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NOLA in September?



  • Mauicarol
    Mauicarol Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2010

    Polamom:  Sorry about the lymph node.  Praying for you!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited October 2010

    Ok, another question... How many ladies had a post op for stage 2? Katie said it's optional, surgery on the 18th, home on the 21st. Is it a good idea???

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited October 2010

    fourboymom~ I am so happy that you are thrilled with your results.  It's hard to believe that everything (well besides the $ issues) is that easy but it is.  Welcome to the other side :)

  • Mauicarol
    Mauicarol Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2010

    Fourboymom: Reading about when you cried when you first saw that you had two breasts almost made me cry. It must have been a wonderful feeling.  I was so fortunate (blessed!) to go into bilateral mastectomy surgery with two breasts & come out with two breasts.  I still shake my head sometimes at the awesomeness of it.

  • Mauicarol
    Mauicarol Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2010

    Dragonfly1976:  I had a post op visit after Stage 2.  I think it is a good idea because you always have questions about what the Dr did & about your future recovery.  I never did see Dr. D in the hospital beause Dr T was making weekend rounds instead (although he wasn't present during my surgery). Also I was too groggy to think of any questions & wouldn't have remembered the answers :)  I really wanted to see Dr. D & talk to him, especially since I may never see him again.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited October 2010

    Thanks Mauicarol - I did go ahead and schedule it, just to be safe! I'm so anxious to get this next stage done :) So how many nights in the center after surgery? If it's on Thursday I'll be discharged Friday or Saturday?

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219
    edited October 2010

    Dragonfly- I had my surgery in Charleston Sep 3, Stage 1 DIEP, and like you, I still have one hip drain. Today is exactly 6 weeks. Still draining 60-75cc's. Jenny at Dr Massey's office is still saying it needs to go to 30cc for 3 days. Wearing compression 23/7.  I'm more concerned about being on Keflex for 6 weeks. The drain is just a nuisance. Lucky for me, I have no feeling where it exits my no pain there at all!!! 

    I have to say, I had been wearing spanx since surgery for compression, but it just kept rolling down and didn't come up high enough in the crotch. Then I saw you ladies talking about the Veronique that they give you after surgery being for tall people. Well, I'm 5'11. So, I thought I'm going to try it, even though they said it was for Stage 2.  It fits me PERFECTLY and feels so good....I know this will get many laughs, as I know how  you all HATE it!!! LOL!  Even with the drain it hasn't been uncomfortable.  So, it must be for tall people, or Dr. Massey was really good at picking out the right one to send home with me...actually she sent 2.

    Happy Weekend!

  • Mauicarol
    Mauicarol Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2013

    Dragonfly: My pre-op was Thursday, Surgery on Friday. I was only scheduled to stay in hosp Friday night but since I had such waking up issues, I stayed Sat. night too. Turned out that it was a good thing because I developed a temp of 102 during the second night.  My DH would have paniced if it happened while in a hotel.  Sunday we stayed at hotel & Monday morning went to post-op.  Flew home Monday afternooon. 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited October 2010

    Fourboymom - Thanks so much for your candid and heart-felt story. My eyes actually filled up with tears, reading it. I relate to it completely and was able to hear your whispered words (and, yes, hear our wonderful, crazy nurses cracking up, too!). I don't think anyone can truly understand and appreciate these feelings, and the profound gratitude we feel to the amazing, compassionate, talented staff at the Center and the hospital - unless they've experienced it. Indescribable, yet you described it so well...

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited October 2010

    Mauicariol - OMG! Our posts just passed in cyberspace - I BET you're glad you were in the hospital! So glad everything turned out A-OK!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited October 2010

    jacee - wow I thought my 40-45cc's drain was putting out a lot still. How frustrating huh  :( Is there any magic trick we're missing out on here ladies? LOL! My drain was really tender on my hip for the first 2-3 weeks. Then last weekend I was visiting my grandparents. Their friend had hip surgery, and she had the most amazing bandaids left over. They are a cloth material, and they don't leave that nasty bandaid goo mark, or irritate your skin. I've been using them over my drain and man I feel no pain anymore there, no more pulling! I was thinking of showing them to the center when I go for stage 2. They're so awesome :)

    I wish I'd had a compression thing to wear, not excited about wearing this big giant velcro thing for 2 weeks. It's bulky and hard to put on myself. 

    Mauicarol -  That's kind of scary about the fever, was it just a quick thing, or an infection that was brewing? Looks like we fly in on the 16th and home on the 23rd. What am I thinking? Home, 2 days before Thanksgiving? Airport will be a zoo, but at least I'll be home for good food and black Friday shopping, lol!! 

  • Mauicarol
    Mauicarol Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2010

    Dragonfly:  Fever was on & off & controlled with Tylenol. Was already on antibiotic so I don't think it was infection.  Just a strange thing that happens to me when my body has been traumatized :)

     Minnesota:  Thanks & how cool is cyberspace!!!

  • Mauicarol
    Mauicarol Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2010

    jacee:  Glad the girdle fits someone at least.  I am a full 4 inches too short for it.  I have to leave the top unfastened & fold it down, otherwise is comes up & digs into my breast iincisions. Fortunately, I only have to be in it for 6 days 21 hrs & 3 min, but who's counting??

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited October 2010

    Oh yeah, I forgot about the antibiotics you get after surgery. Well I'm glad it was nothing major :)

    Anyone have any tips on touristy stuff? My grandma is going with me, and she'd love to do a plantation tour or something, maybe a boat ride on the river? I have no idea costs, or where to go with her? 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited October 2010

    You guys!!!!!!

    I e-mailed a suggestion to Elizabeth Cohen - senior medical correspondent with CNN news (she did an article on women not knowing their recon options last October and got some quotes from me) - that they do a report on flap reconstruction, since so few women know about it. So I just got an e-mail from her, asking if I knew anyone about to undergo reconstruction so they could cover it. So I said I'd check with you guys! So what about either of you coming up next week?! Let me know ASAP and I'll get you in touch with her! A great opportunity to spread the word and do some good!!!!!!! Really exciting!!!!! Once in a lifetime!!!!

    Oct 19 - Dagroz13 - I'll be heading to New Orleans for a bilateral mastectomy, Stacked DIEP Flap and Hip Flap. Dr. Sullivan, Dr. Massey and Dr. LaGarde will be performing the procedures at St. Charles Surgical Hospital.

    Oct 21 - Liz (friend of Marcia, Marcia, Marcia) - Stage 1 bilateral delayed, NOLA

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited October 2010

    Oh that is so awesome :) I hope they get their story on it. Keep us posted!!! It would be great for them to follow someone through all the stages!!! Amazing!!

  • Mauicarol
    Mauicarol Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2010

    Maybe they will follow more than just one woman. There are so many procedures available now!  Please keep us posted.  I can't wait to see the news report!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited October 2010

    They could follow my stage 2, lol but it's a ways away :)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2010

    Four boy, uniboob no more!! Whoop!

    Polamom, hang in there. Let's hope it was a microscopic bit in one note and that is all.

    I had a post op after stage 2 with a nurse as the docs were not avail. It was fine.  

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited August 2013

    So one thing that I have bitched about in the past was follow-up from the center but this time that has all changed.  Poor Stacey is following up for Celeste who is out for a while and she has called me almost every week to see how I am doing.  I keep telling her that I am perfectly fine and healing great but I appreciate her calling. 

    So in my case there follow up has done a complete turn around and has been fantastic this time.

    49 days until tatoo's.... Smile 

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited October 2010

    Jaimie, do you know what's up with Celeste? I know she replied to an email a couple weeks ago saying she was out :( Stacy has been great with me, calling almost every week to check on me!

    I met a great lady there who had Dr D. She is trying so hard to get her stage 2 date set, and is not getting any calls back, and the run around, she's so fed up.

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited October 2010

    Polamom many thoughts and prayers coming your way please feel them!

    Dragonfly not sure what happened w/ your interviews but honesty is ever so refreshing.  IF it even comes up Just say it like it is(abbreviated version) "I'm having the final stages of  breast reconstruction and expect to continue to be back up to 100% speed by.....____ so far so good and I expect  to continue doing famously!".  Should be available no restrictions- on....------?  The fact that you've weathered all this and continue LIVING and being responsible says a MILLION....When they offer/ask -work it girl!

    Lastly- I feel SO fortunate.  This month...Hey EVERY month!  But.....A big factor in my own situation...I had the benefit of time to research, pray and grieve.....going to sleep w/ breasts and waking up w/ new improved-traded UP breasts!  That was huge to me.  And I have such feeling/sympathy, sadness for the loss faced by women who did NOT have that option.  I remember how blessed/fortunate I felt waking up w/ my old breasts after lumpectomy, w/ clean margins and clean nodes almost 2 years ago- I was not ready and did not have to give them up completely then......Nonetheless, I knew in my heart it probably wasn't the greatest long term idea as 2 of my first 3 screening tests  showed 'issues'.  I'm so grateful to have had everyone here helping me know I could be restored to better than before if I chose to 'trade up'.  I told my family practice MD today it was one of the best decisions I'd ever made...Im thinking Singulair will be one of the NEXT best decisions!  But that's another topic!  I had truly decided even if I came back w/ bigger/badder worse BC all this was worth it and I still feel very much the same.  There is just the feeling of 'sacred' in the care we rec'd, the treatment we had and the experience all of us here seem to have epxerienced at CRBS.  It's all good.

    ok, sorry, too long again!  back to healing w/ my 3 day zpak(I have major sinusitis) and TV- go RANGERS....we've NEVER been this far!

    Nordy we are doing a half marathon in 2 weeks in NOLA!

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited October 2010

    Looks like I'll be there for surgery Nov 4.  My abdominal repair needed at Stage 2 needs more work.  :(  So, sign me up for a Stage 2b.  The flip side is that I want Dr S to do some lipo in a couple love handle places which were not done during 2, and my belly button has gotten very, very small - so I think he can fix that, too.  

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited October 2010

    Celeste was back at work this past Monday after having some surgery and she's fine!

     Dragonfly, you could try the Honey Island Swamp Tour---it's really fun and a nice ride on the Pearl River, then it's just a short drive to the Mississippi border.  Several of us have been on that tour and enjoyed it a great deal.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited October 2010

    Hi guys!

    So CNN has been in touch with Marsha's Liz! They are hoping to get a camera to the Atlanta airport to meet her on the way to NOLA, and then to follow up with her story - we're not sure what that means at this point. Anyway, YAY!!!!!!

    PlainJane - I totally share your sentiments!

    2tzus - I'm sure the nurses were very happy that you made it to that trash can! Thanks for the update on Mari.

    Jaimie - so glad the follow-up has improved!

    Mauicarol - I agree with you. They could follow more than one.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2010
    kcshreve - I added your Nov 4 2b to the list above.

    2T - glad you are okay and that you were able to get with Mariposa, and the DHs could be together! Isn't it so much nicer to know somebody down there when you are going through it? I have been blessed every time.

    Jamie, ditto what Minn said! Glad the follow up has improved!

    Minn and Sandy, less than 2 weeks for us! ahhhck!

    Here are the ladies coming up next week:

    • Oct 19 - Dagroz13 - I'll be heading to New Orleans for a bilateral mastectomy, Stacked DIEP Flap and Hip Flap. Dr. Sullivan, Dr. Massey and Dr. LaGarde will be performing the procedures at St. Charles Surgical Hospital.
    • Oct 21 - Liz (friend of Marcia, Marcia, Marcia) - Stage 1 bilateral delayed, NOLA
  • sarabhealed
    sarabhealed Member Posts: 64
    edited October 2010

    Dragonfly--Ditto on the Honey Swamp Tour...In terms of Plantations my daughter and I really enjoyed the Laura Plantation and Oak Alley. You can get a combo tour with transportation, but we had a car and did it on our own. Have fun exploring!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited October 2010

    Thanks ladies :) I sent the suggestions to my grandma, so we'll see what she wants to do! We are staying at the hope lodge. Would it be easier to get a car or what for the fun stuff?

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited October 2010

    Yes, ditto on the two plantations!  Both were lovely and it's a nice ride out there.   I would rent a car, so you can stop and see what you want to see, stay as long as you want to stay....I just like to have the choice.  Plus, there is not a lot to do around Hope Lodge, so having a car while there is really convenient. 

    Spring (yeah, not too long now!) and Minn, the costuming company is trying to set it up so we can visit the movie set early on the 28th.  Are you interested in joining us?  I don't want to spend too much time there....really just want to get pictures of my shirts on the actors! 

    kc, glad you are having those issues addressed.  When do you arrive in NOLA?

    2tzus, Macksix and I are probably going to go together to have our tattooing done early next year.  Would be fun if you could join us!

  • Xfitgirl
    Xfitgirl Member Posts: 70
    edited October 2010

    Hi ladies, This is Liz, Marcia's friend. I am very excited to be a part of this awesome group of NOLA women and can't wait to be rebuilt soon at the great hands of Dr D. I am flying to New Orleans on Tues and will have a delayed bilateral (SGAP) on Thurs.

    CNN contacted me and are trying to meet with me at the Atlanta airport to talk about educating women on the types of reconstruction we are all doing and that most women are unaware of. I have found it very frustrating, as I'm sure many of you have, at the lack of information women are given on their choices to reconstruct. I have spoken to many women on my so far 18 month journey and no one including my Oncologist, oncology nurses etc had heard of what is done at NOLA.

    CNN have also asked to "follow" my journey. Not sure what that means but we'll soon find out :)

    Looking forward to this great experience and to hopefully meet some of you at ZEA.