My Favorite Childhood Memory is.....
How about watching the leaves turn color and ironing them in
wax paper
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Yes! I did that when I was in grade school for a school project.
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How about a butterfly, Did you ever have a school project on that?
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Making dogs footprints out of plastor of paris
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I never had a butterfly project. Sounds very interesting though. What did you do?
I never made paw prints, but we did do our hand. I remember when I was young, we would visit my grandmother in PA, she had a plaster of paris set of hands on the headboard shelf. I was terrified of those hands. Funny the things you remember when you're young.
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We caught butterflies and later pin them on a broad
We also did a lot of walks with our teacher looking
for bugs and telling her what they were. Different now.
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Watching my fathers plane come in from Oversees,
I got a clock cat from Viet Nam
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The smell of the ocean air.
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Seeing the yellow ribbons for the soldiers to come home
lived on base
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Coloring in color books or reading on a rainy day
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Watching popcorn pop in the movie theatre.
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Seeing the big trees in California we drove through one.
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waiting for the ice cream truck to get my 10 ice cream cone
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Playing Uno with my mom and family.
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being allowed (even encouraged) to ride our bikes in the gentle summer rain (provided it wasn't storming at the time). I thought this was SO cool, especially because no other neighbor kids were doing it!
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Welcome to BCO ElishebaJoy!!
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Watch the Airplanes on base take off, cause I live
in Base housing.
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Watching the fireworks at the beach.
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Love this topic, so hard to choose a memory. I think one of my favorites was going downtown for shopping. You'd get up on a Saturday morning, head downtown, and park in a parking garage. We'd take the skywalk from the parking garage to the department store building (Eatons). I was always fascinated by being at the same height as the street lights. A street light is so big up close! Then we'd go into a restaurant for breakfast. They'd have those individual sized boxes of cereal for kids. My parents would get coffee and cinnamon rolls. Then we'd spend the day hitting the downtown stores, looking at clothes and toys, checking out the candy store. I loved the smell of the new leather jackets in the clothing stores. They always had helium balloons for the kids at The Bay. We'd stop at the bakery to pick up some doughnuts as well. It was so much fun, I almost didn't mind that we were shopping for school clothes! At the end of the day, we'd head home with new clothes, probably a new toy, a balloon, our bakery purchases, and take the twisty ride down the spiral exit in the parking garage. Better than a roller coaster!
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Being able to sleep with my window open all night.
and hear the crickets.
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...Watching and hearing the AF planes take off!!! They are SO loud and I laugh out loud now when I hear military jets scream overhead, and people look at me like I've lost it. I spent a lot of my childhood living on AF bases, my daddy was a pilot, so yes, those sounds and the sights make me turn into a 8 year old girl. Gives me goosebumps.
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And playing outside at night in the summer. My mother had a bell she would ring to call my little brother and me in. We'd hear it from, oh, half a mile away, and we'd answer "coming" in a low voice. Then when we finally got home, mom would ask if we heard the bell. Yes, didn't you hear us saying we'd be right home??
) All the kids in our neighborhood would spread out all over in peoples' yards, hiding, and jumping out of bushes and trees, and just generally having a blast being children.
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I heard AF planes too and my dad was a pilot and I have a picture of him
getting ready to fight to Korea
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Spending the day at the zoo and seeing all the animal exhibits. The polar bears were my favorite. There was a building inside the zoo that had a waterwheel on it, which was fascinating to watch go around. I also loved to ride the little park train, and loved the way the coal smoke smelled. They even had a tunnel and a shed the train went through. I thought that was the coolest thing ever. Plus you could see the real, full sized locomotive on display in the park. The park had beautiful, elaborate flower gardens, too.
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Riding the train to see Santa Claus, No one was scared to
let their children be alone with rides then.
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Playing kick the can and hide and go seek
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Watching the planes come in for a landing at JFK while visiting my Grandmother. She lived in the flight path.
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Working as a Candy Striper
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Going to my best friend's house. She had a really cool bedroom that adjoined the stairs, so there was a cupboard in her closet that was in the empty space over the stairs. She had two sisters, so there was always something happening there, and lots of stuff to play with. We'd turn on the radio and pretend her stuffed animals were singing the songs. Her room had this really deep purple plush carpet.
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Going to Girl Scout camp