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NOLA in September?



  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010

    Sandy!  You will LOVE working out with a trainer.  Walking is fine and dandy and better than nothing, but it won't help me lose weight.  I have to work harder than that. I have to do that intense cardio to burn the calories and see a result.  A trainer will definitely help you!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2010

    SANDY - HANG IN THERE!  You can DO this and the trainer is a very good way to go.  Good Luck, I have every faith in you....and remember, its not the number on the scale but it is the way you look and feel about yourself.  You are nothing but BEAUTIFUL to all of us girls here! 

    ((((((((((((((((BRENDA26)))))))))))))))))))) thinking of you as your enter day 1 on the other side to recovery!   post when you can so we know you are alright!




    Hang tough ladies ---  YOU DID IT!  I bet the twins (quads in JaimeH's case) are simply to DIE FOR!!!!!!  YEAH!!!!!

     Off to play in the snow....I am about to loose internet connection.........LORD PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE ME HERE IN THE HOUSE WITH A 14 YEAR OLD GIRL WITHOUT INTERNET SERVICE!!!!!!!! Have mercy!!!

    Have a great day girls!  xxoo Mel

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010
    PJ, can you share the site you ordered from? and the type you got? I need something for the top that compresses slightly but does not bind!!! ahhhhh!

    Thanks Christy, we're snowed in so can't get to Target today! LOL!!! Very pretty snow, we have power, and are feeding the birds! all is wonderful!

    Sandy, your new program sounds great!!! I am so proud of you!!! You grab control and do it! I know you can! go SANDY!!

    Melanie, LOL about the 14 year old and no power!! ha!!!

    Trisha, Love hearing from you, You sound so good!!  

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2010

    I'm back from boot camp!  It was tough, and I actually ran a bit for the first time in years, but managed to keep up for the most part.   After, felt deep warmth all over and less tightness in my back and shoulders.  I really need this, as I sit at work all day and then come home and work most of the night on the computer as well.   My nutritionist is teaching me to combine carbs and protein for every "feeding". LOL   She figured that I'm normally burning about 120 calories per hour, so I'm eating every 2.5-3.5 hours, about 200-300 calories.   I'm used to attempting very long stretches between meals when trying to lose weight, so this is an entirely new way of living for me, and it has not been an easy transition, especially when traveling. I really have to plan ahead so that I don't go too long without eating something, and then eat small and discard the rest, even if it's a $20-30 meal in a restaurant.  So, I'm telling myself that satisfied is satisfied, and I am not a human garbage disposal for the rest of the food on my plate.   I wasn't raised to throw food away, but eating what I don't need is not helping me.  I know I will do this, with these two great ladies to help and encourage me.  We also discussed making good choices all seven days of the week and not blowing all of my hard work during the weekdays by making bad choices on the weekends, which is what most people do.   Thanks for your encouragement too! 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Checking in to let everyone know that I was discharged yesterday from the center and I am doing okay.  I have had a reaction to something I am allergic to a ton of things and I have developed 3 blisters.  All around where the bra's is at but frustrating to say the least.  So I am scared because of this little set back so now I have ab pads all around keeping the incisions away from the binders.  Fun stuff!!  I am tired of allergies...especially latex.... PITA. 

    My girls are huge :)  and I apprently had more tissue then what I expected so my flaps are kinds football shaped but they are awesome!!  I have already ditched the 2 breast drains but the hip drains are putting out a ton.  My incisions while they looked rough the first day are looking better each day and will hopefully continue and the blisters will go away. 

    Let me tell you the center just called to check on me while I am at hope Lodge and answered all of my questions.  LOVE THEM!!!!!

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2010

    I HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BREASTS!!! OMG - I am thrilled beyond words! OK surgery was Wed - don't remember much of that day - or night - nor much of Thursday. I dumped the catheter Friday afternoon - so have been forced to get out of bed! :) Friday was still a bit rough - but today has been a good day for walking the halls! My legs are WAY swollen with fluids - but I know that will go down. I have no complaints at all (well the food at Fairway kinda sucks!) -

    The city is so alive with the excitement for the Saints - so cool to see! They have a saying about the saints "WHO DAT" that is all over everything! And the saints sybol, the fleur de lis, means re-birth - my friend Shelly bought a fleur de lis necklace for me, Kim and herself - as this truly is a re-birth for me!!!



  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Lou Ann and Jamie, you both sound great...carry on! I guess still waiting to hear from Brenda and Bayyy

    Spring, I ordered the Spanx stuff off of I think  I don't think there was any break $ wise.....but they have a few more things to choose from. also. The spanx stuff feels so can tell you're getting compressed-(at least the bottoms) there is just no binding. The bra- lellujah feels pretty good on, feels like NOTHING not on but is not a full top, just bra.  I don't have any spanx cami's. My LE girl sells stuff from But when I looked at their website the prices seemed higher than what I was charged buying from her and I DID buy a camisole/slimmer in that brand called 'the slimmer'. The therapist thought w/ the abd stuff it would be a good 2 for 1 on compression.  My girl staged me at stage 1 LE way back when as well.  I do notice when I put on even a couple of pounds I am more aware of it.

    Sandy you are inspiring me!  That sounds great.  I am going today to go work out...have not been since Monday w/ this viral stuff all week.  And Trishia I hear you....seems I can't make anything happen unless I really exert and do more weight bearing stuff...Trishia , what is FWIW?

    I still have no voice....arggg, maybe if I work out I will shake one up.....not scheduled to work until Tuesday....praying it returns soon! 

    Have fun in the snow Mel!

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010

    Melanie.. lol on the the 14 year old with no electricity.. I have a 14 year old boy.. same thing.. one day with facebook is just a "horrible thing".. lol

    Jamie and LouAnn - can't tell you how happy I am to read that both of you love your new boobs!!!  For all of us coming up... it's really encouraging for us to hear!  Jamie, sorry about the blisters... :(

    Sandy - you go girl!  I have been on the treadmill everyday trying to be strong for my Stage 1... it helps alot with my mental state too... just one more day right.. and the celebrities will be ooohing and awwwing over your guitar t-shirt at the Grammys!! woohoo!

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2010


    Great to hear from you.  Can't wait to meet you when you come for your post op.

    Jamie, when do you come for your post op?  I will be at the St Charles facility all day Mon. and will have surgery @ 11 am on Tues.  Maybe I can meet you also.  Hate to hear about the blisters.  I'm sure they will that care of that.

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    Bettye - I'll be thinking about you on Tuesday!  I'm sure it will be great and we'll be hearing from you soon after surgery with a good report! 

    Sandy - good luck with your new program!  It sounds like you've got great support and determination.  You'll do it, no doubt about it.  You are inspiration to everyone here!!!

    LouAnn and Jaimie - Great to hear the good news and that you are both happy.  Can't wait to keep hearing those inspiring reports!!!

    Thanks to all of you for all of your encouragement and sharing your experiences so the rest of us can go into this without fear.  It is such a HUGE help!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Jamie and LouAnn, I also was very swollen. My boobs were huge but went down after a while. I mean, they were not quite as humungous after a while! 

    You both sound good!

    Go Sandy! You are doing the right thing! 

    Betty and Carolyn are up next!!!

    • Feb 2 - BettyeE - Stage 1 delayed DIEP (left) immediate DIEP (right). Dr. D,. NOLA.
    • Feb 11 - Carolynn (iamc) Stage 2 (second time) NOLA Dr. S.
  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited January 2010

    Jamie sorry to hear about your set back. You need to wrap all of the drains with pads as well to keep them away from your skin. There is a small amount of rubber at the top and legs of the dominatrix outfit. You may be able to roll it down so that it does not touch your skin.

     Sandy I miss you. We have to get together this week. I think that you will see great results with working  out with a trainer and nutritionist. With your determination I know you will do well.

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2010
    JamieH - I had some blisters too, and I have a history of allergies with latex, tape, etc, thought that was the deal, but then I had quite a rash all over and found out that I was allergic to the bactrim, apparently the levels build while you are taking it and the toxicity builds as well.  Keep a close eye on it.  Take care and I am so happy for you,.  I know you have been worried and anxious and now its done!  I am so proud that that you were courgeous and went for it,  You will not believe how happy you are gonna be when you start to feel better........remember 4 weeks was a magical point in time for a lot of us........except PlainJane, she came out of recovery dancing a jig I think!  Wink
  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    I went back to work this past week after being off the 6 weeks for recovery. I was super busy (I am a hairstylist) and I felt great! The whole time I was off work, I did stuff around the house, probably stuff I shouldn't have done, but my house sure is clean and organized now! My surgical glue around the breast flap is almost finally gone. I go in on Monday for a mammogram on my healthy breast. First one since diagnosis last year. I think I asked this question before, but it was awhile back and I can't remember, but how much time did everyone take off of work after stage 2? I am hoping to miss only a couple of weeks. Oh, and how do they make the nipple? Dr S said something about 'twisting the skin'?

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2010
    ccbaby - I missed 2 weeks for stage 2, but I DID NOT have stomach plication, so much quicker recovery.  Also for nipples they literally twist the skin and twiirl around into a nipple.  It is another amazing feat from NOLA.  Congrats on getting back to work! Feels good, huh.  AND good luck on the mammogram tomorrow! 
  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Melanie~ I already knew my bactrim allergy before getting here.  It sounds like I should have just cheated of your sheet :) 

    I am stiff today but planning on getting into the shower soon.  I am not looking forward to getting the pants back on especially since my DH is here helping me now.  It is going to take hours for us to figure it out.  We decided to rent a car so we can go exploring.  It was less than $100 and it allows us to go where ever we would like when we want to which was a huge concern for me.  I was scared of going out and getting stuck someplace. 

    Does anyone know where they sell some french onion soup here in NOLA ??

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited January 2010

    Jamie the trick with the dominatrix outfit is to cheat and hook/ zip up one of the legs to about the hip area and then hook/ zip up the entire other side. Then you ease into it and only have to sruggle with a few hooks and zip up to the top. You will quickly get the hang of it but the first few times will exhuast you. Good luck

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2010

    News from NOLA!

    Made it to the Homewood Suites - tired and sore, but happy for the change of scenery! Although I am in the "DOM" outfit - it is NOT sexy - especially when you throw in the TED tights and all the drains! But the twins are looking fantastic!! WHOOP-WHOOP!!

    Checked on Brenda before I left Fairway - she seems to be doing well - her sugery went well - 5 hours was all!!!

    Hilarious parade today right in front of the hotel - the was a longtime Saints Fan "Mr. D." that once said if the saints ever made it to the Super Bowl, he would wear a dress!! Well, he passed a few years ago, but in his memory and honor, and to honor what he said - there is a parade with THOUSANDS of men in dresses today....starting out at the Super Dome and ending in the 'French Quarter!! We have laughed and laughed at some of the get-ups!! The Louisiana folks sure know how to party and have a good time - I have never met so many NICE, genuinly nice people, in my life!!

    Nap time ladies!!



  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Macksix I am out of the shower back in bed resting My DH is a doll and was such a big help ;). He is sooo impressed with Dr S's work ;) and all he keeps saying is you look the good already and you still have more to go ;).

    Lou Ann love the fact that you get to see the parade.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Jamie, I had skin alergies to the tubes to the drains and the surgical tape. For phase 2, I told the hospital I was allergic to all adhesives, and when I woke up in the DOM outfit, I looked in there and every single things was protected with pads so no hoses were on my skin!!! It was wonderful! 

    LA - go boobie toes! I am delighted you are at the Homewood (isn't the fruit great!) and that you love your new boobies. :)

    Jamie, you can also undo the top hook or two on each side of the Dominatrix outfit to give yourself a break , I would sometimes unhook it in the middle of the night a bit at the top so i could friggin BREATHE!!! 

  • sunandsandgirl
    sunandsandgirl Member Posts: 23
    edited February 2010


    I have read one of your posts about lymphedema.  I have been wondering if I still had fluid in my left buttocks (much harder than my right)  and even fluid into my right leg that comes and goes.   Did you notice the swelling before you went to the therapist?  

    To all of you out there, good luck with your surgeries. Just love to read these posts.  



  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2010

    Happy Sunday all!

    jaimieh, be careful with French onion soup, as it is LOADED with sodium, which will not help reduce your swelling from surgery.  They have it at Cafe Degas on Esplanade, and I'm sure many, many other great eateries in NOLA. So glad you are doing well!  I might have missed it since this thread has been so busy lately, but did you get to meet up with LouAnn?

    I agree also, Trishia, that walking was not helping me with weight loss---no challenge due to no hills where we walk.  When we walk at the local beach, the access is a very steep, long slope.  I might try walking up and down that today, and get my vitamin D at the same time.  When the weather warms up, I'll be able to get some swimming in.

    Please watch the gossip magazines for me in the coming weeks, and if you see any celebrities (Fergie, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, Celine Dion, Beyonce, among many others) in a black tank top with a rhinestone guitar, I need to know so I can put photos on our site!  The gift lounges occurred Thursday, so they should all have our gift by now!  We sent Eva Longoria a "Mrs. Parker" tank top when she got married, but haven't made any effort to gift celebrities since then, so we are fairly excited!!

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited January 2010

    I cannot keep up with all of these posts! I just joined here a few weeks ago and now have an official date scheduled in NOLA for March 16th. Jaimieh contacted me and helped me with some of the info I needed (thanks!!) and now I've been keeping track of her to see how her experience in NOLA is going right now.

     And that led me to this thread and I think I read the first 25 pages and the last 50 now and wow you guys are awesome giving all of this great info and help.

    I just ordered a travel pillow and a grabber pole for post surgery at home since I won't really have anyone taking care of me when my husband is at work. I leave for the surgery in about 40 days, I'm overwhelmed thinking about it.

     I still ahve to arrange all the travel (flights and all that) and am a little worried about scheduling those since My mom keeps freaking me out asking what happens if i have to stay longer and i  told her NOLA is the best of the best and they will take care of it.

     anyways i just wanted to tell you all that I comb this thread for info and I am amazed at how helpful it all is.

    Any advice for a DIEP girl before the DIEP?

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited February 2010

    Melinda413 - If you need info this thread sure does have it.  You have made a good decision to go to NOLA and you WILL be in the best of hands. Congratulations and WELCOME to the most caring group of gals you will get to know!

    ((((((((((((((BettyeE)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) You will do GREAT this week.  Post when you can!  I will send healing vibes your way and will pray for fast healing!  Those twin girls are gonna look so gorgeous!

    SANDY - I bet Taylor wears your tank top, seems like a perfect thing for her to wear. She's so cute!

    Have a great week girls! xxoo Mel

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2010

    Sand and Sun, you should not have lower trunk lymphedemia b/c the lower trunk lump nodes have not been disturbed. Probably swelling from surgery, it can take a while to go down.

    I had lymph nodes removed under my left armpit, and then I had my left armpit and clavacle radiated. This drains from the waist up, front and back, on the left side. Then I had all these surgeries! So those lymph drainage areas have been damaged and I think that's why I have some edema on that side.  

    Melinda, pls give us your specs! Which NOLA doc are you using? Are you having a unilateral or bilateral DIEP? What hospital? let me know and I will add you to the list.  

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited February 2010

    Melinda413 - send a message to Spring with your details and she will add you above.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited February 2010

    Wow! I am so happy for all the happiness on this thread in the last couple of days! My post-op with my gyn went very well, and I intend, this next week, to schedule my GAP. But first I will sit by the phone and shake and cry and probably e-mail Sandy and Springtime, etc., and post here, and try to get up the nerve to dial the number.

    Re: how they make nipples. Think origami.

    Melanie - so YOU were the projectile shoe vomiter! In the future, if any of us vomit post-surgery (or probably anywhere else, for that matter!) we will all think, "well, at least I didn't vomit on my surgeon's shoe!" LOLLLLLL!

    Spring - sorry to hear about your problems with lymphadema. Did you have nodes removed? How many? And thanks so much for the feedback from your hubby on post GAP butts! That really DOES make me feel better! Thanks for thinking of me in that intimate moment!

    Sandy - that's so neat that you have a personal trainer. You California girls! OMG! But if you get too drop-dead gorgeous, and the guys on the balconies on Bourbon are only asking YOU to drop your top, I'll be really depressed! So watch it, sister! I second what you say about gaining weight after DIEP. I have gained 5 pounds, in preparation for GAP, and it is TIGHT! But I can now see love-handles! And I think my butt is bigger! But so are my breasts! So will all this weight help, or just be moot?

    Jaimie & LouAnn  - out of the hospital! Yeah!!!! Sorry for your allergies, Jaimie - hope you're doing better now. I love that you both love your girls!!! And that LouAnn thinks her breasts are the most gorgeous in the world! Have you two gotten together to compare which are bigger! I think you should! And then your husbands should go down on Bourbon and get you both lots and lots of beads!!!! I wish I could see that parade! I love those parades! And all the guys in dresses! LOL!!!! What a show that must have been! Oh, Jaimie - you could do a great driving tour of the Garden District. Gorgeous. gorgeous mansions. Get one of those travel guides about New Orleans - one with a subsection about the different houses in the Garden District. Also, do a drive in Metairie cemetery. Get a good NOLA map.

    Melinda - DIEP advice for a DIEP girl - make sure you have lots of extra bed pillows at home to make yourself a nest when you get back. Also, bring a journal. Everyone bring a journal! You'll want to read it later - and also record all your fears now, vent, and then how much you're relieved after you meet the docs, etc., oh, and so you can record the ecstacy like LouAnn and Jaimie have!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2010

    Minn, hang in there. I know what you mean about picking up the phone to make the call and schedule it. I think at one point I put it off and put it off. It is a hard call to make. but then, hopefully, you will feel better and know you're on the road....

    About the edema issues: I had the SNB (sentinel node biopsy) done. I had one sentinel node, but she removed 2 that were 'close by" just in case. All were clear. BUT THEN, the rads onc radiated my armpit and my clavacle! (Even though my nodes were clear). I am very sad about this lately. I should have said NO, radiate only my breast. I was unaware and trusting. And this may be the standard of care, but now I am upset I radiated healthy body parts *just in case* and now have a compromised lymphatic system on the upper left side, front and back! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhh. if only I had known. Sigh. It is a regret!

     But onward, hopefully I can get this fixed and hopefully it will stay away. After all, i will have no more mastectomies and recon surgeries! yay!

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2010

    Thanks for the welcome everyone!

    I will be with Dr Sullivan on March 16th at St Charles. Dr DellaCroce will be the co-surgeon. And this is a delayed bilateral DIEP.
    It's a long time coming, I was diagnosed in July 2007 and had tissue expanders that failed miserably back then. I was only 25 so this was beyond crushing to me when it happened. I'm finally picking up the pieces and deciding that my prosthetics will NOT cut it for the next 80 years of my life.

    Thanks for adding me to the list spring! This thread has been so uplifting, informative and eye opening. It's very helpful to know that if I have a concern I can come here. My husband is supportive but my mom is not at all. So I look here for info and then can say- well I know x amount of girls who didd this and LOVE it.

    Just know i am watching this thread :) DOn't know if I have many questions now, just looking for general guidance. I will be bringing my laptop for sure so that will be helpful after surgery. I was approved for Hope Lodge but I just can't decide if I want to stay there. But then again don't know if I want to spend $ on something i can get for free...

  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2010


    For those of you who developed seromas at the donor site--did you have them drained by local doctors? if so, how did you get the local docs to agree to do it? I have a local PS who said he would pull the drains when they are low enough, but I am guessing he may be hesitant to drain the seroma. How do they know when to drain it versus when to leave it and it will go away on its own?
