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Poll - How old were you when dx with BC



  • Karin70
    Karin70 Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2012

    42, stage IIIb

  • Ute68
    Ute68 Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2012


    43 with mets

  • KeepingFaith69
    KeepingFaith69 Member Posts: 52
    edited February 2013

    40 dx

    41 local recurrence

    43 (my birthday), possible lung mets : (
    43 confirmed pleural effusion and liver mets

  • chefmiche
    chefmiche Member Posts: 25
    edited December 2012

    36 dx Stage II

    40 dx Stage IV Mets to Bone

  • Inge70
    Inge70 Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2012

    31 1st. DX

    37 with mets

  • Annemaus
    Annemaus Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2013

    19 first dx

    27 stage IV

  • teacher911
    teacher911 Member Posts: 152
    edited January 2013

    Age 47 DCIS  Bilateral Masectomy

    Age 52 Stage IV Mets to the bones

  • softness1
    softness1 Member Posts: 100
    edited January 2013

    41. Turned 42 three weeks later

  • wintersocks
    wintersocks Member Posts: 434
    edited February 2013

    50yrs - 6cm IDC 

    But, 37, fibroadenoma, other large lumps   Frown

    43, -  biopsied because lots of lumps  Doc: 'I don't like look of this' - told B9

    many mammos/ultrasounds - all negative

    v dense breast tissue (suspect has been there for years given size)  

  • JudyAlice
    JudyAlice Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2013

    I was 40 yrs old stage 4 from the start.....dr said mine had been growing a few years......

  • marymoir
    marymoir Member Posts: 28
    edited January 2013

    I was 43 when first diagnosed as Stage I...47 when diagnosed with mets.

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2013

    41. Found by my 1st screening mammogram. No lump or symptoms. No family history. IDC on right side, DCIS on left side.

  • Angelika80
    Angelika80 Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2013

    26 Stage I

    33 Stage IV

  • Angelika80
    Angelika80 Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2013

    26 Stage I

    33 with mets

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    57 day before yesterday Frown DCIS unless they find more in my lumpectomy (praying they don't!)

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited February 2013

    38 at initial diagnosis in April 2012 stage III

    Mets diagnosis 39 December 2012

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited February 2013

    Adopted so mammos began at 30, ever year.

    DX 44 ILC, with lcis and dcis mixed in.

  • Rosevalley
    Rosevalley Member Posts: 1,664
    edited February 2013

    2007 Stage lllA ILC age 48

    2012 Stage lV bone mets 53

  • rzxcd
    rzxcd Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2013

    43 stage 3 48 stage 4

  • Angelique33
    Angelique33 Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2013

    35, initial Stg.IV

  • iamfolwer
    iamfolwer Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2013

    Age almost 40.  April, 1997.

  • SchnauzerMom
    SchnauzerMom Member Posts: 75
    edited February 2013

    41, stage I

    43, stage III

    66, stage IV

  • j1e1n1a
    j1e1n1a Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2013

    33 almost 34... stage 4 from get go.

  • jackie99
    jackie99 Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2013

    15 DCIS

    25 Stage IV

  • Dagmar86
    Dagmar86 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2013

    26 Stage III

  • NickyJ
    NickyJ Member Posts: 372
    edited April 2013

    41, stage IV mets to bone and liver

  • Mamita49
    Mamita49 Member Posts: 58
    edited April 2013

    49 stage II, now almost 54, mets to liver since Dec. 2012, on Navalbine.....

  • Missy64
    Missy64 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2013

    42 Stage II

    45 Stage IV mets to lungs

  • carpe_diem
    carpe_diem Member Posts: 599
    edited April 2013

    61. On my 62nd birthday, mets to the lung.  I'd had regular mammograms, including diagnostic 9 months earlier for a blob I was told was a cyst, and then two pleural effusions a month or two after that, no cancer cells found in fluid. Even Social Security agreed that my diagnosis should be backdated.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    40 years and one month, Stage 3a.  Not by mammogram though I'd had several.

    Mets, 1 month before my 45th birthday, though there's some question as to whether they've been there the entire time.