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My Favorite Childhood Memory is.....



  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,596
    edited June 2019

    Or your last day ended early because you were leaving to go on a family vacation

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited June 2019

    True, Remembering black and white TV, RCA

    was wonderful to watch, no TV was on late at night either.

  • siciliana
    siciliana Member Posts: 61
    edited June 2019

    Hiking down to Slide Creek in the Rocky Mountains of Montana with my dad, carrying my fly rod and creel, then catching my limit of cutthroat trout. We wouldn't get back to the cabin until almost dark, and Mom would have a huckleberry pie cooling on the kitchen table. Sweet memories!

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2019

    Watching the fireflies and my brothers would try to get them.

    I just love the beauty of the lights

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2019

    Playing dressup with my cat and put him in a baby carriage,

    Tippy didn't care,

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,596
    edited July 2019

    Slamming down the phone when you got into an argument with someone

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2019

    Getting a free newspaper cause their were extras,

    now they just throw them out

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 9,988
    edited July 2019

    meeting my wonderful husband at the age of 33 out of. No where. Feeling that feeling of knowing he was the one. Feeling those butterflies and getting and staying excited about our love and family.

    The smell of fall and crisp leaves with fireplaces lingering in the air of my old neighborhood, no street lights. Just freedom.

    Spending time in my backyard with my sister in the sun next to our pool, endless days of laughing. It always felt like we had all the time in the world.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2019

    Watching the airplanes coming in from war and leaving again

    enjoyed more the coming home of my Father.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2019

    Seeing the ocean as we traveled alot

  • everymoment
    everymoment Member Posts: 6,656
    edited July 2019

    As a white child I lived in a world that was free from constraints, free from so many of the fears that children of color experienced. I savor those moments and years, yet deeply feel that my 'simple life' was not universal nor 'worry free' for most American children nor the world.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2019

    I enjoy my getting school shoes even if they were used

  • WC3
    WC3 Member Posts: 658
    edited July 2019


    I like a particular model of shoe that is no longer in production so for the past 10 years, I had been buying them "used" on eBay. They are often actually new in the box or had only been worn once or twice, but when I told my parents I bought my shoes used on eBay, they both recoiled in shock and disgust. They gave me this look like "What kind of daughter have we raised who wears shoes that have been on other people's feet?!" It struck me as funny because it's the only time in my life I have managed to shock and disappoint my parents.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited July 2019

    That was sad, I know parents were so different then, something I

    try and laugh at now is my dad would say, When God passed out

    brains You thought he said caught a train, a lot like Yours, But I

    try to take the good times like when my dad cam home from Viet Nam

    and was safe.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited September 2019

    My Grandpa built me a playhouse, He built garage doors for a living.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2019

    Watching the leafs fall and ironing them in wax paper, for Girl


  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2019

    Leaving the doors unlocked to go to the store.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited October 2019

    Parking my bike at the park and it was never stolen

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,596
    edited November 2019

    How the house smelled when my mom was baking or making candy.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2019

    Thanksgiving smell when Grandpa cooked turkey

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,596
    edited November 2019

    Making old family recipes

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2019

    Taking food to elderly that where alone, and helping

    them. they would give me cookies. I loved it.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited November 2019

    Turkey on Thankgiving Grandpa made for the whole family

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited December 2019

    Trying to stay up til New Years when I was young, never made it!

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2020

    Getting my first badge in brownie

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited February 2020

    Riding in the car from California to Washington DC in a Rambler

    for the Air Force

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited April 2020

    Hunting for Easter eggs while I lived on Air force base.

    Ladies would get them ready for the kids, My Dad was

    in Viet Nam

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657
    edited September 2021

    Looking for pop bottle so I could buy thing I need

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,596
    edited November 2021

    Being the Top Cookie Seller in Brownies one yer for my troop.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,208
    edited November 2021

    Right on for the Brownies, M0mmy!!