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  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited May 2010

    Add rubbing alcohol to the water and put it in a heavy zip lock bag. It keeps the water from freezing solid and makes a shapable ice pack. Very cold. 1/3 alcohol. 2/3 water.

  • HelenNC
    HelenNC Member Posts: 21
    edited May 2010

    Hello all! Well, I've been on Arimidex since Nov. And while the Cancer didn't kill me, this med is sure trying! lol.

     I simply cannot sleep. It is better now, but when I first went on A, I was wide awake until 7am every night. Now I can fall asleep about 4 or 5am. But then I sleep til 10 or 11am. Messes up the day completely. I tried Melatonin, Tylenol PM, Benedryl. No help. I fought going on sleep aids, but had to give in. Dr. ordered Lunesta. Works very good. However, my insurance only pays for 15 pills a month so I only use them when I need to get up early.

    I guess I'm just asking if anyone else has this & what you are doing for it. I also have tons of joint pain & pain in both my arms. I can hardly lift anything. Thanks for listening to my babble! Helen

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,850
    edited May 2010

    I still am taking Ambein CR. I had bad sleep problems before Arimidex, so do not believe it is a SE for me. What I have been doing is cutting them in half (with one of those pill cutters you buy), and I'm getting a pretty good night's sleep on half a pill, just taking a full pill every once and awhile. For the joint pain, I would say to keep moving, exercising etc. that seems to be the best way to deal with it (at least for me). Ruth

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited May 2010

    I went through a period of several months when I could sleep no more than 3-4 hours a night.  I knew it was the Arimidex. 

    My oncologist gave me the lowest dose of lorazepam.  It is an old anti anxiety drug that has sleepiness as a side effect.  One 0.5mg pill makes me sleepy enough to nod off.  At first I had to take one every night.  Within a month I was taking about 2 a week.  I don't use them every night but just often enough to maintain my normal 11:00pm - 7:00pm sleep cycle.  the last time I filled my prescription was over a year ago.  It was a 90 day supply and I still have about 20 left.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    Hi Helen, sorry you are having so many problems.  Many of us also had issues and they got better over time.  Hopefully you will also get some relief as your body gets used to this new invasion. 

    Along with ruth's advice about the exercise, have you tried glucosamine/chondroitin?  It can take several weeks to give relief but many (me included) have improved.  Also, maybe you can switch the time you are taking it, or are you already taking it in the morning?  Again, these se's may lessen over time.  I'm hoping that is the case for you.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,316
    edited May 2010

    Helen, that's what we're here for, to listen and sympathize and offer helpful advice, if we have any.  I was taking benedryl as a sleep aid before bc.  I take my little white pill at night and an allergy med and either benedryl or melatonin (3mg).  No problem going to sleep or going back to sleep when I get up to go to the bathroom.  If anything, I'm sleeping too many hours if I don't make myself get up on those days when I have somewhere to go. 

    I agree with the advice to exercise and keep moving.  Good luck and hang in there.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2010

    Jo, not sure I can help but will tell you my experience.  My Vit D level was 17 and surgeon put me on 3,000 IU's daily.  Tested a couple months later and my level was almost perfect.  I continue to take the 3000 daily (when I remember Embarassed). and will get my level checked soon.  I have not noticed any negative side effects.

    Does your doc want you to stop taking it after the 6 weeks?

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2010

    Jo, glad you were steadfast and finally got a doc to check your D level.  Not sure if I'm taking D2 or D3, will have to check when I get home. When the sun is shining I try to get out in it at least in 10-15 minute increments in addition to my supplement....the "real thing"has got to be better than what is in a caplet.

    I can identify with you in being the allergy/side effect queen.  When I was going through chemo my onc's cancer nurse told me whenever she heard my name she visualized me with a dark cloud over my head!

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited May 2010


    I have heard of these mega doses....I'm almost certain it was on the natural girls thread. I visit there whenever I'm thinking of adding a new supplement. Why not check with them. (By the way, I take 2,000 IU of D 3 daily.)

    Edited to add - If it helps, here are some other posts about your dosage level: PS You have to copy and paste this into your web browser, the link doesn't seem to work

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited May 2010

    If you are taking 50,000 units you are being given Vitamin D2.  I was on it for over a year and it was a complete waste of time.  I have switched to 4000 IU of Vitamin D3 along with 250mg of magnesium and 1200 mg calcium per day.  I was just retested and my levels are now 54 ng/ml. 

    If you want to know more about Vitamin D then check out this site. scroll down to the video on Vitamin D and breast cancer.

    You may also want to print some of the information for your doctor.

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited May 2010

    Not liking this pill at all so far. The night sweats were bad enough but a few days ago the headaches started - mini migraines that, to some degree or other last from 6am to 6pm w/ a major migraine on Sunday. And it's only been 3 weeks (although 7 weeks since the Lupron shot.) 

    I've been reading back posts and am only up to page 11 but I see that some of you tried switching the time you take Arimidex and I'm going to follow suit. Instead of 9pm tonight, I'll take my pill at 9am. I think I'd rather have hot flashes during the day and headaches while I'm sleeping. We'll see.

    In the meantime, what have you guys found that works on these headaches - I've tried Aspirin, Extra strength tylenol and Actifed cold and allergy - none of which work. Anyone find something effective ?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,850
    edited May 2010

    No headaches here, but I take my pill in the morning too. The hot flashes really do level off after you adjust. Anyone have headache advice?

  • cw89134
    cw89134 Member Posts: 62
    edited May 2010

    No headaches for me. A few hot flashes, even after 14+ months. Worst SE, for me, is a trigger finger on the ring finger of my left hand. Still get night sweats too. It's quite manageable for me. I take the pill with breakfast.

    Hope this helps.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited May 2010


    This might not work on migraine but it does work for normal headaches.  Press your finger tips over the top of your skull until you find areas that feel like a bruise.  Press firmly down on each sore area for about 15 seconds.  Wait about 30 seconds and press down again.  Repeat this until the sore area disappears.  Also try this method on the upper chest just under the collar bones. These are pressure points that relieve muscle and nerve inflammation.

    Heck, it may not work for you but it works for me on normal headaches.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited May 2010


    We did a little survey a few months ago of when people  took their Arimidex. As I recall it did not seem to matter when you took the pill, the hot flashes peaked in the evening. No one could figure out why. Hope you find the AM schedule helps.


  • sobx
    sobx Member Posts: 108
    edited May 2010

    No headaches here either. I was put on 3 ibuporfens in the am and 3 in the pm. Helped with the joint pain and sleep. I sleep too much too. But then I work 2nd shift most of the time. Been on it for 15 months. Still have some hot flashes but have noticed anything with sugar brings them on. So no sweets at night. During the day I can fan myself! feel like I take the alphabet vitamins. My surgeon added "e" to the mix. Get blood work done this week and results next Thursday. If ithelps I will take it. Beats the "C".

  • chesketh
    chesketh Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2010

    I have been on Fermara for 3 years now. I started on Arimidex and change to Fermara.  I had the same side effect from both Med's.  I told my Onco I wanted to stop the med's and she told me the increase of getting cancer back would be high.  I was taking all kinds of supplements trying to get relief.  I was introduced to a product by my sister-in-law.  She had a kidney transplant and this product was helping her.  I was so desprate for relief I gave it a try.  I have been taking the product for 2 1/2 years now and have no side effect from the med's anymore.  The inflamation, aches, hot flashes and mental fog have all disapeared.  I feel great and still take the med's everyday.  My entire family is now taking this product everybody loves it. Email me if your interested 

  • Lowrider54
    Lowrider54 Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2010


    An acupressure technique for headaches (I get the migranes sometimes too) is to take your forefinger and thumb from one hand and pinch the fatty part of the space between your thumb and forefinger on the other hand.  Hold good pressure for a couple minutes and then switch hands.  Also, if you get an aura before the migraine...drink a very strong cup of coffee fairly likely will not get the headache.  I have used regular Coke or Pepsi if I am out and it happens but the coffee is more effective.  The caffine seems to counter what the blood vessels do that creates the migraine.  It happened to me in a firehouse on a tour with a bunch of cub scouts and the paramedic on duty was in total agreement that the coffee as soon as you get the aura works.

    I have been on Arimidex for 8 months and the se's have subsided quite a bit.  Being at stage iv there are many other issues going on so effexsor, xanax, percocet, calcium with D, calcium with magniseum and zinc along with cranberry and ginger root complex (for bladder and kidneys) are all part of the regime.  Water and walking are good too - neither of which I just can't seem to get in enough of.  Lots of fruits and veggies and I have reduced the amount of gluten in my diet too.  I still get warm flushes that last for a few moments but no more of the 'sweats'.  I have mets to the spine and pain meds are helpful for some of the joint pain too.  The first month was horrid and as time passed, it got much more tolerable. 

    Hugs to all!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,316
    edited May 2010

    No headaches so far except for sinus headaches with the spring pollen.  I seldom ever have headaches.  Hope you find something that helps.

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited May 2010

    Thanks all for your suggestions and wishes. Lowrider - I've successfully used the coffee route before; in fact used to brew and keep a pot in the frig when I had clusters of migraines a few years ago. As I understand it, it expands the blood vessels so there's less pressure. Thanks for the reminder.  I've also heard of but not yet tried the accupressure, I will try that as well. I hope everything continues to go well for you. Notself - Thanks too for your input. Of course, I'm feeling a bit like a failure since I've searched my scalp several times, "walking" my fingers over my head but cant find the "bruised spot" that your talking about. I may try to google accupressure and head to see if I can find a chart or Accupressure for Dummies.

    As for the headaches, today was definitely better than the last several days but that may also be because I took my pill 12 hours later than usual and so there's less Arimidex in my system.....We shall see.

    PS Before anyone follows up on chesketh's offer about her wonder supplement, check out her profile. I may be a sceptic and I may be wrong but it sounds to me as if she's selling something, which, since she's not disclosing that fact, certainly colors her "advice" and, by the way, is also a breach of's rules.

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 782
    edited May 2010

    MTG, i thought the same thing.  Glad you mentioned it.

  • Lowrider54
    Lowrider54 Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2010

    I see it has been removed by the community...I am so glad for this space - they protect us from those that are trying to take advantage of our situation.  What some people won't do for a dollar.

  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2010

     Those of you ON Arimidex  how often does your doctor do a bone density test .I am aware this may have been addressed in the past .But my onc ..who got ovarian cancer....said every year for me,,,NOW the surgeon ,,whth oncs permission ..who watches over me q4months says I only have to have it done q2years,,any thoughts..comments open to all of you..

    Good catch MTG on the salesperson!!!

     Lowrider~ prayers for your continued recovery! 

    To you all you peace and blessings!

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited May 2010

    I get one every year.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,850
    edited May 2010

    I have other friends who do it every other year, but I have requested it be done every year. If something starts to slide, I'd rather catch it as early as possible.

  • Lowrider54
    Lowrider54 Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2010

    Thanks LakeWoman!

    We discussed the bone density test but decided to wait until the year mark.  I am taking the calcium/Vitamin D supplements and the onc was optimistic that there were not any issues being so recently dx'd and no other tests seemed to indicate any weakening.  Pending the results in September, a routine should be established then.

    Hugs All

    DENTHOMAS Member Posts: 27
    edited May 2010

    My bone density has gotton worse. The onc told me to take 1500 mg of calcium a day and she will check me again in a year and a half. I was at -1 and now -1.5.  I've taken Fosamax for about 5 years. I've been on Arimidex for 1 year and 3 months. I exercise 3 times a week and walk 3 days a week. The onc said if I tested bad again I couldn't take Arimidex anymore.  By that time I will be on it over 2 years so maybe that is long enough.  I have some hot flashes in the evening but not too bad!

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited May 2010

    Initially, I was told yearly bone density testing. My bones are fine (I wanted to say FAT, sheesh) so ONC recommended every other year due to the results of my very first one last yr.  I have been on Arimidex for about 14 months. Was having some hip pain and it has gone away.  I do notice the arthritis in my fingers joints is a bit worse but I can live with that.  I also notice that I have a weak grip these days. Never could get those caps off the pickle jars anyway but my hands are weaker. I can also live with that. No hot flashes but I had an easy menopause anyway. So, that's my story. Sue

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2010


    I haven't been here for awhile, but today I went to the onc for a 6 month check up after being on Arimidex for just over a year and I wanted to share my experience.  I talked with the onc about my current issues -- mainly fatigue and low energy, but also headaches and other aches and pains, short term memory "blanks", sleep problems , hot flashes and weight gain.  I expected him to tell me it was just part of the treatment, but he told me that I shouldn't have to live with this much fatigue and said I should go off the Arimidex for a month.  He expects that I'll feel much better in a month and, if so, he'll prescribe a different aromatase inhibitor.  If I don't feel better, there will be further testing.  It will be interesting to see what happens in the next 4 weeks. 


  • sobx
    sobx Member Posts: 108
    edited May 2010

    Been on "A" for 17 months and having my 1st bone den test tomorrow. Hope all is going well. I feel fine and no trouble other than hot flashes and fatigue.