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NOLA in September?



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2010

    Margit - You will know. If you can push on it and it looks like a wave (think waterbed) - it probably needs to be drained. Also you can feel it. It is pretty uncomfortable and you don't want to wait too long - Dr. S said the risk is more in that area of seroma and having the incision open up if there is too much pressure. Check w/Dr. Flores or his nurse practicioner. They will probably say the same. I didn't leave mine until it was almost all the way gone... meaning there appeared to be a tiny bit of fluid in there - which I just massaged and swept toward my inguinal lymph nodes - hoping they would pick it up!

    Brenda and Bayy - hope all went well last week. 

    Bettye- I hope all goes well for you this week!

    Jaimie and LouAnn - Wooooohooooooo!!!!! Hello twins!

    Well, I think I am putting up a new avatar - my 5 year told me I looked pretty this morning... she never says that. Figured we had better capture that on film... LOL.

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited February 2010

    Nordy....You ARE very pretty! It is so good to put a face with the name!

    It is so amazing that they can make nipples by twisting the skin!!

  • sarabhealed
    sarabhealed Member Posts: 64
    edited February 2010

    I had a wonderful local plastic surgeon who took out my drains, drained my seroma several times and saw me weekly for wound care. I went to him for a consult prior to surgery on a recommendation from a friend and asked if he would do follow-up. (I actually told his office what I was looking for before I made the appointment--I didn't want to waste time and money if it was a no go). I know he might be unusual but he wanted to find out more about perforator flaps, and he also has a soft spot for breast cancer patients so he was happy to agree...I'm sure there are others out there--and with as much as went wrong for me (flap failure, open wound, massive necrosis, and seroma) it was great to have a local doc lined up...

    I leave in less than a month for my stage 1/2--and I can't wait! It will be great to trade in the necrosis for some nice soft tissue. I'm feeling good about Dr. S and I certainly know what to expect... I want all of you to send me great positive energy. I think I can handle another long recovery if the outcome is good--(surely nothing else can go wrong??? )

    Someone asked me the other day if I regret having the surgery done...and though it has been hard and has really sucked at times, I can honestly say that I think it is a remarkable surgery, and that  NOLA is a fabulous place to have it done. There are things I'd do differently, and I wish things had gone smoother...but I really believe that once it is all over, I will be happy with the result, glad I did it and that the hard stuff will be a memory of just how much I can handle, how wonderful my family is, and how great is our God!

    Wishing you all wonderful things...Sara

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited February 2010

    ccbaby - not twist, fold! Doesn't that sound much better!

    Melinda - Honestly, I think you have the best two DIEP surgeons in the world operating on you. Really. Actually. Truthfully. Factually. No hyperboly. You could not have chosen better. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with this at such a young age. And your mom WILL come around, once she sees the results and how happy you are. She's just worried about you, like all of us moms would be...I think the only thing worse than dealing with breast cancer yourself would be watching your daughter have to deal with it. But soon, you and she and your husband will be able to put all of this behind you. This is the positive first step!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    Sara you have tons of positive thought from Me.

     Nordy~ You are so pretty :)

    Margit~ I woldn't wait to drain the seroma the smaller they are normally the easier they are to fix. 

    I have been sitting on the computer, sight seeing, napping and just missing my babies.  I didn't realize how much I do daily until my MIL is talking about how exhausted she is :).  I honestly feel good and I know it because the drains are driving me bonkers but they are my friend and will be my friend for weeks to go :)

    Minn~ Are you going to be getting SGap ??  ((bighugs))

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited February 2010

    Christy and Jaimie - Ahhhh... thank you so much you guys  Embarassed!

    Margit - yes, I agree not to wait on the seroma. Besides the chance of an incision opening up - it won't heal well if it is full of fluid. You have to remove the fluid so that the cavity can close down. If it was just a tiny bit of fluid, chances are your body would be able to absorb it and it would close down on its own, but a large amount warants a trip to your MD. My local PS did mine for me, but, like Sara, I had asked her ahead of time and she gladly followed up. She knew from the start that I wanted a free flap, which is something she does not do, and was happy to do follow up care. Hopefully the surgeon that agreed to remove your drains would be willing to play vampire...on your cheeks  Surprised!!!

    Sara - TONS of positive vibes, prayers, etc. headed your way!

    K - off to bed - my lymphedema has also flared up this week so am heading to use my flexitouch machine (which I really only use when my arm is getting huge). I have done too much of something last week... unsure what the trigger was... 4 days in a row of yoga??? vs. working out shoulders and core???? Who knows, but I am paying the price... Have to slow down this week and try again... 

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited February 2010

    Sarah~TONS of whitel healing energy coming your way.

    Melinda~Maybe my mom could talk to your mom. I was 21 when I was dx, so she gets it.  And she is a bc survivor now too.  She went with me for my stage 1 and she said (the heavens forbid) if he cancer came back...she would go to NOLA hands down. 

    Nordy you are beautiful!  

    Margit~I had my seromas drained at the radiololgy dept of our hospital here.  The Center just faxed over the order.  It was an ultrasound guided aspiration. 

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited February 2010

    Melinda,  My husband was the one against my going to NOLA, since he has attended conferences in New Orleans and has consistently hated the city. Plus, I have lots of allergies, reactions, autoimmune stuff, etc, and he was worried about my not staying local for extra help, if needed. In all these ways, he's right.  I heal weird, and we were worried about my needing extra days in the hospital, or a flap not taking.  Lots and lots of reasons to be genuinely worried.  On top of that, we have a special needs adult daughter we were leaving at home, and prepping for her care is extremely difficult since our support network is quite small.  My dh was stunned that I was so insistent to get to NOLA and do the extra work for it.  I've got to tell you, it was so worth it.  I went through the lists people gave to make sure I had what I needed in order to be prepared. In the end, everything went well, by the third day I had been up and walking and we were absolutely fine with leaving, recovery has gone well, post-op appt was normal, my energy is good.  All the things we worried about - so far none have come true (although I have a concern about a seroma at the moment).  The hospital is all about your doing well and having a positive experience.  In the end, my dh is the biggest fan of all.  He loves Dr S, loves every nurse, loves the process, loves the location......he can go on and on.  

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2010

    I definitely don't doubt my decision about NOLA at all. I know I haven't had it yet but regardless of the outcome I will know that I did everything  possible to go to the best of the best in this area. I'm obviously worried about the possibilities after surgery but am incredibly hopeful after seeing so many amazing results/stories.

    My DH was hesitant at first but seems to be supportive now. He was in the mindset of - I love you no matter what so why do you need boobs? It took a long time to convince him that this is about ME not him. My Mom had breast cancer 15 years ago, she had a unilateral mast with no recon. She says she understands why I want to have it done but is so worried about it because I have been turned down by 3 other PS because of my weight. I told her there was no way NOLA would say yes unless they honestly think I will have a great outcome.

    In 42 days I will leave for New Orleans. It's so weird, I keep thinking- byt he time my birthday is here I will ahve boobs or by the time Easter is here I will have boobs. It's so surreal.

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited February 2010

    Nordy - great picture!  Your kids are adorable! 

    Been away from my computer, we got 5-6" of snow on Fri & Sat.  It was awesome, we never get this much.  Had to get out and play this weekend! 

    Jaimieh - glad to hear your still doing great!  Glad to hear that you and Swastew love your new girls!  Makes me more anxious to get mine! 

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited February 2010

    Minnesota....that does sound a little better, but, the things they can do! 

    BettyE....I will be thinking about you tomorrow!! Good luck!

    Jamie...I hated the drains too, but the time seemed to go by fast!

    2tzus...Congrats on getting a date set!

    I just got back from getting a mammogram on my healthy breast. It didn't take long since it was just the regular type of mammo and just on one breast! I should get it for half-price!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2010
    2tzus What is your procedure? I will add you above. 

    Mar 19 - 2Tzus - procedure? Dr. S. NOLA, Fairway Hospital
  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited February 2010

    Melinda - You will be sooo happy when you wake up and look down at your beautiful "girls"! It IS surreal, or as I consider it - MAGIC!

    BettyE - Sending positive vibes your way from Minnesota! We'll all keep you in our prayers!

    Today I had what I hope will be my LAST breast MRI! Just screening. My insurance company probably won't like it... Hopefully they will find nothing bad and I won't have to kick myself for waiting too long!

    GAP girls - I know nothing about GAP. Jaimie, it will be an S-GAP. I don't think Dr. D ever does I-GAPS, as he worries about the long term effect of losing fat right down there by the butt bone (you can tell I have prior medical training...) Anyway, with DIEP, after surgery, it hurt alot to straighten up, as it put tension on the incision. So with GAP, doesn't it hurt like heck to sit down? I know you're not sitting on the incision (are you?) but you'd be putting tension on it. Also, is it hard to manage stairs, for any reason? Like a few days after surgery? Or is it just a matter of being exhausted, like after DIEP? I'm trying to figure out whether to book a room at a hotel we like, but that would involve a flight of stairs, vs. another hotel we like that would have an elevator.


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited February 2010

    Oh, and can you not sleep on your back after GAP surgery? And do you have to keep your legs bent, like with DIEP? No, wait, do you have to keep your legs straight?

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited February 2010

    Just wanted to pop in to say holy crap I got my info in the mail today! Makes it all sso real to see it on paper :)

  • sarabhealed
    sarabhealed Member Posts: 64
    edited February 2010

    Hi Minnesota,

    I had bilateral S-GAP and DIEP a week apart and the recovery from the GAP part seemed much easier to me because I didn't have the bent over tightness--nor as much have to sleep on your back, so pillows to prop and soften are a must to help the tush...I also forgot to have a pillow for the plane which was not smart, but sitting was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be...Steps were not a problem.  The drains for the GAP stay in alot longer than the DIEP which is no fun--but you know the drill. Best of luck, I know you'll do great!


    NSWTD Member Posts: 34
    edited February 2010

    At the urging of another board member,.....I am posting this here as a reply.......but I am really looking for tips advice to recovery in a hotel after post from another discussion group...

    Diagnosed Dec 21, 2009 -   I have now had my MRI and it confirms the extensive DCIS in Rt breast....and also a non-mass enhancement showed up in the left breast so.....another MRI guided biopsy.   That had to be the painful thing I have had done while conscious.   If they hadn't had my boob smashed between two plates, I am sure I would have leapt off the table.   Waiting on the results of left biopsy.......part of me wants to do a bilateral mastectomy and be done with it.   The stress is about killing me. 

    The good news....the ultrasound of my lymph nodes came up normal.  Also, participated in a study and had a PEM scan ...sort of like a CT or PET also showed nothing in either lymph area....

    I am getting nervous about the surgery, no matter if it is one or two they are taking.  I do not have a recliner.....had anyone had luck with sleeping in a bed?   Also, I will have to travel to have this done as I want an immediate reconstruction using either DEIP or SIEA flap....PS says I am a great candidate for either.   He was practically giddy when he was examining me.  I have been growing some belly fat I am soooooo glad will now be put to a better use.       I am thinking I will have to recover the first week in hotel close to the hospital.   Has anyone done that?   What should I plan on taking.....any obstacles you encountered?  Any and all advice will be most appreciated. 

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited February 2010

    Congratulations 2tzus and Melinda!!

    Some more NOLA Princesses -in -waiting! woo hoo to having your body and spirit restored!


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited February 2010

    Minn. I have hip so it is higher up but I have had minimal pain in the incision area.  Honestly it feels like the day after I go running for the first time (in the past I have always started with 3-5 miles first day back).  Honestly I have had VERY little pain from this entire procedures so far.  Most of it is from the drains and occassional nerve pain which is handled just by touching the area that hurts and then it stops.  I have had a ton of surgeries this last year trying to achieve what I currently have nice warm boobies that look good (but Dr S made them awesome) that will not try to kill me.  I honestly have seen most of NOLA during my post op.  We rented a car and have been exploring the city and I just steer clear of crowds so know one bumps me :)

    I do have one question I had more skin from my skin sparing so I have football scars currently that I am thinking that are going to fade to next to nothing.  Does anyone else have the football scars ?? 

    BTW, I haven't asked Dr. S yet because I still have 2 days until my post op appt.   Which means my onc Q balls (my blanket) is leaving soon....I am scared about having stuff removed....

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited February 2010

    Bettye, if you see this before your surgery...we'll be waiting to hear from you when you are able and feel up to it.  I know it'll be great and worth everything it took to get there!!  Laughing


  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited February 2010

    NSWTD~Hello and welcome to the board!  Sorry you have to be here.  Where are you from and where are you having your sugery?

     All of us here have traveled and recovered in a hotel.  Some things that really help:  get a suite type hotel if you can.  One with a fridge is a must!  It is nice if there is a separate sleeping area, because you will need lots of naps after your DIEP.  Let the hotel know you will be recovering and ask for a shower seat and LOTS of extra pillows.  

    I actually liked healing up in a hotel those first few days.  When I am home, I am more prone to to a few things here and there.  Not so much when you are at a hotel and your job is to just rest, and recover!!!  

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited February 2010

    Minn, you should have no significant butt pain. Sitting in overstuffed chairs or sofas was uncomfortable initially--that would pull on the incision. More of an ache than an ouch. Firmer seats were actually better at the start.

    I had no problems sleeping on my back (regarding the hiney incision.) The mattress at the Hope Lodge was standard. It was fine. But at home I have a thick memory foam topper (from Target) that was (and is) simply heaven.

    I guess you'll just have one side as a donor, since you're having a uni? How do you ever choose which is your "best side"??


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2010

    Minn, I had the belly and the butt. The butt is so much easier. It is a little tight, and sore if you poked at it, but it is nothing like the belly tightness. You can sit, you sleep on your back, you walk, you can do stairs. Really, it is nothing like the belly.

    2T - I added you above on Mar 19. Same day as Stephanie!  

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2010

    Jennifer PJ,

    I had my first LE massage yesterday and it was nice. They told em to buy a compression top, so I got a spanx knock-off at Target, well I got 2, each for 20 bucks.

    So here are my Questions:

    Are you also wearing a compression top? And did you have a nipple reconstruction? I am thinking of NipGirl (Miss Sandy) and not wanting to smash my new (9 week old) nipple. I am back to wearing the brown protector b/c I could not find the soft clear plastic one!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

    What are you doing about this? 

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited February 2010

    2tzus - congratulations on getting your date!  I'm just a few days behind you. 

    Melinda413 - yeah, getting the info packet does make it more real.  Once you have your flight scheduled, hotel, testing scheduled, etc. it's just sit back and wait.  The days seem to slip away and get closer and closer.  Now all I have to do it get all those pesky things done around the house that I want to get done before I'm out of commission.  Taxes, cleaning, organizing, etc. 

    AHHHH!  Now wish I had gone ahead and scheduled it for February or early March! 

    Great to hear that the butt doesn't hurt too much!   Especially since you have to sleep on your back for 6 weeks. 

    Just to confirm with SGAP (stage 1) how long will I have to wear the domindrex thingy you guys have mentioned?  How long do you have to wear a bra 24/7? 

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited February 2010

    okay... 3 weeks until Stage 1 and as I'm obessing about my butt, trying to figure out if there is enough there to make two decent size boobs... I realized I have put DH in a very bad position... if he says "don't worry about it, believe me",  he's pretty much saying I have a big ass.. but if he says "I understand your concerns" he's not helping calm me down at all! LOL 

    Does anyone know of someone who was told SGAP just by the photo consult but when they went down there for surgery, it turned into HIP flap?  Do all surgeons do ALL of these different procedures... sort of worrying what I really need is a hip flap and it doesn't sound like Dr. D does many of those..... unless I'm mistaken and he does everything....... anyone??

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited February 2010

    Holtbolt ,

      Hi, just wanted to allay your fears, Dr.D can do any type of breast flap your body requires.I doubt there are more experienced flap surgeons in the world that have done as many nor as varied.

      One of the wonderful things about going to NOLA is that you can give them carte blanche to do what they think is necessary and end up looking fabulous,REALLY!

    gentle hugs,Marcia

  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2010

    Hi Everyone! Glad to hear you're doing well Jamie and LouAnn.

    Holtbolt - I'm a newbie like you, but I can tell you that I am pretty scrawny (5-8, 120) and based on my photos Dr. D said that he could do an SGAP or Hip Flap on me. So it sounds like he does do Hip Flaps, or at least is comfortable recommending them. I love the "no-win" situation for your Dh! Ha!

  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2010

    Betty: I hope you're recovering safely

    Brenda! I am thinking of you today!

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited February 2010

    Hotbolt - I went to NOLA and had a consult with Dr. D and he recommended an SGAP.  I'm only 5'5" and 140 lbs.  I had a nice belly going but he said I didn't have enough to go that route.  Heck, I'd been working on growing it but still didn't have enough to go DIEP.   He even said I could loss some of the extra weight that I had gained from all the treatments before he did stage 1.   I'm trusting him to get me where I want to be a full C cup. 

    Haven't had any luck losing the weight - cutting back, exercise (not regular unfortuniately) and instead of losing, I gained a couple of lbs.  I'm thinking it's the med (Arimidex) they have me on.  Dr. D said they could lipo it out at stage 2 but I'd like to loss 5-10 lbs before surgery.  Get me back to closer to what I was before all this started.