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Poll - How old were you when dx with BC



  • stellaratovsky
    stellaratovsky Member Posts: 131
    edited April 2013

    37 years old stage 3b and 39 with stage 4 with bone mets.

  • jocanuck1951
    jocanuck1951 Member Posts: 214
    edited April 2013

    61yrs liver mets right out the gate, no lump just increasing pain, chest wall to nipple.

  • rinneron
    rinneron Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2013

    25 when diagnosed stage iii; 28 when diagnosed stage iv with mets to bones, liver, lungs, & some lymph nodes around liver. Doesn't run in my family at all -- neither does any other kind of cancer. Found the original lump myself and got lucky with an unrelated cough the second time -- I'm currently asymptomatic!

  • Annie4
    Annie4 Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2013

    43. Stage IV at the get go. 8 1/2 years out!

  • chickydee
    chickydee Member Posts: 15
    edited April 2013

    I had just turned 52. Never felt a lump, just redness in skin on breast. OB/GYN had a good friend dx with inflammatory breast cancer so she sent me for a diagnostic mammogram. Core needle biopsy of breast and lymph node, skin punch. 4 days later, dx IBC. Stage IV. Mets to bones.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818
    edited April 2013

    I was one month shy of turning 51. Found by mammogram.

  • mepic
    mepic Member Posts: 30
    edited April 2013

    47, still 47, stage 1b, grade 1, er/pr+, her negative Microcalcifications on yearly mammo that weren't there year before. Initially thought to be only DCIS but after bmx had .9 mm IDC, another area of .1 mm IDC along with 4 cm DCIS all in right breast. No symptoms. No family history. God is going to protect me from this bully.

  • jjl
    jjl Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2013

    42 first dx.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700
    edited October 2013

    i was 52 when i found the lump, and my bc surgeon told me i had probably had it for 8 years. my math is truly bad, but that would have made me about 45. which was when i had had my last mammo, which i had begged them not to do, as my breast was red and painful, and swollen. i begged them please, to go straight to ultrasound as i did not want my breast squished with the pain i was already having. i had been going to this place for low income woman, and they assured me mammos always hurt. i felt the woman who performed them, allways gave a couple extra wrenches,flattening my d cup to a half inch thick pancake. that time, doc aspirated greenish yelloew thick fluid,guided by ultra sound, after the painful mammo they insisted upon performing first. he called it an inflammation, but the stuff in the syringe certainly looked like pus to my uneducated eye, signifying an infection. this was a place i went to every six months, cause i have very dense breasts that seemed to be subject to cysts. after they did that, i never went back there. or anywhere. i figured, a bump was always a cyst that resolved on its own, i ll live with it. 2012, i found a lump that felt different, went to a different imaging place(didnt hurt there!) and knew in my soul they were going to find cancer. sure enough. i had waited two months between finding the lump, till seeing the doctor,while trying to arrange the facts in my head, and preparing myself mentally, as well as i could, also visiting my mother,without breathing a word to her,cause i didnt want my visit to be all about me and my boob. i had missed seeing her the year before because i was with a dying friend,lung cancer that went to her brain.

  • Nickie69
    Nickie69 Member Posts: 8
    edited April 2013

    43 stage 4, mets to bone and neck nodes.

  • diana50
    diana50 Member Posts: 253
    edited April 2013

    Initial dx. 49

    Mets. 60

  • Cullensm1
    Cullensm1 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2013

    33 - stage IV mets to liver from the get go.

  • cvmarilyn
    cvmarilyn Member Posts: 77
    edited May 2013

    Got my diagnosis on my 55th birthday - almost 1 year ago - by a mamogram.  No family history - totally out of the blue :(

  • MartyMart
    MartyMart Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2013

    Age 52. Stage IV from the start, discovered by a routine mammogram. Tumor the size of a pea, but already multiple bone mets.

    I can honesly say I never dreamed I'd wind up with metastatic breast cancer. I trusted all the Pink hype about getting regular mammograms.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022
    edited May 2013

    47, stage iv to liver and one place on bone from the start.

    my gynecologist had dropped me to the every two year mammogram. i had been scanned in 2009, not in 2010, and stage iv in 2011.  my oncologist just told me to not go there in terms of that ticking me off, but it does. 

    so the new standards of scanning only every 2 years and starting at 50 will result in deaths. all to save a little money. ok. i'm pissed. i'll stop.

  • SchnauzerMom
    SchnauzerMom Member Posts: 75
    edited May 2013

    41, stage 1

    43, stage 3

    66, stage 4

    Mammograms have never shown anything.  Found each lump myself.  Very dense breast tissue.

  • Manu78
    Manu78 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2013

    Age 32. Stage IV from the start.

  • muthom-stage4
    muthom-stage4 Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2013

    Age 45 - Stage iv from the start....

  • Katja83
    Katja83 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2013

    27 Stage I, 30 Stage IV

  • Catesmom
    Catesmom Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2013

    I was 48 when I was diagnosed. Had a mammogram 4 months before I found the lump.

  • Kornelia71
    Kornelia71 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2013

    I was 36 original BC Stage IV with bone mets

    38 mets to liver

    39 ovarian cancer

    41 mets to lung and brain

  • Julia97
    Julia97 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2013

    28 original dx Stg.I

    32 with bone mets

    37 lung mets

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2013

    Found at age 62 through mammogram.  Had yearly mammos since age 40 always around my birthday, no history of breast cancer whatsoever in either side of family.  Missed my yearly mammo in 2008 as my daughter was very ill - figured it was no big deal since I never even had a call back throughout the years.  Went  in Feb. 2009 and whamo!  TNBC, 1.2 cm.  5 cms under the nipple, so I never felt it at all.  I hated reading all these posts and seeing just how young 98% of you are.   I hate this disease.

  • PaulAndSandy
    PaulAndSandy Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2013

    Mom was:

    50, Stage IIIA

    59, Stage II

    61, Stage IV

    62 when she died from it. She lasted 11 months after the Stage IV dx and 12 years total from initial dx until she died.

  • CandyisDandy
    CandyisDandy Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2013

    53 stage IV out of the gate.

  • sherry35
    sherry35 Member Posts: 155
    edited June 2013

    34 stage III

    37 local recurrance

    41 now

  • MaryLW
    MaryLW Member Posts: 1,585
    edited June 2013

    48 stage 2

    59 local recurrence

    64 metastasis to bones

  • Andrea77
    Andrea77 Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2013

    33 - original dx with bone mets. I had a baby 1 month ago

  • tortoise
    tortoise Member Posts: 17
    edited June 2013

    40, but as it was 9cm total load it had prob been kicking around since i was about 35

  • Karola79
    Karola79 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2013

    22 Stage1

    30 Stage4