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Poll - How old were you when dx with BC



  • Amy332012
    Amy332012 Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2012


  • Lynne
    Lynne Member Posts: 368
    edited July 2012

    I was 43 when I was first diagnosed 7 yrs ago Stage I. It was found on my 3rd routine mammogram. Neither my doctor (the week before) nor myself felt the lump.

    I am now 50 and was just diagnosed with mets to my spine and right lung (found because my back was hurting, and I had a compression fracture in one of my vertabrae, they saw the mets on my spine on the MRI) . I start my first treatment this morning.


  • RaychlD
    RaychlD Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2012

    36 at dx

    Found it myself at 35

  • kita
    kita Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2012

    Dx at 23, just 2 days before my 23rd birthday

  • CoolBreeze
    CoolBreeze Member Posts: 250
    edited July 2012

    Kita you are only 23?   I had no idea.  OMG that really sucks.  I sit next to a lovely girl in the chemo room who is 27.  Until she started coming in, I was by far the youngest person (at 51 initially) that went in.  You must really feel like a fish out of water!

  • steelrose
    steelrose Member Posts: 318
    edited July 2012

    It is simply unfair for someone in their 20's! Blah! I was 45 and I was the talk of the hospital. I see now that 45 seems to be somewhat average. There are some YOUNG women here... this has got to STOP.

  • kita
    kita Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2012

    Ya it's really hard to relate to people who have been able to accomplish more of their life. My daughter was 8 mo old and I was in my last semester of college. I have BRCA 2 gene and so does my mom but I hope and pray hers never turns into cancer. I just know there is a reason I wax dealt this hand, I just haven't figured if out yet. Its most unfair for my daughter... She's deserves a mom

  • kita
    kita Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2012

    I'll be 25 in October... Going to celebrate my 2 yes if fighting. Maybe a weekend in Vegas or a night on my favorite beach

  • stagefree
    stagefree Member Posts: 360
    edited July 2012

    Dx stage 4 from the get go at 38, first cancer hodgkin's lenfoma at 15.

    Kita, your daughter is very lucky to have you as her mother, you are a wise & strong woman for your age. So many people live 20-25 years with their moms but learn little from them.

  • GatorGal
    GatorGal Member Posts: 750
    edited July 2012

    37 first dx

    57 mets dx

    FAITHINHIM Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2012


  • TKSit
    TKSit Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2012


  • QuinnCat
    QuinnCat Member Posts: 408
    edited July 2012


    The brca2+ in my family appears to cause only BC, all females, thus far, and only in our 50's, peri- to post- menopausal.  All five of us.  I lost my mother at age 14...she was 54.

  • Silke80
    Silke80 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2012

    30 first dx

    31 stage IV

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited July 2012


  • Annemie
    Annemie Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2012

    30, stage iv with liver mets

  • 3littlegirls
    3littlegirls Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2012

    39 4 days after my b'day!  "(

    Stage 4!

    Felt the lump when I was 37.  Dr dismissed it as nothing! 

  • HLB
    HLB Member Posts: 740
    edited July 2012

    41 stage 2. 49 stage 4 spine mets. Can't believe how young everyone is. This cancer crap is BS!

  • superfoob
    superfoob Member Posts: 121
    edited July 2012

    44: Stage IV Liver.

    I don't remember if I posted already...stupid chemobrain. If I did....never mind!

  • Fitztwins
    Fitztwins Member Posts: 144
    edited July 2012

    40 officially. 43 1/2  mets

  • Dutchie
    Dutchie Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2012

    39 stage 3b

    43 stage 4

    I am absolutely shocked by this thread! I always thought I was young to have this but a quick scan of these posts shows me I'm average at most. What a crime that we are all between 23 and 51 (sorry if I missed someone but you get the idea).

    Makes you wonder. Wow.

  • hydeskate
    hydeskate Member Posts: 45
    edited July 2012

    dx Stage IV out of the gate @ 29 in 2008

  • ndroby
    ndroby Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2012

    Maternal grandmother in her early 60's

    Mother at age 29---she died in 1962 at the age of 31 (I was 2 yrs old)-adenocarcinoma of the breast

    Sister at the age of 56: IDC-stage 0 (triple positive)

    After 14 breast biopsies, I had PBMX 4/10/12 and was found with extensive LCIS at age 52.

    BRCA negtive. PTEN negative but have a missing promoter (on/off switch) discovered by Killin Methylation testing. This may help explain genetic connection to all of this breast cancer.

  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited July 2012

    60 - stage 1

    61 - stage 3b

    62 - stage IV

    It boggles my mind how young some of you are.  I cannot, even  for a second, imagine dealing with this when you are in your early 20's.

  • BouncingBetties
    BouncingBetties Member Posts: 50
    edited July 2012

    40 - stage IV from initial diagnosis! First and only mammogram I had was to view my mass.

  • Sabine74
    Sabine74 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2012

    I was 37

  • lintrollerderby
    lintrollerderby Member Posts: 70
    edited July 2012

    Last year at age 34. I had to fight tooth and nail to be diagnosed. None of the doctors thought it was anything to worry about. The next time a "non-traditional age" (younger) woman presents with a breast lump and the doctor shrugs her off, I'd love to stick this whole thread in the doctor's face.

  • julz4
    julz4 Member Posts: 1,373
    edited August 2012

    I have been working on compiling ALL 28 pages of Info on this thread!  I am now done.  I did not get too technical as I did this all by paper, pencil, & calculator.  Also there were so many variables due to tumor size, hormone receptors, type of BC & so many other stages besides IV.

    Here is what I got, (I tried to be as accurate as I could but not all the info was provided, but then it was just asked the age of first DX) 

    # of first time DX on all 28 pages - 761

    # of stage IV - 362

    # of stage IV - grade 1 - 9

                          grade 2 - 58

                          grade 3 - 109

    3 youngest ages of 1st DX - 10, 12, & 16

    youngest stage IV DX - 20 & 23

    Age of 1st DX - 20's - 53

                            30's - 260

                            40's - 302

                            50's - 109

                            60's -34

                            70's + - 3

    Age of stage IV DX - 20's - 20

                                   30's - 99

                                   40's -153

                                   50's - 70

                                   60's - 19

                                   70's + - 1

    Of the Stage IV DX's  1st time were 149

                                    2end or more were 213

     Me....DX at 45.  4 years after first biopsy came back B9.  In same breast same side of breast, different area though.

  • ladyfighter
    ladyfighter Member Posts: 57
    edited August 2012

    dx at 48, with no family history

  • julz4
    julz4 Member Posts: 1,373
    edited August 2012
