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NOLA in September?



  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010

    ok... help?  Jamie, Minnesota.. what do you mean by these numbers...harvesting 400, 600... 200, 300?    I have concerns about how large my new breasts can be ...I have never looked at my butt so much in my life.. trying to figure out where this fat is coming from and  what cup size I will end up with.... help?  I am delayed recon so I am worried I will end up with an A cup or small B.. and disappointed....  can anyone pick a GAP photo on the center's site and relate that number to the result.. (e.g.  3rd row, 2nd from the left, I think they harvested 600 on this girl) LOL  I guess I'll have to wait till I get there and he sees me.. but I'm not keen on having implants put under the flaps on stage 2 just to get a decent size and I'm hoping to avoid that... I'm just clueless.. somebody out there tell me they are about 5 '7", 130 lbs and ended up with a nice full C cup?

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    I am a delayed reconstruction and the numbers are the weight they are able to get out of the harvest area.  The doctors check the weight before they make sure they put in even amounts.  Don't panic Holtbolt I had the same fear but I am at least a good B maybe a C and during stage 2 we are going to add some more :) 

    I just got to see Dr. D and he removed my breast drains so I am already down 2 drains I now have 2 to go :)  Hip drains are still putting out about 80cc's so all it going well.  I just hope it continues..... 

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Spring...I will send a referral for you to nurse Jamie through FB.

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Hi girls! are doing super....don't get ahead of your body tho........These are big surgeries takes a looooong time for your body to 'settle'.   Had this conversation w/ Spring AND Stacy and Liz yesterday.....

    Still w/ swelling/weirdness in my L breast and my message yesterday from Stacy and Liz...."it is still EARLY,give it more time, let things settle"...............OMG that is SO hard to do!.......yes, ...he did A LOT, and 7 weeks post stage 2 is early!  Esp in the area Dr. D 'worked on' a lot.  But Eve I can relate to the whole prophylactic picture....As technically both mine were prophylactic so as my head started spinning yesterday and the demons in my head took over I was starting to worry 'What if this is a complication?' and 'What if I lose a whole, or almost half this flap because it is really a giant area of fat necrosis?' What have I done?

    Honestly...I do NOT want my old L breast back. That I know. I would want a fix or a new one though if this one was anywhere near as bad as I was imagining it to be yesterday!  Imagination is a powerful thing!  I swear almost as bad as one of those pre op dreams!

    Eve, Dr. D was my doc. I just think we all come in different shapes and sizes so not everyone gets the same abd binder vs dominatrix?  I had the luxury of the dominatrix stage 2 tho so I'm not feeling left out! 

    Spring anxious to hear about your LE adventure and Eve hope your appt goes well.

    Jamieh and LouAnn rest, relax and ENJOY Nola, you're in the best of hands! 

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    Hi girls...hope everyone has a great weekend!

    I finished up my pre-op testing today, just in time to receive a phone call this afternoon from the Center reminding me that it's due.  So I'm all set. Woohoo!!

    Only 25 more days!


  • trainertam
    trainertam Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2010

    I'm right behind you "Hello" and I got the  same call today! I am going in next Monday to get the blood work done. My stage 1 date is 2/25. I was just reading PlaneJanes post about 7 weeks being early in stage 2. Yikes, I was thinking stage 2 was easier than stage 1. I was only going to be taking about 1 week off of work for stage 2 in May.. Perhaps I need to rethink that.

    I wonder if Dr. D will be bringing his dominatrix outfit over to Oschner Baptist Hospital  for me!!!! I say that because I was reading some posts from other surgical sites here in California. they were saying they left the hospital in 'spongy gauze wrapping". Made me think about what a difference it makes to be having the work done at NOLA.

    also, thanks to those who responded to Cattail. she's my best friend thats going with me to NOLA!

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010

    Tammy... my stage 1 is 2/23.. will also be at Homewood Suites after... maybe I will see you and Cattail there...

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Jaimie, Bayyy, LouAnn - I hope you are all recovering well.

    Brenda - I hope you are all doing well. Brenda - I hope your surgery is going well.

    Trishia - I need to talk to you... will send a PM

  • trainertam
    trainertam Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2010

    Holtbolt, definately look us up. I'm sure Cathy (Cattail) would also love to meet you and probably be happy to have someone to talk to while I'm "out"! we will be checking into Homewood suites on Sunday 2/28, unless they keep me longer at Oschner.

     Are you having your surgery at the center? We'll have to compare notes, you probably read how disapointed I was to find out I couldn't stay at the center (due to ins. reasons). But, I AM getting Dr. D so I have to be happy about that  Smile

    I will be thinking of you on 2/23 while I'm flying from California to New Orleans!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Hi'll be able to do plenty....just don't expect to look in the mirror after a couple weeks and see Barbie yet!.....or slip into your size smaller tight jeans in a couple weeks..... or maybe even a couple mos.  It takes a while for the body to settle.  Everybody has a little different story tho too...

    Dr. D said it after stage one...."What you see now and what your final product will be are 2 different things".  He also told me after stage 2 "It takes a YEAR for you to see the end product".  So I guess those are important points to keep in mind in the short term of the long process!  Hope that makes'll be back at work, back to whatever probably pretty quickly.....but DO allow yourself time and don't box yourself into too rigid schedule. 

    Stage 2 is very individualized...I had lots done....but I had an abd wound issue and the whole incision got revised.  He also tightened my abd the muscles.  There were several people I met while there who were back to their routine in a week or 2...again depends on how much is done and they really won't know until you're at your pre- op...

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2010

    (((((((((Girls))))))))))  Just checking in to say hi and I am doing ok.  Havent really felt like keeping up with everything here, but I can say that I had Dr. D and had the abdominal binder after stage 1.  Went to dr thurs, but he wants me to wait another week to try chemo again, and then we can decide when I can go back to work.  Evidently, I was worse off than I realized, but thankfully, it was caught before I needed dialysis.  Anyway, will try to get on more, but hope everyone is doing good!

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010

    Tammy... yeah my surgery is at the center with Dr; D (Bilateral SGAP too) .. I think I'm being released and will be checking into the Homewood Suites on Sat, the 27th ... I'll PM you my number.... we will have to hook up and compare notes for sure! 

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Gin!  Very glad to hear from you! Have been wondering about you.  Sending you a PM.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Jennifer!!! Are you feeling any better? How is the voice? I have been tempted to call - but know what it is like trying to squeek out a conversation!

    Gin - hang in there!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Nordy....still so squeaky!  so frustrating!  sending you a PM.....I miss our friday night club phone calls but I know I would NOT stop talking and I HAVE to go back to work....sheesh!  not like I haven't already had 12 weeks total off since sometime in sept!  YIKES that SO freaks me out!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Hi all you lovelies.

    Tammy, I will add you to the listing above. If I goof it up, let me know.

    OK, so am I glad I went to the LE Therapist today, I wish I went sooner! I for sure have edema under my armpit on side of chest, but I ALSO have it on my back on that side. She measured my arms and while I don't have lymphedema yet in my arm, I am in danger! She said that my left arm is 3% larger than my right, and it should be 3-4% smaller (since I am right handed). So all the edema that is in on the side of my ribs and back is somehow starting to clog up my arm!

    Anyway. I was all taped up to help the lymph action, and I have to go 3x a week for three weeks for therapy or massage and more taping I guess.  How am I supposed to work with all this! Next week, 3 therapy appts and the ultrasound on the lump! 


    Well the GOOD NEWS is that is is really snowing in Raleigh, and we're supposed to get 5-10 inches! This is such a treat. Being a "Jersey Girl" I love the snow! Just feel like it will be a "snow day" and no school or something! :)  Minn, I suppose this would be nothing in Minnesota!  

    Oh Minn, my husband was telling me today, get this, how great my new butt looks compared to my old one. I really was asking him why, because I knew you would be interested in knowing! He said it is much less droopy and more youthful looking. Smaller yes, but better. Bigger droopy and flattish butt vs tighter, higher more youthful butt. Hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

    Jamie, how you be now girl? Still doing okay?

    Ginnie!!! My goodness, dialysis??? You poor thing, that chemo slammed your poor self! You take good care and be very kind to yourself. Don't rush back to work . Holy cow, you have been through a lot!!

    Let it snow, let it snow let it snooooooooooooooooowwwwww... :) 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Tammy you are already up there!  I can't keep track!!! :)

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited January 2010

    Jennifer hang in there things will get better. It sucks when you get sick on top of all of the surgery. Get plenty of rest and LISTEN TO THE DOCTORS!!!!!!! It has been so soon after your stage 2 surgery. I think all of us have to realized that it will take months to look like Barbie and we shouldn't expect instant results.

    Jamie, bayy and Lou Ann you all need to take it easy. You have been through major surgery. Give your body time to recover.

    Brenda hope everything went well for you today.

    Sending you gals healing prayers.

    Good to hear from you Ginny. Take it one day at a time. It will get better and you will get through this.

    Spring Hope things are getting better. It must be some kind of fluid buid up. Hey how are you enjoying all that snow?

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2010

    Hello Ladies!! My new twins look great!!! Absolutely beautiful - I love listening to the heartbeat sound from the doppler wires.

    Yesterday was a fog - don't remember much of it! I am sore as  can be, and in the dominitrix outfit - but I was able to walk around my room today = YIPEE! Everyone loves the "boob toes" - I have had fun with them!

    Pain pill kicking in - time to sleep!



  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited January 2010

    1. - - I had Dr S - he recommended a binder after Stage 1, once the drains are out.

    2. - - -I need some input regarding scheduling Stage 2.  My 12 week mark will be April 15, so that would be the soonest.  Would you schedule it that early, or would you wait a bit more?  Also, in this season, I have a daughter who is getting married June 5, so I'd like to be looking fairly good for this. I don't want to be puffy and wondering what clothes I can manage to wear. There will be plenty of company and lots of photos. Dr S's nurse seemed to think it would be no big deal for me to do Stage 2 in April and being doing fine by June 5.  However, I do realize the reality is not always what matches people's opinions. I'd love to know how stage 2 went for some of you.

    3. - - Anxiety about going to NOLA - I can relate to that.  I had read such good things on this line, but having to make decisions fast and not being a fan of New Orleans, in general, we had our concerns.  But once we met with the doctors, asked our questions, and it was clear that they are the top of their field, the anxiety reduced and we were ready to face the next morning's surgery without too much concern.   

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited January 2010

    LouAnn....WOOOHHOOOOO for you girl! My stacked DIEP was 12 hours (I believe) as Spring said, your body must have really cooperated!

      Rest rest rest!


  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2010


    Regarding butt size and breast size... I am 5'7" and about 150 ( a litle less now) and there was plenty muffin top material to make what are now size D but will probably end up size C breasts. Of course, I am 59, and fat seems to materialize as you age, so if you are both thinner and younger, you are likely to be more solid than me. Nevertheless, I wouldn't worry. I think you will be very pleased with your girls.

    My husband told me that he has small hands, and anything more than he could handle was just a waste.

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2010

    Gin - so glad to hear from you.  Take care!

    Spring - good luck with the ultrasound. I will be sending good vibes your way.

    JJ - shhhhhhh.  feel better soon!

    Eve- I DID the projectile vomit on Dr D's shoes! YIKES! Its my claim to fame..Wink

    Jamieh,LouAnn, Bayyy - So glad you are on the other side!  Welcome to recovery!  Drink, rest, rest, rest and drink!

    We are supposed to get a foot of snow tonight and tomorrow, cant wait, I missed the December snow when I was in NOLA for stage 2.  ENJOY THE WEEKEND GIRLS!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2010

    EVE - I had only the abd binder after stage 1 with dr d.

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    kcshreve....They let me schedule my stage 2  10 weeks after stage can schedule it whenever you want tho...I was trying to get it in before years end.  You could schedule it as a place holder then if you change your mind and decide to wait until after the wedding you could always reschedule?  sometimes just getting on the schedule is a bigger deal.  Regardless of when you do it, you will be able to look fabulous at your daughter's wedding, you just may not be looking like Marcia in a bikini yet!  She keeps that pic up especially for some of us ya know!  She is our inspiration!  I'm sure some others will chime in here.......Trishia made a short and fast recovery from her stage 2 but even she had a rough few first cannot resume aerobic activity or weight lifting (if you're into that) for 4 weeks.

    Spring....I am glad you went to LE therapy too......I bet you'll see feel a big difference in a couple of weeks. I hear ya tho on the time commitment. Did she fit you into, or make sure your bra gives enough compression....I think that made a big difference.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Miss Bobby Toes, oh, I mean LOUANN!!! Great to hear from you. Glad you are happy with the new boob-a-la's!!!

    PJ, she told me I should wear a spanx type top, she suggested a spanx knock-off at target. She asked, "do you know what spanx are?" And I was like, well YES I DO!!!! LOL.

    Nite nite you beauties! The snow is very pretty! Like little glistening sparkles of confetti!!! 

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Yes, LouAnn....I bet a welcome site!  Sleep well!

    Spring.....I rec'd some new spanx in the mail yesterday!  I ordered the braleluiah!  which I love and I NEVER would have been able to wear this before.  And  I think slim cognito...VERY smudgy soft fabric.  I bet those spanx tops will be even better since there is no binding rib cage tourniquet effect ....Oh MAN I never ever thought of that until after all this.....I probably really wear a 34 but stick w/ a 36 so as not to bind and since I'm lifted no longer need that extra shelf of support.

    Goodnight, enjoy the snow and the wkend!

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Spring...Sounds like you caught your lymphedema early like I did...I was diagnosed with stage 1 lymphedema back in Oct and the therapist really helped me....I do manual massage every night.  And the knock-off brand of spanx bottoms at Target is what I used after I removed my worked great and I am sure the top will work great too!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2010

    So glad to see that everyone is okay.  We are so busy with work that I barely make it to check in here lately! 

    I believe the difference in whether you end up in an ab binder or the full compression garment is due to where liposuction is performed.  When it was only done on my abdomen, I woke up in the binder.  If it was done to anything below the waist, I had the full garment.   

    After having the rectus muscles sutured together, what you don't want to do is gain weight, as it feels very tight and uncomfortable!  I hired a personal trainer this week and will also be doing Saturday boot camps.  She's working with my nutritionist to get this stubborn post-surgical-menopause fat that I've gained over the past year off of me.  Between that and the Tamoxifen, they said I have a real challenge ahead of me, but both are hugely encouraging and I know I can do this.   I'm eating five small meals per day to keep my metabolism up, and aside from the workouts, still walking 2-3 miles a day at least six days a week.  

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010

    kcshreve~ My stage 2 was pretty easy recovery wise. I'm 39, FWIW.  I was really nauseous the night after surgery and I had a reaction to the pain meds and started taking tylenol 24 hrs post op and that was it.  I walked a ton.  I did get really sick with a head/cold flu that slowed me down the first full week I was home.  But at 3 weeks post op, I started doing pretty intense aerobic/cardio workouts.  No weights though!! 

    I had a TON of lipo on my upper abdomen and sides, then some on my thighs and on my back, fat injection, nipples built and then my dog ears and extra fat under my arms excised surgically instead of lipo'd.  I didn't have my stomach muscles plicated, and I didn't have any revision of my ab scar.  I wore the dominatrix outfit for 2 weeks and the nipple guards for 4.  

    Each stage 2 is different depending on what you need...donor site and breast wise.  I think when you have the plication done, it adds some recovery time.  But I would think you should be fine at 6 weeks.