.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2009

    Hi everyone.   Hope the winter storm forecast is not going to put much of a damper on your weekend.  My area is due to get between 8 and 15 inches.     

    When I would ask my doctor, usually I said " I heard that such and such " or I know a gal who had this or that problem - did not say it was on this website.  However, I have met quite a few at the cancer center, chemo infusion area, and in person who have told "her" story to me - factual, true, not made up stories.   The big problem for me is that there is no one answer to any of our ( or MY ) questions.  It is almost like shopping for a new car - size, shape, color, horsepower, power windows, hybrid, bucket seats, etc.     

    We all have experienced wrong decisions, as we are human.  Fear, of the known and the UN known,  As much as I try not to obsess over this, I cannot put it completely out of my mind.   Some days are good, others not so good.   My son mentioned that I never say that I am having a "great" day, and I miss that.   One of these days I plan to say it, just not today.

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    Well I had to research the web sites weekly that I used during the second half of my degree- for authenticity and origin- and that was a good lesson as any one can put anything "out there"- however the one thing  about this site ( & there are many) but that was most valuable to me in my first few weeks was just looking at dx dates and I mean more than one Dx date for some survivors. This information prompted me to think about how I was handling the medical maze, the never ending waiting for referral, appointments and results. All of this was a great helpe to  me when deciding what treatment I wanted-

    My Med onc is the best - Great HUGS- calm and there for me- my now EX PCP- well you can't teach compassion. Carol you are correct when you say we can find out inportant peices of information from experienced patients- like the first time might not be the one you stay with or then it might be (recon), Doc's don't tell us that stuff. They tried to make me sign a o[ release that they could film my surgery and it was their universal form for all surgery- NOPE , I made them call the administrater to find out what the films were used for and why it was in the consent ( the nurse did not know- just said "sign your surgery consent") - I marked that out.

    We need each other-and love each other and are one anothers "other Family"-  I'll be back - LOVE YA!!!!

  • Motherof7
    Motherof7 Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2009
    1.07MBTry as I might I can't get the picture to post.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Hi everyone....Nancy, I think you are right on.  Cancer is not really a one size fits all diagnosis.  We are all so individual though we ( the big majority ) all have bc.  Also, Dr.'s can be not only opinionated but wrong about things as well.  I go with my 'gut' feelings a lot and that has seldom failed to keep me close enough to the path that a slight veering did not hurt a thing.  I can admire 'everyday' people just as much as someone with a degree -- be it medical or otherwise, and I can believe in myself as much as I can believe in them. 

    Carole, I think there are things that we should be skeptical about and there again....if you have a "feeling" about anything, go farther and really check it out.  I also think Dr.'s probably feel that WE are harder to work with when we are 'scared' to death about something we have read....and often those things don't necessarily even apply totally to us.  Still, bottom line is that I think we should feel comfortable about doing what we need to do for ourselves to feel like we are keeping up, sharing with those who can really understand -- especially in blogs where someone is around to hold your hand 24 hours a day, every day.  No Dr. can do that.  All you gals make house calls over the Internet endlessly and sometimes that is the best medicine we can get. 

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088
    edited December 2009

    Some good commentary today.  We have a group of very wise women on this thread.  And very supportive. has been very good for me.  I need to give a Christmas donation.

     I got about half of my ironing done!  Whoopee!! 

    Maybe somebody could give a lesson in posting pics?

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited December 2009

    Does anyone know anything about Pandora bracelets ??  DH is doing his usual trick of 'I haven't got you anything yet' .....YET..... YET... its 6 days to Christmas for goodness' sake.!!!! I really don't want anything, or at least anything bought without my approval, had some really big (was going to say boobs ! ) mistakes over the years, and I have no intention of wasting a day wandering aimlessly round the shops, so something quick and online is for me. I love bracelets, found a site that will send by return post, so was fancying one of these bracelets.

    Jeanette, had to laugh about your DHs 'tit' comment... he he, my DH always refers to my falsies as my 'tits'. Must admit I was quite shocked when he first came out with it, but as he finds it normal to refer to his cows teats when he's milking them as 'tits' I suppose I couldn't expect anything else ! I don't tell him its a sort of offensive term to us ladies, and as he would never say it when anyone else is about I let it go by !!

    OMG. I will have to evacuate my pc, there is a most horrible stink coming up from 2 sausage dogs, sat at my feet. Goodness knows what they have been scavenging. I am putting them to bed before I flip over sideways. This is the ONLY thing I find fault with my dogs for...good job DH isn't in, he gets a bit carried away with these smells !!!!!! They usually do it to him when he's sat having a morning coffee !!!!  

    Hope you all have a good w/end.


  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009


    Hope all you folks that are getting the snow dump can stay home and enjoy the weekend.   Since the God Lord as closed down Washington DC, maybe he is telling us all,  lets just slow down and not rush into anything. 

    Guess what, I got to sleep last night with out a bra, first time in over 2 1/2 months.   What small things I am thankful for.

    Hugs to all 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2009

    Morning Girls!  carolehalston ....To set a picture on here, try finding one that you like, then right click on it....then hit copy....Go to where you want to "set" it, like here, and right click "paste"....I just tried it again, & it worked...It was a cute Thanksgiving picture on one of these links, so I thought I would save it for next year, ha!  SOMEtimes I try this & it doesn't work...but usually if the picture is "online" it will work! 

    I read so many of your posts, & from this site, & have learned so much, & you all make me feel  comfortable with your answers!  My General/Breast Surgeon told me about you, before I even asked!  She loves the "boob book" I started when I first got the news that the Mammogram showed that I needed a follow-up ultra-sound.  I have saved all of the reports, papers, even printed off some of your comments to me, and this "journal" shows me where I've been....And questions to ask when I go back!  I printed off pictures of the MammoSite device, etc!  It's like a record of my darkest hours with this, but now when I look at it, it looks like ...."Hope!"

    I'm just proud of you all!  I'm very fortunate to have a great team, and this "site" is part of my team!  Hugs ever so softly to all of you!  xoxoxoxo

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2009


    I THINK the photo thing depends on where the picture is stored.  So if it comes from the web it is easier to import here than if it comes from your photos.  I could be wrong but that is what I believe.


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    One year ago today I was in the operating room having my breasts removed.  It hardly seems like a year has gone by.  Unbelievable!!!!!!!

    I think that any time you have had a cancer diagnosis, you are going to worry about what ever body part is going to turn on you.  I think that t-shirt saying "Of course they are fake, the real ones tried to kill me" says it all.

    This site has saved my sanity -had I  not found it I would worried and festered and thought I was the  only one in the world who had these feelings, emotions, craziness.  THANK YOU!!!!

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    kayok,  Due to my LE I am fearing that my super-duper bullet-proof-thoracic-compression bra may be a forever gift. I wear it 24/7- pay for it if it is off for longer than a shower......BUT it is NOT CA, and I haven't had it a lifetime. I am curious about how my skin will be maintained with the compression thing on always but so far so good.

    Need to do normal Saturday shopping and hit the stores before the last of the Christmas shoppers. Was up most of the night with my little girl Peke so I am tired and figure I can get home, get a nap and do some microwave thing for dinner.- maybe

    Love you all-