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NOLA in September?



  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited April 2010

    So, I need to ask you ladies something.

    A few months ago, someone (I think it was PlainJane) posted about a device she used post-op. It was a type of bolster/pillow, at an angle under the back and a triangle under the knees. It basically turns your bed into a lounge chair and is supposed to be very helpful if you don't have a lazy-boy type of lounger. I'd like to try and get one but I don't remember what it's called (three cheers for chemobrain). Does anyone know what this is?



  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited April 2010

    Leah - it is called the Contour Living.....

    If you google BackMax it should come up (I was unable to cut/paste the website for you)   :(

    I loved mine!!!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited April 2010

    Thank You LouAnn! I will check it out now.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2010

    I love my Back Max too! Still use it! 

    LouAnn, I LAUGHED, I cried, you two exposing your fake boobs on Bourbon street for beads!

    Sandy and Eve, it is apparent you could not do anything to keep them under control . LOL.

    What a freakin CRACK UP!!!

    LouAnn, you are a piece of work!

    I have to add somebody to the list above, and you've got me  so goofy I can't remember what I am doing!!!

    Spring. giggles!!!   

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2010

    Jen, I remembered and added you for June 24, which is a miracle after LouAnn's story! LOL!!!

  • Jinger
    Jinger Member Posts: 34
    edited April 2010

    Thanks Springtime!

    Love the stories.  That's one of the great things about this thread...sooo many great stories by so many fun women!  Keep 'em coming! 

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited April 2010

    LouAnn too funny. You had me in stitches. That has to be the best ever pulling one over on Dr S. It is so wonderful that we can find any kind of humor in all of this . Thank you!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited April 2010

    I got to see this one in person!

    I have to say it was one of the greatest NOLA moments to see Dr S's face!!!!  LouAnn was perfectly straightfaced when she was explaining her "problem"...reminds me of the Mastercard commercial...$10.00  for fake boobs...look on Dr S's face...PRICELESS!!!!!!

    Marcia Cool

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited April 2010

    Jinger , are you bychance the lady who called me a while back and we spent quite a while chatting (from the FORCE website?)

    Was wondering because I'd not heard back~


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    Sally if you read this I didn't get your Pm until I was on the streetcar :( if you are around tomorrow I am in room 304. Brenda let me know what room you are in :)

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited April 2010

    Spring - I would not have WANTED to hold these two back! I was encouraging them - tho they needed no encouragement - I helped fasten the boobs on! I am just jealous that I didn't think of it first, and probably would have been too embarrassed to do it, if I did think of it! Unless maybe I had a whole LOT to drink - which they did not - that's the part that REALLY gets me! But I got some good pictures and was honored to be present for such a NOLA moment and repeatedly told them how impressed I was. LouAnn, I bow down to you!!!!

  • Joy232
    Joy232 Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2010

    Thanks for the replies.  How do I find Timtams site?

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited April 2010

    Stage 2 - i have had so much discomfort with water weight, and generally feeling unwell, that I was surprised.  The actual surgery and pain was not the big deal, really.  I think, for me the water weight and higher blood pressure caused the real difficulties.  I'm just mentioning this as an fyi for those with upcoming Stage 2's. My surgery was last Wed.  By Monday I was feeling better, but still fairly puffy.  Between Mon and today, Wed - 48 hours -  I have lost 7 pounds just in water, and I'm feeling SOOO much better.  Human.  Normal.  Possibly my own weird antibiotic reactions played in there, too, for some reason. I don't know.  I don't have a solution for the water problem, but once it starts to disappear, it goes fast.  Whew!  I increased my walking, but I'm not sure that was they key or not.  Possibly simply a recovery timeframe.

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited April 2010

    Christine - so glad to hear you are feeling better!! YAY!!!

    Jamie and Brenda - Good luck with your Stage 2! Keep us posted on how it goes!!


  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited April 2010

    Great photo, LouAnn!  I see it was taken in the Center's offices - was this before or after your Dr S stunt?

  • camiam
    camiam Member Posts: 66
    edited April 2010

    Glad the swelling went down so much! :) 

    Eve, can you direct me to the FB page? Thx! 

  • trainertam
    trainertam Member Posts: 114
    edited April 2010

    Question for Phase 2 folks, how much weight did you notice losing after the Lipo? did your clothes fit differently?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2010

    KC, I was very puffy and bloated too after stage 2. My legs even blew up like balloons, I did not even recognize my knees as MY KNEES! I felt like I had elephantitus or something. 

    It eventually all goes away. 

    Oh by the way to all, by tummy "bulge" has really started getting less annoying and smaller. I will be 5 months out from stage 2 (I had the plication). I think that for some, that plication area  and the muscles may just take some time to get back to "normal". 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    Okay so I got to meet Sally this morning. I hope your trip home went okay. She look incredible.

    I look like a blue marker attacked me. I am marked pretty much all over. I will be having the mini with some plication ( iknow it is going to hurt like crazy but I figured I might as well do it all), along with lipo, lipo and a little more lipo. ;). So I know I will be a mess tomorrow but that is fine I will heal and look hot :)

  • Jinger
    Jinger Member Posts: 34
    edited April 2010


    Yes, I think that was me! Embarassed  That was a crazy busy time...I was constantly on the phone and meeting with doctors, from here to DC to NOLA, reading, learning, searching, weighing know how it goes.  I can barely remember anything (plus, I've now had anesthesia three times since then, so my memory--and sanity?--have basically gone out the window!). Sounds like you're doing well? Every single person I spoke to by email, phone or in person was SUCH a help (well, except for a doctor or two here in the Dallas area...), so thank you for being a part of my searching and process!



  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited April 2010

    Ha!  Jamieh!  Love the attitude.  And you are already hot, so you will just look HOTTER!! Woohoo!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    Trishia~ I want to be like you ....smoking hot!!  So as they say in poker I am all in for tomorrow. 

  • camiam
    camiam Member Posts: 66
    edited April 2010

    Good luck, Jamie! I'm going to get the mini tummy tuck also (no plication) at stage 2, so I'll be interested in how it goes for you. Well, I'm interested anyway, but hope you know what I mean. 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2010
    Jamie, you may be poofed up a lot, I was, but it does pass. Also, my plication is much less poochy now, 5 months out. I am wearing skinny jeans and all that. it is great to feel hot! You will love it. The lipo hurts like a mutha, but it is worth it! 

    Good luck tomorrow!!!!!!
  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited April 2010

    Have I said lately that I love you girls?  Ya'll crack me up!!!!

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited April 2010
    Good luck tomorrow Jamieh! Laughing
  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited April 2010

    Go tomorrow for herceptin treatment and hopefully start 6 weekly low dose treatments of taxol, if blood work is ok...   Here's hoping no SE's!!!!  Had gyn appt last week, have to see gastro guy for colonoscopy...<sigh>  so tried of getting picked and prodded!!!  Good thoughts and prayers to all those going for Stage 1 or 2 soon!!

  • Jinger
    Jinger Member Posts: 34
    edited April 2010

    What's plication?  I have Stage 2 in June...feel like this is something I need to know?

  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited April 2010

    Yay Jamieh! I'll be cheering for you tomorrow too!

  • sallym
    sallym Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2010

    Back in NY and feel the best I have since day 1 of the first surgery, Jinger I am sooo glad you asked that question about what is plication because I too want to know and have no idea. It was so nice to meet Jamie I just wished we would have had more time together as the limo was waiting from me as we were talking. Had a very nice flight back. My son was waiting up for me. My sister .whose a nurse, met  us at the airport and she said you look great. Now for 2 questions, the inside of my mouth feels sort of raw Is this a side effect from the Norco? When I brush my teeth it like burns (did this last time after surgery) and 2nd my stomach area is now flat and I know that that "fat" went to new breasts but none on my pants fit and I am the same weight. Is this from swelling and will it change? Thanks