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NOLA in September?



  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2010

    Slept well into the morning hours without waking. Nurse hadn't bothered waking me to take my pain med since I was sleeping so soundly.  My cathater bag was totally full -- 3 liters!  I just hadn't been able to empty my bladder properly all day yesterday.  It's now a couple of hours later and I was so surprised at how much easier and comfortable it was to stand up since the catheter was put in.  Now I'm nervous about why my bladder isn't working.  Guess I'll get that answer later today.  

    Finally met Dragonfly in person last night.  She was still very tired but it was so good to meet.  

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited November 2010

    dbaze, I always get urinary retention from anesthesia, and to a lesser degree from narcotics. I have avoided the re-cath process, but each time I have surgery, I wonder if my luck will run out. Bladder pressure is pretty miserable. But i'll bet as you start perking up and taking less meds and more walks, you'll be "good to go"!


  • Xfitgirl
    Xfitgirl Member Posts: 70
    edited November 2010

    Hi everyone!

     Just a quickie to let you all know that my breast reconstruction (SGAP) surgery will be broadcast on CNN Monday Nov 22. The news report starts at 9am EST. My story will be air sometime between 9am and 10am. 

     Thanks again Eve & Marcia for helping make this happen. Let's hope we can educate many more women about other reconstruction options available to them after mastectomy.

    Wishing all of you that just went thru surgery a speedy recovery.

    Liz Anderson. 

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    Checking in ladies! Stage 2 went good, more sore in some spots than others! Think I'm headed back to the Hope Lodge a little bit after lunch!

  • Xfitgirl
    Xfitgirl Member Posts: 70
    edited November 2010

    CNN update:

    The show is called CNN Newsroom and Senior Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen is the person who interviewed me. 

    Once the story airs it could get picked up by CNN International, CNN en Español and CNN Radio.

  • melindastn
    melindastn Member Posts: 98
    edited November 2010

    Xfitgirl,  I can't wait to watch CNN on Monday.  I agree with you that we have to get the word out that there are options. 

    Dbdaze,  Glad you got some needed rest last night.  Seems a lot of us have problems with the meds.  Just allow yourself to rest and heal when you get home.  It has definitly been the longest recovery for me but, I am getting better each day and so glad I did it.  Just give yourself the time you need to heal.

    Dragonfly,  Glad things went well for you.  Hope the Lodge has settled down before you get there.

  • sheridangirl
    sheridangirl Member Posts: 75
    edited November 2010

    Dbdaze, I had bladder problems after my first surgery where I would think I was done peeing but I wasn't and also have had slight leakage at times that I can't feel. That problem continues until now. I was supposed to see a urologist before stage 2 but I ran out of time. I am not sure if it was the surgery, anesthesia or what...It is very frustrating. 

    Xfit, I can't wait to see the CNN piece.

    Dragonfly, glad surgery went well

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited November 2010

    Wo Hoo Liz, Cant wait to see the piece...glad to have played a part in this!

    Marcia Cool> liz the celebrity in FL!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited November 2010

    Sandy, I am also sore all over! my hips on the side and around to my low back. up some on my back. as you say, no bruising, but OUCHIE!!! Okay, the new mantra, 6-9 months to see final results! (say this 12 times) ha!

    Liz, will you also please post a link here when your piece is out? I am sure they will have a link to it on their Web site!!! That way, everyone can see it even if they miss the news...

    I am off work all next week YAHOO!!!!

    Daze, 3 liters! Holy pee, Batman!!! At least you're not retaining fluids!!! :)

    Linda, I ended up sending back the Marena compression bra. It was just SO SO SO tight, that it was uncomfortable and hurting my boob skin. I did keep the Marena stage 2 garment. I will post a pic and URL below. This is the same one of of the other ladies here mentioned she got, I believe. There were 2 really nice ladies who came here and enlightened at least me about these garments!

    URL -

    Pic - I got this one in black. It was really great at staying up high (didn't need to keep pulling it up as much as the DOM) and it has no zippers, so is very comfortable. I think if you did not have drains, this one would be good even right after surgery, unless you had extensive lipo and were very sore. I could have worn this one right away this time...

    I found I could get the "waist" of this one way up high, just under my boobs. You can't tell that from the picture. 




  • Xfitgirl
    Xfitgirl Member Posts: 70
    edited November 2010

    As some of you know I had a panic attack and more last week when I was on the drug Darvocet. Just saw this report on the evening news.

     Darvocet is being pulled from the US market. Great Britain banned it 5 years ago. Why did it take the US so long??? 

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2010

    Thanks ladies for all the encouragement.  Extended my stay by at least one more day, we're leaving the catheter in until tomorrow, also taking some meds to help my bladder squeeze shut and open properly.  But besides the urinating problem, I'm having a problem with an extended abdomen above  the incision.  The day after the surgery, my abdomen was quite flat above and below the incision.  Then as I was dealing with the difficulty in urinating, the area ABOVE the incision has become very extended, hard and very uncomfortable.  Whereas I could stretch to a full stand position on day 2, on day 3, it was killing me to do the same thing.  I know you guys have talked about swelling, is this just something normal or should I be concerned.  It's terribly uncomfortable but I also know Stage 1 surgery wasn't supposed to be a piece of cake either.  Just hoping I'll get some wisdom from those who have "been there, done that."

    Sheridangirl: A urologist came to see me today, and he was the one who prescribed the medication (one to help the closing and another to help the opening)  If it appears to be helpful, I'll let you know. Could be your ongoing problem could be easily helped with some medication.

     Sandy & Springtime: Hoping your pain subsides quickly.  You both are in my thoughts.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited November 2010

    DB - Glad to hear you are doing well and I hope that medication works for you!

    Just a tip - if you haven't been practicing kegals (and this is for everyone) - get to it! It will not cure the post surgical issues that DB is having right now, but as we get older and as we have surgeries - those pelvic muscles weaken! Practice clamping down (as if you were stopping the flow of urine) and hold for a count of 5. Do it 10x several times a day. You can mix it up and try a progressively tighter hold and/or longer holds. After 2 kids and my hysterectomy, I was really having trouble not peeing my pants just a little when I would laugh too hard or sneeze - I do these whenever I think of it and it has gotten SO much better!

    Thank you everyone for your words of confidence. Spring - I haven't sent my letter yet as I am gathering factual information to send in with it. I have a limited number of shots at the appeal process and I want to get it right the first time. And the kiddos are great! 

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited November 2010

    Dbdaze - if you're still in the hospital, you may want the PT to come assess your swelling.  With our wide incisions and mastectomies, we can develop extra swelling above the incision line.  The PT knows how to divert this swelling around the incision over to the best functioning lymph glands.  Possibly this would reduce your swelling.  I have lymphedema in my trunk, and sometimes my abdominal swelling increases.  There is a way to move that fluid on, though, so it's good to get it checked out.  I'm not saying this is lymphedema, I'm just relating to your description.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited November 2010

    I, for one, will mourn the loss of my beloved Darvocet. It's been my go-to "mild" narcotic forever. And, it hasn't ruined my heart--yet, anyway. Our FDA is always behind Europe's--are they doing more research or are they less tied to the lobbying...Anyway, I guess when my current stash runs dry (it's probably already expired!) I'll have to try Tramadol. Hate taking Percocet for everything, and I can't take Vicodin. Sigh.

    That Stage 2 Marena looks perfect, Spring. I'm going to get one.


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2010

    Spring, I have a garment very similar but it goes up to my bra.  It's a "Hide and Sleek" by Spanx.  Now, I have a grudge against Spanx because we used to carry them and they suddenly told me that I couldn't sell them on my site a couple of years ago.  I told them that if they were going to yank my account, they were going to take back every last piece of inventory, which ended up being $11,000 worth.   They did and soon after that, Spanx were being sold at Costco.  I think they had changed strategy with internet retailing, but I was really offended since I'd invested so heavily.   I kept a few pieces for myself but had never tried them.  I wore one today, and it made the incisions on my hips so sore that I was just about in tears by the time I got home tonight.  I don't know why...didn't seem overly tight but I won't try it again for at least a couple of weeks.  I sure liked my profile in the mirror while wearing it though!

    db, all I can say that the Spanx is off, I feel much better!  I have had swelling issues in my abdomen and feel for ya....make sure you mention it to the docs.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2010

    XFit - I'm so excited to see your spot on CNN on Monday! Just think of all the women that may be helped by finding out about this recon alternative! And maybe in other countries, too! WOW! Thank you again and again for agreeing to do it. Liz, Marcia -  We did good, girls!

    Nordy - I have to find some way to remind myself about the Kegels. I always start doing them and then, after a couple of days, I forget about it again.

    DB - So sorry you're having this persistent urinary issue. What a pain! Hopefull it will be better tomorrow and you can break out of there! (tho it's kind of a nice place to be trapped, actually...) You know, they told me NOT to try to stand up straight. I would think it could put extra pressure on healing tissues. I wasn't able to totally straighten up for weeks, but it did eventually happen.

    Sandy & Springtime - I'm sore, too, tho my bruising is pretty much gone. Same places - back, sides, back and side of thighs. My skin feels like a bad sunburn - have to wear soft pants.

    Dragonfly - Glad you're on the other side! Congrats! 

  • fourboymom
    fourboymom Member Posts: 47
    edited November 2010

    Hey all. Haven't posted in a while. I am 8 weeks out from left delayed reconstruction (hip flap) and right mastectomy with immediate reconstuction(hip flap also). I am having step 2 done....lipo,right breast lift, tummy tuck and nipples with Dr. S at Fairway Dec. 17. WHOOHOO!

    I still have one stubborn hip drain (80 cc's) that is ticking me off. I just want to be able to shower quicker insted of managing this dang thing.

    That being said I am soooooo pleased with everything else. I love my new boobs. Every day they feel more and more like a part of me. And the two long incisions across my "flanks" (hips/rear/whatever) are really nice and thin and healing well. There never was alot of pain back there.

    Cant wait to get this done. Prayers to everyone for continued healing and THANK YOU all for all the info sharing that helps make this all a little less scary. 

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2010

    Doing the "going home" dance!!!  I feel marvelous, no question, just marvelous.  My bladder has kicked back in and the abnormally hard swollen upper abdomen has decreased in size and hardness.  Just waiting to get the breast tubes taken out, eat a delicious chicken caesar salad and jump in our limo headed to the Hope Lodge.  Some kind of water problem occurred right after I took my long hot shower this morning -- latest word was no running water until about 10 pm tonight in New Orleans parish.  My husband was relieved to hear that Hope Lodge is in Jefferson parrish because he didn't get his shower taken in time this morning.  So now that I feel so good, and since we are not leaving New Orleans until Wednesday, we were thinking of getting a hotel room in the Quarter for a couple of nites where I could walk around and maybe even have a balcony to sit in the sun.  Do any of you have any suggestions for us?

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    Dblaze, ask Katie, she can hook you up with a good deal on rooms. We're debating doing the same thing. The hope lodge is just so far from things.

    Glad to hear you're doing better, was really worried about you! 

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited November 2010

    I just can't keep up with everyone:) Nordy, I'm so sorry that you are having these insurance issues. It is just so unfair to have to deal with that on top of everything else we go through.

    Dbdaze glad you are feeling better. Wow-no hot water???!!! Thanks goodness you got your shower in first.

    Fourboymom, I am having stage 2 a few days after you (12-21).  Maybe we will cross paths:) I grew up in Cincinnati!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    Just had stage 2 on Thursday. I tried demeral for the pain this time around. Worked great, but man I feel like I'm in a daze/fog! I can't stay awake for nothing. So I stopped taking the demeral to see if that's what it is?

  • K9Kim
    K9Kim Member Posts: 47
    edited November 2010

    Hey Ladies,

    Got some disheartening news on Tuesday... turns out that the biopsy they did on my thyroid last Friday was cancer. Papillary Carcinoma... I know I know... everyone keeps saying... it's the most common thyroid cancer and highly curable... but it still sucks. You would think it gets easier... but each time my breast cancer came back, it felt like the 1st time and now with this... same thing. Just feels like the wind got knocked outta me. I was so ready to leave the Big C behind me after all this. 

    Anyone else ever got a new primary cancer of the thyroid after BC? Or know of anyone that did? They don't think that it spread from my breast, they think it's a new primary. Would love to hear your thoughts on this. I did stumble across a discussion board on here for that very topic, how lucky is that, so I will post there as well, but of course had to ask my girls. 

    Love to all!! Those of you recovering, I wish you a speedy recovery and those of you up next, best of luck, as you know, you're in the best of hands!! 

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    Any tips for getting the black girdle on after showering? It took 2 of us wresting with it this morning.

  • K9Kim
    K9Kim Member Posts: 47
    edited November 2010

    Erika, I found the key is waiting until you are completely dry... you have to sit and air dry for a bit. If you are even remotely damp it is going to be difficult. At least that's my two cents... ;-)

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    Well I had the one on from the center, took a shower and rinsed the one off. Got out the brand new one and it was quite a challenge :) lol

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited November 2010

    Also, I thought I read on here that swelling is typical? My ankles are really swollen!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited November 2010

    Kim, please check your voicemail.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2013

    Kim, thinking of you I am so sorry to hear that. I have not heard of anyone having a new primary in thyroid after BC. I have also heard that this is the "best" cancer to have. Good luck with everything. I read, "Anti-Cancer, A New Way of Life" and do a slew of "cancer preventative" things that at least make me feel better that I am doing everything I can. It's not for everyone but just mentioning.

    Sandy, I have a Spanx "hi power" too (comes way up to bra). The Marena is a better garment (my opinion!) as the material is soft and smooth - it's made to treat our skin like a baby, the spanx is not specifically designed for sore skin. I bet that's what you're experiencing!

    Minn, No bruising here either, but yes, very sensitive skin! Three weeks we are now -- feeling better all the time. I keep remembering what Sandy says, 6-9 months! But I think by Thanksgiving and then Christmas we are going to feel somewhat less sore and better overall. Let's Check Back In and see if that is true... !!

    Daze, Glad your bladder and everything started working and the hard spot above incision is going away. Sounds like you're on your way !!!

    Dragon, after both my stage 1 and 2 I was also really swollen. I think it was worse after 2, both my knees and ankles were swollen. It seemed to go away all of a sudden, like over a couple of days. Hang in there. Maybe lay off salty things? Everyone seems to think that makes it worse!

    Anne, I really liked the Marena in the pic on pages prior (I got black). Let me know how you like it. How is your shoulder/back/neck pain? Are you feeling any relief?

    Nordy. Nordy. Nordy. You are an amazing young woman!! Good for you, making your case. I am just so impressed that you are such a fighter!!  I find it reprehensible that you have to go through all this after all you've already been through! But you don't let it stop you. You are a great example of power and strength to your little girls!! Mine are now 18 and 21, and this is what they need to see in their Mom!! YOU GO!!

    Fourboy - I had a friend who had a hip drain that went over 9 weeks I think. She finally squished herself into a really really tight DOM and kept wearing it until the thing dried up! If you don't have a small one, I wonder if you could get the center to ship you one? Just a thought anyway. (Did they give you a DOM? rules have changed so much, I can't keep up!!!) 

  • Xfitgirl
    Xfitgirl Member Posts: 70
    edited November 2010
    Kim - So sorry to hear about your new diagnosis. You are a strong woman and you will get thru this too. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited November 2010

    Kim: That just plain sucks!  I am so sorry for the unfairness of this -- you deserve to be done.  Nevertheless, we don't get a choice do we?  My prayers are with you as you tackle it again.

     Hardly got released this afternoon before I had to return to the hospital -- one of my hip drains stopped working and had to be removed.  Of course the nurse was all comforting and positive but I also know that hip drains normally are in for weeks, so I risk having to have another surgery.  Dang it all!  Feeling a bit depressed tonight.

    Hoping for a good nights rest, at least.  Same to all of you recovering sisters wherever you may be.