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  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,850
    edited May 2010

    Make sure to get the calcium, and really be serious about getting weight bearing exercise almost every day. I think that is really important for all women of 'a certain age' to keep the bones healthy; on or off arimidex!

  • HelenNC
    HelenNC Member Posts: 21
    edited May 2010

    Been on A since Nov. I just got my bone test. A little low & she put me on 2 Cal. tablets w/ Vit D 2x a day.

     I've read some of the pages here, & I don't see anyone with my biggest SE. Not sleeping. I am up til between 5 & 7 am each day. It has totally messed up my life. I did get a script for Lunesta. It works great with no SE for me. But I don't want to take it every nite. Anyone else can't sleep?

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2010

    Bonnie, be sure to let us know how you feel when you are off the Arimidex.

    Last Sunday another of my fillings just crumbled and now I'm dealing with having to have a crown put on it.  Maybe I'd just be better off with dentures!!

    I skipped my usual gluc/chond/msm last night and I could barely get out of bed this morning I was so achy....a lesson learned....I won't do that again!

    I reported the post about the product chesketh was pushing.  Her profile said she had had only 4 posts and all 4 dealt with her supplement. we don't need that.

    Does anyone know where I can report all my side effects about A?  I'd like to give them a piece of my mind!!

    gentle hugs...

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited May 2010

    To report side effects, call AstraZeneca.  The woman who answered was very nice to me and was interested in any side effects.  I was pleasantly surprised.

    If you are concerned about osteoporosis, taking calcium is not enough.  You must also have sufficient magnesium and Vitamin D levels.  Please check the thread on Vitamin D. 

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2010
    notself--thank you for the info,  I was looking for a web connection, but will call instead.
  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266
    edited May 2010

    Hi BonnieK,

    Like you I was on Arimidex for 6 months and was told to get off for a month by my oncologist to see if my severe pains that I was getting from the drug would subside. The onc. said he would give me something else when I phone him after a month. These pains didn't kick in until I was on the drug for 4 months and then the following 2 months I just put up with it as I read here that the pain goes away.  (The pain was so bad in my hips I could no longer sit in a chair for more than 10 mts). I had the fatigue but also extreme depression.

    I re-read your post, you were on the drug longer than me.

    All this to say that I am now pain free and my happy self once again. I have an appointment to see the onc. May 22 and never bothered to call him after my month's holiday to get "something else."  It's been about 6 weeks since I stopped the drug. I will wait for my appointment to see what I will do. I may ask if I can just do 1/2 dosage and combine it with naturapathic medicine. In the meantime, I am looking at all the options. 

    Just wanted to make the point that you will probably start to feel your old self once again in the next few weeks or so. Oh yes, and I will be interested to learn how you get on with the other AI. i.e. if you have side effects from that one.

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2010

    Good morning,

    Yesterday the oncologist told me that most of the studies done on SEs from Arimidex have been done on women who did not go through Chemo, so he was very interested in learning about my SEs and took them seriously.  He said I should start to feel better in a couple of weeks and then I'll go see him again on June 2 for another blood test and a new Rx, probably for either Femara or Tamoxifen.  I have little doubt that the SEs will start all over again, but this will be a nice break. 

    Helen NC -- I haven't been able to sleep without drugs either and been taking Lunesta and Darvocet every night for months.  It works, but I don't like taking so many drugs.  My body pain is worst at night, but part of that is from pre-existing back and neck problems.


  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited May 2010

    Watch out for Darvocet.  It contains acetaminophen and can damage your liver with long term use.  My husband is now allergic to any med with Tylenol in it because of long term use of Darvocet.

    See if the doctor will give you something for pain that does not contain acetaminophen.  Some of the symptoms my husband had were: night sweats, muscle pain in his lower back, and general weakness.

  • BonnieK
    BonnieK Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2010

    Yikes -- thanks notself!  I'll check with my doc about a substitute for the Darvocet.  I only take one a day, but still.....    --bonnie

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    I had bone density test, at my request, late last year.  It came back normal.  Med Onc said will repeat every 2 years.  I have family hx of osteoporosis so I'm taking 1200 mg Calcium w/D3 anyway.  I also take glucosamine/chondroitin which helps with bone and joint health. 

    That's interesting that studies were primarily done on women who did not do chemo (I didn't).  Why would that be, I wonder?

    Had a little trouble falling asleep when I stopped my allergy meds so now I'm taking melatonin.  Helps somewhat; my sleep was interrupted with potty breaks 2-3X/night pre-BC.   Was taking Advil-PM before I started the allergy meds but started fearing for long-term problems with that.  See my med onc in 2 weeks so will see what he thinks.  I find I am pain-free days but at night every bone seems to get achy while lying down.  Stops when I stand up.  What's up with that?

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,850
    edited May 2010

    Have fun, Jo! I did chemo, are our SE suppose to be better or worse? I really have not had problems with it and have been on it almost three years. My bone density has remained fine, and even went UP a little at last summer, because I got totally serious about the exercise (light weights, walking etc. for an hour almost every single day). Check out the 'Lets Post Our Daily Exercise' thread if you want to get some exercise motivation! Helen, I have never slept good and have slept even worse since the whole diagnosis/treatment thing, so don't think that my sleep issues are a direct result of Arimidex. But since I just can't sleep, I decided that I am just going to take my Ambein and be glad for it. Really, I don't care if I'm addicted. (I could be addicted to worse things, and probably would be if I didn't get any sleep!) Take Care All! Ruth

  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2010

    TY all ,so much ,for your responses to my question about bone density. I now feel comfortable having it done every two years. Has it been addressed here about the fact that calcium should not be taken prior to the test? Just thought I would pass that info on. I have a problem with fingers and arthritis and yes difficult for me to take caps off and never used to have that problem prior to armimidex...How I would love to stop it for just a month ,,on my own ,,LIKE who would know?,,just to see the old happy me . I feel crabby at times and yes so tired by afternoon,,Was with my 93 yr old mom today and I was yawning by afternoon and she was having super time! But my complaints are few compared to those in other stages of B/ I must be grateful. Who knows~~~ even with out arimidex, maybe I would still be a crabby tired out 70 yr old !I NEED TO EXERCISE!!!..Time to get the jetski out ...well that is exercise right hahhahaha

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited May 2010


    read the Vitamin D thread.  D2 is a waste of time.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010

    JO, I will ask what the number was next time I see my med onc (2 weeks).  Have to find which 'D' he tested as well.  All he told me 3 months ago was that the level was okay.  I didn't know enough to ask what the number was!

    Lakewoman, we do get crabbier as we get older.  At 70, you've earned it so my guess is it's not the Arimidex  Wink

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited May 2010

    Good morning Ladies. Mom fell again and is the hospital for tests (nothing bad so far) so I've not been on in the last few days.

    So....the new timing works !!!! By taking the little white pill in the am (I take it at 9am), I no longer wake up with headaches nor do I have headaches that last for hours. My guess: by being awake and aware of the onset of a headche, I can take an Aleve or other headache remedy early on and cut it off at the pass; when I was asleep and a headache would start, I wouldn't notice it until it was full blown and then not so easy to get rid of. I'm using accupressure to help get rid of the little bit of a headache that lingers until the headache pill kicks in. SOOOOOO much better, thanks to all of you.

    By the way, I googled accupressure and headache and came up with tons of stuff, including references to accupressure and varoius joint pains so it may be worth looking into for other aches as well.

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited May 2010

    High Blood Pressure!

    Oh boy; I could see my BP kind of creeping up each time I had a doctor's visit. I think I have "white coat syndrome", even tho I am a nurse. My BP was high during the last MD visit w a new oncologist, but WOW! 160/90 is kind of off the charts. Of course I have my own cuff and stethoscope and, yes, I do have high blood pressure and will have to call my PCP for an appointment and get on medication I am sure. I love salt which is not a good thing and have lost SOME weight that I gained from the Arimidex but........

    If anyone has this lovely side effect of the Arimidex, can you tell me what meds you're on? This kind of "sends" me as the pcp and the ONC are 50 miles away from each other and I am sure there is no way to "coordinate care" between the 2, but I am wondering if there are any meds for HTN that are contra indicated while taking Arimidex?  Thanks, Sue

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,850
    edited May 2010

    I haven't heard of any. Anyone else?

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2010

    Sue, I have not heard of any either.

    As far as blood pressure goes mine has always been borderline. 2 different docs (over many years) had me take my blood pressure at one of these automated BP machines one finds in a Walgreens or WalMart weekly for 4 weeks then show them the findings. Both times I was able to avoid an anti-hypertensive. Years and years ago, I learned in nursing school that if you take your own blood pressure it may be a false reading (can't remember the rationale....duh!!! sorry). So if you have a trained person who can take it for you, I'd go that route.

    gentle hugs.....

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited May 2010

    Ruth and Suzie, thanks for your responses. I will hit the machine at CVS and see what I come up (or down, hopefully) with!

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    edited May 2010

    Speaking of "trained" people, has anyone noticed the young boopsies who rush you into the docs office for your appt how they whip that BP cuff on and zip--bang they get your BP in nano-seconds?  I wonder if they really learned how to take a BP? I am not talking about the automated BP aparatuses, which can be painful and dangerous when they mal-function.

    I was always taught to take a BP at least twice.

  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited May 2010

    I posted recently about my PCP telling me my ' HIGHER' BP was side effect of Arimidex..I was on generic univasc since 1999 but now she (my cousin) added Toprol ,first 25 mg and now has told me to add another 25 mg of Toprol . Have not done that yet but intend to soon as BP still is not as it should be..But sometimes it gets low that is why I am cautious about starting the second 25mg Toprol..,,These are by no means high doses of either of these meds. Since our son age 46 had a stroke in Feb ...Yep, I posted that too ! I am so aware of what can happen with undetected or, in his case, docs not addressing it cause it borderline and he eats well and exercises and doesn/t smoke and maybe white coat said the docs..I am a nurse also and always believed in white coat syndrome.,,NO MORE,,,,If you get nervous in a doc's office and your BP goes up as son's did THEN it goes up in other stressful sitiuations..Son has angioedema and HIS NEW DOC (TY GOD) knew that certain BP meds do not mix with that conditon,,,SO like everything read the side effects ? contraindications etc and go to WEBMD and type in the BP med and others you are on, to see if they are ,,,well compatible for lack of better word...OH JO TY now I am a 70 yr old bitch AND I wanted to blame the arimidex hahha kidding!!!  OH ps in BP post I noted I called astrazeneca company and spoke with caring nurse and apparently if we think elevated BP is a side effect best to report it.    BELIEVE IT OR NOT OR COINCIDENCE OR NOT hotflashes diminished couple weeks after stating Toprol...stranger things have happened with meds!

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited May 2010

    LAKEWOMAN, i was almost going to PM you as I recall your issues, and also that your son was ill there for awhile. Thanks for the reply. I appreciate them all. Sue

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited May 2010

    Sue-61 - I checked a couple of web sites - ,  (same list actually) -  and High Bloodpressure is listed as a "less common" side effect but also one which is significant enough that you should "check with your doctor". Here's the whole list:

    Arimidex Side Effects Along with its needed effects, a medicine may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention.Check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur:More common Blurred vision chest pain or discomfort dizziness headache nervousness pounding in the ears shortness of breath slow or fast heartbeat swelling of the feet or lower legs Less common Arm, back, or jaw pain chest tightness or heaviness cough or hoarseness difficult or painful urination dizziness, severe fever or chills headache, continuing increased blood pressure lower back or side pain nausea pain, tenderness, bluish color, or swelling of the foot or leg sore throat sudden shortness of breath sweating unusual tiredness or weakness vaginal bleeding (unexpected and heavy) Incidence not known Blistering, peeling, or loosening of the skin hives itching, puffiness, or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes, face, lips, or tongue large, hive-like swelling on the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, or sex organs red skin lesions, often with a purple center sores, ulcers, or white spots in the mouth or on the lips welts Some side effects may occur that usually do not need medical attention. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects. Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if you have any questions about them:More common Acid or sour stomach back pain belching body aches or pain bone pain congestion constipation decrease in height diarrhea dry mouth dryness or soreness of the throat feeling of warmth fever flushing or redness of the skin, especially on the face and neck heartburn hot flashes increased appetite indigestion lack or loss of strength loss of appetite mood or mental changes pain in the back, ribs, arms, or legs pain, general pelvic pain runny nose skin rash stomach discomfort, upset, or pain tender, swollen glands in the neck trouble in swallowing voice changes vomiting weakness weight loss Less common Anxiety and confusion breast pain chills cough producing mucus difficulty breathing dryness of the vagina general feeling of discomfort or illness itching of the skin joint pain and stiffness loss of hair muscle pain numbness or tingling of the hands or feet shivering sleepiness or unusual drowsiness trouble sleeping or sleeplessness weight gain wheezing Other side effects not listed may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your healthcare professional.
    Read more:

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2010
    Valuable info, MTG.  Thanks for posting for us.
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,850
    edited May 2010

    Too bad I can't have the 'decrease in appetite' one!

  • Annabella58
    Annabella58 Member Posts: 916
    edited May 2010

    Oh crap,  I have the fast heartrate.  My GP just took me off my advair as she thought it was that and is checking my thyroid also but don't have results yets.

    I will not take the little pill tonight and call the onc on monday.  Always something.

    Anyone who has high bp (I have pre hbp and white coat, i get 190/97 in office which then goes down) try a respirate machine.  It's like a little biofeedback thing and it takes about two weeks but it works!!!! I get a reading of 128/74 when I did it.  It did nothing for the pulse rate tho.

    Well, I'm checking that out and will weigh GP wants me to check for an echo cardiogram if all tests come back OK but I'm still calling the onc on monday.  They' ll say no, of course.  Always do.


  • Ezscriiibe
    Ezscriiibe Member Posts: 139
    edited May 2010

    Thanks for the list, but this sucks: pounding in ears.

    I got that with my chemo. For the first week after the chemo I was plagued with pounding in the ears, and it was so disconcerting I thought I was going to go crazy if it didn't stop.

    yeesh. Hope that isn't one I get when I get started on my Arimidex!

  • MTG
    MTG Member Posts: 337
    edited May 2010
    Anniealso -  While skipping your pill for a night wont hurt you, please dont lose any sleep worrying. Keep in mind, you have already done exactly what the websites suggest, you have checked with your doctor, your GP. And by the way, she sounds completely on the ball as she is methodically testing to find out the cause - off advair, thyroid function, echo. If there was any i cause for immediate concern, she's have let you know. My guess, your medonc will tell you to have the additional tests and see what the results tell you.
  • horsegal13
    horsegal13 Member Posts: 46
    edited May 2010

    I am on day 2 of Arimidex. The only thing I noticed is I sleep well! Here I was worried about sleepless nights. I have had 2 good night's of rest. I mowed my lawn after I got off work, and it's about a acre to mow. I almost fell asleep on the mower, so I must have been sleepy from the med. So far so good! I know it takes a few weeks to see what  happens, but I feel good so far.

  • nmi
    nmi Member Posts: 112
    edited May 2010

    hi everyone, I have posted earlier on this thread when I started A, in Jan. and have been watching all the posts since.  So far, I have done pretty good on it except I do get extremely tired!  There are periods during the day if I don't lay down and rest I think I will just fall over. I had energy lulls in the afternoon before A, but this is worst.  I think I need toothpicks to keep my eyes opened.  Some nights I sleep good, some nights I never seem to get to that real sleep. Always try to keep exerise in my day.  At least I have not had the awful joint and body aches, so far.  Anyone have any ideas on how to increase enery levels,ex vitimans.?