My Favorite Childhood Memory is.....

I will start!
One of my absolute favorite memories is trick or treating.....the smell in the air..the excitement of getting dressed up...and the best part..the treats!!
What's yours?
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You took the words out of my mouth!!!!
Halloweens! Crisp air, the smell of firecrackers / fireworks, candy, making costumes, pumpkin carving and roasting pumpkin seeds.
I still love Halloween!
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Me too too!
Roasting pumpkin seeds........yummy!
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aahhh...Halloween....we would go out trick or treating and would have to stop back home to empty out trick or treat bag, so that we could continue some more. Did that a few times. We used to have bowls and bowls of goodies. There was a woman accross the street from us that would give each kid a nickel and an apple. Oh, how we waited for that!! Then another woman down the street would give us a lollipop and apple cider to drink. We were afraid of her so we would toss out the cider when she wasn't
edited to fix mispellings
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Lived out in the country and at the end of the night we'd have to go through a large school yard to get was scccarrry and fun!
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Christmas Eve! It was the "real" holiday at our house - we opened up presents early and had shrimp and other traditional appetizers - then went to church and had a big open house afterwards. Candles - carols - snow - it was magical.
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I have one memory that I keep going back to, it is so peaceful. I grew up in a small Idaho town. We often went ice skating on the city streets (yes it was that cold) and after the plow went by they were perfect for ice skating!). One evening before Christmas I had "dropped" all my friends off and was heading home. I don't know why but I sat down on a park bench for just a minute, and looked around. In the quiet I could hear the Catholic churches bells playing christmas carols, it was lightly snowing, and I could see everyone's lit Christmas trees throught their windows. I was only about 8 but I still remember how at peace I felt. It was beautiful. I don't think many kids would be allowed out alone after dark now days, so will never have that opportunity. That is one of my favorites, another is Halloween like you girls. Halloween is still my favorite holiday! Tami
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Keep them coming sisters!
I have so's hard to list only list as many as you like. I too love many memories of Christmas...
Tami..oh...I could just transport myself into your memory...that is a beautiful one to hold onto!
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One of my favorite childhood memories was camping with my family. Dad would wake me up around 6 am and we would go fishing, just the two of us, it was our time. Dad is gone now, so no more fishing. Wasn't super fond of fishing in the first place, just being with him when it was real quiet.
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Riding Big Wheels down the side of the hill till we wore the tires off!!!....
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going roller skating on newly paved streets...we would get so excited when we knew of a new one!! Oh and remember the skate key???
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I remember one summer in my small town neighborhood we set up a bunch on picnic tables in the front yard of my friends house. All the girls (probably about 8-13 in age) put on our white go-go boots and danced on the tables to among other songs "These Boots Are Made for Walking". The boys must have thought we had gone nuts. Our innocence is a lovely memory.
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OHHHHHHHHHH...what great memories. I had to laugh your memory!! I wanted those white go-go boots so bad!! I did have fish net stockings!
Candie...I remember the skate key!! You would wear it around your neck on a shoelace or yarn...because you could not lose it!
Big wheels...hollyann...I think those may have come after my time...but my little brother had a go-cart.
Christmas was special too!
I remember when I was very young...going to bed with no decorations up, the tree did not have lights..nothing..and it was Christmas eve!! (can you imagine that now?) the dark early morning, me and my siblings (there were 7 of us..but only 5 at this memory) would come down the stairs to find the living room decorated, the tree lit up, real candy canes on it, and many many presents under the tree! Like Suemed was MAGICAL. ***still wondering how my mother did all that?!!!***
Keep sharing...I am enjoying the memories!
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there have to be more fav's out there...0
I'm going with the Christmas theme. Christmas eve we would go to my grandparent's house and have dinner with all the 'big people' around the big table and the children around the 'children's table', all was crowded in what we called the 'back porch' because the kitchen was not big enough for all to sit down. Everyone had to file in to their assigned seats in order and you couldn't get up until all were ready to get up or else you had to crawl under the table to get out. After dinner, we would pack ourselves into the living room, kids on the floor and parents on the couch, love seat and extra chairs brought in from the back porch. We would sing a few Christmas Carols and my grandfather would read the Christmas story out of Luke. Then we would get our presents. The older children (I was one of them) would debate who got to play Santa and hand out the presents. My grandfather passed away in 2005, but I can still hear him reading the Christmas story in my head. My grandmother will be 95 on Friday.
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Sheila...that is beautiful!! Thanks for sharing..and Godbless Grandma!
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A neighbor had a telescope in his back yard that he had made himself (I think). His son and daughter played with my older brother and sister. I was only about 5, I think. My older brother and sister got to look, and he even lifted me up to the telescope so I could try to look in it.
I don't remember seeing hardly anything. (I think he had it aimed at the Moon). I felt so grateful he included me.
It was amazing to look at the sky. It was wonderous to look at the Milky Way on a clear night.
What a nice thread!
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thanks for sharing leaf....being included esp. at the age of 5 is special!
I thought this would be a nice look back, be thankful..etc....
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My girlfriend to this door neighbor when we were little.. Kathi and I had a wonderous childhood. We lived out in the country and could stay out of doors all day and never get hungry. Their was Neifert's farm with the fresh peas and pear, apple and peach trees, grapes, strawberries, etc.etc. Down the road a bit were woods and a bridge over a creek. We used to catch poliwogs and crabs. One day we came home with our catch and my mom had placed a washing machine out on the back porch to sell. Thinking nothing of it, Kathi and I placed our catch of the day in the washing machine. Being youngsters we never thought about the fact that the water would drain through the holes and our "prize" catch would wither. Anyway, a couple of days later my mom had a lady come to possibly purchase the washing machine and lo and behold when she opened the lid... well you've guess the rest... lol
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Hello Tami from Idaho,
I have wonderful memories of third grade in Bonner's Ferry, a really small town in northern Idaho. We moved around alot so we lived there only for third grade. I remember the first day of school when they served watermelon and corn on the cob at lunch, swinging on the bars on the playground, building a "fort" by nailing cardboard to trees, sledding in the dark because it got dark so early in December, my dad and the neighbor taking us kids to see the "Aristocats" (Disney)
Bonner's Ferry was a wonderful little town and I have fonder memories of it than other towns I lived in. Donna
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I love walking along the beaches of Cape Cod, collecting perriwinkles, sea glass and any shells I could find. My parents would take me there every day of the summer. It was such a special time in my life. I have the best parents who would do anything for their 5 children. I am truly blessed with family!
Love the thread, Lisa, great idea!!
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My Dad coming home safe from the Viet Nam war.
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Oh Foot, what a great memory!
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He brought me back wooden cats I still have.
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That's so cool!
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Do you have any of the shells left Markaz?
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Catching Lightening Bugs...
The smells of Summer at Mom and Dads..
The Safety of life.. no worries..just peace
The sound of the Locust..
The Smell of the Lilacs ..
My fathers garden
Summer with the Royals
Vacation to the Ozarks..
Vacation to Indiana to see grandparents every year...
The smell of my daddy... to this day.. I love it.
I could go on.. but it gets me teary.....
Can you tell I loved my Childhood!
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House full of women and daddy was over seas in Japan. We had other military families in our neighborhood and everyone supported the families with daddies over seas. As the littlest one of all these families I was known as the Town Clown and I was up to just about any dare the kids set me up to. Jump on a moving train, did it. Catch a rat snake by the tail, did it. Talk trash to the biggest kid in the neighborhood, did it. It was everyday. I had so much fun and got into so much trouble. My mom let me keep just about any critter I dragged home in a mayo. jar. Lizards, mice, crayfish. She drew the line at the rat snake. When daddy came home I was so happy, but he laid down the law and our home became more of the norm. I don't regret him coming home, but I did miss all my critters. I guess 12 puppies, 9 cats, fish, birds, newts, hampsters and 3 dogs was a bit much for a 3 bedroom,house with 6 people living in it.