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NOLA in September?



  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited April 2010

    Best of luck to Jamie and Brenda!


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited April 2010

    Gin - Taxol is very do-able. Hope all your counts are great!

    Jaimie - thinking of you tomorrow. You go girl! There are some days I wish I had had the plication... but I think I am okay without - but glad that you are doing it! If Diedra is your pre-op nurse tomorrow - give her a big hug for me. (Just tell her it is from the girl whose husband is the nurse anesthetist) LOVE her!

    LouAnn - love your story! Did Marcia tell you that I had intended to do something similar with a coconut bra? I brought it with me for stage 1 and then Dr. S was out of town after my surgery (had the coconuts in bed with me in the hospital waiting for him to check on me... but he was away... :(  THEN was going to bring them for stage 2, wear them and say almost the exact same thing you did, but in the rush to get my girls up to my s-i-l's a few days earlier than anticipated, I just forgot to pack them. SO, I am glad that you got to pull it off! And I would have loved to see you guys on Bourbon street! I wish you had shot video!

    Sandy and Eve - so, so happy that your foundation kick off went so well! Keep us all updated!

    Tam - My goal is to finish my scrapbook pages this week and send them out to you by early next week. I just needed a rough plan, but think I know exactly what I am going to do... just looking for one more picture... 

     2T - So happy to see you posting! Hoping all is well and that you are healing up nicely!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited April 2010

    Plication is where they stitch the muscles of the abdomen together...your natural internal 'girdle'.  It will create more of a waist...think corset.  I didn't have it done.  I didn't want my ab incision opened and I'm blessed to be naturally curvy. 

    Tam~I am working on my page too!  I am the most uncrafty person ever!  I was overwhelmed at Michael's last night and had to call my girlfriend who is super crafty for help...LOL! 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    So I got to meet Brenda yesterday which was really a lot of fun.  I had to insert a picture before I leave in a bit for surgery.  I didn't sleep well and managed to get a stiff neck but I figured in a little bit I will not be able to feel it :).

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2010

    Awesome photo Jaimie! 

    Good luck to both Jaimie and Brenda...we'll be thinking about you!!  Let us know how you are when you can, okay?

  • LizR
    LizR Member Posts: 26
    edited April 2010

    Good luck Jamie and Brenda - can't wait to hear all about your Stage 2 experiences.  I am about 2 1/2 weeks out from my Stage 1 (SGAP with Dr. M).  Am healing very well - but feeling a little "blah" from what is probably the antibiotics (working with Drs on this now).  Only have 2 drains left - one of which I hope will be out by Sat and maybe can have the last one out next week at the 3wk mark (want to get off these antib. as soon as possible).  I am very happy with my results - the augmented side is really starting to settle and look like the full B/small C I hoped for.  Radiated/reconstructed side is slightly larger and still a little swollen (was purposely made a little bigger due to radiation issues, will be cared for in Stage 2).  Rear is looking pretty flat - hope to see a little more curve back there after Stage 2 (plenty of fat to work with - just got to pull it up into the right spot, which I hope is do-able!).  I have posted my first set of photos on Timtam's website - and greatly apprecite all of the warm, encouraging feedback I have received. I hope my story can help anyone who is considering the SGAP.  Take care! Liz

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited April 2010
    Liz.... beautiful pics!  It's all good!
  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited April 2010

    Wonderful pic of Jamie and Brenda!!  Good luck to both of you!!

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited April 2010

    Jamie & Brenda - best of luck with your next stage.  Getting closer to being done!

    Sally - great to hear that your doing so much better.

    5 weeks out from DIEP and I'm doing good and haven't had any problems.  Almost scary!  Stomach is still real tight and girls are looking good.  Working with the center about a date for stage 2, hopefully, will have it soon.  One more week and it's back to work.  I could get used to staying home! 

  • sandy2009
    sandy2009 Member Posts: 29
    edited April 2010

    Hi Everyone,

    I will be doing Stage II with Dr. D. next Thurs (5/6).   I went in for a DIEP up here in Ohio and it turned into a Ped. Tram so I'm excited and nervous for my Stage II.  This is all new for me going through NOLA, I'm staying at the Clarion nearby.  I'll be having work done on my left reconstructed side as well as a lift on the good breast, lipo, fixing the dog ears and centering my belly button.

    Will I be able to walk around much a couple days after, how's sleeping at night?  Drains on the plane?  After Stage I, I was in a lift chair for 6-8 weeks.    Any advice is much appreciated, you can PM too.

    Thanks, Sandy

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited April 2010

    Good luck Jaimieh and Brenda! Thanks for posting this great photo Jaimieh.  It's really nice to see the faces of those Im reading about:)

    I'm still to figure out when I can schedule my stage 1. Trying to schedule around work, family, etc. 

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited April 2010

    When I was at NOLA last week, there was a discussion as to what size of black body girdle I needed.  The size I supposedly measured for was so tight that I had severe nausea with it, so it was clearly not going to work.  I finally ended up in 2 sizes larger, and could manage it.  In this process, I had many comments from nurses, some having a better understanding than others of the difficulties of a too-tight garment, and getting it on or off, determining if it was OK to unhook the upper set of hooks since my body is short, etc.  I finally asked them if they'd even tried one on themselves - nope, not a single nurse has tried one on themselves.  I'm thinking that once I'm done, I'm going to wash these up and send them over there and let them have a go at trying them on.  Because of my size difficulties, I have 2 sets of 2 different sizes.  I can see why they can't open brand new ones to try on, but I really think it would be beneficial for them to have to experience these garments for themselves. What do you think?  There is a basic sanitation issue, though.

  • camiam
    camiam Member Posts: 66
    edited April 2010

    That would probably be a helpful thing! I did say to my husband, during a low moment, that I think both drs S and D should have to wear one for a few weeks straight, though. LOL!

  • trainertam
    trainertam Member Posts: 114
    edited April 2010

    I am anxiously awaiting all those scrapbook pages in my mailbox, thanks!

    Just a follow up to my ordeal with Oschner   Hospitalback in Feb. After they received my 5 page complaint letter they took over a month to "decide" what they would do. Last Monday I received an "apology" letter. I had already called the person in charge of complaints 5 times! It was a very weak apology, with NO mention of details (stealing from me, neglect, causing a medical condition that Dr. D. had to then fix)so I was not really satisfied. I caled and left a message telling them I was apalled that Dr. D. had to 'eat the cost" and I had every intention of contacting an atorney. the next day I got another letter stating I had a 'zero balance" with them. although that is helpful for me to not have to pay them 4800.00, i still feel it is wrong the way they treated me, and I have asked Jeanine and Dr. D to let me know how they would like me to procede. By the way, I did talk to an attorney and he said I needed to get a Lousianna attorney because the laws were SO different in that state.

    I'm so thankful I don't have to go back there for my stage 2 in May. We are so blessd to have the Center and our Dream Team to make this a good experience.

    Jaime and Brenda hugs and prayers  going out to you today!!

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited April 2010

    LOL camiam!!  Oh Lord, I think I am going to be in one of those in a few short weeks.  Should I suggest it to Dr. D?  hahahaha!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited April 2010

    Trishia - so sorry you're having these other gynecological issues, in addition to everything else. i have, too - in me it seemed to be related to tamox. But now it seems another ov cyst showed up on my scan at the Center...

    kc - WOW! 7 lbs! I haven't weighed myself at all - just know I'm generally a bit puffy all over. I love the idea of the nurses (and docs, LOL!) trying out the dominatrix. As long as they're washed, they shouldn't be unsanitary.

    Camie - I think you should just be able to look up "Nola Docs" on Facebook and find them.

    Jamie - Thinking of you today!!!!  Brenda - Tomorrow!!!!! How did you insert that photo?! It's great to see you two together in NOLA!

    Spring - so glad your tummy is doing better. maybe u won't regret the plication anymore and I don't have to feel guilty about that too!

    Gin 52 - Good luck with your chemo. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Jinger and Sally - Glad plication was already explained. I want to add that they are essentially undoing the stretching that occurs during pregnancy and returns it to where it's supposed to be! Dr. D told me it added about a half hour onto surgery, and he went in thru the same incision that they revise at stage 2 anyway - but it did feel tight!

    Sally - Yes, I'm sure it's swelling!

    Sandy2009 - So glad you're getting with our Dr. D!

    Tammy - Louisiana is based on the Napoleonic Code - so the laws are supposedly really different. Only state that has this basis. Tell us one more time your deadline for the pages!

    So my glute drain is in the 20's now. Jeannine told me that since it's been a month, as soon as it hits 20, I can pull it. At this point, they are weighing risk of infection with seroma. One week after drain pull, off can come the dominatrix! I'm really glad the days left with this seem limited, as now, in addition to heartburn, I have also developed a yeast infection! Uncomfortable! I want off the antibiotics!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited April 2010

    Eve, if you have a yeast infection from the antibiotics, it's a good idea to take an acidopholus supplement in addition to the antiyeast meds. I take them now whenever I start an antibiotic and find it helps prevent them also.


  • sallym
    sallym Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2010

    Can someone tell me exactly how I wouild add a page to the scrapebook to thank the drs and staff? I know someone had mentioned Michaels. I know I am getting close to the wire but i would like to try. Jaime thinking of you today.

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited April 2010
    Hi Gals - Went to Onc today. HE didn't want to start chemo since I still have about 2" x3-1/2" scab on right breast. After a little whining and begging Wink- we finally decided I would try 8 weekly low dose taxol only treatments which I started today along with my every 3 weeks Herceptin.  Don't know if any of ya'll know, but Taxol has an "alcohol base" - so not only do I get to kick Cancers butt, I can feel good while I do it! (Ha!) So looks like I will be doing chemo for another two months, then still getting Herceptin thru Dec. Hopefully I can make it thru this without SE's, get rid of this scab, and be able to get my stage 2 scheduled!!  Good luck to those headed there now. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited April 2010

    Gin, best of luck with the chemo.

    I never noticed the alcohol thing with the taxol. I was given phenergan immediately before the chemo to prevent an allergic reaction to the taxol and slept through the treatments. Then my dh would take me home as I slept in the car. Then I would go to bed. Didn't know about the alcohol until you told me!


  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited April 2010

    Reading about trainertam's hospital saga made me wonder where Dr D goes now when insurance won't pay at their surgical center.  Does anyone know?  I thought I remember reading that he won't go to Oschner.

  • bennetts1
    bennetts1 Member Posts: 44
    edited April 2010


     Been thinking about you!  Glad you are able to get started on the taxol...sending positive thoughts that you will do great!

    Sandy B.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2010

    Ginnie, hang in there girl! Won't you feel good when all this medical crap is O_VER!!! 

    Eve, no guilt, Girlie!!  It is finally getting better... :)  

    Tammy, what a disaster. Did they fire Nurse Ratchet? That would do the trick. ugh. Sorry you have to deal with this mentally.

    Jamie, nice pic of you and Brenda!!!  GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!! Report back!!

    Amym, there are several other hospitals I think. Most are great. Poor Tammy had Nurse Ratchet!   

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited April 2010


    Minnesota - July 30, GAP stage 2, Dr. D., SCSH

    Hey Sueinfl! I'll get to see ya again! my pre-op is the day before and post op on Mon,

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited April 2010

    i really hope someone is in town during my stage 2 july 13-18. I won't have anyone coming until I get discharged from the hospital. So tues and wed are going to be loong and boring if no one else will be there

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited April 2010
    oops... deleted because I posted twice... please see below!
  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited April 2010

    Gin - so glad you were able to start the Taxol... it helps to be able to check off those treatments! Hang in there!

    Okay... so I had this crazy thought... if everyone decides to do a reunion in NOLA in the fall... AND if Jaimie can come... maybe while we are all there, we could do pics for the calendar of restoration (and maybe ought to talk to the docs about it first!)... for all those that want to do it... AND since we would all be there, if there were more than 12 wanting to do it, we could have some months where there were two of us on a page... or something... Anyway, just a thought... I am thinking classy cleavage shots... LOL... BTW - I mentioned the reunion and told my husband that I was going and he could stay with the girls - he vetoed that in about 1 second and said, "I want to go too!!!" (Imagine a whine with that statement). Then he went on to say, "I had so much fun there last time!" Humph... and this is coming from the guy who initially did not want to go down for my stage 2 because he thought he had seen New Orleans and all it had to offer (which is really funny, since we didn't go ANYWHERE near the French Quarter for my stage 1! Or should I say we didn't go anywhere period!) 

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited April 2010

    Nordy... if I have any cleavage after Stage 2.. I would be so happy I would love to be on the calendar (I should be going back down sometime in the Fall for tats)... classy cleavage.. I like that... I hope I wake up with cleavage on 5/22... I can only hope.... you girls all have cleavage after Stage 1... I'm thinking I'm the oddball....

    Jamie.. how are you????  I had no idea they would remove moles at Stage 2!  I saw your mark ups... does Dr. D remove moles too or just Dr. S... I have a few just like yours on my back.. would be great if they weren't there...

    Brenda... good luck!!!!

    Going to the KY Derby tomorrow.. my luck.. thunderstorms predicted!  Oh well... guess I'll just drink mint juleps in the rain.....Smile

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited April 2010

    NORDY - count me in on the calendar.....I'll leave the fake boobs at home - my new ones are soooooo much better!!  :)

    Trainertam - Working on the page today - will get it in the mail to you no later than Monday!!

    Jamie, Brenda - hope all went well!!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    Thank you ladies for the well wishes :). BTW, I am not responsible for the typo's. I can't see the keys yet. I am feeling okay. Ikay honestly I feel like I got ran over BUT I know it is worth every ounce of pain. I have seen my new nipps and they look silly but I think thay are going to be fabulois in.a couple of weeks.

    I will check back in as soon as I can see