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Poll - How old were you when dx with BC



  • MiniMacsMom
    MiniMacsMom Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2012

    27 Stage 3

  • Kathy39
    Kathy39 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2012

    I was 38

  • Nicole39
    Nicole39 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2012

    31 original stage 3 dx. recurrence with mets at 38

  • bethcw
    bethcw Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2012

    42. My mother was also 42 when she was diagnosed 34 years ago.

  • blondelawyer
    blondelawyer Member Posts: 104
    edited January 2012

    Initially dx at 33, definiative stage IV dx yesterday at age of 34

  • pminxy
    pminxy Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2012

    When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer was 10 days aftermy 41st leading to a lumpectomy where of the 6 nodes taken 5 were cancerous, they didn't get it all so fortnight later a radical mastectomy took place and chemo/ rads followed; 2006 at 43 lost right breast and bi-lateral reconstruction and then palliative recurrence was last year at 48 so back to palliative chemo and there is palliative pain relieving hopefully Rt in the futre as my days are spent in great pain inspite of the big doses of pain relief  I am on.

  • Jac53
    Jac53 Member Posts: 58
    edited January 2012

    41 first Dx

    57 stage IV 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    on my 50th birthday.  A bd I will never forget

  • Sido
    Sido Member Posts: 55
    edited January 2012

    41 first dx (Stage 1, Grade 3 TN), 42 at end of tx

    43 stage 4 mets to lung, bone & nodes

    blondelawyer: Gads you've had a f**ked up past 14 months! I'm so sorry sweetie. 

  • kathrin35
    kathrin35 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2012

    35 DX with mets

  • joynow
    joynow Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2012

    42 liver mets from the beginning.

  • greenfrog
    greenfrog Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2012

    I was 43. The tumour appeared in the same place as a huge "benign" lump that had been removed ten years earlier.

    Reading these posts I am amazed at how long this stinking disease can linger in the body before mets are dx-ed. It really is the gift that keeps on giving.

    Best wishes to all.

  • lafl333
    lafl333 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2012

    My heart and prayers go out to each and everyone of you. All my sisters. So far ...and hopefully despite a strong family Hx my sclerosing adenosis will stay as is. If not I know here to you all....Linda

  • tina_uk
    tina_uk Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2012

    Age 32 at dx stage 2 triple neg (Jan 2010). Had an 8mth old baby boy. Stage 4 just 6months later, when I developed skin mets just after my last chemo. Still battling on over 18m later, thankfully, but with lots of mets :(

    Best wishes to everyone dealing with this crappy hand x

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2012

    Age 40 - Was supposed to be my baseline mammy  

  • debstar
    debstar Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2012

    38 - first dx

    45 - second dx

    49 - 3rd time dx 

  • formyloves
    formyloves Member Posts: 11
    edited February 2012

    26 stage 3c

  • charlestongirl63
    charlestongirl63 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2012

    I was 35, stage 1.  My OBGYN had recommended I get a baseline mammogram because my mom and grandmother had breast cancer.   At 42, stage 3.  At 44, stage 4. 

  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86
    edited February 2012

    The day I turned 42.

  • jennap
    jennap Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2012

    Age 35. Stage 2b. Triple positive.

    Happy healing to everyone!

  • Kornelia80
    Kornelia80 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2012

    31 first DX

    32 Stage IV

  • Cherilynn64
    Cherilynn64 Member Posts: 156
    edited May 2012

    Had the lump at age 46, did nothing till age 47, stage 1. Was DCIS and IDC, grade 3, so makes me wonder had I gotten it looked at when I first felt it 1.5 yrs earlier, would it have been at DCIS only or a lower grade or both? I was an idiot, but no cancer in my family of any kind on either side, and smal dense lumpy breasts, I blew it off. Now I know dense breasts are a risk factor. Have passed the word around to all women I know.

  • kebab
    kebab Member Posts: 98
    edited May 2012

    age 37 - stage iib

    age 41 - stage iv

  • cornishmaid46
    cornishmaid46 Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2012


  • Jejik
    Jejik Member Posts: 26
    edited May 2012

    A few weeks shy of my 32 birthday. Was stage Iv from the start

  • CapeTownBM1
    CapeTownBM1 Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2012

    30 initially, and now again at 40

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842
    edited May 2012

    49, in the best physical shape of my life.  2a, 3 positve nodes TN.

  • LauraOntario
    LauraOntario Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2012

    I was 45--stage IV a few months later.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903
    edited May 2012

    First: 46

    Bone mets: 49 

  • sandyv
    sandyv Member Posts: 6
    edited May 2012

    43  1st diagnosis but had felt mass several  years prior and mamo stated negatve until age 43 then dx with mets to bone  12/2011 at age 57 after several years of being passed from dr to dr to find out what was causing back pain. 1st in family with breast cancer, I should have been a better advocate for myself both times. Now I trust no Dr and the new guidelines are totally ridiculous in my opinion. now I know I should have had an ultrasound after 1st mamo. When I was trying to find about back pain my tumor markers were elevated and never had been in all those years so I wnt to 2 different oncos although one ordered  PET SCAN THAT WAS PROMTLY DENIED BY MY INSURANCE both told me not to worry about them .I was then sent to rhuematolgist and cardiologist. My bone mets was an incidental finding fom a ct a pulmonary dr who thought back pain might be due to lungs. sorrr for the rambling answer to your simple question.