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Poll - How old were you when dx with BC



  • Gabylein
    Gabylein Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2011


  • Cathy2
    Cathy2 Member Posts: 40
    edited May 2011


  • tracie23
    tracie23 Member Posts: 214
    edited May 2011


  • tracie23
    tracie23 Member Posts: 214
    edited May 2011

    rebetata, Being an adult is not as fun as I thought either....:(

  • erika70
    erika70 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2011

    55 and 70 stage IV

  • Patriotic
    Patriotic Member Posts: 30
    edited May 2011

    First sign at 40. Dx 3 weeks later at 41. Just had mammo 6 mos prior and a year before that. Reports read "extremely dense breasts which lowers the sensitivity of mammography." I wish MRI's were routinely used for screening dense breasts.

  • silviazara
    silviazara Member Posts: 15
    edited May 2011

    i was 30 when i found a lump. dx at 31.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304
    edited May 2011


  • Moving_forward
    Moving_forward Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2011

    53 - but looking back though my mammograms the "thickening" that turned out to be cancer was present in at least 10 years.  The Drs expected the size to be about 2-3 cm -- it was more like 7cm.  They tell me lobular is hard to diagnose by mammogram.

  • Rana
    Rana Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2011

    36 with stage IIIa -- then 38 with bone mets

  • Aliceann
    Aliceann Member Posts: 11
    edited June 2011

    age 55 and 57, Stage IV, was religious with mammograms, however large tumor was never found, ultrasound revealed it at 6 cm.

  • Foxlairfrm
    Foxlairfrm Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2011

    Dx stage III at 36

    Recurrence with mets to bones stage IV age 50

    14 years between

  • Amyf
    Amyf Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2011

    28 and I was stage 4 from diagnosis.

  • bonnieandcleo
    bonnieandcleo Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2011

    I was 34 and I am now 61 ...just shows I really shouldnt have worried all those years..(((hugs )))) everyone enjoy every day

  • oandtolivo
    oandtolivo Member Posts: 20
    edited June 2011
    34 found the lump myself, but first doc not concerned. Good job I was! Second doc very concerned and breast surgeon wanted the breast off faster than I did.  I learnt that I know my body better than anyone and I need to listen to itSmile  ****Tracy
  • MaiTai
    MaiTai Member Posts: 65
    edited June 2011


  • sewingnut
    sewingnut Member Posts: 475
    edited June 2011

    55.  Radiologist said it was on mammos back in 2002.  Was never mentioned to me and went to the same mammo facility and Drs.  Changed to different Docs and facilities in 2010. Glad I had fresh eyes looking at things.

  • BeachyQueen
    BeachyQueen Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2011

    43 first dx

    46 Stage IV

    Bt the way, my diagnosis at 43 was while having my first and only mammo!!

  • kathleen1966
    kathleen1966 Member Posts: 68
    edited August 2011

    I too was diagnosed at the first mammogram, which I went in for because I was having physical symptoms...If my life does end up being saved, I will hold my pagets disease as saving me.  It's what brought me in.  And it was a tiny little spot.  Yes, the nipple was slightly inverted and the breast looked wierd.  But I had lost weight and also nursed for a total of six years (so much for that helping)...two kids...diagnosed aged 45...past my one year more Herceptin to go...we'll see....

  • just_sue
    just_sue Member Posts: 7
    edited August 2011

    39 but 3 days to my 40th birthday.  Stage IV with bone mets from the get go.

  • eag1954
    eag1954 Member Posts: 119
    edited August 2011

    I was 51 when diagnosed with stage II er/pr+ bc and had been getting yearly mammograms!  I'm now 57 and diagnosed with stage IV metastatic cancer to the spine and lung lesions in April of this year.

  • jloon
    jloon Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2011

    38 - stage 3 TN but I felt something "weird" that was ignored by my doctor during my pregnancy 2 years earlier.

    39 - now - stage 4 - skin, liver and bone mets :(

  • tunkylala
    tunkylala Member Posts: 18
    edited August 2011

    I turned 36 in jan. Found the lump on valentines day. Officially dx in april.

  • SharonMH
    SharonMH Member Posts: 46
    edited August 2011

    Hi  I was 59.   I knew something was wrong but I also ignored it. I had Chemo  MX and Rads  I am now 2 years out. Life is good. I like dancing with NED. SharonH

  • Christa73
    Christa73 Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2011

    I was 36 with first DX and 38 with mets.

  • jen_b
    jen_b Member Posts: 197
    edited September 2011


  • Canchaser
    Canchaser Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2011

    36 Stage I

    37 Stage IV, 21 days before my 38th b-day. :(

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited September 2011

    (((hugs)))) to Christa73

  • sandilee
    sandilee Member Posts: 436
    edited September 2011

     56, Stage 1

     60, mets to bones

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited May 2013

    37, first time around, stage II. 59, recurrence to lung, stage IV.