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NOLA in September?



  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited September 2009

    Oh you girls just sound so great!  Thanks so much!

    I have been in the yard all morning........getting perennials all ready for fall.......should be lovely about 10/1 ish....when I come home! I think I love the fleurs more in fall than in spring.

    Stephanie, love to meet you as well!  You know where I'll be on 9/22-7am thru 9/25?........I'm staying at Mariott before and after.

    Hey are you 2 chicas on your own computers at St. Charles?  Sping you dc'd yet?

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited September 2009

    Plainjane - I drove from TN, picked my sister up in Huntsville, AL.  At the Hope Lodge now.  Warrior, hope to see you when I come for my consult tomorrow,

    Spring - know I won't get to see you, but told my sister and daughter you might be by on 10th when I am in surgery.  Call me on the 9th if you are at the hotel and feel like seeing anyone?  Maybe my sis and I can come by?

    Anyway, so proud for both you ladies to have your new ta ta's! lol  Hope you both continue to do great!!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited September 2009

    Questions for those of you have stayed at the Hope Lodge! 

    1.  Do they have DVD players in the rooms?

    2.  Is there a community coffee pot/area?

    I'm getting stuff packed and ready to go!  I can't beleive it is here already!


  • happy29
    happy29 Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2009

    Yay, Warrior and Spring!!!!!!! The future is bright!!!!

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited September 2009

    Trishia, if the NOLA Hope Lodge is like the one in Charleston, the big community kitchen will have the coffee pot on. We got our own cream and kept in on our own shelf in the big fridge. Our rooms did not have DVD players, but there were little lounge areas with comfy couches and big screens and nice DVD collections. Was good to get out of that tiny room for a while. There was also a computer you could use, any time.


  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited September 2009

    Warrior,Springtime so good to see you up and posting!!! How is the view looking down (at the new gals,I mean..LOL)!

      Trishia , the kitchen has 4 coffemakers and you get your own area in the fridge and your own cupboard to keep your dry goods in (they will give you a key)...washer and dryers on each floor etc. I simply cannot remember if they have DVD players in the could call and find out.

      Anne is right about the computer access~


     So happy your stage 2 is here!!!!



  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited September 2009

    Thank you ladies!  I looked online at it doesn't look like there are DVD players in the room.  We were going to bring the first season of True Blood to watch, but I don't think it is good for common area viewing...LOL!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited September 2009

    Trishia....let me know if you meet Sookie while in la...(lol) know the series is in Louisiana...are you bringing a laptop?

    Gin you ARE a road warrior!

    2tzus-  I don't know your whole story....BUT.....I decided to do this almost 6 mos (more like 4 or 5) before.......pretty much before my 1st follow up mamo.........It has been a process.  Didn't really get overwhelmed, by all but there are a LOT of steps, and truthfully it was ok to have the extra time.  There were a lot of phone calls, lots of planning,  preops(Tommorrow ladies!), lots that has to be done here w/ my local team of docs, insurance stuff, plus for me plenty to get sorted out at work.  I guess my point is.......everything takes longer than I thought originally.  It is OK to start the ball rolling now if you know this is what you want..additionally every step has reinforced this is the right thing for me.  feel free to pm me.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited September 2009

    2tzus - I feel the same way as you do. I have been looking into NOLA, and the DIEP for the last couple months. I tried to stay local but those surgeons were booked all the way through 2010 already from what I heard. It's bad enough not being able to have immediate reconstruction, to me anyway, but waiting all of 2010 doesn't work. I am having a mastectomy (prophylactic) on the 25th here in town, then am scheduled for rads, then have an appointment to go to NOLA on March 19th. Still waiting to hear back on "ask the doctor" if this is a long enough wait after rads, I've heard all kinds of variations for that!

    Anyway, so glad to hear you ladies are doing good, its such a relief to read your updates for those of us that have yet to go through the experience!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited September 2009

    Heck yeah I know it's filmed in LA!!  I really want to meet me some bad boys!  LOL

    I'm bringing my little netbook, not my regular laptop that would play DVD's.  I'm all about light packing!  I'm so nervous this go around!  ACK!  Coming here and reading always makes me feel better.  

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Gin, yes we plan on finding your family on the 10th. I think my appt is later in afternoon - but the pre surgical we waited several hours, so who knows! Pls call me about the 9th! you have my cell :)

    Warrior = think is being discharged today...

    I am feeling really puny today! The new "girls" are very nice but my belly and butt look really rough! Somebody tell me this will get better!!!

  • althea
    althea Member Posts: 506
    edited September 2009

    Spring, how are you doing with the nausea?  Don't want to be nosy or indelicate, but if you're not pooping every day, speak up.  I had an unusual complication from my surgery and things weren't moving through.  Fortunately it resolved with a simple prescription, but boy howdy, I felt rotten for a while. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Althea, I started taking MiraLAX about three days prior to surgery, but I also needed a suppository to get things rolling after surgery. This is standard for me it seems. But I have been "going" well ever since. I know what you mean. Constipation can be a real bear after surgery.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Computer is back!

    So, just checking the lisitng above, and GINNY AND TRISHA are NEXT!!! Mel, you are not far behind.....

  • Rachel_BC
    Rachel_BC Member Posts: 679
    edited September 2009

    Just popped in to send love and congratulations to Spring and Warrior and all the best to the ladies following on...


  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited September 2009

    Ok, last try!  Can't get used to this netbook!! Not sure how many of these posts i have started will be on the list.  ANYWAY, Warrior looked great when I saw her today, and my surgery was moved up to 7am on Thursday. Saw Dr Dellacroce today, he was awesome. and i meet dr LaGarde who will be my breast surgeon in the am.   Submitting this before I mess it up again! lol  

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Gin, it worked!!!!! Thinking of you!!! Glad things are shaping up....

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited September 2009

    You girls are so tech savvy w/ your netbooks!  I have to google and see what that is.

    Gin let me know what you think of Dr. Lagarde.

    Trishia, I want to watch true blood from the beginning but feel like I have too much catching up to do.  Let me know if I should.

    So for some reason I was compelled to check my BFF's ticketless flight arrangements.......ya know she has to get there so I can get discharged on 9/25.  I am SO glad I checked because I inadvertently booked her on 9/11..........oops!  fixed that,  thank God! Neither she or her husband even noticed that I totally booked the wrong friday, her husband booked his correctly himself a couple weeks ago.

    ok, leaving work in a few then home to bed!

    xoxo, jennifer

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited September 2009


    I read you say your irradiated breast feels better.  Mine has been so achey over the last few days......almost like pains from when I had tha seroma....could all be psychosomatic too....but I used 5 lb handweights at workout saturday and some serious yardwork Monday.  YES, I'm paranoid-borderline neurotic! and despite the fact that I know I'll have decreased sensation if not numbness I am thrilled w/ the notion of no more weird pains in that breast that come out of nowhere and scare the hell out of me!  Crazy as it may sound don't think the 'pleasure' would ever be the same....coupled w/ all the yep, I'm really ready to lose these and trade UP!  And I'm having  a celebratory beverage after the final big squish and MRI tommorrow am-9/9/09 at 9am!   will check back in tommorrow afternoon/ evening............thanks in advance for positive thoughts/vibes and prayers!



  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited September 2009

    PlainJane - xxoo today !  Everything will be JUST FINE!

     Spring - You are awesome!  My number is coming up soon!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited September 2009

    GIN52 and TRISHIA - YOU ARE UP GIRLS!  GO GET'UM!  You all are gonna do just great!  Check in when you can and I will pray for you daily.  xxoo Mel

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited September 2009

    Hi Girls..I was discharged to hotel yesterday. I have been slightly challenged w/nausea and still constipated. They have me on Colace and nothing is moving along which doesn't help matters. Staff doesn't seem too concerned. What did you do Spring to move things along?? It has been a week since my last BM...arggh

    The pain pills are very helpful but I do have difficulty w/nausea. Sorry Spring that I didn't call yesterday...I didn't get to hotel til late afternoon and I was just was exhausted. Did you get a blood transfusion, Spring? Dr. M said I could of w/a 12 hr surgery but chose not too which means I could be slightly anemic which explains my fatigue.

    Overall, I couldn't be happier w/my results. My new ta ta's are perfect and like Spring said, my belly area isn't quite as

    I met Gin52 yesterday. She was so sweet! A very strong warrior! Good luck to you and Trishia!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited September 2009

    Warrior - So good to hear from you.  I am so proud of you!  NOT looking forward to the constipation problem.  I always have this issue.  I have been living on ACTIVIA for weeks now.  :)  Anyway, can not wait to meet you.  Rest often, prayers coming your way daily.  xxoo mel

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited September 2009

    Hi Ladies! 

    I fly out in just a couple of hours.  YUCK!  Have I mentioned that I hate flying?!?!?  Oh well, I have valium!  

    Warrior~Smooth Moove Tea in addtional to the colace.  Worked wonders for me.  Also (sorry if this is TMI) if you are having very firm stools and having trouble passing them, if you press on your perinium area during a BM, it really helps.  My mom's OB/GYN taught her that trick after her hysterctomy.  

    Can't wait to meet you ladies!  

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited September 2009

    If nothing helps with the constipation, please call your doctor.  I had an ileus (intestines basically went to sleep) after my stage I DIEP, and my surgeon kept pooh-poohing my concerns. I took laxatives, suppositories and a Fleet enema and nothing helped.   I ended up in the ER on the tenth day and required not one, but two, soap suds enemas.  The CT scan showed that I was impacted all the way up to my rib cage.  It's a wonder I wasn't vomiting.

    Be sure to drink at least a full glass of water with every pain pill and lots of fluids throughout the day.   I was given three Colace immediately after each revision surgery, followed by a single one twice daily, and never had a problem again.  Just don't let the constipation continue for too long.  I incurred damage from all of the pressure, requiring surgical repair.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Jenn, I have feeling in breasts, not numb. Actually, after each surgery I start out a bit numb but then the sensation slowly comes back. some areas don't have sensation (like under breasts) but this happened with the breast reduction years ago.

    Warrior, I cannot believe no BM!!!  This has got to be making you crazy...I will ring you. I have the suppositories you need and also MyraLAX. FYI: I am in room 1206.  

    Other ladies, about the constipation. I started taking MiraLAX 3-4 days prior to surgery and got everything totally flowing. I kept it up as soon as I could after surgery, they were giving me 3 colace a day, and the first day i was up and walking around, I asked for one of those suppositories. Those work on me within the hour. After that, I keep taking the Mirilax and colace until i am off the narcotics. I have been going fine. I think the MiriLAX prior to surgery was key though. I have had terrible issues with this prior and have been totally ripped up down there!!!  TMI!!!


  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited September 2009

    Spring saved the day! lol  All is running smoothly(once, at least) since her hubby dropped off a I know...TMI, but part of the journey. I have a follow up with Dr. M tomorrow late afternoon instead of Friday. I might be able to go home sooner than later! We will see!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    I just talked to Ginnie. She sounded great and is ready to go tomorrow at 7AM. Her sister and daughter are with her.

    I have my post surgical appt tomorrow afternoon, so will look for her Sis and Daughter afterwards... Funny, It's likely I'll be waiting for my appt to see Dr. D. b/c he's in surgery, only this time I know *WHO* is in surgery!  Our Ginnie!!! :)


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    I just added Brenda26 for Sept 25 in our listing above!!!

    Brenda and Stephanie, if you have more info you want me to add to your tag line above, let me know.

  • happy29
    happy29 Member Posts: 77
    edited September 2009

    Hi Ladies, I so hear you about the constipation issues.  Luckily I had my first BM a week and two days later!  I am two weeks post op on Friday. I feel worst this week than last week. Does anyone else feel like they are going backwards?  I still take pain meds. The morning time is the worst- I feel like I was hit by a truck and need about an 45 minutes to get up.  My breasts feel heavy. The surgery made my menstrual cylcle come on 12 days early. Also I was intibated for the six hour surgery and my breathing is still tight. I had a chest Xray today and all is clear.  I am surprised because I am a 38 yrs old non smoker that exercises a lot.

     Maybe I am doing too much....?

    My sister heard that week two and three are the worst after a double MX.
