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Poll - How old were you when dx with BC



  • Lynne811
    Lynne811 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2014

    I was 44

  • kt1966
    kt1966 Member Posts: 1,021
    edited August 2014

    37 - stage IIIa

    48- stage IV (mets to bones, lungs, ?liver & ?thyroid)

    No family history apart from paternal grandmother

  • mikarae
    mikarae Member Posts: 133
    edited August 2014

    47 - Initial diagnosis Stage lV (mets to spine)

  • coralrose413
    coralrose413 Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2014

    Age 48, dx with DCIS, Stage 0, Grade 3.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2014

    stage IIIA on my 50th birthday 8/2010

    Stage IV 53 11/2013 bones

    2/2014 liver and lungs. Regression significant on taxol/Gemzar combo 

  • eshinall
    eshinall Member Posts: 41
    edited September 2014

    38 when diagnosed with Stage 0&1, 42 when diagnosed with Stage IV (I'm 44 now). My mammogram was "normal" despite having 4 tumors at Stage I.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    brca negative 

    32 IIb

    33 lung mets, 4 months later brain mets

    Triple negative is a scary beast, especially for the young it seems. 

  • jessozzie
    jessozzie Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2014

    Hi, 83 IBC.stage 111B ...still going strong...

  • Thea
    Thea Member Posts: 29
    edited September 2014

    Hi, I had just turned 46 when diagnosed at stage IIB, and was diagnosed as stage IV at age 50.

  • Becs511
    Becs511 Member Posts: 118
    edited September 2014

    32 (6 days before my 33 birthday- Stage 4 from the get go (mets to lymph nodes, sternum, and lungs). NED after 3 months of chemo!

  • WinningSoFar
    WinningSoFar Member Posts: 126
    edited September 2014

    51 Stage IIb

    63 Stage IV (second primary)

    BRCA negative

  • MusicLover
    MusicLover Member Posts: 777
    edited September 2014

    49, 2 months before I turned 50.  stage IV. Lump began above breast which would be above mammo line of detection. No family history.

    We should create a full blown report of this data including size of tumor and send it into the news for a report for this and every October, then everyone would truly see what women (& men & of course, our loved ones, because cancer is a family event) are dealing with!  Maybe more work would be done in finding a cure? IDK, so frustrated for all of us. This is a crappy way to live (or to die). I told my oncologist I would rather have an anvil fall on my head, then I apologized.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    Age 45 stage IV from starting gate, 4 cm mass, lung mets

    Regular mammograms, no family history

  • skylotus
    skylotus Member Posts: 265
    edited September 2014

    I was misdiagnosed at 35, correctly diagnosed at 40, by then with three tumors, two different types of breast cancer, ductal and lobular. Stage 4 diagnosis at 55, discovered lung tumor during pre-op testing for surgical removal of ruptured implants, further testing revealed more mets. Lucky to still be here, I guess....long time to have this in my life.

  • DianaMK
    DianaMK Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2014

    56 - first time

    60 - with mets

  • sammiryan
    sammiryan Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2014

    45 Stage 1V

  • Iamstronger
    Iamstronger Member Posts: 102
    edited October 2014

    44  IIb Triple +

    49 mets to bones/liver

    I'm the pioneer in our family, no other cancer

  • shutterbug73
    shutterbug73 Member Posts: 284
    edited November 2014

    41 at dx, bone mets, no family history, genetic tests came back negative. Dense breasts and a history of benign cysts. Mammograms every 6 months because of cysts

  • ninetwelve
    ninetwelve Member Posts: 328
    edited November 2014

    54, stage IV. Mets to sternum and lung.

  • jobur
    jobur Member Posts: 493
    edited November 2014

    57, stage IV with mets to thoracic spine and pelvis.

    I am shocked and saddened to see so many young women (under 50) with bc!

  • kwagart
    kwagart Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2014

    Diagnosed the same month that I turned 49

    After chemo and mastectomy found bone mets

    Brca2 positive (was unaware, not much cancer in family)

    Low grade lobular, probably there a while, mammogram every year since 40

  • sunny8
    sunny8 Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2014

    One week after I turned 43, stage 2a.

  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited November 2014

    First dx-55, second-57, Mets-58...brca negative but all drs think I have a gene...just not identified yet. Lost 3 aunts to bc, most other relatives to some kind of C. Onc/genetic counsel it's said bank our blood for future generations...there will be a cure!!!!

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited November 2014

    First diagnosed at 44, mets now at 47. Mammograms every year since I was 20, the year my 31 year old sister died of BC. Also have another sister who was diagnosed when she was 38, but is a 22 year survivor and still going strong. We are BRCA - but I am meeting with the genetic team again this week. Apparently, there is a new gene identified they want to test me for. I certainly hope there is something that will spare my daughter from this road!

    Mammogram never showed my tumor, but with my family history they took the palpable lump seriously from the start and it showed up on the MRI. We treated my first diagnosis very aggressively, and I intend to fight this new diagnosis with all I have.

    I'm not a big believer in "catching it early" at this point. I've been diligent for 27 years, found my tumor myself, and still have mets. Enough with the "awareness" campaign, and let's find a cure!!!!

  • Nightnurse
    Nightnurse Member Posts: 29
    edited March 2015

    I was 51yo and stage 2b.

  • RosesToeses
    RosesToeses Member Posts: 244
    edited March 2015

    42 at stage IIIa

    44 at stage IV

    Still here at 45 though, so that's something

  • Mareike
    Mareike Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2015

    34, Initial diagnosis Stage lV (mets to bone and liver )

  • blondedoris
    blondedoris Member Posts: 57
    edited April 2015

    Stage 2B at 35, Mets at 40

  • LindaE54
    LindaE54 Member Posts: 1,379
    edited April 2015

    54 - stage 4 from the start


  • diana50
    diana50 Member Posts: 253
    edited April 2015

    Initial . 2002. 49 years ol.

    Mets. 2014. 60 years old