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NOLA in September?



  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2010

    Jamieh,  I hope I do as well as you when I have my surgery!  You sound great!  Hope Bayyy is doing as well as you!

    Dejaboo - Sorry it hurts and hope it gets better soon!

    7 weeks to go, it's getting closer and closer.  Keep making lists of stuff I need to take and do before I go. Thanks to you ladies.  I'm just so ready for this next step to begin. 

    Everyone have a good day!

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010

    Jamie... nausea sick?  Do they think it was from the meds ? Glad to hear you are back to feeling better... you are inspiring me from afar... clock is ticking down and I will be there soon.... nervous!  You haven't commented on your twins... do you like them.. from what you can see?

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2010

    I have been out of town and could not post.  Jamie, congrats!  I am so happy for you that you are doing so well.  Record time being up and posting!  I hope my surgery is just 5 hours.

    Has anybody heard from LouAnne?

    Good luck to Brenda!

    Hope you are up and about too Bayyyy.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    No word from LouAnn!!! Or Bayyy!  Brenda is tomorrow....

    Jamie, you are doing so very well! How is your vision coming along? Still seeing double? 4 boobies or are we down to two???


  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    LOL...4!!!  Too funny!

    Great to hear you are continuing to do so well Jaimie.  Like holtbolt said, you are inspiring those of us who are coming soon! 

    Hope to hear from Bayyy and LouAnn.

    Good luck Brenda!'s almost your turn!  I'll be thinking about you.  Can't wait to hear how it goes!  (It'll be great!)


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Jamieh I think you're doing great....glad the nausea was transient.  I had Erin too mostly stage one when I was doing well enough but not yet dc'ed due to caretaker issues.  I loved her.  She came and hung out in my room and we told nurse war stories.  But I had jamie too...all 3 of them!  And I probably had Sue too...sheesh stage one I think I had everyone! 

    Eve....not sure why no dominatrix stage 1?I did have for stage 2. I do know I am a big girl and you are tiny....the nurses made some comment about them using abd binders now?  But dunno? If I had to guess I'd say size? but again that is a guess.

    Yay page 100.....I've been watching that too! I wanted to be first!  kidding!

    I bet LouAnne is sleeping still.

    Spring I'm anxious to know what you find out.  I'm having some sort of similar issues, sending you a pm.

    Pam do they know you're hurting?

    Trishia I'd love love love to gab just can't make it happen...nothing but squeaks!

    Have a great thursday  ladies!

    love, squeaky

  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited January 2010

    Yes Nordy - I'd love to meet up in NOLA! I'll probably be flying in the 28th and I have a couple hours free between my consults over lunchtime. I love that we live 3 hours apart and will be meeting up all the way across the country.

    We're off on a ski trip - I'll be thinking more healing thoughts for Jamie, LouAnn, Bayyyy and Brenda this week!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    All, I just made the appt for the ultrasound next Weds afternoon to determine what this LUMP is.

    GOSH that was a hard call to make! I so want this to be nothing... I hope I do not need it biopsied. You would think with all we've been through an untrasound is like a nothing, but I think it's because this is where the BC was "discovered" and the core biopsies were like my first "trauma". LOL. I dunno!!! 

    But I did it, i made the friggin' appointment!!!! 

    Is it Friday yet?????  We are expecting a huge winter storm in NC this wkend!!! Someone told me maybe 9 inches of snow? That will close Raleigh down I tell you!!!!  61 degrees today, I have to get out there to walk....


  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited January 2010

    Margate NJ (jersey Shore) (no I am NOT on MTV,LOL)  for me Springie..just another Joisey Gal!

    Spring re: your lump. I had a rather large painful lump spring up (no pun) next to the area where the rib cartilage was removed for access to Mammary artery..Dr Stolier looked at it and Dr S removed it during a revision. It was nothing of any significance,


  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited January 2010

    LouAnn....Woo hoo!! Best of luck to you my friend!! You are constant in my thoughts!! You are in great hands...good looking hands, at that! lmao...delicious! Can't wait to hear your progress report!

    Jaimeh- Woo hoo...5 hours! You must be the ideal patient! lol Hoping you are feeling well!

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2010

    Surgery went better than expected, only lasted 7 1/2 hours and the girls are beautiful!! Pretty sore right now but wanted to check in. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers!

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    Thinking of all you ladies just out of surgery!  Great to hear you are doing well.  Yay for 'beautiful girls' LouAnn!!!  Thanks for checking in.

    Spring, sorry you're going through this.  It's not fun, but it can't be anything significant--as you said, no breast tissue.  By the way, we had a winter storm today--tons of snow on the way into work this morning.  I thought we were finished with the snow!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Boobie Toes, I mean LouAnn! Glad to hear from you! That is WAY SHORT for a stacked DIEP lumbar girl! Mine was 11 hours! Woot! Good for you. Your body must be very cooperative! ha.

    Marcia, I think the spot you describe is the same spot? sort of about 2 o'Clock on the inside where the breast is thinning to the Sternum? I wondered if it could be that, where they had to go inside and get the artery...

    Warrior, it's nearly February! Where is that USA Today article featuring your gorgeous self? Did I miss it?? 

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Way to go LouAnn!

    Spring....I BET it is fluid in the tissue partially based on what Stacy and Liz just told me on the phone about MY worry!  I know you'll be glad to get that behind you.  Meanwhile, are you still going to your therapy tomorrow?

    Isn't it nice that they(CRBS) call us back.  I broke my voice rest order to call Stacy and she and Liz listened, looked at my pics and basically told me to "step back!".....I'm still 7 weeks post op.    I am totally serious...I NEED people to tell me that sometimes!  Probably my own curse of the nurse...NOT wanting to MISS anything of potential concern.

    Ok something else that Stacy told me that was of particular value and helps me wrap my head around this stuff a little better....I guess I pictured the flap as a solid chunk of fat but there can be pockets, fluid can get into those pockets etc which sort of helps me understand a bit better.......maybe?

    It is dark and rainy here.  Will January ever end?  Will my voice ever return?

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Great to hear from you LouAnn!

    BrendaE Good Luck tomorrow!

    Betty-next week will be here soon & before you know it- You will be on the other side!

    My Ass*pirations were not as Grand today.  LOL

    Had it done with an ultrasound & only collected 35cc!  Yea!

    I am hoping that is it.

    JenniferJane!  Quiet!

     Its nice & sunny here today- We have 5 degrees on the thermometer!


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Pam this is GREAT news!  PROGRESS!  Did they get the measuring tape out?  Or put one of those dressings on again?  LOL!  How is that pain you were having?

  • LizR
    LizR Member Posts: 26
    edited January 2010

    Hi Spring - Greetings from Central NJ!  I am also a Rutgers Grad (Graduate Business School '92) - but my heart belongs to my undergraduate college (Sweet Briar College in VA).  NJ is a great place to work and raise a family, but we have our sights ultimately on the Carolinas (probably SC).  

    Sorry to hear you have lump that you have to worry about - you are in my thoughts for quick, good news.

    Glad to hear the ladies are doing well after surgery this week.  It is so reassuring to us gals who are still on the "waiting" list.

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    No Exciting appt today JJ.  I went somewhere else.

    No Measuring, No Pictures, No Huge padded Bandage,  Was rather boring.  LOL

    My Pain is pretty much the same  : (


  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2010


    I have a huge hard spot above my left buttocks incision... like 4 inches wide and 2 inches high. The doctor said it could be a seroma or a hematoma, but that it would go away. (of course, he said this over the phone). Has anyone else had something like this? BTW - my drains are still in.



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Margit, I also have a hard spot along the incision of one butt side!!! the other feels smoother and less thick. I never thought it could be fluid, I just wondered why the scar on one side would be thicker. Hmm. Maybe it is fluid? maybe I have hard fluid spots. LOL.

    Pam, Ass-pirations. LOL. Still cracks me up!!!

    Liz, I graduated Cook College at Rutgers and then also went to Grad school there. Met my husband there, etc! Lots of memories. We often go for lunch and find Lebanese food. Yummo!  

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2010

    LouAnne and Jamie,

    It is so exciting to hear from you both!  I'll see you in a few days. 

    Spring you are in my prayers.  I know it will be ok, but I also know how you feel.  I have had several thnings that I had to have checked and it is just down right scary. 

    Pam, thanks for remembering my date.  I am sorry about your pain and hope you get relief.  Constant pain is so hard to deal with. 

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Wow, there are like 2 pages of posts since last night!

    Spring and Trisha...Both Jamie and Nicole are friends on Facebook with me! They keep updated on my progress!

    BettyE....When is your surgery?

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Alright I feel pretty good again.  They had to give me another IV because apparently I was dehydrated and once they did that and gave me some phenegan I took a nap and moved further forward with my recovery :).  I have been up walking in less than 24 hours because I can not stand cath.  I also convinced Erin to let me "help" when it came time to remove it.  

    I got up and got showered today and I haven't commented on my new girls because I could barely see them due to the S patch and I wanted to look at them while I was standing up.  They look pretty good so far but I look like a suicide bomber with all of the wires.  I should be getting a bunch of wires out soon and then I will report.  My donor site looks pretty good and I do not have a dent but it seemed to have pulled my crack open in one spot (sounds very odd).  However overall I am thrilled with my new girls and my low incisions on my back :).  Now I just need to go home and heal and get ready for stage 2. 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Okay, so Trishia and Plainjane only had abdominal binders after stage 1 DIEP. Trishia, you had Dr. S. Plainjane, is that who you had? If so, maybe we can form a hypothesis that it is about Dr. D vs. S. Or did someone else who had Dr. D also only have an abdominal binder?

    Dejaboo - so sorry you're having pain! Is it any better now? Have you asked for better meds, maybe? I love the way you told these whimpy non-Minnesota gals what cold really is! LOL! (I know NONE of you are whimpy!)

    Stephanie - There is no way that lump is cancer! They may be recommending ultrasound to help you put your mind at ease. Whoever heard of cancer in one's derriere fat? I haven't... It is gorgeous around Princeton, N.J. We visited on my son's "out east" college tour. He did make the "wait list" at Princeton, but is attending Cornell.

    Jaimie - Okay, that is a new one about looking like a suicide bomber! I'm glad you've retained your sense of humor after being sick... I threw up the 2nd night (after my husband snuck me pizza), it was NOT fun! I was able to limit it to only two heaves, all the while holding my stomach, hoping nothing would split open! And it was hard to move as fast as I needed to, to make it to the bathroom in time, but I did it! Unlike - now who was it? - who projectile vomited on Dr. D's shoe! At least you didn't do that! But this talk about your "butt crack" being pulled open is adding to my anxiety about a GAP! I just know I'm going to start having nightmares real soon! May I ask if they had to provide really large breasts for you? Mine would only have to be a B.

    Warrior - I see that you're talking about Dr. Delicious again. You even noticed how his hands looked?! OMG!

    LouAnn - Congratulations to you!

    Tomorrow I have a follow-up with my gyn re: the D&C and hysteroscopy. I wasn't worried about this, since they found no cancer, but what's up with my having bleeding for a week post-op (which I know is not unusual), then a week clear, and now another week with bleeding again? It looks like a period. Not just blood. I thought they cleaned everything out of me with the D&C! So now I'm worried what she'll tell me about this! My plan had been that once I got the all clear on these gyn issues, I'd try to get up the nerve to schedule my GAP. So I'm sure wanting to get thru tomorrow with no unwelcome surprises!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010

    Spring~sending you good thoughts for your ultrasound.  I know how anxious I was for my PET and MRI.  All will be well I am sure.

    I'm friends with Jamie (nurse Jamie) on FB too!  

    Eve that is weird.  I had endometrial ablation 5.5 years ago and it worked wonders for me.  My sister had it done 2 years ago and it didn't work at all.  Perhaps that is the case with you.  Hope your docs have some answers.

    Jamieh and LouAnn~so glad to see you both posting.  :)

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2010

    Good morning, girls! Rise and shine! It's Friday!! Time for post-op walks and showers!

    Hmmm. Must have been channeling my previous career as a hospital nurse.

    I'm so glad everyone's doing well so far!

    Gotta run. Work, and sick college kids, are beckoning...


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Minnesota~ Don't panic about the crack that I am taking about.  I will post it on the recon site so you can look and see.  Dr D was able to harvest 600 from my lumbar area after he thought he was only going to be able to get 400-500 so I was fatter than what he  Good luck at your appt.  today.  When are you going to back to NOLA for your surgery ??

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    CCBaby/Christy, can you share the Facebook names of the nurses so I can friend too? That would be fun. 

    Going to the LE PT therapist for first time. Will report back! Have some puffyness on the side of one chest/breast area, under armpit. Same side as RADS and SNB!

    SNOW IN NC TONIGHT!!! 5-10 inches!!!

    Spring. (springing in the snow flakes!)  

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Jaimie-I will come to NOLA whenever they can schedule me, but after I see if I have the nerve to do it! It's one thing to want to go there to replace a breast that I was already without. I'm finding it's quite another to go there to replace one I still have - eventho who knows what evil may lurk within i? But so many of you gals already know this struggle... Dr. D told me he can harvest 200, and I only need 175. Or was it 300 and 275? Now I don't remember.

    Trishia-I wonder if she'll suggest that. I'll know soon...

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2010


    My surgery is Feb 2 @ St Charles @ 11 am