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NOLA in September?



  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2010

    Nordy so sorry about the mishap with your daughter.  Once when my daughter was a baby I fell asleep on the couch with her while she was breast feeding, and then there was a THUMP and a wahhhhhhhhhh and guess what?  She was on the floor!!!  I was so worried, but after she stopped crying she seemed okay--I watched her for a while and breathed a sigh of relief that she hadn't been permanently damaged.  We've all been there--at least most of us who've had kids have experienced something like that. 

    KC glad to hear all went well and you are happy.  Thanks for the info re: the dominatrix outfit.  I was hoping I'd get out of having to wear it in the heat.  For those who've had stage 2, how long do we have to wear the compression garments, and how long before swelling goes down?  Do the lipoed areas swell a lot?

    Jaimie could it be from the heat?  I do find that the skin around the incisions tends to be more vulnerable.  My incision gets red very fast from any type of friction from underwear, etc.


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    I thought it might have been from the shirt I had on yesterday but it is still there this morning. :(

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited April 2010

    Cat1, you're close to Earlene in Asheville, NC for the tats. She does fabulous work. She posts here as Makeupchick inNC--you could PM her. Or her website is I'll be going to her when I'm ready for tats. She'll do them free for bc survivors. I've met her and seen her work.


  • LizR
    LizR Member Posts: 26
    edited April 2010

    Hi Ladies!  Thanks to everyone for their well wishes.  My surgery was Mon, April 12 and came home this past Tuesday, April 20.  I had a bilateral SGAP with Dr. Massey in Charleston and could not be more pleased with the outcome - she is an amazingly talented, gifted surgeon as well as an extremely compassionate, caring doctor.   I am thrilled with the results (waited 5 years after a unilateral mastectomy with no previous reconstruction) - I really never thought I would have such beautiful results (and of course, now I ask myself - why did I wait so long)?  I am very blessed that there have been no complications yet (knock on wood) and I am healing so fast.  I was able to do a lot of walking around Charleston after the surgery and my goal is to walk 3 x day (1 mile each time for a total of 3 miles/day) which I was able to complete yesterday (my first day home).  

    I read this thread almost every day (except during my days in Charleston) and all of you ladies are in my thoughts.  If anyone has any questions about Dr. Massey and/or the SGAP procedure, please feel free to PM me.  I did 5 years of research (and PS consults) before selecting Dr. Massey and my research really paid off.  I hope to post photos of Timtam's site soon (I am still swollen and have quite a bit of healing to do, but I hope the photos can help those who are considering this surgery).

    Nordy: I am very sorry to hear about your child falling - you will be in my thoughts for a quick recovery.  I also want to say congrats on your 5 year anniversary - I too was diagnosed with Stage 2B (2 lymph nodes +, 4+cm tumor) Grade III - and hit my 5 year anniversary this past November.  That 5 year anniversary is a BIG number - and for me, it was my wake up call to finally get moving on the reconstruction.

    Take care all!  Liz 

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited April 2010

    HelloCT-The abdominal pads were the charm.  I had my original diep incision reopened on one side and simply putting a pad between it and the Dom made all the difference.  Also, putting them wherever it is cutting into you will be good.  If you double them over, they really make things more comfortable.  I'm glad for an option.  I was told I'll wear this for 2 weeks. At the moment, it doesn't seem too hot - but then, I'm in an air conditioned room doing very little. Will see Dr S this afternoon, may be discharged, unsure at this point.

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited April 2010

    Nordy,  I'm so glad your dd is doing well.  And now for the momma to get some it possible? :)

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited April 2010

    Sally - glad to hear your finally getting to NOLA to get this taken care of.  Thinking about you.

    Nordy - sorry to hear about the accident and wishing well thoughts for her.  Kids bounce back alot quicker than we do! 

    Thinking of those who just went thru surgery and those heading that way! 

    Thanks on the info for tats, I'm taking notes and will check into them. 

  • camiam
    camiam Member Posts: 66
    edited April 2010

    Nordy- Yikes, I hope she made it just fine through the night--and that you did, too. I'm guilty of not strapping my little one(s) in the cart...I never have. I always figure I'm right there in front of him, but you never know.  

    Glad to hear surgeries have gone well this week and good luck to those going in.

    Aren't the drains on the zipper line the worst?! Mine was like that both times I had the gap surgeries, although this last time was really bad. I ended up pulling the drain early b/c of how bad it was hurting, and now I have a seroma forming.  

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2010

    Melinda, I added your Stage 2 Jul 15 to the list, but I can't remember your surgeon or hospital. If you tell me I will add. 

    Sandy, you changed your name AGAIN!!!! I can't keep up with you! How did the event go?

    Nordy, I do not like to think about the sound of that baby's head hitting the floor! You poor thing. I can just imagine how you feel. Why is it we are so wired with Mother Guilt! Ugh. Must have something to do with surviving as a species for eons, ha!  

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    Okay I put a picture up on Timtam's site of my backside.  Does anyone have any idea what this could be ??

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2010

    Jaimie, I just looked.  I'm sorry I haven't a clue.   Is it getting bigger?  Is it raised?  Does it itch or feel irritated (sting, burn).  It doesn't look to me like it's anything terrible.  Maybe a reaction to detergent or something.  Are you leaning against anything while in bed or watching tv?  The arc shape almost looks like it could be from something like that.  Sorry...just trying to imagine all the possibilities.

    I guess I would email the pic to NOLA and see if they can help you. 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    Thanks for looking Suzanne.  I e-mailed NOLA and they want me seen by someone and then they will decide if my surgery is canceled :(.  I sure hope everything is okay.  I called my PCP and she is out on leave so they could get me in tomorrow.  I don't think so.  So off to patient first I will go this evening.  I don't want to go but I just want to make sure everything is okay.  Now I just need to wait for my DH to get home and then I can go sit.......

    My Oncologist's NP looked at it and does not think it is shingles she thinks that it is a contact dermatitis.  So I sure hope that she is right.  I was on an Antibiotic that the center put me on....I wonder if this my bodies way of having another allergic reaction.  :( 

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited April 2010

    Uggh Jaimie!! That sucks! I'm voting for dermatitis and that your surgery will go on as planned

    My surgeon is Dr Sullivan and I'm assuming I will be at St Charles again, i see no reason why that would have changed. Thanks for adding me!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    Okay now I get an e-mail (rare) from Onc. and he says it is not shingles because something about the midline that it crosses.  I swear it is always something.....  I wonder if it is dermatitis what I am allergic to NOW :(  My list that I had before has doubled in size in the last year.

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited April 2010

    Speaking of allergic reactions - I've reacted to my antibiotics here - 2 different ones so far.  Rough go.  Really, I want to be on the other side of this.  I wonder when that will be?

  • acarr
    acarr Member Posts: 18
    edited April 2010

    Jaimie, I developed a rash above and below one of my incision lines about 3 weeks before I was scheduled to go to NOLA for revisions.  The two areas were raised and itchy.  I put cortisol cream on it but it didn't help.  A few days before I was to leave for NOLA I decided to email pictures to Dr. D.  He told me to stop the cortisol cream because he thought it was a fungal infection.  We had to reschedule my surgery and after a course of Nystatin cream, the rash went away.  I saw your picture on Tim Tam's site and your rash doesn't look the same as the one I had.  Hopefully it is just dermatitis and your surgery will happen as scheduled. -- Amy 

  • sallym
    sallym Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2010

    Made it to NOLA and I have got the anitbiotics going and scheduled for surgery at 7 AM tommorrow, I think iI even "grossed out" 2 nurses with  the looks of the incision. Now I have an open sore and "tissue showing" under 1 of the breasts. I have never been so happy to be admitted to a hospital as I was today. Ladies it feels like someone though acid on my lower stomach and looks as though someone did also. Weather is nice ( low 80's) Just getting ready to go find KC Thank you ladies for all of the well wishes and prayer, I hope you believe that you all have made this experience a lot easier on me. Just the reassurance that it WILL be OK. Thank you to all.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    So I went to our local patient first and I have contact dermatitis.  So I am allergic to something new yet again.  Happy that is what it is :)

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited April 2010

    Jaime... I'm glad!  So, all is still on for the 29th I assume?

    Sally... Glad the antibiotics have started... now you can relax and let them take care of you!  :) 

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited April 2010

    Jaimie- soo glad thats what it is!!!

     So Celeste responded to one of my emails and we're trying to figure out if I have a seroma starting along my tummy incision. The one that is open 2 inches still looks the same and she said looks well kept up and clean. But about 2 inches away from that one is a teeeny tiny spot where some moisture is starting to seep out. Today it is bigger than yesterday and now when i put an ABD pad on it and take it off a few hours later it obviously soaked up some moisture. How do I know if i have a seroma? I looked online for pictures of one but cant find any. To press on that area of the scar it's harder than the rest of it. any ideas?

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    Melinda~ My seroma's have always jiggled like a waterbed.  I hope you figure it out soon. 

    Hotbutt~ I am on my way to the airport on this coming Tuesday.  :) 

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited April 2010

    LOL YES! :)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2010

    Sally M, glad you are there - let us know how it goes. i hope you will be all on the mend when you wake up! 

    Jamie, I get contact dermatitis from any surgical tape. They have to use something else, then my skin is happy. I hope it clears up!

    Melinda, I never get seromas, but ladies here have said it feels like a pool of water swishing around under your skin? Like a water bed?  

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    Spring~ I get it from tape also...I have a list of allergies a mile long now and I always forget them.  I have decided that I will be writing all of my allergies down from now on. 

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited April 2010

    oh, well then, that is really helpful because this definitely is not jiggly! I'm going to assume it's opening like the other and will get better whenever.

    My best friend is going to fly down the friday after my stage 2 surgery so i will have someone with me that weekend but not before. Hopefully this time i will get to explore more!

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited April 2010

    Melinda - I had a couple of open spots along the incision line on my right breast. One of them would ooze some fluid.  If I squeezed around it, it would put out more.  Dr D had me putting betadine on them and they were getting better.  When I had to go back, though, and he did the lattisimus flap, he put in a piece of skin and took out the part where the openings were, but he still felt they would have closed on their own. Send pictures to the center, they will get you thru this.

    Nordy - glad your baby is ok!  Reading everyone's stories on their babies....maybe we need to put a book together for new parents - "Your child CAN survive your parenting" HEHEHE

    On the drains issue - I am one of those 8 week ladies........VERY juicy -  I have learned to accept it.

    Sally - You are in my prayers.  Although most everyone goes straight thru with glowing colors, there are those of us that struggle a little more.  I have been back to NOLA twice, but I still have the utmost faith in them!  Hang in there.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited April 2010

    We got to meet kcshreve and Sally tonight after a lovely event at the Center, where we had the kickoff for a new foundation to help women who need breast reconstruction but are unable to afford it.  The name of the foundation is Breastoration, and our incredible doctors announced that they will be donating at least four surgeries per year, and a million dollars over the next ten years!  Emeril Lagasse and staff catered the event, and the food was out of this world.   Eve and I had photos taken with him and it was so fun meeting him.  We took chocolate truffles and flower arrangements over to the hospital for the nurses and for Sally and KC.  Sally is very glad to be having her surgery tomorrow to clean up the incision, and KC looks great---she's hoping to be released tomorrow.  We are now back at our room at the Monteleone sipping champagne and eating some of Emeril's chocolate delicacies.  We are so looking forward to helping other women---the honor of being involved in this is almost surreal and we are so excited. 

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited April 2010

    I was surprised to be visited by some very lovely ladies from this group tonight.  They popped in with some goodies.  How fun it is to meet face to face! I'm glad you sweeties just happened to be in town. What a delight you are!

    My 3rd antibiotic has had no reaction, so I'm feeling better and looking less bright maroon.  My blood pressure remains high, but I'm hoping that will go down soon.  If so, then maybe I can leave tomorrow.

    Best wishes to Sally and LouAnn in the morning!!  Thinking of you both.

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited April 2010

    What a difference a day makes - for the better!  whew!  Dr D is at St Charles, Dr S is at Fairview today.  Both Sally and LouAnn are in their procedures.  I'm hoping to see Sally before I am discharged today.

  • trainertam
    trainertam Member Posts: 114
    edited April 2010

    Oh how wonderful to be there to celebrate these Doctors and all they do for us. Sandy if you have any links or info that you can share I would love it! I'm always trying to tell others about them and the Center and what  a difference it makes in our lives!

    So glad to hear Sally and LouAnn are being taken care of by our Dream Team!!