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NOLA in September?



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Jaimie!!! Whooo hoooooo!!! I love the typos when you were a bit less coherent!!! Congrats to you and Bayyy for being on the other side of this phase!

    LouAnn- I hope  you are well and out or soon to be out of surgery! Soon today will be a distant memory... 

    Jenn - Feel Better!!!! 

    Brenda - you are probably traveling today - do so safely!!!

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Jamie! Good for you and I am so happy you are doing well!

  • Cattail
    Cattail Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2010

    m going with my friend next month to Nola where she will have reconstructive surgery.  In the 2 weeks following surgery while we are staying in the hotel near the hospital.  What do I need to know in order to best take care of Tammy while she is recooperating?  What will her pain level be like? What can I do to make sure her recovery is as easy as possible?  Any help and advice you can give me will be greatly appreciated.

  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited January 2010

    Jamie! I think you may have set a record for getting back on this thread post-surgery. I'm so glad you're throught it and starting your recovery.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Cattail - It is impossible to know what your friend's pain level will be like. Everyone has a different tolerance and what may be perceived as a 3 to one may be a 9 to another. Having said that, the hardest days will be spent in the hospital. Do not be afraid to ring that call button if you have any difficulties! Once she is discharged, she will probably need help getting in and out of her dominatrix outfit IF she is having Dr. D or S - and even then, I don't know if they use them for stage 1 diep or just hip flaps - Girls??? But really, dressing may be the hardest part - then just make sure she gets enough fluids and moves around a bit during the day. Really, it is just taking it easy, but still move a bit to prevent fluid build up and blood clots. Make sure she doesn't have to lift anything over 5 pounds - that is what you are there for!!! It will be fine... they will give you a list of instructions upon d/c, if not at your pre-op. Good luck to your friend.

    Laughlines - good to see you! Are you still working toward Nola????

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Oh, Spring, I have more info for you - 3/23-25 Marriott, 3/25-26 St. Charles Surgical (if my insurance doesn't try to pull a number) and 3/26-30 Homewood Suites. Thank you!

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Hey Jamie...Who did you have today for your day nurse and who is your night nurse tonight?

  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2010


    When I asked about the dark color of m, breast drains, the nurse said it would probably be "merlot" colored. "Is that as opposed to zinfindel in my hips?" I asked. I have zinfinel hips, hopfully moving toward chardonnay.

    I started Bromelain and a high protein, low carb diet a few days ago. My drainage has gone down--from about 180 per hip to about 140 per hip. That is still a lot, but I expected to be juicy. On the good side, the low carb diet has kept me away from Girl Scout cookies, which just came out in my area. Given that I consumed 6 Samoas in 5 minutes the night before I started the low carb diet, this is probably a god thing.

    Best wishes to everyone with surgery this week.


    am hopeful. Eventually, they will get down there.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Jamie! Hello! So glad you are doing okay. 5 hours is speedy! That's great! You'll recover easier with a shorter surgery. Mine was 11 hours for stage 1!!! You sound great! I had double vision and vertigo (spinning) because of the anti-nausea drugs. I had 4 flaps but only two boobies. LOL. So glad you are up and around!15cc, YEP those will come out before you leave the hospital, I bet!!! yay!!!!

    Christine, Welcome! You can ask about the color of output when you go for your post-surgical appt, but generally, my understanding is the darker the more "serious" or new the drainage. When it starts getting lighter in color, then sort of yellow-ish, it's starting to dry up. This was my experience. Hope this helps! Congratulations!

    I know LouAnn had her surgery today, so is going to be out of it tonight! I bet she feels like a borg or robot!! I remember waking up with all these drains and doplars (4 flaps - a lot of stuff going on!!!)

    We have not heard from Bayyyy. We hope you are okay.

    Brenda, you are next!!! Good vibes your way!!

    Remember I told you I had a lump on my prophylactic side? Center does not think it is anything but said I should get it ultrasounded locally. Jeanine said it could be fat necrosis, but it would be unusual for it to happen this late (8 weeks after stage 2) but she said it is possible. Alternatively, it could be fluid. Should not be cancer as there is no breast tissue, she said. So, I'll go get it checked out by the local breast surgeon. Dr. D said I could have a core needle biopsy if needed , BUT I SURE HOPE NOT!!! That was the grossest procedure!!! Cripes ! I'd rather have a DIEP/lumbar than go through a core needle biopsy again while awake!!!! LOL.

    You girls ROCK!!


  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010
    Jamie, Bayy and LouAnn....if any of you have Nicole (night nurse) or Jamie (day nurse)  PLEASE tell then hello from me, Christy!!!  I hope all of you are doing well. I know you are in good hands!
  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Ditto!! Jamie was my favorite nurse! :)

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010

    Jamie was my favorite nurse too!!! 

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited January 2010

    Dear KC,

     stage 2 differs for everyone. It all spends on how much tweaking your donor site/breasts  might need. The Docs are VERY generous with the amount of time and care given each patient to obtain the best outcome. Its a little early in your recovery to worry about what will be done then.Dr S needs to see how you look after you have healed a bit to make suggestions.

       Drain color "should" become more "straw" colored as the days go by. Justtry and relax into your recovery and heal well!

    It will be  "all good!" I promise!

    Jaime...YAHOO for you lady! Posting already !!!!!AMAZING!


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Yes, you get to have the dominatrix outfit for DIEP!

    Cattail - do as much for her as you can, including bringing her breakfast those first few days out of the hospital. You're supposed to take some pills after having food in your stomach, and it takes so long to shower and get dressed that it could be noon before she'd be ready to get breakfast on her own, if she had the energy. She will be very tired! Just showering is exhausting and she'll need to rest.

    The hotel where my husband and I stayed was able to provide one of those fold-up wheel chairs. We were able to do sightseeing as long as we brought the chair along for me to sit in if I got really tired. With DIEP, it's not as tho you can just sit down on the curb and rest... Ouch! That made my recovery time so much better! I didn't want to feel like I was missing out on all the fun stuff in New Orleans! I was able to walk some, of course, and so we didn't have to maneuver very difficult things with me in the chair - I could just get out. Also, I could get just the exercise I needed and not be afraid I'd conk out and not be able to get back. She will need rest, rest rest.

    Also, if she has nausea or much pain, call the docs for her. I suffered some because I thought I could and didn't realize I could have gotten different drugs than the one that upset my stomach. You don't want her to throw up after DIEP! Ouch again! It's great that you'll be there to help her. If you can drain her drains for her - you'll be her BFF!!!!!!

    Margit - you crack me up! I just always thought of it as blood, tho it bore a striking ressemblance to some of the flavors of daquiries they sell on Bourbon Street.  Blood seemed appropriate, tho, given the large number of vampires in New Orleans. Ladies, be sure to keep those vials covered when out in the Quarter at night!

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited January 2010

    Jamie so good to hear you are doing well. Just take it easy and let them look after you.

    Hi Christine and welcome. I had a stubborn drain that was a very deep red and just would not lighten up like the others. It was a hip drain and I left it in for the full 6 weeks even though it was only draining less than 20cc's. It was fine and it actually is my better side.

    Cattail your friend is under the best care from both Drs and nurses. They will do everything to make her stay as comfortable as possible. Nordy is right that she will need help with that dominatrix outfit. It was exhausting. After that walks and meal preparation would be helpful.

    Sending healing prayers to Jamie, Lou Ann and Bayyyy.

    Brenda you are up next.

    PS Got my path report back today on my endometrial biopsy   NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Good news Stephanie!

    Spring.......I saw your post yesterday on ask the Dr and I just KNEW it was you!  I sent Stacy a list of questions /concerns and took some new pics today.....I still don't get how they DO know it's fat necrosis? 

    Cattail, you are a GREAT friend!  You'll have plenty of pointers.  The big stuff- you'll be carrying her bags, etc and making sure she's'll have instructions steps/phone numbers what to do if she's not......Use the bellman, carts, cell phones, anything to make it easier for both of you.  I had diep and didn't have dominatrix, until stage 2...I had abd binder stage 1.  Hopefully you're ok seeing your friend naked and not too squeamish w/ the sight of incisions, drains, etc.  She'll probably amaze you and be doing better than you thought possible.

  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited January 2010

    Welcome Christine! You've found a gold mine for everything you want to know and more here.:

    Nordy and everyone else: thank you for encourageing me - I'm still trying for NOLA. I have a consult with Dr's D and S on March 29th. Will they cover me with blue marker during the consult? I have a consult with Dr. D in the morning and with Dr. S in the afternoon - maybe they can use different colored markers so I can keep things straight!

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited January 2010

    Cattail,  You are a sweet friend to be thinking ahead like this.  I had DIEP surgery last week, and my husband came along, so I asked him for his input as a caregiver.  His first response: Get the catheter out and start walking. Also, bring an eye mask for yourself and for your friend.  Those nurses turn on all the lights to do their regular checks, day or night.  As a friend, you'll get little sleep with those lights in your face unless you have an eye mask. Laps are not required, but walking gets things going.  Watching constipation is key, even beyond the hospital.  Whatever it takes to keep things rolling along.  Since mobility is so important, pain meds need to be at a level that walking is possible.  Some want to cut back, which is ok, as long as the person can stay moving.  At first that movement is just a few minutes, but within just a few days it begins to stretch out more each day. The streetcars are on St Charles Ave, and can be used to get out and do a bit of walking before returning.  The houses along that street are beautiful.  Also, there is a Borders about a mile down from the hospital on the streetcar line, which makes a nice destination.  It has a coffee shop in it for a snack/drink/rest before heading back. It takes a few days to manage this, but your friend will have a sense of what she's able to do physically.  I've appreciated my husband making simply meals, helping me get dressed, and helping me with the drains.  There was a drain which was placed far enough on the side that it was hard for me to reach, so he was especially helpful there.  As far as drains go, we found that using a handcleaner (like Purell) on our fingers helped make them glide over the drains, so stripping them was a lot easier - as well as cleaner. - Christine

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Stephanie - Yeah! Yeah! And Yeahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited January 2010

    I agree a sleep mask is good, bottles of Smart Water which contains electrolytes  will help flush out the meds & anesthesia ... a pair of earplugs to block out noise if needed...chapstick is a must. Oh and having a a shower stool will make things easier for her when she gets home!

    You ARE a great friend!

     Stephanie , so relieved for you!


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    PlainJane - I wonder why I got to have the dominatrix outfit and you didn't...  Hmmm. Maybe a change since '06? Or different doc? Or new dominatrix designer?

    Laughlines - I think you will get those markings! And I think if the 2nd doc has a different idea, he'll definitely use a different color, or more likely wash off the previous ones (they come off pretty easily). If they don't make the marks, ask for them, and I suggest you take your own photographs of them to bring back home with you. We did that for my November consult, and I still look at them periodically to remind me just where he said he'd take that fat.  

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    OMG! We made page 100!!!!!!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited January 2010

    Anyone hear from Gin? I wonder how she is feeling? Hi Minnesota  seems you and I are the nightowls here!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010

    Yay Stephanie!

    Dr. S had me in an ab binder for my DIEP after Stage 1.  I didn't have the dominatrix outfit until after Stage 2. 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Stephanie - wooohooo!

    Um.... I had a whole bunch of things to say, and now I can't remember one... LOL... omg... 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Oh... here we go, with at least this... LOL

    Laughlines - I will still be in NOLA on the 29th and have my post op in the pm w/Dr. S. - let's try to do lunch prior to or something... or dinner the night before depending on when you get in... I will PM you my info when it gets closer! 

    Okay... so there was one thing I was going to say... the rest is simply... gone... LOL SORRY!!!

  • LizR
    LizR Member Posts: 26
    edited January 2010
    Jaimieh - Big hugs for getting through surgery!  I am an April SGAP girl (April 12 Dr. M) - so I can't wait to hear about your recovery and wonderful results.  It already sounds like you are doing great (if I can do as good as you, I will be thrilled!).  Best wishes - Liz
  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010


    You girls have been chatty!

    Thats Great to hear Stephanie!

    Jaimieh-Wow!  What an early post from you.  Sounds like you are doing really good!

    I dont think I can remember all the other 2pages of posts :o

    I stopped sleeping on my left painful side for 3 nights now.  And the outer side does not hurt in the morning.

    Now the inside of that breast hurts alot!

    Im not a happy camper this am.  I hurt to bad : (

    Just realized I am 12 weeks today!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Stephanie, glad to hear the biopsy results NORMAL!! Yay!!!

    I called the center yesterday about my lump (yes PJ, that was me on the Ask the Doc site!) and they said I should get an ultrasound. So will schedule that today. Jeanine said they will be able to tell if its cancer, vs fluid vs fat necrosis on the ultrasound. Though she said it is unlikely it is cancer b/c it is not breast tissue there. Also said it would be unusual for it to be fat necrosis this far out, but it is possible.

    Liz, my family lives in the Princeton area of NJ (I grew up in NJ and am a Rutgers grad!) and I see you are from Skillman!!! Jersey girls Rock! :)


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Okay so I was up and walking yesterday and I was doing okay. Then last night at midnight I got sick :( but now I feel pretty good again. I will be taking a shower soon followed bey a nap and more walking. Erin has been my day nurse and Sue has been my night nurse. I did get to meet Jamie she came in to see my pictures and wants on of my albums.